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A SUDDEN GOLD. TIItiITcl?a SaucrMer, of 815 3Inln St., St, ?o3cp&?Mlcb., writes na Intorostlnc lctto* on U?o cubject of cclchtu]; to'J. whicU cannot fall to bootrolcc to all route a nlw catch cold ooslly. FEBBBIMUSED FDD SIDES GOLDS. It Should Be Taken Accjrt'lng to Ciructions on the Bottle, at the First Appearance of the Coll St. Joseph, Mich., Sept., 11)01.?Last \rintcr 1 cuuglit a mill tie n eolil which developed Into tin unpleasant catarrh of the head und throat, depriving me ot' my appetite and usual good spirits. A friend who had been ? ured l?v I'eruna advised me to trv it and I sent for a lw>ttle at once, nr.d I am glad to say that in three days ttie phlegm had loosened, and 1 felt better, iny appetite returned and within nine days 1 was in my usual pm d health. ? Misa Helen Sauerhier. I'eruna is an old utid well tried remedy for cold*. No woman should be without it. I'eruim is sold by your local druggist. Huy a bottle today. So. 42-'03. Gave It Way. "1 nni saddest when I sing." "Nobody listening to you could doubt it." I)TC \T II TO KINO W JRJI. "Everywhere I go I apeak for tbttbbinb, because It cureS m? of ringworm In it* worst form. My wholo olmst from neck to walet won raw ns beef; but tbttbbixb cured nie. It aUo cured n bad case ot piles." 8o ?nya Mrs. M. F. Jours or TanuoMll hit., lNUaburjc. Fa. Tsr raai:?*, tho Rroat akin remedy, Is sold by druitklsts or sent by mall (or 50*. Writs 2. T. Hiiui'iamt, Dept. A, Savannah, Ua. Beaulj' is good l'or women, flrmncss for uicu. Hicks' Cnpudino Cures Nervousness, Whethor tiroil out, worried, eleeplossnoHS or what not. It (|uietsnnd refresnes brain and nerves. Ji's liquid and plwaut to take. Trial bottle It) . lie^ulur sizos v&o, Kiel 5'Ju. Ht diviRfists .ColiimbuB. Behind hint lay the irrav Azores, Behind tho Hates of Hercules: Before him not the ghost of shores, Before him only shoreless seas. The good mate said: "now must we pray, For lo! the vor.v Htnrs are gone. Bravo Adra'r'l. speak, what shall I sav?" "Why. ?ay t 'Sail on! sail on! and on!'" "M v man mow mutinous day by day; My men grow ghastly wan ami weak." The stout mate thought of home; a spray ] Of salt wave washed his swarthy cheek. "What shall I say. bravo Adm'r'l say. If wo sight naught but sens n dawn?', "Why you shntl suy at break of dav: 'Ball on! sail on! sail on! and on! " They sal'rd and tailed as winds might blow, L'nill at last the blanched mate said: "Why now. not even (iod would know Should l and nil my men fall dead. These very winds farret their way. For (iod from these dread st us Is gone. Now speak brave AUmVl. speak and say"? lie said; "Ball on! sail on! and on!" They sailed, They sailed. Then spako the mate: "This mad sea shows Ids teeth to-nlffht. lie curls Ids Up. he lb s In wait. With lifted teeth, as if to bite! Bravo Adm'r'l say but one good word: nru mi?ii we no wucn nopo i?iron?>" The ivonU leapt like a leaping sword i "Sail on! sail on! hall on! and on!" Then, pale and worn, lie kept his deck And peered through darkness. Ah that nigh! Of all dark nights! And then a speck ? Alight! Alight! Alight! Alight! Jt grew, a starlit flag unfurled! It grew to bo Time's burst of dawn. Ho gained a world: lie gave that world It'sgiamloat lewon: "On! sail on!" Proverbs and Phrases. Doing what we ought is our duty, It costa more to satisfy vice than to feed a family. In the world who knows not how to swim goes to the bottom. When men arc friends there is no Viced of justice. Oh, the days that nro gono by. WANTED TO KNOW The Truth About Grape-Nuts Food. It doesn't matter so much what you hear about a thing, It's what you know that counts. And correct KHuwieage js most likely to come from personal ecperlence. "About a year ago," writes a N. Y. man, "I was bothered by indigestion, especially during the forenoon. J tried eoveral remedies witbout any pormauent improvement. "My breakfast usually consisted ol oatmeal, steak or chops, broad, coffer and some fruit. "Hearing so much about GrapeNuts. I concluded to give it a trial and find out if all I had heard of it was true. "So I began with Grape-Nuts and cream, two soft boiled eggs, toast, a cup cf Postum and some fruit. Hefore the end of the first week I wat rid of the acidity of the stomach and felt much relieved. "By the end of the second week all ' traces of indigestion had disappeared and I was in first rate health once more. Before beginning this course of diet I never had any appetite for lunch,-but now I can enjoy a hearty meal at noon timo." "There's a Reason." Name given by Poctum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. Kvcr rend the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are gonuine, true, and full of human interest. ? - IS HE LEPER OR NOT? / Early Declares lie is Being Held Without Just Cause HIS WIFE MAY STAY WITH HIM Former North Carolina Man, in Spite of the Fact That the District o 1 Columbia Health Peoplo Are Absolutely Certain as to Their Diagnosis, Declares He Is Not Afflicted "With Leprosy and Refuses to Allow Injections of Filtrate Into His Body. Washington. D. C.. Snetini.?John R. Early, formerly of Lynn, N. C\, who has been pronounced n leper, and >n this account hns been kept Isolated in a tent under the guard of the health mthorities of the District of Columbia, declares that lie does not now and uevcr has admitted that he is afflicted with leprosy. He took a stiff, decided stand against the idea of his having leprosy Friday when the physicians who havo charge of his treatment proposed to inject what is known as the Nnstin treatment, being a series of injections of a filtrate of leprosy into his body. He said that he did not hove leprosy and that the injection might give it to him. Dr. W. C. Fowler, of the District health department, claims, on the other hand, that he and the other physicians who have examined Early rre "absolutely certain" that Early has leprosy. Sa\s he: "If Early is not suffering from leprosy, no man ever had that disease. There is no doubt in the world about his having leprosy, and we infer from the fact that,he has remained silent throughout the past month that he is convinced. We appreciate, as much as Eail.v or cny one else, what a serious thing it would be to isolate a man unless we were absolutely certain lie was afflicted with leprosy." Early insists that there is a mistake and expresses a desire and an intention, if it shall be allowed, of having himself examined by other physi, cians. Dr. Fowler says further: "The health office does not deny Early the right to have himself examined by any doctor, scientist, pathologist, or medical man be mav see fit to employ. He was pronounced *1 leper by a doctor wdio has seer, hundreds of eases. Besides this, the lppenrnnoe of his face and body, the swellings so characteristic of leprosy, and the way he tells attending doctors how he feels prove hpvond any shadow of a doubt that he is a leper and should be isolated for the common gool." Since it hns been decided that the State of North Carolina cannot he required bv law to take care of Early, and since he has been granted a pension bv the Pension Rnrpnn nnrnf,,) consideration has been given to the question ns to what shall be done with him. lie is still in his tent over 011 the banks of the Potomac river, near the smallpox hospital, in what has been termed by some an exceedingly unhenlthful locality, though there is another opinion about the healthfulness of the place. His wife has rented a cottage nearbv, and she visits him every day, spending several hours talking with him. Guards are stationed there to see that she docs not come into personal contact with him, and she is kept under watch, ind will be. So long ns she does not touch him, the authorities say there is not the slightest danger of contagion through her. The health c (finals have a plan for "renting a cottage for Early and his faroilv. maintining a guard at the home day nnd night. It may even be that Mis. Enrlv will he permitted 'o live with her husband in the same room, provided she agrees to isolate herself for the rest of her life. But the details of the plan have not been completed yet. The health officials realize the great difficulty of keeping husband nnd wife apart when they n rn '1 - T' -.v wvibwumi-u upon vinuinjr. it IS about as difficult n task as making husband and wife live with each other when they do rot want to. But they are turning their minds to the solution of the problem, however difficult. Envlv meantime continue to read his Bible and to philosophize, as has been his wont since his first segreen| tion.?Zaeh McGce in Charlotte Observer. Fishing Schooner Destroyed by Fire. Pensaeoln, Fin., Special.?The fishing schooner Ida, owned in this city, was destroyed by fire in the Gulf when gasoline, which had escuped from the tank, ignited, causing .an explosion, The vessel was an auxiliary yacht of largo aize. The boat was about twenty miles at sea and the crew took to the small boats. They were picked up and brought into port later. Ten thousand pounds of mackrel which composed the cargo were destroyed. Warlike Attitude of Servia. Belgrade, By Cable.?All the army reservists were ordered to join the colors on Sunday, and a declaration of war against Austria will prob ably be made tlr*n. The whole of Ser via is clnmoring for a war with Austria, and King Peter seems powerless to restrain his people. The mobilization of troops is being carried on araid scenes of the wildest entlmsi asm. England to Help Turkey. London, By Cable.?England gave her first tangible evidence of support ing Turkey by ordering the battle ships Glory and Priuce of Wales and the cruisers Diar.n and Lancaster tr oroee'ed at once from Malta to tin Island of Lcmos, which is in the Ore ian archipelago and belongs to Tur key. England is acting upon the rep resentation of Turkey that the pies ence of an English fleet can calni tin Turkish population and prevent tli spoliation of the empire, ' ISKESJOGUlfPLAN A Great Inland Transportation Scheme Projected * JUDGE TAFr SPEAKS ON PLAN ??? Officers of the Lakes to the Gulf Deep Waterway Association, Which Met in Ihird Annual Session Wednesday in Chicago, Believe That Somo Day There Will Be a Deep Chaitnel From Lake Michigan to the Gulf of Mexico. Chicago, Special?A picture of days when stately ships shall carrjf the rich products of the central Stales from the Great Lakes to the Gulf if Mnxion Hitniurli n .1...... <> .avp nmciwny, returning with products of no less value, was conjured up before tho delegates and visitors to the third annual convention of the Lakes to the Sulf Deep Waterway Association by able speakers headed by William H. Taft. The day's utterances were authoritative for they came from Secretary Saunders, of the association; President Kavanaugh, head of the organization ; Governor Charles S. Deoeen, of Illinois, who spoke of the first link of the great waterway, the Chicago drainage canal and William II. Taft, who bad the general superviiion in Washington of the building of Ihe Panama canal until he resigned to become the presidential nominee of Ihe Republican^artv. The need of such a waterway was insisted upon by every speaker. The question of transportation, it was desleared, is one of the most serious questions with which this country has :o deal. Mr. Taft's insistence that the deep waterway and the conservation of the national resources were related subjects, which called for immediate action, elicited great applause. His statement that the waterway was not a project, but a policy, found n ready response in cheers Df his auditors. "We find," said Mr. Taft, "'that during the ten years ending with 1905 the internal commerce of our country incrcnsed 118 per cent, while railroad transportation facilities during tho same time increased only 20 per cent. It has been pointed out that to supply this deficiency by the construction of additional railroads and necessary terminals would require a capital investment of $5,500,000,000 and this conitruction when completed would make no provision for the further increase of our commerce. The only solution of this problem, the speaker found in deep waterways." The convention opened at 10 o'clock with a prayer by Bishop Samuel Fallows. of Chicago. William K. Kavanaugh, president of the association, then delivered his annual address and William F. Saunders, secretary, read iu? report. CROP CONDITIONS. Report of the Agricultural Department Showing the Condition of Crop3 October 1st. Washington, Special.?The corn rrop condition on October 1st was 77.S per cent, spring wheat quality S3.1 per rent, totnl production of spring wheat was indicated as 233.000,000. the yield per acre averaging: 13.2 bushels, combined production spring and winter wheat indicated as about 550.030,000 bushels of SO.4 per cent, pinlity and t he cat crrp quality was ^1.3 per cent, the production being "SO, 101.000 buslwls with yield per lore averaging 24.9 bushels according o the Department of Agriculture rop rcpoit issued Wednesday. The corn condition is against a tenrear average en October 1st of 70.7. The average yield of spring wheat is against a six-year average cf 35.0 The final estimate of average yield of oats per acre is against a ten-year average rf 29.S and quality SG.l for ten years. The decline in eonditien of corn during September was about two n?r rent, as compared with an average decline tlie past ten years of 1.0 per cent. In Southern corn States the condition on Octohcr 1st and ten-Veai average, respectpivelv, of corn follows : Texas 93 and 73; Georgia 94 and 92; Kentucky 75 and 93; Tennessee 32 and SO; Alabama 83 and 90; North Carolina 92 and 92; Arkansas 79 and 77; Mississippi 91 and 70. Fire Destroys the Southern Pacific Round House. Beaumont. Tex., Special.?Fire late Wednesday destroyed the Southern Pacific round house and master mechanic's office with n loss to the com pany of about $200,000. Nine engine* which were in the round house wer< consumed together with three frcighi ears. "Judge" Crofts, a colored host ler, was so bndlv burned that be wil die. Several other railroad employe* were burned in trying to save proper ty, but none fatally. The fire uncaused by the explosion of a trnk o! oil. Hampton Roads Selected. Washington, Special.?Unless tin present plans of the Navy Depart ment are changed the Atlantic battle ship fleet will come home direct t< Hampton Roads. The fleet, aeoordini to the present plans, will remain tw< or three days in Hampton Roads fo a grand review by President Rcose velt, then go to New York, to remaii five or six days in order to give tin men shore leave. The fleet will Ihei go to Guantnnatr.o for target practice Grain Elevator Explodes. Riehford, Yt., Fpeeinl?With a eon cussion which fhcok the entire vil bge, a laice grain elevator, having capacity cf 500,000 bushels, explodecausing the death of seven worknv and a woman. The explosion bleu < the entire loef of the building, sintering s in all directions aalmost insiartlv flam.,< butsf out over the stimlrro. Twentv-one ? were employed in the bu'ldie" | w! cm seven arc missing raid un ' * tally perished. \ Jm I * Insignificant Work. [, Big men do big things, but bow \ many big tilings are big failures. The : biggest ship that ever was built was ( no profit to anybody until it was sold i and broken up for old junk. Many ! a little ship during the same time bad made good voyages, and brought profit to its owner. A man writes | a big book; be is a great man, but few people ever read bis book, yet it is learned and bulky, and perpetu- , ates the man's fame through genera- ( tions. Another man writes a little , letter, a pamphlet, an epistle, which , can be read in an hour, carried in the pocket, copied in a little while, sent through the mails, or printed on a few pages, and that little pamphlet is translated into hundreds of languages, scattered by millions in every quarter of the globe. Paul, chained to a soldier iu his hired house at Rome, wrote no big books. A* dosen pages would eontain the largest tratisc he ever wrote, and .vet the thoughts there embodied and the truths there declared, live j through all ages and go to tlie ends of the earth. A seed is a little thing but in it there is the promise of a waving harvest through all thq. years to come. A granite monument is- a great thing, but it has no advancement, no promise, no growth. Let the man who does little things wait on God, who can make little things great, and accomplish his own purpose of grace and goodness, working wonders by means of the feeblest instruments through his matchless wisdom and his powerful love.? Chirstian. WOULD MAKE A FINE WITNESS. "This kid." declared the New York broker, "is no good as an ofllco boy. He has absolutely no memory.*' "Well," Inquired the junior partner, "shall we fire him or take liim intc the firm?"?Kansas City Journal. The Austrian Lloyd lino established the first week in January a fast fortnightly steamship service between Trieste and Brindisl, on the Mediterranean, and Karacl/ and Bombay, India, with a maximum voyage of fifteen days. The less her hat cost the more becoming it is in the eyes of her husband?if be is that sort. One of the Essentials of the happy homes of to ! :v L n vn?t fund of information as to the host methods of promoting health and happiness and right living and knowledge of the world'sbest products. Products of actual excellence ant! reasonable claims truthfully presented | and which have attained to world-wide acceptance through the approval of th< Well-informed of the Wcrld; not of individuals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and obtaining the best the world affords. One of the products of that clas3, of known component parts, an Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and commended by the Well-Informed of the World as a valuable and wholesome family laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Nothing New or YOUR GRAND mother-." For many generations Goose Grease has Issen rocognlro 1 as a wonderful renndial ytediuui in treating and curing Pneummla. Grippe, Rheumatism and 5>etiralgla. KICK'S GOOsjj GREASE LINIMENT U m ids from pure goose grease, with other valuable oaratlye ingredients added. Try it. 03o?At all Druggist* and Dealers? ^i^o. ; 3003E GREASE COMPANY, P\ HATK 1 irsa I b a JLIJL H WH|bK^5 The above is our shipping best and quickest shipping facilitii HATKE'S VIRGINIA MOUN" PRIVATE STOCK COoN-'l HOLLflNhC.!N-P?.?r.i-.?i APPLE BRAN DY~ Thlsyeiin PEACH BRANDY-Made e* "aon i Wc prt pay express Ch^rpes [ 800-802-804-800 E. Throat and Lungs FJjH need jual the protection againx cold WP-3 and diaease that if obtained from V^N Mi Pbo'a Cure. If you bare a couth (aJ CjSJ or cold, alight or aerioua, begin talc- t#ll *J in| Piao's Cure today and continue nfl HB until you are well. Cure the cough |Sgt 11)1 while it it hah, when a few date* RX of Pifo'i Cure may be all that you NH Uy will need. Famoua for half acen- rati t tury. Pleatant to taate. Free from H, P lyl opialea and harmful ingredients. \ tCLA8SIPICD ADVBRTieCMKNT8{ CI'RF. FOR ft*I I. KM AMPLE TUKATMKNT of l<od Cross Pit* 3 ?nd Fistula Cure and hook explaining Piles sent fr>-<?. KK.X CO..I>?'pl iH.MInnr>t?->lls,Mtup Trying New Tack. "Jenkins is parading the fact that le is n woman hater." "Some girl threw him down?" "No; he never got far enough along with one for thut. That's just the trouble. He has tried all other means of winning their affections, and he only became a woman hater as a last resort."Hunger is an - excellent thing to make you change your way of thinking?and sometimes your way of d?ring. Proverbs and Phrases. Oh. the days that are gone by. It costs more to satisfy vice than to feed a family. Put your affairs into the hands of a receiver before you start out to bunch the other fellow's game. DRAGS YOU DOWN. Backache and Kidney Trouble Slowly Wear One Out. Mrs. R. Crouse, Fayette St.. Manchester, Iowa, says: "For two years tmy back was weak and rheumatic. Pains ran through my back, hips and limbs. I could hardly get about and lost much sleep. The action of the kidneys was much disordered. I began using Doan's Kidney puis, and the result was remarkable. The kidney action became normal, the backache ceased and my health Is now unusually good"." Sold by all dealers, 50 cents n box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Fifteen acres of lumber yards were burned at Saco and Hiddeford, Maine, To Drive Out Malaria ami Build Up the System Take tho Old Standard (JnovK's Tastkuess Chill, Tonic. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing it is simply (Quinine anu Iron in a tasteless form, aixi the most effectual form. For grown people and children. 5Uo What C, jscd It. Hazel?lie used to say she was the most graceful girl in town. Whni changed his opinion? Helen?Why, he came upon her un expectedly while she was eating eon from the ear. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was sup posed to l>e incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it n local disease and Prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be n constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. ,J Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only eon Ftiiiiiionni cureon me market. u is taken in ternally in doiieti from 10 (irons ton teaspoon ful. It nets directly on tho blood and imienu* surfaces of tbc system. They olfer one Imn drcd dollars foranycaseit fails to cure. Seiul for eireularsnnd testimonials Address F.J Ciikney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold bv DrupgiHte. 75c. Take Hall's Family l'ilis for constipation A Practical Interest. Root?He seems to take u great in terest in art. Toot?I hadn't noticed it. Root?Yes; lie was out nutoino biling yesterday with a model. A Marvelous Kye Kemetly. Those who know what iuteiisi pains come with some diseases of tin eye can hardly believe Mitchell's K>? Salve is able to do all that is claimer for it, but a trial soon convinces mu of the extraordinary curative power: of this little remedy. Sold all ovt the United States. Price Necessity is stronger than humai nature. PUTNAM Color more goodc brighter and faiter colore than nn can (lye anv mtrmem without iliminr nnart. Wr i&coT? 1 DISTIL L E RS And house where we'have been d >inff businr ea. All orders are sent out sauie day ri TAIN RYE?A whiskoy we have be? Tie mild and mellow, try it once, Id at this low price ... i crop, but it is PURE BRANDY pecially for us in Maryland. 10 er/vrs extra per crllodi for ai\ 24 Pints or AS Halt-Pints of Any / i at, lueso prices and guarantee sato deuvc Send Money Order or Re A. HATKE <Si . GARY ST., 1IOX AI.WAV!* nRNTION THIS PAPKR uhen tvrltlnx A ?l vc r 11 trr?, mwl In buying Article* ntlvrrllkrtl In itn*e column* take only I lie (>I.N I I .> i: u ml DECLINE ALL SUBSTITUTES! Pullr ifrmp 7 feti ?!ltm?Wr. Anlf . "<^r> . SU?I Fturnp Puller F*cU.ry In th? ??9/2* miking Ihalr own fcloal Ciatlng*. ' OmritM for W>o horaa power it/no. 1MB. Ai'O* C*U)dfu? Ubd Oucom.U AddroM : ZMMERMANN STEEL CO.. - Lena Trea. Iowa. I Z 80. 42-'08. Dnniiirmu "ow ? >*r.? 1 >1. HIlLUm/l 1 loltl suits ?|>cc<ty; iruuraiitecxlvon iri ? low. Write quick. 1)11. S. T. WRIOHT, Peru, Iti'l. Thompson's Eye Water 1 - Easier Way. "So the world owes you a living?" "Sure.'" "Why don't you collect it?" "It is much simpler to soil a gold brick occasionally." WAS DELIRIOUS WiTH ECZEMA. Pain. Heat and Tingling Were K\cru? elating?Cuticura Acted Like Magic. "An eruplion hroke out on my daughter's Client 1 inok tier to a doctor, and h? nronouncod it to be eczema of a very had form, lie treated her. hut the disease spread to her haol:, and then the whole ol 1 tier head was atTeote-l. suit nil her tiair had to he cut off. The pain she suffered vrat expatriating, and with tlint and the heat and tingling her life was almost, unbearable. Occasionally stie was delirious and she did not have a proper hour's sleep foi many nights. The second doctor we tried afforded her jttsl as little relief as ttie first Theil 1 mirrll.isod <'lit ieinv. inent. nncl Pills, anil before the Ointment ' was three-quarters finished every trace ol the disease was gone. It really seemed like magic. Mrs. T. \V. Ilvde. Breutwood, Essex, Knglnn I, Mar. 8, 10J7." Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.?Pope, KEEP VOl'ItKUIN IIKAI.TIIY. Tf.ttkhise has done wonders for sufferers from eczema, tetter, ground Itch, erytipela'. Infant sore heal, chaps, chafes and other forms of skin diseases. lu aggravated eases of eczema Its cures have been marvelous and thousands of people slug Its praises. 60c. at druggists or by mall from J.T. Suui'trisk, Dept. A, Savannah, Gu. The ash borrows poison from the viper.?Latin. Cnpudinc Cures Indigestion Pains, Belching, Sour Stomach, and Heartburn, from whatever cause. It's Liquid. Effects immediately. Doctors prescribe it. 10c., 25c., and 50c.. at drug stores. He gives twiec who gives quickly. ?Goldsmith. Mrs.W inslow's Soothing Syrup lor Children teething, softens the gums, reduces intlumm.itiuii, allay spam, cures wind colic, 2jc a bottle Charily to yourself doesn't make 1 up for severity to others. PRoVoil tutlericcn toiton and Businc i and Sclioc MILLEDCE f T YI~ I T 1I\I ^ ** 1:11 ir to coir.| h t c nn> O! 1 1 WH. jiMTiir'1'. f li i |?, I -ii y ;ili I ? 11 rott? ?ii n nrk? t c aU ? I? ; h li> \> t < franc rolioii |?v a (*ii| xxi.:rs? t;;vr bookkeepii Mil." IA I. I.AW ni><l all IIIIKAIU I rmirhin H Telegraphy and Railroading: m?,'i . uili I \|h*ii c i oic*i>iialilo Write for < itulnitiii 8 TP v Young Men n Learn LeionrapSiy * - I ^ QMurrd, vhci I National Telegraph Institute, (Dt don't f >rgct t' winter-killing Bfore planting, acre. Most fc them complet lbs. Muriate ol Call on your may l>e too late t*. Potas Send foi i GERMAN KALI NEW YORK?9; FADEL E . othor ?lvi\ 0:io 1 \ m *icw colorj -.It fllM?r*. rh ito i?ir freo bookl ?r -Il?m t?> i?v??. I'lcaoi aid Mix Oc inratfn in w " ' * ? 1 I 1 RICHh isssimmi* )F F~ I C E- /f ?"rr"r^ ~^^^^flfPi sa for more than forty years. Being next JCeived. Wo niako losses and breakage go >n sailing for forty years - J? <?f then always - 2 5( " " - - 2.5C " - - - - 2.5C 2.5( /V or THE ABOVE BUANOB f/V FULL QV Ibovc Brnntts In P:aln Cnann 57.50. ry. Write for complete price list, as t! gistcred letter with order. , COMPANY, 371, I FOR. MEN. Two hundre bottomsof your tdiocw will tire your jrj feet. 8KRKKMER rhoes are inadi Ira hy tlx v always tit. i Is Skreeniera, write us for dir - " * " 'r > After suffering for seven years, this woman was restored to health by I.ydiu E. Pinklinin*s Vof^tublo Compound. Rend her letter. Mrs. Sallio French, of Pnueaunlo, Ind. Tor., writes to Mrs. l'inkham: " I had female troubles for seven years?was all run-down, and so nervous I could not do anytliinp. The doctors trented me for different troubles but did me no pood. While in this condition I wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for advioe and toolr T.vdin K. Pinklmm'a Vpitp. table Compound, and I am now strong and well." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands01 women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency,indigos- . tinn,dizziuess,or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Piiiklinm if there is anything about your sickness you do not understand. She will treat your letter in confidence and ad vise you free. Jso woman ever regretted writing her, and because of her vast experience she has helped thousands. Address, Lynn, Mass. VATKINS MEDICAL CO. ' NONA, MINNESOTA. ? Ai*tl?le?: IIIC eme?lte?, Flavoring 1*. Toilet l't-eparutluits. Flue K?iup?, Kte. \Vanted in tL-Very Ccanty. Kipei leiice, SiU.OOO.fiiM) Output. ITION E^lS AGENTS iss University il uf Telegraphy, Consolidated V I L L E , G A . \v with Kocd rvctUlit In TO ?!n\p hour to gr.nlo. Inmitfj. . .hi I i?.? aii'e to protect tlierandvcs in any find-elan* n t; otiili iuc ( oiitTC. tbir eaii?|?lo room* nadrr ripert HitiKle un l <1? w ?lo entry. Ituw t *>*teti?, r?*? *. ni/ed |,\ I.iisiimsh men to In* tin* li t. t'OMlltiKIIIAM). TYI'KW KIT l\ti. (mvg and Electric. Icr thrno ex|H?rt TctotfrupliciN nn.l I r un 1 >i*|>atcherw. n line Kailrottd wire-. I In* l?est equipped mliooi tn tha r\ nu I Ktate eourno do-ire I. n*i i.nnm 01 umiui ion. mk um tna u r i ru bral i? * ana it. (K* in on?? of > ur 1 n>t(tuttf. (irrs.t ticnrcity of ralcfl^r hIkmiIm umli-r aiivrt mptr\ inton ??f Railway tin-lino wiros in all our ?rliiwh, J'orititn* nl*M?lutoly ii roinWork for l riinl. 1'nwiivUH (nr. A N\ C'INriWA l I. <> . I'll 11. V.. l'A.t jpt. f\. PI. J M KM I'll IS. I . NN . COl.rir.lN.H. O. Alfalfa thrives best on a soil well supplied with POTASH, phosic acid and lime. taring your land for alfalfa this fall 0 insure your cro[t against weeds and by applying, broadcast, ten davsbe600 pounds of 2-8-10 fcrtflizer per rtilizers arc weak in Potash. Make . c by adding Potash?io.?u?or 25 " Putash to each 100 Ibsuf fertilizer, dealer for POTASH at once as next week > get the goods delivered in time lor use. h Grows Alfalfa > our hook* containing fact* about ?qi|, nanurcs and fertilizers. irea^ tVORKS, Candler Bldg., AtlalWa. Qa. 1 Nassau St. CHICAOO?Monadnock Ulj7T\_ j S S DYE S ov ?!>o In cold water bettor than nnv other dyo. You >lort. >!<? Ifltl liter ?: < ?? 1111....1 ? 111 "rm THE HEART OF / 10ND, VA.J I ?0 U1 M[kN EXPRESS* ^ T SHIPMENTS* I to^tho express office gives us the jj| 2 Gall*. 3 Gals. 4?i Gals ) $4- 50 $6.50 $9.00 ) A so fi sn tinn H ) 4.50 6.50 9.00 ) 4.50 6.50 9.00 ) 4.50 6.50 9.00 aRTS." Iieac arc only a few brands. Richmond, Va. d pounds, more or less, rosting on the ffej feet unless t tio shoe bottoms fit your 3M n correctly from tho bottom nn, and Q >k for tlm l.ihel. If you don t find cotions liuw to socuro them. O., BrocHton, Mats. V c "1