.A... 1 1 .
\vvvkvv\sv\vvvvvvm^ \s%
1 ' 1 f
? We have a big stock of Dr
A reduce, and in order to do so,
jj 25 pieces of Colored Wool Drei
* count. The price will?remain
A you back 2^5 cents out of ev
g This means
i 25 cent goods
? 50 cent goods
? 75 cent good*
| $1.00 goods at
S . TKia aolo will loaf HMT V
^ - Alll? K#U1V TT 111 JOOb V/H U 1
* and get first choice.
^ Special Bargains in Ladies
I L. J. My*
Items of Local Interest
?Miss Lillian Flowers, of Rock
Hill, visited relatives here the
past week.
?There are at present 300
bales of cotton stored in the
local cotton warehouse.
? Mr. J. W. Elms left Monday
for Belair, where he will teach
school this winter.
?Pay your subscription to The
Times and save the publisher the
trouble and yourself the humiliation
of being asked to do so.
?Mr. John Q. Cousart, a former
resident of Fort Mill but
now living at Walterboro, spent
Saturday with relatives here.
?Architect H. E. White left
the city Wednesday on a business
trip to Fort Mill, Charlotte, Gas
tonia, Union and other points,
says the Rock Hill Herald.
?Miss Jonsie Kell, a trained
nurse from Atlantic City, N. J.,
who has been visiting relatives
here for some days, left Monday
morning for Yorkville, where
she will make a short visit before
going to Florida to spend the
?As stated some weeks ago,
Mr. J. W. McElhaney will on
December 1st open up a livery
business to the rear of his home
on Confederate street. Mr.
McElhaney has had his stables
enlarged and premises fitted up
for the business, and he will
doubtless come in for a liberal
share of public patronage.
?The Empire Stock company,
consisting of twelve people, gave
three very creditable performances
at the town hall Thursday,
Friday and Saturday nights. Mr.
J. B. Gaskin, the photographer
who has been here for several
weeks, joined the troupe at this
point and left with them Sunday
?Messrs. W. F. Harris & Sons
have completed the new addition
to their livery stable on Main
street and in the new room are
showing a nobby line of buggies,
harness, etc. Mr. Harris says
that he is now in position to save
the people of this section some
money in the purchase of vehicles
and harness.
?The weather prophets are
i?V?vr?orl in tVio lon/i CLrvw,.-.
%*ik/iv/MV4 ui uiv miiu. uvi11VJ aakY
that we are on the threshold of
a mild winter, while others just
as confidently predict that the
mercury will descend very low.
An exchange says that nobody
knows and advises people to harvest
the crops, provide shelter
for the stock, replenish the woodpile
and await developments,
with your minds at ease.
?Quite a number of ForfiMill
people attended the State fair at
Columbia the past week, and all
. expressed the opinion that, with
the exception of larger crowds in
attendance, the fair was little if
any better than those of former
years. Accomodations for the
visitors were very scant and many
were compelled to sit up nights
in the hotel lobbies, restaurants
and other places for lack of beds.
?County Treasurer Neely will
be here next Friday and Saturday
for the purpose of .collecting
State and county taxes. The
treasurer has been doing good
business on his round this fall
if id Kolii?rn(i fUof V.!n
miiu iv ?u witu v vu tua1' iliO LU1"
lections at this point will -run up
higher than for a number of
years. Everyone who can possibly
do so should meet the treasurer
when he comes and rid them- [
selves of this obligation.
?The many friends of Mr.
T. B. Belk will be pleased to
learn that he is again able to be
out. Mr. Belk returned from
St Peter's hospital, Charlotte,
Thursday night and his condition
has since improved to such ar.
extent that he has been able to
make daily trips up-town this
kweek. It is to be hoped that
Mr. Belk will continue to improve
until his health has been fully
. I ML
" * > ' '
ess Goods which we want to g
will offer, for ten days only, g
53 Goods at 20 per cent dis- g
the same, but we will give g
ery dollar's worth you buy. g
i at 20 cents. |
i at 40 cents. g
i at 60 cents.
- ^ 80 cents. '
TEN DAYS, so come early $
' and Children's Cloaks. '
?The Times wishes to thank
Capt. S. E. White, of Lancaster,
for a basket of nice potatoes
which were sent to us hy orders
of Capt. White from his planta1
tion near this place a few days
?Mr. J. C. McElhaney, who
has been clerking for Mr. R. F.
Grier, hao resigned his position
and will be associated with his
father Mr. J. W. McElhaney in
the livery business after December
?The little infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Pettus died last
Thursday and was buried on Friday
at Pleasant Hill. It is survived
by a twin brother, which
is doing well at this writing.
?Belair cor. Waxhaw Enterprise.
?The barn belonging to Mrs.
M. L. Rone, at Pineville, was destroyed
by fire on Thursday, together
with 11,000 pounds of
cotton, 1,040 bundles of fodder,
cotton seed, hay and_ farming
implements, all of which was a
complete loss, as there was no
insurance. The origin is sup- i
poseji to have been incendiary.
?So far as is known here the |
southern fower Co., has taken
no action in the way of an appeal
in the case in which J. W. Elms
was awarded a verdict of $5,000
against the company for personal
injuries he received at Great
Falls. It is supposed that the
power company will pay the
amount without further process
of law. I
?The many friends of Mr.
S. A. Fewell throughout York
county will be grieved to learn
of his serious illness at Ridgeway.
Mr. Fewell is one of the
most prosperous farmers of the
county, living at Ebenezer near
Rock Hill. He is an elder in the
Ebenezer church, of which Rev.
Dr. J. H. Thorn well is the pastor.
?The exercises incident to laying
the corner stone of the new
Flint Hill Baptist church building
wiil be held today (Thursday).
Several visiting ministers are
expected to be present and take
part in the exercises. Dinner
will be served on the grounds
and a dav full r?f io
^ > ?>> w? WA VUV 1U V/A~
pected. The church extends a
cordial invitation to the public to
?A report from Rock Hill is
to the effect that a young negro
of that community was a few
days ago haled before Magistrate
Beckham upon the charge of violating
the State game laws, and
upon pleading guilty to the
charge was taxed with a fine of
$15 or a term of 30 days on the
gang. The young fellow admitted
to having killed two doves
and one partridge and willingly
paid the fine.
?The farmers of Fort Mill
township are doing all in their
power to compel an increase in
the price of cotton. Very little
of the staple has been marketed
here in the past two weeks, and
there is reason to believe that
the receipts will continue to decrease
unless the prices advance.
Some of our farmers have not
sold any cotton, while others
have marketed just so much as
was necessary to meet their
binding obligations.
? 'Squire Bailes had better
move to Chester if he wants to
hold his job and keep his fame.
Chester is now becoming headquarters
for North Carolina
marriages, and from the way
| the two couples who were married
here last Saturday looked,
we believe that more will come
here for the same purpose.?
Chester Lantern.
? Mr. Henry Ferguson, of the
vicinity of Pineville, had the
misfortune of losing his store
and contents, about 75 bushels
of wheat, 2 bales of cotton, and
two fine hosg, by fire last Tuesday
night. The origin of the
fire is unknown. This is the
second time that Mr. Ferguson
has experienced the same "bad
luck," and there was no insurance
in either case.? Waxhaw
/ It??
'.V JP
.v r .,v .v | j
If you were sick and sought a
physician, the consultation would
likely be worth very little to you
unless he prescribed for you and
he would likely prescribe the best
he knew and you would go to the
Druggist whom you thought
would furnish it the best he knew
and whom you thought knew the
most. You would be interested
all around.
Do you ask the painter what
sort of paint he expects to use
when he contracts for your house
and agrees to furnish the paint.
Ought you not be interested in
what sort of paint he uses. There
are all sorts from seventy-five
cents to one dollar and sventyfive
cents. We sell the latter
kind at a dollar sixtv and the
name is DEVOE. And if you
should ask your friend about it
in California he would tell you
that Devoe is the standard there
as here. All paints are said to
be "just as good" as Devoe, but
you can have satisfaction by having
Devoe for an outlay of less
thantme dollar for the whole job.
You pay the painter $2 to $3
per day, wouldn't it pay you to
specify what sort of material he
lP:r"u.g Store.
?The Times learns of another
dwelling which is to go up in the
near future. This one will be
erected by Mr. W. P. Norman on
the vacant lot, on East Booth
street, adjoining the home of Mr.
Jack Patterson. The house will
cost about $1,000 and will be
built by Contractor A. A. Bradford.
?The open season for the hunting
of game birds is from the
15th day of November to the 15th
day of March. Any person found
in possession of game birds before
the 15th of November shall
be deemed guilty of a violation
of the law and the burden of
proof is upon such person to
prove tnat the birds were imported
from another State. If he
fails to do so, he is liable to be
fined not more than $20 or not to
be imprisoned for more than 30
S days for each offence. The game
birds are wild turkey, partridge,
quail, woodcock and pheasant.
?Lewis Perry, colored, is
minus his left arm as a result
of a gunshot wound which he received
from Police Officer Powell
about ten days ago. It will be
remembered that Perry was shot
three times, twice by Officer
I Powell and once by Chief Potts,
while resisting arrest Saturday
night, October 26. The most
serious wound which the negro
received was the shattering of
the bones of the left arm near
I v?tv/ uiivuiu^i t aiiu LIU UU^Il ltiHi
of blood poison setting in it was
decided best to remove the arm.
The operation was performed
Monday by Drs. Elliott, Kirkpatrick
and Meacham. The negro
stood the operation well and
it is believed that unless complications
follow he will recover.
Perry is being cared for at the
home of Jake Wesley, another
colored man.
Wagon Demolished by a Train.
Mr. Newton Pettus. a young
farmer of lower Fort Mill, had a
very narrow escape from probably
fatal injury Tuesday afternoon
near the Charlotte Brick
Co's plant. 2 miles below town.
Mr. Pettus, with his wagon
heavily loaded with lumber, approached
the railroad crossing
at Graltan and his team had just
mounted the tracks, when upon
looking up the young man was
terrified to see a train rapidly
bearing down upon him from
the deep cut to the north. He
whipped up his mules in an attempt
to clear the tracks, but
was unable to do so, and realizing
his own peril jumped just in
time to save himself. The monster
engine, which was running
at probably fifty miles an hour
struck the wagon about center
and the rear wheels, axle and
other parts as well as the lumber
were completely demolished
and scattered for a distance of
fifty yards. The front of the
wagon remained intact though
the wheels were wrenched in
such a manner as to be worthless.
It was indeed a narrow escape
for Mr. Pettus and bis mules.
Gold Found in Greenville County.
Seven rich veins of gold have
been discovered on a farm about
one mile from Fountain Inn,
in Greenville county, and about
eighteen miles from Greenville.
The announcement was made
Thursday by Dr. George F. Lee,
a geological expert and mineralogist
who spent three days in examining
the metal. The veins
are thought to be about sixty
feet deep, and the mine wilt be
the richest in the State and
probably in the South. Zircom,
monazite, kaolin and rutine were
also found on the property. The
deposits extend over 270 acres,
all of which belong to two wellknown
citizens of the county. A
stock company wiii be formed at
once to mine the metal.
"Coming Events Cast
Thler Shadows Before"
= ii'
Chilly nights and morn- ~~
ings foretell the speedy ? ji Cpk
approach of Autumn the
immediate need of \
warmer Clothing. Now
is the time to prepare
im ran?aiiu now is IIIC NT |
time when our stock of | i
Men's Clothing and Fur- |
nishings is at its best. ! j
We want you to come in 1
early in the season. If ^ '
for them now we will j^^swmTbws.YU. '
gladly reserve your se- Wr
lection until later. t
Brown is the prevailing color this Fall, with
Gray and Blue Mixtures tied for second place.
Besides these splendid garments shown in many
models and styles, is a host of less expensive
Suits and Ovejxoats?every one of them well
made and stylish. We cordially invite your inspection
of these new Fall Models.
$20,000 Worth of Upto-date
1 Q 4" O QTTra/^rvi ? rr ii
uu Ch YW^JJlIIg lit/' !
duction in Price. ,
Mr. T. B. Bclk, who is sick in a hospital,
l |
has ordered the managers of his big
mercantile establishment here to offer
his entire stock of up-to-date Merchant
riion -rv ^ ' -
uiaw, tuiiMMini^ ui ury oooas, i>otions,
Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Crockery, Wood
and Willow Ware, Furniture, Etc., at
iO Per Cent
Above Actual cost for cash
This is no fake offer, but is bona fide,
and will be carried out to the letter.
This rule does not apply to lines of
goods not mentioned above.
Now is your time
to secure REAL BARGAINS.
See us before selling your Cotton and
Cotton Seed.
jt ' ?>| \
? -= 1 |
Very truly yours,
The Old Reliable Store
f ^ . i
T. B. BELK, Proprietor,
Fort Mill, - /- - South Carolina.
g Black Blue and Brown, $1.90. Black Skirts, hearstT^ gh \
55 $1.00 to $2.00. Knit Skirts in Gray, mixed with faxcj) J ^ \
gj borders, yery pretty, 75c. i
5g s GLOVES jd
x The best line of Kid Gi->ves we ever had.
*9 W. L. B. brand. Black, Gray. Brown and Tan, kjf ]
R* Black and Brown Moca Kid, $1.50. Misses and efhili- foj '
0 dren's Golf and Wool Gloves, 15 and 25c. ^
0 Shawls a?$ Facinators. in all shades and colors,Y 25c dfe
g to $1.50. !g
g ^ The best 50c Vest and _Pants made. Boys he&vy^
Iueecea v esc ana rants, 25c. Men's Wrights Under- ^
wear in heavy and light weight, $1.00. H<#evy> v
fleeced shirts andidrawers, 50c.
Our business in Shoes has increased beyond our ex- ? \
pectations this season. We have a big stock to select
from. Come where you can get all kinds of good shoes. up
We had extra helplthe past week. Miss3Warh'ck will &
gj catch up with orders and will be ready for you. Come
jt> and see her at once.
9 9 f\19
|| Parks Drug Corn'py. I!
h II
|| ?: ?___ d
' ^ Made Last Night. S*
it it
SJ Freshest on the Market. -7S
(( A little higlierTin price, but t i
X ' jfS
X *j>
x u
II Parks Drug Gosnp'y. I|
9 ? T !>
'* . >?
! s
We don't propose to work on your j
imagination by glowing adjectives and !
gush. (j
We simply state to you that our store j j
serves the people with THE BEST)!
Groceries, heavy and fancy, at the low- j
est prices. i !
We don't follow the Leaders;
We lead the Followers.
JON ES. The Grocer- i
?? 1
f we: pay vou TO SAViZ.frjj
iths best recommendation!!
Jsavings Bank Booklj
J We Pay 4 per cent Interest com-*
tpounded quarterly on savings deposits. < ,
|the national union bankJ