University of South Carolina Libraries
r \ : Here end There. sJP^ L The reason why men who mind their own business succeed is beoanx they have so little competition. - The man who trims his sails U suit every breese, may be pretty active, but doesn't get anywhere. It is the unexepcted that happens Ik cause the expected gets there without happening. The man who knows just what tc mt do can usually find someone to d< Wfc-* it for him. Inhuman Revenge. 'At Amite City, La., as a result ol an ambuscade growing out of & ram ^ H ^ ^eu^' *wo w?uien aud a man wen killed, one of th<? nooaoius ** being held under a heavy guard ami the country for miles around is bein$ searched for another man alleged tt be implicated in the murders, whicl oocurred recently. It is alleged thai s Benjamin Rreland, his wife and Mrs. Joseph Evcritt, the latter carrying an infant in her arms, were making their way homeward along one ol the parish roads, Avery Blount and Garfield Kinchen fired on them from the side of the road with shotguns Mrs. Averitt fell with her baby into the road, her head blown almost off, Mrs. Breland's breast was torn ofl by one of the volleys and Breland himself fell at the first fire. Young people driving home from a party * found the baby crawling about among the bodies. Breland was still living and was able to murmur the name of Kinchen before h$ died. Avery Blunt was captured after an all-night search and says tlrht Kinchan killed Breland, but will not say who killed the woman. Mrs. Everitt's husband wos killed by Ben Kinchen, a brother of Garfield, several days ago, and the widow and her baby were making their home with the Brelands. Bad feeling has existed among the fami? liej for n number of years. A YARN. Chicago News. / "Two can live as cheap as one," Yes, they can! They can, like funl You ask any one who's tried it; See just what ho'11 say. Most of them arc satisfied it Goes tho other way. Toughest yarn was ever spun. "Two can live as cheap as one." W "Two can live as cbeaD as one." No one ever saw it done. No one in his sober senses lias this slightest doubt If ho figures on expenses How that's coming out. * "" When uphill (he water run \ "Two can live ns clieap as one." * Fifteen hundred make a ton. Woman never's money spending, Does not care for dress; So if marriage you're intending L Living might cost less. No, don't swallow that, my son. Two can't live as cheap as one. Proverbs and Phrases ^ The pleasure of the feast does not W depend upon how some of the guests J "got there. I Literature is the art of telling what you know so the other fellow will understand it. Anything is literature if it expresses a heart throb, and nothing is unless it does. If everybody knew when he was pj9- off? this would be a better educated world. The man who makes a great deal of his failures doesn't make much of a success. No business is run the way those who know the least about it think it pught to be run. So. 7-'09. *' ... i Paper for Burglars. The "Bostatska Gazette" is the pame of a trade "paper" now published in St, Petersburg in the interest of burglar*. The paper contains articles by experts on the art of burglary, advice and hints to help the hewinner and full mnnHn i. latest thefts and hurgfaries. The "Bostatska Gazette," or "The Barefooted Gazette" is, of course, published in secrecy, but it will not be long before the police will discover its printing office and suppress it. HIS EXCUSE. Father?Didn't I see him hugging you an I came In? Daughter??No, papa; he wes showing me how he telephone* by holding the transmitter close to the breast.?'Harper's Bazar. K NO MEDICINE * But a Change of Food Gave Relief. Many persons are learning that drugs sre not the thing to rebuild worn out nerves, but proper food Is required. There Is a certain element In the Cereals, wheat, barley, etc., which Is ^ . grown there, by nature for food to brain and nerve tissue. This Is the M phosphate of potash, of which Grape|BL Nuts food contains a large proportion. 9?|s In tasking this food all tho food ||bB| elements in the two cereals, wheat g|U and barley, ar? retained. That Is why so many heretofore nervous and run down people find in Grnpe-Nuts a gwl true nerve and brain food. "I can say that Grape-Nuts food has done much for me as a nerve reBK9 newer," writes a Wis. bride. A "A faw vaave warn KftfAee saura* ? -? /?? umriMrlaiP, I wnfl a bookkeeper Id a large HHP'*1' ! became so nirvous toward end of each week that It seemed ^|"^B^nust give up my position, which I TCggKuld pot afford to do. "Mother purchased some Orape?g Ruts. and we found It not only deliBMgHbus, but I noticed from day to day HSttat I was improving until I finally ^^B^Llised 1 was not nervous any more. hHki have recommended It to friends SSB^Ha bratn and nerve food, never harRH^n found Its equal. I owe much to HffiHBipe-Nuts, as It saved roe from a Bvous collapse, and enabled me to H^^MBatn my position." HnWKme given by Postum Co., Rattle BRHBek' Mich. iRead. "The Road to igfi?||Hivino.'' In pkgs. "There's a ReaKffiMHur i?sd the above letter? A new HSRBnmuri tftftfi tltnc to time. Tbey HH^Knorec, (rse, as4 tell of htunan | TORNADO IN SOUTH ) Storms Reach from Texas to . Kentucky. SOUTHERN TOWNS ARE HIT HARD > Severe Bain, Hail, Wind and Blectri' cal Storms Sweep Over South Central States, Hilling and Injuring Many and Destroying Property Valued at Hundreds of Thousands - of Dollars. i Louisville, Ky., Special?Death for ' probably a score of persons, losses of [ hundreds of thousands of dnlUr* in J property and the crippling of many ; telegraph wires resulted between 1 noon and dusk Friday from a series ' of small tornadoes which swept the I south central States from the Tenj nessce line to the Texas Panhandle, i The storms were accompanied in most . coses by hail, darkness, terrifilc light> ning flashes and sheets of rain. Most of the towns where loss of - life occurred are off the railroads, so 1 that news from them has been comI ing slowly. Known casualties are: Stuttgart, Ark.?Mrs. Gerfield and ' a child of Will Story. Mrs. Story is reported fatally injured. Sulphur Springs. Texas.?Mrs. James Ardis and Mrs. C. Caldwell, .from Rolling Fork, Miss., just before the telephone wires broke word came tbat four had been killed. Booth, Miss., reported to Birmingham that six had met death there. In other towns such as Ennis and Waxahatchie, Tex., and Boscoe, La., many dwellings are said to have been demolished by the wind. Arkansas and upper Louisiana rice fields wero injured to the extent of many thousands of dollars, while the larger cities experienced rains and darkness and lightning bolts that made largo buildings quiver. At Chattanooga there was a terri*flc storm of hail. Reports from Birmingham state that several persons were killed by a tornado nt Cullman, Ala. Friday afternoon. The home of George Stewart, seven miles east of Hanesville, Ala., was totally destroyed. His 2-days-ola child was blown half mile and killed. His 2-year-old child was blown into a. grate and probably fatally burned. Mrs. Stewart was caught under some rafters in the house and so badly injured that she will die. Mrs. Tom Bowner and a child who were in the house were fatally' hurt. Night Firing Tests at Fort Caswell Satisfactory. Washington, Special.?In tests mnae at Fort Caswell, N. C'., February 1st nnd 2d of the now system of flro control for rapid-flre guus, the coast artillery corps made an average of 50 per cent of hits in night firing at a moving target at range from 1,700 to 2,000'yards. The projectiles were provided with lighted tracers, and tho target", which was 10 feet by 24 feet was illuminated by searchlights. The test was conducted by a 3-inch gun battery and was very satisfactory. Seven Dead in Alabama. Birmingham, Ala., Special.?Mnyor George H. Brier, of Cullum, Ala., wires that seven people are known to have been killed in that county Friday afternoon by tho cyclone which passed over this section of tho State but that wire communication is impossible with the stricken locality. At Kayosa, a mining camp we9t of Birmingham on the Southern Railway, five housea were blown down but only one man wai injured, a Mr. Logan, The property loie in tne territory north of Birmingham appear* to have been very large. Woman Brutally Murdered. Winston-Salem, Special.?Charles Ferrell, a negro about 34 years old, brutally murdered his wife, Chrissie, Friday afternoon as she sat in her borne on Highland avenue. He fired four shots from a revolver, killing her instantly. An eye-witness says Ferrell began firing after his wife told him she was afraid to live with him longer, she having left him after a fight Christmas week. Haskell Memorial Home Burned; Three Missing. Battle Creek, Mich., Special.?The Haskell Memorial Home was destroyed by fire Friday morning. Three of the thirty-seven members of the orphanage are missing. Seven little gills jumped from a third story window, but it is not thought any of them are fatally hurt. James Armstrong, 12 years old, standing on a shed under the window from which the girls had to jump, directed them how to. make their fall as easy as possiblo and caught two of the smaller girls in his arms. Dies Protesting Innocence. Spartanburg, S. C., Special.?"Will Foster, colored, who was twice convicted on the chargo of muredering John Young, a well-known white mnn of the country, in November, 1907, was banged in the county jail Friday morning. Foster went to his death declaring his innocence. After the black cap had been adjusted he was asked if he desired to make any statement, and he replied that all he had to say was that he was innocent. General Items Condensed. The very latest says a man has been dug out of the ruins of Messina conscious and with chances of life after being shut up there 3ft days. The town of Tehama (says a Chicago dispatch of the 4th) is 15 feet deep in water. Pittsburg, Pa., has been the victim of many negro depredations and to suppress it many of them have been arrested. This has brought that historic city almost face to face with a raco war. I To Enjoy - r the full confidence of the Well-Informec of the World and the Commendation ol the most eminent physicians it was essential that the component parts of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna should be known to and approved by them; therefore, tho California Fig Syrup Co. pwiblishes a full statement with every package The perfect purity and uniformity of product, which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical character, are assured by the Company's original method of manufacture known to the Company only. The figs of California arc used in the production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir oi Senna to promote tho pleasant taste, but the medicinal principles arc obtained from plants known to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine?manufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. only, and fur bak by all leading druggists. XANTHINE hair Restores Gray liafr to Natural Color, Romores Dandruff and Scurf. Invigorates and prevents the Hair from falling off. For sail by Richmond. Lynchburg. Va.. and Baltimore, Mrt.. Drurylsts or sent direct by KANTHINF COMPANY. RICHMOND,Vil 1 per bottle. ?ample bottle Ifftc by *ult Circular! Sent tm Ruuejf So. 7-'09. CAPUDlNf CURES COLDS and GRIPP K1 Relieves the aches and foverishness. Contains No AcotanlUdo . Water poured into a holo is nol wasted if the other end of the hole i; properly located. ONE KIDNEY GONE, But Cured After Doctors Said There Was No Hope. Cylvanus O. Verrlll, Mllford, Me., says: "Five years ego a bad injury t paralyzed mo and affected my kidneys. My back hurt me terribly, and the urine was badly disordered. Doctors said my right kidney was practically dead. They Bald I could never walk again. I read of Doan's Kidney Pills and began using them. Ono box mado me stronger and freer from naln. T Unni on using them, and In three months was able to get out on crutches, and the kidneys were acting better. I Improved rapidly,discarded the crutches and to the wonder of my frleuds was soon completely cured." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. If you succeed it is not necessarj to tell how you did it; it shows foi itself. ' Ijime Back Prescription. Considerable discussion is being caused among the medical fraternity by the increased use of whiskey for lame back and rheumatism, it is an almost infallible cure when mixed with certain other ingredients and taken properly. Tho following is the formula: "To one ounce of Torls compound and one ounce syrupSarsnpnrllln compound add ono-half pint of good whiskey. Take in tablespoonful doses beforo each meal and beforo retlrtug." It Is surely worth trying by any ono who may bo afflicted. Some peoplo spend monpy just a if they had earned it, but those wh< have earned it do not. HOW TO CURE RHEUMA.'ISM. It la An Internal Disease and Re* quires An Internal Remedy. The cause of Rheumatism and kindred diseases is an excess of uric acid in the blood. To cure this terrible disease thii acid must be expelled and the system sg regulated that no more acid will be formed in excessive quantities. Rheumatism is an internal disease and requires an internal remedy. Rubbing with Oils and Liniments will not cure, affords only temporary reliei av vinv) i'j uses you io ueiay me proper trcntment, and allows the malady to get a tinner hold on you. Liniment* may ease the pain, but they will no more cure Rheumatism than paint will change the tibr< of rotten wood. Science has at last discovered a perfect and complete cure, which is called "Rheumacide. Tested In hundreds oi cases, it has effected the most marvelous cures; we believe it will cure you, Rheumacide "gets nt the joints from the inside," sweeps tho poisons out of the system, tones up the stomach, regulates the liver and kidneys and makes you well all over. Rheumacide "strikes the roots o( the disease and removes its cause." This splendid remedy is sold by druggists and dealers generally at 5Cc. and fl a bottle, In Tablet form at 23c. and 50c. u package. Get a bottle to-day. Booklet free if you write to Dobbitt Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. Many an advertisement lias paid i profit after being considered a loss. Raw Furs?ProfltsFor Country Roys. This is the timo of the year when the average country boy not only gets a great amonnt of f-port and nleasuro out of fui Eping, but considerable profit and et money. Raw Furs in recent yean i brought remarkably good prices, Fashion has ordained that every lady must wear furs, consequently the demand hat increased. Prices of furs are higher thar they were last season. M. Babki, Se Sons Loiibvillje, Ky., make a specialty of Raw Furs, und a visit to their fur room is an in tereating 3ight, for here can be found fun from every section of the Unitod Slates Thoy receive shipments from all over th< countrv in nnswer to their weekly prir? list, which they issue every Friday. Thh price list is furnished the shipper upon ap plication. Write for it. Oh, what a goodly outside false hoed hath.?Shakespeare. Piles Cured In fl to 14 Days. Pato Ointment u guaranteed to cure anj ca.-<eof Itching, Wind, Bleeding or I'rotrudinc Piles in 0 to44 daya or money refunded. 50c The difference between a man' opinions and the facts in the case i generally the truth. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford'i fisaisafy Id? Use.- f*?yv Mb, At dfvjufrti t An ft Had. Wlfa?Whit do rati moaq by brtn# tec those gjuddj rest la here? Huabefid-^'ScuBe me, m'dear (hie); 1 dld'n' have any otheVeh t'bring. Had f bard time gettln' theeah In.?The Bohemian. ( Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot ? reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh it a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, end acts directly on the blood and mucous cur, face. Halrt Catarrh Cure is not s quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the > best physicians in this country tor years. and is a regular prescription. It is composed h of the best tonics known,combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. Ibe perfect combination I of the two ingredients is what produces quch wonderful results in curing catarrh, bend for testimonials, free. F. J. Chknet & Co., ITops., Toledo, (X Bold by druggists, price, 73c. Take Hall's FamilyPills for constipation. A GOOD CLIENT. First Lawyer?I wish I had been living in King Solomon's time. Second Lawyer?Why? First Lawyer?He had seven hun i dred wives. Think or the divorce business he could have thrown In my - way.?Illustrated Bits. The Peruna Almanac. 1 The druggists have already been supplied with the Peruna almanac for 1909. In addition to the regular astronomical matter I usually furnished in almanacs, the articles ? on astrology are very attractive to mo*t people. The mental characteristics of each sign are given with faithful accuracy. A 1 list of lucky and unlucky days will be furnished to those who have our almanacs, free of charge. Address The Peruna C<k, Columbus, O. 1 Onc-hnlf the world knows not how ( the other half lives.?French. Many Children Arc Sickly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, New York, cure Summer Complaint, Fevertshnosa, Headache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms. At ; all Druggists', 23c. Sample mailed fhkk. I Address Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y. ' One takes the odor of one's company.?Chinese. Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething,softensthegums, reduces inflamm-*i tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle Work comes naturally to some peo| pie, but the fellow who goes to work naturally is the one that counts. Brown's Bronchial Troches are of groat service In curing Hoarseness. 1 Coughs, and Sore Throat. In bores 25 1 cents. Samples mailed free. John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Mass. i Perhaps you can't help feeling envious, but at least you can help showing it and so making yourself obnoxious. 1 Only Ono "Brorno Qulnlno" That is Laxative Bromo Quinine. Look i for the signature of E. W. Grove. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c. Goodness cannot become habitual , unless we will to be better than we i absolutely need to be. Red, Wcnk, Wenry, Watery Kyes Relieved by Murine Kyc Remedy. Compounded by Experienced Physicians. Conforms to Pure Food nnd Drug Daws. * Murine Doesn't Smart; Soothe* Eye Pain. C ?????? A handful of might is hotter than a sackful of right.?German. Plenty of Exercise Necessary. ! Plenty of regular exercise must be . taken In order to keep the body In a healthy condition. Any excessive or unusual exertion, however, is sure to cause stiffness and soreness of the j muscles and joints. To counteract this effect there is I nothing better than Sloan's Liniment. Lay It on lightly where the muscles have been strained; it requires no rubi bing for it penetrates right to 'ho . bone, relieves any congestion and inflammation and makes the muscles - elastic and pliant, Sloan's Hutment Is a great boon ^ athletes, for It not only relleve^^ln * and stiffness, but It Is an ex0%it J roinedy for sprains, cits, bruises and cramps. Mr. J. F. Price of Tuscumbla, Ala., writes:?"I am an engineer on the Southern Road from Chattanooga to Memphis. Tenn. The continued elevation of my arm upon the throttle gives It a sore feeling when on a long 1 journey, and there is nothing that ' will take the soreness out like Sloan's ' Liniment, and I keep a bottle la my 1 grip always." i [ Never put the advice of a friend i in the same pocket you carry money. f 1 | Two Boxes of Tetterine Cure Tetter ; Case of io Years Sanding. > "I have bean troubled with a severe case of Tetter for ten yenra; have tried doctors in nearly every State In the union. as I am on the road all the time. In Columbia last woolc a druggist recommended Tetterine. I laughed at him, but i bought a box: that gave me relief, so 1 ! bought another and am entirely well. 1 i shell take great pleasure In telling all people In the show buslnoss of your marvelous skin remedy." Lew Wren, Chicago, III. Tetterlne cures Kcxama, Tetter. Ring 1 Worm. Ground Itch. Itching Plies, Infant's Roro Head, Pimples. Bolts, Rough Realy Patches on the Face, Old Itohl ig I Soros, Dnndruff. Cankered Scalp, RunIons, Corns, Chilblains and every form of Skin Disease. Tetterlne 60c; Tetterlne Soap 25c. Your drugsrlst. or by mall from the manufacturer, The Shuptrlne Co, 1 Savannah.Gn. No black balls are cast against the ^ man who mokes application to join the down and out club. , To restore a normnl action to liver, kid> neys, stomach and bowels, take Uurtleld ; Tea, the mild lier'o laxative. [ The man with a scheme is mtm > likely to ho hungry than (he otic will; ; a spade. So. 7- '00. CHILD HAD SIXTY BOILS i And Suffered Annually With a Red Scald-Like Humor on Her Head? , Troubles Cured by Cuticurn. "When my little Vivian was about six ? months old her head broke out in boils. 1 She had about sixty in all and I used Cuti* cura Soap and Cuticurn Ointment which cured her entirely. Sometime later a humor broke out behind her cars and . spread r.p on to her head until it was nearly half covered. The humor looked like a scald, very red with a sticky, clear fluid coming from it. This occurred every spring. I always used Cuticurn Soap and r Ointment which never failed to heal it up. r The last time it broke out it became so bad that 1 was discouraged, llut I continued the use of Cuticura Soap, Ointment and s Resolvent until she was well and has never s been troubled in the last two years. Mrs. M. A. Schwenn, 674 Spring Wells Avs., Detroit. Mich., Feb. 21, 1903." Potter Drug A Chcm. Corp., Sole Props. 1 of Cuticura Remedies, Hostjd. Moss, B ? ?1|9 D] B>cdy Will rcllefo the wont r(]| Si ,crTh oi court*, colds, homo. HH BB Bess, bronchi Us, asthmi and dl?H#1 ease* of the throat sad lunrt. IM MM Absolutely free from harmful IM |K| dras* sod opiates. For half a KB 1 |M eentiunr the household remedy ftBfl in millions of homes. HI |H At all drwnists*. U ctSL frgffffg#1 |??$60 1 I WViti Qm\ sit tuKut (Vih idsU Aa Im itAts I i mflcon. gecigia / ??1h<5c\xoo\ oli Expert* l* in tiriWlffiinan, . lai|inrbndtoffn, >??r??QfH -Ctotv? TrevdtnT. #5 Dropsy II V- KtaoTtt *11 welling In 8 to M 1 dirt; effect* * permanent euro V Injoto 6odavs. Trial treatment ^WvK Jrl^riTui free. Nothingcan be falrn B^V|b4kH Write Dr. H.H.Grean'gtona, 8K&V HlStKUlUti. Bm b Atlanta. 0* Nothing New or IR>EC|S9R Mysterious. Ejj'M "ask P<a '7 YOUR Vmfed GRANDMOTHER." mUCES For many generations Goose d ntaae ha. beat raoogntzod as a wonderful remedial medium In treating and curing Pneumonia. Grippe Rheumatism and Neuralgia. KICK'S (JOOSl QKK ASK LI NI MKNT Is made from pure goost grease, with other valuable curative lngra dlerrks added. Try It. I tSa? At all Druggists and Dealers ? *5o. SOO^GREASE COHPABT, ""YT'* I iniFC 1st ui sra.l rou FKF.r. s SO-Oni I AU1LO It ox or VITA SANA, a Ileal *- Treatment Tor Female Diseases. Wrlk aw. KDNV1N MF.R' KR CO.. Dept s. Detroit Mtci |clas E MAI.KHMF.N WANTED WANTED?Active, energetic men to reiire.ent ui Prnfliab-e poMlhns. Hustlers make tilg money Cash weekly advances Complete outfit free. Wrln lu.mcillats y forour HSerel ofVee W T. HOOD * OO OLD DOMINION MJRSKKIKS. Mention this Paper. Kit IIMoND. VA. HK O R EAT KMT PCOK OKKER EVER SENT OU1 by anv publishing house. A mat i:IIU'cnt eluh volume edition of' Masterpieces of thr UnridTHrt L'terature. ' lacluitluit boot rack. ea pres. prepaid anil a .tear's subscription to " urrei.t Literature.' alifergJ.ta Wilt* f?-r description. tv. L>.WaLLaCE P.O. liOX. No. ?.?, NKWBERN. N. C. Making Cigars. In the cigar factory the bales nri opencil lis needed. The tobacco rc quired for the days' work is ties dampened and then goes to the strip pers, who remove tlie steni and midrib of the leaf. The leaves are classified into wrappers and fillers and turned over to the cigar-maker, who with no other tool than a knife, cuti out his wrappers, shapes the fillci in the hollow of his hand ami deftl.\ rolls the material into a finishec cigar. There arc cigar-making ma chines, hut these are employed onl.x for making the cheaper grades oi cigars from domestic tobacco. It b a peculiar fact that despite the wonderful progress of mechanical contrivances in all linos of manufacture, the better grades of cigars are made today exactly as they were a hundred years ago.?Carl Werner, in The Bohemian Magazine for February, SAVED FROM AN OPERATION By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Louisville, Ky.? "Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Compound has cerr": v" '' -j tainly done me a v world of good and 1 i cannot praise It 1 enough, f suffered fromirregularities, ic.. ,r?gf. dizziness, nervousy ness, and a severe .li female trouble, ./ - LydiaE.Pinkham'p Vegetable Com> r pound has restored i^o to perfect health and kept me UU .- Ufrom the operating table. I will never be without thh medicine in the house."?Mrs. Sam'i Lee, S&23 Fourth St., Louisville, Ky. Another Operation Avoided. Adrian, Ga. ? "I suffered untolc 1 misery from female troubles, and mj doctor said an operation was my onlj chance, and I dreaded it almost a: much as death. Lydla E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound completely cnrec mo without an operation." ? Lena V Henhy, K. F. D. 8. Thirty years of unparalleled sue 1 cess confirms the power of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound t< cure female diseases. The great vol ume of unsolicited testimony constant ly pouring in proves conclusively tha< Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ComSound is a remarkable remedy for thosi istressing feminine ills from whicl so many women suffer. A man should advertise like h< marries?for twenty-four hours, aui for keeps. lures Through the Blood PUTNAM Color mora goo.!* brighter -?- . ulu.u an OAIX Jjr? onjr garmcm v ^ t jp?X . ' i-'#1. . ijui j.i . . 11. - a 1 1 j i Cta bt^u WmiUU< diNwt. br ootktfo&i of all forms f?*l. Oo? b< | $4 anil fflWHaKOami / & - MUtnx hon tPOHN MtDIOAL OO., ClN I WhyS Are you one of the 1 suffer from female ailment 89 aged, go to your druggist i 9 Cardui. On the wrapper j 9 During the last half 9 established in thousands c Hfor pain which only worn contains no harmful ingre 9 ed on in almost any case. ?urn It Will E Mrs. Charles Bragg, of Sw writes: "Tongue cannot tell hoi Before I began taking Cardui 1 would work awhile and lie down, medicine." Try Cardui. AT ALL DE [ I cw Tcquircs the best selected seed ai ! jj tion; but the real difference b s H Crop depends on Potash. It ma] J |] well shaped ears fdled out to tl J I sound. Fertilizers high in phos] gen, won't do. They need Pota H lbs. to the hundred. Supplemer i. tilizcr with 50 lbs. of Muriate of . POTASH IS Valuable Utrmture. Frre. on Fcrt / gerhan kali works, 1: \ NEW YORK?19J Nassau Sr. : CABBAGE PLA | We are situated on the Atle ! line with four expresses dail) 1 plants from us will have one ( gett and Young's Island territ j press a day. Our plants are . climate. Lots 1,000 to 5,000 1 Lots of 6,000 to 20,C Varieties: Charleston V/ak< and Flat Dutch. Satisfaction send cash with order. Giveu! : GREEN POND P] GREEN POND, T AAT U COTTON JLl/l/JULi SEED (iin)ip(l on rrlvnte (Jl?i 5 Bushels (t $1.00 per bushel; 10 Bushels nt 90c per bushel; 20 Bushels, at 60s per bushel, f. o. b., Lrngley, S. C. W. H. FRANKLIN, Augusta, Ga., R. 4. |?|"?* seeds'} W Here aro the beat flvo offer* of the 5 >) season. 11avo Leon In business 29 V year* and know uood seeds; shtp only u C) the best: Ct 0 Best Northern Clover, bushel - - - $ti.25u 0 Rest Fancy Timothy, bushtl ... 1.00 V 0 Best Kentucky Blue Gra?v bushel - 1*0W Vi Best Kentucky On hard Gross, bushel 2.26 y( Ci Rest Fancy Hert Top lb. - - - - - .1*5* O Cotton bays, 20c. t u*h with order. V( 0 Write for Catutoir and prices on Garden Vt 0 Seeds and Onion Set*. V | ^^rCASLERT" |! 118 Second St. LOUISVILLE, KY. ? : | RICHMOND, VIRUI INI A. ? <N| Close to the repots, Post Office, Capital Q ; I11, Square, Wholesale and Retail sections. C( 7 Oeverything first-class ? r ^ rates reasonable- j maes ana ; | wool V; I Feather*, Tallow, Beeiwui, Ginaeng, r* I Golden Seal,* Yellow Root*. May Apple, ^ I Q Wild Ginger, etc. We ate dealer*; I B etlabllrhed in 1856? "Over hall a century in R 5 fi Louiiville"?and can do better for you than K 1 Q agent* or eomnutsion merchant*. Refcresea, I I any Bank in Louisville. Write for weekly " price lilt and shipping tags. Rt. Sabel Sons, d ? 227 E. Market St. LOUISVILLE. KY. 4 >les, Itching; Humors, I Poison, Eczema, \ B. D B. (Botanic Blood Balm) 1< ihe only Blond the blood and then purl flea it?sendlntr a flood of ti mrfm-e, Hones, Joints, ntul wherever the dlacnsu l ulcere, I'imples, Kruptlons are hen led and c't red, ocasr, atreiliii'ts subside. jj. r completely eliai condl;! . l'U inv* the sk! i the rich, red hue of |>c \\ -t ' :i e-. I -V 1 til Oltper Inrge bottle M iur home crttre. 8 UIYLK FltKK by wrlttiiK HL "F A D E L ? iy otbet dyn. Oaa 10c. packngo colon, all Abore. The !U> for freo booklet?Uow to t?yo, bl,ach and Mia Col wmm-' T A 1JIWL H "I SBftil liULU .llli i >LT DISTEMPER 5# or in ftd Act* ?e to* blood ud txp?b illSi i of dtitnmptf. BwlrfuMj o*?T known for m*>? ta i>tt)f n*rulMd to cur* on* onto. Mo nad |1 * botttoi MM, Of driMllta Mid ham*** dealers. or Mnt uprw nufnoturvrs. Cat show* bow to pobltioS throat*. Our i|1t? ?t*r/tklnt. Loon) nfOuu wanted. Larguat m mmcdr' In *?Utnnoo? twnlr* yaara. Mists sad MctndolositU. Qsshsn, ln?f., U. S. A* ^hhhhhhhhhIk uflcr ? 1 thousands of women wlioH ,s1 If so, don't be discour-| ina get a bottle ot W ine ot B are full directions for use. H century, Cardui has beenB >f homes, as a safe remedy H cn endure. It is reliable,? dients and can be depend- H lelp You IMI ectscr, Ind., tried Cardui. She Bp *v much Cardui has done /or me. H ! could not do a day's work. I K I shall always give praise to your B iua STORES i id the most thorough cultiva- ^ etween profit and loss on the Ices 6trong, sturdy stalks and 3^# he very tip, with every kernel 2g ? ?horic acid, with a little nitrosh to complete them?15 to 20 ' ? > it the manure or clover or fcr- i <=> ^ Potash per acre. ? ^ . PROMT "gg ll/zinu Corn ami alt of her Crepa 124 Candler Bldg, Atlanta CHICAtiO: Mooadacck Block - ^ > NTS FOR SALE; mtic Coast Line Railroad main r. Any one buyjng cabbage lay's advantage over the Meg:ory, as they have only one exfrost proof and will stand any fcl.25 per thousand. >00 90c per thousand. efield, Early Jersey Wakeffeld and count guaranteed. Always 3 an order and see for yourself. LANT COMPANY, SOUTH CAROLINA, fABBAGE PLANTS XHr \J to ulease purchsser. AU v&rlatles novr ready .or shipment, Small lots tl.35per "M"i lots of S 000 or over at il.00 por'M" ami gpeolal pricftt pn lknre orrton. We giro quicker Jtnq prompter ssrrloo than any other grower hi 8,0, and we solU'lt your valued patronare. Wfltg for our "BOOhLET" on thn crowth and culUs ration of Cabbage. written uy Ueo. X>. Sandj, The OKO. L BANDS CO..Uo? MFantowltg.8.0, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTS LOMBARD IRON WORKS. AU8USTA. GIL ONION SEED 60r 59H9H Pcr Ssl>er*a oat ?log, page 139. MM | Largest growers of onion and vegetable I I seeds In tbo world. Big catalog froe, or, I B send 10c In stamps and receive catalog sad I y 1000 kernols each of onions, carrots, celery, I W radishes, 1500 eaoh lettuce, rutabaga, tor- I U nips, 100 parsley, 100 tomatoes, 100 melons, I J llsuC charming flower .teds, In all 10,000 ker- | p nets, easily worth 91 of any man's money. U E Or, send 20c. and we will add one package I C of Earliest Poop O'Day Sweet Corn. I **LZZ" ?EE0 C0" Bo* *' G" U Cn>w' Wl'- I SEEDS WE SHIP BEST QUALITY FIELD ; AND GARDEN SEEDS DIRECT TO I FARMERS AT LOWEST WHOLE SALE PRICES. WE SELL CLOVERS, GRASSES, SEED OATS, SEED CORN, CANE SEED, MILLET, COW PEAS, SOJA BEANS, PEANUTS, SEED POTATOES, CABBAGE PLANTS, POTATO and TOMATO SLIPS, ONION SETS, GARDEN BEANS, GARDEN PEAS, ALL KINDS GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS, LAND PLASTER AND FERTILIZERS. WRITE US FOR PRICES ANI) SAMPLES. STATE WHAT YOU WANT. nashvilleseed co. 215 Second Avenue. North, JVashville, Tenn% Rheumatism, Blood Bone Pains. I -.eiiiedir that kill* the i.oUon in 8?tvoL fi e, rich I I owl direct to the *kin tV yt * located. In till* v*v nil soi,.*. Ur (ifttii* *,)^ -'.'bet of IthcummUm yftTAjISS ni.e-ihe .. dy"W.clean, heal thy ] r/ect he. 11 h ' % II. B euro* I hi / <1i rrot I..UH J OOD UAI.M tft, A(i*nl? On s s dyes 7 dyo la cold water boiler than any other dia *00 w* aioiiuoi. co., qainiV, luiooS \