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r Sl^- * IV\%N\\%V\W\\\\>W\\\N\\\\ I Read Th / * Cotton mills closed, short means light business for us 9% Goods in Fort Mill than ev i i-J- _e 1_ i w*5 Tiitve a 101 ui guuus iu carry to carry over anything if L< g* Instead of waiting until Ja our stock off at a loss, prices right now when yc >?| like to quote you a few pric our competitors to lose sle< goods, and the prices will d ?<! New lot Ladies' Suits and J J [ Read this over again and | will save if you take advant ? I L. J. M/ 5? Items of Local Interest I ?Mr. J. A. Withers, of Wortbville, N. C., was a visitor to Fort Mill Sunday. ? Mrs. Beulah Faris, of Charlotte, is visiting her parents in \ Gold Hill. ? Mr. J. Z. Bailes, of Pleasnr.t Valley is attending court, as a juror, in Lancaster this week. ? Mrs. J. B. Mack returned to her home at College Park,. Ga., Thursday, after a visit to relatives here. ?Misses Frances and Azilec Harris returned Thursday from * an extended visit to their sister, Mrs. L. E. Ligon, at Shelby, N. C. ? Mr. and Mrs. GaryS. Thompenn liftlo C uuu uuu iibuc uau^uivi , Ui VJTI boro, N. C., arrived Saturday afternoon for a visit to relatives in this place. ? Mr. James W. Erwirkon last VYednesday attended the marriage near Rock Hill of Miss ?" -Mattie Belle Martin and Mr. D. J. Pcrter, of Norfolk, Va. ?The regular fall examination for teachers to teach in the county schools of York county will be held tomorrow (Friday) morning at 9 o'clock in the court house at Yorkville. ? Mrs. J. H. Thornwell on Monday placed with Mr. W. B. j Wylie, of the Yorkville marble yard, an order for a handsome monument for the grave of her husband, the late Dr. J. H. Thornwell. ? Mr. A. C. Williamson, forI merly of Fort Mill, but now re- " siding at Montrcat, N. C., was a visitor to Fort Mill Monday. | Mr. Williamson and wife were enroute to Florida to spend the winter. ? Miss Eliza Horton, a teacher in the Lancaster graded schools, i was a guest from Friday until Monday at the home of Mrs. J. H. Thornwell on Confederate street. ? The many friends throughout this section of Dr. Thos. B. T? 1 :n *>. iviciiciiciiii win regret 10 learn k that he has been very ill of la grippe for the past ten days at his home on Confederate street. His condition yesterday was reported slightly improved. ?The clerk's sale Monday of the Sellers house and lot on Forest street resulted in the property being bought by J no. R. Hart, attorney, for the Bank of Xlarendon. The price paid was *1,200. - Very little cotton has been sold on the local market the past week, owing to the low price of the staple. Fort Mill famners, as a general rule, are in position to hold their cotton until the price advances beyond the cost of production. - Mr. W. E. Sledge and daughters attended the marriage of Miss Mattie Belle Martin and Mr. D. J. Porter at Lesslie's yesterday. Mr. Porter hns a i position with the Dellaven-Dawson Co., in Norfolk.?Chester Reporter, 8th. ? A statement in The News furnished by the auditor of Lancaster county places the total value of taxable property in that county for 1908 at $3,440,850. The taxable values for 1907 were $3,371,385, showing an increase for 1908 of $69,465. According to the statement there are 890 dogs assessed for taxation in that I f county. ?During the past ten days there has been quite an exodus of mill people from Fort Mill to the other towns in this section. The two mills here have been closed for the past six weeks, and this period of idleness has forced the people to seek employment at other mills. No information is obtainable as to ^ when the mills in this place will resume operations. J W\N\N%\W\\\NV\\V\\%V%\% N\\VN\N\NN\NVNN\\N?N\\!SN\ lis Twice I _ 1 B crops and low priced cotton Jy all. There are more Dry $2 rer before. Somebody f will over. We do not propose $2 3w Prices will move them. ,nuai*y"or February to sell urn Uotrn rviif nt Aid v t JJLAV, II1C MI11C 111 ?u need the goods. Would es, but don't like to cause ep. So come and see the 0 the rest. 1 Cloaks just arrived. think about the dollars you age of our low prices. {I iSSEY. | AMtMSMffeSMMMAMMtfeiXMCMS * : ? Messrs. J. M. Spratt, J. H. McMurray, L. A. Harris, J. J. Bailes and Dr. J. L. Spratt attended the district meeting of the Knights of Pythias in liidgeway Tuesday night. ? Fort Mill people will be interested to know that Mr. James D. Fulp, a son of Mrs. A. O. Jones, of this place, has purchased the interest of Mr. A. E. Davis in the gent's furnishing business in Winnsboro and is now conducting the business as sole , owner. James is a clever young man and that he is meeting with success in Winnsboro is ! gratifying to his many friends! here. ?The postmasters of South Carolina are going to hold a big i meeting in Columbia fair week and Postmaster Massey, of the i Fort Mill office, will be one of those in attendance. The postmasters meeting, while a business affair, is by no means void of pleasure, for many are the jokes, good, bad and indifferent, ' that are exchanged by these managers of Uncle Sam's mail during the annual gathering. Postmaster Massey is anticipating a very pleasant time during his attendance on the meeting. ?The three hundred White Leghorn chickens, bought by Mr. B. M. Lee some weeks ago, arrived in seven large crates' Friday morning and were at once taken to Mr. Lee's farm 2 miles south of town. The reporter has never seen a finer or larger number of Leghorns in a single bunch, i and, hs this breed of chicken is : noted for the large number of eggs it produces, we imagine Mr. Lee will have quite a "cackling" time about his place when the laying season comes on. ?An event of much interest to their friends will be the marriage this (Wednesday) evening at 7.30 of JMr. N. L. Carothers and Miss Mannie Reid Wolfe. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. W. M. Owings, assisted by Rev. W. A. Hafner, at the home of Mr. W. D. Wolfe, in Sprattville. The flower girls, the only attendants, will be j Misses Mamie Carothers and Lizzie Harris. Mr. Carothers and bride will for the present board at the home of the groom's father, Mr. W. R. Carothers, but will later occupy the hand- , some cottage of Mr. T. N. | Lemond, on East Booth street. Mr. Eason Sustains Serious Injury. Mr. Chas. W. Eason, overseer of (he finishing department of . the Fort Mill Mfg. Company, 1 came near losing his right hand As the result of an accident at the mill Monday morning. Mr. Eason was engaged in operating one of the machines, known as the calendar machine, on which the cloth passes between two i heavy iron rollers. A piece of cloth had been torn olF and in reaching for it, Mr. Eason's right hand was caught and drawn between the heavy rollers. It was several minutes before he could extricate himself from this position and during that time suffered intense pain. Mr. Eason at once sought a physician and it was found that the fiesh from the four fingers of his right j hand had been almost entirely! stripped off back to the first joint and that his entire hand I was badly bruised. Fortunately j the bones were uniniured. und. 1 while Mr. Eason will have a very sore hand for several weeks, he and his friends are thankful that he escaped what came so near being a permanent injury. Whou you have a cold you may ho sure J that it has been caused indirectly by constipation and consequently you must lirst of all take something to move the bowels. This is what lias made Ken nedy's Laxative Congh Syrup so sueeessful and so generally demanded. It does not constipate like most of the old fashioned cough cures, baton the other hand it gently moves the bowels and at the same time heals irritation and allays inflammation of the throat. Hold by Ardrcy's drug storo. See McElhaney for Real Estate. % ? ? 11 mi ? i i i i i i ? i ?? i SPECTACLES AND j EYE-GLASSES. Come in and let us fit you. If we can't do so satisfactorily, safely and consciencely, we soon tell you. . If we can suit you, we soon show you that we can. . Prices 10 cents to $2.50. At these prices you can't afford to jeopardise your eyes by doing without them when yo" need them or by wearing a pair! wnvcn your eyes have outgrown. ARDREY'S Drug Store. ' l Captain White Favors New Bank. Lancaster, Oct. 9, 1908. Editor Fort Mill Times: I notice in the last issue of your interesting paper that it is | proposed to organize another bank at Fort Mill. The old bank ' certainly has no objections and we hope that both the institutions will do well and work harmoniously together. With best wishes for a continuation of the success of your interesting paper, I am, Yours very respectfully, Samuel E. White. Mr. Eli Wright Dead. Funeral services over the remains of Mr. Eli Wright were conducted from the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. A. Thrower, Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. W. M. Owings and the interment was afterward made at the local cemetery. Mr. Wright's death occurred Friday morning at his homo in North Charlotte, to which place he moved from Fort Mill about one year ago. Up to the time of his removal from this place, he had been a resident of this vicinity for many years. His death was the result of an iliness of four weeks of stomach trouble. Mr. Wright was irt the Gist yeai of his age, and is survived by a wife and seven children, three daughters and four sons. Mrs. A. R. Ferguson, of Fort Mill, a sister, also survives. Deceased was for many years a consistent member and leading spirit of the Fort Mill Methodist church. lie was a good man and was held in high esteem by all of his acquaintances. With the Local Methodists. 1 ' A recent issue of the Southern Christian Advocate contained a I letter which, in part, had the i following to say of Methodism in Fort Mill: ' j "Brother Staekhouse was with us last Friday and held our; fourth quarterly"conference. He ; preached two very plain, practical, and helpful sermons, as is characteristic of him. Friday evening, for the benefit of our new Philadelphia church, he gave : us a stereopticon lecture, which was very interesting and highly appreciated by a full house." DeWitt's Carboliz.ed Witch Hazel Salvo is recommended-uk the bent thing to use for piled. It is, of course, good for uuything where a salve is needed. Beware of imitations. Sold by Ardrey's drug store. ! / 7 i Wanted You to know that g "No. 2d" has a great amount of | hops in it, and is not carbonated, but brewed by one the largest | breweries in the South. Call for < "No. 23" at J. P. Billue's. 1 Many peoplo suffer a "great deal from Kidney and Bladder troubles. During tho past few years much of this complaiut has been made unnecessary by tho use of DoWitt's Kidney and Bladder pills They are antiseptic and are highly recommended for weak back, j b:ielfiieVn?. rliAnniniin e.. ........ I .V/ i 111 lit 111 lilil - j niation of the bladder and all other an- ' , uoyanoes due to weak kidneys. Thoy I ' are soid by Ardrey's drug store. FOR SALE, i For f>t) days I offer tho O'Connoll property, situated close to the Graded 1 school, j ist across the street from cor- ' porato limits of Fort Mill. Has nineroom two story house, besides pantrys, I HO acres land, good orchard and out building. 5 acres pasture, 1 acres in ! original oak timber. This is a great! chance to buy a pie'ffo of property and sell enough lots to pay for it, as a big portion of the place fronts the street. | For particulars see me. Terms reasonable. 1 66 acres of land in Fort Mill town ship, near i'inoville, N. C., at $6.50 per j acre, if taken at once. About 250 acres fine farming land near Fort Mill. Particulars on application from parties interested, A place containing 100 acres, within W\ miles of Finevillo, N. (J., in good j condition. Fairly new dwelling and out houses. Fifty acres of this place is ' in woods. Prico, $1,100. Terms?One-' third cash, balance in one, two and three installments, with interest., A nice building lot in Sprattville. The last three available business lots on the shady side of Main street, Fort Mill, are otTerod at reasonable figures, j if taken at once. Two of these lets are 1 I 25 x 100 feet. WANTED. I have applications from several who i want to buy plantations, so if you waut ; to sell your plnoo list it with me at , once, or if it is town property you want to sell, let me handle it for you. A. R. McELHANEY, 1 Meachan BUSINESS Times are hard, business of e no one will deny, but taking: a)', mills were running we certainly and iive in hopes for a bettc. da our mills and give us 10 ce its fc the balance. So let's all itand I jHOEi We can show y^ . the best sto children in otate. Not quit c^od. Ask any lady tha Ask the men and boys about Boj is no better made at the price. MILL Selling more Hats and nice Hi $1.50 to $2.50 on the same hat 3 CLOAK We have Ladies, Misses and C M EACH Ah I E. W. KI MBRl Stylish I Tailorec We have a full line of 1 the popular colors in Cloth, and SergCs. We 1 styles to show you, and lo Skirts from SS A beautilul Skirt in Pa This is a special value. Ask to see our Drop S I lack Taffeta Skirt?the V $5.00. Also the Heathe colors. Good black Dro White F We have the plain Whi 34 inch goods at 50 cents ] goods at 25 and 35 cents j White Our new White Linens 44 inches wide at 75 cents for CO cents. Linen Law Special foi Our special . for Frid Goods for ladies' waists at Checked Dimity, worth day at 7 1-2 cents. ' Checked Nainsook, the % ' Friday at 10 cent-s. E. W. KIM BUI "Tllfi MM We keep what the pec L?ains, and the people cc they want at bargain pi We keep a nice line ol light and colored, Overa Dress Goods and Notion baccos. Also a nice line ceries. New Hugging a Come and get our gocx I ri. 13 A K; W. H. h SALISBL FKICE LIST OF WIIIS One gallon lie w Com whiskey $1 0( One gal. 1-year old Corn whiskey... 1 7. One gal. 2-year old Corn whiskey... 2 (M One gal. M-ycar old Corn whiskey... 2 6( One gal. 4-year old Corn whiskey... 2<X One gallon New Kye 1 '51 One gallon X Rye 1 7 One gallon XX Bye 2 (H One gal. Sunny Sonth Rye 30 One gal. Old Henry Rye HW One gal. Hoover's Choice Rye 2 oi One gal. Rooney's Malt .'10 One gal Echo springs Rye 2 0 One gal. Peach and llonoy 2 0 One gal. Apple Brandv, new 2 0 One gal. Apple llrandy, very old... 2 5 ? FMi p.^nn any other floods i ;\j V ? . i ' * f, r - *4f * ? ' *. '."V ^ * i & Epps. VERY GOOD. very kind is very much depressed, in all our business is good. If our would be in a rush, but let's strive y soon to come. If they will start >r our cotton, we will take care of together and help each other. s shoes, ck of Shoes for men women and Q no low/Vrt o n ^ ^ --1"- 1 4 t no lai^c cio SUIUC VJI Llie CILIL'S, 1)111 t wear3 Selby Shoes how they wear, jtoniansand Commonwealth. There INERY. its every day. We will save you mu buy in a city. SEASON, Yiildrcn Cloaks, all kinds. A & EPPS. I a nHBBIBBEBHBBBBIHn ( ELL COMPANY jj Models in j I I Skirls. I j .adies' Skirts jnst in All R i Panamas, Voiles, Chiffon iiave quire an assortment ot I ^ w prices to quote you. B ^ J.25 to S8.00. fe4< nama, all colors, for $3.25. pj I kirts. We have a lovely I ^ :ind that stands alone?for E t rbloom ?kitts, in black and H * p Skirts from 56c up. E ^ rlanne!s. ' I _ te Flannels for underwear. ? A per yard, and the 26 inch I r xt yard, |j ? Linens. are in. A lovely quality per yard. 36 inch Linens ns at 25c, 37ic and 50c. I ? r Friday: i ay will be Checked White H ^ id children's dresses. Ej^ 12 i-2 and 15 cents, Fri\ 12 1 2 and 15 cent kind, jr ______ < III COMPANY j 1 p 's Always Busy." iplewaut at the best bar?me to us and get what *ices. f Mens' and Hoys' Shirts, ills, Underwear, Ladies, is, Candies, Snuff and Toof heavy and fancy (iro lid Tics. lis at rock.bottom prices. BEIS 8 CO. IOOVER, I J R V. N. O. j >KIES AND BRANDIES. ) One gal. Pea eh Bramly 3JF . , CAS|i GOODS: ) Four qrs. Oi<l Mountain Corn $"- "> > ) Twelve qts. Old Mountain Corn... 7 0 ? Four qts. < >ld Bailey Corn 3 00 ) Four qts. Rootiey's Malt I oO r? Four qts. Shaw's Malt too ) Four qts. Paul Jones Rye 4 00 I) Four qts. Rose Valley llyo 1 00 L> Four qts. Monogram Rye. 5 oo l) Four qts Wilson Bye M>0 0 Four qts. Prentice Rye MM 1 0 Four qts. Hoover's Choice 3 0q j 0 Four qts. Apple Brandy, iuw "> <>0 J 0 Four qts. Apple Brttn ;y, old 3 ftp I 0 l our quarts Peach Bramly tt.'ig j 1 i will be mailed on application. * * JES. O. 4004. First clothing worn by man, * In last week's issue we advertised that we would state when man lirst wore ? clothing--1>. C. 4004r--Genesis, 3rd chap^ * ter, 7th verse: "And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew they were naked and they sewed lig leaves together and made themselves aprons." a n "i <o /~v o Since then there has been a great improvement in both the quality and style x of garments, and it would give us pleasure to show you the latest 1?)0S suits for men and boys. McELHANEY & COMPANY. / > * V ;< J5 I Be Sxa.3?e 11 : c t V w That you have the right ' ? * n r 9 ... , ^ kind of paint before von vv ?< . " V paint your house. f| | "NEW ERA" | Is the right kind, and IC we sell and guarantee it. I Parks Drag Go 1 :< " * .'/ ifaftapacap^:**^ $ ..." ?.? '' i 5 It is more essential to eat pure 2 ^ food than to wear correct dress, yj i First protect the inside?tin* vital S R parts?then see to the outside. We Sk $ handle only pure foods, The ttov- $ R eminent doesn't need to send a $ 5. pure food inspector into our store or j\j ? market?itpasses all the! ime. Clean- ^ ^ linncc <nwl nm1^ " **' " j* 1 uii\ on turn J/III It > il^ >> I'I I i I IS ?^'( ) ( M I ^1 prices are supreme in this store. & j> I f?\ rv i? % t he: grocer, S 5 J V_*J I\1 I O phone: NO. i-r -J, fc FISH - - - OYSTERS $ * $ f $i i : Small Dertnsit.ors. & .4 J_ ,g * There are several reasons why the management of ; THE KATiQHAL SHI8N BAHX OF ROOZ HiLL ?! # Welcomes smell depositors and consi lers it a matter I y of good business policy to give equal attention to small and large accounts. 4e '2 In the first place, most of our large depositors started ^ as small depositors. We have had the pleasure of see^ ing many accounts grow steadily over a period of years ' and we are glad to say that we have helped our custom- J 5 J ers to increase their business and deposits. #5 J So far as the hank isconcerned, it is just as satisfacto- ^ ,J ry to have several small accounts aggregating the same f'4 % as one larger one, because although t here is three times jk 0 the bookkeeping involved, that is more than offset by sj1* # the possibilities of development of three different ac- ' r> ^ accounts, besides the advertising value of the hank of ? three satisfied customers. ^ 0 This Bank's capital, surplus and profits over $200.- ?<> ? 000, its very complete equipment and strong personn< ! J make it the ideal depository for small depositors who ? gxpcct to be bigger ones. ? The officers will be glad to talk over banking relations <?i V I*. with von at anv timr> nnrt' ? . ?.?* ? .^nr.1 ui serve your interests faithfully when you intrustyour business 1 Z to this bank. * i THE NATIONAL UHfOH BANK, s] " ? (ABSOLUTELY SAFE.) Jg ? ROOK KILL, - - - ^ - - S. 0. | Advertise in The Times. It wilj pay you, IK* . .