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j I _______ o t 1"GET TH Kjf That is what we saw < gc blue back speller 40 years a? We aim to sell the best < 2C we nave is not srnctiy nones y?u so. We never misrepre; It possible to make a better | N E W h the New Home people wou would be selling it. The ha lots of capital. We have 24 J? much money because we ha too cheap to get rich. We d 5? every year, because we hav< ii stage in Sewing Machines, a ii Home because we know it is 52 price Is right. The same r ii Dry Goods, Watches, and ev 8? "Get the best," but be s I 11 J. M, XXXV\VNVN\\V\?VV\X\%NS\V\\' JW. F. H LIVERYMEN. See us for Horses, Mules, Wag 1 Bridles, Etc. We are careful in ImjSffcps something to the buyer. When it comes to Livery, you < This saves you time and money. Double team, fancy, per hour in Phone us your needs and 1 Items of Local Interest ?Mayor Hughes of Lancaster was a visitor here Sunday. ?Miss Louise Parks is confined to her home by illness. I?Mr. L. J. Massey left Sunday evening for the Northern markets. ?Dr. and Mrs. N. R. Hotchkiss and children, of New Haven, Conn., visited {relatives jn this place the past week. ?Miss Mattie Epps entertained j a number of her friends at a moon-light party Saturday nignt, I it being her 16th birthday. ?Miss May Quinn, of Gastonia, N. C., arrived Saturday and is a guest of her sister, Mrs. F. O. 4 Thomas, of Upper Fort Mill. ?An infant of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Armstrong, of Lower Fort Mill, died Thursday and was buried Friday in the cemetery in this place. ?Mr. J. C. McElhaney has acsepted a clerkship in the local g>stoffice, succeeding Mr. Guy radford, who has again engaged in construction work with his father, Mr. Z. V. Bradford. v ?Mr. C. F. Rodgers, the well Irnnurn Krinlr loirnv i\ttv ?T U MA 1V/XV IC4J tl U11U Willi UV^IUI y has been awarded the supervision of the brick work on the big giwer house of the Southern ower company at Rocky Creek. ?Dr. Robt. Adams, president of the Presbyterian College of South Carolina, Clinton, will fill the pulpit of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church next Sunday, morning and evening. The public is invited to the services. I ?Mr. R. L. Pursley and family returned Thursday evening from Columbia, where on Wednesday they attended the marriage of Mrs. Purslev's brother, Mr. R. T. Beamguard, of Clover, t^Miss Myrtle McKnight, of Columbia. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. P. Knox. ?It is somewhat unusual for snakes to leave winter quarters before April 1st, but Mr. W. H. Howard on Saturday informed us that on March 11th he killed an adder about fwenty inches in length near his front gate. Mr. Howard could not tell the circumference of the snake, as it ."spread." ?Mrs. Effie Thompson has bought from Mr. W. 6. Meacham for $1,250 the property on Confederate street now occupied by Mrs. R. M. Erwin, and with her mother will occupy the premises as soon as some repairs are made. It is understood that Mrs. Erwin will move soon to the Darnell house on Cleboum street. ?Attention is directed to the splendid showing made by the local bank in its statement published in this issue. This institution is experiencing an era of unprecedented prosperity, and we wish for it a continuance of that prosperity which it so richly deserves. ?Those of our people who had the pleasure of hearing the sermons of Dr. S. C. Byrd at the Presbyterian church recently will be interested to know that he has declined a call to the presidency of the Female College of Alabama and will remain as at present at the head of Chicora College at Greenville. V\V\\\\\\V\\VV\\V\\N\\%VV\ #| E BEST" | U >n the back of Webster's ret- It's mw) nrlviro f?r> O . . f /< rf everything. If anything J J >t goods, we promptly tell ^ sent anything. If it were ff Sewing Machine than the &j? HOME, Id be making it, and we ** ve 50 years' experience and years' experience but not if ive been selling the goods if [o not take up a new machine if 3 passed the experimental if nd we stick to the Ne\v ii the best on earth and the ule applies to our Shoes, ff erything we sell. if ure the price is right. gf fiiSSEY |j ARRIS A - RHONE! 28. - FOR ;ons, Buggies, Surries and all kin selecting goods and can offer yoi can always find us at our place, r Our prices are reasonable: Passei city, $1.00. Funerals and Weddinj tve will attend them promptly and ? ? At a meeting of the local < military company Tuesday night the following nnnmntm?rife - announced: Corp. Knox Windle 1 to be a sergeant. Privates Zack Spratt and Guy Bradford to be sergeants. ; ?The folowing couples from ! Concord, N. C., were married during the week by 'Squire Jno. W. McElhaney: On Sunday, Mr. D. A. Black welder and Miss Liz- . zie McKinney; on Tuesday, Mr. 1 ] David Mabry and MissAddie Bost. j ?The first regular target prac- i lice on its new rifle range was' , held Saturday afternoon by the 'J local military company. The, shooting resulted in a tie between | Capt. Spratt, Sergt. Epps and1. Corp'l Faris, each scoring 22 out! ] of a possible 25 points. ?Mr. T. W. Clawson, secretary and treasurer of the Clawson Gold Mining company, returned the past week from a tenday trip to Wilmington, N. C., \ in the interest of his enterprise. J Mr. Clawson was in Fort Mill Saturday and, in reply to a question of the progress of his work, informed us that arrangements for the work at the mines had been perfected and that the j taking out of ore would com- J mence by the first of April. All of the machinery, including a " 10-ton stamp mill, has been , bought and is daily expected to arrive. Mr. Clawson is highly pieasea witn tne prospects at the s mine. ; ?Montana Joe, the "Police Gazette globe-trotter," blew into Fort Mill Monday at noon and ] spent an hour or more feeding < himself and repairing a leak in the tire of the wheelbarrow he j pushes in his travels. Montana < Joe is at present making a tramp from Denver, Col., to New York City on a big wager. He left Denver the 1st of last November | and is due in New York April : 15th. To a Times reporter Joe stated that on account of bad weather he had not made as good time as he had hoped for, but despite this he was two days ahead of time when he arrived here. ?The railroad commission has received a letter from head officials of the Southern railway ! saying that under present conditions it will be impossible to conjtinue the Chester "Swing" through to Columbia. The Columbia officials have also given out information to the effect that the rumor that trains No. 27 and 28 are to be discontinued is unfounded. Come to tie Fii AT THE TOWN HALI BIGGEST MUSICAL TREAT EV VIOLINISTS?T. D. Faulknei Chas. Simpson, W. A. Hartis, E Johnston, R. H. Price, Arch Price GUITARISTS?N. L. Carothe Mack Williams, Lonzie Williams, . Pri: Best Fiddler, $5; second best Best Banjo player, $5; second best This will be a treat of a lifetii it if you dont attend. Come and "Soap Suds Over the Fence." 15 Other attractions?Black Face Dancing Those wishing to enter contes at Meacham's Pharmacy, GARDEN SEEDS! Qur's are just as pood, we guarantee, as anybody else's and we think, all considered, are better. We take a pride in buying the best we know, and many people frequently congratulate us upon this fact. \r drey's Drug Store. SONS, ~T* MIL.L_, S. O. ds of Harness, Whips, Plow 1 your money's worth. This eady to serve you promptly, lgers to or from Depot, 25c; carefully looked after. satisfactorily. SPECIAL NOTICES. (25 cents each insertion.) ?OR SALE?100 bushels Choice Sweet Potatoes A nnlv tn ? ? rrv ww 'phone J. L. Kimbrell. LEAVERS WANTED-We are starting 200 looms and need 50 good cheek weavers at once. Good pay and full time. Highland Park, No. 3, Rock Hill. FARMERS, NOTICE.- Full car Pocahontas Smith Coal for sale. V. B. Blankenship. FOR SALE?1 Plug .Mule, 1 One-Horse Wagon and 1 TwoHorse Wagon. Terms to suit purchaser. L. A. Harris. ?GGS?For hatching from Pure bred S. C. White Leghorns, the great winter layers. Per setting of 15, $1.00. Hatch guaranteed. Apply to B. W. Bradford. FOR SALE?First-class Lumber, including 11-4 inch dressed Flooring and dry Ceiling; also Oak and Pine Wood. All undressed lumber $1.25. Apply to or 'phone W. H. Jones. FOR SALE?Blank Mortgages and Liens at The Times office. BANK STATEMENT. Statement of tho condition of the Savings Bank, located at Fort Mill, 3. C., at tho cloao of business March .'til, 11)08. RESOURCES. fioans nud Discounts $30 937 8(i uemana Loans 84 104 58 Cverdrafts 870 1(1 Furniture and Fixtures 1 380 50 Due from banks end bankers.. 18 705 22 Currency 8 000 00 Silver, Niokels and Pennies... 771 Of Total |84 705 41 liabilities. Capital Stock paid in $15 0000(1 Surplus Fond 4 500 0C Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 881 Of Individual Deposits Subject to Check 64 208 Of Cashier's Cheeks J (>0 74 Total $84 705 41 State of south Carolina ) County of York. Boforo me came W. B. Meaohant cashier of the Savings Bank of Fori Mill, who being duly sworn, says thai the above and foregoing statement is t true condition of said Batik, as showi by the books of file in said bauk. W. B. Mbacham, Cashlor. Sworn to and subscribed boforo jug this 16th day of March, 1008. J. W. McElhany, Magistrate. Correct Attest: J. M. Spkatt ) S. E. White J Directors. fa Pnnralinii UJLUIU UU11V U11LLUU L FRIDAY NIGHT. ER GIVEN IN FORT MILL \ A. R. Ferguson, R. L. Pursley d. Russell, W. F. Harris, Boj , W. R. Carothers, Dutch Gordor rs, Boy Johnston, Shell Williams I. W. Baker. 3?s: Fiddler, $2; third best Fiddler, $1 , $2; third best $1. ne and you will certainly regie hear ' Leather Breeches" am 0 Laughs in 150 Minutes. 1 Comedians and Buck and Win* us will please leave their naraei -,v % s- -J. V .4 ; - f ' ? ' ^PwV IIW^9K' ' '.^4 * Ail the latest creations in Spring Hats, Clothing, and Low Cut Shoes, See us before buying. < l^ToEIxx^n-ey &z Oo. W, B. Meacham, President, W. H. Be Ik, Vice-Prest, Cashier of the Of Belk iros, 3 I Savings Bank of Port Mill. of Charlotte, - N. C, j E. \7. Kimbrell, Manager. jj The E. W. Kimbrell Oo | (INCORPORATED) CAPITAL $20,000 j | Succesorr I. the ' Old Reliable," T. B. Belli, Proprietor, anil to E. W Kimbrell, j AeClll, S3. C. j ~T C~*> Tt-IP" Dl IDI I ?-1 s I I I I? I V-/ I J tmmm I / 1 t I We handle Groceries. Dry Goods, Cloth- jj . ! iiig, Notions, Shoes, Hardware, Furniture i and the following standard brands of t I AMERICAN, llOYSTER, j COLUMBIA, RCYAL, \ NITRATE SODA, POTASH, and COTTON SEED MEAL. Buggies, Wagons, Plows, Plow Points 1 of ftYPTY Iriiul 1160(1 111 il?io onrdinn , . -w-. j v? in I'U IO O^V^LlUll* 1 f U cllOU I 47 sell the celebrated labor-saver, the Chattanooga Middle Splitter, the very thing you need. Just received TWO CAR LOADS of FLOUR. Just In?A full line of Check and Stripe | Gingham in all the newest colors at 10 and 12c. Almost every style Lawn to suit the jold and young at 10, 12 1-2 and 15c. A few beautiful patterns in Silk Mulls, 25 and 50c II Amoskeag Apron Gingham, 8 1^3c. A full assortment of light, dark and medium i Calicoes 7 l-fc2c. Bleaching, 7 to 15c. A special bargain is cm* Sea Island at t 6 cents. None better. t VISIT OUR STORE if you need a nice sheer | Linen Handkerchief at 10c, Children's colored ti border handkerchief at 5c, LadiesTurnover Col; lars at 5 and 10c, Children's Belts at 10 and 25c, 1 Pearl buttons 5 and 10c doz., Windsor Ties 10 to ; 25c, Ladies'Belts 10, 15 and 25c, Long Gloves ' 50c, 75c and $1.50. SPECIAL THIS WEEK?Real Linen Lace, 5c. We are agents for Standard Sewing Machines T7 J-r n -j very respucLiuiiy, I The E. W. Kimbrell Oo J (INCORPORATED) i Port mill, - - S. c. ,1 r * ? raJj " 11 JOB PRINTING 1 1 NEATLY EXECUTED AT 3 H THE TIMES OFFICE. X ? i IH:I m ^ t Lette~liead*. Nc<efheads Billheads, Statements, Handbills, Posters, pS. * ?1 CJronlars, Envelopes, Eic. at the lowest prices consistent with roM ^jjj work. Soucl us your orders uud we will please you g 'j I The Times. | '? :~^?8| 1 MEACHAM&EPPS 0 I Our Laces for Trimmings are worth your espec'al Sa notice. Ecru Insertions at 10 and 15 cents. CD Kluney and Filet Bands and Laces at 10, 121-2 Q and 15 cents. Q* New line of 5c Laces in beautiful patterns. That 52 Flouncing, Waist Embroidery and Ail-Over Lacc is selling fast at 50c, 75c and $1.00 the yard. Q We are making a specialty this season of our Foot- .jgj wear for both men and women. We agree to fit your fancy, fit your purse, fit Jgj your foot. 'Sr Seeing is believing: Let us show you. LMeacham 8 Epps. ? 3????0?00? 0?00?000?????S >* 4J a 11 !l( I | New Era, If The Paint f| j| That Pleases 51 Particular People, II Parks Drug Company, it a & u 1 1 q $ - ? -= 1 " of your money affairs; see how you stand with the world. Could you Sale ^SfWl?| have done better? Swift's Premium Wm JL lie 11 Ull^ illl yuur nam, pci tu. J.^C. rx innc OUR MOTTO: t Groceries in 1908 Ncver from US. Lose a tisement can't be put on paper?a satisfied customer. \ JONES, "The Grocer. %/% % %--%/*. -*y%, -vV | Able and Willing to \ ij Take Gare of Our $ I Gustormers at | I All Times. l\ # 5 1[ ?\ URING the Fall and Winter months we let our J U Farmer customers have what money i ? npeded on cotton and charged them only 6 per cent ? intAroot Wn ^n/vt ? ^ ...?v>v?w ??v v?*vx iqiuac <% miikiu one oi our cus- J J, tomers. We arc now roady to open up farm and other J J> accounts for the coming year and will make these loans J J[ at 6 per cent. Come in during the month of March and *? ^ let us know how much you will need. J | THE NATIONAL UNION BANK, j I (ABSOLUTELY SAFE.) ROCK HILL, S. C. ;