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I BOYS SENT HOME Ctemsofl Faculty Dismisses Over 300 Students In All For APRIL FOOL FROLIC. The Decision Was Announced at the Wednesday Morning Drill. Prml* M-l? ^ - * mm .'ii-ii wiu vommantiant Minus Makes Talks to tlio Cadets Tolltog Them of the Need for Preserv* lug Discipline. Two hundred and flfty-Beven students of Clem6on College were dismissed on Wednesday morning from the institution. This number, with the forty-eight members of the Junior class dismissed the Saturday morning before, aggregates three hnndrcd and five cadets dismissed on account of the ail-fools day escapade, when three hundred and nine boys absented themselves from the campus and all duties from early in the morning until late In the evening. Of the three hundred and nine boys only four were not dismissed. These were H. B. McCrady. of Charleston, B. T. Knight,, of Chesterfield, J. II. Hay-1 den of Orangeburg, and J. R. Flier, of Dorchester. On account of entenuuting circumstances in their cases, these yoqng men were puniBhed in some other wny than by dismissal. At the regular morning drill the names of the participants were called and they dropped out aa they heard their names called. After all the property had been turned In to the quartermaster the boys as directed by Commandant Minus, assembled in the chapel. After all the cadets of the institution were Rented and after the regular chapel services were concluded Prea wjtMii Men arose ana in a rew words announced that he was extremely sorry that the escapade had occurred. He was very sorry, he said, that the guilty boys would have to be dealt with severely, but discipline was* absolutely necessary and the college authorities must be obeyed by the cadets. After President Mell had concluded Commandant Minus addressed the cadets along the same lines as Dr. Mell. When he had concluded he banded Cadet Adjutant Tlndall an order to he published at once. This order provided for the dismissal from the college of 4 3 members of the preparatory class, 132 members of the freshman class and 82 members of the aophmore class. The laws of Clemson college prohibit expulsion. Dismissal means that the connection with Clemson college of the 2 57 calaood la yiwf m uiktly ?kl>oolv o<l. These cadets may enter other colleges In or out of South Carolina. The members of the discipline committee have just gone through the hardest experience they have ever had. They have been patient and have heard every cadet under the serious charge. They have worked deliberately and with the determination of wronging no man. 'i heir action in dismiBHlng the cadets was bnsi ed on the testimony of the Individual cadets bh to the circumstances surrounding each case. A heavy load has been lifted from the hearts of the committee members. They have acted conscientiously throughout the entire trouble. ; Following is a list of the cadets by classes who were dismissed from the college Wednesday. Preparatory Cluss. * R. D. AlverBon, Union; R O. Atkinson, Chester; E. T. Boulware, Fairfield; J. R. Boulware, Fairfield; J. M. wradberry, Anderson; J. L. Brown, Oconee; H. S. Clark, Florence; E. Cromer. Anderson; H. E. Durant, Clarendon; F. T. Ellcnberg. Abbeville; J. P. Fellers, Newberry; 8. A. Gundy, Darlington; E. L. Holiday, Greenville; J. W. Holiday, Greenville; J. L. Kee, Chester; T. A. Klrb.v, Cherokee; 8. I. Lenoir, Sumter; M. M. Rcames, Sumter; E. A. Schillotter, Oconee; W. R. Simmons. Laurens; L. L, BoyleHtou, Aiken; 11. < F. Parks, G. D Black well, Edgefield; ? B. L. Boulware, I-aurens; H. A. Herj lot, Lee; I. K. Hires, Colleton; G. E. Lomax, Abbeville; B. C. Truluck, Florence; F. J. Vlllepontraux, Berkeley: S. M. Webb. Saludo; J. A. White; O. F. Gurllngton, Spartanburg; S. S. Abell; 1. S. Anderson, Colleton; J. T. Armstrong, Laurens; T. B. Bell, Lee; F. L. Dalton. Greenville; W. H. Ferj guson, Chester; P. Galllard, Hamp| ton; J. R. Griffs, Edgefield; M. Homer, Marlboro; R. A. Hamilton, Chosj ter. Freshman Class. S. M. Connor, Colleton; J. R. Ezell, Spartanburg; J. G. Harris, Laurens; W. D. Keasler, Anderson; T. P. Nlsbet, Lancaster; B. F. Owens, Barnwell; W. C. Patrick, Hampton; H. B. Pitts. Sumtip; T. C. Redfern, Oconee; J. W. Rhyme, Cherokee; R. T. WiIIm rhnrloMtnn CI fl Tnman Cherokee; B. S. Jenkins. Berkeley; J. H. Mappus, Charleston; H. T. Prosser, WDliamshnrg: H. W. Scott; J. T. Shirler, Anderson; E. C. DuBose. Lee; H. Fulmer; J. W. Gantt, Anderson; H. W. Harvey, Berkeley; W. W. Herbert, Newberry; J. F. Keel. Barnwell; J. P. Parks, Laurens; L. B. Parrls, Spartanburg; B. T. Rice, Barnwell; C. P. Rlcan; C. A. Sanders, Yorl^; F. F. Stokes; H. E. Vincent, Hampton; B. R. Bacot, Charleston; L. D. Boo***, Orangeburg, H. W. < Cromer, Abbeville; F. A. UePorters, , Fairfield; J. C. Dupree, Laurens; C. i S. Evans, Oconee; W. D. Ezell, Spar- ] tarburg; B. P. Folk. Bamberg; W. R. < Gray, Laurens; L. C. Haskel, Abbe- \ villa; J. J. Hunter, Laurens; C. S. ] Lykes, Richland; B. W. Nettles, Dar- * Ungton; K. M Yoder; S. E. Boozer, ( Charleston; O. P. Earle, Spartanburg; \ A. P. Fant, Anderson; C. R. Glliam, i Bamberg; L. M. Kay, Pickens; C. \ E. Kitchens, Cheater; G- M. McGreg- i or, Anderson; R. Morrison, Spartan- i ]burg; W. R. Wright, Falrtleld; J. W.|v jL; L I- ' SEN ATOR TILLMAN AT ATLANTA He Will Be Treated for Nerrous Breukdown by Expert*. , Senator B. R. Tillman of South Carolina reached Atlanta at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning accompanied by his wife, and went at once to the Robertson sanitarium on Capitol avenue, , where he will remain for several weeks, posBihiy a month, after which it is his intention to go abroad. A dispatch to The State from Atlanta says Senator Tillman came here for treatment for nervous breakdown, the result of overwork. While his present condition is not serious, it is such, it is stated at the sanitarium, that It might take a serious turn at any time. A reporter who called at the sanitarium and asked to see the senator received word from him that he was not feeling well enough to talk now, and suggested that he return later in the week. While be is off but little In weight, he is exceedingly feeble and has little of his customary animation. He had reached the point where a collapse was liable almost at any moment and he determined to prevent It If possible. While his present complaint 1b nothing more than nervous I broakdown, it is said his main object in taking a prolonged rest is to prevent a threatened attack of paralysis, indicated by the almost numbness of his left arm and a pain in his.left side. While it can not bo definitely stated now, the belief seems to he that he has taken hold of the matter in time and that his recovery will bo effected. KILLED HIMSELF. A Lexington County Farmer Takes His Oh u Life b.v Shooting. The Columbia Record says Mr. T. 13. Edwards, tho middle-aged Lexington county farmer, who at an early hour Tuesday, despondent over the sale under foreclosure of his homeplace, shot himself in tho head with suicidal Intent, died In the Columbia Hospital. Mr. Edwards leaves several children. He lived about throe miles out of the town of Lexington. j Dlock. Darlington; C. V. Fairey, Orangeburg; P. S. Hale, Charleston; D. M. Mackintosh. Charleston; R. J. Mackintosh, Richland; W. M. Morrall, Colleton; A. .1. Ryley, Bamberg; F. E. 8chroder, Charleston; L. P. Tobiu, Barnwell; F. A. Willlford. Anderson; L. M. Willlford, Anderson; H. M. Woodward, Barnwell; F. H. All. Barnwell; J. O. Garland, Clarendon* J. G. Lawton, Hampton; L. C. McClure, Union; J. Nance, Newberry; R. A. Ott; W. E. Stokes, Bamberg; R. S. Wolf, Orangeburg; A. C. Bolt Laurens; C. E. Byrd, Darlington; P. M. Farris, York; H. O. Kaigler, Lexington; J. T. Lazar, Barnwell; S. G. Venning, Charleston; L. W. Corbett. Lee; R. Lobby, Charleston; S. A. wuoo. llUUud; W. S. Rogers, Richland; E. A., Darlington; W. I. Stevenson, Fairfield: J. M. Sturdyviu, Greenville; J. J. Wheeler; F. P. WJchmnn, Colleton; J. I. Crowther, Anderson; W. A. Edmunds, Edgefield; M. P. Epps; J. C. Fit/.siuv uions, Charleston; J. M. George. Anderson; P. P. Gregorle, Charleston; H. G. Hamlin, Anderson; G. L. Marshall. Greenwood; H. S. Wakefield, Anderson; E. W. Webb, Greenwood; H. O. Boynton, Barnwell; J. H. Gage, Union; A. E. Gilmore, Union; W. N. Oinn, Hampton; J, E. Mitchell. Charleston; W. G. Perry, Greenville; F. L. Reese, Abbeville; V. S. Rents, Hampton; A. M. Robertson, Abbeville: J. H. Rogers, Newberry; F. B. Sandifer. York; S. M. Brown, Anderson; E. O. Connor. Colleton; J. C. Crouch; J. J. Cudd, A. B. Parker, Sumter; A. C. Shell, Laurens; R. A. Stribllng, Oconee; 11 W. Anderson, Walterboro; H. C. Beaty, Charleston; J. F. Boyd, Spartanburg; O. R. Cohen. Charleston; M. B. Elklns, Union; W. Fostor; S. F. !>oeky, Anderson; C. F. T .11*17 eiini-lnOnn Tl I) MIIU. Ill.k land; J. H. Willoughby, Florence. Sophomore Class. D. C. Peaty, Union; A. J. Becker, Spartanburg; I. N. Colclough, Clarendon; E. E. Eptlng, Anderson; \\\ A. Friday, Union; W. M. Haynesworth, Florence; McL. Hodge, Clarendon; C. F. Inmitn, Cherokee; F. H. Jeter,; Union; E. Parker, Sumter; S. Swvge.'t, Laurens; J. B. Keith, Florence; j J. S. Knox, Oconee; E. H. Pinckney, j Charleston; J. S. Pyutt, Georgetown; L. I). Rogers, Darlington; F. S. Thomason, Spartanburg; O. T. Sanders, Sumter; A. F. Simpson. Laurens: F. E. Rogers, Darlington; W. C. Bolt. Laureua; B. K. Boyle.Uo'i. Aiken; R. E. Bowen. Pickens; H. P. Cooper, Fairfield; C. A. Dukes; Orangeburg; O. O. Dukes. Dorchester; S. E. Evans, Clarendon; G. P. Gardner, Barnwell; B. B. Harris. Anderson; J. W. Henagnn, Orangeburg; T. G. Hope, York; J. E. Jenkins, Rich-, and; L. S. Linder. Lexington: A A. McKeown. Chester; J. A. 8elf. Edgefield; C. M. Sondley. Abbeville; F. i E. Spears. Union; K. J. Thornhill., Dorchester; M. \V. Arthur, Union; i M. W. Beach. Colleton; B. L. Craw fotd, York; R. M. Coleman. Fairfield; j D. B. Clayton, Fairfield; W. C. Cram. ' Orangeburg; E. I. Davis, Greenwood; : H. S. Davis, Charleston; K. Easter-, ling. Marlboro; C. D. Evans, Abbe-I vllle; G. C. Fant, Anderson; \V. S. Goodman, Oconee; D. T. Hardin, Abbeville; J. W. Harrison, Spartanburg; N. C. Head, Aiken; W. H. Hester, 1 . TV TS T 1- . vjrcfuwuuu, n. r. l#hwhmht, torn, i A. W. Leland, Charleston; G. L. McCord, Abbeville; J. 11. Bull, Sumter; P. H. Lipscomb, Cherokee; R. W. Lowery, Oconee; O. P. McCord, , Greenwood; H. H. Martin, Anderson; ^ J. McQ. Martin. Horry; J. C. Milling, f Greenwood; S. L. Miller. Chester; P. ^ L. Marion. Chester; H. W. Brinaon, ^ Greenwood; W. L. Morrison, Charles j :on; W. H. Phillips. Orangeburg; A. , P. Ransom. Anderson; A. R. Smart, j i'ork; C. H. Trott, Charleston; J. E j n Boschoff. Charleston; A. M. Camp- a jell, Charleston; O. D. Ryan. Sumter; 'u S. N. Sitton, Anderson; 8. B. Sulii- ( an; C. P. Townsend, Marlboro; O. s j. Walter, Newberry; L. T. Wynd- i lam, Berkeley: L. E. McAlplu, Abbe- j? ill?; D. H. Wilson, Laurens. OWNUPUKEMEN. I rHK DISMISSED CLEM SON CADETS T< MAKE MANLY STATEMENT. Acknowledge Tliey Made Serious Mis- A? take and Accc|its Their Punishment As Ju. t. To the Editor of The State: The newspaper reports of the rs- ni cent trouble at Cleinson college being vn more or less incorrect and not alto- hi gther fair and impartial, we, the st undersigned ex-members of the jun- Wi ior cIubs desire to give to the people ** of the State what we conscientiously believe to 'be a true and impartial Fl statement of the facts. We do not believe that any one knowiugiv made CI D an incorrect stutement; but we do O know that some of the newspaper reports were written l?y men who knew g but little alKiut the facts which they O attempted to state. Consequently, C< some blunders were made, an we ccn- ^ sider it our duty to tho peop'e of the p State to correct, as far as possible, G these mistakes. C1 Taking up these statements in order. we desire to make the following ^ corrctions: H 1. The newspaper articles referred p to above stated that several orders u and warnings were publ'shed at re- p treat on the evening of March Hist, p As a matter of fact, only one order h was published, and that called atten- p lion to paragraph 126 of the "Regu- q lations for the Government of Ca <3 dots." The order in question was as follows: Ic "Headquarters Corps of Cadets. j c "Cieiuson Agricultural Col'ege q "Clemson College. S. C., p "March 31, 19oS. p I "General Orders No. 4 2. "Par. 1. The attention of the corps i of cadets is especially directed to parj ngraph 126 of 'The Regulations for ? ! the Government of Cadets.* which ? reuus us ionnws; " 'Any cadet who leaves barracks r, without authority at any time be- ? twoen retreat and reveille, shall be c dismissed.' f "By order of Capt. Minus." e As far as we have been able to c find out. no one left barracks without p authority during that time. The;* uowspaper reports made it seem that it] this order was intended for the next a day, when the order itself plainly n shows thnt it was not. c 2. A statement was made that tele- p grams were sent to Prof. II. H. Fike ,, informing him that his services were ^ no longer needed. R. II. Fike is a j cadet und not a professor; and the j telegram was sent in a spirit of fun, t merely to let Fike know that the e participants were carrying on their c April Fool celebration, cnaei riki-' j was in no way connected with the af-! f fair. ' t 3. The statement that the rest of i the students were very indignant over ! the action of their comrades is a mis- j take, as practically the whole student! body treated the matter as n Joke. 4. Cadet T. S. Allen was not a lead-! er in the celebration. In fact, there j1 were no leaders, everybody acting for i himsslf. Cadet Allen did. after the j v Juniors were dismissed from college, jc | advise the rest of the students to re- j 0 {main at college, but did so because,8 he thought that by using his In- j ^ i fluence he might help to prevent the lower classmen from leaving with 8 ithe juniors. ' 6. There was also a slight mistake'8 ; made as to the number of students! in the junior class. There were only 1 181 students In the class; 48 of thosej? were dismissed and one suspended. Of the rest, several were on the athe-'K 1 let if* team* :?nH uyimM cr/.nn ? *' the "lark" had they not heon persundcd by their classmates not to go. a We do not wish to cast any reflec- * tlon on any one; our purpose being 1 to correct some statements that might ' create a wrong impression among the a people of the State. In conclusion, we. the undersigned. 1'1 wish to say to the people of this j and other States that we. the dismiss- j ed cadets of Clemsou college, do now a feel the seriousness of the offense und j1 think thut the punishment received i was just; und that we have absolutely no ill feelings toward the actiou ot' the discipline committee of Clemsou college. We realize that the mtstake j was a serious one but we do not feel j thut any disgrace attends our dismis- 1 sal. H. C. Twiggs. Jas. P. McMillan. K. A. I Gardner. S. O. Keller, E. I). Clement. C. Y. Wigfnli, J. L. Dove, W. J. Sheely, T. Fulmer, L. C. Doone, I). C. Rritt, L. A. Coleman. E Chamness, R. G. Hunter, J. R. Pennell, J. H. Wilson. A. W. Kreamer.' W. L. Nance, W. C. Spratt, T. H. ; . Yeargin. J. C. Covington, .1. D. Murray. F. S. Gaudy, M. R. Hirsch, j .J. \j. Eason, R. E. Adams. O. A.) Burton. .1 N. lx>ahholt, A. R. Hap-I poldt, E. S. Kohn, W. C. Clarke. W. F. Odom. T. S. Allen. R. C. Dick. K. C. Haskell. W. A. Robin-1 son, G. D. Rcllingor, Jr., J. R. \\* IN C*1 * ? * uini|iouii, ?>. 11. omi|>suu, jr., w. J. Brockington, H. E. Blake, D. W. Watkins, F. B. Tarbor, II. H. ( Greene, P. Miley, A. Grler, F. B. i Green, l*. B. McCrady, C. H. Pennell. Killing tit Ha<ltinin's Ben Thompson, a negro employed jy Dorchester I,umber Company, was c 111(1 at Badhnm on Tuesday by an?ther negro named Tom Mtddleton. Thompson entered the eahin of Midlleton early that morning and ahorty after a flghr started between the j wo and the ending an stated. Ed ,ee. another negro, supposed to he,' nixed up in ?he affair, was captured bout five miles from the scene of the : illing Thompson's throat was cut rom ear to ear. As yet the posses ent out after Middleton have not een abhle to locate him Badhams i located between Keeyesville and , t. George on the Southern. WHAT IT COST I > RAISE A FOUND OF COTTON BY rtual Figures as Work Was Done on j a Georgia Farm and Itenorted for I the Cultivator. Mr. B. J. Wooten, a Georgia farer. furnishes the Southern Cultlnor with the actual amount It cost m to raise his cotton. Ho says he arted in January. 1907, in a rough; ay to see what his cotton cost him >r pound to raise it. He had eight*! :res planted and hero is what it >st him to make it: Irst breaking of stalks (two days $ 1.00 leaning off stalks (3 days).. 3.00 unnlng out stalks (2 days) . . 2 00 3st of guano .. 23.50 andling guano home 2.00 ost of manure and hauling.. 5.00 ost of stowing guano 2.00 ost of stowing manure.. .. 2.00 ost of covering guano and manure 4.00 reaking out the middle's. . .. 5 00 ost of cotton seed 5.50 ost of planting J.50 arrowing 1.50 ost of tools 3 00 ost of ploughing first ilxuo. . 2.50 oelng first time 7.00 loughing second time 2 50 oelng second time 3.50 loughing third time 2.50 loughing fourth time 2.50 oeing third time 3 00 loughing fifth time 2.50 ost of baskets for picking.. I.2'? ost of picking 6,100 lt>s. (50c per hundred.) 30.50 ost of hauling to gtu 2.00 ost of ginning 6.00 ost of bagging and tics.. .. 4.20 [anting to warehouse 3.00 lorse feed 52.00 Total $183.90 Amount of cotton made, four bales; relght of all together. 1.950 pouuds; otton seed. 3,900 pounds. The Editor of the Cultivator. i:i ommenting on the above figures says we often see estimates of growi ig otton; but we have never seen a nil itemized statement of the who.e xpense from January to January. Of ourse it would beb a ditfirult account o keep. There are so many incidents and indirect expenses. Rut two hings stand out; a farmer must make . bale per acre to make any money, ,nd second, he should have otheT rops and some form of livestock to profitably employ his time when not nguged In working his cotton, if hr IcslreB to prosper. It would certainy take the seed, even at $1.00 pei lundred to pay. interest on land and axes. So we would have Mr. Woot sn's cotton to cost him about 9 Vis :ents. We are satisfied this is s air estimate of the cost of the croi or 1907, for labor and everything ;lse was high." ARK KXPKLKFD. Forty-eight out of ninety-two inenv >ers of tlio junior class of Clemsoi Jollege and one suspended ou Sat irday for disobedience of orders oi tpril 1. The boys left college ant vent to Pendleton some miles awa> in Wednesday, when they had beer ommanded not to do so. They alsc ent disrespectful telegrams back tt evcral of the professors. After full investigation the discipline committer entenced forty-eight members of thr Minor nuss to expulsion and one Ic uapension. Nearly all fhe dismissed cadets saj hat they realize that they did wronf nd that they deserve punishment "here seems to be an absence of reentmont. In fact those dismissed re anxious thnt no student shall eavc on their account or because ol ny pledge that they would stick tc he class. T. S. Allen, captain of the r>ot hall team, says that he was a ?ader aftr ethe affair got started nd that he has no kick coming on Is punishment. He expecta to do all i his power to keep any other stuent from going ljecause of any c ?mact or their sympathy. His sensible ction will be followed by many of lie dismissed cadets. The following are the names of the lsmlised cadets: Loadholt, .1. N., Barnwell. Bellinger. (?. D., Columbia. Murray. J. D.. Columbia. Horn, E. S., Prosperity. Pennell, C. H., Abbeville. Pennell, .T. R.f Abbeville. Jenkins. R. C.. Kershaw. Allen, T. S., Anderson. Brltt, I). C , Abbeville. Coleman. L. A.. Laurens. Yeargln. T. H.. Laurens. Fulmer, T. F., Saluda. Happoldt. A. R.. Charleston. Haskell, E. C.. Abbeville. Kelly, S. O., l^eak. Boone, L. C., Orangeburg. Covington, J. C., Bennottsville. uooinson. w. A., Easley. Simpson, J. B., Anderson. Simpson, W. D.. Anderson. Adams, R. E., Edgefield. Burton, G. A., Newberry. Gardiner, K. A., Aiken. Creamer, A \V., Greenville. Twiggs, H. C., Greenwood. Blake. R. K., Abbeville. Brocklngton. W. J.. Williamsburg. Clarke. W. C., Leake. Green. H. H., Abbeville. Nance, W. L., Laurens. Sheeley, W. J., Newberry. Watkins, T. W., Anderson. Dove. J. L., Fairfield. Greene. F. B.. York. Grier, A., Darlington. Rush. M. It.. Charleston. Hunter, B. G.. Pendleton. McMillan, J. P.. Marlon. Odom. W. F., Barnwell. Clement, E. B., Charleston. Tarbox. F. S.. Georgetown. Kason, J. L., Charleston. Gahdy, F. L . Darlington Ml ley, T.. Feake. Wlgfall, C. Y., Charleston. Spratt, W. C., Chester. Chamness, E., Marlboro. tVileon, J. H-, Chester. VERY STRANGE CASE. ft I'RKACHKR ARHKSTKD FOR MI KDKH AT HRAXCm iLLK. By a Prelrudwd Detective ami Carried to ikuiiberg, Where the I'reteuded Detective Disappears. Hrauchvillu had a genuine sensation on Tuesday when Rev. William Jefferson, alias William Blackmail, colored, was arrested th "re. charged with the murder of his wife and two children In Alabama In 1902. The arrest was made by \V. B. Williams, Jr., a colored detective of Bamberg county. Rev. Jefferson (as the brethren call him) has been preuchiug to hia people at Bruuchville for the past, two years and seemed to be well thought of by his congregation, hut ; alas, murder will out. It is reported that Rev. Jefferson chose as his text on Sunday the following scripture: "Tbop shall not Kill." It is reported that there was a reward of $300 offered by the State of Alabama for the arrest of Jefferson and that his reputation in Alabama is not at all good. It is further said that when the detective found Jefferson and ordered him to throw up his hands that, instead ol doing as commanded by the officer that he attempted to resist arrest and that the otficer fired at him j with a shot gun and hit him in the abdomen with several small shot The correspondent of The State at Bamberg says "the case of Rev. William Jefferson, alias William Blackman. has been discussed hero on account of the fact that he is In In. tin county jail here and Is in a ver> precarious condition. The other negro. B. W. Williams. Jr.. who claimed to be a detective and made the ar ! rest of Jefferson on the charge ol i murder, has very mysteriously disap' peared, and that without claiming j any reward, though according to hli own statement tliero is a reward ol $300. ' "Jefferson savs that Williams call ed him out to see some pictures am : when he went that Williams said 'yot I are my prisoner' and without mor? I ado shot him in the abdomen. Jeffor : son suvs that he has never been- it Alabama and that he is of the opin ion that WilliamsiuuKt have had snnn private grudgo against him. He alst claims that be has never committee '; any crime. ; "All search for the accuser in th? (case fails to reveal his whereabouts '! When Williams had taken the injurei man to Magistrate Zeigler he left fo ' | somewhere, but where Is unknown | The shooting occurred in Oraugehurj (county and should be handled by th< I , authorities of that county accordinj i to law, hut the condltiou of tin i wounded man may not warrant hi 1 removal at this time." ' j This seems to have been an out ' rngeous affair, and shold be sifted ti j tne very uottom. Williams, the ne I gro, who shot the preacher, shoub 1 be apprehended and made to answe i for his crime. Did he have a war ( rant? If he dd, where did he Ret it . and on whose affidavit was it issued ( I These are questions that should b I looked into. k 1 BKATKN BY NKGliOKH. | Two Men Seriously 11 net uiid Tlici ' Assailant* in Jail. A dislpatch to The State from At i lonta savs J. It Sturgeon was bad! icut atid knocked unconscious and 11 - ; B. Sims seriously cut by eight negroe r | on Saturday night. . !di I I II ; ' ariMBBgSSflBH ta ' feeling of antagonism neTw7vT^^nu!t i and negroes in that sectiou. PHI SOX KI1S KSf'APK. _____ Right Break Out of Prison at bull fort, N. C. i A dispatch from Guilfort, N. C\, : says all of the surrounding country ; for miles is being scoured by armed | men searching foi a lot of negro desperadoes who escaped from the county jail Tuesday. Among the escape ] prisoners are several charged with murder and others convicted of man j slaughter, burglary and various I crimes. Fight prisoners In nil escap ed and up to noon only one was raptured. He was "Prince Alfred," a young negro, who is insane. Highest wages, shortest hours. COTTON MIIjIJ Stop daily at 6 HKIiP p. in. Saturday WANTED. at noon Apply Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills. Atlanta, Ga. Thirty-Two Cent Cotton. FOR RAXjn?WttMn'i o*l?krtla4 tmproTwd "Rammer Snow" upland land tapI* cotton Mtd Magna ha la aa4 mora par aera ordlnaiv land undar (ak oondlUona; aaila for ITH U IS cmti pa* pound. Ka*Uy plckadL Olnnad in an ordinary aaw rIn. frtarlea IV La 1% I neb aa. Price I t>.n?t UM. 1 hnahala. J^tsSihaA^^^*/'CU ^ ' *^r?i CLASSIFIED COLUMN. WANTED. Wanted?You to send us your plates and films If you want the beat results. We Kuarantee satisfaction. Send a postal for our price list. R. G. Young Co.. Itox 187. Atlantu, Ga. Wanted?Every farmer and Merchant in South Carolina write us for booklet and testimonials. Hugging' Wrenchless Plough Stock and Clio Sweeps. Benuett-Hedgpeth Co.. Clio, S. C. . ? - - i -'t | MISCELLANEOUS. $4<) to S50 a Month Guaranteed after completing Bookkeeping and Short-1 hand. A $40 Scholarship will be giveu for $20 if you enter within 30 days. Send clipping request inf. full information. Address Orangeburg Business College, Orangeburg. S. C. Know Thy Fortune?Soud your name, date of birth and sex. married or single, and 10c. for a personal typewritten Horoscope of your life, your future love, business and personal affairs. Prof. Opdvke, Box 963. Bimrhunitnn V V FOB SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. Something New?Your name handwritten on one dozen cards in a style you have never seen. The most beautiful, the most wonderful, for 20c in stamps. Address Orangeburg Business College. Orangeburg. S. C. For Sale?Our twelve horse power Blakesley Gasolene Euglne, cheap. Also lot of shafting, pulleys, etc. Apply to L. E. Riley, Orangeburg, S. C. . For Sale?Thoroughbred, long type, Essex swine, from prize winning stock. Three gilts, three young hours and also lot of fine pigs for April delivery. Prices right. Alex I Macdonald. lilackstock, S. C For Sale Cheap?One linger Bread 1 Mixer, one Thompson Moulding Machine; four Bread Presses; two ; Bread Troughs: one Cake Machine; * r.O Plane Moulds; and many other ^ things used In a first-class bakery. Apply to E. E. Riley, Orangeburg, S C. I ???????????? 1 for sale?f.ggsaxdpoi; i/try. F.ggs from our Celebrated Thorough j bred Prize Winner. Black Momm a* and White Plymouth Rocks. , per 15. We guarantee seven chick, or replace the order. Frank E. Hal! I Bartow, Go. For Sale?Huff Rock chickens, prize * Stock, also prize winning White Wyondottes. Write for prices. S 1 M. Oliver & Co.. The Terraces, El i' her ton, Ga. , ? ? Single Comb Rhode Island Reds onl> Langford and Ahherneathy Strain ^ None better at my price. Eggs. If for $l.r>0. Satisfaction guaranteed B \V. I). Colclough, Dal/.ell, S. C. fin DOLLARS 8AVBD TO ORiiAA | CUSTOMERS For Next 40 Days. We will sell our excellent $80 Or gam* at only ft!5. Our $90 Organ 1 for nly f75. Special Terms: On* 1 third now, one-third Not. 1908. bal ance Not 1909. If interested, clij this ad, and enclose It with your let ter, asking for catalog aud price list '* If you want the best orgs on earth lon't delay, but write us at once am <aT* $15 and inaUu no mo harmonl ou8. Address: MALONB'8 Mimu HOUSE. Columbia, 8. C. Pianos am trgann |ppl Southern Stand Snoi TMjOGLfj Nature mad I it right,?the ing-fat for all economical sul ter. There's hog-fat in it. I of the South agricultural < international 1 9L liMiM ? j GIBBES Guar INCI.UDRS (IASOMNE AND STEA ABLE AND STATIONARY BOM EIKJKRS, PLANERS, SHINGLE, 1 CORN MILLS, COTTON GINS. ! MAKING OUTFITS AND KINDRl Our ??tork In the most varlwl e South > it StatoH, prompt ahipmcnt tj. A postal card will bring our GIBBES MACHINERY COMPANY, \ *Wjg DOES IT FREE. OF GliKAT INTEREST TO ALL STOCK OWNERS. Investigations of Contagious and In* fwtious Diseases uf Animals Mado Without Cost to the Owner*. The majority of stock owners do not know that this State provides for the investiRation of contagious diseases and consequently there is an unnecessary loss of many animals each year. Souie of these animal diseases are also communicable and fatal to man. and. therefore the appearance of any disease of suspicious character should be promptly reported to the State Veterinarian. All letters asking for information of noncontagious diseases of auimuls will be promptly answered, but owneds are fully in.;nested to fully describo tho symptoms of the disease. Observe the following rules in requesting Investigations: Rule I. All notices for contagious or infectious aiseases should be sent (to "Veterinarian. Clemson College, H. C." Rule 2. When two or more reput' able citi'.ens of any county In this ! State shall notify said veterinarian ' that any animals in their county are J affected with a contagious disease, the tendency of which is to cause the death of such animals, he will investigate the same, or cause an investigation thereof to tie made. Such notices should also state the nuni- M her ol animals sick, the number exposed and the number dead, or it should contain such other information as ma> indicate thai Mie disease in questhu is contagious or infectious and one that can be legally investigated under the law. Rule .1. When said notice shows Ihnl .11......... - ? - - ' ? ?' ' 'iioranv in u'lii.iKiwua Ul IIIpotions ;in investigation will lie made. Incest Ignt ions- will bo mndo in tho ' order notices are received wheu thin Is practicable; otherwise they will be made In order or iiuportuucu or . according to location ,] Rule i. Perrons requesting inspections should hold tho animal* in readiness, awaiting the arrival of the veterinarian or assistant veterinarian, . and be present to give the required information and assistance. ' Rule 0. The veterinarian, when ro quest I'd. will furnish blanks on which to ma' e reports. All letters of inquiry asking for information regard ing atiitnal diseases will be aoswerei as soon after their receipt as n.ay be , found practicable. Rule t?. In accordance with Section ; 5. or the act of February 9, 1901, Clemson College will pay the necea(sury expenses of the veterinarian, or assist; lit veterunrian, in making Inspections where animals are affected with contagious diseases. The own- . er is o\pe?tod to provide transportation to and from the railway station f and furnish necessary labor and feed . w hile the animals are being tested or are in quarantine. Rule 7. If an inspection has been i requested und tho sick animal die or . recovet before the arrival of the inspector. the person requesting the inj specitou must notify the veteriuarieH * I .on. i itlc Giant" Screw Plates issortments. Each assortment is put up eat wood case, as shown in cut. Each asicnt has adjustable tap wrenches for holding all of taps contained in assortment. Threads es rod from 7-64 in. up to 1 1-2 in. "BEST . BEST PUCES ' Colombia Supply Co. ColombU^.C. * W& ARD OF SATISFA^|^ H 5SLARDJ le it, and made just-right cook- I purposes,?the I ystitute f or but- I no indigestible Tt'ft t.hp nr irk , ? her leading I contribution to | food-purity. ,;f HHHiU k anteed Macv:,""ry. M ENGINES,PORT.ATM VI AVE AMI JL|J^ nid complete lu the ^rj^p , being our specialsalesman. K i Box W, Columbia, 8. 0>