University of South Carolina Libraries
* * ! * fMany m For your liberal patro [ though it yas a "panick foofs up bett/er than we ex scarce, people look around can get the best goods for get ri}e trade, but when m not look for low prices, bu pen to see what they want Ij Our Gleaf |j; Commences January ist. fill I rtrt of WhnUsalf ?i r VIUUUD B ** ,,w,v"" jc) J odds and ends at a great d j|| fail to see our bargains i g!> Shoes, Hats, Etc, cj [ Wc wish you a happy ai || Lb JB W&/ Items of Local Interest Will Erect NRe Store Room. Mr. Jno. J. Bailes contemplates the erection in the early spring of a modern two-story brick building on one of his lots on Main street Married at Huntersvilie Miss Mary Jones, a sister of Mrs. D. O. Potts, of Pleasant Valley was happily married on last Wednesday evening to Mr. Thomas Bradbin. The rfiarriage took place at the bride's home at Huntersvilie, N. C. School Examinations Next Week. Superintendent Bauknight of the graded school requests The Times to state that those scholars whose examinations were not reached just before the holidays may prepare for examinations the first week in January. \ No Rural Mail Friday. Tomorrow being a legal holi" day the rural mail carriers here, as in other places throughout the country, will not make the trips over their respective routes. The ^ post office also will observe Sun- j day hours during the day*v Married By 'Squire McElhaney. The following couples were married Sunday evening by 'Sauire J. W. McElhanev. of this Slace: Mr. Ross Carothers and liss Carrie Bayne, of lower Steel Creek, and Mr. Chas. Coggins and Miss ? Austin, of Charlotte. Heavy Holiday Travel. For the past week or ten days the railroad people have been very busy handling the big crowds who have taken advantage of the holiday rates to visit their homes and friends. All of the passenger trains passing Fort Mill have been carrying extra coaches so that the great throngs might be accomodated. , An Unusual Occurrence. It is somewhat unusual on Christmas day to see a thunder storm accompanied by lightning, but just such a thing was witnessed in this section last Friday. The storm came on about 1 o'clock in the afternoon and reminded one very much of a summer shower in July or August. In some places in the township hail is reported to have fallen during the storm. Musical Concert Postponed. The musicale which was to have been given Tuesday evening in the hall was postponed to Friday night, at which time it will be given in connectian with the play, "The Honor of a Cowboy." The last named play was presented two weeks ago in the nail and was so pleasing that the club was prevailed upon to give it a second production. A large crowd will doubtless be present when the curtain rises Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Will Widen Main Street. It will be pleasing news to the citizens of Fort Mill to learn that council and the property owners along North Main street have reached an agreement whereby that portion of the thoroughfare is to be made of uniform width to the lower section of the street. This will add much to the appearance of that portion of the street and will do away with the possibility of a collision of vehicles going to and from Main and Booth streets. The work of widening the street will begin within a fe / days. Body .Exposed For Scveri* Days171 L If II r\ mi i 1 r orx mm, uec. j?,-ine ooay of the negro, Jim Reid, who was killed .by Constable Hall a few miles east of here in Lancaster county a few days ago, lay for several days unburied, the negroes refusing to have anything to do with it Finally they \ gave in and took charge of it L when they found out that the reI mains were to be deposited in a I field nearby, lteid resisted ar rest with an axe and was shot I through the heart. His offense I was moving to Mecklenbuig | county and leaving some unpaid ******V?X*VWXV*%\jkX*XN*% [hanks. 1 nage the past year. lA.1.- ?* ly" old year, our busiiess ra pectcd. When moncj is more and see where (hey 25 the lowest prices, andl we 2s I oney is plentiful thew do JS j t buy wherever they flap- i I w\ ill a nee saR |g Everything in Wir ter \\$ : Cost, and a great i lany . eal less than cost. E'on't J n Dress Goods, Cloaks, }[* id prosperous New Year. \[c tSSEY. I taxes. He was caught on the Bailes place, where tne tragedy ! occurred-* Charlotte Chronicle. j Accidentally Shot His Comrade. < Earle Belk, the 15-year-old 1 son of Mr. R. L. C. Belk, who lives near Catawba river, west I of town, received a painful 1 wound in his left forearm Tues- ! day morning as a result of the 1 careless handiing of a 32-calibre 1 revolver in the hands of Stephen, Sutton, a young son of Mr. S. P. ! Sutton. The boys were in the ' back yard at the latter's home 1 when Sutton who was handling a ] revolver in some way discharged ' the weapon. The ball struck ] Belk as stated above. A phy- ] sician removed the ball from the ' young man's arm and it is likely that within a few days he will J be none the worse for what r might have proved a much more j serious accident. J Attempted Assassination. A dastardly attempt was 1 made by an unknown party Saturday night to end the life of Mr. E. P. H. Nivens, of upper Fort Mill. Mr. Nivens conducts a small store at Griffin's t cross-roads, two miles north of ( town. At the hour mentioned c he was sitting on the front porch ( of his store and, having become i cool, arose to enter the building. ' Just as he stepped into the door ( and light someone, who was j evidently hiding in a cedar y thicket nearby, fired upon him ? with a shotgun. Several shot 1 struck Mr. Nivens in the back c but had spent themselves and i did no damage. There was no clue as to who fired the shot, but 1 it is stated that Mr. Nivens has 1 an idea of the guilty party, and < will spare no efforts to bring him t to justice. i Mr. Boney to Wed. \ Invitations have been received 1 in this community to the mar- | riage of Mr. S. E. Boney, the < popular editor of the Laurens < Ad\ertiser to Miss Emily Bellin- ( ger, the ward of Mr. A. C. \ C1 L. ? ?T 1 If t^v tt m ouantjr aim i?irs. u. n. rerry, t at their residence at Walterboro, * S. C. The marriage will occur 1 on Tuesday, the fifth of January, J 1909, at noon. Mr. Boney is well known here, l having taught Gold Hill school 1 for several terms. He has been ' in newspaper work for several years now, although still quite a young man, and there is a bril- I liant future before him. I Poshing the Steel Tower Construction. | Among the visitors to Fort ; Mill the past week was Mr. Jno. ! jWhite, foreman of the "tower I gang" of the Southern Power ' Company, who, with a large \ force of hands, is now engaged in erecting a line of steel towers ' from the city of Chester to thefj big power plant at Great Falls. ' Already the towers have been y placed on about ten miles of the twenty-three miles constituting l the route, and the work is being ' j steadily pushed to c9mpletior. (( Two squads of laborers are at , work on the job and everything i I now indicates that, barring any ; great interruption from bad weather, the power company l will finu it easy to comply with its contract to furnish lights and power to the city of Chster by the 15th of February. Let Other States Follow Snit. The State of New York has appropriated fifty millions of i dollars for improvement of roads. J Over three hundred miles of, I perfect road were made in 1907 | and 820 miles during the present year. For many years the state ; has urged the fight for good j roads, but the victory has been won, the undertaking well begun. That the investment will prove profitable none can doubt. Sooner or later the other States of the union will follow the example of New York and it is probable that some living today j will see the time when this country will be checkered with roads as perfect as those in England, b ranee and Germany. i i iJU . >.J _ Report of the Audubon Society. The ahnual report of the Audu )t>on Society 'of South Carolinj has just been Issued and is beinf /distributed over the State, witi a view to bringing to the atten tion of South Carolinians, no' alone the work this organizatior has accomplished, but more especially those things it wishes tc accomplish during the approaching session of tne Legislature. The Audubon Society has already largely overcome the difficulties in its path, therebj reason of the fact that little waf known of the benefits and purposes of the Society, and it is pow in a fair way to make splendid progress in bringing aboul better and uniform game laws for the protection of the game ,Qf this State. The campaign of education nas oeen wen conaucted, and tfte Audubon Society is now understood and appreciated where it had not been heard of three years ago. World's Champion Now is a Negro. Jack Johnston, the big negrt> from Galveston, Texas, is the world's champion heavyweight pugilist. He won the title Thursday night from Tommy Burns, the French-Canadian, who had held it since James. J. Jeffries relinquished it and aft~r a chase of Burns that led half way round the world. The end of the fight came in the fourteenth round when the police, seeing Burns tottering and unable to defend himself the savage blows of his opponent, mercifully stopped the fight. Johnson is tne first negro who 2ver won the world's championship?in fact he is the only negro who ever was permitted to battle Tor the honor. He was born in Galveston in 1878, and began his "ing career in 1901. He is 6 feet L 3-4 inches in height and weighs L90 pounds. Burns was born in Hanover, Ontario, in 1881, and started ighting when he was 19 years >Id. He is 5 feet 71-4 inches in aeight and weighs when trained 'or battle about 175 pounds. A purse of $35,000 was put up 'or the battle of Thursday night. iv~.? r? l. i.-i_ vwuuuui uai i>i?juaftc la IIUJ. Dispatches of Monday stated hat three provinces of Cosenza, Uatanzaro and Reggio di Calabria, ionQprising the Department of Jalabria which forms the southwestern extremity of Italy, or 'the toe of the boot," were levastated by an earthquake, the :ar-reaching effects of which vere felt almost throughout the ;ntire country. The town of VIessina, in Sicily, was partially lestroyed and Catania was nundated. In Messina hundreds of houses lave fallen and many persons lave been killed. Owing, howiver, to the fact that telegraphic md telephonic communications vere almost completely destroyed, it was impossible to obtain even an approximate estimate of ;he vast damage done. Eat all tho good food you like. Quit lieting. You don't have to diet to cure ly.ipeysia. In fact you can not cure lyspepsia or indignation that way, but ather you must add strength to the >veak stomach by taking something ,hat will digest the food which the itomach con not digest. Kodol is the mly thing known today that will do this, for Kodol is made of natural digestive juices found in a healthy stomich. and it digests all ford completely. Kodol is pleasant to take, and is guaran teed tc give relief in any case of stomich trouble. fcold by Ardrey's drug (tore. ?it has just been announced py the Secretary of the Interior Lhat the State of South Carolina is entitled to receive the sum of ?36,000 from the Government for the promotion of schools of agriculture and mechanical arts, jnder the Act of 1862. The Act :>f 1907 increased the amounts previously authorized to be demoted to various agricultural colleges throughout the country, and as stated, the amount that South Carolina will receive this /ear is $36,000. DoWitt's Carbolizod Witch llnzol Salve Im* many imitators. There in ono anginal, and the name DoWitt is on avery box. Best salve for burns; scratches and hurts. It is especially good for piles. Bold by Ardrey's drug store. Does This M YOU? I offer for sale the ideal farm of Fort Mill township. A short drive from the town Of Fort Mill. The nlmw io ... High state of cultivation, and ha* the finest orchard in this section. Mules and farming implements included in sale. Party owning place prefers that his name he not mentioned, but, if you are interested, this is an opportunity that does not often present itself. Terms?Part cash, balance in five yearly payments at ? per cent interest. Particulars upon request. A. R. McELH VNKY. Broker. Fort Mill. S. C. FOR SALE- The Sellers housf and lot on Forest street. Fori Mill, S. C. Apply to J no. R. Hart, Atty., Yorkville, S. C. TRESPASS WARNING, Alf persons are hereby warned agaiusi hunting. fishing, or otherwise trespass iug qn the lands of the undersigned. Osmond Barber, Mrs. T. K. Barber, T. H. Barber, Miss Anna Barber. kJp i * 3 ... 5W ???A About Your Hair. " Is it dry, itchy, full of dan1 dryff or falling out? Is the [ scalp full of eruptions? - Gibson's * Hair Invigorator ) Performs a twofold purpose. . Use this efficient prepradon without shaking the bottle and it is a . | general hair tonic. It is cooling, k I cleansintr and Invicoratimr! nrp \ vents and removes dandruff, . checks falling hair,. It kills the microbes and cures the eruption, . itching and dryness. ' Shake the bottle before using . and it does all the above to a 5 greater degree and besides re, stores the hair to its natural color rendering it beautiful, j dark and glossy with a delight, ful, deiicate odor. ' I It is a hair tonic that is as good as any on the market for all ' purposes and you can use it to i suit your particular needs. Ardrey's Meacham We are very bus^ but must stop long en friends and customer perous New Year. ] in all things the New Yours for better bu ; Meacham I iE-STA | The National Capital Surplus Total Capital and Surplus.. FIRST TRUST & S Capital Surplus Total Capital and Surplus . f' Stockholders Liability Total protection to depositors Our Total Assets The above figures show th; have made wonderful progre Our assets have increasedDollars. Our Deposits have increase anji Dollars. Our Profits have increasi Dollars. p We attribute a part of this 1st. Our loaning our cus cent. 2nd.. Our willingness to a tomers alike?small transact! ing the same careful attent receive. ' 3rd. Our willingness to ai ? possible way, never losing a? money when we can even th< |i out of it ourselves. 4th. The prompt way in \ I entrusted to our care. 5th. The absolute safety < ing business with us. ^ 6th. The compounding oi all savings deposits. There are many more thin tomers which are appreciate want to do business with us. If you are not a customer so you can enjoy the privile customer. THE FIRST TRUST I IANI THE NATIONA1 (Absolute ROCK HILL, ? - _1 W. H. H SALISBU tj PRICE LIST OF WHIS1 One gallon new Corn whiskey $1 TO I Quo gal. 1-year old Torn whiskey... 1 7.1 : One gal. 2-year old Corn whiskey... 2 00 One gal. 8-year old1 orn whiskey... 2 50 Oue gal. 4-year old Corn whiskey... 8 00 ' One gallon New Kye 1 60 ? One gallon X Rye 1 75 One gallon XX Rye 2 00 One gal. ^auny South Rye 8 00 . : One gal. Old Henry Rye 8 00 One gal. Hoover's f'lAiiee Rye...... 350 Orte fjnl. Rooney's Malt 800 t i One gal Echo prlng-Mjtya. (to One gal. l each and frtlriiy 2<e One gal. Apple I rnndv, new . . ... 250 One gal. Apple Brandy. very old . 8 50 1'ices on any, other irooda w W. H. HOOYRR, r, IS'*7* J TAX RETURN. FOR 1D09 bwoaufUio CorotT Auditor of Vor C ounty, S. (j. by Statute, n?y books wil be opeuoflV?^ luy office in Yorkvi le 01 , Friday, JaM^T 1st. 1909, and ken opeu until Ferrua,7 20th, 1U09. for tin purpose of list"1* for taxation uli Tux ab e Property?0 d iu Yo,-k ? oupty on Juunury 1, lOtr Returns inner3 on P*pper blanks, and ' s.woru to be t o/*a" Officer qualified to I administer an 9"tl,? aud forwarded to me by rogistei, , oefore February 2Uth. 1909, ?"> accepted JA1 taxpayerJJ?WjWprtWftary request ed to inform tncuiRolves us to tljo uuuiber of their respective iSchool Districts. The school districts in which there are special levies in Fort Mill town ship are Nor 2(1, 28 and .89 For the purpose of facilitating the taking of returns au<t for the greater convenience of taxpayers, I will be at Fort Mill Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 20th, 21st and 22ml days of January, 1909. All males between the agesof twentyone and sixty years, except Coufederate soldiers over the age of fifty years are liable to a poll tax of $1. My office in Yorkville will be open every week day from January 1st to Viiltrnniiv Oft, 1. S.._l i 1 . ?vui uui j ?viui iiiuiusn^t itiiu rwiuriih muy be made there at. any time. JlTHN J. HUNTER. Auditor York County. Yo-kville, S. C , Deo. 18. 1908. & Epps. . y taking inventory, lough to wish all our s a happy and prosHay we all do better Year than in the old. siness. . & Epps. TEMENT^ I ? Union Bank, I ...$100,000.00 1 . .. 72,805.6-4 . $172,805.64 AVINGS BANK. ? ...$ 25,000.00 > ... 11,447.67 $ 36,447.67 509,253.31 125.000.00 f i 334,253.31 $1,314,224.42 at in three years' time we :ss: -Five Hundred Thousand 3d?Three Huudred Thoused?Fifty-Three Thousand i wonderful increase to tomers money at six per ccomodate all of our cusons of our customers recei vion that the larger ones id our customers in every i opportunity to make them Dugh we do not get a dollar vhich we handle all business our customers feel when do' our interest quarterly on gs that we do for our cusd by them and make them of this bank you should be, ge^ and advantages of a VND SAVINGS BANK I L UNION BANK, I ;ly Safe) OOVER, IRV. N. O. KIE$ AND BRANDIES. Ono gal. Poach Brandy 3 BO CASE GOODS: Four qts. Old Mountain Corn $2 50 Twelve qts. Old Mountain Corn... 7 50 Four qts. Old Bailey Corn 300 Four qts. Rooney's Malt 4 00 Four qts. Shaw's Malt 4 00 Four qts. Paul Jones Rye 4 00 Four qts. Rose Valley Rye 4 00 Four qts. Monogram Rye 4 00 Four qts Wilson Ilye. eOo Four qts Prentice Rye t?00 Four qts. Hoover*a Choice 300 Fonrqts. \ppte Brandy urw. .. 30q Four q s. pple t run y. old 3 Bo our quarts each brandy 3 .'?(j ill be mailed on application. v SALISBURY, N. C, A. CHOOSE YOUi t ????9 As yqtj would a friend. I it will pay you*" in the I showing thej^reatest line SuiJUHariin^&vercoiits in tin can dress yourself and yo At Small Expense By Shirts in all styles. Ilosic the new colors, are real s Neckwear?The latest sty fancy, some so striking I lady could not resist huyi self, tho' intended for hei Underwear?Don't wait f< drive you to the doctor, values than ever for less all sizes, plain and fancy. McELHANEY & ( Announce U if ? e bee; to a 1111 or if ff patrons and frien \if if public in general j * i/ f f now located in ou a ff street store, and c Iff ff vite one and all ff i f and sec our now b ! Parks Di I > &XMMMX3V4W X4VX | A Merry Gi g Eatables of all kinc $ Right Prices, g Raisins, C g Yon c | Xmas Gree Ig Most and Best Frn * A splendid place Some know it g Others wi i jones; SSI waeiafaHJgia -mm 1tOUTHELRNI 'I 11 THE SOUTH'S GREft ! a ii 1 npxcellrd Dini?itr Pnr Serviri ii Convenient Schedules on nil I j ? Through Pullman Sleeping Cm Most direct route to the Nort 3 ? 3 For full iuformntion hh lo rules, r.u Southern Ituilwuy Tirkrt A^eii^ | R. W. HUNT, A Q P A., Atlanta, Ga lU _ IJOP PRI NT I ii NEATLY EXECl K THE TIMES OF |g| Ril J.titto heads. Noet heads Billheads. Soil I/ij Circulars. Envelopes. Etc. at the lowes work. Send w* your qrdorn ?i?d \ye wil ^ 1 The ^ J . k ' \ CLOTHES X-?nH^Kui. We tire of fc-v.?- ???iii Boys' is Action, and you Trying With Dr. ry. gay and sbn>v?r?s tunning. les to please every y beautiful that a ng a few for herr mannish brother. >r that eold chill to Buy now. Better money, all grades. COMPANY, n <V4\<4\<N^\4\<#N 1'S <\4\ * V P Y ment! !; ' 51 / n men to our v'; <C V 4; * (Is and the %l that wo aro ??, ^ V A 1 - V r new iuam ^ Til ordiiillv 111- << to visit us uilding, &e. ?? ? c' ug Go 0 V liristmas ? ls | urrants. j? \ an find it hero. ? ^ tings ? its. $ / to trade. k J { now? $ ^jjsyy ill know ^ HE GROCER, ^ jj TToinje: NO. M RAILWAY^ _ TEST SYSTEM. /JA JM : /JP .ocnl I ruin*./ / I*- ) I [E , J, and ** k P 1 * , y^r., consult nearest rVJ * n1?;X ' j j jiij J. G. LUSH, j : j D . P A , Charletton, S C j H Mf^ SiiS?? SIP' k. iff [10 BlLi- i / NG W * LTTI-:i> AT jr.. I KM. A I M tiiiKoit-i. HsinMtiills, Poster:* / )'fwl ]>i roiiMirttunt \\ it h roOJ / ? J I please you I J ? Timesl , 1 ID fl