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I Dnurc l in it) uttflw American Balloon With Two Aeronauts falls RESCUED BY GERMAN STEAMER Ballocn St. Louis, Collapses and Falls Into North Sea. .Ihirty Miles from Land?Enveloped ia tho Folda of the Balloon, '>.wo Men arc Rescued With Great Difficulty. Berlin, By Cable.?The St. Louis, one of the three American balloons to start in the international race, fell into the North Sea Tuesday night, between Heligoland and Wilhcltnshavcu, thirty miles from the shore. The JSt. Louis was piloted by K. II. Arnold, who, with his assistant, II. J. Iicwat, was rescued by a German steamship passing at the time. Arnold and were enveloped in the folds of the balloon when rescued. They woul t have been forced under water in a sl.m! time. The rescue \ ..s cfTe led w;th the greatest difficulty. The nr.ronr.uls did not know that they were mm r sea until they heard the sound ?.i' the waves, the waters being nhscured by :: thick fop: that hung at a low level. A rani 1 fall in temperature caused a shrinkage* of the balloon envelope and il began gradually to descend. Alarmed, the aeronauts began throwing out everything ir, the hnlinui to lighter, it, but continued to sink and finally struck the water with a splash. The men telegraphed the rat* immittcc that they weie safe and uninjured. This is the second sensational accident of American entrants. Shoitly after the start Augustus Post and A. 11. Forbes fell fun: thousand feet, having a miraculous escape from denth. CROP CONDITIONS. Washington, Special.?The cor" rrop condition on October 1st. was 77.* per cent, spring wheat 'piality 88.1 . per cent, total prcdueth^i of spring wheat was indicated as 2.'k'1.09d,<MH). the yield per acre averaging Id.'J bushels, combined production spring and winter wheat indicated as about 6")9.(KtO,()00 li:*.s! < i of S9.-1 ju<r cent, quality and the oat crop quality was 81.11 per cent, the production being 78!),I(il.G00 bushels with yield per acre averaging 24.9 bushels according tto the Department of Agriculture crop report issued Wednesday. The corn condition is against a top.year average on Oc'obor Is! of 7!).7. The average yield of spring when* * against a si> year average of S">.?) The final estimate* of average yield < f oats per acre is against a ten-year average of 29.8 and quality Sli. 1 for jen yearn. The decline in condition of corn during September was about two per cent, as compared with an average decline the past ten years of 1.0 per cent. In Southern corn States the condition on October 1st and ten-vmr average, respect pi vely, of corn follows: Texas and 78; Georgia S I and S'J; Kentucky To and S.'l; Tennessee 82 and SO; Alabama 8 ! and S(5: North Carolina S2 and S2; Arkansas 7!) and 77; Mississippi SI and 7l>. Opetiiry of State Fair. T?nleigh. N. Spe< iah?-The fortveiglith North Carolina State fair opened at noon Tuesday with an address by Stele Auditor R. P. Dixon. The crowds were unusually large for the opening day, and he exhibits and special features were of an exeop tionally high oredr. Dr. Dixon's address was characteristically pleasing and appropriate, lie termed the fair orre 01 I ho greatest educational 111>Stilutions of the State, which was an object lesson of industrial progress in line with the great work done at the Agricultural and Mechanical College and the State Normal and Industrial College, at Greensboro. Sonthcrn Railway Locomotive Explodes. Danville, Yn., Special.- A report received late Tuesday night from Mayo, a watering station about twenty-five miles from Danville, says that a local freight engine on tin' Southern linilwny exploded killing the engineer and injuring the fireman and several of the crew. A special train carrying surgeons left the eitv for the scene and the ;ujur??d u'iH be brought ++ t \i -ib t' Grade -v 1 * I U/m \ i - "hiskieS "'rect from 1 | ty'sf/f/ery V r!n R^am \\PackageS'K ^ " r X EXPRESS PREPAID. tU. 2 Us. JWt. Cipmt SUHei WMc Cki $2.25 $4.00 $5 50 Rohmal Rye . . . 2.2S 4 00 5.S0 Private SlKk Cm . . 2.GO 4.50 6.S0 Ujlfe'sra. Ml. Vfbtiby . 2 f,0 4.50 6.50 I 24 ir iZ i.l -?idi V :.n faro 5S.C0. 24 Puis er 48 IkJf-Piits R/e $7 50 10 cents per pnllon extra in quarts IxiHscH and breakape made pood. S~nd money orders witli all orders. Prompt shipments. A. HATKE & CO., RICHMOND VA. 3 NEXT DOOR TO EXPRESS OFFICE Vvir.-* . j ttuot at the Bottom. Two boys left home with just enough money to take them through college, after which they must depend entirely upon their o*n efforts. They attacked the collegiate problems successfully, passed to graduation, received their diplomas from the faculty, also, commendatory 'etters to a large ship-building firm with which they desired employment. Ushered into the waiting room of the head of the firm the first was given an audience. He presented his letters. "What can you do," said the man of millions. "I would like some sort of a clerkship." "Well sir, I will take your name and address; and if we have anything of the kind open will correspond with you." As he passed out, he said to his companion. "You can go in and 4 leave your address.' " The other presented himself and his papers. ? "What can you do?*' was asked. 1 "I can do anything (hat a groeti hand can do," was the replv. The magnate touched a hell which colled a superintendent. "We want a man to sort scrapiron," replied the superintendent. And the collrjic student went to sorting scrap-iron. One week passed, and the president asked. "How is the new man getting on?" "Oh," said the boss,'"he did iiiwork so well, and never watched the Clock, that 1 i at him over the gang.'" In one year the man had reached the head of the department, and an advisory position with the management, at a salary represented by four figures, while his whilom friend was stil! out of employment and seeking a position. Dangerous Comparison. "Well," said the man who is running for office, "suppose 1 do think I am bigger than mv party. What then 7" "In that ease," replied the cool campaigner, "your party is liable to dwindle in a way that'll leave no possible doubt as to the correctness of your estimate."?Washington Star. Iliclis' Cnp;i<!ine Cures Headache, Whether from colds, bent, stomach or nervous troubles. No Arertanilid op dangerous drugs. It's liquid and acts immeriiately. Trial bottle loc. Regular sizes T,e. aud U)c., at all druggists. In lie erased to use the hateful weed To please his wife, but then Me wore so very large a grouch She made him start again. TKfTKHI 1C-A ItEMAUU C1RE. TcrTERisr. Is a sure. * ifc and spendv cure fer?0E?nm, t?tt?r, s<cia uid scalp disen??s am! I ohlng piles. Eiulono l hv physicians; pralssd t<v thousands who have used it. Fragrant, soothing, antiseptic. i>Oo. at druggists or Ity mail from J. T. SnucrutNs, Dept. A, ttavaunah, Ga. TTT 1_ _ I- T?T- -J yy uiu.3 oi wisaom. Fortune favors the man with a strong arm ami a hard list?it he lias a disposition to use them. | It is not a crime to lie an egotist, hnt it is exceedingly had taste to I t others discover it. ( There are too many people in this world who hold to the theory that one good turn deserves ten others. When a woman reall\ gets a liargain she spends twice what she saved celebrating. Absence makes the breakfast table more alluding and the home lied seem a heap softer. People who are always trying to look the part sometimes get so busy about it that they forget it. Beautiful auburn hair with hints of gold in it, is the kind possessed by the rieli man's daughter, and incident ly the gold hinted at is usually in the hank. Some people are so proud of their humility that they are constantly committing indiscretions in order that they may gracefully apologize for them. Beauty gushes out of poetry in great gobs when you see the author, lin king a shave, stowing away corned beef an 1 eabbace. If you have not soon a girl for a year or more, you don't know whether to describe her to an Mitrrested friend as hlond or bdunctte. Ileautv is pood for women, firmness for men. So. 43-'OS. NOT A MIltACMC I'luin Cau?e and Kffect. There are some quite remarkable things happening every day, which seem almost miraculous. Some persons would not believe that a man could suffer from coffee drinking so severely as to cause spells of unconsciousness. And to find complete relief in changing from coffee to Po8tum Is well worth recording. "1 used to be a great coffee drinker. so much so that it was killing mc by inches. My heart became so weak I would fell and lie unconscious for an hoar at a time. The spells caught mo sometimes two or three times a day. "My friends, and even the doctor, told me It was drinking coffee that caused the trouble. I would not believe It, and still drank coffee until 1 iould not leave my room. "Then my doctor, who drinks Postum himself, persuaded mo to stoj olToe and try Fostum. After much osltation I concluded to try It. Thai was eight months ago. Since then 1 avo had hut few of those spoils, or** for more than four months. 1 fv>. I bettor, sleep better and am cttcr every way. I now drink nothng hut Postum and touch no coffee, ind as I am seventy years of age all my friends think the improvement ijuite remarkable." "There's a Reason." Name given by Postum Co.. Rattle "reek, Mich. Road "The Road to tVellvllle," in pkgs. Kvrr read the above letter? A new ine appears from time to time. The) .ire genuine, true, and full of hunun interest. TAf[ IW I HE SOUTH Republican Nominee Makes a * * * Number of Speeches MEETS A CORDIAL RECEPTION Hon. Wiilian H. Taft Makes Political Campaign in North Carolina and Virginia^ Greeted by Enthusiastic Crowds at Statesville, Salisbury, Lexington, High Point and Reidsville. Ending Southern Tour at Richmond. Greensboro, N. ('., Special.? Hon. William Howard Tait, Republican candidate lor President, closed his tour of North Carolina here day. 11 ? was cordially received at all points where lie spoke and his speeches were attentively listened to by Republicans and Democrats. First Stop at Statesville. Mr. Tnt't was up bright and early Saturday morning. His (irst speech was made at Statesville at 7:30 o'clock. Several hundred people heard him there. Heine: presented by Mr. .1. KI wood Cox. he said: "Ladies and (ieutleinau: 1 am glad to come into the State of North Carolina this beautiful October morning and to receive this cordial reception. Complaint is very often heard On the part of your people that North Carolina is not given her part in the administration of the government. She is not. She lias able men, but as long as you are going to vote for the Democratic ticket and the Republican party is in power. I don't see how these gentlemen who do the voting ra exp ct to share in C'c power. In ether wouls. let them vote as they iiiink nnd then we will wipe out sectional lines. It is a great pleasure for me to come here because I think 1 am tin* first Republican candidate for President that ever came into North Carolina on a campaign for the presidency, and 1 am here for the purpose of testifying to the South my interest in that section, mv earnest desire to unite it with the North, and m\ hope that the Republican party will be built up in North Carolina. <<? that it may well have its full representation in the executive councils of the nation. I thank you for your kindness in coming here and I appreciate your Southern eounrtesy." At Salisbury and (Ireensboro Mr. Tuft said in part: "It is a great pleasure to come in-I to North Carolina. 1 have studied! the statistics of North Carolina and her marvelous growth with intense I interest. I know a good many of your North Ca^dininns, and every time a man from North Carolina came into my office in Washington when I was Secretary of War. lie had not been there more than five minutes before lie put liis hand in his pocket, [Milled out a paper and began to n ad and what he read was the statistics of the growth of business of North (*J1 nil! Nil ! ' < : * ' ** < ! ii impressed lisi'll | upon Tin'. For instance, vnnr factorv products in 11)00 were $S.*>.000.000. In live veins tliev had increased. in 10D.Y lo > 1 .VJ.OOO.OOO. In 11)0.~> you had employed persons in ; onr cnttnri mills. Vonr cotton manufactures had increased from $!),000,000 in 1 Sf)<) to $-JS.<)t)0.O00 in IDOO. to $-17,000,000 in 1 OO.'i; also that you are sccoinl in rank of manufacture of tohacco; vou are third in the rank of manufacturers of lumber and timber products. Von make in one of your cities in this State nearly as much as they make in (irand Rapids. Mich., in furniture. I am giving you these firm res merely to point out that unless we continue to have a protecttive taritT. most of these industries will be destroyed and the wealth that you have accumulated has been accumulated by reason of the policy insisted upon by the Hepublican party in respect to the tariff. And yet how many electoral votes have von cast in North Carolina for the Republican party? Somcliody mrv have a better memory than i have, hut 1 don't recall a single one. T ask you. my frieds, whether there is .r?y reason under the existing eir eumsiaiues why. if yon believe i ; Republican policies, you ought no! to vote the Republican icket ? You have a State ticket and a congressional ticket that is unexceptional. I am r.ot going tr speak about the national t i? !<? t because 1 have a personal relation to it. But the national ticl;?i i? a Republican ticket and pledged to carry out Republican policies 1 submit to those who have stood in the Democratic party in North Carolina that there is absolutely no reason now why if they favor Republican policies in the nation they should not vote as they think. Now it is a great pleasure and honor to me to lathe first Republican candidate for the presidency who has come to North Carolina in a campaign for that gren' ofliee. 1 have come here because 1 deeply sympathize with the South. 1 am anxious that it should take its place at the council board of the nation. T am anxious that you should exercise the influence through your able and great men, of whom you liavi many, in the same ?ay that Ohio and Indiana and New York and Massa cluisetts do. But, my dear friends if you are going simply from historic tradition to keep voting tlie* Democratic ticket becnuse >ou tliink that your fathers voted that way, then >011 are hound to stay on the outside and look in at others enjoying the pmvi 1 in the executive councils of the nation. It is not possible otherwise. Human nature and party polities are siieh as to make that necessary, ami I appr; eia 1 e ti e homng: nietv of the Southern people. 1 know their family tradition. I know their conservatism. and their adherence to something .just out of respect to their ancestors; hut w,n th# other hand the> are enterprising, progressive, tiourageous people in everything hut pol ities. and 1 think it is time that they began in politics to show the same en terprise that they do in manufaettiling furniture and in reaching out to develop thi> enormous wealth of North Carolina. The General Demand of the Well-informed of the World has always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy of known value; a laxative which physicians could sanction for family use because its component parts are known to them to be wholesome and tridy beneficial in effect, acceptable to the system and gentle, yet prompt, in action. In supplying that demand with its excellent combination of Syrup of Figs and Clixir of Senna, the California Fig Synip Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies cn the merits of the laxative for its remarkfile success. That is one of many reasons why Syrup of Figs and Flixir of Senna is given the preference by the Well-informed. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine?manufactured by the California 1 ig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leadintr druceists. Price fiftv eentj. per bottle. The News of the Day. The Indian population of New York State is as follows, the figures being for the year 1 !>()(?. the latest obtainable, taken by the several reservations Allegheny. 8(5(5; Cattaraugus, 1,472; Oneida, 104- Onondaga, St. Rczis, 1.20(5; Tonawanda. Tusearora. .'184. The total of 5.0(50 is hut four less than was shown by ti e Indian census of 1802. Saim has recently passed a law jiving wonini the right to vote in certain eases. While this may seem an ?xtraordinnrv step for an Oriental icople, the Siamese women themselves xplnin that it is the teaching of Budll'.ism. They point out that Budihsni preaehes the equality of the sexes end gives equal education to boys and riil?. The construetion of the canal for barges or large size between Stettin ind Berlin has been begun. The gov- \ rumen t is causing the work to be lushed forward with all possible speed, and it is hoped that the canal will be rendv for traffic by 1012. This anal will be of great advantage to Stettin: goods will be then forwarded' ti large lighteis of (500 tons at re-1 lured freights. At'oite, Ind., Mrs. Anna Miller, wite of a wealthy farmer, has iled an action for divorce, claiming .is the giound for her action that her j uisband has been drunk for thirteen j wars. He began drinking to celebrate the marriage and has not been sober since. The unusual allegation will be fully supported by evidence. Yon may retire an old horse after ong service without its costing much, nit it is another thing to retire an uitoinnbile. Mrs. Winslnw's Soothing Syrup (or Children 1 tool hm;;. softens t lie punts, i educes milamm.- i i.?u,ull.i)ap.iiit,cutvb wind voile,'2oc ?. bottle Not Like Other Girls. Mrs. H. My daughter is very sp:t i! it:iI. She kept up her church work hrnugli :i 11 I lie hot weather. Mrs. l>. What kind of work? Mrs. Ft She went to the sea-hore ami came home engaged to a "lergyman. SttOO ItctTard. ElOO. The realtors ot this paper will l>epleased to learn ttiat thorn is at toast one dreaded dts; ease that science has been nble to cure in al:. its stapes.anil that is( 'atarrh. llall'sCntarrh ("tiro is itip onlv positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh licing a con?uuilioii.ii disease, requires a constitutional treatment. tlaH'sCatiirrhCureia taken internally. acting directly upon the blood and tuupous surtnoes ot the avalem,thereby destroying ttie foundation ot'the disease, and giving the patient strength by budding up the constitution ami assisting nature in doing ita work. The proprietors have so mueh bvith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars tor any case that it tails to cure. fcSend ior list of testimonials. Address k. CHENEY a. Co., Toledo, o. Sild h? I?ruegists, 75e. Take Hail's Family Pills tor constipation. Fatal. 'Twos the verdict of the neighbors when He'd drawn his final breath That he lived so strenuous a life He'd lived himself to death. fL* zmmasnm General Neglected female \ general break-down, is as bad as that, but to However, even whe Sdui has cured others ar you to try it, as did Mr who afterwards wrote: "I was a sufferer f] les, had pains in my j Tfl f ] Jin <?*? AN UNSUKPASSKDft^P I. M REMEDY! PW>"| Cure it en untuintMrd rerjiyj meriy iut CCUgha, coida. ;xonrhHii. F * j ??;Ura*. koirWiCii aad thr'nl and f S li a ,J>J lu.ig affections. I' area direct to /VaM tKa real at the trouble ard Jfacnly jPwj fni reatareelxielihy (ondttiona. Mnthwi VoH r < rait eira their children PWa Cure fOeXl I pi aihpafartcnUrnuineacanllea IStl Ui^n nnvarta and frecvkan ftnta opiataa. KCff gjnill Kamnua lor kal a cental"*. SrVai j: "aj At all drug^ieta', 25 eta. RjKgi ^LAMiriKD AOVKRTIiBMKNTt} BX*K?lliil AM* t'ATAURM CUKE" INoAl.KN 1' CA l AKUHAL JKl.LY mm* l>r>rn^Hind Ctt&rrb Trial IrriUnostbar ^5S=^= Embarrassing. A colored woman of Alexandria, Virginia, was yon trial before a magistrate of that town charged with inhuman treatment of her offsjftiiig. Evidence was clear that, the woman had severely beaten the youngster, aged some nine years, who was in court to exhibit his battered condition. Before imposing sentence, his honor asked the woman whether she had anything to say. "Kin I nslc yo' honah a question f" inquired the prisoner. The judge nodded affirmatively. "Well, then yo' honor, I'd like to ask yo' whether yo' was ever the parient of a pulfectly wuthless cullud chile."?October Lippincott's. The Lament of the Many. I wish that I had rosy cheeks And great big, baby eyes. And wore my hair marcelled and puffed To .just the latest size. And had a "Merry Widow" hat, And figure so petite. Then, coming home upon (he L, Perhaps I'tl get a scat! ?October Iippeneott's. When we pet home ami take stock of our cltl^gcr*. h!i?*ers. burns and bills we art; inclined to be glad to think it is over. TIIKEE WEEKS Drought About a ltcniarknhlc Change. Mrs. A. J. Davis, of Murray. K>\, says: "When I began using Poan's t Kidney Pills, kidney ditsoase was slowly poisoning me. Dizzy spells almost niado me fall, shurp pains like knife j, thrusts would catch me in the back, and finally an attack of grip left me with n constant agonizing backache. Doan's Kidney Pills helped me quickly, and in three weeks' time there was not a symptom of kidney trouble remaining." Sold by all dealers. SO cents a box. Koster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. There are people who will take anything, and it' nothing more substantial "is lying about thev are sure to take offense. Our Grandmothers I Used Goose Grease to euro Rheumatism. I Neuralgia, Colds, StifT Joints and Hack I I Aches, and nothing better luu ever lutm I B discovered. Rice's Goose Grease liniment I Is made from pure, penetrating. Goose I I Grease with other highly eurativo inered- I M ients ndded. That'u wliy it ducu the work. I I Try it. At All Druggists and Dealers. Price 25 cents. jlffSH ' T" 76 IHrer*nt . f!ilrurt? mil litndi best proVost PUTNAM C'oU?r mor? koo<1ii h-luhtpr ami fa?t?T iMdort t.iaJi ar.j mui Uye any garwui without ripping apart. VS rp, P ""TPfiile De The Old Standard GROVE'S I system. You know what you a K is simply Quinine and Iron in a Sick 1 Break Down ;roubles frequently lead to a Better not wait till VftliP ike Cardui in time. ?n in bad shape, Wine of Carid may cure you. It will pay 3. Rena Haro, of Pierce, Fla., rom all sorts of female troub3ide, drawing pains in legs, ike C WT rAUOTDIirT our own Aorlul and M"lo c< I J.TjlnULl Tramway* and contract t move any Kin*I <>f tonnatte over ?u> charm lor of country, anil for any dlHiuvc U|> t Itfleen n?ilr>, at an nitric I price per lo: Our contract for exclu*lvecount y reprewt latlvc would InU-rext yon. THK CoNSol. DATKUTKAMWAVCoiSI'AN V.Koanokc.V 311111 A, ATI V. U '"* curable; lliownuiid cur. nil LUiMn I lulfl ^ultit vpeanly; K'laraniif ?l vcn.i if tow. Write iiulck. l?H. ?. T. WKIOHT. Peru, in i. Dropsy I! ^ Kttncivr* all swelling In > to > day* ; effectt a permanent curi A -at injo to 60 di v?. Trial trenitneu VjJtaweiven free. Nothinyean fairm Write Dr. H M. Croen's ??*? Back Number. Tbe man with the auto he had a great snap, But he crowed, like some others, ? too soon. For the girls, liickle creatures, went off with the chap Who called with a steady balloon. A CURE ATjCITY MISSION. Awful Cose of Scabies?ltody a Mnss of Sores from Scratching?Her Tortures Yield to Cuticura. " A young woman came to our city mission in a meat awful condition jihysicallv. Our doctor examined Iter and told us thai she had scabies (the itch), incipient paresis, rheumatism, etc., brought on from exposure. Her poor body was a mans of sorci from scratching and she was not able to retain solid food. Wc worked hard ov?t I, her for seven weeks but we couhl sec little j improvement. One day 1 bought a cake ol Cuticura Soap and a bottle of Cuticura I Resolvent, and we bathed our patient well | and gnve her a lull dose of the Resolvent. She slept better that night and the next day I got a box of Cuticura Ointment. In five weeks this young woman was aide to look for a position, and she is uow strong and well. Laura -lane Bates, 85 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.# Mar. 11, 1007." Necessity is stronger than human nnt iwb To Drive Out Miliaria and Guild Up the System Take the Old Standard Grove's Tastbi.kss Cuili. Tonic You ku?w what you j are taking. The formula in plainly printed 1 on every dottle, showing it is simply yuiniueaud Iron in a tasteless form, auu the most effectual form, tor gTown people onu children. 50c The campaign begins when ttic money begins to rattle in the tin eup. CritKH AM. ITCH I NO K1 OPTIONS. Glencoe, Md.. Nov.'list. 1907: "I have had eczema on my hands for 19 years, and have tried everything. I have been using t*r! tbkisb 4 days and the results are great." j Signed, Mrs. M Harvey. Tbttbbinb is the suros', safest, speediest cure for eczema and all othor skin diseases Sold by drugI gists or sent by mail for 5)o. by J. T. Snurtbimb, Dept. A, Havanuah. (la. Kverv tainted dollar knows where to get sin immunity'bsith and how to become respectable. Hicks* Cnpudlne Cures Women's Monthly Pains, Backache. Nervousness, and Headache. It's Liquid. Kfleetk mime ' diately. Prescribed Ivy physicians with best results. 10e.. 25c., and 50c.. ut drug stoics. Wise Girl. ] ''It is never too late to mend, my , daughter." "1 know a better one, mother." " What is it ?" "Never to late to get new ones." A Thought For Today. Above all. that 1 may not lie a coward. That 1 may have courage courage to he unmoved by the uncertainlies of life, and without dread of loss, whether of friends, of health, or <>f fortune. That I may come with a tirin and tranquil mind to the work of this day. fearing nothing ready to meet bravely failure or deprivation. That 1 may bring in the day's efforts. good humor ami cheerful regard for all with whom 1 may come into contact. That I may be diligent in the performance of duties and cheerful in manner. That 1 may lie earnest in pursuit of the right. That I may stand with open mind readv to rci'i'ivii ih?> ? " - . . . , , .? I III II III .*>111,111 affairs ami in larirc wliHhi-r in learning ni'W ainl better m<*tboils, or in leeeiving that philosophy neeessar\ to a brave. traiiquil. well-poiseil. vell-liarinoni/eil lite. John Hrishon Walkt r. in < 'osinopolitan. /ATKINS MEDICAL CO. MONA. MINNESOTA. ???? ^rllrlra: (Voiiarhold Rrmrdl^t, Flu? orlD| i. Toilet rrriiarulluiu, Flue Kuup*. Lie. Vanted in tLxJery County. 'xpfiicuce, ?:j,ooo,ooo Output. HON Ever 0L :i2 AGENTS FADEIE othor ?1y?. <>nc J?**. package culnru .U. nhi'w. fh*y .? !or free boeitli: How to wye, Meao i au?l Mix Com Sicate Women as TASTELESS CHILL TONIC, drive re taking. Tin: formula is plainly pri tasteless, and the most effectual form. llfMIIHII11 I'll IB?UK could not sloop, had shortnt Mas a general break-down. "I suffered like tliis fc years and eould not find i until lav husband insisted < ing Cardui. The tirst bott TpI iof i?wl nnar T r?l?, ? - - - - ?*???? uv/u l ?(HI (UlUUOt man." Try Cardui. All reliable druggists r<?1 VALUABLE BOOK FREE tofZl^nX The Chkttnno t?K *mfflEreagBMS3ii If yon want n pair of shoes that von and wear a woeli until they ir?;l si 111 a it hit masi ?y have tin* * I yptoFfcua ^'rr. ' nxsna.mux FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN LYDJA E. PINKHAM No other medicine has been so successful in relieving the suffering of women or received so many genuine testimonials as has Lydin K. I'inkham's Vcgotalilc i 'ompotind. In every community you will lliul women who have been restored to health by I.ydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound. Almost every one you meet has either been benefited bv it, or has friends who have. In tno Pinkhani laboratory at Lynn.Mass.,anv woman any day may sco the tiles containing over one milium one hundred thousand letters from-women seeking health, and here are the letters in which they openly state over their own signatures that they were cured by by din E. I'inkham's Vegetable Comjiound. I.ydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound lias save<l many women from surgical o|ie rat ions. Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound is made from roots and herbs, w ithout drugs, and is wholesome and harmless. The reason why I.ydia E. lMnkham's Vegetable Compound is so successful is because it contains ingredients which act directly upon the feminine organism, restoring it to a healthy normal condition. Women who are sniveling from those dist tossing ills jH-culiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of I.ydia E. l'inkhr.nfK Vegetable Comi>ound to restore their health. So. 43-'03. fta<u*Ck$TTn (S.!!. .tnmp I f<?? 4l?m?t?T. Omif ^ w W1 . M#?l Miwuj. ruilai la lh? ?*ril fw -"' ^Dft m?kin( their oee? I i?*Uupi. AV <?u*i*r>U*4 f ?r hor? p?w?r eWaia. C?Ul?|ut mi) ditKHinta iddrwn : ZIMMERMAN STEEL CO.. Lone Tree. Iowa. ,-r-r DoiikIuh inukc^ :i:ul * !! * Mini's l$3.00 :iit.I ftH-il* shoes (linn any other iiikiiitI'at'iuror in tli?' ivnrlil, Im< hiisc I liny linld their shape, Jit hotter, ami wear lunger than any oilier make. Shess at All Prices, for Every Msmbor of the family. Men. Ooyi, Women, Misses ? Children W L DouglAt $4 GO iuid $j 00 Gilt Erigt iihivi cannot b? quailed at any ptlce W L lionglaa CO and $2 00 aho+a art *he belt In tha world h'ntf Color Kuelrt* I ? >( Kjnelttmivtlv* or Tiaka- No of < . \V. I l>oiijtla? ? every" lien*. Hhoea fr*>iu factory to any part of the forld. Catulo u* free. Vv. !,. HOUOLAS. 157 Spark St.. tlrockton. SS DYES '.) <> In coUl wii|?r lietter Uian :?nv <>lhtT iljrru Yot m. MO. Ron 1> It I ti CO.. QiitncT- Itllnol*. euuuwtjSBPIJHLUULA^: - .^..USETSSH^ ftd Girls | s out Malaria and builds up the as ntcd on every bottle, showing it | For adults and children. 50c. M 'ss ol^ in fact it H J it. Btf's. RENA HARE^ ^ Ihmtrnter) Boole, "Heme Treatment f?r gjra fiymptomn of Female Itir.caaeii and giv- BB ri health, hygiene, diet, medicine, etc., KB e, postpaid. Addre-.i:,ei Aete itory [MB lon't have to vjneazn yonr foot into Q ;r?'t<'ln'<l into tho nhiip* of your foot. H KMKUS. They ore innilo to Jit tho UU t whe-i your weight com**, uml they H fp/e > suit you. no matter how par- H are. Ix>ok for tho label. 3. FIELD C 0., Brockton, M.xstu I (