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pardons, nnd exerics< mercy ou your own account. '^"Commit a sin twice nul you wil iMgttLink it ?llownblo.?Hebrew, 'at - Tho best cure "for drunkenness ii while sober to sec n drunken man.? Chinese. Kindness and courtesy need elbow room and two smothered to death it f a crowd.v It is extremely trying to be oblige* to associate with people who nhvayi nnd invariably would rather not. Party wreckers have the cxclusivt right to influence Legislators au< legislation. The bud was made fo: tho worm. ? Tho man who makes mistakes ant manages so that the other fellow pay: for them docs not need any-prayiu; Some people are so mean that thei won't even let you borrow troubli without good security.. . IPG Throat and Lungs jgN ByH ) ?? lk? prctadioa again* cold HH |uM and uiaeaaa that m obtained Irocn gj|C1 ffjj.j Pmo'i Cute. 1.' rou Hare * coi-ss liu Kji of cold. flight o? aerioui, begin lam- Hi I Hgj irg Piao '? Cuts today and continue B|W HM until jro ara welt. Cute ll* cough fit XM jl#l while it if frah, wScn a lew doaea Rl w \ MH of Pi?'? Cure mar be all d you MM I Ukl will need. Famoua foe had a cen- Fifl &?? IU17. 1 Vaiant Jo laatc. Free Loan MM M oBH opaalea and baradui ingmdient*. l>- .'i . J> Mh At all ciiujgiata', 25 eta. f ?F@iWEF So. 2-'03. BOb no ff> Mmmpte treatment fcjgs? 0 h p?j? vfife* rkd Crorb File nnd I Ln Kan Fistula Cu a and Book rent ly mall *EA CO.. DEPT. B. 4 MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Next to polishing: up his own repu tation, a man likes to ooatter some ~l other fellow's. Only Otic "Rromo Ouinino" That is laxative Uronio Quinine. IxjoU for tlie signature o( li. W. drove, llsed t'(it World over to Cure u Cold in One Day. 2oc, The trouble about being: gooi1 friends with a doctor is you nevci can tell when he is looking: you ovei with a professional eye nnd appraising your pocket book. HURT IN A WRKCK. Kidneys Rarity Injured nnd Health Seriously Impaired. William White, It. R. man, 201 Constantino St., Three Rivers, Mich., says: "In a railroad rnllUlAn nv Ulrl, OT neys must have been p *5% W hurt, n3 I passed n 'J bloody urlno with I ~5=- J pain for a long time ^after, wns weak aDd thin and so I could "7cm not work. Two yeare after 1 went to the " ""~"x hospital and remained almost six months, but my case seemed hopeless. The urine passed involuntarily. Two months ago I began taking Down's Kidney nils and the Improvemont has been wonderful. Four boxes have done me more good than all the doctoring of seven years. I have gained so much that my friends wonder at it." Sold by all dealers. 50c. a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Biggest Trust. The following from the Davie Record is worthy of a second reading by any who should happen to be nnjong our subscribers who arc indiffcrent with reference to their obligations to tneir county newspaper: "An exchange says the biggest trust on earth is the country newsp. per. It trusts everybody, gets bussed for trusting, mistrusted for trusting, and if it busts for trusting, K*. ?ets CU8aed for busting. And there you are, Cut out this article and H Bend it to ua with what you owe on 'fit- tnhoAnnti/in fcn/t ni-A.>?n, u?iU v > VMV WO ^IVUl Concrete Poles. -* '.''TTn continuance of the declared policy of the Pennsylvania Railroad system" to provido against timber Scarcity, the lines west of Pittsburg jieve just completed and placed in experimental service line of concrete telsgraph poles through New BrighJ tooff Pa. Its construction followed a series of elaborate experiments which bato been conducted during the past ? . tW years. Oijijmg to the fact that wooden \ poles /are constantly beooming more expensive and more difficult to obNffij ^ tain, the Pennsylvania, in 1006 began tip test the value of concrete as a uhatitute for wood. Fifty-threo refnforcqi concrete poleB were set up afoaLfft the line along tbo Pittsburg, Fori ^kVVajrno and Chicago Railway, neai -gflPfrfajges, Ind. A year later they* were ?g entire satisfaction* and shotted eudcnce dec?y* "1|3 THEN AND NOW ,'Wto Hecovery Froin Coffee Els. ^>ut nine yoara ago my daugh/ eoffeo drinking, was on the ' nervous prostration," writes ^ tHtllle lady. "She was conAned ^HfcT^M|ost part to her home. ^H^^Lshe a.tcmptod a trip down often brought home In woo.Id be prostrated for ^j^ p^B|v'ce ?' hcr Physician she Sfi^HM^^Mparrl tea, drank Postum, for breakfast. ^%5FlPBostum froni the very soon saw Improvement. U In perfect health, the m^H^^nvo children, ?***-vSl^^B*re(*' ,B a mom^er of t^re^^BriMHLrganlzatlopfl and a club, hd|flB|^^Mlcs in each. We give p^-^jggjS^ Qrapo-N'uts the ^'There's^Hn^^k/' Name giri^^^Astum Co., Dattlo Creek, MJct^^^K"The Road to Wellville," inaKaMffi Ever read M^HjHtrr? A new one appears fiSjk ra^Hto time. They arc Kfautnc, fl&aBfall of human *# ]i be left all the same distance apart. | i%f the right number remain to each ! yard or row. | Corn should not be worked again until the growth has been so retarded j! and the stalk so hardened that it will 11 never grow too large. This is the J most difficult point in the whole pro? cess, Experience not judgment are I ?j i -f? 1 [ E M. WILLIAMSON'S CORN METHODS. [\ "Southern Corn for the South" 1 For a number of years aftef I h* gan to farm, I followed the old-tin 1 method of putting the fertilizer a 1 under the com, planting on a lev* higher, six by three feet, pushing tli 2 plant from the start and making 1 big stalk, but the ears were few, an r frequently small. 1 planted muc corn in the spring and bought muc \ moro corn the next spring, until t 9 nally I was driven to the oonclusio r that corn could not be made on uj lands in this section, certainly not b f the old method* except at a loss. 3 I did not give up, however, for knew that the farmer who did n< : make his own corn never had su* cecded, and never would, so I bega Ito experiment. First I planted lov er, and the yield was better, but tl stalk was still too large; so I discoi tinuod altogether the application < fertilizer before planting, and, knov ing that all crops should be fertilize as a side application, and applic the more soluble nitrate of soda late being guided in this by the excellei results obtained from its use as a to dressing for onts. Still, the yiel* I though regular, was not large, an the smallness of tho stalk suggested that they should be plnute t thicker in the drill. This was dor the next year, with results so satii factory that I continued from year t i year to increase the number of stalk | and tho fertilizer with which to su: tain them; also to apply nitrate c I . soda at last plowing, and to lay b eaily, sowing peas broadcast. Tlii method steadily increased the yiel< ! until year before last (100-1), wit corn eleven inches npnrt in six-for rows, and $11 worth of fertilizer t the acre, I made eighty-four bushel i average to the acre, several of m . best acres making as much as 12 bushels. I Last year (1005) I followed tl : same method, planting the. first wee in April, seventy acres which ha pfbduced the year before 1,000 pound seed cotton per acre. This land sandy upland, somewhat roll in) Seasons were unfavorable, owing < the tremendous rains in May and tl; i dry and extremely hot weather late From June 12th to July 12th, tl time when it most needed moistur , there was only five-eights of an inc of rainfall here; yet with $7.01, coj of fertilizer, my yield was fifty-tu bushels per acre. Rows were si feet and corn sixteen inches in dril With this method, on land that wi i ordinarily produce 1,000 pounds c seed cotton with 800 pounds of fe tilizer, fifty bushels of corn per ncj 1 should be made by using 200 pound ' of cot'on seed meal, 200 pounds c acid phosphate, and 400 pounds c Kninit mixed, or their equivalent i other forfili^nr nml lOli """"J - j (?>iu i(.<7 puuuun i lit irate of soda, all to be used as sid application as directed below. On land that will make a bale an one-half of,cotton per acre when we fertilized, a hundred bushels of cor should be produced by doubling tli amount of fertilizer above, exeef that 300 pounds of nitrate of sod should be used. In each case there should be lei on the land in corn stnlks, pens. vin< i and roots from $12 to $1(1 wort of fertilizing material per acre, b< side the great benefit to the lan from so large an amount of veg< table matter. The plaee of this i the permanent improvement of lnti can never be takeu by commeroi; fertilizer, for It is absolutely impo: sible to make lands rich as long ! | they .7re lacking in vegetable ma ter. Land should be thoroughly an deeply broken for corn, and this the timo in a system, of rotation t deepen the soil. Cotton requires more compact soil than corn! on while a deep soil is essentinl to il best development, it will not prodw as well as loose, open land whei i corn does best on land thoroughl I broken. A deep soil will not on] ' produce more heavily than a shallo ; soil with good seasons, but it wi i stand more wet as well as more dr > weather. In preparing for the corn croi land should be broken broadcast dm 1 ing the winter on?\fourth deeper thn ; it has been plowed before, or i much vegetable matter is being turr 1 ed under, it may bo broken one-thir 1 deeper. Thiq is as much deepenin ' ns land "will usually stand in on 1 year nnd produces well, though 1 mny be continued each rear, so Ion ' ns much dead vegetable matter i | being turned under. It may. howeve \ 'be subsoiled to any depth by follov ing in bottom of turn plow furrov j provided no more of the subsoil thn has been directed is turned ip. Breo with two heavy plows, if possible, o better, with disc plow. With the lai ter, cotton stalks or corn stalks e large ns Ave ever make enn be turne under without having been choppe< ' and ii\ pea vines it will not choke o drag. Never plow land when it is wet. i you expect ever to have any use fo it again. Bed with turn plows in six-foe rows, leaving five-inch balk. Who ready to plant, break this out wit , seotter, following in bottom of thi furrow deep with Pixie plow, win taken off. Ridge then on this fm row with same plow, still'going derj Kun corn planter on this ridge, dro ping one grain every five or si inehes. Plant early, aa 6con as fros danger is past, say first soasonahl spell after March 15th, in this soctior Especially is early planting necessar on very rich lands where stalks can not otherwise be prevented fror i growing too large. Give first workfn with harrew or any plow that wil not cover the plant. For secon working, use ten or twelve-ine sweep on both sides of corn, whir should now he about eight inchc high. Thin after this working. It i .^vfuucu iu ikuuw jusi now muen tue e" stalk should be stunted, and plenty 1C' of nervo is required to hold back your '' com when your neighbors, who "fertilized at planting time aud cultivat[e ed rapidly, have corn twice the sire ? of yours. (They arc having their fun now. Yours will come at harvest J1 time.) The richer the land the more necessary it is that the stunting process should be thoroughly done. 11 When you are convinced that your corn has been sufllcicntly humiliated, y you. may begin to make the car. It should now bp form twelve fo een inches high, and look worse than you have ever had any corn to look 2-. before. n Put half of your mixed fertilizer 7~ (this being the first used at nil) in |e the eld sweep furrow on both sides -I. ? o -??? Im .-J. i-vin ouicr miauie. and cover bv >f breaking out this middle with turn olow. About otic -week later treat >d the other middle tlio same way. id Within a few days side corn in first r, middle with sixteen-inch sweep. Put it all your nitrate of soda in this fnrp row. if less than 1.r>0 pounds. If more :1, use one-half of it now. Covec with id one furrow of turn plow, then sow w pease in the middle broadcast at the d rate of at least one bushel to the le *oro, and finish breaking out. s- In a few days side corn in other . ,o middle with same sweep, put balance :s if nitrate of soda in this furrow if s- it has been divided cover with turn >f olow, sow peas and break out. This y lays by your crop, with a good bed is aid plenty of dirt around your stnlk. 1, This should he from .Tune 10th to 20th h unless season is very late, and corn >t should be hardly bunching for tassel, o Lay by early. More corn is ruinfil Is by late plowing than by lack of plow ,v ing. This is when the ear is hurt. !5 Two good rains after laying by should mnko you a good crop of corn, and le it will certainly make with much less k rain than was required in the old d way. Is The stalks thus raised are very is small and do not require anything g. like the moisture even in proportion o to size, that is necessary for large ie sappy stalks. They may, therefore, r be left much thicker in the row. This ie is no new process. Tt has long been e, a custom to cut back vines and trees h in order to increase the yield and ?t quality of fruit; and so long as you 'o do. not hold back your corn, it will ix go, like mine so long went, all to 1. stnlk. 11 Do not be discouraged by the looks >f of your corn during the process of r* cultivation. It will yield out of all "e proportion to its appearance. Large * stalks eaunot make large yileds, cx^ cept with extremely favorable son30ns, for they cannot stand a lack of moisture. Early applications of iunnp ure go to make large stalks, which you do not want, and the plant food ^ is all thus used up before the ear. .1 which you do want, is mnde. Tall 11 ??- ?? 'lums uui oniy wm not produce well themselves, but will not allow you to ^ make the peii vines, so necessary to the improvement of land. Corn raised by this method should never prow Pj over seven and one-half feet hiph, iR and the ear should he near to the l' ground. I consider tho final application of nitrate of soda an essential point in p this ear-making process. Tt should n always he applied at last plowing ^ and unmixed with other fertilizers, i T a n satisfied with one enr to the 1 stalk unless a prolific variety is (g planted, and leave a hundred stalks j' for every bushel that I expect to make. I find the six-foot row easiest ^ to cultivate without injuring the corn. For fifty bushels to the acre T leave 0 it Bixteen inches apart; for seventyflve bushels to the acre, twelve inches apart, and for one hundred bushels, eight inches apart. Corn should "s be planted from four to six inches 1? below the level and hid by from four to six inches above. No hoeing should ;v bo necessary, and middles may he kept clean until time break out, by using harrow or by running one ' shovel furrow in centre of middle and y bedding on that with one or more rounds of turn plow. I would advise only a few acres r" tried by thin method the first year, or " until you are familiar with its application. Especially is it hard at first, j to fully carry out the stunting process ( where a whole crop is involved, and c this is tho absolutely essential part .r{ of tho process. 1 This method I have applied, ct ~ seen applied successfully to all ,S kinds of 1??j 1 ~ ?? litis occuuiif c.\rf?p v/ wet land* and moist bottoms, nnd T am confident it can be made of grrat ' benefit throughout tho entire South. ? In the middel "West, where corn if so prolific and profitable, and where. t" unfortunately for us. so much of ours 9 has been produced, the stalk does not ^ natuVally prow large. As we come j South its size increases, at the ex^ pense of tho ear, until in Cuba, and Mexico, it is nearly all stalk (witness j. Mexican varieties.) The purpose of this method is to eliminate this tendency of corn to t overgrowth at the-expense of yield in 'this Southern climate. By this method I have made my p corn crop more profitable than my cotton crop, and my neighbors nnd . friends who have adopted it have. * without exception, derived great ben' eflt therefrom. x Plant your own seed. I would not t advise a change of socd and method 1 the snmo year, as you will not then ^ know from which yon have derived ' .k'JJOlUJOJ .iom JUUAV dJOU OUO UlOJ% n muiuah oju oq.w osoqj oj jdoaxo 'a[qu yo.idun Zluuujuj nullum X[ptdsa oji ^ putt] pus [ur.ujuui jo Ojud qdtq aq, ^ puw Joqcj jo JSOO paswoa.nn oqj, &pUU[AVOj P{03 JOJ AJUSliOJ^lt j( aq ssopm 'tuoa jo Srnjtuqd. apjj l| aq| asi.vpn jou op j 'jouj uj *8uj' -junjd ajiq joj poqjara siqj pasn Ja.vau a.Miq i U>?av auop a.uiq [(? pua sai;tj j >UA aajq) pasn OAuq l pjouaq aqj Sr' '* < % pi got from two. We must make ou> lands richer by plowing deep, planting peas and other legumes, manuring them with acid phosphate -and potash, which are relatively cheap, and returning to the soil the resultant vegetable matter rich in humus and expensive nitrogen. The needs- of our soil are such that the South can never reap the full measure of prosperity that should be hers until this is done. I give this method as a farmer to the farmers of tho South, trusting that thereby they may be benefitted as I have b-~n. * E. M xVER WILLIAMSON. WILL COVER A CONTINENT Convention Called te Meet la Washington February 18. Washington, Special. ? Announcement was made at the White House Sunday of a proposed plan for a conference looking toward the conservation of the natural resources of North America, to bo held at the White House February 18 next. Letters suggesting the plan have been addressed by President Roosevelt to the Governor-General and to the Premier of Canada and to President Diaz, of Mexico. They will be delivered to the officials in person by Qifford pinchot, chairman of the National Conservation Commission and Chief Forester of the United States, whom President Roosevelt has chosen as his personal representative to convey the invitations and to confer with the authorities of tho two Governments. Mr. Pinchot will first visit Canada, leaving Monday. He will then carry tho invitation to President Diaz at Mexico City. The proposed North American conference* is the outgrowth of the two conservation conferences held in Washington, in which the Governors of the States and Territories were the principal conferees. At the second conference, on December' 8, representatives of the Canadian Government wore present %nd expressed their interest in tho movement. Out of this grew the idea of n North American conference "to consider mutual interests involved in the conservation of natural resources and to deliberate upon the practicability of preparing a general plan adapted to promote the welfare of the nations concerned. The representatives designated by the Canadian and Mexican Governments will, under the proposed plan, consult with representatives of the State and other departments of this Government and with the Nutional Conservation Commission. The main object of the conference, as announced will bo to point out that natural resources are not limited by the boundary linos which separate nations, to develop a bettor knowledge of the natural resources of each nation on the part of the railroads and to invite suggestions for concurrent action for tho protection of mutual interests related to conservation. College Building Burned. Front Royal, Va., Special.?Tht handsome three-stnrv Kiiil?t5i?? _ """"" s of Eastern College, containing the recitation rooms, art studio and dormitories, was totally destroyed by firo Christmas afternoon. Tho origin of the fire is supposed to have been from the overheating of a stove on the third floor. On account of lack of water, the nearest ping being fully a quarter of a mile from tbe building, the firemen could only, suve the coutents. The loss is partially covered by insurance. I. F. Mather, dean of the faculty, stated that in spite of the fire the- Eastern College would open after vacation as if nothing had happened. Already plans are under way to rebuild at once, as tho building destroyed was only one of the four. Practically no interruption will result. To Call Cuban Congress Together. "Wasington, Special.?The "War Department Saturday cabled Governor Magoon authoiity to call the new Cuban Congress together for orgnnidation at any time prior to January 29th. It is stated that the Congress probably will be assembled soon after New Year's Day. The Congreso after receiving the electoral college, the credentials of Senators and Representatives, considering possible contests, and other details for org-.tnization, provided for by the Cuban constitution, will take a reccag until January 28th. Young Lady Burned. Burlington, N. C., Spooial.?MIm Beasio Loy, tho 21-year-old daughter of John Loy, it war. thought, wa? fptally burned, though the doctors are hopeful of her recovery. She was seated near the fire at her home three miles from Burlington when hex clothing became ignited and was burned from her body. The flames wore extinguished after she was burned almost beyond recognition. Did the Wrong Killing. ITopkinsville, Ky., Special.?Brooding over the fancied disgrace to his family because his father had been whipped by night-riders, Hoy Rogers, the 20-year-old son of Preasley Rogers, a prominent planter, committed suicide on Monday. The mother on returning from a vi*\t found tho boy dead with a revolver by bis side. No. 85 Comes to Grief. Washington, Special.?A misplaced switch caused the derailment of mail and passenger train No. 35 on the Southern Railway at Stokesland, Va., six infleg south ol Danville, at 5:50 p. m. Tuesday. Engineer Satterfleld was killed and Fireman Davis, oolored, and three postal clerks were injured. No passengers, as lar as is known, wero injured. i ? ' ,! Pellagra?A New and Dangerous Disease in the South. (Washington Dispatch.) ' The marine hospital service will mako a determined effort to stamp out the new and dreadful disease , which is playing havoc in certain sections iu the South and which is known to pkvsiciuns as pellagra. Pellagra appears to resemble leprosy in some respcets, but ends in permanent insanity. It is said to . have been imported from Italy, but seenjs to be iuduced by eating meal made from smutty .or fermented corn. Assistant Surgeon Lavinder, of the hospital service, made a trip through the South this year and examined a number of cases, especially in South Carolina, where'lhe epidemic is at its worst, In the Mount Vernon Insane Asylum in 1907 there were S3 enses, 57 of which ended fatally. An effort will bo made at the coming session to persuado Congress to appropriate sufficient funds to enable the marine service to institute a vigorous campaign against the disease, and it is hoped that it enn be stamped out before it attains the frightful proportions it has reached in foreign countries, especially in Italy in Roumania. Humcr and Philosophy. A sharper is a keen man with a dull conscience. We all know that we show our good taste when we prefer ourselves, but it is horrid taste to show it. Be sincere with yourself. Sincerity is necessary and it isn't probable that you will get it any other wav. The Ingenuity of Inventors. The ingenuity of Inventors and manufacturers is ever at work in the endeavor to reduce the etpcnse of production, and at the same time to Improve the quality of articles having a large sale. This is not only beneficial to the purchasing public, but it Inures to the benefit of the producer In Increasing sales and preventing competition. This has been so in the case of farm machinery, clothing, shoes, bicycles, etc., and now It Is apparent In the safety razor flelfl. Thousands of this 9tyle of razor hftve been sold at from $1.50 fo $5 each and given satisfaction. Recently manufacturers have applied more scientific principles and Improved methods In their manufacture, and the result Is seen In tho "Shrp Shavr" razor, which Is sent postpaid for twenty-five cents In stamps by the Rook Publishing House, 134 Leonard street, New York. It Is superior to any razor sold, being bought largely by those already owning the highest priced razors. Not every one knows that tho best results are obtained by having two or three razors and alternating them in use. This pructice of alternating possibly accounts for the very large sale of this low priced Implement. It seems lhat two Indiana farmers are about to proiV.ce cobless corn. The grains are said to bo on a Isind of pod like peas in the pod. It is not stated that it will dispense with Ihe husking and shelling processes. Long ago we heard of a corn that had a very large hollow stalk, that had many joints. Every joint bore an ear and the stalk was full ol' shelled corn. There is more Coiarrh in this section ol the country than nil other diseases put together, and until the lost few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with loca! treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science hns proven Catarrh to be a constitutional diH.?uj?e. and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only cons Etitutionnl curcon themniket. It is taken internally in doses from 1U drops ton teaspoonful. It nets directly on the blood and mucous 'II '? ' ... .nvvo >.? I iiv Oi r<? v-Ui . I 11V* % Ulicr U|lt' 11 xs II fired dollars foritny rnscilfcils to cure. Send for circulnrsnnd testimonials Address F.J. Ciienfy & Co., Tolodo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Tuke Hull* Family Fills for constipation 0-d3 and Ends. You mny retire an old horse after long servico without its costing much, but it is another thing to retiro an automobile. One way to make yourself unpopular and offensive i9 to know more stories about yourself than you can get peoplo to lisen to. Cured of Persistent Case of Eczema. St. Louts, Mo,, Sept. 1, 1905. Mr. J. T, Shuptrine, Savannah, G.i. Dear S|r:?I have been a vary great sufferer from eczema for four or five years, and Imve used many remedies and have been treated by the most prominent specialists hero for skin diseases without success. Somo time ago, my alster. Mrs. Elton, formerly of your city. Induced mc to use Tettorlno, and after using same a few weeks. I am grateful tg realise that t am at lust cured of the tormenting, burning eotfema, So valuable a remedy as Tettcrtrn shouiil be I'.novrb of by Iho thousands throughout tho country who aro suffering as I have been, and I shall take pleasure In recommending^ It wherevor an opportunity presents. Very respectfully, (Signed) Miss A. D. King. 6639 Vernon St Tettorlno cures Eczema. Tetter, Ring Worm, around Itch. Itching Piles Infant's Poro Head. Pimples. Polls, Kough Scaly Patches on th# Face, Old Itching Sores. Dandruff. Crfnkcred Scalp. BunIons, Corns, Chilblains and every form of Skin Disease. Tetterlne 60c; Tetterlne Soap 26c. Your druggist, or by mail from the manufacturer, The Shuptrine Co.. Savannah, Oa. A good man's pedigree is littlo hunted up.?Spanish. 4ft HANDS RAW AND SCALY. limed and Burned Terribly?Could Not Move Thumbs Without Flesh Cracking ? Sleep Impossible ? Cuticura Soon Cured Ec/.cnia. "An itching humor covered both my hands and got up over my wrists and even up to the elbows. The itching and burning were terrible. My hands got all araly and when I scratched, the surface would be covered with blisters and then get raw. The eczema got so bad that 1 could not move my thumbs without deep cra<-ks appearing. 1 went to my doctor, but his medicine could only stop the itching. At night I suffered so fearfully that I could not sleep. 1 could -not hear to touth my hands with water. This went on for throe months and I waa fairly worn out. At last I g^ot the Cuticura Remedies and in a month 1 waa cured. Walter 11. Cox, 18 Somerset St., Boston, Mass., Sept. 25, 1908." Potter Drug & Chcm. Corp., Sole Props, of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass. If wishes were automobiles beggars would Tunke half the people in town tear about like a just-scolded houud.. .. ... .. -jfr MOW TO PURE HHEUIH>THli7~ ft Is An Internal Disease And Requires An Internnl Remedy. The cause of Rheumatism and kindred diseases is an excess of uric acid in the blood. To cure this terrible disease this acid must be expelled and the system so regulated that no more acid will be formed in nvnnccivn if '?" 1)1??..?* : -- ? ... x|tiuu%mv9. i\uv;miiaii9iii is au internal disease and requires an internal remedy, Rubbing with Oils and Liniments will not eure, affords only teniperory relief at best, causes you to delay the proper treatment,'and allows the mnlaijy to get a firmer hold on you. Liniments may case the pain, but they will no more cure Rheumatism than taunt will eliango the fibre of rotten wood. Science lias at last discovered a per feet and complete eure, which is called "Rheumacide." Tested in hundreds of cases, it has effected the most marvelous cures: we believe it wilt eure you. ltheumnciuc "gets at the joints from the inside," sweeps the poisons out of the svs tein, tones up the stomach, regulates the liver and kidneys and makes vou well all over. Rheumacide "strikes trie roots of the disease anil removes its cause." This splendid remedy is sold by druggists and dealers generally at 30c. and $1 a bottle. In Tablet form at 23c. and 30c. a package, (.let a bottle to-dav. Booklet free if you write to Bohbitt Chemical Co., Baltimore. Md. It does seem queer that most "pood fellows" have a lot of bad habits'. An Eye Opener. Or. Mitchell's Eye Salve is white In appearance nud odorless. A positive and ready cure for sore, weak, Inflamed, swollen, smarting eyes and granulated lids. Just apply to the eyelids and rul> in well. At all stores. Price 25 cents. Try a bottle. A soft answer permits you to fall an easy victim to (be shrewd agent. Itch cured in *5? minutes by Woolford's Sanitary I^ot ion Never fails. At druggists. A disenscd imagination can give n mortal any tiling. Mrs. Winsloiv's Soojhing Syrup foi Children teething, soft ens the gum... reduces infUmin ?tiou.ulla, j;-mii, cures wind col:.'. 23c ?i bottle By going gains five will, and not by standing still.?Spanish. Piles Cured In (I to 14 Days, l'oto Ointment ia guaranteed to c'ire any ca-eol Itching, Blind, Bleeding or 1'rot ending Piles in 0 tc U duys or money refunded. 00c. A wise man changes his mind; a fool never.?Spanish. Garfield Tea. the Herb laxative, agreo ably stimulates the iiver, com cts const ,pation and relieves a i w-a... _ samples. Ourfieid Tvut'o., llioolilyn, N. Y. An eminent New York minister says that more can be accomplished by persuasion than by litigation. The lawyers will file their demurrers. CAPUDBME CURIES COLDS and SRsFP &? ??? i Relieves the achc3 and feverishneas. ConUlns No AcotanlUdo Noihing New or HUgL*, i;?gg Mysterious. "ASK ; jST"J YOUR GRAND. MOTHER." tVrmrfov? for many genoratinn? Qooiic U rraie lias been reeognlre 1 as a wandarfut milium lu treating and curing Pneumonia. Grippe, Rheumatism and Nfurnlgln. It ICE'S QO.'dsB GREASE MNIMKNT It made from para ku-ms gr?*n t, with other valuaUlo ourattve Ingredient* added Try It. 25??At all I)rutntl?'? wncl IJcnlora ?33c. S S003B GREASE COSPARY, fi HIGHEST CASH PRICES 5 rAin ran X FURS, KIBES, SKINSl BEESWAX, if TALLOW, WOOL. >' Writ. u.for pi-leo.o* .hip wli.t you have i { nt once nnd mo will send i ou clicck for It. X | Isold dominion hide & eur co>, i X 1340 C. C.ry St.. R ICUMO D. V I ; Fertilizer! MIXING MACHINERY, f IAN V CAPACITY. g ATLANTA UTILITY WORKSI KAH r POINT, OA. I MMDMIIIH I I ii ? rr^L^rm i NIIIIHMMHM ? j ssra Thompson's Ey e Watei POSITS VELY BIEST StiOlL |p "Shrp-Sh 0!- q which gives y n n Z ' lA: razors costing MSjUAJZA ij ( vaUwi *> 11 y I made of tho fl ^ifyj process and 5#Lj down to th 10: pay 25 cents fo {je|: ( troduced, and j TTSTTD A ffi- fancy prices as DAlKn. g5P; ers. Tho "Sli HI ATIPC fv ln tho frame DJuAlJJu^ i?P suit any face. asa Xt ?! ' ' 25c. so as to tFKC! :||; : Extra "SHRP { ?L<r I :T!7: satln finish ell ??* COUGHS AND COLDS' I Took rc-ru-na. ''' J uallC^A * 604 TENTH ya W ^WASHINSTOH D.G.^ jfl Pcntna Drug t'.>., t dinnl u < ?hio. Gentlemen:?I can cheerfully recommend Pchina an an cffe tive cure f i coughs uiv.l colds. You are authorized to use vu photo with testimonial in am | ' iima Mi . .1 . -jili Hall Chase. 8"4 Tenth St . W.!<hin 1. n. !>. C. Could Not Strcll Nor Hear. Mrs. A. I. Wot/"] 1 n no St., Torre Haute, Ind . writes: "When I I ? in"t t ' \ r medicine I could not smell, u ' i church hell rin?. Now 1 em I'. i!i s.i M -id hear. "When I he 'i > i i' "it my head was terrible 1 ha I ! u and chirping noises in my head. "1 followed your a'\: faithfully and took Peruna you ' i Sow I might say I am well. "I want to go and i im mother and see tlie ilo : i v i I I >. li>"? tiiis world. 1 \\ ' 1 t !! ' n it w is P.'I'mm# that cured inc." I'erunn i- maittit .1 n;? 1 The IVruna Drug Mt"c ( '! ? in. Ash- your th in/ylnf J ir <t Free l'eruun Atiiiiiii icj'nr t:n:;\ Pcrunn i- !<! 1?y y tit local druggist. 13u\ it IhiI.Ic today. uCI p Insist ?M Having,, for - Dr.MAK'iti'S 1'reparatlBD ?_ - _ m n I III' ** llll l. -III! It t'UM'll J* WOWEW . i^w. {.etiU lor Itonlc. "KM: Women. FR4NCH D.KUG CO.. W. i .Jit .St., N. Y. City. XANTi' hair ' nntori . I Colt Removes 1 ini. IV : . if ivltforntf* nr.d prevents tin- I'.-.r ri : ?.?fT for sals by Klohni'it 1 < ! > :iiul linliiiuorc. Mil.. Dnu ' i KANTHPJi- CO 5 IT PMOND.VA 9 1 |>* p linnlr. : t I 1. ' , i > itie liy mull. C " ""?f. L2?>y , IFURS 0 Hides and ^ Bj Feathcr.'.Tnllaw, T.' ec .is. Ginseng, vj (.4 Goli'on Scot,1 ^ .;.iv.!\i . r.'ujr Apple, fl WiM Ginger, etc. Wo dcilprcj H e?iai !.v.-l ;:i '< 1 > ! n century in B g Loui.. an l r.-.nclo L. i! . l r you than 3 M agents f con.mi-. n r: i Reference, U any Cai '< in Loi \V. . (or v.-rekJy B H price li.-r and ' .mnn tS)js Pfl. SctoeS *'j. M 227 E. Market St. LOl'SViLLE. KY. JOHN WHITE & CO. LOUISVILLE. KY. / KTMtLI IHCO toat f : Highest inur'.cl prior pr.H : v-'| ,#r fnps imrrUUO^r "w?5o Tho Bc.'.sc;i I !':? I'crc Mcn'a $3.00 to $3.60 Shori Than Ai.y . r Kanufacturw "U b?canc? I t'.it -a'si - iaratt of tho iroat compUt? or jat: ration < f trr xyciU and ahiiltd thoarua'a.t it th-. toaatry. Tho Vj.'.m ftbal.- 1 ' \ch j-a?t cf tts shoo, and ami,- c 'I or tho n- - evrry .irj-artn ret, 1? lookad &r: r tho Is' in tho ol.oa irduitry. If I rou. 1 i? * v u h ir c?. y W. L. rcoglas ahooo art ma1? y foult>.'i u:. I why thry held thrti ohapo. fit kattor, ?al vr-.r !c* any ot??r tenia Afj/ ,'/f? / </ Tam il . > r-. j makes then Mort Flexible a d Longer Wr than any others. ^ i Nhma i"??r I'htv II mi' of |lu S'liinily, j Jttcai, HoyU'oim u, .^2 ? xitid C hildren, ? ?: 1-7 <1t* ' rcrytvliore. j CAUTION! & : , .Sft f ait Ccl r I aiata Vz.i Escl' ' Catalog mailed froo, W. I. I UlliLAS, !''7 hi (., CrccM.'ii, V.asa. r1 <so-2-'or) "ABSOI-UTELY ~~~ CS1EAP3T gq?HB? Sa?o Shavian Money p| Hero's a revolution !n Safety Pu\l Raxore, the marvelou :avr" 25c Safet > Razorl! ou better BLA05 VALUS than 3rS 20 times the price, 'i'l a practical to BLADE. It Is the best because gal nest steel tempered by a special MB scientifically ground und honed :'*j? o keenest possible r Ige. You BH r the best practical Razor ever Infou save nineteen-uv n.othsof tho iked for fancy frantca and hold- r?8 RP 8HAVR" RAZOR Is so set Km as to bo correctly ngled" to S?3 We sell you the wh< Raxor nt Em create a market for ur blades, i+f 3HAVR" Blades. & for 2*e. Ar.d H Iver-plated stoppers at 10c. each he Razor complo o, extra r the Stroppcr, prepaid Jjj&r .11 or receipt of pria? stamps or cash. ^ BLISflNG HOUSE, ^ K* ICWAJPdTk JtT.