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^ 1 \ f / * v % SPECIAL NOTICES. . (2"> cents etich insertion) Wanted?To buy a good secondhand one-horse wagon. Applyto W. H. Jones. Lost?On Monday between my home and Fort Mill part of a omoll .VAI/1 *W\*VA .? oiiitvu iu vvaitn HUUIJ, with Jamestown souvernir at tached. Reward for return to Guy Blankenship, Gold Hill. For Sale?A lot of pood roughedge Lumber. Also some nice Pips. W. H. Jones. ' Coal an J Wood?Place your orders/or the winter's supply of Coal and Wood with V. B. Blankenship. No. 1 lump coal and pood wood at reasonable prices. Items of Local Interest ?Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Watson, of Charlotte, spent Sunday with relatives in this place. ?Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones will leave early next week for a visit to the Jamestown exposition. ? Mr. S. L. Meacham and wife and Misses Mary O'Connell and Mannie Wolfe are spending a few days at Wrightsville, N. C. ?Messrs. W. B. Meacham and C. S. T ink spent Sunday at Tybee near Savannah, Ga. - Miss Ella Stewart has returned from a visit to Norfork and Jamestown. While away Miss Stewart visited Washington and other places of interest. ?Miss Mary Boyd is at home again after a six weeks visit to her sister, Mrs. Dr. Stewart, of Mt. Holly. ?Misses Clara and Sarah Cnhi are. visitinc rphiti vf?<< in Greensboro, N. C. ?Mr. A. A. Bradford, Jr., of Georgetown, was a visitor to Fort Mill Sunday. ?Miss Susan Bradford has returned from the exposition, she reports a very pleasant time indeed. ? M**s. Laura Drakeford spent last week in Charlotte with Mrs. Florence Stephenson, who left Sunday for Mississippi, her future home. ? Mrs. J. A. Boyd and sons and mother spent a few days last week with friends in Pineville. ?Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Lee left Tuesday morning for a short pleasure trip to Charleston. ?Miss Annie Chnffin, a charming young lady of Mayesville, is the guest of Miss Louise McMurray, near town. ? Miss Ethel Pegram, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Pegram of Gastonia, arrived Friday evening to visit Miss Willie Hoke. ? Dr. W. S. McMurray, Messrs. J. P. McMurray, Clarence Cooper and Mr. Good, visited the family of Mr. J. H. McMurray last Sunday. ? Mr. R. L. Pursley will in a few days take charge of a big saw mill plant on the Moblev place, near Lancaster, which is being operated by Mr. Gib Greene, of Rock Hill. ?A fine specimen of blue crane was exhibited on the streets Saturday by Mr. G. W. Hicks, who lives two miles south of town. The bird measured six feet from tip to tip of the wings, and was killed by Oscar Hicks on Sugar creek. ?There is considerable activity in the watermelon market since country melons have commenced to come in. During the past ten days many wagon loads of country-raised melons have been sold on the streets. There has been a great reduction in the price from what they were when the first ones were brought to market. ?Mr. D. J. Williams, of Statesville, N. C., was here Friday shaking hands with his many Fort Mill friends. Mr. Williams resided here about 17 years ago and this was his first visit to Fort Mill since his removal to Statesville. He is now engaged in the furniture business in the latter place. ?Mr. J. J. Ormand, who is is always jolly and full of fun, dropped in Saturday morning to inform us that he and his wife would be off on train No. .'14 in the afternoon for Salisbury, Spencer, Lexington, and points north, adding that he would, of course, stop over in Salisbury on his return trip. ?The farmers of the Barbersville section have recently made a big improvement in the public road at Barber's bridge over Sugar creek. This section of the road usually becomes almost impassible from mud and water during the winter months and to prevent a recurrence of this I f condition is that to which the pl the farmers have been lending |r their efforts. The road on either side. of the bridge has been inches by arid sand, and it tt inlly heay\ Without being cut in|| I , ?Mrs. Effie Thompson lef : Thursday to visit her sister, Mrs ; J. T. McGregor, of VValterboro ? Miss Bessie Sutton is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bennie Arms trenpr, of Spencer, N. C. ? M atiu Milt nannln n 4 * ?'?? J ?. VI W ATX (It W^;V/ av tended services at Flint Hil church Sunday, the same beinj the closing of a week's protractec meeting. ?There has been no improvement in the cdndion of Mr. John Gordon, who was stricken with paralysis the night of the 3rt inst. His family has little hope 1 of his recovery. ? Mrs. R. E. Rodgers. whe j has been ill for several month* at her honlc in Sprattville, ha* been dangerously ill for the past ten davs. ?Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sistare, of Lancaster, are guests at the home of J. R. Ilaile. ?Miss Louise McMurray and guest, Miss Annie ?Chafiin, left ! Wednesday morning for Monj treat, N. C. ? Mr. Hal Bahnson, of Far! mington, N. C., spent Sunday 1 with Mr. Alex Barber and Mon1 day with his grandmother, Mrs. T. E. Barber. ?Misses Kathleen and Ida Moore Alexander, of Charlotte, ; N. C., Misses Edna Ross, of Providence, N. C., and Nora Hamilton of Union, visited Miss Lucile Barber this week. ?Miss Mary Young, of Saj vannah, Ga., was a visitor the I past week at the home of her ; parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Young, in this place. ?Mr. Sam W. Merritt has bought the restaurant business of Mr. R. E. Rodgers and will continue to serve the patrons of the establishment from the old stand on Main street. ?Little Miss Alice Armstrong has returned to her home at Spencer, N. C., after spending QOUOPul flnuc r>f f lm ViAmn rwf M .. T VI Ul V.4UJ w lit living IT] I ? .T. H. Sutton, of upper Fort Mill. - Mr. W. S. McClelland, of upper Fort Mill, returned Monday evening from a visit to Sumter, Charleston and other I places in the lower section of the | State. ? Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E. White and daughter have moued ! to Rock Hill, their future home. I They will board for the present < at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. i S. Starr. Mr. and Mrs. White | will always find a warm welcome I in Fort Mill. ?Messrs. A. Barber and Edward White, carriers on rura routes Nos. 3 and 4, respectively, ; on Monday took their annual ; vacation which lasts until the j 26th inst. Mr. Barber leftTues: day evening for a ten-day visil to Jamestown and Washington, Mr. White will spend his vaca tion in attending picnics, eatim watermelons, etc. - The Times is requested ~t< state that the amounts subscribet by the citizens of Fort Mill anr Pleasant Valley for the erectior of the new iron bridge ovci Sugar creek are now due. A1 those who have promised a do nation are urged to make pay 1 ment at once to Mr. W. J. Kim Ibrell, of lower Fort Mill, or Mr, tJ. M. Spratt, secretary of th< commercial club. ? Mr. David Lindsey, of uppc: Fort Mill returned a few day; ago from a visit of several week: to his brother, Mr. Joseph Lind ?nv of lfiimlirt WVJ , 14b i 1 v-llll, upvjcirv ing of his trip Mr. Lindsey statec that the cotton crop in that sec tion of Tennessee through whicl he passed was very poor, bu that the corn crop was fine. Tin section around Ilumbolt, he says is one of the greatest tomat< I producing sections in the conn I try, the shipments often amount ing to as many as fifty carload 1 per day. i ?The county board of com 1 missioners held their regula monthly meeting last Wednes day. The only business of im i portance that was up for the da; was the question of mov'ng th chaingang. The chaingang i i now in the Olive section of Bui lock's Creek tognship. It i ; wanted in Fort Mill township t 'do some work in connection wit! | the abutments for the steel bridg i that is being built acros3 Suga ' creek. There was considerabl | discussion over the question o removiiiff the iran<r ;if oncp 1 was finally decided that it won I remain whore it is until Augus I 2-1. ? Yorkville Enquirer. ?Lieut. G. C. Epps, Scrgt D. V. Epps, Corn's KnoxWindl Claude Faris and Private Farie I of Co. "K," returned Saturda; ; from Charleston where the, represented their company i the ritle range practice shoot I The 18 best shots as shown b, this contest are selected as State team to represent th State at the national contest a Camp Perry, Ohio. The tear this year, as heretofore, wi II probably be taken entirely fror the third regiment, as this is th only regflfrent having a rifi range and itsjnembers of cours jhaveJpi advani i^e of cogstar ^i ; t ?Messrs. J. W. Pence and Geo. . Gordon, representatives of the . Roanoke Bridge company arr rived during the past week and I on Monday began the work of erecting the new iron bridge over Sugar creek, two miles east of j Fort Mill. A large force of hands r Have been employed and it is likely that the bridge proper will be completed by September 1. There is likely to be some delay in opening the bridge to the 1 public owing to the fact that the ' , York chaingang. which is to build the approach to the bridge. 3 will not come to this place until the 24th inst. ) Community Picnic August 21st. The annual community picnic ; of the people of Fort Mill and - j surrounding country will be held '! on next Wednesday, August 21st. I This was decided at a meeting I i Monday afternoon in the stand in : Confederate park at which quite ! a number of town people and sev{ eral from the country were pres. | ent. Mr. R. F. Grier was made | chairman. All present expressed . themselves as heartily in favor of the picnic and pledged their support toward making it a success. The question of a date and plr.cs was then discussed | with the result that the picnic i will be held in the O'Connell | ' grove near the graded school on i j the date mentioned above. The ' 1 next business of the meeting was ; the naming of committees and ' these wqi^^^^^qws: i i ing together it is safe to say that . the picnic Wednesday will be the { , 1 best of the several heretofore' j held. Mr. Carothers, as chairman of! | the table committee, will see that ' | the grounds are cleaned oir nice-1 i ly, and that a table and refresh ineiit stand of ample proportions , are erected in the shadiest spots ; ' available and in due time. It is I J | well to here state that this is to be j i an old-fashioned, table-spread, i . picnic. # | I 1 The gentlemen who constitute j i the comjnitte on amusement are :, i j noted for their ability to onter? ! tain a crowd. There will be nu. 1 merous contests for both old and I young, and it is probable that the merchants of the town will 1 donate prizes for the winners in r each contest. The committee is endeavoring to arrange with the ^ local ball team for a game of ball j in the afternoon between the j j Steel Creek and Fort Mill nines, j and there is every reason to ? promise that the game will be I I pulled off. The finance committee will look ~ after the granting of license to ~ serve refreshments, prize money, etc. j Last may be mentioned the soup committee. Everybody likes soup, and everyone may rest asr sured that it will be plentiful. 3 As to the quality of soup which s Mr. Crowder prepares, a gentle man was heard to remark that - it is fine to that point which is 1 ; calculated to make a man tight - his daddy. Therefore each belt i' should have a hole in the extreme i t j end, for soup is a great sweller, ; e and some will find it necessary . I to let out to the last notch. -> j No picnic is a success without - j plenty of rations, and, besides -1 the soup, the table will be sups plied abundantly with good, substantial and dainty eatables. The j . furnishing of the table is left en- j r tirely with the ladies and it is _ desired that all attend with well_ filled baskets. y The Times is requested to ex- j e! tend a special invitation to the j s people of the surrounding coun- j . try and particularly to our friends i s in Steel Creek, Gold Hill and ! 0 Pleasant Valley. Come over, h brethren, and join us in making 0 August 21st a memorable day in j Fort Mill. e ; "? f ! "EVERYBODY SHOULD KNOW" \ says C. (r. A ays, u prominent business 1 ; man of Bin ft, Mo., that IJucklen's Arnica Salvo is tho quickest and surest t j healing salvo over applied to a soro, j i burn or wound, or to a case of Piles. I I.vo used it and know what I'm talking - about." Guaranteed by all druggists j e | >r,c. Marriage and divorce comes j quick in the North. The press 11 despatches of Monday state that ' Mrs. Stanford White, widow of the architect whom Harry Thaw j e killed a year ago. is reported to- ' t day to be engaged to her late j ' i husband's partner, Charles Mc- i II Kim. e i Business interests throughout' e the country are considerably tied i <e up as a result of the telegraph^er's strike which was inaugu d rated in Los Angele&Cal.. last e Friday itJfhie West- < e ern Uruva^and Postal companies, i \ " i. _ - ? ?.V-i - - v : Lucky Purchase Sale WMBPfcg? ?W?CTM ?B?1?WWMW Beginning today, August 1st, we will sell our Summer Clothing for Men and Boys at 20 per cent discount, or one^fifth off. Also Odd Pants, Men's and La^ dies' low-cut Shoes and lights weight Hats. At these prices wc must insist upon having the Cash, as we can't charge anyo tiling at the discount prices. McElhaney & Comp'y ) trfcLi a r?fcLt m fTfci' w jnir^pt IMtSllfiWl 1 JOB PRINTING 1 " fill NEATLY LXLCLTLD AT TIIE TIMES OI-FlCli. -V p H [? Letterheads. Noetheads billheads, Statements, Handbills, Posters, [ftl |?d Circulars, Envelopes, Etc. at the lowest prices consistent with god !$7I work. Send us your orders uud we will ph use you I Tlae Times. j? ?S'S?@?0^ S3? SHS i at.wavc! nn | XXLJ Y Y XliU ur 1 TO BE ? People arc beginning to r ? \vc give them values for their d< ** put a small profit on the goods \ ~ make tlieni go. You get lion & dealings from us. Visitors to Y *11 < k I will find it to their interests t< store. For the Next 10 We offer Men's Summer Pants, Straw Hats, Slippers, llammoeks, Lap llobes, all Sim Goods, Ladies' White Canvas, V and Kid Slippers, and all otln goods at 20 Per Cent I)is H And a big lot of back numb ^ Pants, Hats, Etc., will go at Ha ^ Our fall goods are coming a 0 have room for thorn. | The Old Reliable 09 g ? Br-?R^KSislyT ^ ji" r i ill .%ss^ J g S-03GGGO ?Q <3S? iMeacham are niakinj duct ion 01 nicr (*oodg Plenty of ti summer j 1 Buy AV hile @ get them e ? asr-csp^r-^**^*-* *>* >* r>? ! I PARKS D I y>. = \\ JL C J? Jl And i>'<"1 a tool <i^ " r I 4* I ?? in<z drink am I y> i iiik Cream to t ! $$ I tt the wife and ! ?* ! ** II PARKS D & a ! ft i. 4 | .<?.? s\H M vJ^T *<? ?, .fl, j 444 <1 xl' -t 5<1 Xi 4N? ? *?? si <Sx*'x : Or. King's New | Tho best in the world* !0???@??S@3^ *** $ <Kr <*<*><& *& &<> ? ) ? ooo- > ^ ? 1 I T 1Z> O 8 JUXV o. g 1 ealize that ^ illars.^ We || vc soli and p ost, square ? Fort Mill 0 > visit our 0 1 1 -Days | Suits, Odd |> 0 Underwear, p nnor Dross p at. Leather ? 0:3 t summer ? count 1 6 ers in Odd 8 If Price. | CO iul wo must CJ) Store- | SH *1 ?"?~ ??- SI 3SQ9?@QSS?? 9 ? & and Kpps <?) g a hi;y re- ? i all Sum- X ? on haiul. inio to wear ? !>oocls yet. ^ ) you can || heap. q 1 I {i ? ?? 5???0??Q? ? .?srr-? jnh x??r?> *\r v ? p ** * V 0 .* (T* i* ? S< jjj" !ar.$ 4 * ??\?m c? ? ? ? t* *? V <$ ami rcfroah! a basket of jt o ^ > nkc homo to CS *.* * y v littlo. 0110s. V v >* * 'V *.: _ 4 > p?l? n A >> Huii M.n ^ VI #* <* J**'-"* : .' ' -.f- } < ,,- ? .; ^ c?e-%: ."? V? \? **,'<;<j ????????? ? ??? v L ':VIf? Iv.r-:::; voti ? Be vvers LU'a'nV)Vv!1" NKY?5. TfcE r^iLROAQ C ?l ** i *-I ?. ? 40 L .> i *? .-5 ? > (in account ol the \ cation of tlie schools through the Summer. is making a special offer for a three maths course in their school, in which the course can he completed in this ttnie hy proper effort on the part of the student. I'or $50 tit) the entire course can he easily taken, including hoard and evpetises for $100.00 We guarantee all our pupils a position when they are competent- Write us and make application for a scholarship. L.J.FRINK, Sou. Railroad Training School, 1206 1 2 Main St.. Columbia. S. C. AN ORDINANCE Ho it ordained and enacted hy tho town council now sitting in common council and hy authority of name; That aflor the passage of tiiis ordinance ir shall he unlawful for any person or per- nis to loaf on any street in the town of fort Mill, S l!., after 1J 111. without a reasonable excuse. 3 Section 2, That any person or tiersons vialat nig the above ordinanc shall he pnni Ir-d l?y a fine not exceeding s.'.V'io or 1> >s than H ' * ' end r >< , or more 'than 2a days work upon the streets uov less thin days work. I )>>nc and rat ill-il in council assembled this IJtii day of .1 in* ? ?7. W L LI ALL. Vilest: lnt'd A H. Me Kill a n< v. CI t'< The New York Vvorid Ti IKIC1 ] A WMrdv 101)1 TION. Recul Who rev or tho EnpdUh Lan#im?o i-. Spoken. Tlf Tin ici -a-\S'i ok World exjiecfa to he a b-tter ]>aj)t?in 1'? ?7 than ever before III the ours- of th* > -a r tho i.-sties f->r the next I'rtt-.denlial campaign will he foreshadowed, and everybody v - I wi-h to ' - p informed. The Thru a We World, '* suing 'fo yon every other day, s : all tho pnrp-'. s of a ! i v, and is far . heep'-r. The 11 vvs service of I his : cottsiantl b 'ini! u i-ea.-s :, tin t it reports fully, accurately ;<ud protaptly < \ try event of importance anywhere in 1 he world. Moreover its p.Htv-a! n ws is i n pari ill. v i viny ynu the; s. n a opinion a .iM"I a i->ln*.s. i' lias fa!I it; > pirnrii imi'Io >'n iiifj . ?:i by -in nl.uvl iti!; li TtlM I Hitl.iK-A-WKMC WORI-D'S r ,r->'ar >;k! > ii |>?: i. >uly $1 f>0 }i -r v- ir. sin 1 his juiy;- i'.T J.'ii} i ijv-rs. We offer 'It' ; ill)" |n;i1l> 1 uewaixtpor mi ri'ii. I'm" Mi Tinn i< rh??r fur Hi*4 your t n'$l,? ). Tin* j**ltii!s11 -.i!;?t ion j i i' m of tho two h i: t?i. I KILL'ihs GOUtS ?-fl \ a and CURE the LUMC8 8 jw Dr. King's I I Mm Wmwwy I 1 FOBCSlos? Md I AND AH. THROAT AfiiflLUNC TROUBLES. 5 'IQ UARANTfcED B^TISP^CXOitYt