University of South Carolina Libraries
xvxvvvxvvvsxxvxvxvvvcxxx* I Special Ba All Winter goods m we put on them will i 6 cent Outing, now 10 cent Outing, now 7 cent heavy Sheeting, nc 25 cent Dress Goods, No\ j5 50 ,, ,, tt tt 75 ,, ,, ft ft $ $1.00 ? Ladies Cioaks. all gone. ? 6 cent Spool Cotton, now ^ QO noira An^irnno itrn**fK $ t|> MV {/Ml 1 k/ 11UUII V1?U TTVIlll $ Art Squares, 9 x 12 feet, p Blankets, per pair, a Comforts, each, a Four Bureaus and Washst p And lots of other bar* i mention. Come earl} I L. J. Mi mVVWVVtWVWWNVWSNWN W. F. h LIVERYMEN. See us for Horses, Mules, Wa Bridles, Etc. We are careful ii ir^eans something to the buyer. When it comes to Livery, you This saves you time and money, Double team, fancy, per hour ir Phone us your needs and Items of Local Interest ? Col. R. G. McCaw, a prominent business man of Yorkville, was here on business Monday. -Prof. W. H. Hand, of the University of South Carolina, was a visitor to Fort Mill Monday. ? Mrs. J. H. Witherspoon and children are visiting at the home of Mrs. Witherspoon's parents in Chester county. ?At the meeting of the officers of the Carolina Realty Company, of Charlotte, held Saturday night, Mr. 0. J- Thies, of Grattan, was elected vice president of the company. ? Mr. Bruce McClure and Miss I Annie Lawing, both of Charlotte, were united in marriage Sunday ? afternoon at 3 o'clock by 'Squire ft W. O. Bailes, of Upper Fort Mill. ? On account of the bad roads and incessant rains Saturday, very few farmers paid the usual week- end visit to town, and inconsequence business was very poor. ?Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Mack, of College Park, Ga., have been here for several days, the guests of their daughter, Mrs. T. B. Belk. Dr. Mack filled the pulpit of the Presbyterian church Sunday morning. ? The annual banquet of the local lodge of Odd Fellows takes place in the town hall tomorrow evening, beginning at 7.45. All presiding officers of the other lodges, together with their wives are cordially invited to be present. ?Do not forget to look after the comforts of the dumb brutes during the rainy, cold weather through which we are passing. AsiHf* frr?m Vinmano v>??oo/\5< >. ? v... iiuuiunv 11/ pays to provide pood beds and shelter for livestock of all kinds. ?f^r. Chas. D. Brown, of Ab'wwille, the new Grand Keeper , of Records and Seal for the Pythian domain of South Carolina, was here the past week attending to matters of an official nature. ?South Carolina and Georgia have accepted the Southern's suggestions of a 21-2 cent flat passenger rate; 2 1-4 cent family mileage, 500 miles inter-State ticket; and a 2 cent 1,000 mile inter-State book. The new rates become effective April 1st. ?Mr. R. E. Rodgers, a well known young man of this place, left Monday evening for Guthrie, Ky., where he will reside in the future. The Times did not learn the nature of the business in L!-t- If- TO. 1 -it wmcn mr. itongers Will engage in his new home. ?The Times would call the attention of the patrons of the Fort Mill graded schools to the schedule of tuition fees as published in another column. These fees are due and must be paid before February 1st. Otherwise the pupil due the tuition will be suspended from the school until the tuition shall have been paid. ? Gen. Wm. E. Mickel, adjutant geeeral U. C. V., has officially announced that the eighteenth anual reunion of the United Confederate Veterans will be held in Birmingham, Ala., on June9th, 10th and 11th, next. Fort Mill township will doubtless be well represented in the gathering. \ V\\NW\>V\*%V\W%*XVN\\VV* irgaln Sale. | ust go, and the prices ? liove them quick. ' _4c. s 8c. s >w__ 5 l-2c p v _20c. 5 __40c. y 60c. ? - -80c. i Children's Cloaks 1-2 price. 2 __5c. p >4.00, now 2c lb. p now__ $3.75. ? 50c to $4.50. ? $1.50 to $2.00. | ands at 1-2 price. ? jains too numerous to g r and get 1st choice. iSSEY- I 8 PvX^XTvX^X^X^X^V^X^X^X^X^X^X I ARRIS <& - RHONE; 28. - FOR gons, Buggies, Surries and all kir i selecting goods and can offer yo can always find us at our place, r , Our prices are reasonable: Passei i city, $1.00. Funerals and Weddin we will attend them promptly and i ?Miss Maggie Gurley, of . Davidson, and Mr. J. W. Cop- ! man, of Charlotte were made , man and wife Sunday by 'Squire I Epps, of Gold Hill. They first | went to the home of 'Squire VV. : 0. Bailes. but failino- to finrl v>;?n at home sought the services of the next nearest magistrate. Miss Gurley was visiting in Charand the plans for the marriage ! were carefully laid soon after her arrival there. ?The postoffice department has issued an order that after . April 1st, 11)08, no paper can be mailed at the regular rates to subscribers who are more than one year behind with their subscriptions, if the paper is a weekly; three months if a daily. This means that newspapers must collect for their papers in advance or during the year for which they are being sent. Nobody can lawfully receive a weekly paper through the mails after April 1, 1908, if his subscription is not paid at least up to or in advance of April 1, 1907. It is Now Mayor Harris. L. A. Harris, 48; J. R. Ilaile Sr., 44. The above was the vote for Mayor in the municipal election i held in Fort Mill Tuesday. The friends of both candidates busied themselves during the voting hours and the result could not be forecasted even when the last; voce was polled. The vote for ' tlMorman mno "> uuvnuvii nao do iOUUVVS. Ward 1, B. C. Ferguson, 17; ; Ward 2, C. H. Branson, 33; | Ward 3, A. R. MeElhaney, 27; Ward 4, W. M. Culp, 11, D. N. Gaston, 3. Aldermen at large?W. B. 1 Ardrey, 57; J. L. Spaatt, 54; T. S. Kirkpatrick, 42; W. L. Hall, 31. From the above vote it will be seen that the board of town governors for 1908-'09 are as i follows; Mayoi?L. A. Harris. Wardens?W. B. Ardrey, J. L. Spratt, | W. M. Culp, A. R. MeElhaney, ; C. H. Branson and B. C. Ferguson. Secretary of the Interior Garfield is not believed to have ever worn a silk hat and he shuns the Washington stateman's frock coat for an ordinary business suit. ! In many Dutch kitchens the kettle still is hung on a crane above the open fire place, not | iur arusuc reasons, out oecause ; the housew ife never has tried any other way. There is being built in the city of Mexico the largest bull ring in the world. When comi pleted it will seat 22,000 people, i The framework is of steel and the cost will be $700,000. The largest insane asylum in Europe has just been built in Vienna and will soon be ready for use. It will accommodate 12,200 patients, but is in GO separate pavilions, the total cost being $4,000,000. In a talk with the Charlotte Observer about the road situaj tion in counties surrounding i Mecklenburg, Mr. Osmond Barringer says: "York and Lancas| ter counties in South Carolina are not doing much. Gaston county , went at it on a better plan than i has been followed by any other county. Over there they laid out the roads, had the grading done . by contract and had convict labor crush the stone and put it 1 down. The idea was to get the ' WHO WANTS to buy a good family and work Mare and Buggy and Harness for $75.00 ? It is a bargain. Also a good Cow for sale. W. R. ARDRF.Y They are good ones, but I can't feed them any longer. SONS, !T MILL, S. O. ids of Harness, Whips, Plow u your money's worth. This eady to serve you promptly, ngers to or from Depot, 25c; gs carefully looked after. satisfactorily. roads quick and yet use the convicts to their full working capacity. SPECIAL NOTICES. (25 cents each insertion.) NOTICE ?About two weeks ago someone left an Overcoat in the store of Meacham & Epps. Owner can secure same by describing coat and paying for this adv. FOR SALE ?All kinds of tirstclass Lnmhpr ? A kI'l" J tu \JL 'phone W. H. Jones. PAINTING - I am now located in Fort Mill, and will be pleased to furnish estimates on painting, calsomining, frescoing, graining and outside work of of all kinds. All work guaranteed satisfactory. Phone No. 138. E. Nelson. Dr. J. H. Thornwell's Successor. An informal meeting of a number of prominent members of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church was held a day or two ago, at which the matter of calling a pastor to succeed the lamented Dr. J. H. Thornwell was considered. To this end a committee from the local church will at once confer with a similar committee from Ebenezer church, the two churches being under the same pastorate. It is understood that the name of the Rev. W. A. Hafner was proposed and considered very favorably at the informal meeting and it is not unlikplv fliQf o "oil ? 'i ? v v?imv u vuii v\ 111 UC CA." tended Mr. Hafner after congregational meetings of the two churches have been held. Mr. Hafner has been the pastor of Bowling Green church, this county, for about ten years and is very favorably known in this section, both as a minister and church worker. In connection with the affairs of the Presbyterian church here there has aldo been a proposition made to sell the manse, which is somewhat remote from the church, an erect a new home for the pastor on a vacant lot which is owned by the congregation near the church. BANS FOOLISHNESS. "When attacked by a cough or cold, or when your throat is sore, it is rank foolishness to take any other medicine than Dr. King's New Discovery," says C. O, Kldridge, of Empire, Ga. I have used New Discovery seven years and 1 know it is th best remedy on earth for coughs and colds, croug. and all throat and lung troubles. My children are subject to croup, but New Discovery quickly cures every at tack," Known tho world over as the King of throat and lung remedies. Sold under guarantee at all d:'ug stores. 50c aud $1.00. Trial bottle free, The Southern local train No. 27, from Charlotte to Columbia, ran into an open switch at the Chester yards at 8 o'clock Monday morning, shaking up and frightening the passengers, but none were injured enough to require medical attention. A CURE FCR MISERY. <-I havo found a cur" for the misery malaria poison produces," says R. M. James, of Lonelien. S. C, "It's called Elrrtric Hitters, and conies in 50 cent bottles. It breaks np a case of chills or a billions attack in almost no time; and it pats yellow jaundice clean out of commission." This, great tonic medicine and blood purifier gives quick relief in all stomach, liver and kidney complaints and the misery of lame back, trold under guarantee at all drug stores. I ATTENTION, PLEASET In last week's issue of this paper we told you that there would be something doing in this space this week. Now it's up to you. If you ever intend toiniy a suit of Clothes, Overcoat or a pair of odd Trousers, come and see us. We are determined to get rid of a large part of this stuff before we take inventory February I, 1908. ? ? ? ? One lot Men's Suits that positively cost us $8.25, going at $7.50, spot cash. We have a lot of broken sizes that we are going to sel! at prices that will interest the closest buyer. Special prices in Ladies* Shoes in numbers ^ 4, 4 1-2 and 5. We will sel1 you these numbers at less than we can replace them. McELHANEY and CO. j L ; !The Old Reliable Store S T. B. BELK. Proprietor, | FORT MILL, .... S. C. ft Get Our !jj P H ^ kaj | ft Prices. ? m While our business t 0 was much better durpl ing the year 1907 than w i ii 1 li<t i CVj lit lliW I'l WVUiil^ > V.iil , - we arc, nevertheless, M [^j U anxious to increase it ft ?4 m this year, and if low M ^ prices and acconioda- & tion count for anything y jjj K? we will certainly sue- Ul cccd 0 , We offer special prices ^ H | [H 1 for Cotton Seed, in exjj change for Hulls, Meal j ^ and Fertilizers. Weal- ^ H '.h so have several good i \a H Horses and Mules that fW ^ " we offer cheap. ^ aA We have in stock and ^ N U Ifl -? a on the way all sizes of M " p Piedmont and Old Hick#' ^ " I M H ory Wagons. d jpjj All that we ask our farps( mcr friends and other !jj pv customers is that you 0 ^ let us submit our prices K H before you buy. jf* Q Don't fail to sec us be- i_j Sfore you dispose of your .7 c?i ' Kvjiniuu occu. A" Wc thank you for past ^ patronage and favors. The Old Reliable Store T. ]3. PEEK, Proprietor, Fort Mill, - South Carolina. iMirS liMiui:' diT^.S? ieSP |JOB PHiNTiNG I ? NEATLY EXECUTED AT I?j ^ THE TIMES OFFICE. A; 8S ftl Lotto.heads. Noctheads Billheads. Statements, Handbills, Posters, fTli Si Circulars, Envelopes, Etc. at the lowest prices consistent with good ^ ^[3 work. Solid us your orders and wc will pleaso you 3 | Tlie n?xi3ciej=3. f| ????0SQ?C800 0 ?S? ? ?S?S?0 | || MEAOHAM ScEPFS ? 1 LAST CALL ON CLOAKS. fc) 1 Wc have on hands 12 or 15 Cloaks, in blacks and tans, worth from $12.50 i. _ m 4 ? * ? ? Q9 10 q?io. lake your choice lor $7.50. j?) MILLINERY. S ? Ten or fifteen Trimmed Hats at ? ? one-half price. ? ? ART SQUARES. <g ^ Five 01 six All-Wool Art Squares," q ? 9 by 12 feet at a bargain. ? H WHITE GOOODS SALE. ? ? Our White goods and Muslin Under- ? '? ware sale will begin soon. g | Meachaan & Epps. | ?? G33SSKS3??? ??????????0CS? Q Parks Drug Conip'y. If it if I V r- =-? ** " I j| : II Goodw t I if ! | i 11 Luck If ;! || ' ^ \ 1 >g /"W \ , " ' ? IS l| Parks Drug Goinp'y- j| s-vy-Call for Calendars and Almanacs. ? 5 / <r T4 jvyr rrr w>i>yr??srv'r; * ?; x ? s-ci-e-t-c-s-a a<: *-4-m;-4*cMr<s<i>*'G*s<t>*+<:<: 4 il wiTTI'"" rn. _ TT_ - |i|M I vv licit ?s iii0 use of continually telling the readers of The Times that we handle the Best line of Groceries, Fresh Meats, Count rj Produce, Canned Goods and Food Stuffs in Fort Mill? They already know it. That's why thov Ll'cKIU Willi US. j Dollars do double duty down at ; J O N EES, "THE: Grocf.R. 5' *i (j we: rav vou to save:. f ISAFETY THE BASIS OF PROSPERITY? I* t <> 4 I r j JJ Can your business be safe and systeir- J If atic, and not be operated through a bank? f j j* l)o lik e your prosperous neighbors are doing. Systematize your business bv r running an account with tiie National % Union Bank, which is a guarantee of If safety. Pay your debts by I lie use of #1 ia . -- ciiccks anu tncy will protect you front J b paying the same bill twice. We not only # ?<$ invite you to be prosperous, we pay you * ji to be prosperous. Put your money in J i our bank where safety is the basis of J; prosperity, where we treat our custom- J Jp ers with the greatest courtesy and take ? *j> care of their accounts with accuracy. ? \ j We are taking care of many satisfied J I customers. Why not let us take care of ? you? | |THE NATIONAL UNION BANK, j * (ABSOLUTELY SAFE.) 5 ^ROCK KILL, S. ejl