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mlv mvinEis * President Elect Taft Going to Lone Star Stale |?>? BMWILL VISIT PANAMA D^iring^^jM Administration Into fl ii^j^TT TTTIIli the S?UTh j?efJPrC?idc3Hil^c!tP^ an Invitation to _ \ Star Slate. ?' th? LoM Augusta, Ga., , 4 elect William II. Taft decided to | visit the State of Texas at some convenient time after his inauguration, preferably at the end of the special session of Congress which'he is to call to reviso the tariff. While his itinerary for the visit has not been arranged, lie will make the City? of Dallas, one of the principal points of the trip. Thirty cities and towns of the Lone Star State united in a request for his presence at any time he should chooso to come. The invitation expressed a keen desire on the part of the cqmmercial bodies of the places in question to make the per sor.iu acquaintance of Mr. Tnft awl promised him a cordial welcome nnd courteous treatment. It nls dwelt upon the advantage wliich would result both to tho State and to himself through such a visit. The acceptance of the invitation is 111 accordance with Judge Taft's well-defined plan to impress upon the South the necessity of becoming practical in politics. Ilf is to bring his administration into close touch with the South, according to his declarations and hopes to bring the South to realize the necessity of itself taking a hand in national affairs. Judge Taft was compelled, much to his expressed regret, to decline to visit Chattnnoogn, Tenn., where it was hoped to have his presence at tho dedication of a $'200,000 Young Men's Christian Association building. The invitation was extended personally by a delegation which visited Mr. Taft from that city. Tn declining, the President-elect snid that to accept meant that he would have to give up the balance of. the time between now nnd his ti-ip to Panama in visiting Southern cities as he had pressing invitations from nearly all of tliern, nnd to accept one nnd reject another would cause dissatisfaction. He expressed his hearty accord with the Y. M. C. A. movement in the . South, and recoiled the fact that he had assisted nt such dedications all around tho world. But three Southern cities besides Augustn will see the President-elect j.._:? i-;- - - uunii^ jus present stay in the Southland. He will visit Atlanta at soino time to be fixe<l by a delegation which will come here next week. He will embark for Panama fiom Charleston. S. C., and has decided to land at New Orleans on his return. Invitations which he has been compelled to decline are from Appalacliicola and Jacksonville, Fla.; Savannah and Columbus, On.; Birmingham. Ala., Chattanooga, Tenn., and Charlotte, N. C. From Notle Defence to Hymcuial Altar. Roanoke, Va., Special.?Walter Whitnker and Miss Eula Cahill were married on the 18th in Welch, W. Va. The groom is the son of Mrs. Mary Whitaker, who a few days ago was assaulted by four ruffians. He ind his bride both gained prominenco together with Whitaker'b 16-year-old lister, by going to the oiler lady's rescue nnd fighting off her assailants. The Whitaker gill was shot through the breast and her spinal eord severed. The brido was also ini; jured, but recovered sufficiently to W- "6e married. Major Morrow Removed. Washington, Specil.?By order of r? SJ ?a. - - ?. j rcsiaeni itoosevelt, Major Jay J. Morrow, the engineer comrai8sioner of tha District of Columbia, was rellovcd of that office and transferred jttp to succeed Major Cosby, in charge Hk of the Washington aqueduct, who HA was immediately assigned to duty as engineer commissioner. Castro Eliminated. I'ort-of-Spain, Trinidad, By Cable, titter elimination of President -'"*\^festro from the political life of Vengwela is accepted as an nccoraplish,:.^?nct in Venezuela everywhere, acb 'J*J? to advices that reached here Caracas. The ousting of the H^Annistry by Acting President the appointment of a new $||i^<^known to be out of sympathy administration, is ac~ r toveru%rowlS?}^m^na^ne step in the to be\followSes,tro ,nn<l il *8 Kkely deposition of >^rtly by a formal JW^Ldwr Wiu\?" Justice. / BhiD of Pan*, Washington, Special?Kv. nil(i_ 13 prAof North Carolina, Wl\t,0 apposited bv President RooscVeK* *pe cl^ief .instieo of the Supreme t. of the Panama eannl zone, for a to. < f. six years, to succeed I)r. F. Martin I % Dttran, wfiose term expires January I ?ft"is upderstood that Secretary _ JflKright has recommended to the Presflfep^^ident' this appointment. p i Harry Suydam Dead. Now York, Special. ? Harry B. Suydam, the curb broker who was fshot in his Broad street office last Saturday by John C. Lumsden, an W^entor, died in the Hudson Street Hospital Monday. Lumsden is under arrest. Thes hooting is said to have WfL ' len an outgrowth of a dispute over * \ . inraent for stoik in a company '* \ ^1.1) organized to bundle one of TO KEEPOUTOsJ^URI jb. ' Court" Decision r^Jolna Two 00 Companies?May Meet Certain Cond&ma?fined . $50,000 Each. pJq JefTvrsp/t City, Mo., Special.?The Supreme Court of Missouri delivered a decision Wednesday ousting the Standard Oil Company of Indiana and the Republic Oil Company from the State, forbidding them" ever ngain^fcr ^o business in Missouri, and dissolving the Wtttet?-?ierce Oil Company, of St. Louis. In addition -J ' ?? wnipariies is lined $.*>0,000* The eniirt <1 rwlnrr.l tlmt I ? Mvvti. *VU mill tUC lUICt oil companies had conspired and combined to monopolizo the oil busic*5t in Missouri. The decree against tWaters-Pierce Company is tempered by the proviso that it may continue in business if, by January 15th, 1009, it can show to the court that it lias taken steps to operate as an independent concern nnd has satisfied the judgment against it. The other companies are given until March 1st, 2009, to wind up their affairs in the State. Honduras Loses Suit. San Salvador, Republic of Salvador, By Cable.?The Socreary of the American Court of Justice at Cartago, Costa Rica, has forwarded to the Salvadorean Government the verdict of the Court in the suit brought by Honduras ngrflnst Salvador atid Guatemala, charging tliem with promoting the recent revolution in Honduras. The verdict is favorable to Guatemsln and Salvador on -all points, and constitutes a vindication of tho Government of Salvador. Its announcement has caused great satisfaction throughout the Republic. Tho Pittsburg Grafters. Pittsburg, Special.?Six common councilman, one select council man. nnd two bankers have been arrested here on charge of conspiracy, corrupt i solicitation nnd bribery. The arrests were the result of the investigation by a bank examiner who ascertained that President W. W. Ramsey and Cashier A. A. ViHack of the German National Bank had arranged to paj a large sum of money in return foi the bank being made the city depository. They were at once discharged and their successors elected. One councilman is charged with receiving $17,500. The prosecution will be pushed. Narrowly Escape Flames. Newborn, Special.?Fire destroyed the two story frame building occupied' by F. Rniff on Middle street, in the business section of the city. The origin of the fire is unknown.srjThe Raid family barely escaped fromVfhe.i rooms above, losing all their clothing except a few garments which theyV seized as they left the burning house. The stock of dry goods and clotbinji was completely destroyed. The loss is about six or seven thousand dollars, with insurance, covering .$3,500 Assailant Identified. Spartanburg, Special. ? George Mintz, the white man arrested on the charge of murderously assaulting and robbing Mrs. Rnllie Green at . her home, near Campobello, has been taken before his vietim and by her identified as the man who committed the crime. Mintz was brought here and placed in jail. Gen. Carwile'a Successor. Brig. Gen. Zimmerman Davis has been appointed commander of the South Carolina V. C. V., to aueeed tho late Gen. Y. W. Carwiie. Gudger For Judge. Washington, Special.?H. A. Gudger, of North Carolina, will he appointed by President Roosevelt to he Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Panama Canal zone for a term of six years to succeed Dr. F. Mutis Duran, whose term expires on January 1st. It is understood that Secretary Wright has recommended to the President this oDpointment. Mr. Gudger is nn associate justice of the canal zono Supreme Court. Whiskey and Orime Restrained. Gaffney, Special.?The results of the recent crusade against the "blind tigers"-by the local police are being felt in this city. Although the holidays are on. there has not been a session of mayor's court in more than a week, which goes to show that "blind tiger" whiskey and violations of law are closely connected. Acquitted, No Evidence. Reuben Bar bee has been acquitted of the chargo of assassinating engineer Holt in Durham. There was no evidence. Aetna Cotton Mills, Union, S. C., Reorganized. Union, S. C., Special.?The Aetna Cotton Mills of this city, recently sold at a special meeting of the cred w?o n? i? s^iKuinit! OI prominent capitalists, lias been reorganized and mod Ottarny Mills, with a capital O1iwo hundred and fifty thousand dolrv^ jn common stock. Augustur TV. 1)ns t,ccn elected president The rn\. wjjj resume operation or full time January 1st. Killed b*^aJling Bridge. Baltimore, Rpochi ?By the giving way of the false wot. under a county bridge being erccVn OVer the Cheat river, at Point a^rion Tuesday, John Gallagher, aged *>, an iron worker, of Vincent, O.. w.-n killed. Morris Thropp, of Pittsburg. h?d Ips leg crushed and Clinton Carr* <>f Frankfort, Ivy., suffered a mailed arm. \ [_ AIL CAN FLY Njty Believes Aerial Navigation^An Accomplished Pact AIRSHIP BELIEVER OPTIMISTIC ' "* ' ^ S, ; rAll That F. S. L*tai Needs is the Wherewithal art* Everybody Who Can AiTord to &>end $1,000 to $6,000 Can Have A Machine to go Touring Throng hi. the Ether?Says the Wrights Solved the Problem of Aerial Navigation. New York, Special.?Asserting that the problem of aerial navigation has been mastered nnd that within a few vpnrs nirctiine ...III ?- -?1 _ - - j wmaw M itoui |/o niu UVUt HUIO" mobiles. Frank S. Lahm, one of the first of aeroplanists and the father of Lieut. Lahm, in command of the army's aeronautic experimental station, began his campaign to interest capital in the "Wright aeroplane. Mr. Lahm, though for thirty years a resident of Paris, is still a loyal American and believes end hopes that the Wright method will be adopted by the nations. He said that it was Gtted for both commerce and war. Mr. Lahm believes that the world will Epeedilv recognize the fact that the age of aerial navigation has come. In speaking of his experiences with Wilbur Wriglit^^ France, Mr. Lahm sai^: > . "I once went ltnT j\bove tin I ground with Mv.^Wruiit. Jjt was bis first trip sqfkighs TiT the 'air, and did much towarn coiVverting many scoffers. v- * "The sounds of our whirring wings and the buzzing of the engine frightened many of the horses below us It was a natural flight and we rose unaided by weight or monorail. 1 had the greatest pleasure of my life "'It was as if we were in a steamship driving through a calm sen against a stiff wind, or as if we were sitting in a rocking chair and letting a gale spurt by us. When we came down at the rate of nearly a mile i minute I might have been disturbed if I had not seen Mr. Wright make so many landings without aeciden! that it seemed preposterous that we should not land easily. I feared foi a second that we might come down with n shock, hut just as we got close to the ground?we had been rushing down spirally as tf on a twisted toboggan slide?-Mr. Wright o niunipulatyd the machine that she easily. ? *^^Lavc sccu Mr. Wright go aloft ? ?iu ui any propulsive wrightT^^Htvc seen him pnrallel the J*rth nowB -or than n man's shoulder for. milesv J have seen him take up a man weighing 20S pounds. I am confident that the Wright machine has solved the proglem of aarial navi??iion. He can oven with his present machine do whatever he wishes within the limits of the fuel he is able to carry. "I expect to see a Wright machine make a flight across the English Channel and back before the end of spring. I believe that even in France, which is five years ahead of America in aviation, it will be difficult for the most optimistic to realize the possibilities in store for the aeroplane commercially and from the viewpoint of war." Mr. Bishop said that the Wrights had taken France by storm. He understood that Orville Wright, now recovered from hiR accident, would sail from here next week. He will establish a school of aviation at Pau. Tlio brothers will manufacture aeroplanes in France on a large scale. The best machines will cost $5,000 and the smallest about $1,000. Three Dead in Street Fight. Ocilln, Ga., Special.?Within n stone's throw of each other, their life blood making crimson the shaded streets of this quiet town, three men were instantly killed Tuesday night and an officer of the law received raortnl wound. The dend are: Charlie Moore, Virgil Moore, Leonard Smith. Fatally injured: Policeman Cain Walters. Gold Hill Mine to be Developed. Salisbury, N. C., Special.?Financed by a dozen well known New Yorkers, a newly organized company capitalized at $1,000,000, has acquired the ownership of the Graff Gold Mine, at Gold Hill, Rowan county, and w:M develop the property on a large scale. A shaft has already been opened sixty feet deep and the yield is said to be very rich. Aqpong those interested in the new corporation are F. P. Rawles and J. S. McLean, of New York; W. Murdoch Wiley and A. II. Graff, of Salisbury, Thos. Moyle, a Western miner, will bo superintendent. Purchases Deep Water Site. Lynchburg, Va., Special.?A local syndicate headed by H. E. McWayne, president of ' the Lynchburg Pipe foundry, lias purchased n twentythree acre site of deep water near Norfolk, on which it will erect a mill with a capacity of 300 tons a day. The concern will be controlled by interests similar to the mills here and at Radford, Va., which belong to the Lynchburg company. % Young Boxer Is Held For Murder. Philadelphia, Special. ? Benjamin Barnett wes committed by the coroner charged with causing the death of James Curren, aged IS years, during a boxing bout at the Broadway Athletic f.lnb in tire lower section of the city on Friday last. The boys, who were novices, appeared^ at an amntenr ir.ntincss. Cnrrcn collapsed in the second round after a blow on the jaw and died before he could be Uoajpii)?*, ^ ^ I ation of tko trans-shipment decree I \ of M? J 14th by ft ? Venezuelan gov- i etnnant was Ajmonnced in the lower ' House of Parliament Wednesday by ? foreign Minister VanSwinderen. It f was this decree that made most of t the trouble between Venezuela and ' the Notherlands. "Under its terms { the trans-shipment of goods at Wil- * lemstad destined for Venezuela was < prohibited, and its operations work- ? ed much injury to the commerce of J the Dutch island* The Foreign Min- 1 ister scud also that the Dutch naval operations along the Venezuelan j cdast had been suspended at the lequest of Acting President Gomez. TL - ITS- ? * * iuu r oreign minister's words were as follows: ^ "Following the discovery of a plot against the life of Vice President of ^ Venezuela, Juan Vincente Gomez, a q new ministry was formed and some i of the supporters of President Qom^ \ were cast into prison. "On December 21st acting Presi- { dent Gomez, as an evidence of friend- c liness and pending later negotiations ?. by duly appointed delegates, ordered f a stay of execution of the degree of c May 14th and expressed the hope ( that the Netherlands similarly would , suspend the naval demonstration in T Venezuelan waters. ( "Pending tlie re-establishment of ? a Venezuelan consulate at Curacao t the German consul there has been s authorized to grant shippinb clear- i ances." I * i Nlght-Rider Tells Story. c Union City, Tenn., Special.?The j State practically completed its case against the eight alleged niglit-riders on trial for the murder of Captain ^ Ranken, when it drew from Frank Fehringer, a member of the band who turned State's evidence, a detailed ( statement of the Ranken nffair and a score or mc.-c of other outrages. It r also called to the stand Mrs. Emma Thnrman Johnson, one of the two women said to have been whipped by he band and had her tell her story. The startling testimony of Frank 'v Fehringer, who confessed, accusing tho men on trial of being actual par- . ticipants in the murder of Captain Ranken* given with an exactness of ( detail, amazed the people who throng- . ed the court room. wyOutlook Bright. The j^dtiiiK'twfrttn mekes the fol1 o _-vo .it me ?tui ruuiiiL , has bei^^mstitisfactory in main respects the closing months have brought such n revival that the out- ( look is regarded as bright. Confidence . has returned in all directions, whole- j sale movements are in greater vol nine, factories are resuming and 1 railroads are putting their extra roll ing stock in motion. One element | which suffered no depression was the ( farming community, crops being abundant and prices higher. The se- < curity markets have recovered und | Baltimore financial institutions close ( the year in good shape. War Claim Allowed. J Washington, Special.?Among a f large number of war claims bills passed by the House on the lfltli was one 1 for the relief of the Citizens' Bank i of Louisville for $215,820. That sum s was found duo by the Court of ? Claims and tlio bill has passed the s Senate many times. The claim arose i over the seizure of the funds of the < bank by Gen. Bonj. Butler in 1362. ? I Carrie Nation to Entertain London Lodon, By Cable.?Carrie Nntior. ia to be the principal attraction ir London music halls for a season if negotiations begun by the managers ' of these halls are successful. A ' proposition has been made to the fnra- ' ous hatchet-wielding temperance ad- J vocate to give a series of kftnrn? t managers guaranteeing her not only 1 protection but a respectful hearing. ? Many "Witnesses Testify Against 0. c F. King. Boston, Special. ? Numerous cus- ( tomers who testified that they had ( orderif the purchase of stock and I failed to receive certificates nftci f sending their money, were the prin- ' cipal witnesses in tho trial of Cnrdenio F. King, a "financial agent," | charged with larceny from thirty- i one persons of $25,000 by fnlsc pretenses. A number of the witnesses admitted that recently they had consented to a settlement of tneir claims. Tho Innocent Barely Escape. Montgomery, Ala., Special.?Though they were once almost mobbed in Russell County, it developed that Will and Jeff Latimore, charged with the kiHing of Walter Williams, a_ farmer ( not far from Eufaula, had no port in it. The courts have held them guilt- 1 less, and the Sheriff of Montgomery county, to whom they were sent to 1 prevent mobs getting them, has sent ' both homo firce. - 1 Bfacksbnrg Votes Bonds. Black?burg, Special,.?The election authorizing the issuance of $15,00 in 1 5-p?r cent 20-yecr bonds for the pur- ? poso of paying off soma indebtedness * 4X -tb. town, and probably furotfti- [ ing electric ligdt^ wwa held Monday j and resulted irr* 80 votca being cist , for and H against,bon<&. Messrs. P li. LVc-:n\ M. II. Morrow jtnd 0. A. , .Osb<fcne/>?g!v elected -ocimissioncrt > 6f nubbe U MOW TO CUBE RHEUMATISM, (t Is An Internal Disease And Requires An Internal Remedy. The cause of Rheumatism and kindred liseases is an excess of uric acid in the >iood. To cure this terrible disease this icid must be expelled and the system so -emulated that no moroucid will be formed n excessive quantities. Rheumatism is an nternal disease and requires an internal emedy. Rubbing with Oils and Liniments , vill not cure, affords only temperory relief Lt best, causes you to delay the proper rcatmcnt, and allows the malady to get a inner hold on you. Liniments may ease he pain, but they will no more cure Rhcunatism than nnmt will change the librc >f rotten wood. Science hua at last discovered n nerect and complete cure, which is called 'Rheuinacide. Tested in hundreds of :ases, it Iioh effected the most marvelous :ures* we believe it will cure you. ltheunacicie "gets at the joints from the inlide," sweeps the poisons out of the system, tones up the stomach, regulates the iiver and kidneys and makes you well all | >ver. Rheuinacide "strikes tlie roots of the disease and removes its cause." This splendid remedy is sold by druggists and lcalcrs generally at 50e. and $1 a bottle. In Tablet form at 25c. and 50c. a package. 'Jet a bottle to-day. Booklet free if you write to Bobbitt Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. I Shooting Feats That Never Happened. A grotesque and foolish view of the iVest leads many who are not ac- 1 [iiainted with that part of the eoun:ry to perpetrate amusing bunders egarding the possibilities of tile typcal Western weapons, the rifle and he six-shooter. To shoot an animal's >ye out at "a hundred paces" is a omnion feat in Wild West literature, sometimes it is done with n viv_?lwi?i ir?in typo; not anywhere else. OP nurse, no man can sec the eye of an mimal that far. I have had a good ifleman tell me he could cut oft a obin's head at a hundred steps. The ruth is that he could not see the head dearly thnt far. You rend that the lesperado Slade could, with a sixihooter at "fifty or sixty steps," hit t man in any button of his coat that te chose; but you may be sure that leither Slado not any one else could lo anything of the kind. Even trick ' md fancy shooting at its best could lever cover feats ascribed its matters 1 >f course to the average frontiersnan by those devotees of frenzied Iction who never say the frontier. ?From "The American Six-Shoot;r," by Eemerson Hough in The )uting Magazine for January. The First Sabbath School Ba^an in "Sooty Alley." "Bobby "Wild Goose and his ragged egiment" was the name hooted tfter Robert Kaikos, the first modern Sunday school advocate, and his icholars. The thoroughfare was 'Sooty Alley," and the scholars' vere the ragged boys who toiled in he pin factories of Glouehester,1 England. Robert Raikes paid Mrs. i Brandon, a poor woman, one shilling ach Sunday to teach the boys the Bible. Thnt was in 1780. Four rears later there were 250,000 hoys ind girls attending Sunday school in he kingdom. To-day the Sunday tcliool liour in city or village, the civlized world over, resembles Eillipu-1 inn land on dress parade. Streets ending to churches are bonny with ads and lussies, not ragged, but Iressed in their best, going happily J o "hear the woiul'rous story.", riiousands now do the work Robert Bnikes started. One of the greatest 'actors in developing the Sunday | ichool in America is the Sunday | School Union. Mr. E. P linnnr,>f? Jo ho present secretary. This orgauizaion has been laboring in the field for linety-one years. Last year it estahished 1878 new Sunday schools in iestitue places and reorganized 721,1 t total of 2,(502 set in operation, with ! 102,034 members. The society em-1 loved 207 missionaries. It received ' [ 215,013 and spent $200,017. Head es the work of this organization, ?ach denomination has its own misnonaries in the field recruiting for ts Sunday schools.?"How 100 Sunlav Schools Have Succeeded," in the January Delineator. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford'a Sanitary Lotion Never fails. At drusguts. Circus Daring Due to Heredity. Alfred T. Hingling tells mo that lino-tenths of the leading performers ?efore the public can bo included in hirty families. As sharply defined is any old English lineage, they can e traced bnckward in some instances core than two centuries?each gonerition accepting without question the leritngo of spangles and tights. Tho lirctts daring and the circus musrles r.d the circus restlessness have defended from father to children and hence to children again. The thrill -f the sawdust ring has got into the >leod. From the parent trunk branch's have crossed and crisscrossed until, is in the case of the Clnrksoninhs nnd the Demotts and the Siegri^ts Florences, great circus lines have befn built up and guarded with the zealolis care of a royal genealogy?Frotai 'The Bltie-blood of the Sawdust Ring," by Hugh C. Wier, in The Bohemian Magazine for JnnnnrV Only Ono "Hromo Quinine" That iu Laxative ISromo Quinine. Loek for the signature of E. W. (drove. U?ed the \\ orld over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 23c Humor and Philosophy. Great floods have flown from litiln jources.?Shakespeare. ^ It's hard for a lazy mrtn to be Jruthful, for ho is happiest^when lyJ A new broom sweeps clean, but, alas, it stays a new broom such a little while. You may retire an old horse after ong servieo without its costing much, )ut it is another thing to retire an tutomobile. One way to make yourself unpopuar and offensive is to know more dories about yourself than you can jet people to lisen to. The man who makes mistakes and nanages so that the other fellofr pays 'or them does not need any prtyftic^ r . . Soive py>|te arc so mean that they " cfonV even let yon borrow trouble vitbout good security. kL > 1 Ja * - br . r. . 1 i f INTOLERABLE ITCHING. Frdrfnl Ecremn All Over Baby's Foe? ?^Professional treatment Failed fr?A Perfect Cure by Cutlcura. ^Tien ray little girl was six months old I noticed small red spots on. her right cheek. They grew so large that I sent (or the doctor but, instead of helping the eruption, Jiis ointment 6ecined to make it worse. Then I went to a second doctor who said it was eczema, lie also gave me nn ointment; which did not help either. The disease spread all over the fuce and the eyes began! to swell. The itching grew intolerable and it was a terrible sight to sec. I consulted doctors for months, but they were unable to cure the baby. I paid out from $20 to $30 without relief. One evening I begnta to use the Cuticnra Remedies. The next morning the baby's face was all white instead of red. I continued until the eczema entirely disappeared. Mrs. P. E. Ouinbiji, Sheldon. la., July 13, 1908.** l'ottrr Drug & Client. Corp., Sole Props, rf Cutk'ura Remedies, Boston, Mass. Exp 'rienee purchased by suffering teachc! wisdom.?%I,ntin. Mrs.W nslow's Soothing Syrup for Children tccthin .softens the gums, reduces inilainin tiou.all iyspain,curis wiud colic,25c a bottle "Slid doesn't know, hut she hopes tlicy jut. You see, she ean not understand him very well, but so ns not to tako ehanees she answers 'Yes' to cverV question he asks." Deafness Cannot Be Cared brlocnlapplications as theycanuot reach the diseased portion of theear. Thcro is ouly ono wav to curd (leaf nsss, and that is l>y constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an tuflamed condition of the mucous lining ot the Eustachian Tube. When this tubeis in. flumed vo n have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it U entirely closed Deafness is too result, and unless the inllammatiou can bo taken out ntid this tube restored to its normal conditiou, bearing will bedostroyed foreve'-. Nine cases out of tea arecans \1 bycatarrli, which isnothingbutan inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Wo willgivo One Hundred Dollarsfor any case of Deafness (caused bycatarrli) that cannot be curedbyHall's ('atnrrli (hire, frend for circulars free. F. J.OHENET & Co.,Toledo, O. Hel l bv Druggists, T.'e. Take Rnli s Family Pills for constipation. Living in Hopes. "I notice that Susie is going with the hi-.:, blond German." "Yes; (hoy seem to be very fond of each oilier." "Are they engaged'?" TETTKtil VE?A ItEI.I A It I.K CURE. Tktteiiisb Is a snro, safo and speedy euro for ectoma,'otter, s'sin and scalp dlseaso? oud Uoliing piles. Endorsed by physicians; ? raised by thousands who havo usod it. 'ragrant, soothing, anllioptlo. COo. at druggists or by mail from J. T. Buurruisa, Dept. A, Savannah, On. Kevery friend a man has represents soni" side i f his composite nature, so i you want to size him uj have a roundup. | HIGHEST CASH PRICES ? 0 raid roi ? f FURS, KSOES, SKINS ^ BEESWAX, | 1 TALLOW, WOOL, j; 0 Write us for prices o- still) what you have )< y1 at once and we will send you cheek for Its (i C1 market value. (\ KGLD DOMINION HIDE & FDR CoJ Q 1540 E. C?.ry St.. RICHMOND. VA. << )OCCOO'^OOCCCOC<>0<X?OOOC<?OC So. l-'Oi). "EVERY MAN HlSOWi r>os i*aoen ruort i Tills Is n most Valuable Hook for the House rd Symptom* of different Diseases, the Cause: Ibo simplest remedies which will alleviate or 1 nirllsh and arc free from the technical termthe generality of read-rs. This hook Is lnten worded as to lie readily understood by all. i The low price only telmr made possible by iu:ui? uset union iTiiufu. .>ut oniy noes cms IH'iait's. t m vrr.v properl.t trlvo* a Complete M art luce and 'he Production and IU-ui'tmr of otpcs ntid l'r?v iIptlnr*. explcnations of Bote Nmi Edition l:? \ t cdoi.d 1 til urged. with com is i.o (xciac ft'i i:nt kn wing what to do In an in tour fsmlt.i I i f- r? you pat your order, bu to i ! NTS i'< sTl'Alti. Hfnd ixatil n< u**or than 0 cents SC OK PUBCI6HIN6 HC TO FARMERS AN you 1 .ur. t aprml years and ri buy tho knowledge required cents. Vou want theni to pay them nR a diversion. In order to hand] tmng about thi m. To meet this want t of a practk ttl 1 oultr.v raiser for (Only a man who put nil ids mind, and time, in raising?not as a pastime, but as a b ty-tlve years' work, you van suve many earn dollars for you. Tho point Is. tht Poultry Yard us soon as It appears, und tteeli you. It tells how to detect and e fattening: which Fowls to save for br you should know on this subject to ma ftvs cents In B'jivnps. COOK PUBLISH: POSBTIVJELY BFiST Phalli 10 "Shrp-Sfi coux r *j which gives y n n "j *5!): razors costing Vri SU3Jl\ % i va,uo ,s ln 1 v* ' mado of tho fl 9 itfr, process and I down to tli Pay 25 cents fc v#-r ft t oaucefl, and fancy prices a i-iY*. 1 rL/-k. jWi trs. The "SH BLADES i? SWV.R /-sjj. pc^ i ft', f 25c. bo aa to t j : Extra "8HRP b/^T satin finish rM * i- , m ? uJ Flit s 1 UKU IU O tu J.-* t/MJB. Puo Ointment is guaranteed to curt anykyq^V r.'uie of 11cbin?, Blinil, Weedingor ProtnM)lll|Hj^B Tiles in 6 to 14 days or money rejunded. mKH The best cure fbr vlntukenness iAR&3B| while sober to see a drunken ANTIDOTE ton SKIN D1SBAI^|^H That's what t*t*bbike I*; and It It ^9 an absolute euro f<>r ringworm, eryulpelas and cutftneoue diseases. In of these afflioltons lte cured Jl^ive wor^l. nomenal. It gives instant relAof tx>f ef sot* v permanent curva. 50e. ut druHpgUs or b7 i mail from J. i. Suuitiune, Dept. A, ha* ; vannah, Ga. V V The American Humans Association \ will hohl its annual meeting in New Orleans beginning this week. CAPUDlN?i CURES COLDS and GRSPP ItJcTJi" P Relieves the aches and feverishness. | Contains No Acetanilids * Nothing New or Mysterious. EtSa YOUR \ GRAND- E&fejPll MOTHER." E^:iERftl For many gencratl m* Oa.vsc U reuse htu l>e<*a reoojrnlred a* a \v.?n lirful remndk.-tl medium In treating and ourln-j rncumon'a. Grippe, Rheumatism and Nournliriii. KICK'S OOOSM UltE VSK I.I St MKNT I* made from pure itooaa Itrerue, with other valuable curative ln^rsdlent* added. Try It 250-At all nractlitu an:l Dealers? tic. ' 3003E GREASE COMPAHf, cl""i,".r",J XANTHINE HAIR Restores Gray llulr to N:\iural Color, Remove* Dandruff and Scurf Invigorate* and prevent* the Hair from fulllnir off. Por salo fir Richmond. I.vnehlmnr. Vn . and flaltimore. Ud . Dructrlsts or sent direct l>v XANTHINE COMPANY. I.ICKMOND.VA SI iitr lioUlr. e > p!r bo't le 11 ac by mail. Cirt-ular* Smt CM ff.vurrf. RrmoTCt all awelllnft in 8 to as A day*; effect* a permanent curs y4\. Injoto 60UJV1. Trial treatment (riven f tee. htuthlngcan befairas 1 C* ? y?3S53B9 Write Or. H.H.Gratn't Sgnr.>i WV^Ht^ieSDectaUstJ. Bo* a Atlanta, Qsi^R's s Midoo and WocS ^ ^VH Fc&thcri, Tttllow, Dcciwtx, Ginifng, y|j t Go! Jen Sent,1 \ cllow Koct), May Apple, jJ5 i \ W?!d Ginifcr, etc. We arc dealers| ffl ; 1 established in 1856-"Over hah* a century in H | I I^ouisvil!anj can do Letter for you than H I J agent* or commission mere!.ants. Reference, K any Unit ia LotmviUe. Write (or vteckly H < fl price Int ?nd skipping tng?. H ' . | m< Sabel Ac Sons, I 'f tin imiw "imiimiiii r:"'lle' ky' / N 0S0T0S" 'Tw s.VERV (CM II.LrnYR.tTED. 'hold. teaching as It does the easily dMInffntshs nnd Menus of Preventing such Diseases, Bind cure. This l>onk Is written In )>lnlu evcijr-day i which render mojt doctor l"X>ks so valueless to ded to lx> of bervlcu. in ilte Family. and Is to 60 CLNTS, POSTPAID ltook contnln so much Information Uol^tlve tt? Analy sis of everjill ng pertaining loCodrUkjp, Ilealtlii' Families, t> igethcr with Valuable Henlcal Practice. Correct Dso of Oreinory Herb*. j>lete Index. \\ nit il.i? lv.x>k In the house thsro t mrrjrency. Don't wait cntll you have Illness t m rd at otiee for this valuable volume. ONLY postage et.:: [is of any denomination not larger J U8E. t.U LEONARD ST . f tw YORK lITX. |?~1P O U LT R Y iVI E NT EARN MONFY >'ou *'v? them helot leMIvn ril/ntl You cannot do thU unless you undorstnnd them and know how to cuter to their requirement*, and lollartt learning by experience, so you must by others. We offer this to you for only 2S r their own way tven if >ou merely keep le Fowls ludlclously, you must know some* vi' are selling ;i book giving the experience f'3c.) twenty-live years. It waa written by and money to making a ruqtev of Chick* uslnrss?and if you will profiMto: his twenChicks annually, and maltb Tour Fowls it > ott must he sure to detect trouble In the know how to remedy It. This book will ure disease; to feed for eggs and also for ceding purpos. k; .and everything. Indeed, ko it profitable. Sent postpaid for twentyINO 1JOISK. 131 Leonard St.. NewYorkCity ABSOLUTELY LnCAPEST Sa?c S&avla^ Money S Hero's a revolution In Safety Razors, the marvelous iavr" 25c Safety Razor I ou better BLADE VALUE than I 20 times the price. Tho practical he BLADE. It is the best bec?usa nest steel tempered by a special I scientifically srround and. honed Hi io keenest possible edge. You X9 >r the best practical Razor ever In- 8 ; you save nineteen-twentieth#of tho skod for fancy frames and hold- B3l RP SIfAVR" RAZOR is so net &S9 es to be correctly "angled" to f?3 We sell you the whole Razor at [inS create a market for our blades. KM HIXAVR" Rlndes. 5 for 25c. And iTyj Iver-plated stoppers at 10c. each :ho Razor complete, extra fl sr tho Siroppcr, prepaid | til on receipt of price -^r i stamps or ca3h. JBLISHING HOUSE, EONARD STREET HE RAZOR It a I ? I um O Insist on Having j? ?o? . Br. MAHllL'S miitiwtlon WOMEN "-"ITAS!!-'??*-" i -.cud lor book, "Uellel lor V? ouirn." JB FRIvMCil DRUG CO., JO W. 32(1 St., N. Y. City, H