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UNITED STATES SEN AI OH J FROM SOUTH CAROLINA V PRAISES PE-RU-NA. Cx-Scnator M. C. Cutler. />< s.ixiWa ft Oft* Ca iaad by Cx'arrh oj I\k Shmt'-cS?JVi II.4M ltcl'ere* Cu'wrh of thr S oinirh (xrxtl is There J or: a Iteixxcdy ft r Dynpepri'. Hon. M. C. Butler, U. S. Senator;' X from South Carolina for two terms, in!I a letter from Washington. 1). (!.. writes;; !! to the PcniTW Me licino Co., as follows: !! "I ran recommend IV?? nua for ;; dx/mprpufa an J mto nnch trouble. 1',', ha re hern u *1 ???i our medicine for;; |u fh'trt pertou ami 1 feet itr|/!! * utter relieved. It it fmlrcl o * X ten ml erf til medicine, bcside.i ? ! jP'.wl loiiio," ;; -? ttMIUMMIIIlUMiniMMMtt il" '.11 of the stomach in the cor/reel name for fteost cases of dyspepsia. Only an internal catarrh remedy, such na I'eruna, is availahle. Pcrur.a Tablets can now be procured. Ask your Druggist for a Free I'eruna Almanac for 1000. 1'eruua is sold by yonr local druggist. lluy a bottle today. SO. 50-'08. P| H QMB sample treatment I H Ea WOk. RsnCaoaa Pile and IL? Flaiula Cm# anil Book sent tjr mall '^ BBBHSHESBF' kfreie:. REA CO.. DEPT. B. A MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. Pert Paragraphs. When will is right, law is banished.?Danish. A dog's friendship is better than his hate.?Welsh. The squirrel slaughter of Russia amounts to 25,000,000 a year. Corruption wins not morn honesty.?Shakespeare. Envy sets the stronger seal on dcl ?crt.?Ben Jonson. Experience purchased by suffering teaches wisdom.?Latin. A handful of might is bettor than n sackful of right.?German. Good counsel is better than ft thousan '. hands. ?German. Commit a sin twice and you will think it allowable.?Hebrew. A wise man ohnnges his mind; ft fool never.?Spanish. The ash borrows poison from ths vipor.?Latin. A beginner is always ft good man, ?Martial. Kindness and courtesy need elbow room and are smothered to death in a crowd. Women don't havo to swear to show bow mad they are. There are other ways. A new broom sweeps clean, but, pins, it stays a new broom such a lit tlo while. Industry is the parent to success' and the suocess belongs to the man who wons tho industry. Most women are fond of men, but so many of them are so particular as to what men. It is extremely trying to be obliged to associate with people who always r.nd invariably would rather not. The girl who spends her time making angel cake and potato salad instead of castles in Spain will do better execution in after years. The clocks in some households suffer so much from cono-eution of face that it seems impossible for any members of the household ever to be pn time, Some people are so proud of their humility that they are constantly "]g pommittinp indiscretions in order that they may gracefully apologia* for f " CAUSE AxITBFFKOT. Good blgostlott Follows Right Food. Indigestion and the attendant discomforts ot mind and body ere cer* U'.n to follow continued un of Improper food. Th^se who are stilt young and rot at are l!!<elv to overlook the fact thai as .i.opplng water will wear a Mone a.vay at last, so will the use of heavy, greasy, rich food finally cause Joij of appetite and Indigestion. Fortunately many are thoughtful enough to study themselves snd note the principle of Ca* so and Effect In their dally food. A P" Y. young woman writes her experle.ica thus: "Borne time ago I hf d a lot of trouble from indigestion, caused by too rich food. 1 got so 1 was unable to digest scarcely anything, and medicines seemed useless. "A friend ndvlsed me to try OrapeNuts food, praising It highly, and as a last resort 1 tried It. 1 am thankful to say that drape-Nuts not only relieved mo of my trouble, hut built me up and strengthened my digestive organs so that 1 can now eat anything I desire. Hut 1 stick to Grape-Nuts." "There's a Reason." Name given by Postum Co.. Battle Creak, Mich. Read "The Road to vllle," In pkge. Erer read the above letter? A , new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, truo and full of bu- 1 inters - I CLOSE OF CONFERENCE ? Confcrenco Over, Appointments ^ Eead?Bishop "Wilson Assigns Min- " irtcra to 5 heir Tear's Work. n The session of the Fcuth Carolina Annual Conference of the Methodist ? Episcopal ehnrch, South, closed at. v Laurens on Monday with the reading p of the appointments, which ore as fol- is lows: t Iho Appointments. 7' Anderson District?A. J. Cnuihen. presiding cider; Andeison, St. John's, P. B. Wells; Orrvillc, A. V. Harbin; ^ West End and Toxaway, W. J. Snyder and J. A. McGraw; Antrcvillc, J. H. Montgomery; Clcmson, J. k II. Graves; Donalds, S. W. Henry; Lowndcsville, R. W. Humphreys; " MeCoimick, A. H. Best; Mount Cnrrac'l, J. S. Ahererorabie; Pelzer, S. C. Morris; Pendleton, J. F. Anderson; J Starr. J. N. Wright; Townvillc, C. I McCain; Walhalla and Seneca, J. C. * Yongu?, C.'D. Mann, supernumerary; ! * Wjllmlla Mission, It. R. Doyle; West- ? minster, J. L. Singleton, supply; ' West Union, to be supplied; iv'il- 11 liamstcn nnd Bclton, C. C. Derrick. 1 G. T. Haimon, supernumerary; Wil- J. liaroston Circuit, William Roof. ^ Chnilcstcn District?W. I. Herbert, ^ presiding elder; Allendale, II. R. * Browne: AoDleton. .1 T Portpr- ? Beaufort and Port Royal, A. C. Walker; A. B. Watson, supernumerary; * Betlirl Circuit, C. W. Burgess; Black J Swamp, W. W. Williams; Charleston, '' Bethel, \V. B. Duncan; Trinity, l'etcr N Stokes; Spring Street, (1. P. Watson; Cumberland, S. A. Donohoe; Mount Pleasnnt, II. Klhercdgc; Cottngeville J. P. Inabinet; Cypress. S. D ' Vaughan; Ehrhardt, J. W. Ariail; ^ Hampton, J. W. Elkins; Henderson- f vilie. P. K. Rhoad; Ridgcland, J. R ^ Copcland; Ridgcville, W. S. Hood- 1 win; South Haraptcn, W. D. Pat- 1 rick; Sumiccrvillc, J. C. Chandler; 1 Wnlteiboro, II. J. Cauthen; Young's 1 Island, A. Srtssard, G. P. Penny, sup- I ernumcrary; assistant secretary mis- ^ sions, H. B. Browne. Cokcsbury District?J. C. Roper, ' presiding elder; Abbeville, Henry ' Stokes; Butler, W. P. Way; Cokesbury, F. E. Dibble; Greenwood, Main ^ Street, M. B. Kelly; Greenwood and ' Abbeville Mills. G. R. Whittaker; Kinards, 1). P. Boyd; Newberry, Cen- ' tral, J. W. Wolling; O'Neal Street ' and Mollobon, W. C. Kelloy; New- I berry Circuit, ,7. M. Friday; Ninety- ^ Six, J. A. Cook; Parksville, George * Leo; Phoenix, J. T. Miller; Prospcrity, H. W. Whittaker; Princeton, s Foster Specr; Saluda. D. E. Cnmak; ' Verdery, W. E. Wiggins; Waterloo, (>. L. DuRant; Wbitmire, O. A. Jeff- 1 eoat; Lander college, Jno. O. Wilson, president . ^ Columbia District?J. W. Daniel, ^ presiding elder; Aiken, J. B. Tray- I wick; Batesburg, S. O. Cantey; Bath, s D. R. Roof; Columbia, Washington ? >trcet, II. W. Bays; J. A. Campbell, ( supernumerary; Main Street, A. N. ? Brunson; Green Street, B. R. Turnip- 1 seed; Granby, L. L. Bedenbaugh; 5" Brookland, W. S. Myers; Edgewood, ^ E. F. Scoggins; Edgefield, L. I). Gil. 1 lesnio; Fairfield Circut, J. I. Spinks; ^ ilbert, C. S. Folder; Graniteville, E. ? F. Green; Johnston, B. J. Guesa; ^ Langley, E. A. Wayne; Leecville, S. H. Booth; Lexington, J. W. Neeley; * Lexington Fork, W. II. Thrower; North Augusta, J. L. Stokes; Ridge. ^ way, .7. K. luabinet; Springfield, O. h W. Dukes; M. M. Ferguson, super. I numcrnry; Swansea, J. C. Davis { I Wagoner, R. C. Boulware; Columbia I College, W. W. Daniel, president ( ^ Epworth Orphanage, W. B. Wharton, J superintendent; Paine College, G. W, * Walker, president. ^ Floronee Distriet?P. F. Kilgo, pre. J siding elder; Bennett9ville, R. E. Turnipseed; Bennettsvillo Circuit, ^ W. P. Meadors; Brightaville, P. B. s Tngrahnm; Bethlehem, .7. B. Weldon; f Cartersville, A. M. Gardner; Cheraw, Marvin Auld; Chesterfield, M. F. Dukes; Clyde, D. II. Everett; Darlington, Trinity, M. L. Banks; Epworth, F. S. Hook; Darlington Cir- J soil, J. R. T. Major; East Chester- ? field, J. C. llo!ley; Florence, It. II. Jones; Hnrtsville, A. - T. Dnnlnp; r Jefferson, J. A. Graham; Lamar, .1 ^ L T> ler; Liberty, J. II. Moore; r Marlboro, It. A. Rouse; McColl, G ^ Leonard; Timmonsville, K. W. Mason, assistannt Sunday school editor, F. Peaty. 1 Greenville District-?'W. M. Duncan, presiding thler; Clinton, J. E. MnlinfTey; Easley. C. B. Burnns; Fountain Inn, S. T. Blackman; Gray Court, R. M. DuBose; Greenville, 1 Buncombe Street, W. A. Massebcau; i St. Paul's, R. L. Holrovd; Hampton f Avenue, A. E. Priggrj*i West Greenville, W. B. Justus; Monaghan and 1 Woodsidc, T. A. Groce; Sampson and c Poc, J. N. Isomi Oreenville Circuit, s 7. P. Attaway; Greer. E. T. Hodges; t Laurens, FirBt church, J. D. Croat; i Laurens Circuit, S. T. MeCnrty; UbTty. W. 8. Henry North Pickens. E. 1 L. Thomnson; Piclcenns, N. G. Ilal- * longer; L. L. Inabinet, supernurner- . iry; Piedmont, R. A. Yoncuc: South I ^ Orcer, S. T. Crcoch; Traveler's Rest, I. R. Walker; conference secretary missions, R. L. Holroyd. t Kirrtrstrce District?J. E. Carlisle, ( nrcsidinjj rllrr; Cades. E. M. Me- j Kissick; Cordcsvillc, W. T. Dodon- j bauirh; (leorpetow 11, Duncan, W. II. ] Ilodpes; West End, W. II. Murray; , Gree-levvillo, L. E. Peeler; Harper, S. J. McConncII; Johnsonville, .1. L. , Mullinnix; Jordan, T. W. Godbold; ] 'vinpstree, XV. A. Fairev; I.ake City. A'. L. Wait; McClcllanville. W. C. Jleaton, E. K. Moore; New Z:on, E Hulsnn; Pinouolis, W. II. Perrv: 'theme. T. J. Clyde; Snlfcis, W. T. 0atrick: Snmpit, R. F. Bryant-v ronton, W. H. Murphy; South , Florence, J. R. Sojourner; Summer- , 'on and St. Pauls, E. S. Jones. Marion District?E. O. Watson ' nreaiding tiler; Plcnhcim, J. F < Rushtrn; Britten's Neck. J. M. fia? 1 me; Brownsville, C. M. Pccle* Ruckiville, 0. N. Rcuntrce; Cent< mry, ,T. C. Counts; Conwnj, 0. 1' Fdwards; Conway Circuit, N F Inekson: Clio, O. (J. Herbert; Dillon 1 V. C. Ivirkland; Gallivennts, J. W lailev; Lattn, T. C. O'Qell; Latta* Circuit, W. B. Baker; Little Riven W. R. Baines: I it lie Rock, \V. ( | Owen; Loris, T. Gibsonj Marion. ! . W. Kilgore; Marion Circuit, W B^wden; Mulllns, J. L. Daniellulling Circuit, Dove TiHcr; Nortl lulhns, Allan Mncfarlane; Waccaiaw, S. M. Jone^, supply; West Con ay, to be supplied; conference sec etary of education, W. C. Kirklnnd Orangeburg District?C. B. Smith residing elder. Bamberg, T. Q. Ilcr crt; Barnwell, E. A. Wilkes; Branchille, E. II. Beckham; Cameron, C. E 'cele; Denmark, T. E. Morris; Eddo, G. T. Harmon, Jr.; Grover, W. .. Gnults; Harlevville, II. C. Motion; Norway. I,. E. Wiggins; Orangcurg, St. Paul's, L. P. McGce; (rnngeburg Circuit, G. W. Davis; (range. T. I,. Bclvin; Providcnrc, J . Stevenson, J. F. Way, stipernumrarv; Rowesville, A. II. Phillips: imoaks, J. M. Lawson; St. George. . M. Stendman; St. George Circuit. . E. Taylor. Pock Hill District?R. E. Starkousc, presiding elder; Blackstook I. It. Hardy; Chester, D. M. Mc.cod; Chester Circuit. A. E. Holler , ^nst Cheater, F. E. Hodges; Eas' -nnrnster, W. A. Beekman; For ilill, S. J. Bcthea; Hickory Grove ?. D. Bailey; Lancaster, M. M. Brnh am; Lancaster Circuit. H. L. Single on; North Rook Hill, W. M. Owings: | tick burg, W. S. Martin; Rock Hill it. John's, II. R. Mills; Laurel Street . M. Rogers; Rock Hill Circuit, W I. Ariail; Van Wyek, C. P. Carter: Vinnsboro, D. Arthur Phillips: 'orkville, O. M. Abnev, S. A. Weber, upernumerarv; York Circuit. B. (1 "aughan; Missionary evangelist, E C. Hardin; Student Vanderbilc uniersity, J. II. Brown. Spartanburg District?M. L. Tarisle. presiding elder Belmont. B. M tobertson; Blaeksburg. G. F. Kirby: 'ampobrllo, E. Z. .Tames; Cherokee r. T. Macfnrlane; Clifton and Cowtens, J. 0. Huggin; Enorce, D. D 'ones; Gaffney, Buford Street, S. B larper; Limestone Street, M. O. .atham; OalTney Circuit, T. B. Owen; nman, II. L. Powell; Jnnesville, E. \ Taylor; Kelton, .1. A. White: 'acolet Circuit, It. A. Brock; Paeolot Jills, to be supplied; Iteidville, J. i. Itay; Santuc, .1. II. Manly; Sparanburg, Central, R. S. Truesdale: Tetbel, ,T. W. Speake; Duncan ami iaxon, J. T. Fowler; Glcndale. W. I. Polk; City Mission, J. W. Shell: Jnion, Grace, D. W. Keller; Green Street, J. G. Fair; Buffalo r.nd TcthcT, T. J. White; Woodruff. G. I. Smih. supply; Wofford College, t. A. Child, financial agent; editor southern Christian Advocate, S. A. Settles; field secretary superannuate ndowmnent fund, Marion Dargan; uperintendent Anti-Saloon League, i. I,. Harlev. Sumter District?-W. T. Duncan, tresiding elder; Bethany, 0. D Spires; Bishopville, P. A. Murray; 'nmden, B. G. Murphy; Elloree. A. >. Lesley; Fort Motte. L. T. Phillips; lentil Springs, It. E. Sharp; Kerhaw, J. II. Noland; Lynchburg. J. ?. Benslev; Manning, F. II. Shnlor; Tswego, D. Hucks; Pincwcod, T. W. ifunnerlyn; Providence, F. G. Wllitock; Richland, J. P. Winningham; U. John's and Remherts, J. E. Strickland; St. Matthews, J. II. Thaeker; Sumter, First church, M. V. Hook, W. S. Stokes, supornumrnry; Broad Street, J. R. Wilson; Vatcrce, J. V. Davis. Transferred?J. B. Kilgore to sorthwest Texns Conference. Supcrannunated?R. W. Barber, V. E. Barre, G. N. Boyd. D. A. Calloun, W. A. Clnrke, N. B. Clnrkson, t. R. Dagnall. D. ?) Dantr.lcr, R. L. )uffie, G? W. Gatlin, A. W. Jackson, sT. K. Melton. E. M. Merritt. J. K. JcCnin T .T n IT n fohn A. Porter, W. C. Power. I?. W. Spigner, A. J. Stafford, G. II. Wadloll, T. E. Wannamnker, W. G. Winn r. A. Wood. The doxology was sung, Bishop iVilson pronounced the benediction ind conference atood adjorncd sine lie. Macdox Atlanta's Mayer. Atlanta, Gn., Special.?Robert F. Jaddox was elected mayor of Atnntn Wednesday by a majority of nore than 3.000 votes over James G. Voodword, regular Democratic nomiice and twice mayor of the city. Madlox carried every ward in t lie city 'xcept the third and fifth, 'flic eloeion passed off quietly. Strikers and Soldiers Clash. Portimnc, Portugal, By Cable.? "hreo regiments of soldiers arc tryng to suppress a riot of hundreds of itriking workmen of the numerous inrdino canneries here. Several lashes have occurred between the trikcrs and soldiers and many perons have been injured. The strike general and unless it is suppressed bortly there is danger of other rorktnen becoming invclvrd, tfegro Removed to Penitentiary For Fear cf Lynching. Spartanburg, S. C., Special?A sne fial dispatch from ALkcn snys that ijuitmnn .Tolinson ,a negro, was token Yom custody there charged with tlx nurder of a p: eminent farmer in darn well county, and hurried to t hi rcnitcntinrv fir safe keeping. th? uithcritirs fearing lynching. On hi' way to pr;s;?n l.o <<.nf ssrd that h tad been hind to take the 1 fo o4 tpo'l r end that he had mis al:rn his \ t m. Night-Rid/-r.3 11ir:atcn Cel. Taylor. OhntVnccga, T rnn., Special.?A tl ?> The T f'jem Trenton fenn., sa\s: It v.. that Col. II. Z. Ta; Ur. of this place ivfco mode such a m re- Ions escape firm the n'a'.it-vi?'c:s Mi > n'ght thn' : apt a'n Que ntin Can".in was linnged m Wnluut I ci . lies received a note :otitain!re notice thn4 the rightilder* will < rMl at l>?s hcir.o and take ills bodv, de.'.el cr live, 1:0 dale bong given The total electrical (iieiyjy supplied In London during the past year was 213,1,1,370 U.'ov. all bouri ??+mmmm?k RAILWAY MAIL SERYICE 8epend Assistant Postmaster General Ibaporta Upon the Amoant of Mail Matter Handled During the Fiscal Tear. 1 . Washington, Special.?Exclusive of registered matter, the railway mail service during the last fiscal year handled 21,650,849,745 pieces of mail matter, according to the annual report of Second Assistant Postmaster General Stewart. Because of practically illegible addresses 35,565,361 pieces required special attention, with the result that 18,088,626 were returned to senders or corrected and 4fewarded. A new division of the railway mail service, embracing the States of Oregon, Washington and Idaho and the Territory of Alaska, is recommended. Favorable consideration of Congress is asked to a recommendation that postal clerks be allowed traveling expenses while away from their J -1 - . > uuuies, turn aiso inai poaiai cierKS who have become unfit for active servioe by reason of advanced age or physical disability incurred in the line of duty be retired with suitable pay. For the transportation of all classes of mail matter the department during the year expended $81,157,720. A considerable saving was effected in connection with the weighing of mails in the Southern States. In consequence of the use of the new divisor the railroads received $134,730 less than would have been paid under the old system. Altogether the new system of weighing has resulted so far in a net saving of $2,229,108 per annum. Because of the equalization of the rates of pay to transportation companies, the report states a more equitable basis of compensation has been reached, with results mutually satisfactory to carrier and the department. Still further economies are recorded. A review of the railway postoffice car service resulted in the readjustment of the car space on a number of routes, thereby effecting a saving of $272,040 during the year. So-called half lines of railway postoffice cars?that is, where the postal needs in one direction warranted the authorization, but in the opposite direction did not?are dealt with at length. Numerous protests arose ^ver the action of the department reducing certain lines to half lines, and those led to the appointment of i commission to inestigate the whole subject. The Postmaster General approved their recommendation that full pay be allowed for a line of fortyfoot cars in all cases where a fortyfoot car must be run and returned. The report calls attention to the fact that provision has boon made to transport additional weights of mails from Yalez to Fairbanks. Alaska, in the four mid-winter months, so as to allow 48.000 pounds increase. The weights on other maiu lines in Alaska also have been augmented. Efforts of the department to establish semi-weekly sailings between New York and Porto Rico, it is stated failed, the steamship companies refusing to make any changes In their practice of having sailing onlv on Saturdays. Durings the year additional parcelpost conventions were negotiated with the Netherlands, Urpuarv, Italy. Prance and Austria, and the parcelpost rate of twenty cents a pound to Bolivia. Chile, Ecuador and Peru was reduced to twelve cents a pound. Trial of Carmack Slaters Postponed to January. Nashville, Tenn., Special?On application by the defense 'the trial of Col. Duncan B. Cooper, Robin Cooper and ex-Sheriff John D. Sharp, indicted for the murder of former United States Senator Edward W.Carmack, has been postponed until the January term of court. The ease had been set for trial December Sth. "W. J. Bryan May Move to Texas. Dallas, Texas, Special.?W. J. Bryan has purchased 160 acres of land near Hidalgo, Texas, paying snot eash. ITe lias given orders to have 40 acres planted to oranges, flgs and pecans. He has made other real estate deals and there are rumors that be intends moving to Texas. Kellogg Brings Out Details. New York, Special.?The processes through whioh the Standard Oil trust was liquidated and its thirty subsidiary companies brought under control of tha nv*i*nt 0:1 ? ? ? ...v |#avav*M UtUUUUi H V/J 4 of New Jersey, wero developed in interesting detail by John D, Arohbold under cross-examination in the Federal suit to dissolve the Standard. Mr. Archbold declared that the trust had been liquidated in the period of years from 1892 to 1899, with all pood faith obey the mandates of the Ohio Supremo Court ordering the trust dissolved. Bold Burglars Blow Safe. Pepperell, Mass., Special.?Although the police of every city and towi within a radius of fifty miles wer? keeping a sharp lookout for traoei of the five burglars who early Wednesday blew open the safe of th< First National Ttank horc and escap ed with $14,000 in cash, no clue t( the identity or whereabouts of th' safe blowers has been discovered. Halticn Ruler is Deposed. Port-uu-Prince, Dy Cable.?Pr?si dent Nord Alexis lias been deposec and is now safe on board tho French training ship Duguay Trouin, and Port-au-Priuco is in tho hands of th? revolutionists. General Anioino Sim on, the leader of tho insurgents, i: marching up the peninsula with nr army of 5,000 and a new President olcncial Legitime, has bven protjaiiaid. Words of Wisdom. There may bo some way of falling in iove and escaping dire results, bat if so, the average man has never found it out. It is generally best to keep on good terms with yourself, even if von have to fall out with people you I don't like to do it. When a woman says, "And that's ! all there is about it," let no man be. deceived in thinking tlui an end has j been mode to much talking. The prevalence of "easy terms" bargains proves the plentitude of easy inniks going up and down the land. CVBRS A1.I. IT i M I MO KKOl'TIONS. Gletjcoe, Md., Nov. 21st. 1307: "I havo bad tcioaia oq my hands tor 13 years, a id have tried everything. I have bson using tbttIbiki 4 days and the results are great." Signed, Mrs. M Uarrey. Tbttkuimk is the (Ureat, safest, epeedteet euro for ersoma and all other akin disease*. fold by drugglsti or sent by mail for by J. 1. a?vrtbikb, Dept. A, Savannah. Ga. There appears to be gcod ground for the rumor circulated some time ago that a deal had been consummated between Mr. J. Elwood Cox and the Leach Bros., of High Point, ! whereby the Elwcod Hotel changes management. State or Onto, Citt or Toledo, j Lucas County, I 58* Frank J. Liieney makes oath thnt he ia senior partner ol the tirm ot fr. J. Cheney A Co., doing business in the City ot lolcdo. County nnd State aforesaid, and that snui hrin will pay theauin of one hundred ixiL la us tor each and every coss ol c?r.'.!:Kil that cannot be cured br the UKe ot II.M.L'8 Catarrh Cuke. Pit an k j. Cheney. Sworn to beiorc me and subscribed in my prwuce. Ibis lith div of IWi-mhor a ii I8S0. ' ' A . \V TU l k a so \' (seal.) Notary Public lUll s Catarrh Cureiatakrn inlcrnully.ami acta directly on the blood add mucous rur laces ot the system. Send lor testimonials, tree. F. J. Oik.xey A Co., Toledo. U. Sold by ail Druggists, 75c. Take limit's Family Fills for constipation Liviftg in Hopes. "1 notice that Susie is going with the big, blond Qerinan." "Yes; tliev seem to be very fond of eacli other." " A re t hey engaged f'' "She doesn't know, but she hopes they are. You see, slio en ft not understand him very well, but so as not to take chances .?!:? answers 'Yes' to every question ho asks." Itliemuntisni Prescription. Considerable discussion is being caused amon^ the medical fraternity by the Increased use of whiskey for rheumatism. It is an almost infallible cure when mixed with certain other ingredients and tukon properly The following formula Is effective: "To one-half pint of good whiskeyadd one ounce of Torts Compound and one ounce of Syrup Sarsapu: ilia Compound. Take in tablespocnful doses before each nieui and before retiring." Torls Compound is a product of the laboratories ot the Globe Pharmaceutical Co., Chicago, but it as well as the other Ingredients can be hud front any good d>|^xUtf. There are petfl^r who ore loo pleasant and t courteous to be really good. Good Thing to Know. Those who traverse the alkali plains of the West and inhabit the sand blown regions of Texas, find dally need for n reliable eye 6nlvu They never drug tbe eye, but simply apply externally the staple, Dr Mitchell's Eye Solve. This Salve is sold everywhere. Price 25c. A feast is worth nothing without its conversation.?Irish* flicks' Cnpudlno Currs Nervousness, Whether tired out, worr ed, sleeplessness o. whiit not. It quiet* and refreshes brain and nerves, It's liquid und pi en sad t to take. Trial bottle 10-. liogulnr ttizoi .15a nnd 50c., at dingyititv He was born upon St. Galpert's night, three days before luck.? Dutch. !t?*h cured in .10 minutes bjr Wnolford's Sanitary l.otion Never fails. At druogi?t?. It is hf.rd to rnicli the drift of >otue |>oo]de. and when ybtt are sueeessful it is so heavy nnd waterI igtred tliat it is ?. f not much a?(OUIlt. The General Demand of the Well-informed of tho World has always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy of known value; a laxativo which physicians could auction for family use because its component parts aro known to them to be wholesome und truly beneficial in effect, acceptable to tho system and gentle, yet prompt, in action. In supplying that demand with Its excellent combination of Syrup of I Igs and Elixir of Senna, tho California Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relics on the merits of the laxative for its remarkable success. That is one of many reasons why Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is uiven the preference by the Well-informed. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine?manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Price fifty cents per bottle. P UTN A M < olor mora (rood a b-lghtrr and fanirr colore tlian a.i/ <i*u tly* any garmvat without ripping apart. Writ' Keep It on Hand! H Covoha tad eaida may irixa any KM member of the family ar.y lima. ISQ Many a bad cold hoe breh ar-ntcd M^eI and much tfebnem and nfcnrg r<; J h?> '-a* tavnd by th? prompt UN afM of Piao'lCuM. There 1$ aothi.ig ffSg] (Shell to break up eoughe and tr?b. gUn Thar* b M htorciaal or htng fwtfl trouble that b will aot rrtmre. riw from fjoorre at harmful la* KgH gredUnte. Fir.a f-< children. At atl dnrggUte', 29 ctS. mm % I "I Feel Eg "I am compelled to say Hfelt iu 10 years," writes C 3 naco, S. C. " Every mouth, fg to have to take to "my bed || sister brought me a bottle < to try it. Today I will say and I don't need any other I TAKE PI IS I Ut Will H Tou need Cardui in yo 3 token at the proper time, it |j| ing, and help to keep you ^ It has been found to 1 headache, backache, sidea '1 other symptoms of woman HI which every woman knows Cardui acts gentlv, nat ?j| out any bad after-effects. Its results have been U lastingly beneficial. Try ( THE J. R. W) Mnkn TO UIITrreitt Ar KxtriM-la tall kind*, 1 Can-cfasscrs W -4(1 Vrura Kk| BEST FROPOSITI 1 T1k? cost takes away the tuste.? French, r t Oipmllno Cure* Indigestion I'nlns, Bclchinz, Sour Stomach. and Heartburn, from whatever cause. It'* Liquid. KITerts immevlintelv. Doctors prescribe it. 10c., 25c.. and 5(ic.. at drug stores. The cattle does not war ngniust < frogs.?Italian. TORTURED FOR SIX MONTHS Dy Terrible I idling Eczema?Baby's Suffering wns Terrible ? Soon Entirely Curril by Cutlrura. " appeared on my Ron's face. We went to a doctor who treated him for three months. Then he was so bad that his face and head were nothing but one sora and I his ears looked r.s if they were coins to fall i j off. bo wo tried another doctor for four months, tho tnoy never Retting any better, IIi? hand and logs had big sores on them and the poor httlo fellow suttond so terribiy that ho could not sleep. After ho had sulTered six months wo tried a 6et of the C'utirura Remedies and the first treatment let liini sleep and rest well; in one Vrcck tho sores were pono and in two months ho had a clear faca. Now he is two years and has never had crzema again, ^ Mrs. Louis Peek, R. t. p. 3, Snu Antonio, Tex., Apr. 13, 1007,'' Lot him who hns bestowed ft benefit be silent.?Seneca. 1 Tc Drive Out Mulurlu und lluild Up (lie System Take tho Old Stnndurd Unovi's Tabtolkss Chill. Toxic. Yoi know what you are takiup. The formula is plainly printed | ou every bottU% allowing it is simply C^uiuineaou Iron m a tiwtelosa form, auu the most effectual form, *or grown people auu child rwu. AOo and Ends. Every mini is the son of his own j works,?Spanish. A soft answer permits you to full an easy victim to tlie shrewd agent. * All men were horn free of incum| brarjees and cmtal tp any amount of 1 ! foolishness, Tho man whp makes a grent deal i of his failures doesn't make muuh of ft auecc-s, Knvh mother thinks slio has the dearest bo by in the world, nnd, as a matter of fnct, nono in clieop. Tlui fires of resentment arc only too opt to be tho precursors of 11 o indies of repentance. Tho best cure for drunkenness is while sober to see o drunken man.? Chinese. It's hnrd for n lnzy man to be t nithflll fni* OO ID lianrviaat '** : ?"uc" *" ; >?*? . , The American Unmans Association < will hold its annual meeting in New Orleans beginning this week. The man who means well may be credited for it, but generally it is the only creditable thing about him. You may retire an old horse after long service without its costing much, but it is another thing to retire an automobile. FADEL E J other <1vt\ Ono 1 * . pykofft* colorj .1* fiber*. I hey < t* for frro booklet flow to i?jrc, I'Imc i and Mix Color BFU RS , I Hides and I Fcslken, Tallow, Bccwii, Clnieni, ^ i |m GcldtnSeal,'YellowRom?,MayApple, ; j y WI'd Ginger, ate. We to dealer* t | I 5 etlekliihcd ia 1656? "Ortr hall t century in | ? ra LouurliU"?oad eta do batter (or you than 3 ] agreti or conuniadon merchant*. Rtlmnrt, I any Dank in Louiiville. Write for weakly M. Snbol A Sons, | j J ======= ^ Better" I I feel better, tlian I have M arrio Ifalloway, of Coro-B she continues, "I used E for 5 days. One day my M :>f Cardnl mid begged me B that Cnrdui is my doctor B doctor ill my home." fiS U 11 1JW IM elp You I >ur homo, today, because, I will prevent much suffer- H in a condition of health. H relieve female pains, like S| die, irregularities, andlg urally, with- M \TKINS MEDICAL C07 >N A. MINNESOTA. Il? lrnj II?>n?rholtl Rriiu*<||r?, Flu\ nrtny r?? 11 r I rrrpiirmlon-, Flnr Niih|?m. Kit*. anted in E,x)ery County. prrlrnrv. U.OOO.OOO Oiuiml. ION 0AGENTS Hut for the mistakes made by great nen, history won hi bo uwfully uniucresting. PKOVFI) IIV T1MK. No Fear of Any Further Trouble. David Price, Corydon, la., sa.vsf *1 was In the last stage of kidney trouble ? lame, weak, run down to Jy M.v back was so bad 1 could hardly walk nm* *'ie kidney se'WjjPfsBllK cretions much dis^ I after I began u^ilng Doan's Kidney Pills I VtSUr 1 could walk without a cane, and as I coutinned my health gradually returned. 1 was so grateful I made a public statement of my case, and now seven years liaVt) passed, 1 am still perfectly well." Sold by all dealers. f>Oe. n box, Koster-Mllburn Co., Huffiflo, N. Y. By going gains the will, and not >v standing still.?Spanish. , TETTRltl * li-A KKI IAIII.!: CURE. TBTTEnMit la a suro, snfo and speodv curs for oezoma. tetter, sltln and scalp ilUea^os and t chin# piles. En lorarl bv phyelelaus; praised by thousands who luivc used it. Fragrant, soothing, antlsuptlo. 60j. at ilrugslats or by mill from J. T. 3:iui'inixs, Dept. A, 8-iva inah, On. Ono cannot take aim at things too ligh.?French. Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup lor Child mi tcot lung, softens i he gums. educes intlnnun . lion, ullayu pain,cures uuud colic, 2So a bottle A pood man's pedigree is littlo luntcrl tip.?Spanish. Nothing New or ui"1 TV,, iViysterious. "ASK f? "1 y?lr y&sfejj ORAiND. MOTHER." BIMiSS Kor many generation* Qou*u i. ,ii< M]| reoogniie \ a* iv wondsr.'ul retnollti innlium In treating and ourln* I'neum >n'a Orippe, Rheumatism and Neuralgia. KICK'S 00 URK ASK I.l NI ,\1 E XT l< made f r un para go >< irreaie, with other valuable otrntive In^re* dlent* added Try It 3.%o? At. nil Druggie!* nnil Denlo-e?#Se. GOOSE GREASE COMPANY, (JASHl-YOURFUR no matter where you are. If you trap or buy I f ur write to day f -it our new plan to make ex- I p.o'bqv" 4"^ CORRT HfCE A PUR C0..C Or.RT.PA, | ss dyes ilye In cold water letter than anv >.< r >lyr. Von ?. MoniUii; < ??.. ? DiitiuU. 1 1?-1 D Insist on Having FOR - Ur. MAKUL'S huparatiou ../saiFM M standard Remedy. /VOMEEM at PKUOOism. Betid lor booh, "Itellel lor W omen. ' r1nch DRUG CO., 30 w. 32d St., ,N. Y. City. ii wtv unxrioN tiii* rtPFn A trinii urtiing A <1 vrr t> ?< r , n n<! I tt A r t Idea n <1 vr r 11 ?> ?t ill i|i<*a wluuiit* lake only (lie GIvM I** IC and DECLINE ALL SUBSTITUTES ! So. 60-'08. Thompson's Eye Water