The Fort Mill Times.
p. W. BRADFORD, - Ed. ami PXQp.
One year 51.00
On Hpj>'.l?-:?tTon n? the publisher, a?1vc.tislng'raieV
ore made known to
J'tosc Intc-rcntod. '"
Entered at tlio j,<oHro?Ti.co at Fgrt Mill,
p. O., us uoeoml class iiiat-tcr.
thjhsda < april 16. 1908
William Jennings Bryan.
'The Philadelphia North American
is a dyed-in-the-wool Republican
newspaper and therefore
seldom finds it convenient
to speak a good word for any
Democrat; but in a recent issue
that paper >vas liberal enough to
publish the following interesting
estimate of Mr. Bryan. The
American's fairness in this instance
is in striking contrast
to tho inane policy which such 1
assistant Republican papers as
the News and Courier and
/Greenville News are pursuing in
their opposition to Mr. Bryan.
The article follows:
William Jennings Bryan, of
Lincoln, Nebraska, may never
be president of the United
States and again, he may be.
Time alone can tell, and we
can't make time give advance
information. But wthether or
hot he is president, or fills office
of any sort he is our most
remarkable private citizen, and
his political record is without
:paralled in the history of our ;
nation. Aside from it3 parisan ;
features and its public signifi- j
pance, it has a moral meaning J
which should be deep-planted in j
t.he minds of his countrymen, ;
VOung and old, so that the num- j
b?r of his kind may be increased, j
William Jennings Bryan is a ;
shin'nx exempt* r of success that!
lies in defeat. Fi\ m the time i
he used to debate with the other |
students at Illinois college to the ;
present day he has known every
form of public defeat, from the '
smallest to the greatest, and as i
if to doubly test him, he was I
twice subjected to the greatest. !
When he went out to Lincoln as j
a young lawyer, he didn't get
much practice in his profession. ,
So, whenever committees from '
county fairs or "grand picnics" j
came to the city for oratory and '
applied for the same at some
Lawyer's office ?they were referred
to Bryan. And Bryan
usually accepted and thundered
at them just what he thought, 1
whether they thought that way ,
or not, and pretty soon he ran i
for the congress in a Republican :
district?ran because no other
Democrat wanted to be de-!
feated!?and was elected! And !
the busy lawyers who referred 1
committees to him arc still as
little known as busy lawyers in
thousand of little cities, while
he is known the world around as
no other lawyer, busy or otherwise.
in anv citv. hie or littlp
His congressional successes
were just exceptions to groove
his rule of defeat. But every
time he went down he came up
fresher and stronger, until now
he has a greater hold on the
masses than he ever had. And
lie's a bigger man than he ever
Was, for the simple reason that
he lias known how to use defeat.
In the first place, he was
never defeated because of any
fault of character. So there
was no reason why he should
despair, and he didn't. In the
second place, he never went
ahead until he felt sure he was i
"right, so he accepted his defeats i
as mainly a difference of opinion 1
between himself and the ma-1
jority of voters, and no man:
need be discouraged because ne!
honestly disagrees with the'
masses. This usually means i
that he is right, and in the case i
of Bryan it has so proven. For i
'many of his "revolutionary1
radicals" of a dozen years ago;
are now being advocated by the !
very ones who then stood aghast
at their mere mention!
But back of all his defeats and
hufFets is a man who believes :
in laimOA!-t* ^ k?
iii iiiriia^iXf W lllV^XI lO 111U IlfJSL
Requisite for any sort of success. |
And back of this belief in self ;
is a character that will stand the
most searching rays of calcium
c irbide. And when you reiniorce
self-confidence with charae-1
ter you can defy defeat, for
there is r.o defeating this combination.
To you, young man or
old man, I say this -study
\Villiam Jennings Bryan. It
doesn't matter whether you're
a Democrat or a Republican, a
"Prohibitionist or a Socialist.
There is something far more!
important to you than politics
find parties. It is manhood.
And Bryan is a man, of whom it
may be said he has never known !
defeat, although he has met it j
often, for his sort of manhood
can't he defeated. And it's the
port we need right now.
' I have just. completed a twenty
year health sentence, imposed by I
Uacklon'* Arnica Salve, which cared '
me of bli'wliuK piles just. twenty years
writes (), S. Wooloror, of l.eKnysvillo,
N Y. Bucklun's Arnica
t ttlve heals the worst sores, boils, herns,
woondw and cats in the shortest tiuie. [
?.V at all drujt stores.
May KiU Jog Trade.
It is possible that the time is
not far distant when one cannot
send an order from prohibition
territory and recnve whisky by
freight, express or other common
carrier. ' The national congress
has been at work for some time
endeavoring to enforce prohibition
in prohibition territories and
the senate judiciary committee
now thjnks that it has devised
a plan which w ilt seriously interfere
with the shipment of liquor
from another State into a prohiCi.i_
rw.. " '
uiuuii ouite. x ne committee nas
practically agreed to report a
bill, the gist of which is that express
companies shall be restrained
from handling liquor shipments
consigned to prohibition
This is sought to be accomplished
by making it unlawful
for express companies to act as
agents either for the consijpor
or the consignee. Some States
have a now law of this kind. It
ik held that if express companies
can be prevented from transporting
lottery tickets they can
also be prohibited from carrying
liquor. The sub-judiciary
committee concluded some time
ago that shipments of liquor into
prohibition States could not be
prevented by subjecting such
shipments to the police regulations
of the States, and as a result
all bills predicated upon that
principle were rejected.
Watson Secures English Immigrants.
Commissioner of Immigration
Watson reached Columbia Saturday
from Philadelphia with a
special car of English farmers,
33 strong and presenting an excellent
appearance, says a special
to the Charlotte Observer.
Mr. Watson, who has had extensive
experience at Ellis Island,
as well as in dealing with the
immigration problem of this State
says the visitors are the best
looking set of immigrants he has
yet seen landed in America.
The newcomers were brought to
this country by Mr. Alex. Thompson,
a native of New Orleans
workincr for the State of Vireinin
He gathered them from the farming
sections of England by means
of personal interviews and stercopticon
lectures. There were
originally 130 in this party, the
others going to Virginia and Oklahoma.
In the party is a number of
young girls from 16 to 20 years
old, who have had experience as
servants in England, and with
t)iem Commissioner Watson is
beginning his experiment blocked
out several years ago of solving
the Southern servant problem by
substituting white for colored
servants. He will send these
young women to rural families,
and if the experiment pans out
well will bring many more over
from England.
York County News.
Yorkvillo Enquirer.
Mr. Samuel A. Fewell died at
his home in Ebenezer last Tuesday
afternoon after along period
of bad health. He was a good,
substantial citizen who was well
thought of by all who knew him.
Rev. W. A. Hafner, who has
uuen pastor 01 liowiing Green
and Allison Creek churches for
about ten years past, has announced
his acceptance of the
call to the pastorate of the Presbyterian
church of Fort Mill.
Galfney Ledger: Major Jno.
F. Jones of Blacksburg, has
formed a company for the development
of the tin mines near
King's Mountain. The company
has purchased large areas of land
and will at once proceed with
the work of development.
All of the jurors drawn for the
f.rst week of the approaching
term of court were "found" except
three?W. N. Hardin, W.
C. Whitesides and G. E. Merritt.
Mr. W. N. Hardin lives in Chester
county. Mr. VV. C. Whitesides
is at Great Catawba Falls.
G. E. Merrit should have been
T. E. Merritt of Fort Mill.
The county board of commissioners
held its regular monthly
meeting in its office last Wednesday,
and spent the greater part
of the day in the transaction of
routine business. The only item
out of the ordinary was in the
placing of a contract for nnhliaVi
ing the quarterly reports of the
supervisor, for which service the
law provides that the commissioners
must not pay more than
$60 per annum. All of the papers
of the county were invited to
bid; but only two, the Yorkville
Enquirer and the Rock Hill Herald
complied. The Enquirer offered
to do the work for $60 and
accompanied the offer with a
statement that it had 2,200 subscribers.
The Herald offered to
do the work for $30 and accompanied
the offer with a statement
that it has 1,100 subscribers.
The board accepted the
offer of The Enquirer.
Tillman Still Improving.
A despatch from Atlanta
Tuesday morning stated that
Senator Tillman continues to improve,
and that the attending
physician was very much
pleased with the Senator's
~ r j
; l?pf 1 ^
The Circuit Court.
The spring term of the Court
of General Sessions convened at
Yorkville Monday with Judge
R. C. Watts presiding. There
are 13 prisoners in jail awaiting
trial, nine negroes and four white
m/m. There are five murder
charges to be disposed of, with
seven prisoners involved. All of
the accused are negroes except
Lawrence Marley, the young man
who shot and killed John Warlick
in a barber shop at Yorkville
on Saturday, April 4th, and also
shot and seriously wounded Jefferson
Warlick, a brother of the
slain man. One of the white
men in jail is charged with burglary
and the other two with selling
whiskey. It is possible that
the entire week will be consumed
with the criminal docket. It is
expected that the court will be
in session through the coming
week and that after the criminal
docket has been cleared the balance
of the term will be devoted
to I civil business. There is a
large number of cases of the latter
class on the calendar, principally
suits against corporations
for alleged damages.
The Yorkville Enquirer gives
as follows the names and charges
of those in jail awaiting trial:
J. T. Pyett. This is the man
w.io entered the home of Mr. J.
L. ganders in Yorkville, on the
nig ht of January 3. He is charged
with housebreaking and larceny
in the night time.
Will Dunlap, Ches Lockridge
and Bob Johnson. These are
charged with the murder of
Nathan Lindsey, on Mr. S. W.
Inman\3 place, on February 3,
last. Dunlap is principal and the
other two accessories.
A1 Wil'iams. He killed Elias
Wiiite in Port Mill township on
February fe.
George Pearson, white, selling
whiskey. 1
Will Hunter, selling whiskey.
This is the jnan who burned himself
out of the Yorkville guard
house in July 1906. He will be
tried on that charge also.
Burt Joseph, colored, selling
Ollie Barron, colored, grand larj
Alfred Williams, murder. This
; is the man who killed Jim CrockI
ett on the J. E. Lowry place on
: 10th of February last.
Monroe Rawlinson, burglary.
Press Massev, selling whiskey.
Lawrence Marley, white, murder.
Marley is the young man
whn lriUnrl Tnlin :r*i V/-.V.L
< ? ?v? tmtvu 1/Villi TV 111 11V.1V 111 i VI I\~
ville on last Saturday afternoon.
Andy Witherspoon, charged
with murder, is at liberty on
bond. He is the man who killed
Link McCaw, also colored on the
plantation of Mr. T. L. Carroll,
on Christmas day.
Up to yesterday morning the
following cases had been disposed
of: Geo. Pearson, violating
dispensary law, Nol. Pros. Daler
Byers, violating dispensary law,
Nol. Pros.; Torrence Melton,
assault and battery with intent
to kill and carrying concealed
weapon, Nol. Pros.; Will Hunter,
violating dispensary law,
Nol. Pros.; J. L. Pyatt, burglary
and larceny, Nol. Pros, on account
of idiocy of defendant.
Adams Elliott was tried for
burglary and larceny and found
not guilty. Monroe Rawlinson
was convicted of burglary and
1 larceny and sentenced to six
1 years on the chaingang.
' Recommends That Mills Shut Down.
At a meeting of the executive
committee of the North Carolina
Cotton Manufacturers' Associatioy,
held in Charlotte on Saturday,
it was decided to recommend
that the mills embraced
in the association as well as all
other Southern mills shut down
for sixty days. This decision
was reached after a thorough
discussion of existing conditions
in the Southern States and the
depression in the price of yarns.
Resolutions to this end were
unanimously adopted. The
| meeting, which was presided
1 over by President R. M. Miller,
Jr., ex-office chairman of the
committee, was enthusiastic and
The meeting of the Southern
Cotton Spinners' Association,
called to consider the matter of
curtailment, will assemble April
117th, and it is expected that the
Southern mills will fall in line
with the mills of that State.
Card of Thanks.
Words cannot express our api
nfOPl'ntinn nf tlmon f?inn/ln ...U^
vviMbwu WA vwvou 11 itnuo W1IU
have shared with us the lonely
vigils by the bedside of our departed
loved one. No sweeter
memory can live in any heart
than the memory of their untiring
devotion to the one who has
just left us. The waves of sorrow
break upon every shore, and
we can but hope that friends as
true may gather around each one
of them should sorrow invade
their homes.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hitch.
is caused by stagnation of I ho liver and
bowels. To get rid of it und hoadaclie
and billionsnesa and the poison that
brings j tnndicu, tnko Dr. King's New
i Life Pills, the reliable parifierf that
do the work withont grinding or
; griping. at all drug stores.
. 1
Who b CW ?
Children, who arc laudably ambitious
to become intelligent, substantial
and useful citizens, who
is "Civis"? Parents, who are
striving to equip your children
for the battle of life, who is
Who is be who has self appointed
himself to act for the taxpayers
of Fort Mill? We haven't
heard of any taxpayers' convention
being held and of the unanimous
election of "Civis" to cry
out for- them in their cruel bon- J
dage? In fact, all the business
men in town, except two, have
voluntarily signed the petition
for an election. We know that
these men believe that they are
infpllinronf nnnn r**V* fA
iii win^viib Viivugll W 1CJ7I UOUIll/
themselves, do they desire him to
claim the honor of representing
them, and I feel sure this is the
sentiment of the other taxpayers
also. About all "Civis" repre-!
sents is the soil, brick and mortar
in his own possession, and a fit
representative of such articles is
he. I represent the intelligence,
ambition, and hard work of the
men who earn their daily bread
and feel that they give their employers
honest sdrvice.
I wish to call attention to certain
misrepresentations made by
"Civis" in his article. He says
our school building is as good as
that of the average in the South
in towns of the size of Fort Mill.
How many school buildings in S.
C. has he been in? IIow many
times in the last fifteen years
has he been in his own school
building? Yet he presumes to
know the condition of all the
schools in the whole South. In a
recent article, I compared for
"Civis" our building, not only
with the buildings of towns of our
own size, but with those of much
smaller and poorer towns, to the
decided disadvantage of ours.
"Civis" evidently didn't see this.
I have just received a letter from
Prof. W. H. Hand, of the S. C.
' University, who is an undoubted
I authority on school conditions.
I After giving me a very long list
j of new school buildings he writes:
| "I might give you as many more
| places of about the same size and
' amount of taxable property where
| tney have within the past three
| years erected school buildings
ranging in cost from $8,000 to
$15,000 each."
A building good enough for
"Civis" is good enough for his
offspring. It may bo, but not for
the children of us who believe
that our descendants can improve
on us. I take it that "Civis" allows
himself none of the modern
conveniences, because his grandfather
and father got along without
"Civis" says nothing was said
about the condition of our building
until the Collinwood fire. Mr.
Reaves' article entitled "Do We
Need a Better School Building?" j
appeared on Feb. 20; the Collinwood
holocaust occurred March 4.
"Civis" says this is the only
catastrophe in the U. S. in three
hundred years. Prof. Hand
writes; "Unfortunately several
such fires have occurred within
the past five years, where the
loss of lives ran from three or
four up into the scores. Every
school house ought to be built
with full fire protection. It is
nothing short of criminal to sub- j
iect teachers and pupils to con- I
stant danger from fire or from
"I sincerely hope that your proposed
school buildihg will be
voted overwhelmingly. You need
it badly, and 1 somehow feel that
your people are too patriotic and
too sensible to let the election be
lost."^ How about the school fire
in Yorkville several years ago?
The fire started in the roof, the
building had wide exits at front
i and rear, and was located near
the center of the town. And yet
there were many hairbreadth escapes.
The awful agony of that
hour will shorten the lives of
many parents. Mothers, are you
sure when' you bid your manly
boys or lovely girls goodbye in
the morning, as they go to school,
that they will return to you in
the evening? The Collinwood fire '
would not have destroyed a single
life had "Civis" been there with
! his magnificent headwork.
"Civis" admits that he has a
selfish motive. Does he really
' desire street improvement, or is
: this merely a ruse to try to turn
OQl'rlO fV?n rv^ArvlA^
uw.uv. uuv |7tv|Jig o ailCIIHUIl, SO
that he will have no additional
taxes at all to pay. He says we !
are having hard times now. It;
will be seyeral months before
taxes are collected. He wants
streets for the children. Will
the town authorities ppend i
money on the streets to the
school building or elsewhere?
I Don't children invaritbly choose
the muddiest part of the road?
"Civis" wants more teachers. 1
A certain "Civis" voted against
the High School, which entailed
>. no taxes, but was a mere thank
| offering of the State's. Were
you the particular "Civis?" If
, we do not erect a new building,
this High School will no doubt
be taken away, and we shall |
have one less teacher. We have
more teachers now than we have
room for therQ^
The trustees without a dissenting
voice requested me to
carry around the petition to call(
an election. Sneaking for myj
self alone, I sjBl vote for th's,
W$\ W
? 1 1 'I
for street improvement, or for
any other measure that will
benefit our town, whenever it
comes up ami in whatever order.
But I think the school comes
first, waterworks next, and then
sewerage, and last of all street
improvment. In one year, the
streets were considerably improved
without any bonds being
issued. Wh}' can't as much be
done each year? The streets
can be gradually improved. All
of these other improvements
I must come in a lump.
Everything that has been
written in favor of a new school
building bore the signature of a
man. Was "Civis" ashamed of
himself, of his article, or of
what that he forgot his own
"Civis," who are you anyway?
First be a man, and then your
fellowmen will call you a citizen,
and it will not be necessary for
you to so style yourself.
This article is written and
signed by him who alone is
responsible for its publication.
J. Harvey Witherspoon.
DeWitt's Littlo Earlj Risers, the famous
littlo liver pills. tk)lil by Ardrey's
drug store.
-? ? ?
It is stated that at least 5,000
bales of cotton are being held
in Sumter county.
A big cut or a little cut, small scratches
or bruises big oues tiro healed quickly
by DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel
Salve. It is especially good for piles.
Get DeWitt's. Sold by Ardrey's drug
The salary question was mixed
by the last legislature, and some
olficials will not get the increases
passed by the body because of
The kidnoys are delicate and sensitive
! organs and are very likely nt any time
to got out of order. DeWitt's Kidney
and Bladder Fills are prompt and
thorough and will in a very short
time strengthen the weakened kidneys
and allay troubles arising from inflammation
of the bladder. Isold by
Ardrey's drug storo.
The city of Florence will not
PStnllliwh l'fa A?m olfmt-m'/. I
I two v/?? 11 IL 1 1 >4, I I I '
i plant, and has contracted with (
I the local company for street (
lights again. The city pays ;,
$77.50 a year for arc lights.
? , I
To have porfoct hoalth wo must have (
perfect digestion, aud it is very im- j
portant uot to permit of any delay the '
moment tho stomach feels out of order. (
Take something at ouce that you know t
will promptly aud unfailingly assist *
digestion. There is nothing botttr than (
Kodol for dyspepsia, indigestion, sour {
stomach, belching of gus and nervous J
headache. Kodol is a natural digest- (
ant. and will digest what you eat. j
Sold by Ardrcy's drugstore.
F. A. Norwood, the alderman (
I of Columhin whn was arrested {
I for stealing and pawning a gun, I
plead guilty to the charge of j *
i petit larceny in the magistrate's i '
court, and was fined $30.
?? -? ??
Kennedy's laxative Cough Syrup?the
| cough syrup that tastes nearly as good
as maple sugar aud which children
like so well to take. Unlike nearly all 1
| other cough remedies, it does not con- 1
j stipnte, but on tho other hand it acts ,
promptly yet gently on the bowels, (
through which the cold is forced out of /
the system, and at the same time it al- ,
lays iuflammatiou. Always use Ken- (
nedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. Sold ,
by Ardrey's drug store. ,
The expelled cadets of Clem- {
son college held a meeting and (
passed resolutions that their- c
punishment was just and asking <
that the agreement made that [
all students leave the^ college
if any were expelled, be not
kept by the signers, but that all
remain who were allowed to do ^
Kodol For Dyspepsia has helped thons (",
auds of people who have had stomach
trouble. This is what oue man says of U
it: "10. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, 111.
?Gentlemen?In 18U7 I had a disease !
of the stomach and bowels. I could i!
not digest anything I ate and in the fj
spring of 1902 I bought a bottle of Ko- |
dol and the benefit I received from that !
bottle all the gold in Georgia could not j".
buy. 1 still use a little occasionally as I
I find it a flue blood purifier and a t!
good tonic. May you live long and "j
prosper. Yours very truly. C. N. I
Cornell, Rodiug, Ga., Aug. 27, 190G." :
? f|
The Pacific fleet has arrived j
off California, and Admiral :
Evans has had to leave his flag- J
ship and go inland to some hot .
springs for treatment for i
rheumatism. j
"Nine years ago it looked as if my
time had come, "says Mr. C. Farthing. ]
of Mill Creek, Ind. Ter. "I was so run :
down that life hung on a very slender {
thread. It was then my druggist recom- i
mended Electric Bitters. 1 bought a
bottle and I crot what T nru>fWi? '
strength. I had ouo foot in the grave,
but Bieotrio Bitten put it back on 'he I turf
again, and I've boon well ever 1
since," Sold under guarantee ut all I
drug stores, 50c, l J
John Mitchell, head of or- 1
ganized labor, and foremost exponent
of the rights of the la- J
boring man, retired last week
and was succeeded by Thomas
L, Lewis of Ohio.
1J. Morris, of Skippers, Va , had |
a close call in the spring of 1906. He ,
says: "An attack of pneumonia left me
so weak and with such a fearful cough \
that my friends doclared consumption
had me, and death was on my heels. '
Then I was persuaded to try Dr. King's J
New Discovery. It helped me immediately,
and after taking two and a 4
half bottles I was a well man again. I
I found oat that New Discovery is the
best remedy for coughs and lung disease
in all the world." Sold under X
guarantee at all drag Htores. 50c and
<1.00. Trial bottle free.
r?F?iHMiiiwi.ii? ill I ! IP w^n -mm
| New TJ
g Nearly every fr
g many of the passeu
g daily roll into For
? something new in t
? niture. Wc wateh
I when we see a ne\>
think would pleas
we sit right down a
ticle. In this wa;
stock right up-to-n
to call your attenti*
Note the folio
Baby Carriages,
Beds, Art Squares,
tors, Water Cooler
and screen Windo
s? Porch Settees, Lac(
g cess Steel Ranges,
? makes cooking a
? weather. Our Fe
g insure you a good :
g ing the hot season.
? Come to see us;
? visit profitable to y
I Mills & Yi
1>@<3?@????S?@ ?
W. H. H
hie gallon now Corn whiskey $1 60 C
>110 gal. 1-year ohl Corn whiskey... 1 75
>ue gal. 2-year old Corn whiskey... 2 00 P
>ne gal. 3-year old Corn whiskey... 2 50 1
>ne gal. 4-year old Corn whiskey... 3 00 P
>ne gallon New Rye 1 60 1*
)ne gallon X Rye :.. 1 75 I
Ino gallon XX Rye 2 00 P
>ue gal. Snnuy South Rye 3 00 I
>ne gal. Old Henry Rye 8 00 1"
)nogal. Hoover's Choico Rye 2 60 P
Illegal. Rooney's Malt 3 00 P
)uegal Echo Springs Rye 3(H) P
Ine gal. Peach and lloney 2 00 P
5ne gal. Apple Brandy, new 2 50 P
lue gal. Apple Brandy, very old... 3 50 P
Pices on any other goods will
a ihe suuill's UR
gjj Unexcelled Dining Cnr Ser
Convenient Schedules on al
Through Pullman Sleeping <
^ Most direct route to the N
j?| For full information as to rates,
Southern Railway Ticket Aye
| R. W. HURT,
:ii A G P. A., Atlanta, Ga.
5 isfrtL^JIMm\ gJlij Q
For Weak
aa^JT o
Inflammation of the bladder,
urinary troubles and
backache use
[JeWitt's Kidney
and Bladder Palls
A Week's ,
Treatment 25c
t. C. DeWITT & CO.. Chicago, 111. "
Sold by Ardrey's Drug Store. la',
IffW )
?m?w . i 1? i ? iCP|
tings. 1
eight train and 9
ger trains which @
t Mill bring us 8
he way of Fur- So
the markets and
r tiling that we SK
c our customers ?
iuI order the ar- ?
y we keep our ?
ow. We desire g
on to our line of g
? Goods I .
wing: Go-Carts, @
Mattings. Iron g
Hugs, Refrigera- g
s, Screen Doors ?
ws, Bent Wood g
) Curtains, Prin- q
the range that ?
pleasure in hot g
It Mattress will g
night's rest dur- x
we'll make your @
ou. S
oung Co. I
RY, N. O.
>no Rill. Poach Brandy 3 50
'our qta. Old Mountain Corn f'2 5>)
'welve qts. Old Mountain Corn... 7 50
'our qts. Old Bailey Corn 1100
'our qts. Rooney's Mult .' 4 00
'our qts. Shaw's Malt 100
'our (its. Paul Jones lty? 4 00
'our qts. Rose Valley Rye 4 00
'our qts. Monogram Rye 4 00
'ourqts. Wilson ltyo *00
'our qts. Prontice Rye 0 00
'our qts. Hoovor's Choico 8 00
'our qts. Apple Brandy, utw 3 00
'onr qts. Apple Braniy, old 3 50
'our quarts Peach Brandy 8 50
be mailed on application.
L\ . ^
? [S
rice. fg
1 Locn) Trains. igg
Cars on Through Trains. tol
orth and East.
routes, etc., consult nearest rEJ
nt, or jo
0. P. A, Charleston, S C. p
5]fBJ?rS!? iguBJWSMMMiM '
and CURE the LUBCS |
W.th yr, King's I
New Discovary I
forcoloss j/ska
iochy fountain Yea Hiiggsfo
A Busy Medicine for Busy People.
Brlnzs Golden Health and Renry.d V'jrr. '
A m^cHIc for OonAtlpn.tlo.n. In<i:? tl n, T.'vcv
><l Kidney troubles. IMo>'' ? ? '< > - i i
loot. tsul Hrouth. She . Juclin
id Itivkuohe. Itslioc . :> i1 ...? i'culn
t form. 3f> ccnu a t> <. tannine made by