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*W%W%^W%WV^W%WVlV?Vcv?%< 1 Many fi FV our liberal patr ?4 though it was a "panic ft? foots up hetter than we e f ? scarce, people look aroun '$ can get the best goods foi ?2 get the trade, but when r ?< not look for low prices, b pen t,o see what they war I II ^ " uur bicai Commences January ist. 2?! Goods g? at Wholcsa jf 1[ odds and ends at a great < fail to see our bargains *!| Shoes, Hats, Etc. We wish you a happy i | L. J. IN THE LOCAL FIELD Mr. Hartis Sells Out. Mr. M. A. Hartis, who has conducted a smith shop in the Bailes shop building for several years has sold out to Mr. W. R. Carothers, jyho will continue the business at the same stand. Census Cotton Report. The government census bulletin issued Saturday reports 12,470,226 hales, counting round bales as half bales, ginned from the growth of 1908 to January 1, compared with 9,951,505 in 1908. A Sunday Marriage. Mr. Tom Wolfe, of Concord, N. C.t a brother of Mr. R. S. Wolfe of Fort Mill, and Miss Ida Lipe, also of Concord, were married here Sunday morning at 8:30 o'clock by 'Squire J. W. McElhaney, The ceremony took place at the home of Mr. R. S. Supervisor Gordon Takes Oath. At the regular monthly meeting of the county board of com missioners, held last Wednesday in Yorkville, Mr. Clem F. Gordon was inducted into the office of eounty supervisor, succ e .ling Supervisor T. W. Boyd. Commissioner-elect W. A. Aycock has not yet taken the oath of office for the reason that he cannot receive his commission until after the inauguration of the governor. Dies From Pneumonia. Mr. Clemmie McKinney, of Fort Mill, but for some time past a resident of Charlotte, died Sunday morning at the Mercy General Hospital after an illness of about ten days with pneumonia. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lillie McKinney. He was an emoloye of the Magnolia mill, Charlotte, and lived in that section. He was 28 years of age. The funeral and burial took place at Harrison church Monday afrernoon at 2 o'clock. Will Start Building Soon. The Times understands that Mr. J. J. Bailes has completed plans for a handsome storeroom which he will erect on his Main street lot adjoining that of the Parks Drug Co., and that work rtn f U/> Knilili nnr iirill l\<wcin tirifUiw VIII 111C UUUUUljS VHI Wltllllj a week or ten days. The store wilb be a one-story structure, 25x80 feet, with plate glass front and modern interior finish. It was not learned whether Mr. Bailes will open a business ir the new building or offer it foi rent. Negro Suicide's Body Found. Word was received in For! Mill Saturday of the finding or Friday of the body of Esai Steele, colored, who drownec himself in Catawba river neai the county bridge the night o: November 24. The find was made at a point about two miles down stream from where the Seaboarc railroad bridge spans the river The bodv was, of course, in j very bad state of decomposition and was only identified by th< finding in the clothes of a cottor receipt issued to Steele by Mill: Xt Yntine-. of this Dlace. a shor time before the old negro destroyed himself. Knight Not Charged With Theft. Ben Knight, the young mai who was reported in these col umns the past week as navinj been suspected of entering i store at Roddey's Station an arrested in this place, called a The Times office Saturday an stated that no charges of thef were preferred against him a the preliminary trial Tuesday but that he was convicted of car rying a concealed weapon an of shooting along the highwa and was fined $55. The Time had no intention or desire to d Mr. Knight an injury in publish ing the report as it was given u the past week and we gladl make the above correction, * * v . 1 * VVkVV\\>\\N\N3^JAJk\\%WM> Thanks. ! I nnage the past year. Al- ? :ky" old year, our business ? ixpected. When money is ? d more and see where they ? r the lowest prices, and we 4 noney is plentifuJ thev do ? *it buy wherever they hap- ? it, ? i ranee Sale j I? . 1 m m m 2 rverytning in Winter Z leCostf'and a great many deal less than cost. Don't in Dress Goods, Cloaks, and prosperous New Year. ASSEY. I 1 MIMfcMGMWSMkPSKMKMlMXMMSn / ' Service* at Baptist Church. Regular preaching services a the Baptist church next Sunda morning and evening by th ! , pastor. The sermons will dea ? with vital questions. Everybod; 1 invited. , Met Death in Poor-House Fire. In a fire Thursday night a the Lancaster county poor house Jane McKinney, an old negr woman, and Joe Reed, a boy 1; years of age, inmates of th> home which is located 3 mile i east of Lancaster, were burne< to death in one of the two house destroyed. New Superintendent For Chaingang. Mr. Jno. F. Gordon, former!: county supervisor, has been ap ' pointed superintendent of th< ' county chaingang to succee< ' Superintendent Jones. As Mr Gordon is at present absent on i trip of several weeks to Cuba fVin rtV*or*/?A 1 W 4-V.r* ...111 tuc ciiau^c 111 LIIC UI11CC Will I1U take place until the first o; February. Little Liquor Coming In. The advent of prohibition ii North Carolina on January Is has certainly put the quietus t< liquor receipts at the local ex press station. Up to yesterday morning not over a dozen pack ages of booze had been receivec here since the sale was stoppec in our sister State. The Chaingang to Move. The chaing at present is ii Ebenezer township where it hai been for several months past The gang will be moved to th< Saluda road as soon as the nev I stockade, which is being erecte< by the Syleecau Mfg. Co., ha; J been completed and put in it , place. Until then the prisoner ^ will remain in the old quarters says the Rock Hill Herald. | And the Cold Wave Came. t The most marked cold wavi of the season, notice of whicl was sent out from the weathe bureau in Washington Wednes day, swept down on the Sunn; South Thursday night and Fri ? i t ? ? aay ana ior aDout 48 hours ou , people were given a touch of th> , real article in wintry weather , The thermometer on Frida; ' morning at 8 o'clock registerei j 23 degrees, being the lowes , point reached this winter. Harris vs. Southern Railway. A case, the outcome of whic1 , will be watched with extrem i interest by the people of For r Mill, is that of Mr. L. A. Harri vs. Southern Railway, whic will be called ih Mecklenbur superior court at Charlotte tc t morrow being a suit for damage i in the sum of $13,000. Mi i Harris alleges that on account c 1 negligence on the part of ^th r defendent company ne sustaine f! injuries to the above amount i s a collision of a passenger trai on which he was a passenger ? 1 Grattan several months ago. ' Yorkville Loses the Orphanage. , The Episcopal Orphan Hom< ; which is located in Charlestor i will not be moved to Yorkvilh s says a Spartanburg paper, fc t the reason that the otfer mad k by the people of that city w? not understood by those havin in charge the question of findin another location for the institi i tion. The home will be move - from Charleston, however, an pr it is likely that Sartanburg wi a be given favorable consideratic d i by the committee. It appeal t that the people of Yorkville, i d their zeal to capture the orphai t age home, bit off more tha t they could deliver. The old mi itary academy in Yorkville wi - i offerd as a home for the orphan d but it seems that some strini y , were tied to the proposition. T1 s : academy was r.ot ottered as a d o rebt gift. It is also learned th; i- j the building is ir. such a cond s I tion that considerable mom y j would have to be expended i fitting it for use. '"W; yt ", < # . - x ^ Declares a 4 Per Cent Dividend. J At a recent meeting of the div rectors of the National Union ? bank the usual semi-annual di? vidend of 4 per cent, was paid to the stockholders of this prosit perous and growing institution. ? J Rock Hill Herald. y No Palm limited This Season. The Southern Railway Com> pany will not inaugurate its fast; $ flyer, the Palm Limited, for the j winter tourist trade this season. J y This magnificent train has been j ? off since January 1907, the finan-; cial depression which came across i Q OA11 nf?*ir lnof irnnt* ?*rtnr*nr.?4-r? ! J Vtiv wuti^i JT lOCU J cai 9 UCV.COOILd" ] 5 ting curtailment of expense on i J all sides, forced the Southern to y take the train off. For reasons ? somewhat similar, the train will ? not be operated this winter. b Issues Sewing Bulletin. $ The Times a few days ago re? ceived from Winthrop College a ?, neatly printed and profusely ilJ iustrated bulletin on sewing, gotj ten out by the department of C domestic art. The bulletin outC lines the course as given in the * required work of freshmen and > sophmore years at the college. : * It will prove helpful and interest- |? % ing, not only to teachers of sewing, but to all who are interested in this womanly occupation. The Chaingang Plant. On turning over the office to y ; Supervisor Gordon on Wednesday ; ^ ' retiring Supervisor Boyd furll i nished his successor with the y : following inventory of the chainv gang plant: Ten mules and five i , i wagons, three road machines, I one road roller, one rock crusht er,.one engine, eight wheel bar- i ' i rows, two four-horse plows, ! ; ? twenty-nine picks, thirty-six ! \ 2 shovels, six rock hammers, five , e axes, one forge, two crowbars, ? j three saws, four augers, three * heaters, one cook stove, three s shot guns, three pistols, eighteen thousand bundles of fodder, and the corn that goes with it, less j what has been used since No- 1 f vember 15; one_ wheeler?York- ] ~ j vine inquirer, Friday. \ Cotton Mills Have Full Forces. The two cotton mills here, ' a which resumed operations on , January 4th, after a shut-down t of about four months, are now f in first-class running order and , everything is rocking along smoothly. The management of the mllis was much pleased, as i well as somewhat surprised, the t morning of the start to see pres3 ent and ready to work not only - a sufficient number of hands to I F start all the machinery, but to - also allow a few extraor "spare" |1 1 hands. Another fact which is I very pleasing to the management is that practically all the old hands havo returned and seem contented and happy. 1 Watch For the Notification Label. 5 In compliance with the govern- : j ment requirement that all yearly v subscriptions to weekly papers must be paid during the year s in which the paper is being sent, s The Times has adopted the plan g of notifying each subscribed of the date on which the yeuris sub' scription is due. This notification is in the shape of a label or slip attached to the top of page e 2, over the first column. On ^ the first of each month heffcafter r the lists will be gone over care* J a l n a t* % , iuuy ana, in tne nrsL issue ioiv lowing1, these notification labels will be attached to the papers of r all whose subscriptions fall due e during that particular month. It is hoped that all subscribers who ' from time to time fall in arrears j to the extent of a year will settle t before or on the date on the label. It is not our desire to cut anyone oT the list, but law -is law and we are forced to comply with it. h ? PERSONAL MENTION h Mr. E. E. Baker, of Atlanta, p was here the past week on a visit to his wife, who is a guest ,s at the home of her parents, Mr. j and Mrs. A. A. Young, on Forest ,f | street. e j Mr. R. E. Rodgers, a former d resident of Fort Mill but now of n , Concord, N. C., was among the n j visitors nere Sunday. Mr. R. L. Pursley and family, who have occupied the Cousart cottage in Sprattville for several years, have moved to Ridgeway, where Mr. Pursley is engaged in 1, the lumber business. 3, Miss Lou Ormand continues >r dangerously ill at her home on le Clebourn street. is Mr. w. fi. .Parks and Mr. H. J. g Patterson and families are oc,g cupying the Massey house recentj 1y moved from Main toClebourn id streets. id Mr. F. H. Huggins, who some ill time ago left Fort Mill after in several years with Meacham & rs Epps as salesman, has returned in and is now with E. W. Kimbrell a- Co., in a similar capacity, in Mr. Will Graham, who moved il- from this township to Seymour, as Tex., about 4 years ago, visited s, relatives in this community durfs ing the holidays, le Mrs. N. L. Downs and daughli ter, Miss Lorice, of Pineville, at were, guests Tuesday at ihe li- home ot Mr. C. W. Eason, on jy Clebourn street, in Miss Virginia Hamilton is visiting parents in Union. ' M EACH AM- & EPPS_. v Shoes and Rubbers. Our stock was never as complete at this season of the year. We sell only the best makes of Shoes? Clapps, Bostonians, Commonwealth and Fairfield, for men; Selby's and Godman for womer ; Portsmouth Shoes for misses and children. There are no better Shoes made today than the above lines, and we do not honestly believe there are many as good. We have been selling these Shoet for years and know something of them. New Dress Ginghams. A big line of all the new patterns and colors for Spring, fame brand of goods that sold last season for 12 l-2c, now 10c. Brown Linens. at 15c, 20c and 25c. Hats. A few trimmed hats left. $2.00 to $4.00 Hats, take your choice for $1.98. All Shapes now 50c. Meacham & Epps. J | Mules i | Mules j cpmbcm?a?a'jm?mmct J ! We ire here to do business. Just received a Car load of Nice f Mules for this market. $ i Call at Hoagland's stable and see fi them. -V $ Terms satisfactory. t S. J. KIMBALL & SONS, f J M l V OUR STATEMENT. The National Union Bank, Capital * $100,000.00 Surplus 72,805.64 Total Capital and Surplus $172,805.64 FIRST TRTTST & SAVTMH? RiOT Capital $ 25,000.00 Surplus 11,447.67 Total Capital and Surplus ... . . -v $ 36,447.67 500,253.31 Stockholders Liability 125.000.00 Total protection to depositors 334,253.31 Our Total Assets . $1,314,224.42 ? The above figures show that in three years' time we have made wonderful progress: i Our assets have increased ?Five Hundred Thousand Dollars. N Our Deposits have increased?Three Huudred Thousand Dollars. Our Profits have increased ?Fifty-Three Thousand Dollars. We attribute a part of this wonderful increase to 1st. Our loaning our customers money at six per cent. 2nd. Our willingness to accomodate all of our customers alike?small transactions of our customers receiving the same careful attention that the larger ones receive. 3rd. Our willingness to aid our customers in every possible way, netffcr losing an opportunity to make them money when we can even though we do not get a dollar out of it ourselves. g 4th. The prompt way in which we handle all business entrusted to our care. 5th. The absolute safety our customers feel when doing business with us. 6th. The compounding of our interest quarterly on all savings deposits. There are many more things that we do for our customers which are appreciated by them and make them want to do business with us. If you are not a customer of this hank you should be, so you can enjoy the privileges and advantages of a customer. ITME FIRST TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK AND U TI_jn T\J A T1AM AT T T1S.TTAAH.T n a xtt/ iiiLv iWiiViXilL, UINIUiN JD/\iNiV# (Absolutely Safe) ROCK HILL, ----- S. C. I We Do Neat Job Printing. ?...m - ? - ' ? m;+"PUT MONEY SAID SIU Wc echo hissenlimei We say, save money penny you save is som< We promise to give 3 Shoes, Hats and Under to carry over heavy w< 1 ? rvri ? " r* /I r* ! I isiting unw aiiu an 1909, we thank you foi us in the year just c!os III I?B McELHANEY S?-V^N^V? Annour ? (( ,.T , (f ue beer to ai ? patrons and 1 ? tl. . << public 111 gen I fV ? , , . now located i \U <$ street store, n << vite one and it and see our n< it U Parks v V // 5VWXXM&M&* A | Don't Be 5 Start the U^cm $ trading with J S less out of y< to and ]>uts nior g your pantry S grocer. JaniiH ;? find you rich< ^ happier, if yoi $ eeries from? | JONES TOWN TREASURER S REPORT, 1901 receipts: Fines collected $>>28 < S'.reot. tax 470 ( Properly tax 88ft 1 ! Don tax t | Cemetery lots 75 ( Town kail rents 80 ( Licenses collected 1 >5 I Property owners for cement 47 t Civivic society for town hall 1"?< Diamatic club " " " 8S ' Total amount of receipts $2,282 -I Disnunsr.MKSTs: Ftreet work $"71 5 ! Terra co t i for streets 02 ; Lumber for streets 44 ( j Drayage for streets 0 "i 1 Police duty '2' f Electric lighs 6 ) ; Dog collars and tasrs 1.-' ! Fort Mill Times, adv 7"> I Adv. show and notices 2-1 j 1'hairs for town hall 110 f i Fconery " " 28 1 | Town hall repairs 7 1 j Freight, postage, sta ionery 2 ! Dravage dead clogs 2 5 j Fee ding prisoners 3 ' I Panitnry account 28 i Trimming park hedge 8 ' Insurance on town 1 all 10 : Taking dog census, etc 3 ! j Pump for public well 22 Expense1 town returns 5' Police Uniform . ... 2ft I j Cement and wixxl !J4 Accounts?A O. Jones. $t.20; A. A. Youiik. $4.85; J W. McE'haney, $5.50; T B. I'clk, Fat., $1.50; K. W.Kimbrellt o (dirt) $13 90, account $3.40; Mil's & Yoniif? .45; 85 Two whool barrow* 4) VV. B. Ardray, account 7. Well rojxi Due town treasurer from 1907... 5 Taxes and lines refunded 4. X ay or'a salary 150 Soe'y and Treas. salary 125 Total disbursements $2,288 Cash on hand 43 I Grand total $3,282 ~~ A II. > cFLHANEY, Town Tn usurer Fort Mil , Jan. 10, 19.9. hmbjKllbe to The Tuiicj. INTHEPHRSIP VKESPEAUE, jBray - *. wmmmmmmmrnmmmf 1 ills, but in a different way. on your Clothes. Every ething gained. ou bargains'in Clothing, I wear, as we cannot afford eight goods. a happy and prosperous r the liberal trade lmvpw ed. and COMPANY. |jjJ icement! 11 I|!i nnounce to our friends and the eral that we are 11 our new Main C ind cordially in- Z all to visit us 3\V building &e. c ??? % Drug Co 1 ,i 9 - . jff " *KWr ? a Dead One. 1 * Year ltight by jf roues. He takes >ur pocket book e aiul better in ? q than any other g iry 1, 1910, will g ^ ?r, healthier and u buy your gro- S r -x the: grocer, 5 z> rhone! no. 1 s ! Kodol For 1 Indigestion ?? I Our Guarantee Coupon, If. alter using two-thirds of a Ir.oo botl'd of I Kndol, ran honestly say it has not X) titr <1 yon. we will refund your money. Tr? j f() Kod<>| today on this guarautre. Fill ontdlhdjj . si?n the following, present it to the dcajci jri (In: time of purchase. If it fails t<> sati.fy >ou ? 1 return the bottle containing one-third wHWil _ medicine to the dealer from whom you botfgtif ' it. and wc will refund your ntoney. Town jJBMBM j 2 State _______ . ? ?_i-? J u * Sign hare ? 1 nti ai?oni i DigestsWhatYoufl 0 And Makes (he Stomach 1 E. C. DeWITT & CO.. Sold hy Arrirey'3 Drug ! STEVENS j ^Generations of live, J awako American I?oy3 i o oDtumcu ino kinfl 0 FIREARM EDUCAT|B^Bi^^ by being oquipped wit^HaKHjKrara| unerring, timodionoMs3B?KBgKBgft STEVENS H||B All projjrw?lvo !'* fipnrtlnjr (?imkU ::() 8TKVENS. iry.ticariiK^H^^^^^^HB w c w 1118111 r> <1 i rot: t, o x | > upon r?< cipt of Cutuhtr no iir ' i ."> < ! it* i,r^M I (H( llluatrmt?^P^HWBB8j^?I^^H| ? JHnHH