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" . -/v. iniwuvu, ucairr in geiicrm merchandise, Martin, Oi., writes: "My wifo lost in weight from 130 to 88 pounds. We saw she could not live long. Blio was a skeleton, so we consulted an old physician. He told her to try Per una. "She gradually commenced improving and getting a little strength. | Bhe now weighs 106 pounds. She is gaining every day, and does her own housowork and cooking." _ Peruna is sold by your local druggist. Buy a bottle today. ^/9j OFFERED WORTHY (CZ-'jy/sY/fo young people ^ vrO matter how limited / your means or educalion, If you wish a BMMC9H thorough business training and good position, write today for Our Great Half-Rata Offer. Succeaa. independence and probable FORTUNE guaranteed. Don't delay?write today. oa.-ala. bus. college, macon, oa. | Don't Piishj3 \\ The horse can draw the flMrS U load without help, if yon [ I \\ reduce friction to almost /Sjfflj \\ nothing by applying / I0W oflKfto the wheels. J Ivffl ffllUa No other lubri- (l kufjl VftM cant ever made T JKagfl qjjfF wears so long f JjW&j and saves so much rjw^ hone power. Next time f Jfm ' try Mica Axle Grease. /yVte Standard Oil Co. 4/tmCAPUDINE \ immidiath.y cl'kls 3 I W HEADACHES up COLDiS in e to it novas ^qhsibwihsnnrtrul b?ttw 10c. ai druc^stb The best tiling in the world is to live about it. So^ll-'QT. Bad Symptoms. Tho woman who has periodical hcadashoe, backache, sees imaginary dark spots orsitecks floating or dancing beforo Ler cyck, naa^gnawlng distress or heavy full feeling tft Itomach, faint spells, dragglng-downAr<ellng in lower abdominal or pelvic regfon, easily startled or excited, Irregubfror painful periods, with or without rclvlc catarrh. Is suffering from weakntysf s anckflerangements that should have eatly attention. Kot all of above aymptoib ape likely to be prcsent in any case at arte/'.me. Neglected or badly treated and such caaesyOfbfn run Into maladies which deman/f yfe surgeon's knife If they do not resiunaiauv. I N? medicine extant has auch a l^ng and numfrnut recortl ot cure* in su^n t?ur. nerceg Favorite Presr.rintliUL__ J\'(? medicine ha;* sucq a atrmm -rtoTg^'prki imYnrsemem. ni earn ntTts nevffai Ingredient*?wnrlh mr.r?? than nomlierr.f nr/lliiarvl^n-iTrnfoylnnal testpfwnniaia. The very best Ingredient! known to medical sclcneo (or the cure of woman's peculiar ailments enter Into its composition. No alcohol, harmful, or habit-forming drug is to be found in the list of its ingredients printed on each bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. In any condition of the female system. Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescription can do only good?never harm. Its whole effect is to strengthen, invigorate and regulate the whole female system and especially the pelvic organs. When these are deranged in function or uffected by disease, the stomach and other organs of digestion become sympathetically deranged, the nerves aro weakened, and a long list of l>ad, unploasant symptoms follow. Too much must not bo expected of this "Favorite Prescription." It will not perform miracles: w ill not cure tumors?no medicine will. It mid often jrrevent t hem, if taken In time, and thus the operating table and the surgeon's knife may be avoided. Women suffering from diseases of long standing, are invited to consult Doctor Pierce by letter, free. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly contidential. Address I)r. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Piorce's Mod leal Adviser (10(10 pages) Is sant free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps for papor-covorod. or 31 stamps fur cloth-bound copy. Address as above. LNw. , j? . . t Clothe?. To be a leader of fashion one must be a foMower. The man who pays the compliment is not always the man who pays for the gown. "United we stand, but divided we get all sorts of mean things said about us,'' saith The Skirt. The most adorned woman is not always the most adored. As a man's salary gets higher his wife's gowns get lower. A widow and her weeds are soon parted. An old fashion is old, but an ancient fashion is always modern.? Walter Pulitzer, in March Delineator. Gone and Forgotten. Stub?Some brierht chap has figured out that if all the articles on the Thaw trial were heaped together they ?"?iu maikU a Iliuuniaill 11KC V CSUvius. Penn?Well, it is a pity they couldn't be turned into a volcano. Stub?Why so ? Penn?Then perhaps they would be reduced to ashes. Dangerous Letters. "I hear that you had a great deal of trouble with your typewriter," said the banker. "What was the cause?" "The letters," replied the old broker. "But couldn't you get an expert to fix them?" "Oh. no. These were the letters she wrote to me when I was in the mountnins and my wife found in my pockets." Rest Disturber. Stubb?Some genius has invented a phonograph that will run night and day without stopping. Would you pay much for music like that ? Penn?I should say so. Stubb?Pay for the machine? Penn?No; pay a fine for licking the man who owned it if he lived within six blocks of my home. Seemed Like It. "Yes. indeed, we are very careful with little Archibald," said the strict parent. "We watch his associates, keep an eye on where he goes and don't let him read the newspapers unless we have clipped out everything he should not read." "Great Caesar!" exclaimed the astonished visitor, "what are you going to make out of him?a New York juror?" Funny graphs. "According to this book," said Mrs. DeStvle, "seals sometimes shed tears just like men do." "I don't see why they should," rejoined her husband. "They don't have to pay for sealskin jackets." fiJUvii I Mrs. Stub?Land's sake, John, there must be a great many barber shops in Wall street! Mr. Stub?What causes you to think so, Maria',1 Mrs. Stub?Why, the papers say hundreds of men are trimmed there every day. Worth Knowing At>out. If you need a tirat-class laxative, there is nothing better nor safer than that old family remedy, Hrandreth'e Pills. Kach pill contains one gram of solid extract of sursaparilla, which, with other valuable vegetable products, make it a Mood purifier of excellent character. If you are troubled with constipation, one pill at night will afford great relief. Tlrandreth'.* Pilla are the sgme fine Incentive tonic pill your grandparents used. They have been in use for over a century and are sold in every drug and medicine store, either plain or tjugar-coaled. Sympathy is the solace of the poor. A blow threatened was nevr well given.?Italian, To recover quickly from bilious attacks, ick-headache, indigestion or eolde, take Qarfield Tea, the mild laxative. Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drugs law. How poor are they that liavo not patience!?Shakespeare, There is no article of food more ADDetlzine. nutritious or healthful than Argo Red Salmon. As a brain and muscle builder It la far ahead of beef or other meats. No one ever repented of having held his tongue.?Italian. Garfield Tea, nature's remedy for a *orj pid, inactive or disordered liver; for constipation, tick-headache, indigestion. It is vain to learn wisdom and yet to live foolishly.?Spanish. FITS, St. Vitus'Dance :N ervous Diseases permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. f2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Reason serves when pressed but h?uest instinct comes a volunteer.? Pope. Woman's affection is best proved by the eare_ she takes of your linen. The Alaska Packers Association give the heartiest support to the Pure Food laws, and guarantee their product to meet all the requirements. Good husbandry is pood divinity. ?F rencli. Piles Cored In 0 to 14 Days. Paso Ointment is guaranteed to core any case of Itching.Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in fl to Uaaya or money refunded. 60c. Many a rat devors the lion.?German. Wateh for tho transparencies of Argo Red Salmon in your grocer's window. No better Salmon packed at any price. A little rain stills a great wind.? Freneh. ii.. ; \ \ i i ENDURES ECZEMA 5 YEARS. ?_ v Sores Behind Bars Spread to Cheeks ?Best Doctors Fail?Bat Catira Remedies Kflect Cure. "Words are inadequate to express my gratitude for Cuticura Remedies. I had been troubled with eczema for fire years on my ear and it began to extend on my cheek. I bad been doctoring with the 'best physicians, but found no relief whatever. When informing them that I could not bear ^ie itching l was told by one of our best doctors, 'not to scratch.' As the medicines and salves did me no good 1 thought I would get the 'Magic Three,' Cuticura * Soap, Cuticura Ointment and Cuticura Pills, costing me one-half of one visit to my physician. After using as directed. with plenty of hot water, 1 can truthfully state that I found instant relief. When 1 had used three boxes of Cuticura Ointment and two cakes of Cuticura Soap I found my skin as soft and fine as a baby's. My circle of friends is very large, and I am persuading them to use Cuticura Soap and give up the kinds they were using. I find no trouble, as my case has proven to them that if Cuticura Ointment is good, Cuticura Soap roust be likewise. Miss Netta Avers, 131 Franklin Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y.. Sept. 1 and 15, '06." Hypocrisy is the necessary burden e* *MI.' * TA . T 1 31 viimiy.-^-ur. jonnson. Try one can of Argo Red Galfnon and you will use no other. All grocers sell It. Better lose your labor than your time in idleness.?Dutch. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar*. Reward for any case of Catarrh ?hat cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K J. Ghbnky & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known t\ J. CLoney lor the laat 19 years, and belisTe turn perfectly honorable in all business trsussctiuns snd financially able to carry out any obligations wade by their tinn. West &. 'lituix, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. 'Valuing, Kinsajv & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, U. Hall's Catarrh Curat* taken internally, actingdirectly upon the blood andmucuouaeurfaces ot the system. Testimonials sent tree. Trice, 70c. per bottle.'Bold by all Druggists. Take ilall's Family Tills for constipation. Use can almost change the stamp of nat ure.?Shakespeare. DOES YOUK BACK ACHE? Core the Kidneys and the Pain Will Never Return. Only one sure way to cure an aching back. Cure the cause, the kldneys. Thousands tell * ?' cures made by yj Doan's Kidney Pills. John C. Coleman, a ^ft \ prominent merchant of Swainsboro, Ga.. B^HRKf says: "For several years my kidneys were, affected, and my ^back ached day I and night. I was languid, nervous and lame in the morning. Doan's Kidney Pins helped me right away, and the great relief that followed has been permanent." Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Foster-MUburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. He is rich enough who does not want.?Italian. Only One "lirotno Quinine'* That la Laxative tiromo Quinine. Similarly named remedies sometime* deceive. The nrst and oncraai Cold Tablet la a White Package, with black and red lettering, and beam the signature ot hi. W. Grove. 25c. Qifts break rocks. Itch cured in 30 minutes br Woolford's Sanitary Lotion; never fails. Sold by Drug gistn. Mail ordera promptly filled bv Pr. E. DetchonMed.(,/O..CrawfordsviUeIInd. tilt is base to speak vain words. Pure Whit* better and ^ gives them a higher selling value, but it makes things wear better anil gives them a higher value for long wear. ' '.?ure White Lead gives an opaque, durable coat that protects anil preserves from the ravages of time and weather. I Prospective buyers of Pure W White Lead liavp heretofore e l>een subject to much attempted fraud in adulteration and sub- IKArJ stitution. You are now pro-^^^f tected by the Dutch Boy trade mark which is found on the side of kegs containing only Pure White Lead, made by the Old Dutch Process. Look for the boy. SEND FOR I ] BOOK V fTJw\ J "A Talk on Paint." L < 7/WOb / girt* raluablo tnforwOStVjL*#' (V mat ion on the Mint anbjoct Sent tree ; upon request. NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY in ickiekever r/ lite /ollutr*ny cilirt it nmreet yvu New Tork. Ronton, buflelo. Cleveland. Cincinnati. Chieauo. St Louis, PhiladelRlna l.lobn T. lew Ik a Bros. Co.) Pittsburgh National Lead A Oil Oo ) W. L. DOl $3.00 AND $3.50 St W. L DOUGLAS $4.00 GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT Bl SHOES FOR EVERYBODY A Men'* Slioe*. US to 4I.50. liny*' Shoes, ! Shoes, 94 to 1.5(1. Misses* & Children's \V. L Douglas shoes are recognized bye: to bo the bc*t in style, lit and wear product part of the shoe and every detail of the in: and watched over by skilled shoemakers tiino or cost. If I could take yon into n Brockton, Mass., ami show yon" how rare hoes are tnade, you would then nndersta ear longer, and are of greater value than IV. L. lVvtala* name snd pnre U (t a a < pert 00 th< prices and Interior ahoe?. Tnkr No SmK.iIi eesl Cvtor Lytlelt u ltd txelatittiy. Cat Mo? matted % I u.sL.~. . , i \ STOP WOMAN # AND CONSIDER " First, that almost every operation in our hospitals, performed upon women, becomes necessary because of negleot of such symptoms as Backache, Irregularities. Displacements. Pain in the Side, Dragging Sensations, Dirtiness and Sleeplessness. Second, that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots ana herbs, has cured more cases of female ills thon any other one medicine known. It regulates, strengthens and restores w< preparing women for child-birth ai of Life. Third, the great volume of unsolic file at the Pinkliam Laboratory at Ly time to time being published by sp dence of the value of Lydia E. Pinkhi Pinkham's advice. Lydia E. Pinkham's V For more than SO years has been < Dragging. Sensations. Weak Back, ilammation and Ulceration, and Oi and expels Tumors at an early stagi Mrs. Pinkham's Standln Women suffering from any form write Mrs. Pinkham. Lynn, Mass. fora has been advising sick women free years, and before that she assisted h ham in advising. Thus she is espea women back to health. Write today, fsWEETj BLOODj ? *The Original ''Break Plug'* Tt J ttised Brand" of North Carol : : Showing a GAIN ?EVERT 1 : IMITATED IN STYLE * --- ??,# USETaYLOffS^ There 'a always work for workers. Mr*. Winaxow'B Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens t heguins, reducesinllRmnmtion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle Who doubts errs not. Well Rounded Porker* Prussian ^ g Stock Tonic ^ m DOf, ina no prooa 01 n. m Hit owner I* proud of It too, for when he take* this bo*, iof?ihtr with the mt of the herd, to Btrkct.M jet* the highest price fur him. m Hon, whose feed he* contained B little of Prussian W m Stack Tonic, sre always healthy?the meat Is tna H Savored, tender and julep, the kind that It cuntiau ally sought after to supply the best markets. & There are over 1XX) dotes In the B I Big $3.50 Pail I ] enough to add a good many easy dollar* to yonrhog M B \money. Write and tell us what stork you own. and M B\?e will send you our Stock Kaisers* Manual, a l>mk^ that tells many valuable things at-out raising ilock.V BtS Pnualoii Remedy Company m St. Paal, MIbd. M Light SAW MILLS LATH AND SHINGLE MACHINES AW" *Sl.KliOV&XIAbAM AWD Try LOMBARD, AUSS!TA* Mm Whlto A Co. ^iSBn tOUtSWLLK. KY. buhiitwa in? JONWSflH sr.- *** WtBt3ncwSE& f^DropsyE mML lnaort* II awaiting la to ao is. "1' effect* i ptnnioMt cur* I il\ ! jo to 60 day*. Trial treatment JS^^Ubttm free. Nothlagean be fairer BkHb|| Write Or. H. H. Ore*n'? 8on?. *9&*^^wflN9?alatirit. 601 n AMi"U. O*. IGLAS ~/T%r IOCQ BEST IN if _ 1UCO THE WORLD &L ..T* E EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE. ftp} i#i \7 ALL PRICES: n / 3 to 91.25 Wom. it'* /J/ Shoe*, 92.25 to 91.00. cpert judge* of footwear J rt in tliin country. Eaelr ? .?#?' I iking is looked after 1, without regard to iy laree factories at yjSsjHIfeac.-ty<&L\\*.ft' fully W. I,. Douglas WWBLs^ffj/jQW/im ,ncl why they hold their shape, tit better, any other makes. * hoitow. which proteett the wearer inmil hltrti ?tr. Mold hy the heel ehoe dealer* ererywliere. /rca. W. L. llOVOLAS, Brocklw.MaM. I H {i mien's health and is invaluable in ad during the period of Change rited and grateful testimonials on nn. Mass.. many of which are from ecial permission, give absolute oviim'a Vegetable Compound and Mrs. egetable Compound curing Female Complaints, such as Falling and Displacements, In- I rganic Diseases, and it dissolves D g Invftation to Women 1 i of female weakness are invited to B dvice. She is the Mrs. Pinkham who B of charge for more than twenty I ler mother-in-law, Lydia E. Pink- B :ally well qualified to guide sick fl r , don't wait until too late. H L ^OUNDjCOBH | , ibacco. The Only' **Adver- - J I* ** a en i k. un& riue>tared ,loba.cco<? rCAR aince introduced. L ;^NOTjltGHEW:| . :rokee Remedy of Sweet Qt ighs, Colds, LaQrippe ^ ry?\ When one hits you with a stone, i hit him with a piece of cotton.?Tur- I kish. , ( Tlmusands of cotton pi inters UJ Carolina Fertilizers, and hundred pjl almanac. Deep preparation, and lit }K Virginia?Caroli IftJ per acre, concentrated on fewer acre H the tap roots to strike down deep to rc [fl roots to take complete oossession of tl ^ plant will then be so strong, robust a M matures earlier, opens earlier, and UJ advantage, and in better order?thus lM as well as obtain the largest yield pei fat Accept no substitute for Virgin ImJ dealer or write us for one of our ne HI irec to y?u- VIRGIKIA-CAKOLIN. fll BALES OP Ui Richmond. Vs. Norfolk. Vn. I SHB i Baltimore, ltd Atlanta, Oa. ) I VII1 Montgomery, Ala. |||v- Mlncf1 i.85 For This Kite V Top 26x46, 1 Flour Bin, 1 Meal Bin, 2 Small Drawers, 4 Dough Boards. Many othei Styles. Everything in furniture tfnmaiar Carpets, Piano: HffiwiSSB. and Organs -erfrtSfcw. CABBAGE Plan. and all kind* of garden planta WlMP plant*. gr< wn In the <H?o otr an yjt M ?eed* of the inn*t reliable aoed a?fVMr ?18 "ur thnurand acre truck farm. 11 paVe JhtfUa itfl packtd. Celery ready I art of bee f time or earlier Hednred cxprrri W tTWllCTBiMI will give u* to per ceiit leer than '!fc4^l?arB*flM5*A $l.Iti rer tlmueand large lot ftl.d Ail' ' t etta. 8. A rllngt' n white Mdr V. t>. I?. Meggettr. 8. C. Tli? Vt ha* e?tnb'lrhed an Pxporltnniial Stntlon on our farm dully Cabbagea. 1 he result* of theae experiment* v Toura respectfully If. II. ("tssena 34 YEARS SEI JdB Ml Our Tab teles sad hartieeahae* bo _ , irXnP^M ir u?na*r fer a third of a century. anproealaadguaranteeaaXatV ^l^^aniaSa'rT^a ' Irnotsatlefleda*tostylo,qui Wa Are The Largest Man V'TTvJx' J n/TPvTx Nr *e"loa *o ta# consumer eirluj Vehicles, i* styles of U?ree*s. I 4?-w% rr^Khr^ta c~ruae * Beats. Pries. Elkhart. l %. , ' [' !".***' mm * . >AW MILL MACHINERY kljml I aeHSBwH^i QINN1NG MACHINERY. iTEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS GRIST MILLS, STEAM PUMPS Every thing MACHINERY ANDlflUSUPPPIES. 1YMAN SUPPLY COMPANY OrriCLS, STORES. WAREHOUSES. Vilmingtorv and New Bern, N.C. ADDREGQ-.MACH'Y DEPT P. j*???*- - , I? pi ^HOCLESS i The Uppermost Stand | ara ol Highest (Quality | InapccUd by th? UnKtd Sutts GovwMMat II EI.MTTOOD NTRIIRIU. W* *r? Ur*w?r* n< ?ffrr A a?? ? f??l r A pri.U. PEACHU, PIAUA, ^ I'lnaod. Anr-irots RMtoHait, JRt Okerrtn. OrspeTlMt In lure* TCT lt?.Cr rant*. ItrawWrlM, H?m jSKHjdV K?dl?M, Ai^mrafll "Awktr iHDnik r>? ? <?? ?Hml?> MMHRvl pin. A?t?4<d ??ri???t OKlQHUg| KAMKTT.iL ud IMAD1 TltKXI. ORXAMEITAL ? mew AND BIDAt PLA.VTI Wrlt?forC?AA)m? aJ.H WATKim A RO.MldHmM.TA go. 11-'07. itn and Mullein. SSSaVW ?od Long Troubled. Thoroughly MUd *. All I>ru?fUU. ?H, >On MB* I1.QD. HlGARETTE HABIT ISa"."'?,:"Kt I I Ihlt liAblt.ll UitrlellyioAraaleed. Any L> rcftrticc you wont. Bril'/or/w book i>? 'iganffrHaMt.' Dr. J.I.HIIt.OrerDVlllr.Trx. BBmBl Chc na icqTjMBrow i1 have done so by usinf* Vircinias of them tell about it in our 1907 >eral use (400 to 1000 pounds) of ina Fertilizers :s, thoroughly cultivated, enables 1 :ach the moisture, and the feeding : 1 le soil early in the season. Your I I ind healthy, that it fruits heavier, C can be gathered earlier to better 1 insuring best results in marketing ilflJ r acre. Wv ia-Carolina Fertilizers. Ask your L8J w almanacs, valued at $1.00, but JK k CHEMICAL CO., ' [11 pices t jfia )uiham. N. C. Charleston, S. C- [11 lavannah, Oa. Memphis. Tenn* Ui Shroveport. La. |H hen Cabinet $4.85 : X -J atalogues. ^RDNER CO.. Charlotte, N. C. Is. CELERY Plants pspsao ' an now furnish all kinds of caM-ape mfcjutfjya rl will staid preal c.Ud. Urown from k/Tmm] imrn. We use the same plants on I|\|JH lants onrefnllv counted and properly fliTty?;11| 1(1 . l ettuce. Onion ol d Keel plants, same 1VJB\I|I||[(H > ratea promised.which,when effective BSvl |jl J I 'M merchandise rate*. I'rlren Atrial 1 lota m^lv. Ul (i tn $1.7T> per thousand. K. O P. Meg- y-J ju s 11 i? ir Cuci.mlier Fred mrents 1 er p< uml. HUlnk^Sj ilted Mates > grlMilt lit al De| arllncnt s. to test all kinds of vegetables, espere Will he pleased to slve VOtt at ape time. HI.ITC1I COMPANY. MFt.OI'lTI, S. C AING DIRECT ?aaea-ffl in aoN direct from oar factory \ T /1 We ship for einmlnstlonand \i v*W IU rtlTtrj. Youare out nothing- JL81||T^r-Ts. * altty and prion. /' 'WlftfMMaJfafy/\ factwara In Ttuj World ilsslf. WsmakstMstflnof iTV/JvsjwC^ y Hendforlarce.frencatalogoak lUrncaa Mfg. Co, I IhdltUM Hw.Mwa,|n.g. I ii,; \