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I Don't_C %% Why take chances and t Machine when you can get yc verv low nrice. We have y - J I rfS of Machines, but find non magnificent New Home, jjg ehine that money and brair have sold hundreds of then |f 25 Y and none of them are worn ; twice as long as any other I Sj | day. We have lots of proc ? [ do not peddle them from [ . this expense ean afford to c [ settle the Sewing Machine i ?J[ buy a New Home. You | wear it out. ft ' l. j. m ?? I 8 .. ' I .. IN THE LOCAL FIELD Harris Case Postponed. The case of L. A. Harris vs. Southern Railway, which was to hare been called Friday in Mecklenburg superior court, was for some reason postponed until today. Dining Car Service. Dining car service was installed Sunday on trains 29 and 30 of the Southern Railway. No. 29 passes Fort Mill at 3:54 a. m. I J ? n i- ? ? uuuiiu xor oavannaqana jacxsonville, and No. 30 passes here at i 1:55 a. m. bound north. The Circuit Court. The February term of circuit court for York county will convene on the 1st of the month, with Judge Klugh presiding. The 1 only cases from Fort Mill that J will probably be called are those : of W. M. Culp aad Lloyd Culp J vs. Sam Farries. - ] Capt. White Helps the Italians. , It gives The Enquirer pleasure i to acknowledge the receipt of a ( New York Exchange for five dol- i lars, sent by Capt. Samuel E. i White, of Fort Mill, as a contri- I bution in aid of the Italian earth- 1 quake sufferers.?Yorkville En- 1 quirer. Make Yout Return. County Auditor Hunter arrived : in Fort Mill this (Wednesday) i morning and will be here through < Saturday for the purpose of list- i ing the taxable property of this j township. There is a penalty i for failure to make a return, and j none should fail to attend to this matter. Some Fine Timber. Mr. J. J. Bailes, who is operating a big saw mill plant on his plantation 4 miles east of Fort < Mill, undoubtedly possesses some i of the finest timber in this section. In cutting timber for his < mill a few days ago, Mr. Bailes i says that he cut from one tree i seven saw logs measuring twelve i feet each in length. There are a large number of fine trees in Mr. Bailes' woods, and some of them, he believes, are even larger than the tree in question. Boys Electrical Equipment. A large contract for electrical apparatus for the Chester and , Lancaster cotton mills was a few 1 days ago awarded to the Westinghouse Electrical Company by Col. Leroy Springs, who "controlls , the mills. The contract calls for a large number of electric motors, consisting of about 3,000 horse-power in appliances of various sizes. The Southern Power Company some time ago contracted to furnish the power necessary to run the mills. Woodmen Affairs. The regular monthly meeting of White Oak Camp, W. O. W., was held Tuesday evening of last weeK, ana tne insianauon 01 the officers elected to serve the lodge during the year took place. Another important business transaction of the lodge was the election of a representative to the annual meeting of the head camp to be held in Spartanburg the second Tuesday in March. Sovereign C. W. Eason was chosen as representative, with Sovereign W. P. Cray ton as alternate. Tree Planting Time. : This is the time of year for planting shade trees and it would be well for those planting the trees to place them iust inside their property a few feet Trees planted on the edge of the side-1 walk arc in the way of the piles and telephone lines. Trees planted just outside the fence; obstruct the sidewalk and are in the way of pedestrians. Thus it1 will be seen that is much better! to plant the trees just inside the *r fence. This gives the necessary shade and makes everything j much better for everyone. ' * - *"^VV^ - # \wvV\*v%v\\m*%\\5xm\x VV\\\W\NVVNNS^V\V\%\WVk\ ramble. | i >uy an unknown Sewing | a New Home ? a ||* sold lots of different kinds | e can compa-e with the , It is the very best Ma- ] 1 j j nr_ is nas ever prooucea. vvc i in the past - j ears out yet. They will last Vlachine on the market to>f for this assertion. We a wagon, and by saving ut the price in half. You q >estion for life when you can't live long enough to LSSEY. ill %HSHS+>S*S*>S*S+>'%*%*\ - - - - L* ?~ Examination For Annapolis. In a letter to The Times, Con- r gressman Finley announces that T a competitive examination for a ]r cadetship at Annapolis will be held at Yorkville on Wednesday, T February 3. ? The House Committees. The York members of the ^ house of representatives have * been assigned to places on the ? various house committees as fol- ? lows: i. S. Glasscock?Ways and ^ means, roads, bridges and ferries, legistative library. J. P. p ? Education, enrollment acts, judiciary. O. L. SandersCommerce and manufacturers, f~ hospital for insane, mines and p mining.?W. B. Wilson?Judici- " ary, military, public printing. A Prosperous Enterprise. The Charlotte Brick Co., at h Grattan, which only a few years nirr? K#?ornn umrlr r\r-i nnltr n ?rr>..ll or vv^uii rt w? H vii vinjr a omaii ft 9cale, is now one of the largest f< as well as most prosperous enter- s< prises of its kind in this section of the country. With each sue- is ceeding season improvements are cl made adding to the size and h capacity of the plant and today h it is fitted out with all the modern b requirements for the speedy P making of brick. The capacity of the plant is now 100,000 brick " per day. The latest addition to y the plant is a big steam shovel C which will be used in loading dirt ^ on the cars, and which it is b stated will do the work of a L dozen men. The shovel is a very ^ costly piece of machinery, but in % saving of time and cost of hand ^ labor, the makers claim it will d soon repay the cost of installing o it. Looted a Show Car. Officer Jas. Youngb'.ood, of the Charlotte police force, together g with a detective for the Southern ? Railway, was in Fort Mill Satur- b day night looking for a negro ? thief who broke into and looted 1 the private car of a theatrical companyjn Charlotte one night v last week. According to the J3 statements of a number of our t colored people, there did appear n here on Tuesday of last week a , negro man carrying a budget of 31 ladies' wearing apparel, but he a tarried only a short time and ? left for parts unknown. Among 1 the articles stolen and offered ? fnr aalo V*orn if io o?i/l ~ L V. uwiv. IIVIV) lb 10 oaiut W CI c a valuable diamond ring and sev- . eral stage gowns of much value. 1 The Charlotte officers, we are ^ told, have recovered several of 1 the stolen articles from people of Steel Creek who had bought ^ them from the negro, but-.the ( ring and gowns, like the thief, c are still missing. The best work at reasonable t prices- Young's Shop. t 11 PERSONAL MENTION 1 \ a Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McGinn t are housekeeping in one of the j Norman cottages on East Booth a street. t Mrs. W. E. Taylor, of Lan- v caster, spent Friday night with 2 relatives in this place. 8 Miss Virginia Hamilton rehirnpH TViiirerlnv ouonin/* ? - WTVIIIII5 11 Will a ] visit to relatives in Union. ? Miss Amy Garrison has re- > signed her position at L. L. Mas- t sey's store and returned to her < home in Steel Creek. ] Miss Margaret Warlick, of * Charlotte, spent Sunday with '* relatives in this place. I Architect H. E. White, of J Greenville, was a visitor to Fort Mill this week. Mr. Robt. Williamson and fam- , ily, former residents of Gold . Hill, have moved to Fort Mill , and are occupying the Dr. Mack J residence on South Confederate street. Mr. A. O. Jones on Friday j evening entertained the employees of his store and a few friends at a supper at his ' *w ! Graded School Items. (By Prof. BauUnight ) The Fort Mill graded and high school opened up very favorably on Jan. 4. Although the mills had started yp and had taken 3ome of our pupils from school, yet a sufficient number came in i to take their -places and to increase our number considerably, 1 too. We are very sorry to lose 1 those pupils who had to go to ? work as they were very good ] pupils and zealous students. j Among the new pupils who! entered this month wpw Miaapa ' Mildred Hall, of Pleasant Valley, md Sal lie Bethea, of Lake City. Miss Hall entered upon the . second, and Miss Bethea upon ;he first year high school work. We could not Rive put the standing of pupils earlier as several had not stood examinaiions. The following is the ecord for December: 10th grade: 1st rank, Clarence dcMurray; 2nd, Leon Massey. f ionor roll, none. 9th grade: Carrie Merritte, 1st; Elizabeth Nims, 2nd. Highest iverage examination: Carrie derritte, 1st; Claude Crowder, Ind. Honor roll: Carrie Merritte ? ind Lucile Barber. 8th grade: Sam Lee, 1st; Julia * loyd; 2nd. Examination: Julia . loyd, 1st; Sam Lee, 2nd. Honor i oil, none. i 7th grade: Pitrks Boyd, 1st; 2 Aicy Merritte, 2nd. Honor roll, 4 lurray Merritte. 4 6th grade: Bessie Smith, 1st; 2 Jla Hall, 2nd. Honor roll, 2 Hive Harris. 5tb grade: 1st rank, Ike Yar- 4 orough, Mamie McKain, James 4 'oung, Zenas Grier, Margaret ? pratt; 2nd, Alice Harris, Esther f leacham, Frances Smith, Horace ? [imbrell, Clarence Link. Honor I oil, Mary Sellers, Marjorie 4 lills. James Young, Zenas Grier, . ke YarboroUgh. I X 4th grade: 1st rank, Ocey 4 lood, Marjorie Mills, Mary Sel-1 4 ;rs; 2nd, Barron Bennett, Pau-: 4 ne Erwin, Fair Lee. j 4 In some way, Ike Yarborough's f ame was left off the honor roll1 4 sr November, when it should ave been on. The first, second and third J rades have none on honor roll T ?r December. We hope to have X )me for January. I The music teacher, Miss Smith, ^ i arranging for some pretty + horuses, etc. She is seriously x andicapped by not having an * istrument in chapel. It would ~ e a great benefit to have a iano or even an organ in there. ; I No efforts are being spared to j lake commencement for this i ear a success. Claude Crowder, larence McMurray, Elizabeth lims and Annie Russell have een elected to represent the .iterary Society in a debate for rhich a gold medal is to be iven to the best debater. # Hon. l. F. Lever has been secured to eliver a literary address on that ccasion. - ? A Newt Letter From Gold Hill. The health of our people is ood, I think. And with all the ry of panic, hard times, etc., oth oldsters and youngsters eemed to have had a high old ime during the holidays. Having been in a panic now /ell on to 72 years, we have got ised to panic, and believe that he times are about what we nake them. Mrs. Sallie Mejritt-Stewart laving tired of city life, has had , nice cottage dwelling erected j I n her plantation and has moved i P i i - * mo it ana now rests unaer ner i wn vine and fig tree, and says I; here is no place like home. fi Mr. Tot Crook and wife, of 1 ^ewisville, Ga., who have been I dsiting their parents here, left I' or home the past week. ! We are having a lot of wet I veather hereabouts and North j I Carolina is dry from center to I ircumference. Ask The Ofcerver if that drouth was from ' ip there. We have heard it said that; own folks, quality, rich folks, >on tons, or whatever suits best o call them, never visit among I hemselves in the morning, but i vill start out late in the evening tnd go to several places. Those j rips they style makiug calls. I ^ow Josh says that a little cake ind wine is passed around on hose occasions and we have j I vondered if this cake and wine inswered them for supper. If o, it is weak diet and is enough -o make them look like they had rrowed in the shade. And we earn also that they take their soup from the side of the spoon, vhile here we have been all1 c a. .iicoc jr cai n taiviu^ uuis 1IUII1 Lilt" I jnd?didn't -know any better. | Ne are badlv in it or badly not 1 n it we don't know which. We " ire just away off on we forjet what the word is now. Now, when us Goldhillites go visiting we go in the morning, stay all iay and have a good dinner. Ves, that is the but cut of the! program; chicken pies as large as common sized grind stones! are not unusual and a lot of other things large in proportion, j A little cake and wine, indeed! | If we were to go visiting or call- i ing and get no more than that, | we would make ourselves scarce , about that shack ever afterward. Splinter. , Gold Hill, Jan. & j hhi i BBH ...> r M each am & Epps. Shoes and Rubbers. Our stock was never as complete at this season of the year iVe sell only the best makes of Shoes?<Mapps, Bostonians, Com nonwealth and Fairfield, for men; Selby's and Godman for women Portsmouth Shoes for misses and children. There are no bette Shoes made today than the above lines, and we do not honestly be ieve there are many as good. We have been selling these Shoe for years and know something of them. New Dress Ginghams* A big line of all the new patterns and colors for Spring, sam >rand of goods that sold last season for 12 l-?c, now 10c. Brown Linens, at ioc, zuc ana zoc. Hats, A few trimmed hats left. $2.00 to $4.00 Hats, take your choic or $1.98. All Shapes now 50c. M EACH AM & EPPS. :l NOW IS THE TIME 11 :l ii > To buy That Improved Side Harrow ! Every Harrow i 1 | 11 we make is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. I \ | | < > We are making a big lot of these Harrows and if you I (i < i place your order now, will give you advantage of the ti 1 ]| SPECIAL PRICES. ijj < > Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements repaired in + a satisfactory manner and at reasonable prices. <' f Horseshoeing a Specialty. ft For Spot Cash SiSJYE at 60 cts. First-class and experienced workmen ready to serve f J you at all times. X I Your patronage will be appreciated. v n f f n n > n n v n ? ? it i mw : IUUHU i> IJ L JL l & 5 M ITU SHUf, M , A. A YOUNO, Proprietor. \N\\\\\\WV\\V\\\\V\V*\\\ NEW GOODS IN ADVANCE STYLES and PATTERNS for SPRING, ^ y Satin Jacquards in light blue, pink, old rose and white at 50c the yard. This is the prettiest and daintiest fabric we have ever shown. Especially suited for directoire evening gowns. New patterns in Red Seal and Utility Ginghams, worth 12 1-2 cents, selling at 10 cents the yard. A big lot of Ribbons just received direct from the manufacturers. Wonderful values in these. Our 10 and 15 cent specials are well worth coming to see. ? SPECIAL. Ladies with tender feet, let us again call your attention to our famous NERVE EASE Shoe. Get a pair and be comfortable. L W. KIMBRELL CD fSS?^Slil5iSrliS[ij^,?ESjS!lrSJEj^!SfS[ifSf? | JOB PRINTING | NEATLY EXECUTED AT tie 1 TIIE TIMES OFFICE. X ? Si [? ft^| Lette-heads. Noetheads Billhead*, Statementa, Handbills, Poster*, ^ fifil Circulars, Envelopes, Etc. at the lowest prices consistent with Rood g -ij, work. Send us your orders and wo will please yon bn I The Times. || r i r ? "PUT MONEY li SAJP SHAK i; We echo his sentiment r We say, save money ai - penny you save is sometl We promise to give yoi Shoes, Hats and Underw< e to carry over heavy weig Wishing one and all a 1909, we thank you for t us in the year just closed : McEHflNEY am J J i i Need Mei in ? ? if If so, we are the | yw ^ looking for. W enfced and know ! \\ compound prescr 32 1}'. Our drugs ar ! f( purest quality. , if tention to our ] fi and can suppl ff from our drug st CC =?? 1 Parks I | Bldstrt Brei g Bargi jo every day J families of F< u surrounding coui ? things to eat that 2 and brawny mus< g you to counter jo come your dt g either m 2 physi | JONES Mul | Mu j[ We are here to < <1 Just received a < I W r i n . -m || I* Mules lor tins marl | \ Call at Hoaglaiu h|S them. | | Terms satisfactoi : 1 == | S. J. KIMBfl TRESPASS NOTI E. Notice in hereby given that all p.rHona are forbidden to hunt, tUh cut limber ' or trvnpaHH in any maimer upon tho ! luiid* of tho undersigned. I pr.jr.U.M.?k, \ 9 v* N THE PURSE," ESPEARE. ?, ;hut in a different way. ? y*>ur Clothes, Every ling gaijpe<J. i .bargains in Clothing, ear. as we cannot afford ' ? * . . k . s.r-" ivr- v-W ht gpods. liappy an^l pru^perovis he liberal trade give9. onuanm j COMPANY. S^<<V?V?V?V?V?v?V?V?V?V>?V? 11 ' dicines? 1 ?= I people you are 3(1; ^e are experi- j||l r just how to j;!; iptions proper- j(| e always of the J J VVe give our at- A matrons* qeeds $$ y every want sjf ock. a ' If )rug Co I '25 y*<++'0-?+9-0'9++*J+++J*?>+00'0>0+0*\ XXXXXXXXXX ;zes Blowirg 1 tins ? for the jo jrt Mill and ^ itry. We sell ^ . make red blood & cles which help 9 act and over- g lily battles, oral or ical. 5 the: q rooeir, g phone: no. 1 -4- j .es ! .less - | lo business. < Car load of Nice <1 ket. t \ 1 ' l! uf <>KI<k an<l cnn #i ? n ciit(/iv (tun oi.:v \ i i _____ I ILL & SONS, m ** f P*lp4U.UQC oi th? _