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THE FORT MILL TIMES. 16TH YEAR FORT MILL, S. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1907 NO. 37 JAPAN IS MAD. She Has Recalled Her Ambassador Aoki Back Home. OUR BIG WAR FLEET Balling for the I'aciAc Is Supposed to Hare Something To Do With the Recall of the Ambassador.?Both Rvents Happening at the Same dm* Has Created This Impression In Washington. Aoki, the Japanese Ambassador at Washington has been recalled by his Government. A dispatch says he has been summoned to Japan by his government to explain personally and in detail the precise situation in regard to the Japanese immigration problem. The ambassador has been making very careful inquiry on his own account and through the various Japanese concular officials into the extent of the reported race feeling existing in some sections of the United States toward Japanese immigrants. Already Baron Ishll, one of the secretaries of the Japanese interior department, has made an investigation of conditions existing not only in California, Oregon i nd Washington, but also in British Columbia on the north, upon which ho has bused a special report to his government. At the Japanese embassy in Washington it is stated that the ambaasa- j dor will probably leave Washington j for Tokio by way of San Francisco ,or Victoria in about a fortnight, a fact of which he notified the preuldent and Secretary Root. There is no intimation that he is not to return to Washington. During his absence Mr. Miyoaka, the counsellor of the embassy, will be in charge of his affairs. It is thought in Washington that the recall is to be permanent and that the ambas-< sudor will not return. Ambussudor Aokl gave notice of Ills recall practically at the same time that word was received at Washington of the sailing of the torpedo section of the fleet destined for the Pacific. Many people may connect the j things together. Whether or not ; Japan connected them remains to be : seen. He has been cautious, conser- j vative and friendly to a marked degree. There is every reason to assert that his recall for the purpose of making a verbal report is caused by the fact that his goveifliment thinks ; he has been too temperate, too moderate, two conservative, too amicable 1 and Anally too peaceable. He haa been at Washington but a little over a year, having presented his credentials on May, 3, 1906. and his recall at this time can be taken an nothing else than an expression of disapproval of his course on the part of the Japanese government. DKATH OP COL. ELLIOTT. South Carolina Ix>oses One of Hei Noblest Sons. Col. William BUiott. Sr., commissioner for the government to locate and mark the graves of the Confederate dead interred in the north died suddenly at his hunting lodge on Buzzards Island, near Beaufort, where he had come from Washing ton several days ago, to shoot ducks Col. Elliott was i.orn in neaurort in 1838; was educated at Heaufor. college. Harvard university, and thf University of Virginia; was admitte'" to the bar at Charleston in 1881; en tered the Confederate States army and served us colonel throughout th< whole war. In 1886 was elected a member o' the legislature; was a delegate U the national democratic conventiom in 1876 and 1888; was democratic presidential elector for the state at large In 1880; sorved six torms in congress as the representative of the First, district of South Carolina, and In 1902 was dfeated by A. C. Latimer for the United States senate. BUKNKIl TO DEATH. Six Men Penned in a Tunnel Meets Awful Fate. Six men were burned to death and 14 others were seriously. If not fa, tally, hurt Thursday Id a disastrous Are which penned them in the bore of the new Pennsylvania tunnel, which runs between Homestead, N. J., and West Hoboken At latest account, the bodtes of the dead men had been taker from mnnth of the tunnel shaft at Homestead. Five more of the work men, still alive, had been lifted tf the surface and were all hurried tr the North Hudson hospital at Union H1U In ambulances. It is known that there were 3." men at work within the tunnel bor? when the Are started among the piles of tar being used to mix with ston? for tfcp foundation of the roadbed ol the tunnel. Twehe of those, thre* of them known to be dead, were stir wit&il the tube at a late hour. ELECTION HALTED . In the Proposed Calhoun County by Judge Gary On the Petition of Certain Citizen# of the Territory Who Are Denied , Their IUght to Vote. On Wednesday night of last week Associate Justice Gary granted a; temporary injunction restraining the commissioners of election of Orangeburg county from holding the election on the establishment of Calhoun county, which has been ordered by Governor Ansel for Dec. 17. The Injunction was secured by Mr. W. C. Wolfe, of Orangeburg, representing citizens of the proposed new j county opposed to Its formation. Mr. i Wolfe went to Columbia from Orangeburg and appeared before Justice Gary at chambers, presenting a ; strong complaint, in which several , important points are made effecting the election laws of the entire Btate. The order signed by Justice Gary leaves the date blank for hearing the ase but it will be argued before the j entire supreme court in time for it to be settled before the date fixed for the election. i The Court Order. 1 The order is as follows: "State of South Carolina, county ! of Orangeburg, in the supreme court, i A. R. Parler, D. H. Rush, A. C. Smith. E. F. Irlck, .U. W. Smith, W. | K. Crook, T. W. Murph, F. I. Culler, ! C. D. Felkel, T. A. Ulmer. plaintiffs, < against, W. Hrooks Fogel, J. S. Bowman. Jr.. and T. J. Hart, as comniis- . i sloners of state and county election ; s for Orangeburg county, defendants. | 1 "On hearing the annexed verified i petition, now on motion of Messrs. i Herbert, Wolfe and Moss, Attorneys, j for plaintiffs, 't is j 1 "Ordered that the defendants and j i each of them, and all persons acting t or claiming to act under or for them, i I officially or otherwise, he and they t hereby are restrained and enjoined, j < until ttie further order of this court from holding, or preparing to hold, the election upon the question of ! i forming or creating a proposed new i county as complained of in the com- i plaint herein, from delivering the I election boxes to the managers, or j J any other act whatsoever doing or i l attempting to do in connection there- 1 \ with; and that the defendants show < cause, if any they can, before the < supreme court at its court room, I Columbia, S. C.. on the blank day of i December, 1907, at 10 o'clock a. m., j or as soon thereafter as counsel may ' be heard, why this order should not be made permanent and absolute." i ( round of the Complaint. The complaint sets forth a number of grounds upon which the injunction j Is asked, but the principal ones ure I us follows: First, that the instructions sent out I to the managers declare ^that only ; qualified electors residing within the prescribed territory are registered at precincts within the new county shall ' vote, which cuts off qualified electors who live within proposed new county but whose precincts are outside thnt territory. This is a conflict between the constitution and the statute which has already been passed on by the Attorney General, but not by the courts. Secondly, that the registration hooks of Orangeburg County have lot been revised within the period orescribed bv the constitution and nat as u mailer 01 iuci inert' is uoi i i legal elector within the county. If the court sustains this point It vill affect not Orangeburg county ! 'lone, but the entire State, anrl will lot only vitilate all elections, but vill seriously Interfere wth the work j >f the courts, since only qualified ; electors can servo as purors. KFSCTE Tlil-IH ( II1 Id) Kond rarrntfl Found Their Daugltlei In Gypsy Camp. By a writ of habeas corpus Van tonio Thompson and his wife, of ; 'ii)B Angeles, Cal.. Thursday secured i losession of their sixteen year old daughter, Mario, from a band of gypsies encamped on the outskirts of St. Louis. Disguised as gypsies themselves | 'hey Invaded the camp and found their daughter. She threw herself ; into her mother's arms, but a num- ! ber of the gypsies under the command of King John seized the girl j and drove the parents away. The parents then secured the writ., Accompanied by Deputy Sheriff Banker. they returned to the camp and i obtained the girl. Such bands as I these gypsies should not be allowed to roam over the country. HA1> TO KISS I'KETTV CilRL. 'Misted .Methodist Minister Snid He / Cculdh't Resist Her. Caught with his arms about a pret1 ' ty girl, whom he was kissing, the 1 Rev. M. M. Blease, of Tuscaloosa, Ala., a leading member of the Ala' hamac onference. said he couldn't ' help her. He has been unfrocked : ind expelled from thee church. He * is a married man. "I don't believe f any man could have helped doing as " I did under the circumstances." said 1 Blease. He is 40 years old. Mrs .Biease blames the girl. MAD MAN SHOOTSj t r Labor Leaders And One of Them s Fatally Hurt ? c SHOT IN STATE HOUSE " k l< Was Waiting to See Gov. Guild li When Attacked.?Private See re- "| tary Grovo Grappled With the al w Maniac and With Others Over- w powered Him.?The Madman Recently Relensed From An Asylum. ? At DoBton. Mass., on Thursday an insane man walked into the anteroom of the executive chamber of the State House and finding Gov. lo Guild's door closed, turned on three nl prominent labor leaders and fired he three shots at them, probably fatally ai wounding Edward Cohen of Lynn, wi president of the State branch of the b American Federation of Labor; ser- nc iously wounding Dennis D. Driscoll of Boston, Beoretary of the same ca board, and injuring with the muz- or zle of his revolver Arthur M. Huddel hr of Boston, former president of the er Central Labor union of that city. fri The insane man, who was John w< Steele of Everett, and who was re- fn leaced on parole last month from the W( Dan vers Insane asylum, was over- yn powered by Private Secretary Chas. an S. Grove and Gen. J. II. Whitney, c. hief of the State police. Gov. (inlid was in his oilice only a few feet away and rushing out. as- er iisted In subduing Steele, then knelt j,e by Cohen's side and subsequently di- 0f rectod the removal of the wounded men to the hospital. so uonen was shot twice through the 0f head and was in a critical condition ,H, it the Massachusetts General hospital ro :hat night. The third bullet'struck fj, Drisroll a glancing blow on the side ^a jf the forehead and. making a long av wound over the head, rendered him mconsclous. He recovered consclousiess half an hour later. Huddel's wound was quickly dressed and will N'*1 probably cause him little inconvenence. The three labor leaders came to the State house to meet the governor Qf ay appointment in regard to a pardon (j0 Tor A. M. Kennedy, of Salem, who is na serving a sentence in the Essex house >f correction. They reached the State iai house shortly after three o'clock and cjt round that the governor was receiving a delegation from Rhode Island. jm The three labor men were asked to y)Q wait in one of the ante-rooms until the Rhode Island men should leave. c], All three were standing beside a long nu table conversing pleasantly when at c]< the Tar end of the room Private Sec- tj, retary Grove was dictating a letter to the executive stenographer. Suddenly Steele appeared at the door of the room from the hallway aj and without announcing his mission ,,a walked by "the doorkeeper and Messenger Reed and then glanced to- ^a ward Gov. Guild's room, which was about 20 feet away. The door was enclosed, Steele turned around and so drawing a revolver, fired at Cohen, 0O who was about six feet away. Cohen s jjc l>ack was turned and the bullet struck the back of the head 'directly through, and came out at the fore- yj head, driving a great splash of blood to tho wall opposite and beside the aj picture of Abraham Lincoln. The wounded man turned, only to receive another bullet in the head, which also passed completely through. Cohen !>< sank unconscious to the floor. Steele then swung around and fired at Driscoll. the bullet inflicting a severe scalp wound. Driscoll also fell tin- u; onscious to the floor. Iluddel), in ,jf lttempting to close on the man, was ^ struck on the cheek by the muzzle of w he revolver and knocked down. But t^ Iteele made no attempt to fire again. tj, By this time Secretary Grove had m 'eaped over a table and grabbed with Iteele and at the same moment. Gen. j1( Whitney, who had been summoned q to the Kentucky hearing, came a) through the door and rushed to his Qj assistance, Iluddel also jumped and wrenched the revolver away, while a, one of the messengers dashed into the governor's office and said: "They are murdering people in the lobby." The governor instantly went into V the lobby and helped Gen. Whitney, .Mr. urove ana Air. Hitauei pusn Steel? onto one of the sofas. Word was sent to the office of the State po- ni lice in the basement and a force of pj officers quickly reached the scene and q handcuffed Steele. In the meantime, -p 'Gov. Guild had knelt by Cohen's side w , and was wiping his facs with a han- w j kerchief and towels. Dr. Owen Copp, q j chairman of the State board of in- n j sanity, was summoned and he im- a mediately recognized Steele, having , had him under observation for more ! than five years in various State insane asylums. Steele was then taken ' to hto office of the State police and C i subsequently sent under a strong guard to the Tombs. The doctor, after a hasty examination of Coheu and Driseoll. expressed q the opioion that, the former's wounds would probably prove fatal, but that q Driseoll's wound was only a scalp v wound. b The two wounded men were con- i veyed to the Massachusetts General u hospital. Huddel was also taken to j] .the hospital. . s Several of the State officials said t JL J.i ' .'? ;v ifter the shooting that Steele was a veil known character to the board of nsanity and that he had an illusion hat he was not getting his rights, or which he held the governor reponsible. Edward Cohen is one of the best mown labor leaders In Massachuetts. He Is married and has several hlldren. Dr. Driscoll Is almost as prominent a labor circles In the State. Mr. Huddel Is president of the >cal Central Labor Union. Steele,-who is 3 7 years old, was reused from the Danvers Insane asyim Nov. 13, last, upon solicitation f his mother, the Institution's ofllials believing that he showed tmost positive signs of recovery. He over showed any sign of violence hile In the asylum. STOIIM PLAYS HAVOC. riml Renches Velocity of Sixty Miles at Capo Henry. The wind reached a minimum vecity at Cape Henry in Thursday ght's coast storm of sixty miles an )ur. It blew from the northwest ul drove seaward rather than toard shore any vessels that may have ten caught in its teeth, but so far > wrecks have been reported. The wind ut its hurricane velocity .rried before it everything movable i shore and it is feared that much ivoc was wrought at sea. The govnment's seacoast teleg.aph wires om Cape Henry southward are * t irking and no word could be had om the Cape iiatteras section. No ord could be had from the Boston cht Matileon, bound to Jacksonville id stranded in Roanoke sound, N. Several of the big battleships Some of the big battleships headn ports doubtless had severe exriences if caught within the radius the gale. The severity of the gale has caused me anxiety to be felt for the safety the six little vessels of the tordo flotilla hound for San Juan en ute to the Pacific coast, but with ree days' start the little vessels ve probably gotten far enough ay to escape the storm. HIG HANK FA HARK, liiomil Hank of Commerce of Kan wis < 'it y (iocs 1'ndcr. The National Bank of Commercu Kansas City failed to open its ors and is now in the hands of a tional hank examiner. The bank one of the oldest there, and is the rgeHt financial Institution in the y. The notice on the door says the nk was closed by order of the ard of directors. The directors and stockholder inuie some of the most prominent ?n in the city. The head of the >aring house association expressed e belief that the failure would not volve any of the other Kansus City nks. When the statement of the NationBank of Commerce under tho last 11 appeared, it showed that since e statement of August 22 deposits d been reduced from close to irty-five million dollars to $16,2,968. The statement showed althat the items of ioans and disunts had been cut down four mil>n dollars. Two small branches of the NationBank of Commerce^ the Stock irds Bank of Commerce and the lion Avenue Bank of Commerce, so closed their doors. NOVEL SCHEME. [ vised to \Vi|Hk Out u Burdensome Church l>cbt. Thomas Vinuedgo, a member of the aptlsl Church of Hope, Ind., has wised a novel plan for wiping out ie debt" against his church. He has ritten to many persons throughout ie United States asking the donar>n of a hog from eacft. His first ail brought HO replie*. Among lose who have agreed to donate a ip is Mayor Johnson of Cleveland, ne half of the sales money is to be jplied to the church debt, and the I her half remitted to those who tve the hogs. It is expected that L least 1,000 hogs will he received. OVKKCOMK IIY S.MOKK. Workers in the Pennsylvania Tunnel Were iu Danger. Hleven unconscious men were reloved from the New Jersey end of ie Pennsylvania tunnel, following a re in the tunnel at IInmeste'ad. N. J. here were 150 men In the tunnel hent heflr e began and the place 'ere tilled with Rnioko. All but 11 ed to fhe surface, but their comades were overcome by the smoke nd were taken out by a rescuing arty. RKSl'LTH OF FIKK8. (lie Woman Burned and Seven Firemen Overcome. One woman was killed and seven remen were overcome as the result f two fires in New York cn Thursay. Mrs. Annie Linalian aged 70 fas burned to death ir. a five story rick tenement In East 17th Street, 'hlrty others were rescued from flndows and fire escapes. Illuminatng gas nearlye aused the death of even firemen who were fighting a ilaze in a store and office building. A MANY MEN DIE In Fearful Disaster In a West Virginian Coal Mine. FOUR HUNDRED DEAD The Catastrophe Wns the Result of a Fearful Gas Explosion, Which Buried the Unfortunate Men Bo iravu ions or coal. Rock and Other I)ebrin.?Only Four of the Day Workers A'.ive. Three charred and blackened '>od- , ies lying In the improvised morgue prepared near the entrance to the mine, four men Covering between life and death from the awful bruises sustained and the deadly gases iilial ed In a temporary hospital lnt<> one 1 of the companies buildings has been transformed, and 3 69 men imprisoned by tons of coal, rock and debris in the depths of the hills surrounding I the mining town of Monogah, W. Va., 1 with the chances all against a single one of them being alive.. 1b the most . accurate summary obtainable of the i result of a mine explosino Friday, f which in all probability was attended by greater loss of life than any ^ disaster in the history of the bltumi- | nous coal mining Industry o: Amur- i ica. 11 The explosion occurred shortly ufr ter ten o'clock Friday. The full force ( of 3SO men had gone to work in the ? mini's affected. These mines are s Nos. 6 and 6. of the Consolidated Coal Company, located on opposite n l.ln? ~ r ll.? It' f-_?- -- ..wv ovi nic t* usi r utk ltlYQrat AlOUO- c gal, but merged in their underground v workings by n heading, and on the t surface by a great steel tipple and r bridge. The finding of the three t corpses and the four badly injured men it. the only reward for stren- t uous and lnterupted work on the part f, >f the large rescuing forces that im- u mediately set to work at every pos- a sible point. e The four living men are unable to t give any details in regard to the u disaster or even (explain how they reached the surface. They state that o immediately back of them when they t began the frantics trugglef or liber- t ty there was a large number of men v engaged In a similar struggle, while still further back in -:the workings there was a large number of whom they knew nothing. * It is the ?y,>taAoa^of tne mine ofll-ials and others fanTlftiP^^ffCi--mining that the seven nun had not penetrated as far as had .he majority or i| the da\* shift when the explosion oc- n cured, and that they ?headod for and c reuched the main entry before the n heavy cave-in that now blocks the c entrants more than a hundred feet <] beyond the main Op*Alng of the mine p No. 6. u As to the minefs^t^ferred to by h the rescued men as hwlng been alive t when last seen, it is believed that t thy were caught hack of a heavy t cave-iu of coal and mine roof, and that they could not have survived s more than a few minutes in the i deadly gases with which the entry c nneo as soon ns laa ventilating sys- i torn was interrupted. There Is more d hope for those in more remote see- t tions of the rj^ne as they may have t reachedw orh-Wgs'where fresh air is a supplied by other openings. e Evidencing the terrific force of the 1 explosion, props in the entry of No. !| 0 mine supporting the roof were not t only shattered Ind torn from their \ position, but wire blown out of the t .eptry andt o lie opposite side of j the fiver. - If Other- c^d??t^^f the force Is shown to iflHAd^pon of the mines | that has^^^^^^^Vhed by the resI cuers. of coal and [ rock have bee^^Bt-dned and buried i into ev0ry op^^B, and all the underground str^^Kre is wrecked bevond semblanc^B its original shape. The entry 6 mine, 300 feet I from the roo^^Bjs piled high wttb 1 the wrecka'ge^^vvo strings of cars 1 and two elect^^^ktors. Some of the rescuers t.c^H>c(l over this and found dead beyond, but have made no attfl^^Hn remove them to i the surface,because it would he almost to carry the < | bodies overfl^^Bds, but more par- i ticularly do not want ( to lose in reaching other i sections oJffiB mine, where it is i)ossible living may be im- < prisoned. JSBB The being righted as fast < as possp^^^K removed from the < entry with all other ob- < structions^^H of the heading lead- j log off fr^^Ke main entry are being cut o^^^Banvass and barricaded ( as fa&t^^^^By are removed by the relief so that the Innermost ( w^kin^^Hhe mine may be given the the ventilating system to suj^^^^Hthat may be yet living and an early exploration ings. m nge r vainly seeking no U A >* PREACHES HARMONY. In Speeches at Tremont and Chicago on Friday. ] Bryan Expresses The Opinion That Roosevelt hi the Only Republican Who Cnn Be Elected. A dispatch from tvo.. ??? ? iviuvuw, ill., \ says William Jennings Bryan opened i his Illinois cnmpalgn for the nomi-1 nation for the Presidency on the ' Democratic ticket there on Friday night in two rousing speeches, delivered before mass meetings, and later at a Ranquet at which nearly 700 prominent Northern Illinois Democrats assembled. Mr. Bryan spoke on the "Vindication of the Democratic Platform since 1896." "The Republican party," said Iir. Bryan, "has been steadily falling From popularity, until to-day but one man can win the Presidency, one who will break away from precedent !ind accept a third term, and one who has only gained his popularity I >y taking for his Issue plunks from Ihe Republican platform. He pointed out that the present | inanciul stringency was the result of i timing down Democracy's blmetall- j sm issue and declared the trusts, j ariff and labor arbitration problems j \^re being solved according to the j ( ines embraced in Democratic plat-, ornis. | j Speaks at Chicago. j ( A dispatch from Chicago says Wlliam Jennings Bryan Friday at a; j uncheon given by the Iroquois Club , ( nade a notable speech, the keynote if which was harmony. "Whyre an agreement has been j ( eached among men as to what ought o be done there should be forgetful- ; ( less for "the past," he said, arid his' euttment was applaudued. "Men should have good forgetting ' unchlnes so far as Individuals are uiKctueu. rorRive us our debts as < 0 forgive our debters' is a good doc- !v rine to follow. Resentment and ' evenue are the most foolish of 1' hing8." Men who heard the words took hem to mean that Mr. Bryan's differences with National Committee-1 1 um Roger C. Sullivan are at an end. ; ! nd that there will he no Anti-Bryan ,' on test. Mr. Sullivan has declared * hat he will not renew the strife i fresh. Mr. Bryan declared that the I)em cratic party Is more united today han it has been for years, whereas he Republicans, he assorted, are diided. \K\V KI\1> OF SWIM U.K. t 'eluinliia Police Warns Merchants t Against This Fellow. j t The State says that Chief of Po- j f Ice Cart heart desires to warn the 1 merchants of this State against a } rook whose operations are entirely ; iew in this section. The man sue-;' essfully worked his game the other ' lay and the police authorities ex-,' met him to attempt it again on some ' msuspectlng merchant. His identity | ' s so far an unknown quantity and ' he police will ha^* to depend upon! he merchants to Kelp effect his capure. Tlin . ? ? .J II - ' ?? j ii v iiiwuiin <||II-Itllini 111 mis 111 J terlous knight of the swindler's art ! s as follows: He will call a merchant '' iver the 'phone and give an order 1 or certain articles of merchandise, , 1 llrecting that they he sent to a cer-j' ain number. This is accompanied >y a request that the bill be sent i dong with the goods; also the necissary change for a five or ten dol ar bill. For instance, he will order , , !2 worth of merchandise and aslc , hat $:i he sent along as change, ex- , daining that he has nothing less han a five dollar bill. The goods I tnd the required change are sent iut and the mysterious stranger is I >n hand at the number indicated. He i Sets the goods and the change, hands j l note to the messenger, supposedly ?ntaining the $5 bill, and the mes- i tenger goes hack to the store to i Ind that he has been worked to the ;une of $5. TliltKK MEN KILIiKI). IVbile Stealing a Khlc on a Freight | Train. As tho result of a derailment on a J ,n:auc DVUI ? MHlilll creeK JU81 DP- I low the station of Rlairs, twelve ;ara of freight train No. 54 Jumped i he track and six cars crashed to the ;reek below tearing down tho trestle ind killing three men. The accident occurred about four ! I'clock Wednesday morning, the train being .hound for Columbia, and in -harge of Engineer Rird and Conductor Summers. As none of the <rew was injured it was understood and reported that no one was hurt, j However, when the wrecking train . arrived and the derrick lifted some of the wrecked cars, beneath the debris were found the bodies of three white men.. Two of them were identified as the Queen brothers of Union. and the other as lira:., whose uarents reside in Aujuste 'ia. them. Rut little news can be given ' them and such as they do get is bad. ! No ono is encouraged to hope that! any one in the mine has survived the i explosion and the suffocating gas! that thereafter filled the mines. 1 DIED IN A MINE. Explosions Kills Forty-Seven Miners at Naomi, Pa. BODIES ARE LOCATED V And Aif living Brought to the Surface by the Koscuers Who Hare Been at Work Kver Sinre The Terrible Catastrophe Happened On J jest Sunday Evening Without the Slightest Warning to tlie People. A dispatch from Naomi. Pa., says the fate of the American and fortytwo foreign miners, while not definitely known, was pretty well established by the finding of a body at a mine pump near the 22nd entry of the Naomi mine of the United Coal company at Fayette City, in which an explosion occurred Sunday night. The man had died from suffocation. Judging from the two fatalities thus far known, both having been caused by poisonous gas fumes, it is almost certain that the forty-seven miners still entombed in the mine have succumbed to the deadly after damp. Slowly winding their way around ? deep spiral stairway which ieuds ilown Into the main beading of the mines, rescuers are carrying to daylight the bodies of the men who met death ill a terrific explosion which <hook surrounding villages. The rescuers began carrying up he bodies at 10 o'clock and the retnnins of 3 5 victims have been located and carried to the foot of the dairway at that time. By noon all the victims will have ?een taken to the surface. All pre autIons nre taken to prevent griefitricken mothers, wives and children 'rom viewing the bodies until they an be made more presentable. In icarlv all instances the bodies can ?e identified. If the best information obtainable s bourne out. the remainder of the todies will be found in some of the >ff-hendiugs or butt entries which lave been so far found Impassible. BATTLK* UETWKKN ANIMALS. Figar Kills I'olar Bear at <71i*cas Performance. A dispatch from Timnionsville to he State says duringt he progress of he performance presented there Thursday afternoon nt the wild aniual show which Is being offered by he Johnny Jones Exposition shows me of the most sensational battles o death known to animal history ook. place. While one of the acts vas taking place, in which Ilerr von IValdo, the noted German traluer. ?(Ters four African lions, two Bengal igers and two I'olar bears, all per'ormlng together, Romeo, one of th? >ig tigers, became angered and lounced upon one of the Polar bears. Mter a terrinie battle the tiger succeeded In Finking its fangs into the Jugular vein of the Polar hear, which died almost instantly. The ither animals became enraged by the *cent of blood and von Waldo showed great bravery at the risk of his jwn life in subduing them. The Polar bear was valued at $2,000, being one af the largest and best trained in :aptivlty. The fight was witnessed by hundreds of spectators. LKOIWHP'S TKKTH KXTHAfTK1> Alice Faints When Lust of Twelve ! ? Yanked Out. Alice, a nine-month-old leopard "uh in the Central Park Zoo, NewYork. had 12 teeth extracted and fainted tinder the operation.. The keepers had noticed for several days that Alice did not seem vel? and finally she refused to eat. Investigation showed that the little leopard's baby teeth In the lower jaw had not been shed and that the permanent teeth had grown in front of them. Several dentists were telephoned for to draw the teeth, but none responded to the call, so the keeper drew them himself. When ?he last one came out Alice fainted, and several large drinks of brandy were required to revive her. She soon re covered and the keepers say she wlJI be in her usual spirits In a few days. SING! LAIC ACCIOKNT. Tried to Stab n flog; and Killed n Man. E. E. Prince, a farmer living about three miles north of Cairo, Ga., while killing hogs Monday, assisted by Jim Lewis, a negro, accidentally stabl>ed Lewis. They had hit a hog in the head and both men caught the animal to stab him. Mr. Prince holding the knife. Just as he stabbed the hog. which wa sa very large one, nog made a lounge backward, throwing * Mr. Prince who held the knife in his hand back on the negro. As he fell the knife struck the negro Just over the heart, and penetrated In. Medical assistance was summoned but before it arrived the negro was dead. The negro made a statement * to the effect that his stabbing was an accident before he died. i