York Police Have Failed to
Solve Mysterious Death.
And Later Found Dead in HIh Room
/ii uie ?u/uon, une 01 inc aweu
Hotels of New York. Letter He
Wrote Indicate* He Expected Death
But His Injuries Plainly Evidence
a Murder.
New York has another mysterious
murder or suicide case that the police
find difficult to solve. Herman Bradley
Potter, an insurance agent of
Doylestown, Pa., a roan of excellent
social standing and comfortable
means was found* dead in his rooms
on the fourteenth iioor of the Waldorf-Astoria
Wednesday night, with
hts skull fractured in two places, his
nose broken and bleeding, and bruises
about his legs jlnd feet, showing
that he had been horribly beaten.
Whether the man was murdered in
the hotel or whether he was beaten
in the street, and went to his room to
die, Is not yet determined A question
of possible polBon also figures
in the extraordinary mystery. There
is a suspicion that a JAr of white
powder found in the room contained
cyanide of mercury. An autopsy will
be held to reveal whether or not there
uro rarou nf Hw? Hrnir in tho mnn'w
atomach. At the same time there
was a mysterious letter written by
Mr. Potter to his wife In Doylestown,
which puts the whole affair In a different
It has been proved that. Potter was
attacked by thugs on Saturday night,
and that he received a cut in the nose
from a blow*. He did not receive,
however, the wounds that appeared
on his body when he was found dead.
There are sufficient in themselves to
have produced death and the physicians
declare they were received
only a short time before death.
When the man's body was examined
by the coroner he said:
"This man has been beaten to
death. Can't say that he was killed
in,the hotel, but a murder has been
On a table in his room was a letter
addressed to Mrs. H. Bradley Potter,
Jr., of DoyleBtown, Pa. The letter
was on a letter head of .the Michigan
Commercial Insurance company, of
Doylestown. The letter in no. way
threw light on the mystery. It read:
"My Dear Wife:?In the left hand
drawer of the bureau you will And an
envelope of every insurance company
I represent. Write to every one
of them and ask them to appoint you
"Everything I own is in the box
on my desk.
"Good-bye to you and the children.
I forgot to say last Saturday night I
wput out of business on my way
home to the hotel.
f ' "I was attacked by three toughs
and I had quite an experience. I actually
put two of them to sleep, but
the third ducked and hit me with a
sandbag on the left side of the head,
and put me to sleep.
"He took my watch, locket, cigar
<ette case, ring and pocket book.
"I was picked up by an officer lying
In the gutter. Fortunately I had ruy
room key' with me. and the Waldorf
? means a great deal In New York.
"Farewell to you all. Good-bye.
"(Signed) Herman "
While the letter would seem to Indicate
Potter knew death was approaching,
it was agreed the wounds
on his body could not possibly have
been self-Inflicted. It was shown the
letter was written in a strong hand
and by n man. who. If in physical
suffering or under a nervous strain,
showed no sign of it in his writing.
A comparison of the writing to the
signature on the hotel register, proved
beyond doubt that Potter had
penned the note.
Further examination of the room
disclosed the jar of white powder. In
the trousers of the dead mnn was
found $6.31 in cash together with papers
and other effects that proved his
To See His Sweet henrt Rather Than
He Quarantined.
At Philadelphia impatient to see
hJs sweetheart, Lieutenant John B.
Richardson, second lieutenant In the
Twenty-eighth infantry, defied the
quarantine laws and plunged into the
river. A row boat carried him ashore
After drying his garments, he proceeded
to the home of Mlsr. Helen
.Elisabeth Qrady, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John C. Grady, at 320 West
Lancaster Pike, WTayne. They arranged
.for their marriage in St.
The Iieutennant was a passenger
wjion the transport Sumner. He was
ered when he found that one of the
Of Methodist Episcopal Church,
South, In Columbia.
i Some of the Most Prominent I>aynien
In the State Were Present and Discussed
Some of the laymen of the Metho- j
dlst Church. South, held a meeting in
Columbia last Wednesday evening to
consider certain things connected
wiid the management of the
church. The notice of the meeting
was very short, or no doubt there
would have been a Larger attendance.
The Columbia Record, from which
paper we take this account of the
meeting, says Col. R. W. Simpson, of
Pendleton, life president of the board
of trustees of Clemson College, was
called to the chair, and Mr. W. W.
Watsou. of Batesburg. was requested
to act as secretary.
As stated by the chairman, the object
of the meeting was "to consider
the state of affairs in Methodism and
to take such steps as may seem fit
toward remeding existing evils."
The raising of preachers' salaries was
discussed, as was also the question
of the adoption of a fixed salary for
the presiding elders, who are nowpaid
on the precentage plan.
Col. Simpson, speaking for his associates,
said that he was a loyal
Methodist, and wished to see a restoration
of the church in this state.
"There are too many mere sermonizers,"
he declared, "among the ministers,
we need a few more Christian
gentlemen." Col. Simpson thought
it but Just that the laymen, who pay
the expenses of maintaining t.he 1
church, should have some represen- '
tation. He thought the laymen should
at least have an advisory commission
in touch with the bishop's cabinet. 1
CM. Simpson had a set of resolu- '
tions drawn up, which he offered as
suggestions. The first of these were
adopted. It is in substancfe, to the ?
effect that the laymen present vfere
loyal Methodists and would stand for 1
the ultimate and highest good of the
church of their fathers. The object
of this was to make It clear in the 1
outset that its framers were not seek- 1
ing the disruption of the denomlna- *
tlon nor planning an insurrectionary
campaign. , '
Col. Simpson's second resolution j
brought forth comment of one kind
or another from almost everyone
present. It was practically this: *
That the laymen present view with
sorrow that spiritual decadence of
the church and the "mlsanagement" 1
of ts affairs. '
There were some opposed to this
and some in favor of it. The party (
that seemed to be n the majority '
thought the resolution too sweeMM^J
and were of the opinion that so
a body of men, at so early a staMg&al
the contemplated campaign,
not safely and wisely take such
cal measures, lest they frighten
from thier standard the more
servilt I ve of tho lauman nrl".
sympathy with them, but not ai^E^is
aligned with them openly.
There was discussion ad llbH;'H
upon this resolution. Members
and debated the question at leiH|j|jj|g
and hotly. Col. Simpson off'-n-BpgH
amend his resolution, by Btrikint^R?||a
the words "mismanagement" anHsraj
serting 'unsatisfactory managera^B^K
However, this did not meet witl^HH
majority's favor, and after consHgKH
able more debate, a new resoli^^S$|
was drawn up and adopted. "Rt-HgSH
ed. That the chairman of this iflonS
ing appoint one or three men H3^|S
each presiding elder's 'listrivie^M
wards organizing the laymen o(Kjlj|||
South Carolina Conference."
Early in the meeting Co^Byafj
Simpson, enumerating a few ofl||jfi9
laymen's grievances, said one asHjps|
ment of $20,000 was for the surfllj||
of two negro colleges, one in GetH^S
and the other in Tennessee. "I
ed one well informed minister Rj|jj|||
we were paying this nm," said l.j&S
onel Simpson, "and he said he c^E|a?a
not find out any reason except
it was to pay the salaries of the
idents." Another assessment of I^BsSH
000 is for the education of ihuc|K|||
Mr. P. L. Sturkey, who had
one of the promoters of the meetHjH
said that he recently saw a letter
made him blush for his church.
was from one the presiding
to a minister, and contained a st:M|||l
ment in regard to collections that^^J
had "worked the rabbit's foot on <
'em,'* and "things" were "fine." t
The meeting adjourned nt half- t
past eleven o'clock. It Is expected t
that another meeting will be held as 1
sobn as the appointments are made i
In the several presiding elder's dls- c
tricts asd an organization will then s
be effected. ,
Young Roy Carried His Own Severed
Iiimb Home.
Riding a horse near Elida, N. H., t
Thursday Ben Johnson, a sixteen- a
year-old lad. ran the animal into a r
barbed wire fence and completely a
severed his own foot, but carrying b
the severed member, he rode into t
town, a mile away for treatment, and 1
did not faint. t
' \
And Engulfed a City and All of
Its Inhabitants.
Fifteen Thousand People Was Buried
in the Ruins of the City of
tvuratagli, Which Was Destroyed
by a Terrible Earthquake, Which
Was Followed by a Mountain Slide
Fears Felt for Other Towns.
The earthquake In Italy, an account
of which was published by us
last week, seems to have been worse
iestructlve than at first reported. It
seems to have been more severe in
Jther countries than it was in Italy.
Later reports say that the entire
:ity of Karatagh. in Bokhara, has
been destroyed by the terrible earthquake
which was followed by a
Mountain slide, in which thfc entire
;x>pulation, numbering 15,000 were
^urted. Only two persons survived
'he disaster, these Veing the goverlor
of Karatagh and his mother.
Details of the convulsions are as
ret unavailable, but the news so far
eceived leads to the belief that a
<reat chasm opened in the valley
K'here the city stood and that almost
he whole vicinity was engulfed in
)oe pile of ruins.
There is also reason to believe
:hat other towns and cities in the
leighborhood of Bokhara were badly
shaken "by the same convulsion of
lature and it is expected that the full
:ale of death will reach a total which
will make the disaster as one of the
greatest in the history of all Asia
Minor. 1
A dispatch from London says an
louncements from the seiRmic bureaus
in various world's centers, it is
earned that the preliminary tremors
>egan at about 11.00 p. in., and the
strong motion at 11.48 p. m.. on
October 20. The shocks continued
intil 1.15 a. m.. October 21.
The origin of the earthquake, it is
jelieved, is quite different from those
-ecorded October 16. and 17, and
nay, perhaps be near tho antipodes
)f Washington.
The same day, October 20, prolonged
seismic disturbances which
asted several hours during the mornng
of the next day. were announced
!rom the London bureau. The initrument
on the Isle of Wight and
Lai Bach. Austria clearly recorded
he earthquake, which was supposed
it the time to be at a distance of 3,)00
On October 21, when Karatagh was
iestroyed. dispatches received in
x>ndon from St. Petersburg stated
iat^^iej^J^^J^^i^severeea r t hv
':^' /.'r> . . at
?$? n d,
i^^BJ a 11"
lay through his shuttered windows
hey saw Alessandro seated alongside
he dead body of the woman who was
o have been hiR wife affectionately
lolding her hand. The police were
nformed and Alessandro was arrest d.
The body has been buried a
econd time.
lole Four Inches in l>lnmeter Was
lturucd Through Itody.
Will Templeton, an employee of
he Southern Power Company, was
iccidentally struck by a current, 30
niles south of Charlotte. N. C., and
, hole four inches in diameter was
urned through his body from side
n side in the center of the trunk,
"empleton was the son of Postmaser
Templeton of Mooresville, N. C.
To Stock Gamblers By Cortelyou (
to Bo Investigated.
Congressmen Say the Sontlt Could
Get No Such llellef from the Na* '
tional Government.
When the resolution of Inquiry in- ^
to Secretary of the Treasury CortelUAH
'o ? '-1 Jl * *
.r~" o atuuu iu aiuing in? wall street
banks in the New York crisis in
money matters is introducted in the
house by Representative Sims of
Tennessee, one of its most ardent advocates
and supporters will be Representative
Oscar W. Gillespie of Tex?,
Joint author of the Tillman-Gillespie
resolution that resulted in a
federal investigation of the ownership 1
of the coal mines by the railroads. c
Mr. Gillespie, who has always been
opposed to the encouragement by the ?;
government of Wall Street ventures. <
said recently: t
"What is all this but using the a
people's money in the stock market p
of New York. It appears to me to be j
a case of the government going to t
the aid of the stock gamblers of New ?
York. The defense of this action a
which may be made the subject of 8
congressional inquiry, is that New j
York is the money center of the country,
and that deposits of money there r
will relieve the situation throughout ^
the country.
"But I don't believe this Is so. Did j
the sending of money to the few c
York banks relieve the situation in ^
other parts of the county? Certainly f
not. Banks are closing in other parts t
of the country right along. The rem- a
edy for all this panicky feeling in r
Wall street and throughout the coun- t
try, without straining for anything T
strange or new or novel, is to re- t
dure the tariff to a revenue basis c
strickly, and force the government to j
refrain hereafter from going into t
Wall street with its funds. That the j
tariff change is needed is certain. If t
it is not needed, why doesn't the Dingley
tariff, hailed as the maker of e
prosperity, save the day instead of g
having your Uncle Sam held up?" j
While Southerners and democrats t
are attacking Mr. Cortelyou's policy v
I in the Wall stroef moHor ?
publican statesmen refuse to take j(
these onslaughts seriously. They do ,,
not believe any resolution of inquiry s
can be reported favorably by a com- e
mlttee, or be passed by either the ^
house or the senate. They are grate- ^
ful to Mr. Cortelyou for having relieved
the situation in Wall street, ^
and they believe the country feels p
the same way about it.
HIS SKULIj crushed. a
A Darlington Man Fatally Assaulted b
by Two Negroes. *
A special from Darlington to The t
N'ews and Courier says Tolly Boseman,
of the Swift Creek section, was t
fatally wounded by two blows struck *
by two negro boys, Abraham Evans n
and Abraham Cooper, Thursday c
morning. One blow was on the front H
and one on the back of the head. 1'
The skull is crushed and no hope is ^
felt for Mr. Boseman's recovery. h
The trouble came about when Mr. tl
Boseman, who is overseer on Mr. T. v
P. Rhodes' plantation, spoke to one S
of the negroes about cursing and fir- '<
ing a pistol at his son. It is the bus- tl
incsB of Mr. Boseman's son to bring n
up me cows at night and the duty of n
one of the negroes to draw water
for them. One night he failed to do t<
it. and when spoken to by young a
Boseman about it he cursed him and d
fired a pistol at him. b
When Mr. Boseman spoke to the tl
negro about it the negro curs*.d him,
and when Mr. Boseman stooped to s
pick up a board he was struck down tl
by one of the negro boys and the oth- c
er one struck him after he had fallen, b
Case That Has Beou in Court Over a '
Hundred Years.
A case that has been occupying the
courts at Staunton, Va., for over one
hundred years was ended on Thursday
in the circuit court by Mayor W. ^
H. Landis, receiver, entering a decree ^
which is considered final. Hbowing all
disbursements in the case of Pock vs.
Borden and Borden vs. Borden. Over
$100,000 was involved and various ^
decrees have been entered by almost
every lawyer there.
The heirs, number four hundred,
were from all pats of the country.
The final decree approving the set- ^
tlement. of the receiver, Hon. Wil- ^
llam H. Bandis, involved only about .
$6,000. One heir, represented In the ^
original suit as an infant, died some ^
years ago. at the age of 9 6 years.
Nearly every lawyer at the bar fori"
the past century, has represented {'
some heir. The papers in the case '
were so numerous that no man living, h
even judge or clerk, was familiar
with all of them.
lie Is Fight Months Ohl and Weighs
110 Ponnds. n
W. H. Baues of Matoaka. Chester- tl
field county, Va., is the father of Ed- cl
ward Banes, a eight-months old boy al
weighing 110 pounds. The infant was tt
of normal weight at birth. lgt
By a Woman Detective Sent Out ?
By the Government
he Sajs Labor Conditions Here Are ^
Worse than Slavery, and That We si
Are Trying to Dupe Innocent For- n
elgners to this Part of the Country
to Hold Them in Servitude, aii of
Which Is Untrue. r.
The Washington correspondent of ?
rhn ' - - S
.? ..v?> courier sou as this ^
lueer tale to his paper: ii
Declaring that all through the f,
Southern States negroes by the hunIreds
are held slaves in stockades, h
hat peonage is a common occurrence. e<
md that the whole scheme of imml- tl
tration is planned to dupe unsuspect- 0
ng foreigners and to get them into a
he cotton fields and the mills of the a
>outh, where they will be held in a
ervitude. Miss Mary Quackenboss, a
pectal attorney of the department of a
UBtice, has filed with the department R
l sensational report, after having e
nade an alleged investigation of la- e,
>or conditions in the South.
Some time ago Attorney General 0
lonaparte decided that it would be a
i good idea to send a woman investl- j,
:ator through the South to make a 0
>ersonal inspection of labor condl- p
ions. Miss Quackenboss was chosen.
ind after, spending two or three p
nonths in North and South Carolina. ^
Alabama and Mississippi she has
nade her report. She has filed with ^
he department of justice what she tl
alls an abundance of evidence tend- p
ng to prove that labor conditions In 0
he South are intolerable and worse, t<
f possible, than they were at the p
Ime negroes were freed. g
It is understood that Miss Quack- tl
mboss is very pessimistic an to the
uccess of the movement that has fj
teen started to divert immigration in e,
hat direction. This view is based 8]
ipon the fact that as a'legod immi- n
;rants have been alarmed through a
earning about peonage cases disclos- g
d in tho South, aliens and negroes in w
everal instances having, it is dec'.ard,
been captured on various preext8
and held in stockade in a eonlition
bordering on absolute slavery, t
Another obstacle to immigration
o the South, she says, is tho wages
IfliH trt lohnporo 1 1 ?*
? hum jucviuiuii.s mere.
t Is reported that wages in the North
re from 40 to 75 per cent, higher,
.nd that unless there is a change in n
he attitude of Southern employers C(
ioth in the wages paid and in the n
reatment of aliens, it whl be dlffl- 81
ult to induce immigrants to go to ^
he Southern States.
The general question of immigra- w
Ion is touched upon in passing by **
liss Quackenboss. who devotes the '
lajor portion of her report to a disussion
of peonage cases in the Caro- s*.
Inaff, Alabama and Mississippi. It
i understood that she advises the '
ittorney General that conditions are a
ad in several localities notably in sl
he Sunnyside colony in Mississippi, w
rhlch was established for Italians. a(
he reports thurit is nothing more or l>'
?ss than a large plantation, and that ("
he Italians who live there are very a'
luch dissatisfid with their envivoulent.
While Miss Quackenboss declines
3 talk about her visit to the South, 9
nd the officials likewise refused to
iscuss her report., there is reason to K<
elieve that 6he has made a report 81
hat is startling in many particulars. *
Why the department of justice
hould have chosen a woman to make 88
hese investigations Is not yet dis- n
losed. The report is undoubtedly s*
adly colored.
i Man Who Refused to Blow l*p a ol
Because he failed to carry out an
rrand of vengeance, Vlto Greinaldi,
member of the black hand society.
Hiannea to aeath by members of
is own band early Thursday on
Lnoll street. Brooklyn. I*
A dynamite bomb was found so- e?
reted beneath Greinaldi's coat, to
'hlch the police say would have w
lown up an entire block had it ex- eti
loded. A loaded revolver was found *'
1 his pocket. re
Papers found on the dead man
roved that Grienaldi was a member B<
f the black hand and had started to
ynamite a man's home who had re- bt
ised to pay tribute to the society,
etectives says that members of the
lack hand followed Greinaldi on his
lission and when he balked at his bl
isk killed him. A stiletto lay near sc
reinaldi's l>ody there were nine
.ab wounds in the body. of
???????? be
fiittle Girl Assaulted and Choked to
to Heath.
The body of Mary Donnelly, aged sl<
Ine. was found on the bank of the wf
usqueh ana river At Reneva, Pa., pa
te child having been assaulted and ed
joked to death. There is consider* po
ble excitement and men declare fir
lat a lynching will follow if the? dh
llty party is found by the inob. iui
Moscow Sees the End of a Moving
War Tragedy.
lich Officer and Wife Wbo Ijost Iiittle
Daughter During Rout of I.aio
Yang Finds Her in Rags.
An Associated Press Dispatch from
loscow. Russia, tells a pathetic
tory- The dispatch says the crowd
f prcmenaders on the Tverskayi witessed
recently the ending of a war
ragedy which had its beginning at
ne battle of Lalo Yang.
A smart landau drawn by a flne
i?am of horses drew up to a restnuant.
The occupants, a handsome orcer
and his wife, stepped out and
t that moment a little beggar girl,
ittered and torn, drew near, extendlg
her hand with a piteous appeal
>r alms.
The woman fumbled around in
er pocket-book, drew out the dcslrd
coin and was about to hand it to
le beggar. But upon catching sight
f the girl's face she uttered a scream
nd rushing forward threw her arms
round her neck and began hugging
nd kissing ber.
After this the officer and his wifo
nd the little tattered and torn begar
girl drove away. The following
xplonation of the scene was obtafnd
During the battle of Llao Yang the
ffice was in command of a regiment
nd lived with his wife and daughter
i a Chinese hut near the scene of
perationa. When the fight of the
Lussian soldiers began they were fol>wed
by bands of roving bandits who
urned and looted everything they
ould lay their hands on.
In the panic which followedl the
isordered retreat, the daughter of
tie officer's, a very young girl, was
>st. A few days later a det.atchment
f Russian soldiers put the bundits
> flight and regained much of tho
lunder. They also found the little
lrl, whom they took along with
One of the soldiers took a great
incy to her and when be was woundd
and sent to recuperate at Moscow
he went with him. In Moscow the
inn died and the little girl was left
lone to wander the streets and beg.
ood fortune led her to the street
here her parents were driving.
hey Must Raise the Price of HubRcriptlon
or Quit.
In discussing the increasing germs
problems which now confronts
ewspaper publishers all over the
>untry. The Fourth Estate, whose
ame sufficiently Indicates its nature
3 a publication, expresses the upturn
that the worse sufferers will be
lose weeklies and semi-weeklies
hich Beveral years ago reduced sub:riptlon
from $2.00 and $1.50 to
"This unfortunate cut in price,"
lys our contemporary "occurred when
le country was in the clutches of
ard times, and the people were not
ble to pay their hills. Now every
lbscription taken at that price i9
ell night a financial loss. It will be
I a loss when the new price of pasr
goes into effect. There is but
ie thing for small publishers to do
ad that is to increase the price of
leir paper. They should not ex?ct
to make the advance less than
ft cents on $1 .00 subscription, and
ie game amount on $1.50 rates. *
* No subscriber ought to expect, to
3t a paper nowadays for such a
im as $1.00. The print paper alone
ill be worth nearly that."
"That's the way it looks to us,"
lys the Charlotte Observer, "is look
iK to more and more weekly and
>ml-weekly publishers and should
iortly look to all the subscribers
mcerned. If the laborer Is worthy
I his hire and these particular lab ers
are to receive and hire at all, no
;her course remains."
xplosion in Pennsylvania in Which
Four Men Are Killed.
Fragments of human bodies popped
with particles of rocks and
irth fell in a shower over the little
wn of Gwendolen, Pa., Thursday,
hen 500 pounds of dynamite explod1
with a terriffic report. Four men
ere torn to pieces and six others
celved Injuries. The dead:
Nicholas M. Rroeden, foreman,
snnett. Pa.
Tilton Thornton, a negro, FUUjrK.
Olshafshy, Rennett, Pa
Andrew Michaelvlch, Rennett, I?a.
iu? six injured men, stunned and
ceding, ran aimlessly from i.he
ene and have not been located.
Littlo is known of the exac^ cause
the explosion, but a pasaifby Just
fore the accident occurred says a
lall fire had been lighted, preaumJy
to warm the dynamite.' Thc rnn,
who was powderman. went to
>rk Thursday morning with Inutruc>ns
to dynamite a portion of a hillle
above the Waba3h tracks, which
is unsafe, the earth endangering
saing trains. Thornton, surroundby
several of the men, it is supsed.
got the explosive too near the
e and it Exploded. The shock was
itinctly felt in towns within a radi
of over ten miles.
?aMj|l . ?
'/*? -
Russian Torpedo Destroyer Captured
by Her Crew and
Vladivostok, and a Severe Battle
Takes I'Lore in Which Several People
Are Killed?Five Loyal War
Vessels Engage the Mutinous Boat,
Which Is Itiddled and Hun Ashore.
The Vrew Killed or Captured.
Hoisting the red ting at the signal
masthead, the torpedo boat destroyer
Skory, captured by her mutinous
crew, steamed out into the harbor of
Vladivostook Thursday and immediately
opened fire on the city.
This act. following the mutiny of
a battalion of army sappers, who attacked
and almost captured ono of
the barracks, has terrorized the people
and tho city is under martial
law. Soldiers are patroling the streets
No one may venture from his home
after dark on pain of nrrest.
The mutiny on board the Skory
was not even suspected by her commander,
Lieutennnnt. Stoer. who gave
his life in the defense of his ship
when the crew arose at dawn and
overpowred tho officers. They were
incited to this act by agitators from
the city, who had managed to get
on board during the night through
the consent of a sympathizer with the
The moment the mutineers obtained
the upper hand they slipped the
cable anchoring the destroyer near
four other war boats, and steamed
out into the horbor, while a red flag
was run up the signal halyards. I
Not only did the Skory shell the J
city, but the mutineers returned the J
fire of the forts, and of the four oth- 1
er destroyers and two gunboats. fl
Taking a position that would com
mand the city and regardless of their
exposure to the fire of the harbor
fort, and of the other destroyers, the
mutineers begun to hurl sheels Into
the forts and eity. Every gun of the
Skory was worked by the mutineers,
who appeared to realize that In the
end they were doomed and were determined
to wheak all injury they;
coma wntie they had the power.
The sheels of the Skory burst fa
many parts of the city. One shell
was aimed at the city hall and bursting
near it destroyed one corner of
the building. The gunners on the
mutinous boat were experts, and
mauy people were blown to pieces In
the streets by the bursting shells.
Many bouses were destroyed.
Fire started in many places in
city Ave minutes after the mutineers ""'"Va
opened flre. The close range of tha
Skory. which was not more than a
fourth of a mile out, made the aim
more deadly.
The torpedo boat destroyers Garsovoz,
Smely and Serditz and the
gunboats Mandschur and Ravy
steamed out and engaged the pirate
destroyer, and a pitched naval battle
The harbor fort, manned hy the
Twelfth Regiment of Artillery, added
its fire to that of the torpedo boat
destroyers and the gunboats, and
soon riddled the mutineers' craft.
The Skory's funnels of sheet steel
were torn to pieces, the fragments
killing many of the crew. Her armor
plate was nlerced hv Rhottc or.^
decks strewed with dead and wounded.
But her pilothouse, encased, In
steel, was not damaged, and the
steersman, who had been manouevering
in short circles, so that every
gun could be used, turned toward the
shore when he saw that the Skory
must soon sink. As a last desperate
move the Skory was run through the
heavy surf and beached.
When the few survivors struggled
through the surf from the bloodstained
decks they were met by soldiers.
who manacled them and dragged
them to cells. Some of the survivors
were hayonetted by the troops
before the commander Interfered.
Many men were killed and wounded
on the loyal boats. Captain Karosch.
commander of the torpedo boat
Ravy. was torn to pieces by one of
tho uhnllo
.* MMVKH. I^??7WbOU(MIV f no?
sllief. of the Serdltz, was Wounded.
All of the destroyers bore marks of
the Skory's fire. One Ametfcan was
wounded In the city.
The uprising of the Rappers Battalion
was an unexpected as'tfie mutiny.
Their attempt to take a barrack
was defeated by the use of mac hi no
guns by the rifle regiment Quartered
there. A score of the Insurgents were
killed and wounded and the other*
One Ship Off Sonth Carolina and One
at Psimmlfc.. v>
The steamabip City of*gavannah
while on her way to NdW -Tork from
Savannah got into wireless commun- J
ication with a steam dilp "at Panama J
in the Taciflf - was too J
great tc decipher mot* j?han a few ~
words of the message the other ship M
was sending, probably to Some ves- 3
sel within a few hundred miles of her, jj|