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HilKIIIHimM? The Fort Mill Timos. r DEMOCRATIC &. W. BR AFFORD - Kd". and Prop. Otic jtnr 51.0*. Si:i months C>0 # On ui^illcatlun id <he publisher. adH H v? i ih de. known to -thopo Interested. Kulorodnt the posioftlceat Fort 5.ill, iS. O.. an Hocoutl class matter. - - ua. . ? . - r^? .. tPW^imwn n/> OliJL LTiiYIOi^U 1W. . -l.- .. 1: J ^ And tipw the information is .sent out that Mr. Walter V, the explOrer-journali?', has M abandoned his balloon f:^ht for .the north, pole for th:, season. There are thos^ ^nends and admirer? ''"^iimnn. too?who f4s???ciy question if he will ever I .make the flight. You see, he is being backed in this project by I .-a big Chicago newspaper, on the ( I same plan tnat the New York F Herald years ago backed Stanley f to hunt for Livingston in Africa. And it is a fine way for Wellman to keep himself and his journal before the public. Candidly, very clever advertising. But Walter Wellman has too .much sound sense, in our belief, to ever undertake so absurdly perilous a flight. Like all Artie explorers, he dearly loves the fascination of dabbling4n projects .leading him toward the aurora boreal is; and loves the renown; ^ut Wellman loves life, and he j ' may hardly be expected to wan Luniy nun it irom a collapsing balloon above an angry, icy Arctic. Tbat "campaign fund" story twon't down. Parker first asserted ft on the 1904 stump. Then the President denied it, as did Bliss and Carlolvou. Now it has i come to the surface again, and it is being hinted about the clubs r that'"it may have been revived with Harriman'sconsent." Anyhow, somebody has been talking. The "ayes" and the "nays" both ; seem to have it, but wherever politicians get their heads together it's the reigning subject. 1 especially that part crediting the ;3tandard Oil with chipping in .something like $30,000. Thosel %who know E. Ii. tfarriman best i { won't express disbelief in his' ( knowing something as to how .this last .sensational report got ^started. Oortclyou says he can explain, and will when he gets ready, and that satisfies the You life man. do not take up tlio .study of medicine unless you are morrally certain that you are fitr (\ for corvine: out for yourhriliant. future in that prom.. > ' :!< 12 medical < 'n-.vef ' ?. .. ltd out ivS ;? ;? ve. :;n. ?? .< < i ; ?. )!.. .-I I' . .ii', e ; i . .. ; ! f' 11 ... . ... e ':i' !. hr an 1 ;\vn w? * u e-; a ill e.''... :e :> V t i' ' . i : '.1 ' '"h A' - i I - t . > ?* : f . .V ' e > i ; > .' . ? i ' i.'.'. \, . . ; - . > , ... . ' t " ;.1 . ;; i". . . .. ; i : . if ;; ' f i t v > 1* V : ?V 1 ' ! ' i . t' !-.l> i": ' : t. .all other things. It von novor - ll 10 iir ' !'h ' ,t v . fs :' m t\o-i iw n f... . Ts-.o I'-iilor c\f i ;: i Vfin.i plr.cj' in i. ?'</> to Jl'i* wliO br V or in ? i }' i' :'i. o' il > pa;jer , :vc nil V. ?.- v. i?s thfii < < -i.-i. u to ' Value ?f Partridges to ibe Farmer. A well known farmer of the township, with whom the reporter held a conversation a few *lays ago, expressed himself as being a strong believer in the protection of birds, andespecially partridges. The farmer recited an incident told by a once promi| nent doctor in the county, that the doctor referred to became : suspicions that partridges were jutting down his young corn. , With gun in hand he followed the birds to the end of a long , row and killed both at one shot. UiX>n examining the craws of the birds he found them tilled with cul-worms and chinch-bugs. Our I informant says that before the sports commenced killing out the partridges so much such a thing as a wheat crop being damaged by these bugs was hardly known. If true, then these birds should be protected. Secret Marriages. It has been dsicovercd thrt the legislature of Wisconsin, at hs last session, passed a law to .vjt an end to secret marriages. The peculiarity of the law is that it is aimed at those who leave the State for the purpose of getting married, and then come back. The law provides that when a couple leave the State for the purpose of getting married they must first get from the county clerk a blank certificate of marriage, and this must be filled and file.l with the local register of vitil statistics, within ten days af*er the marriage. If this l>c not done a fine of $100 will be imposed upon the offending couple. Marriage is intended by the law to be a matter of notoriety. It is important to the community to know who is married and who is single and many of the regulations presented are for the express purpose of diffusing the knowledge rs widely as may be. Ilei.ce, any arrangement to conceal a marriage is contrary to public policy. The Wisconsin statute makes it expensive to indulge in the luxury of secret marriage. ? j Louisville Courier-Journal. State High Schools Authorized. The State board of ediic&^fon has approved and made^propriations under the neu>ttigh school act for 33 nj#*T^l,igh schools v...^viKiivu^K-ine. titate. J iie act board $50,000 for esffcablishing such schools, but only $20,000 was allotted to this batch of 35. Action on 20 other applii cations was delayed, on account of faulty applications and reports, til! a meeting to he held en the first of December, when other applications which come in in the meantime will be passed upon. The location of the high schools approved by the hoard are: Brimson, Bamberg:. Cross Iliil, Cross Anchor, Covins. Bateshurg, Dillon, Denmark, Easley, Fort Mill, Fountain Inn. Heath Springs, Hampton, Jonesviile, Johnston, Jefferson, Little Mountain, Laurens, Maudlin. Mountville, McColl, Mullins, Mount Zion, Marion, Ninety-Six, North Augusta, Olar, Prosperity, Ridgeway, Saluda. St. George, Union, Townville, Zoar and Williarnston. The probabilities are that a I large part of the $50,000 approI priation will not be used this | year. Improved Postal Service. Postmaster General Meyer at the head of the postal service of this country is hustling about and making important changes for the better. He promises soon to give a better quality of paper for postal cards as well as for stamped envelopes and last hut no! least he will make a bur improvement in the money order service. All this is to he done in 1 he near future. 130,000 Postal Employes. The bureau of census is this year for the first time charged with the duty of compiling and publishing the Official Register, or "Blue Book" of the government. The names of all these employes will be included in the second v Tune of the "Blue Book." The b'Hik v i'! : iso emiinin the nam*1 iti every rural letter currier in the country. In eompnine the "l-h IN ok" nuof the questions i: "what ;i jyon martial rc aliens " 'I'm > idea >V3.; to lea' O whether yv. tn Mtet s are . '??*!< inarri" I, wi-low ad or ;s-\\ idowed. k>me or' in a >i- -a. at k the scape ? f ' <e nui . .e .p idenced by r ? -e of tfi. a:> avs'hat rea h d <"reef y!crk ; atice. One riicial latvn any bur. expressj>' !y 1:11.-q n . :ie blank spa e with *' I If II. \u oi WttOPtfanefri with exabora that hi., relations were "i'-no .. . 1 ('4. hiy, wm'e u- mttr-rl only tiru the** wc-ie 'Vijrly mlcHhin.a. Abbe -ilie Proas and lUn.ior. The progrt *. ! ( it-?' iK-mr ?d by tr pub '< ..pint of their inhabitants. sl.n \". ..if v.iiy i* :n ;hp ic. n.-- ..t' i s ir iii'itvid a! ' :i-hvr>/ in.-y in tke r; >'ioy ibv . , p y e'aniiOt nil.' -p; -v * M inorc a pile v .n>.s *s inn if ri. a i:??tvr. .!ii e iv . i<jv" ipi ipt n. y * . . L. SPECIAL NOTICES. (2~> veu18 each inxortiou ) FRESH FISH Every Saturday at C. B. Kimbrell's Randalesbu:g Store. Fresh from the coast on icc. FRESH OYSTERS"?At Merritt's Restaurant next Saturday, the best to be had. COTTON SEED -Your Cotton Seed will bring: all they are worth at T. B. Belks' ware house. See Shell Patterson, j FOR SALE? F*ive nice SingleComb R. I. Red Hens and one ! Cock, urice S3. Also nullets j and cockerels same strain. A. ' R. McElhaney. WANTED-Your Cotton Seed. highest prices paid. Shell Pattoison at Belk's. Real Estate Deals. j Mr. John Gunn on Monday : bought from Mr. J. VV. Ardrey a building lot in, the western suburbs of the town^ and will erect thereon a nice Cottage in the near future. Messrs. W. F. Thompson and Martin Wolfe, Jr., have bought from Mr. John M. Spratt two! I half-acre building lots in Spratt! ville. Mr. Wolfe has awarded to Mr. Z. V. Bradford a contract j for the erection of a nice F?-room cottage on his lot, and it is not i unlikely that Mr. Thompson will also build in the near future. THE LIMIT CF LIFE. The most eminent medical scientists are unanimous in the conclusion that I the centrally accepted limitation of human life is many years below the attainment possible with the advanced | know led ce of which the race is now possessed. The critical period, that determines its duration, seems to bo between 50 and 00: tho proper cure of the body (Inline this decade cannot he too, strongly urged; carelessness then boitfg fatal to longevity. Nature's l>e?^helper after .'><? is Klectrio Bisters, the scientific tonic medicine that revitalises every organ of tho bo^y. Gun.anlecd by all druggists. &{?." ?V -Reports fr^fn Gold Hill state that there an unusually large j number <&' cases of chills and! fever hn that section. The vicini^wrrr *1? -i: -* ' F. ui uie uiscascs arc principtu:hildren. ENDORSED BY THE COUNTY. "Tlii most popnlar remedy in Otsego County, and the best friend of my family." writes \Vm. M . Dietz, editor and j publisher of the Ostcgo Journal, Gil, bertsvillo, N. Y.. "is Dr, King's New Discovery. It has proved to be an infallible cure for coughs and colds, i making short work of the worst of them. . Wo always keep a bottle in the house. I believe it to be the most valuable prescription known for Lung and Throat diseases " Guaranteed to never disappoint the taker, by all druggists. I'rico 50c and $1.00, Tiial bottle free. ? ?Mrs. W. M. Culp lias been seriously ill at her home at the Palmetto Hotel for several days. ?? - ? "REGULAR AC THE SUN" , is an expression as old as the race. No 1 doubt the rising and setting of the sua j is the most regular performance in the ; universe. unVss it is the action of the liver and bowels when regulated with \ Dr King's New Life Pills. Guaranteed by all druggists. 25c. ? ?i ?Pay your subscription to The Times and thereby help the publisher to meet the debts he has incurred during1 the dull summer months. "EVERYBODY OIIQULD KNOW" says C. G. A ays, a prominent business | man of BlntT, Mo., that Bncklen's Ar i > > 1.1 iiiu uiuk''hi auii suresr. healing salve ever applied to a sore, burn or wound, or to a case of Piles. I \e used it and know what Pan talking about." Guaranteed by all druggists 25s. Meals and Luncliss. To my friends: I have fitted up a First-Class Lunch Room in connection with my Cold Drink Stand and will appreciate a share of your patronage in this line. When in town call and let me serve you a good lunch or meal. JAS. H. PATTERSON. BANK STATEMENT. Statement of ihe condition of the Savings Panic, loaital at Fort Mill, S U., at the clone of bnsi less Sopi. 17. 11D7 KKSOlTltCRS. I in- Old Discounts $;.8 1S'10l !>< !<!:.mi 1 ?aii*. 2? 7 .8 70 >V draft - 81 ? 11 nni m. d 'ixtur-s 1 10) Gt ! 1 ' i" i ad l ike.1-.. ? 0-1 ! Ill ; v .. . .... 4 at) ? 00 c??l.-i .in iViriha l'i8?)y;? Tot. ] 700 :5 II. t U.S. toil "Mo !. .. i .it . ".l.'iO > M . i - : .i:i'l . i ? > .?) ' .?.??' !' ! ? 'ti: r. .it r? > u- s it i .... I'-.I <1 7 7*. 7 t lodi viitut I 11 . -! rs .* i'.j. : : ? i 'I . . .VJ #7 > 17 < '.t ilti -: .. i*.? vl.- . . I'm ."'I T *:il... .. 372 7 " S I AT I < >1' >t' i ' ' \ ?<?!.: . 1 < >1 M\ >V Vo K i>i ?r. c.i W J ?> t . i >l<v of t!ic S:i\m s I t!.\ >| i- .ft " 'lit, w.i i>' :si:; tic ? s\ oil], tint .1 . ' . .i 1 f> >: _* sf:i vtut n n m I rt'i <" ut it ton ot .in !' nk, n.-. t i;. .tii >> it. ! >!:.- of ti! -it >v l'i noi !;. \V . tl. Y . ;? . . I a - i 8\\v.'..i t - .I'.'t -iibs l> Wolm* i o. i . . I !i t'ioy of Scjit l!? '7 M I.: ; \ \ Mo. . i. <M ? ?s: ,1. M. Si . a l t i i. . s t: -t' n in i ' ** - -v I HA |THE I CO lif Call on us when i | MILLS @ 5? 5?S? JS FOWMILL WK JONES'^ Largest, Best and Onh Enormous Collection IK#^ A surprising and overwhelmii amazing, nervy and fascinating ii complishments by an army of arti SPECTACULAR FRE1 Two Performances D< We Feed Thi v * V ? m. BBS ' " ' I ll"l " - I l"l if you perish, it is 11 ablcs are here for you goods for the least mt where and go broke, do trade with us live well are not one of them, hu Good Livers. We are public with all kinds of sible prices, quality c< new to the trade and k Call or 'phone No. 2 Fancy Groceries, Fresh Yours fo i "W. X->, 3 I W, F. HARRIS & # FORT M (p Sober Service day and night jx aoie. r or moving in wagons jv load, rassengers to and frorr TT 25c. Surry on street or at Ra ^ you need a nice Trap for your per hour, 4 passengers. Here for business. \A/_ H. H SALISBU pko:f i r- i of winsi < -a- ill?>n rn w t in ? hiftkey $1 no <>U< tf.v:. i V . oil < '.SI joy... 17> ( M'i' .1. 'i \ ".l* I'Ol I : il \vII ;< v . > (M> ? )ii. c il year >M urn \ hisici'y . . *> > On<> {/a'.. 4,-yimr (OrlC-orn whisk-\ ' (' < )l;l ^ til-Ill ^1 \V KVC J Out1 K-i'loii X Kyu * 0:n ^r.?I?>ij \X iiyn J (' ():i. fjr. 1. SHI Uva ' 10Oii? ti. ?) t! f Irnry !iyi . " '* J Oiiffjal' ( hni R\ {);? yai- RI-hih ;. - V- ,R :!< ;> Oiii1 \i . i M i; . jji'i; * 1. y< . l' ? Otlo^ili Pcttoh and Koncj . SOD Oho giil. Applo Krauclv, m-.v .. . 8 00 . ___ Pic** on any oth-.p* p.o??<is w W. II HOOVER. - - ILLS <Sz FURNI Are ever on the ah thing new and up4 ture to make home JS store isfullofbeai ffl will make year lio V carry everything i ings. needing anything in tl Si, YOU N< DiYSDAY OCT. 1 lornious Shows and Trained Animals. / Big Show Coming. Priceless Wild Beasts. ig monopoly of all that is novel, 1 the realms of arenie, aerial acists. 2 STREET PARADE. lily, 2 and 8 P. M. 3 People. ot our fault. The eata, and we sell the best )ney. If you buy elselTt blame us. All who ana arc Happy. If you rry and join the host ol prepared to serve the Katables at the best posmsidered. We are not ;now what you want. 9 for your Heavy and ' i Meats, Etc. r business, BEAT iX i, ! '<>/^^ ( SONS, Liverymen, ^ ILL, S. C. # | "a j i ;. Rates for teams reason- ^ j any place in city, 50c per ?! j l depot, 25c. Trunks each, ^ ! ilway depot at all hours. If ^ ' friends call for it, rate $1.00 ^ ,< / lt" r3 W W V L? l \ 7 IRY, N. O. EvII2S AM) BRANDIES. One Peach Brandy 3 50 CASE 00003: Four <ps. Old Mountain t orn $2 50 Twclvu qts. Old Mountain (Jovn... 7-.0 Four qts. Old Bailey Corn 3 t?'J i in <11h. Koonoy'a Malt 4 00 1'>ni Shnw'n Mali 4 Oil 1 " i <]ti? P nl .lonenHve 4 On Pi -< \ , l'*y I \ c t 00 i 11 * B.t 4 00 i ?nu ??t- " il <>n llv > 00 ' i 'iir ' i :! ! f> i:0 P Mir i,' - I i i?v r' t iioirt .. < O" I ?ar M's. .v ; . .. Brt'i<iy u-.-v ' (x P".:rqtr Bran !y. ' ... 5 50 l'onr qu - Poach Brandy . . .. 3 V !! V> maiitxi on appli ' :<?n. SALISBURY', N c. ' - i X . &. ' k. ' .. *.' * ?/ I ?? I ? III 111 I I I I I I I III T 0000000000^0^100000000000^0 . VOXJ3STC3-. 1 TUR_E_ WI E M 1 )rt to secure some- ^ |j[ lis lino. Your credit is good with lis ? j 3 FUR. COMP'YI I )?0???0??0?00??00??0??0??0? MIHATBI SEAL ESTATE! ; 1 Mr. Buyer: 4 DO YOU NEED A HOME ? WOULD YOU LIKE TO INVEST IN REAL ESTATE? IF SO, LET US KNOW YOU 11 WANTS. We think we can give you just what is | wanted. Mr. Seller: / LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US] W/TT W7TT T CIMTA \mTT A rkr^rr-.^ it-. w i_> vv i iiNJ_y I WU S\ EUYtsK Eh THERE IS ONE IN THE MARKET For further information call at the of' fice of the company, temporarily locateil at the store of Mills & Young, FORT MILL liLTY COMPANY. ? s tlpuS aMiatsnSmL'BTm IfjgjliS rSff&rSiBl egrffTfeaJH a 1 SOUTHERN RAILWAY.| ? ? j? I THE SOUTK'S GREATEST SYSTEM. 1 63. 13? M lis gij Unexcelled Pininu Car Service, S phii Convenient Schedules on nil Local Trains. ^ Through Pullman Sleeping Care on Through Trains. [rcJ |= Jamestown Exposition Hates now in eflTfct. I? ?) S3 For full information as to rates, routes, etc , consult nearest rdj Southern Railway Ticket A^ent, or jjjj I! 6. B. ALLEN, R. W. KlttlT, | jfij AGP. A., Atlanta, C* 0. P. A , Charleston, S C. (S .. b rturei.reiftprei??rtureirturej 1rerpt?jEDffl'1 SifrtLl?3frfci.7t?]>53fj-fcLi !@SSSlJigjIl?S @s~iliS!i:E igatieiB-| JOB PH M NG | J NEATLY EXECUTED AT !? i TIIF. TIMES OFFICE. A K E\ as] m I otto heads. Noet bonds Billheads. Statements, Hnndbills, Posters, fSJ . ! I'irenlars, SOnveiopus, Etc. at tho lowest prices consistent with good { ?} \ Vend on your orders and wo will pleaso you jj] w. 1 |v TXt?3 ?j ,