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" i XWWWWWWMM V\.\\\\\\N\ 1 $250.00 Gi ijg Come set 1 *> We saved at least this t Si to buy our spring stock, anc tomers the benefit of it. A ig? 20 per cent lower now than We have good Calico as igj cale at 10c. 10c Per White goods at 10c. 12 10c Ginghams at 7 l-2c. S3 7!v? Drooa flnnflo of *4 And a thousand other thing *, Don't fail to see our If MILLI We have the latest styl< \t? see the New Goods. If l_. J. M ??? Items of Local Interest ?Miss Pickett Anthony, of Charlotte, is visiting her friend, Mrs. Bethel, at Grattan. ?Mayor L. A. Harris and Mr. B. L. Branson returned Tuesday from a short trip to New York. ?Misses Pauline Lindsey and *Grace Johnston, of Rock Hill, were guests Saturday of Miss Frances Thornwell. ?Attention is directed to the notice of election elsewhere upon the question of issuing bonds for a new school building. ?Mr. Alvin Drakeford, ofJNew York, is spending several days with his mother, Mrs. L. H. Drakeford, in this place. ?The firm of E. W. Kimbrell Co. have to say in their adv. in this issue that which should be of interest to every lady in this community. ?The Fort Mill friends of Mr. Frank H. Hunter, of Lancaster, will regret to learn that he is suffering with a broken arm which he sustained in a skating rink at Lancaster a few days ago. ?An infant of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Moser died Thursday night and was buried Friday at the town cemetery. The funeral was conducted by Rev. W. M. Owings. ?The Times is requested to announce that Presiding Elder R. E. Stackhouse will hold the second quarterly conference at Pleasant Hill church on Saturday, next. Preaching Saturday and Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and at Fort Mill Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock. ?Messrs. Huntley and Lassiter, two young men of Wadesboro, N. C., stopped over in Fort Mill Thursday night, on their way to Yorkville, where they will engage in the livery business. The young men had a number of nice teams with them and with such material should be able to do some business in Yorkville. ? Eunice, the little 41-2 year ?1 A A Ui ?? 1 '* viu uauKliter ui ivir, ana ivirs. J. L. Ritch, whose illness was noted in our last issue, died Saturday aftrenoon and was buried Sunday afternoon at the town cemetery. The funeral service was conducted from the home by Rev. W. M. Owings, and was attended by a large crowd of sorrowing relatives and friends. Mr. Hugh E. White, the architect, has accepted an offer from the United States government to ifcpervise the public building to to be erected in Greenville. This i will necessitate his absence for quite a while and he will consequently close temporarily his office here. Mr. White was formerly in the regular employ of the government as supervising architect and is thoroughly competent in his profession. ?Rock Hill Record. ?Mr. Jno. W. Elms, of this place, a few days ago received notice from his attorney, Mr. J. Harry Foster, of Lancaster, that the State supreme court had af- i firmed the judgment of the lower court in the case of Elms vs. i Southern Power Co. Mr. Elms, it will be remembered, was given 1 a verdict in Lancaster court for $5,000 for personal injuries and the defendant company carried the case to the State court. ?The ODeninc service of n series of evangelistic meetings at the Baptist church will be held next Monday night. The services will continue through the week and on until further I notice is given. The pastor will be aided by Rev. L. R. Pruitt of Charlotte. He has had large experience in work of this kind j and has been very successful. The pastor and congregation are ! hoping for an interesting meeting and invite the public to attend the services. ? Mr. J. R. Ilaile, Jr., is at home from school in Atlanta. ven Away | four Share. 55 ? A imount by waiting until late ^2 I propose to give our cusgreat many goods are 10 to ? ? ewo weeks ago. low as 5c. 121-2c Per- 22 cale at 7 l-2c. 12 l-2c >,2 !l-2c Ginghams at 10c.. ** 50c Dress Goods at 25c. ?2 i s too numerous to mention, M NERY p :s and lowest prices. Come Jf5 i ASSEY 22 ?The annual inspection of the Fort Mill Light Infantry will take place next Tuesday, the 14th. The company has been at work for several weeks preparing for the inspection and will doubtless show ud quite creditably as heretofore. ?At a meeting Sunday of the officers of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church Messrs. J. M. Spratt and J. W. Ardrey were appointed commissioners to the Presbytery at Kershaw April 14th to prosecute before that body the call of Rev. VV. A. Hafner to the Fort Mill church. J ?Chairman Brice of the county Democratic executive; committee has sent out a call for a meeting of the committee to be held in Yorkville on next Saturday. The principal business of the committee probably will be to issue a call for the county convention.?Yorkville Enquirer. ?The "Gypsy Queen," a drama in four acts, will be presented in the town hall tomorrow (Friday) evening by the local dramatic club. The play is said | to be real good, and, aside from the fact that our people should show their appreciation of the efforts of home talent, as the proceeds^are to go to help reseat the hall, a large crowd should be present. ?As a result of an All Fool's day ioke participated in by over 3(H) Clemson cadets, 49 of the j young men have been dismissed and one suspended from the college. Investigations as to other students are being made and it is likely that more dismissals will follow. The charge against the cadets is that in disobedience to the rules of the school they left the institution April 1st and spent the day in the woods. ? Monday was an unusually busy day in the sales of real estate in Fort Mill. Mrs. J. H. Thorn well bought from Mrs. A. O. Jones the Fulp house on Confederate street. Mrs. Jones then bought from Mr. A. R. McElhaney the old Bradford home-place on Booth street, and Mr. McElhaney, in turn, bought from Mrs. D. G. Thompson the Thompson property on East Spratt street. Mrs. Thornwell, it is understood, will move at once to her newly acquired premises, and Mr. McElhaney will repair the Thompson house for rent, and will probably erect a nice residence on the premises for his own use. ? At a congregational meeting of Edenezer church on Sunday a call was extended to Rev. I ri n . /* r\i i . i * * 1 e<. mayes, 01 ruacKstocK. Mr. Mayes is known to maay Fort Mill people, he having been a student of the Fort Mill Academy when that institution was taught by Prof. Banks some years ago. Rev. Mr. Haffner Accepts Call. In a letter received Monday afternoon by the officers of the Presbyterian church. Rev. W. A. Hafncr, of Bowling Green, made known his acceptance of the call extended to him some days ago to the pastorate of the Fort Mill church. It is not known when Mr. Hafner will be able to enter upon his duties here, but it is the hope of the congregation that he may find it convenient to (ill the pulpit of the church on the fourth Sunday of this month. Mr. Hafner's acceptance of the call is a source of much pleasure here, and all eagerly await his coming. ESATII WAS ON HIS HEELS. Jesse 1'. Morris, of Skippers, Va., had a close call in the spriug of 1900. lie says: "Auattackof pneumonia loft 1110 so weak mid with such a fearful rough that my friends declared c insumptiou had me, and death was 011 my heels. Then I was persuaded 10 iry Dr. Ktug's Now Discovery. It helped me immediately, and afte* taking t wo and a half bottles I was a well man again. I found out that New Discovery is the best remedy for coughs and Inn# disease ill all the world." Sold under guarantee at ail drug stores .YJe and $100. Trial bo' tie fr.c. IS IT WORTH 25 CENTS. Would you give 25 or 40 Cents to have your Floors stained a beautiful color that will last-Dark Oak, Flemish Oak, Cherry, Mdhogany, Rosewood or Malachite Green? If so, call and let us show you how it is done and how pn?- . This is something new. Ardrey's Drug Store, ! Electra Lodge Names Representatives. At a meeting of Electra Lodge, K. of P. held Monday night the following representatives and alternates to the grand lodge meeting at Aiken on May 2G j were elected: Representatives?J. L. Spratt, J. H. McMurray. Alternates?L. J. Massey, S. A. Epps. Mr. J. M. Spratt, member of the Ways and Means committee will also attend. For the Disrrict meeting to be held at Winnsboro on April 21st, J. B. Elliott, S. W. Parks and J. L. Spratt were elected as representatives. L. J. Massey was elected D. G. C. of Electra Lodge for the ensuing year. Mr. Hoover Sustains Heavy Loss. A telephone message received ll/wrv C! ? 1 v? rl ? . . 1 1 1 * * ucic ountuiy morning stated mat the pin house and contents of Mr. Walter S. Hoover, of Lower Steele Creek, was destroyed by fire during Saturday night. The gin house was used as a storage place for cotton and cotton seed and in it at the time of the tire 1 were eight bales of packed cotton, several hundred pounds of : seed cotton, a quantity of seed and a grain harvester. All of j this, with the building, was to-1 tally destroyed. The loss is estimated at about $1,000, with no insurance. The origin of the fire is not known, though it is thought that the fire was carried to the build-1 ing Saturday in the seed cotton, 1 the hands having had fire in the fields during their \Vork Satur- i day. FOR SALE - A good Buggy, freshly painted. Cheap to quick buyer. Harness with it. A. C. Williamson. $5.00 CASH?Will be paid for 1,000 Cigarette Coupons at the Times Oflice. NOTICE. ?On Saturday, April 11th, 1908. at 10 a. m., we will sell to the highest bidder, the old church building at Flint Hill. . B. M. Faris, For committee. ! WANTED?You to know that 1 ,,.,*11 ?A- -- ' win uc in run lYiiu on or anout1 April 7th on a special ten day i trip doing: Piano Tuning. If your instrument needs tuning. ! I would be pleased to call and see you. 'Phone No. 91. All | work guaranteed. VV. M. Phillips. FOR SALE- First-class Lumber, including 1 1-4 inch dressed Flooring and dry Ceiling; also Oak and Pine Wood. All undressed lumber $1.25. Apply to or 'phone W. II. Jones. NOTICE OF ELECTION We hereby order an election to be held in the Town Hull, in F?yt Mill, in School District, No. 28, on Friday, April, 17, 1P08, between the hours of 8 a. tit. and 4 p. tit on the question of j whether Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,- j 000> worth of coupon bonds for the erecting and equipping of a now school building shall be issued or not. In this olection only qualified voters re ! silting in School District, No. 28, shall be allowed to vote. 1). A. Lee, W. P Cray ton and T. A. Mills are appointed managers of this election. W. 15. M EACH AM, R. F. CrKlER, Secretary. 1 Chairman. NOTICE TO KGAD OVERSEERS. nu aecnons Must Be rut in First-Class Condition at OfiCO. March 01, l'.tos. All of I ho Road Overseers of York County are hereby called upon to call out tlio HANDS ON TIIKIR RFSFKdTIVH SUCTIONS njul put the Roads in First Class Condition at onco. All able-bodied malecitizens between (Imago* of Eighteen and Fifty Y oars and not sjiocifically exempted by law, aro liable to road duty, and must work HVK DAYS of 10 hours, or "?o hour*. The roads should be well dilehed on the sides and the loose earth pulled to the center; all holes should be filled in i as permanent a maimer as is practiealilo 1 with the facilities at hand. # The r ?galar road hands Van make i a wonderful improvement, and I ask j that they put in two days now and the i rest in August. THOS. W. BOYD, Supervisor York CountyN * M EACH AM & EPPS. j { B. V. I). UNDERWEAR j for men, in Nainsook, Knee Drawers, ^ Coat Shirt with short sleeves, the most \ popular garment on the market 25c each. GAUZE SHIRTS j for men, in bleached and Balbrigan, 25 and 50e For boys, in Balbrigan and j Knee Drawers. 25e. l'lnstii* Si?msh ni-"" _ y - ? V A / i tl M " J crs, aK sizes, 50c. ( SIIIUTS. | W', have 500 Shirts to select from?with t M* without cuffs and collars, 50c, to $1.25 ( HALF IIOSE, |j In all the new colors and weights, tans, ( blacks and mixtures, 10c to 50c. ( MEN'S BELTS. jj A nice full line, blacks, tans and grays, ( 25 and 50c. ~ NECKWEAR. j| Several hundred patterns in Four-inhands, Clubs, Hows, all col(?rs, 25 and 50c Four or live doz. 25c Teck Scarfs at 19c. , Lion and Anchor brand Collars, 10, 12 L2c i? STRAW IIATS. A hi<* lino ;it Hft T ^ 1 Ofl CI X/i .?? ?.4 ct\r\ ""w ' J M' V 1 V (I 111! s^O.UVJ To the Men and Boys of this section we arc positive in saying wo have the largest and best selected stock of Furnsshings to he found around here. Come and let us prove it. t ? < Meacham & Epps. 5 $ : ? I SPECIAL [ [] i for ! j FRIDAY. I : S Mr. Leslie, of Cin- jj | cinnati, will be with us Friday with ail the a popular styles and newest fabrics for Ladies' Skirts, and a cordial invitation is extended to the ladies \ I of this section to visit our dry goods department and view this demonstration. ' Store News. I Since the organization of our firm we have done nothing ex Icept mane improvements, mis H we shall continue to do as long | you trade with us. I i We are now in position to fl ! give you good values for your I i money. In fact we do give every B j customer the best values possi- fl ' i ble. All we ask you to do is to come to see us. We have a competent clerical force who are al- | ways courteous to our customers fl i and who will sell you exactly the goods you want to buy. fl i Our Dry Goods department? B | we call your especial attention to I ! this. Don't think for one minute that we have any old, shelf- I i worn goods in here. No, we ! i have the newest, freshest goods we can get. A look will convince you that this statement is true. I Our Grocery and Hardware H departments are well worth your inspection. Cleanliness is the Ej ? motto in the Grocery. No pure | food law exists that it won't pass. Doth heavy and fancy B j Groceries. fl Remember: Nowhere will you find honostcr treatment. g j E W KIMBHELL CO I ! (INH.'ORPOKATED) H FOftT fn;LL, S. C. I? rssasrrr HP FOLKS W^EEKS OFF. | 5$ Do you realize that Easter is only 4 weeks oft', and ^ <5 that every day is bringing us nearer the Dress Parade of Spring? Our stock of Clothing, Hats, Furnishings, vv Mens', Ladies and Children's Oxfords is complete and @ we will save you money on such purchases. ?& ? M'ELHANEY Sc CO. | 30?SS???0??0 ?2>@?S0SS0????3 4%<6V?\*VCV4 PiNJ- \f W VP % 3? ~*9- *w? V ll II '* 11 ;s || j xi *5 if New Era, ?! ? ^ V V '2 The Paint :5 ** That Pleases Particular People, ' ? yy ll Parks Drug Company, \\ >t tt i 1 -~J it 'i it i it \t it <t it \t it 'A . r-ff4 r *.&.p * > J?>-* s*r t>> -3 s>i:4^s*s.1 * ** Said the big brown hen to the lilile vel- ? - /* low chick: "You need fljfRh Pratts Regulator to raSSy grow big quick." Chickens know what makes them grow? I PraJti ?gL [Tor "C )f.r-, calltxl rr.ltU Tiviltry Tool] helps them digest and g' tfull benefit from their food. That's why it makes hens lay regularly. Often the quantity of eggs from a flock of hens is doubled by using Pratts Poultry Regulator. Why not see what it will do for your poultry ? Costs less than lc. a month per hen. Prstts Reap Cure will quietly fstore a Pratts Lien Killer (Powdered Forml will "roupy" bird to health. O'her s >-rall>-d promptly rid poultry and houses oi' lice, "roup cures" may c ure mere colds, hut you Safe ana easy to use and most economical, need Pratts to cure a genuine case of roup. 25c and BOc a package. Try Pratts Heaf Sold in 25c and 50c packages. Lice Omur.&nt on little chicks. There's a Pratt Remedy for every animal and poultry ailment?remember that?all reliable puaranteud preparations ready to use. Full directions with every package. Ask about them.- " | ,4 For Sale by A. (). JONES. ; - ? iii--. ? rf'A/Ai vi i?.>(W*/?bvr, * %*%- %- ^ -%^?v ''A V"%- %-"% V t-'Sk -V%. ^ vk. *> 'V | IS YOUR MONEY | I Making Money For ?!; j irou? s ? The more of it you have employed for you, the less 5i > YOU need to work yourself. If you keep on saving and # 1 ? putting your savings to work, the funded capital of J ; ? your earning years will gradually take up the burden ? J and you will not need to work at all. In the meantime ' J you are insured against hard luck or hard times. Have ? you ever thought of having some money AT WORK ?| ? FOR YOU? If not, it is time you did if you have any t regard for your future comfort and for the well being1 f ^ of those dependent upon you. # NOW is the time to begin to save. If vou want to \ V W $ start on the road to financial independence, or if you have started and would like help and enneourn.irement, it will pay you to send for "HINTS ON BANKING", f; a handsome booklet just issued by the National T'nion ? 1$ Bank. Send to-day for i copy of this valuable book free. # ^ We pay 1 per cent interest compounded quarterly on J 4) 4 l THE HATIONAL UNION BASK, i ? 5: * (ABSOLUTELY SAKE.) ? i P.3C5 HILL, S. C. J | *'