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* 1 1'J, . . . K 91. ?! UU.Utf.LHU <!? <> (BOTTOM KN( SUMMER GOO SPECIAL 10 r Commencing June 25th w gg Wholesale Cost, or less than vy 7 1-2oeut Calico, now nc lOo Ginghams, now 10o Lawns, now 50c Silks now $8.50 Queen Quality Oxford 52 8 00 " *51 fi 00 Crossott Oxfords now g, 4 00 * 52 3 60 " " " flk 1 GO Straw Hats now 53 1 00 Silks now 52 12 1-2? Black Domestic no ** 10c All Millinery at HALF PI p j This sale will last ten cU P$ first choice. III J. M Items of Local Interest ?Mr. Zeb Kendrick and daughters, of Charlotte, were visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. V. B. Blankenship, on Clebourn street ?The James Adams' shows, on the ball diamond, are attracting large crowds nightly from Fort Mill and the surrounding coun* try. ?Mr. W. L. Ferguson, of the local ball team returned Saturday after a week's play with the Winnsboro team. ?Mr. J. T. Goins brought to The Times office Tuesday a cucumber which measured 15 inches in length and 10 3-4 inches in circumference. - Mrs. R. V. Macon and children, of Savannah, Ga., are visiting at the home of Mrs. Macon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Young, on Forest street ?The Waxhaw ball team was defeated Friday by the second team of Fort Mill by a score of 7 to 1. The game took place at Waxhaw. ?Little Viola, the 14-monthsold daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Meacham Osborne, died on the 5th instant at the home of its parents in lower Steel Creek and was buried the following day at Flint Hill. ?Not since war-times, say the old folks, has there been such an abundance of fruit as we have this year. Every little scrub tree to be seen, those in the old fields as well as in the orchards, is loaded with fruit. ?Jack Brice, a negro man who until a short time ago lived in Fort Mill, was shot and killed Thursday night by his stepson, Charlie Brice, at the latter's home in Chester county. It was a case of self defense. ?Mrs. Alice Harris has the thanks of The Times for a basket of nice tomatoes sent a few days ago. Mr. J. T. Robertson also remembered the eidtor one day the past week with a basket of choice grapes, for which we extend thanks. ?The Fort Mill Light Infantry, Capt. T. B. Spratt commanding, left yesterday morning for Chickamauga Park, where with other companies of the 1st Regiment, it will go into camp for ten days. The trip is made by way of Atlanta and , Chatanooga. ?Mr. Fred Kimbrell, of Fort Mill, and Miss Lillian Williams, of the Pineville section, were happily married on Tuesday, the ^ 14th instant at the home of the bride's parents, 'Squire Jas. Ardrey performing the marriage. A reception, at which a large nuiilIk/Vl VX 111 V Il/C\A J^UC3W> W CI C present, was given the following day at the home of the groom's father, Mr. H. M. Kimbrell, east of Fort Mill. ?In The Times of this week Shears the announcement of on. W. P. Pollock, of Chesterfield county, who aspires to the office of congressman from the Fifth district. Mr. Pollock is a popular attorney of Cheraw and, although young in years, has gained distinction both in his profession and in State and county affairs. His friends throughout the district are giving him hearty support in his race. ?People of Fort Mill and surrounding country in general will be interested to know that Dr. S. Eugene Massey, Ph. G., of Richmond, Va., has decided to locate in Fort Mill for the practice of his profession. Dr. Massey is a recent graduate of the Medical College of Virginia, and upon finishing his course at that institution was offered a position in one of the leading hospitals of Richmond, but declined. Dr. Massey is a son of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Massey, of this place, and his many friends here extend him a hearty welcome to our midst. He is expected to reach Fort Mill about August 1st. \ La ? ' L L_ .'1 .1 ', )CKED OUT- | ?DS MUST GO- If >AY SALE. I e will sell Summer Goods at cost on a great many things: iMi 11"**""! 11.11111111111111111IV i -2c 5 ? i 55; 20c Is now $2 75 Ag: " 2 25 55 3 60 35: 2 90 A* 2 75 09 08 ?& IICE jg lys. Come early and get $$ ASS El V I ?Mayor L. A. Harris is spending a few days at Shelby, N. C. Dr. J. L. Spratt, mayor pro tern, has charge of the town's affairs during Mayor Harris' absence. ?The annual picnic at Filbert, four miles north of Yorkville, under the auspices of the Woodmen of the World, is scheduled to take place next Saturday, July 25th. ?The Times is informed by Agent Spratt that the Southern Railwway has issued orders to trains 29 and 30 to stop on flag ot Fort Mill hereafter. ?Three dogs and a cat which were supposed to have died from the effects of strychnine were found on the streets Saturday morning. ?Up to Friday morning only 13 registration certificates had, according to The Enquirer, been issued to citizens of Fort Mill township. ?Miss Anne Hamilton, of Union, arrived Saturday for a visit to her sister, Mrs. 0. Barber at Barbersville. Miss Edna Ross, of Providence, was also a guest of Mrs. Barber during the J past week. TU ~ _ -< it.. jLiic annual Liicint: OI 111C farmers of the 4'Fork" was held Tuesday in the springlot of Mr. F. Nims, south of town. As usual there was an abundance of dinner and the day was very pleasantly spent by the large crowd present. ?The little 7-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Blackwelder, of the Millfort village, died Friday and was buried Saturday afternoon in the local cemetery. Rev. W. M. Owings conducted the funeral service. ?The 4-months-old baby of Chief of Police V. D. Potts died Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, after an illness of several weeks, and was buried in the town cemetery Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. W. M. Owings conducted the funeral service. ?The second game of ball between the local 44Fats" and 4'Leans" was played Friday afternoon and resnlted in a victory for the "Fats" by a score of 18 to 4. As matters now stand the teams are even in games won, and the tie which will be played off in the near future will be a contest worth while. ? For the second time during the past few weeks death has entered the home of Mr. W. S. Patterson, south of town. Wednesday night the surviving twin infant, which had been ill since birth, breathed its last and was buried on Thursday in the town cemetery. Mrs. Patterson, motner 01 trie deceased twins is reported to be seriously ill at present. ?Cards are out announcing the approaching marriage of Mr. Koker Merritt, of upper Fort Mill, and Miss Ammie Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Davis, of Pineville. The event takes place on Thursday, the 30th instant, at Flint Hill Baptist church, and will be the first marriage celebrated in the handsome new church. The ceremony will be performed by the Rev. E. S. Reaves, the pastor of the brideto-be. ?By a recent change in the Dick law the militia of a State will in the event of war be called into service immediately after the regular army, before any volunteers are called for. Each regiment will go into the United States service exactly as it is constituted at the outbreak of tho u/or ?im11 Wrv ^ -?-l nut, 1IK1C Wilt L1C I1U clSfting the men to volunteer. Every officer and enlisted man must go if he wishes to escape punishment by a courtmarshal authorized to punish him as it sees fit. ?The revival meeting, conducted at the Methodist church by Rev. Comann, closed Thursday night with a crowded house. As a visible result of the services thirty-one gave their names as candidates for membership with the churches. Of these, fifteen j went with the Methodist church, ? ??? q Two Winners In Oil We have two Oils that are Winners and which we would like for you to try, for there is not a home in Fort Mill where they are not needed. One goes On your floor, the other in your stomach. A quart of WAX FLOOR OIL for 25 cents will make one or more of your room floors look new, polishes and renews the lustre on painted or stained floors, and serves to preserve the coloring. Easily applied with a cloth in a few minutes. The broom will do the polishing. If you are not using GOLDEN GLORY OIL in your cooking, you are not doing justice to your stomach and your pocket book. As to taste, it is just a question of which you would choose between, a dish of hog lard and a dish of olive oil. The world is moving along, and you have a think coming to you along this line and the sooner you reach out after it the better off you will be. Audrey'sthirteen to the Presbyterian church, and three to the Baptist church. Our whole community has been spiritually edified by these sermons and while the meeting is closed the work goes on. ?The new Philadelphia Metho| dist church, two miles north of Fort Mill, in course of erection for the past several months, has been completed and will be formally dedicated on next Sunday. The public is cordially invited to be present. The dedicatory sermon will be preached Sunday morning at 11 o'clock by Dr. J. N. Daniel. Dinner will be served on the church grounds and at 2.30 p. m. ~n educational or missionary address will be given. Hon. Cole L Bleue Coming. In a telegram to Mr. A. R. McElhaney this, Wednesday, a. m., Hon. Cole L. Blease, candidate for governor, states that he will be here Saturday next, the 25th inst. Mr. Blease is with the State campaign party, which visits Lancaster Saturday, and after the meeting there will come to Fort Mill, arriving here at 6.15 p. m. Immediately after his arrival he will address the voters of Fort Mill from the stand in Confederate Park. DOG ORDINANCE. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the town council of Fort Mill, S. O., now met in assembly of council, and by authority of the same. That any person or persons owning or keoping a Dog or Bitoh within the town of Fort Mill, S. O., for a term of one year or shorter period of time, not less than 60 days, shall pay into the treasurer of said town a license tax of One Dollar 011 oach Dog and Two Dollars on each Bitch owned or kopt by him or them, Provided; That no more than one such tax may be collected in any one year, and it shall hereafter be unlawful to own or keep a Dog or Bitch in the town of Fort Mill, S. O., without paying said license tax. Sec. 2. That any violator of this or. dinance shall be punished by a fine not exoeeding Ten ($10) Dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (SO) days. Sec. 3. That any Dog or Bitch found running at large within the town of Fort Mill, 8. (J., for which no tax has been paid, may beoaught and impounded by authority of the town, notice of which is to bo given by posting in two places on Main street in Fort Mill, S. G., for two consecutive days after said impounding; and unless the owner, or someone acting for him, shall pay the license tax and cost of impounding said dog or bitch, then on the fourth duy after said impounding at 10 o'clook a. m. it shall bo the duty of policeman to kill said dog or bitch. Sec. 4. All or any part of any ordinanoe heretofore passed inconsistent with this ordinance, is hereby repealed. uono ana ratinod in council this 7th day of July, 1908. L. A. HARRIS, A. R. McELHANEY, Mayor. Olerk. Why Prefer fer Yeur Daughter a School of Limited Numbers ? Because in large numbers the gain is small, the possible losses great. Clifford Seminary limits the number of pupils to forty, with six resident teachers and twc special lecturers in the Literary Department. At every recitation the pupi: recites. There is no possibility oi not "beingcalled on." The teacher knows each pupi personally, and adapts the teaching to her needs. The teacher gives private in struction out of school hours whenever the pupil needs 01 seeks it. In addition to this Cliflfort CniY?innwif in ? I-- ?h. ? 1 1 * u^iuiiiai 10 tt UIJ^Il ClctSS scnooi thoroughly Christian, and uniqm in its refined atmosphere ant home-like simplicity. It offers full courses of study Literary, Scientific, Musical ant Commercial. Its location is ideal climatic conditions unsurpassed water supply pure and abundant Within the twenty five years o its existence pupils have been en rolled from 24 counties of Soutl Carolina, 7 different States and ! foreign countries. EXPENSES ARE VERY LOW Better investigate these claim! and apply at once for catalogue Address Clifford Seminary Clinton, S. C. , .Aw --fc - M EACH AM & EPPS. | Great Summer Bargains, I Edwin Clapp's Patent Vici Kid Oxfords, sell for $6.50, S? i now $4.9$. Bostonians in odd sizes at a big discount. X Fancy Parasols. g , Rajah Silk, Persian Border, worth $3.00, for $1.50. X Hemstitched border of Mercerized goods, worth $1.50, ]0[ selling now at 98c. Jfij Linonette Skirts. g We have them in white, nicely made up, at 98 cents. jgj > White Lawn Waists. g Nicely made and trimmed, worth $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 g for 98c. g MILLINERY. ? All trimmed Hats above $3.00, at One-Half Price. g Window Shades. jg 3 by 6 feet, in two shades of green, a good on$ for gj 25c. A better one for 50c and 60c. ' v " X Bargains all the time at? X M EACH AM & EPPS. ? wci wyj+m I E. W. KIMBRELL CO. 11 p | SMO PRICES. I I ' p Groceries. || If in need of anything in this line, you can't afford to miss us, 55 as we take the lead in quality JJJ and set the pace in low prices. * V I Clothing. || ?f you need a new Suit or pair of Trousers, we offer you a big 55 reduction in prices to clear out ^ J J, our summer stock. yy Dry Goods. || We have something new to offer you every week. Just re- 55 ceived 1,000 yards Amoskeag \ Z | Ginghams, new patterns in check Sy | and stripe, the same quality that yf sold at 10 and 121-lc, at 10c 1 Calico. ~ 4,000 yards American & Simp son Prints, all new patterns in sj* check, stripe, pretty figures and fR | borders, sold everywhere at Ufc 7 l-2c, our present price, 6c. ^ Androscoggin S Bleaching that we sold at 12 l-2c 5 I now 10c. ^ Good quality worth 10c, at 81-3 $ 44 81-2 44 71-2 I ^ 44 44 44 61-2 44 5c 5 Fine Lawn Cloth at 121-2 J 10-4 Bleached Sheeting 30c ^ 10-4 1-2 4 4 44 25c ** Special Sale Friday 2 of Ladies' Hose and Children's 2 Top Socks. These go at Bargain prices. Don't fail to come. E. W. KIMBRELL 0011 ?? !? IjOB PRINTING _ i ? NEATLY EXECUTED AT 1 1 i |g TIIE TIMES OFFICE. A: ? 5 HI ? 5 tf^-j Letterheads, Noetheada Billheads, Statements, Handbills, Posters, jS. T f2i] Circulars, Envelopes, Eto. at the lowest pricos consistent with good jig] J work. Send us your orders and wo will please you g J Ttie Times. | 5 ; i | i LUMBER! I ! UMBER! |g LUMBER! | 1 Just received all kinds and grades of J 5 DRESSED LUMBER, MOULDINGS. QUAR- i TER ROUND, SHINGLES, DOORS, SASH, t I BLINDS and MANTLES. CORTWRIGHT f METAL SHINGLES, CONGO ROOFING and i BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. S GET MY PRICES ON ALL KINDS OF $ * # 5 BUILDING MATERIAL. # ' V.B. BLANKENSHIP~ = .. Iw. S????0?0?@? 088S06860006S? M'ELMANEV OO. ? We Don't | s^-ii n?.. lOTC anrl *?? ? 00 We Do J Sell Clothing and Shoes, g M'ELHANEY Sc CO. g 30?O??????? ?????????0?0?? TURNIP SEED. jj TURNIP SEED, \\ SOUTHERN GEM, || Raised and Guaranteed by *? Mr, S, P, Blankenship, h If For sale by << M PARKS DRUG COMPANY \\ ? +* 000*004F04f00&004f4f04Hfi04M&4 *&x&xx*v*9 &4im&4i^XKX&x& "May every man be what lie thinks |5 himself to be." 5 ? * ? " rk #c jA We think our store to be the g best Grocery in town. $ f x We know we are the best Grocers. S When sleepy?go to bed. $ When hungry?go to Jones. Everything that's GOOD to eat. ft *. X' Jp. K I r-Q THE PROPER, g ' J I \I I V } RHONE NO. 14 '<x>xx>3iex&x>siv\Ae Are You Ready l t* AV fV*A flnnw/iinl ! 4- ! - ~ 1 ' * 1 ' * " ^ ^ iui i/nt iniuiitiai u|ipui uiiuuus Liuii win come to you [ ft Good credit or ready cash ?money saved? is needed 1 to seize them. Ji j Putting money away SAFELY is insurance against f adversity. No one should be without this protection. * ' But, more than that, can you doubt for a minute J ; that an account with a strong, Absolutely Safe ? ; bank, like the National Union Bank, Rock Hill, S. # C., helps your credit wonderfully and prepares you J For Your Opportunity? * Save part of your income regularly, and deposit ^ : your savings in this strong bank?one of the great- # est financial institutions in the State. ? i If vou want tn nronafod c 1.. ? i/tvyutvu iui uusiuvan u| >| ,< JILU- 0 ' nities or would like help on the road to financial in- # dependence, start an accout with us in our Savings J Department, where your money will earn 4 per ? cent interest, compounded quarterly?working ? ! while you work, and also while you rest. 5 : THE NATIONAL UNION BANK, \ ; (ABSOLUTELY SAFE.) J ; ROCK HILL, S. C. | dvertise in TJiq Times. It w ill pay you, / J- SS&ciB .iis?- - - ^