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v 1 :,r-,^T a 4 P s 1 | OUR 10c < There are lots of goods on &? On account of our Queen < ?? six weeks behind time, will i ~ and all $3.00 Shoes at $2.60. 2$ Crossett $5.00 Oxfordi pnapfnff a nn av^ai?/^! pm \jk <pt?w vsa..lvsiui v /L Crossett $3.50 Oxford: $1.50 Straw Hats at... $$ Porch Rockers, $2.50t Porch Benches, $3.00 Go Carts, $1.90 to 3A Don't fail to see our New ip? chine. It is the best Machir ^ stitches while the Shuttle Mi 5 very light and noiseless. iff I J. M, ? V%N\\\Vv\\\\\VN\\\N\\\\\NN I L U M l_ U M I L_ U M E Just received all kinds ai DRESSED LUMBER, I* ITER ROUND, SHING1 BLINDS and MANT] METAL SHINGLES, CC BUILDERS' SUPPLIES GET MY PRICES 0> BUILDING MATERIAL V. 11 B LA N LOOK AHEA And prepare now supply. Let me week or next for Lump Coal at ?(>.( FRANK HUGGINS Items of Local Interest ? Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Young and little sons are spending a few days in Washingten City. ?County Auditor J. J. Hunter is announced in this issue of The Times as a candidate for re election in the approaching primary. ?Next Saturday, the 13th, is the date for the election to decide whether or not a high school department is to be added to the Gold Hill school. ?Prof. J. Harvey Witherspoon and family left Friday morning for Yorkville; where, during the next school term, Prof. Witherspoon will have charge of the graded schools. ?Mrs. T. A. Mills and little son, Marion, and Mrs. Grace Garrison left Monday for a visit to the family of Rev. M. W. Gordon, at Decatur, Ala. ? Contractor Z. V. Bradford ? has been given the contract for + the erection of a nice cottage on East Booth street for Mr. T. N. Lemons. ?In our announcement column this issue appears the card of Mr. J. A. Tate who seeks reelection to the ofliee of Clerk of Court. ?Mr. William Edward Nisbet, of Van Wyck, died at his home Saturday morning, after an illness of three weeks. Mr. Nisbet * was 49 years old. ?The Fort Mill baseball team is scheduled to cross bats with the Clover team on the latters' diamond, at Clover, tomorrow. Our fans who remember the last game some years ago between Fort Mill and Clover hope that me icsuu win uinerf lit. ?Mrs. Margaret King, of the Steel Creek section, died Saturday night after an illness of several months. Mr. King, who was an aunt of Mrs. W. M. Gulp and Mrs. D. G. Kimbrell, of this place, was 00 years of age. ?One of the most interesting games of ball on the local diamond this season was that of Friday between the Millfort mill and the C. M. A. teams. The score at the end of the eleventh inning was 7 to 6 in favor of the prill team. ' . * * ^wwwwwwwwwwwwv G EI | COUNTER. P 2< <5 it worth from 12 1-2 to 25c V *> Quality Oxfords cumin# in ? sell all $3.50 Shoes at $2.90, // sat $3.50 sat $2.90 3 at $2.75 .75 o . S3.25 to __$3.25 $9.90 $3 Home Rotary Sewing Ma- J J le ever made and makes 125 ^ achines make 100, and runs | ^SSEY 11 B E R ! B E R ! 3 EI R I ? MOULDINGS, QUARLES, DOORS, SASH, LES. CORTWRIGIIT 9NGO ROOFING and I ALL KINDS OF KEN SHIP. HBBhiMMaHUDBKHBMKRBKi Dill for your Winter Coal take your order this; Best Jellico (i inch! )() per ton, delivered, j - - - 'Phone No. <>4. ? Mr. John Tillman, a younK man of Pleasant Valley, returned home Monday, after serving three years in the army, being stationed at Sullivan's Island, S. C. ?Dr. J. h. Spratt left Wednesday morning for Columbia, where he will give a clinic before the : State Dental Association, now in session, with Somnoforme, ! the new anaesthetic. Mr. J. M. Spratt went to Abbeville Monday on business con- ; nected with his duties as a mem- j ber of the ways and means com- j mitteeof the Knights of Pythias. From Ahhp>villf? Mi< Qm-off I - . ?.?w Alii . to Glenn Springs for a few days' visit. Will Entertain Grand Chapter 0. E. S. The ladies of the town have j been busily engaged for the past week making preparations to: entertain the Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star, of S. C., which will hold its Annual Session here June 16th and 17th. The Masonic Hall has been newly papered and carpeted, and , presents a very pleasing ap-; pearance. The Fort Mill Chapter has a membership of about 50, andI from 50 to 75 delegates from different parts of the State are expected to attend the meeting, j These delegates will be entertained in the private homes of the members. The Grand Chapter was organized hist June in Greenwood, S. C., and consisted of six Chapters; during the year 14 new Chapters have been instituted, : making a total of 20 Chapters with a total membership of over 600. Much of thp prnrlit -ftw flu* organization of the local Chapter, and also the Grand Chapter belongs to the late Kev. James II. Thornwell, who took a great interest in this work, and at the time of his death held the ollice of Grand Secretary. It goes without saying that the ladies of the town will leave nothing undone to make the stay of the delegates among us pleasant and long to be remembered. Seven indictments have been returned by the Aiken grand jury : against C. Monroe Weeks, form-' er cashier of the People's bank, , and a bench warrant has been , issued for his arrest. He is I now in Waynesville, N. C. ' . > ;/ X* STOP And ask yourself the question if there is any reason why your floors should look rough and splintery and dirty; why you should have to scrub them every two or three weeks at the expense of heartaches and backaches when you can have them beautifully stained to resemble expensive woods and polished at an expense of only about 50 cents per room. Makes your floor look rich and neat Makes sweeping easy Does away with dust Makes it so spilt stuff will wipe up clean and leave no odor or stain. This new stain is suitable for any unfinished inside work. It is good and it is cheap. Ardrey's Drug Store, Sad Death of a Young Man. The town and community was greatly shocked late Sunday afternoon when it became1 known that Leroy C. Bradford, j 20 years of age, was dead at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bradford, Sr., on. East Booth street as a result of a gun shot, supposedly self-in-' flicted. Just why the young man should have desired to end i his life is not known. During Sunday he did not go out, but j remained at home with the' family and is said to have been in his usual happy spirits all the : day. About 5.30 o'clock, ; however, young Bradford went to his room and shortly afterward members of the family heard the report of a gun. Rush ing to the room the young man was found lying across the bed with an ugly wound just over his heart where the full load of shot from a single-barrelled gun had taken effect. Death was ! instantaneous. The funeral service was conducted from the home Monday afternoon by Rev. W. A. Hafner. A large crowd of sorrowing relatives and friends attended the services. The pallbearers were made uu of six young men from the local Covenanters Society, of which the de-! ceased was a member. The burial was made in the town cemetery. Roy, as he was known, was a ' young fellow who was well liked by all who knew him. He was ever cheerful and of an accomodating nature and to know him \Vas to like him. His many friends greatly deplore his sudden demise, and extend heartfelt sympathies to the members of the family in their bereavement. The Thornwell Memorial. In pursuance of a resolution, adopted at the convention of the Grand Lodge, Knights of i Pythias, at Aiken, two weeks ago, looking to the raising of a fund for erecting a memorial to the late Rev. .1. II. Thornwell, the following committee has been appointed: Frank P. Cooper, chairman, Charleston; Hunter A. Gibbes, Columbia; P. W. ! fii ill I iron IlATiro 13., f U. \\T XT' I uu, liWliv U X CI l/I 1 , IT I J Lea, Timmonsville, and Eugene M. Peeples, Hampton. This committee has already gone to work, but as yet no definite plan of action has been agreed upon, but it is their determination make the amount as large as possible in excess of the figures first suggested. The trustees of the South; Carolina university on Tuesday! named Dr. Henry N. Snyder of Wofford collygc for president of the university. The election was unsought by Dr. Snyder and it is not known whether or not he will accept. BANK STATEMENT. Statement of the condition of the Savings Dank, located at Fort Mill, j S. O., at the close of business Juno 1 4th, 1908. KESOIKCES. liOans and Discounts $-!o8<ll 77 Demand Loans 15 007 OS Overdrafts 50ftCt Furniture and Fixtures 1 2:10 50 j Due from hunks and hankers.. 0 540.10 Currency 0 81X100 Silver, Nickels and Pennies... 1 090 17 . Total $67 7181)0 liabilities. Capital Stock paid in $1500000 Surplus Fund 4 50000 Undivided Profits, less Currunt Expanses and Taxes Paid 1 197 75 Individual Deposits Subject to Check 42 021 15 | Notes and bills Rodiscounted... 5000(H) Total $67718 90 State oe south Carolina ) County of York. j Before mo came W. B. Mencham, cashier of the Savings Rank of Fort Mill, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a I true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of tile in said bank. VV. R. M each am, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before mo, this 9th day of June, 1908. J. W. MoElhany, Magistrate. Correct Attest: J. M. Sun att ) S. E. White ( directors. \ -ju .1 v Bat SW ; . Tap** - ^ . ?*? * 4 Jt" ^ Mjeacham & Epps. WHITE LAWN WAISTS On Friday at 9 o'clock, a. m., we will place on sale 50 White Shirt Waists worth $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00, bought at h< If price. You can take your choice for 98c. Certainly the first comes will get first choice. See, our window display. NEW KELTS Black Elastic Belts at 25 and 50c. Persian Belts at 50 cents. Wash Belts at 15 and 25 cents CORSETS A fresh line of the celebrated R. & G. Corsets in long, medium and short lengths at 50c and $1.00. Summer Net Corsets at 50c. MEN'S GARTERS The Leather Garter for summer, clasps will not rust, 23 and 50c SUMMER UNDERWEAR For men, women and children. A complete line at 81-3 to 50c. BLACK UNDERSKIRTS Just received a new line at 98c, $1.50 and $1.90. M each am & Epps. I .T, i?111 .tt i?11 5J f_.Yj I i"yj rnJ 1 . i?11 I r." r?r 1?"? m i?11 Imi-il fT^-7?. i -,, _ irr=r=r-i r?i i111-1 COJ (_l_ 11?I L.v Ili'jCE:' I !"? *? W 1 ff-iba J [C. I fcl | |tJ Ml 1 [t 1 fti[t31 ftil |JOB PRINTING | 1 NEATLY EXECUTED AT I? j| TIIE TIMES OFFICE. A ^ SI P rt-j Lettetheads, Noetheads Billheads, Statements, Handbills, Posters, fSJ ESt Circulars, Envelopes, Etc. at the lowest prices consistent with good gg jjjj work. Send us your qrders and we will please you g 1 Tlie Times. | [Early mm mum J , At Prices you don't Usually Get until the Season is Over. 38-inch Lingerie 25c quality, 15c White dotted Swiss, 25c quality, at 15 cents. Beautiful sheer colored Lawns, light ground, with dainty neat dots and figures and floral patterns, at 10 and 15c. $1.50 buys you a dress of the new Bordered Lawn. We have the patterns in brown, blue and pink, 10 yards each. Hosiery. */ Hose for everybody. Anything you want and Hosiery that will give satisfaction. Ladies' Black Silk Lisle Hose at 50 cents. Ladies' black and Tan Gauze Hose at 15 and 25c. White Lace and Flain Iiose for Ladies' at 15 and 25c. A full line of Maid of Athens Hose for Ladies and Children at 15 and 25c. > Just received the famous Tom Sawyer Hose for Boys at 15c. Try them. Ladies and Children's Tan Hose 10c. A ?ood quality of Ladies Plain Black Hose at 10c. Children's Tan, Black. White and Fancy Plaid Top Socks at a 10, 15 and 25c. Ladies' Undervcsts. The good kind with Tape around the neck and arm hole at 7 1-2 and 10c. A beautiful Silk Lisle Vest at 25 cents. Gloves. 10 button Silk Gloves, black, white, blue and brown, Kayser il make, at $1.50. Lisle thread in white, black B and brown, at 50 and 75c. 8 Belting. | We have it in navy blue, lipht blue, brown and biuck at 50c per yard. E W KIMBRELL CO 8 (INCORPORATED) B | FORT WILL, S. C. I 1 r 11 i ? ib i i t-t? nrr ' *** 5S* ' ^^30006 ?C2 ^ | HOT WEATHER CLOTHES. | ! Good Taste as well as Good Sense, de- ? | (cy mands a thin, Cool Suit at this season ? J C3 the year. What's the use of sizzling ?p i <*> in a broiling sun when you can be cool and comfortable at small expense? j JH? Come in and see our offerings this J? ' week at $10 up. Every sort of fabric. %y | M'ELHANEY Sc CO. S ??????2??0?? ?????0???????? \-?N ?N^\4\4\^N>4\14N4\ n ii 00 !;;; 00 : \\ A COAT OF PAINT j i; j ii WILL HELP YOUR HOUSE || 00 ijij Your residence can be made much more >!?! 5> attractive and inviting if given a coat of \\\\ y* good paint. jjj Suppose you wanted to sell it, don't you yv think fresh paint will help a whole lot? j If you live in it yourself, it ought to be just as attractive as if you had it for sale. We have the right kind of paint at lowest 00 ? market prices to give your residence just >/, 1 what it needs. 5$ U p <\ PARKS DRUG COMPANY \\ II r: 9 sT#> _ sxxm't?? X4VX&X&X&XX&X' 1 When it comes to ? I i 1 | Eatables, 1 | We are Here With THE Goods. | fR The most tempting Delicacies of every 4R t j iUl LIIC VVCtttV oprillg ajipt-'llttf. fR Frosh Fish every day , Spring Meats of all kinds. <?? ft 'Phone us your wants. ft ^ i isj pr c: the proper, ? U I Nl I CD RHONE NO. 1 -4- ^ ? -' -!.- ? | Creating a Reserve I ? If f * if f ^ I^ T? nr?i rlifTirMilt fitim lmn efo??f + or.?>??? ^ ^ ..v., u?nwu>v " jrwvt awtiK lu.iayc iiiuucjr BJTSICII ? ^ atically. But if you ever expect to be independent fl- # nancially through your own efforts you must make a ^ \ start. Money saved and put away safely will protect v 1 $ you from misfortune and prepare you to take advantage I i ? of opportunities that will surely come to you. ? 1 ? Funding the capital of your working years v i t Insures Your Future, J 4 But choose the right place to put yQur capital, or ? I the hard earned savings of a lifetime may be swept 1 | > away in a day. The National Union Bank, of Rock + ? Hill, S. C., is one of the strongest financial institutions 4 # in the State. Resources of more than One Million Two # I Hundred Eighty Thousand, capital, surplus and undi- f ' f vided profits of more than Two Hundred Thousand, and J T 1 1 ?1 ^ 1 /?i\nu/nufnf itfA ??* ?'! V\M/N^.V./V?/.. ..a ,1. 1 uuiv( wuni i vunvc anu |ii u^rt'ssivc ui rectors t!X|)l<illl OU1" \ ? high standing. \ ,4 We pay 4 per cent interest on savings deposits X 4 compounded quarterly. 4 4 We have just issued and will send to anyone asking 4 ! 4 for it, a handsome book, "The Story of John Rogers' 4 | ? Success." It tells how to save. l| | THE NATIONAL UNION BANK, f j * (ABSOLUTELY SAFE.) g * ROCK KILL, S. C. * 4* m