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I ! ... BU 1-,. . WVWVWVWWVVWVWWVVW ? 1 SANTA j? _ ^ Has arrived, and t 24 years made hit ITS/Lsl&S 2 Where you will find a bea 2 presents^, without the fan< $ at this season. Most of tl $ discarded, and more subsb gj Come early and get first c * We have a few Ladies' ? left that you can buy at One $20.00 Ladies' black 1 $ at $10. Twenty pieces C 20 per cent off. New lo 5 and Records just arrived. $ departments. Compare o > much we can save you. ? Li Ji M A V, VVVWWWVWVWWWNWWW Items of Local Interest ?The best price paid for cotton on the local market yesterday was 11.00 cents. ?Miss Belle Beamguard, of Clover, is visiting at the home of Mr. R. L. Pursley, in Sprattville. ? Dr. T. B. Meacham told the reporter a few days ago of a "mess" of well developed roasting ears which he pulled from his garden on the 5th instant. ? Dr. J. L. Spratt went to Charleston Monday night as a , representative of Catawba Lodge No. 5G, A. F. M., at a meeting of the Masonic grand lodge which convened in Charleston Tuesday. ?Construction work is now in progress on the cottage of : Mr. W. P. Norman, which is i being erected on Booth street opposite the Presbyterian church. The house is being built b> Mr. , A. A. Bradford. ?At a meeting of the Home ; < Missionary Society held Monday < afternoon it was decided to give j i the children of the school a i: Christmas tree in the town hall ; on Wednesday night, December < 25th. 1 ?Mr. H. E. White, of Rock Hill, has been engaged for sever- ! al days in surveying the big ' plantation of Mr. W. F. Harris in Pleasant Valley, which it is < ' understood has been sold to Dr. ; T. S. Kirkpatrick of this place, j < ?County Auditoi J. J. Hunter : will on Sanuary 1st begin his an-, J nual tour of the county for the : purpose of listing property for ' taxation in 1908. He is sched- 1 uled to be in Fort Mill Wednes- 1 day, Thursday and Friday, Janu- 1 ary 22, 23 and 24. ? Following a custom which , has been in force since the es- | tahlishment of The Times, there will be no issue of the paper | Christmas week. The next issue ] of The Times after Christmas ] will be on Thursday, January 2. ?The jury commissioners the past week drew a venire of 36 1 petit jurors to serve during the fourth week of the present term : of court, commencing Monday, 1 December 16th. Those from i Fort Mill arc Messrs. E. L. Bailes i and R. P. Harris. < ?There was a slight change of 1 schedule on Nos. 33 and 34 of ; the Southern last Sunday. No. J 33, going south, now passes Fort 1 Mill at 11.27, a. m., instead of J 11.11, as heretofore, while No. ; 34, going north at 5.48 p. m., ; has been made earlier and arrives here now at 5.16, p. m. ? Lizzie Reid, a colored woman ] who was wanted in Charlotte for j attempting to rob a colored man ( of his eyesight by pitching car- < bolic acid in his face, was arrested here Monday. Officer | ( W. W. Irwin came down from i Charlotte on the evening train I, and took the woman to MecKien- |' burg jail. ?At a recent meeting of the , Rock Ilill city council, it was decided to purchase a hose wagon with chemical attachment. This apparatus will be purchased from the Seagrave company of Columbus, Ohio, and cost $1,700 delitrnrcrl fa KA ?vn?M J ii ivivu, ia) oc i'ciiu iui w uays * after arrival. ? Mr. J. Wilson Marshall has < been removed from the hospital i to his home on College avenue 1 where he is resting faialy well. Hon. W. J. Stewart is get- 1 ting along nicely at the hospital since the operation for appendicitis. He will be able to be out i again in the course of a few ] (weeks.? Rock Hill Herald. i ? One Frank Green attempted to work the found purse and 1 money changing scheme on an- < other negro, John Cartfer, Tuesday, but John got suspicious and wanted his change, about $45, back. Green got off and boarded a train, but was caught at < Fort Mill and brounht back to jail.?Chester Lantern. Green i was arre3ted atUugflHBMon OLAUsj as in the past ? 5 headquarters at ? sey'sj utiful display of useful ' :y prices usually asked / he trashy toys have been V antial presents are shown / hoice. 2 * and Children's Cloaks ? , WHOLESALE CCST. ( Broadcloth Suit, size 36, > Colored Dress Goods at ? t Edison Phonographs $ Special bargains in all ? ur prices and see how > lSSEY. ^ * ? Rev. R. A. Yongue, of Barnwell, was here the past week on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. VV. D. Wolfe. Mr. Yongue was on his return home from conference at Gaffney. He goes back to Barnwell for another year, this being his third year as pastor of that church. ?The census bureau on Monday issued a bulletin showing that the total cotton crop of this year's growth ginned up to Dec. 1 was 8,338,854 bales, as compared with 10,027,868 bales for the same period last year and 8, 689,663 in 1905. Ginneries in operation numbered 26,876. ?The Southern Railway publishes in another column the schedule of Christmas holiday rates which will be put on heginning Dec. 20th. The rates will continue in effect until the 25th, after which they will he discontinued until the 30th when thev will hp nut on nnrain +V\v ^ ..... ~ v?? "ft""* t AVI three days, all with final limit t'.? Jan. C'h. ?The holiday poods have been opened up by several of our merchants, and the children find much pleasure in admiring the numerous toys, ddls and other articles displayed. The stocks if Christmas poods now on dismay is perhaps larger and of a better assortment than ever 3hown here. A well known citizen was heard to remark that the displays bespoke anything else than hard times. ?The local lodge of Knights of Pythias will hold their annual supper in the hall next Monday night. The supper, as heretofore, will consist principally of oysters. Invitations to attend and deliver addresses have been sent to Hon. M. L. Smith, of Camden, grand chancellor, and Hon. C. D. Brown, of Abbeville," chairman Ways and Means committee, and it is probable that both of these gentlemen will be present. After the snr. per an important meeting of the lodge in which the 2nd Rank will be conferred and ollicers elected for the ensuing vear, will be held, rhe full membership will doubtless be present. ? Arrangements are complete for the annual supper of the local j lodge of Woodmen tomorrow (Friday) night and the occasion s expected to he one of the most enjoyable yet held. The lodge, is heretofore, will furnish oys- j :dVs, turkey, colTee, and so on, ind the ladies will supply the >ide dishes. There will he good nusie during the evening and tpeaking by several good, orators, imong whom it is expected Hon. Thos. F. McI)ow, of Yorkville, ind Hon. F. R. McNinch, of Charlotte, will be numbered. (?ach member of the camp will 3e given two tickets, and it is expected that the full membership will be present ? Having read of the big trees >n Mr. Jas. Cansler's plantation,. Mr. A. A. Bradford volunteered a few days ago to take the rneasurments of two monster white oak trees in the spring lot pf Mr. John M. Spratt, west of town. The trees in question are Called t he hi/in /ao Lro oo ? ?V?rnr?voao CU") UlCj stand within a few yards of each other. With a steel tape the smaller tree was found to he 11 feet and 11 inches in circumference, While the larger one measured 18 feet and 11 inches. These oaks are said to have been shade trees in the back yard of Kanawha Spratt, the first white settler in Fort Mill township, and are thought to be more than 100 years old. ? Again we call attention to the bazaar to be given by the ladies of the Home Missionary society in the town hall next Wednesday. The entire hall will be turned into a market place of Christmas things, and Christmas greens and candles will deck it httinglv. There will be everything that clever fingers know how to fashion in the way of dainty fancy articles?there will be tea served from a pretty table and cakes and all manner of household dainties sold from an attractive booth. The ladies See Here First. If you want something nice, something genteel and respectable, something that will reflect credit upon your good taste and ours and carry joy and gladness to the recipient's heart, let us ' sell you your Xmas presents. We offer you no make-believe stuff, but presents that endure for time to come and leave an I impression that bears interest of your friendship and remembrance indefinitely. Books of every discription and to suit every age. fn <5?* on MVVVAJ WV yv. VV? Albums, Photo and Post Card, lOcts to $1.00. Toilet Sets, $1.00 to $5.00. Manicure Sets, Sterling, $2.00. Box Stationery, Xmas Tree1 i Ornaments, Cigars, Games. A.rdrey's 3D nag Store-.' have labored long to make the entertainment a success financially and socially and they invite their friends and acquaintances to call on Wednesday at any hour after half-past 10 o'clock. The Civic Entertainment a Treat. j The great throng of people who assembled in the town hall Friday night to hear the musical recital, given for the benefit of the "Ladies Civic Society," I came away delighted. Well i they might have been delighted , ; for the program was full to overflowing with sweet piano solos and duets, catchy choruses and i charming recitations. Especial mention should be made of the two solos "When The Whipoorwill Sings Marguerite" and "Shuberts Serenade," these two ; gems of the sonfc-world were rendered almost sublimely and I every auditor rendered the verdict "well done.". We give credit to the graded school teachers for the success of the evening. Miss Smith with her perfect accompaniment and well trained music pupils, Miss Garrison with I her superbly selected chorus of i the primary "tots," Miss Poag ! with her sweet voice and charm-j ing demeanor and Prof. Love j, with his deep, mellow, bass j voice, without which,- no quartette would have been complete. ; To the others who took part in the program, we would add a I word of commendation for every j voice was well rounded and each ! and every one did his part e'tftra; ordinarily well. The Civic Society realized ' quite a neat little sum from the door receipts, and refreshments, ; which were served after the performance. Miss Roberta Thornwell presided at the refreshment booth and so well did she talk her wares, that 'ere fifteen minutes had elapsed, after the curtain was rung down, 1 1 -.1-1 -i~_ ?-?i ? onv: iitxu sum liiu last grain 01 popcorn and candy. The entertainment was a success and it is to be hoped that our town folk will be again so favored in the near future. NOTICE OF MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS TO INCREASE CAPITAL STOCK. NOTICE is hereby given that a special meeting of the stock holders of t he Fort. Mill Manufacturing Company, will bo held ac the of-' tice of the Company, at Fort Mill, 1 South Carolina, on the 3rd day of .Tanu- ] ary, lt)t)8, at 13 o'clock noon for the purpose of considering a resolninn, passed by the lloard of Directors, of tho said corporation, on the 3rd day of Dec. 1907, increasing tho Capital Stock of said corismitiou from Two Hundred Thousand (20b,000.00J Dollar's to Fonr Hundred and Fifty Thonsand ($4*>0,000,00) 1 Dollars; said proposed Capital Stock to consist of Two Hundred Thousand ' I $200,000,00) Dollars Common Stock and Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand ($2.o0,000.00) Dollars Preferred Stock, j 1 hat to said preferred stock will be at- i tached the following conditions audi preferences: The holders of said Pre- ! forred Stock shall be entitled to receive from date of its issue, seven per cent, per annum, as dividends, payable semiannually, upon the 1st day of January and the 1st day of July in each year, from the surplus earnings of the Com - ! puny, before any dividends shall be paid ui>on the Common Stock, and said dividends upon said preferred stock shall l>e cumulative. Said dividend if deferred, to bear interest at seven js-r cent, per nununi, until paid. Any holder of said preferred stock may upon January 1st, or July 1st, previous to | 1........... iinr> ?' i- - .#<?!.urn j iof'i ijiu, n.M lunge sum stock j for Common Stock, share for share, and after January 1st 1913, the Fort i Mill Manufacturing Compauy, may at l i any time, retire any part of said 1'ro- *1 ferrod Sto;:k then outstanding, by the payment to the holders thereof, the par ? value thereof, and any accumulated interest. In ease of liquidation of said 1 corporation said preferred stock then ! out standing, shall he paid in full, to gather with aecamuluted Jivideuds . thereon, before any puymcnt of principal is made upon the Common Stock. 1 | The holders of said preferred stock ! } shall be entitled to vote at all meetings I of stock holders, except upon mutters por taint ng to said preferred stock. Kv order of the Hoard of Directors. i C. S. LINK. 1 December 3 |9<)7. Secretary. ~ NOTICE. I will open my livery on Saturday moping, December 7, 1907. I would be. glad for anyone wanting anything in that line to give me a call. Jno. VV. McElhaney. I What Cash Can Do Owing to tightness of money at present, and as we have obligations that we can't m?et with promises, we will offer you for ten days values that will convince you of What Gash Gan Do. One lot of Ladies' jjjP-fl Shoes, 72 pairs, spring and high heel, l's to S's, 'tiM ' regular price $1.35, 8 l| Special 98c. [L_y^3f [ ?*. f^iu , T -h, .nH i - j As our space is limited we can't i i quote pireos on everything, but we have i the prices right for the cash. McELHANEY and CO. j; '' The Old Relia.hlcSt.nrA ? ? v ? w v x ^ i; * U : ! 1 TT ^ How Are You Fixed; N in. Farm Implements? if in need of anything in this line BELK'S STORE is the place to get it. i j "Old Hickory" Wagons, one and two horse. "Piedmont" Wagons and Buggies. Buggy Harness, Wagon Harness, Saddles,;kxtra Pieces for Harness, lite. Blount's "True Blue" Middle Splitter, the best on the market. '' Chattanooga Middle Splitter, with sub-soiler attached. Oliver (Chilled Middle Splitter and Side Plow. \lso attachments for the above named Plows. All kinds of Wire Fencing, all kinds of Roofing, in fact, almost anything you need to make your home look good, and prepare your lands for mother good crop. We are always ready to pay the highest market prices for Cotton and Cotton Seed. Come to see us often. The Old Reliable Store T. B. BELK, Proprietor, Fort Mill, - - South Carolina.! ?x:V'm. ? 000006809800 S8OS860SOS060? ? KRIS KRINGLE LAND, Q? ? Dec. 12, 1907. ?2 Dear Children: ** rwo weeks from now it will be Christmas Day, ? ? and I know you all will want the pettiest things that I ? ? can possibly bring you. I have sent $Ieachain & Epps ? ? a lot of Christmas things to show you alb and I want ? ? every one of you to go to their store and see my things. ? x Tell your mamar and papas that they can -see my * ic Automobiles, Wagons, Horns, Dolls, Etc, at Meacham X * & Epps' store. X AA Hoping that you will be glad to hear from me again Qg Christmas eve night, I am ? ? Your best friend, CP ? SANTA CLAUS. 2 | I ^?????9???0? ?S????0?0????^ ? \4\4N4\4\4\4\4S4\4\14\4N,4\4 9 J * J | Parks Drug Gomp'y- | j | JACOB'S CANDIES, jiji /fl Made Last Night. jjjj M it JACOB'S CANDIES, jj| / I Freshest nn'thp Morfnt 5f<. "? ? .aav i?MI l\V 1? f 4 t t y /, fl&l ? -* \\ JACOB'S CANDItS, ^Bf I *' V I ?{ A little higher in price, but JBPItsBIHS '< ^illl ? I ;< |s I a p Parks Drug Comp y. jl H " *? ?_*<- ?<? *>?t**r**-e+ir++4ii.?rS'ii-4*s*'a-4 <<t?jaHUIlun - - ' I deoemberrjesM The finest assortment of Goods in Fort Mill. Revere BrniuMg^Sga Red Cherries, Strawberries, Peas, Pumpkin, and Squash. I No Fruit Cake is a success unlca 8 a made with the best ingredients. B I The best eonie from whole and seeded, Currants, well washed i e Fruit Puneh and Frappe. e JONES. T'-= G*lacK:; r j jp ; ??*** / ) | WE= PAY VOU TO SAVE.} IA 1=4 f)nrl&r\irtA r 1-m MHVIUVIIIU |JVJ<9| I. ^ IS , J I \ 5 The United States Government has | i J $ increased its deposit with us from > * r f I $50,000 | " | J $150,000,. | t| * i ' ?THE NATIONAL UNION BANK.* | (ABSOLUTELY SAFE.) f $R0CK HILL, - - S. C.J j