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?J. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SALE?100 Buohols Providence Yam Sweet Potatoes. J. L. Kimbrell, Fort Mill S. C, ' FOR SALE?Two tracts of L*nd, ono containing 274 acres, known as the Juo. S. Miller place; the other containing 267 acres, kuown as the Miss Emma T. Barber place. Considerable wood on the Barber-place. Also two good Cows that will come in fresh in a few weeks. Osmond Barber, R. F. D. 2. Fort Mill. S. C. Liooal Items ? Cashier W. B. Meacham spent Friday in Lancaster on business. ? Miss Bessie Warren, of Gold Hill, visited relatives in Fort Mill Saturday and Sunday. ?Mr. R. E. Parks is again at his post at Ardrey's drug store, after a week's illness. ?Mr. J. L. Adcox has been dangerously ill for several days at his home on Clebourn street. ?The drusr stores are sellinir quantities of garden seeds.. The season for sowing early vegetables has arrived. ? Mrs. E. W. Kimbrell and little sons, Fravor and Edward, left Thursday for a month's visit to Mrs.%fci?ibrell's parents in Baldwins\uri^|j* V. ?Tomorrow (Friday) is the last day on which taxes for liH)G can be paid to the treasurer, the sheriff having charge of the tax books after that date. ? Mr. W. P. Cray ton left Tuesday morn'ng for Columbia to renresent the Fort Mill lodge of Woodmen in the State Convention of that order which met in the Capital City yesterday. ?The two-months-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Alexander, of the Fort Mill Mfg. Company's village, died Tuesday afternoon of last week and was buried Wednesday in the town cemetery. ? Mr. F. G. Whitlock was on Monday installed as station atronf for the Southern at this place, 1 succeeding Mr. J. C. Walker, who resigned to aceept a similar position with the Southern at Chester. ?Railroad traffic at this place was blocked for several hours Saturday by three freight cars' leaving the rails at the switch just below the passenger station. There was little damage except to the track which was torn up for about fifty feet. ?We are always glad to change advertisements, but we must ask our patrons to send in changes of ads. not later than Tuesday J morning of each week. We go to the press Wednesday morning and it is impossible to change ads. when they are sent in late. ?Announcement is made that one-cent postage stamp books will be issued in a few days, j There will be only one form for the present, containing 24 stamps in fotir sheets of six stamps each, interleaved with parafin paper and bound like the books of the two-cent stamps. They will be sold atk25 cents each. ?The Fort Mill Light Infantry held its first drill for several months in the armory Saturday afternoon, and twice-a-week drills will be held from this time until the inspection on April 15. A new feature of the drills this j year will be the target piactice, ; the company having a short time ago received a large number of j cartridges for this purpose. ? "South Carolina Day," as observed in the public shools in j this State, falls on March 18, the date of the birth of John C. Cal- ' houn. State Supt. of Education j O. B. Martin has sent out to all ; schools a printed pamphlet giv- | ing songs, recitations and quotations on the great statesman and i on the State. The day will be appropriately observed by the j local graded school. ? Mr. R. E. Rodgers a few j days ago received a letter from i his brother, Mr. J. F. Rodgers, j at San Antonio, Tex., stating that the young man was en route i to Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. Rodgers has resided at Manchester, Va., for several years and for: some time has been in ill health i and goes to California with the hope that the climate will prove i beneficial to him. ni. i t . ? r lonaa round trip cut-rates have been announced by the Atlantic Coast Line and Seaboard Air Line. Each year about this time the through lines make lower round trip rates to Florida, but ordinarily the rate only applies to tourists from Northern points. This year,. however, Richmond, Danville, Greensboro, Petersburg, Charlotte and all ia? termediate points are included. ?Miss Fannie, the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rodgers, was happily married Wednesday afternoon, the 6th iast., to Mr. Hyatt Rarnett, a I .& ; .. ill . . ? A* | popular young man of Ebenezer . township. The marriage took L place at the bride's home in \ 2 Sprattville and was performed j | by Dr. J. H. Thornwell. The : | couple were given a reception i Wednesday evening at the grooms , ! home in Ebenezer. w j ?Mr. S. A. Epps, of the firm , ; of Meacham & Epps, returned ] j Saturday from the Northern i markets where he had been for a ten days purchasing a large and ' choice stock of spring dres* t goods and millinery. The new goods have already begun to ? arrive and will be exhibited in 1 artistic style within a few days. = Miss Margaret Warlick, who has j ; been with the firm for several " ; seasons, will again be with Tj | Meacham & Epps and will he J i glad to show her friends the ! the latest designs and most ar' tistic patterns in headgear for t this Easter season, which is now r approaching. 1 | ?A dispatch from Washington j says that in the Senate c&mmit- \ mittee's report on the postoffice appropriation bill, it is estimated t hat an increase of about $3,000,- i 000 has been made over the amount appropriated by the house bill, which was a little more than 1 $200,000,000. The largest item j ! is involved in an item advancing' j the pay of rural carriers to $900. The present pay of such carriers ! is $720 and the house bill increas- I ed this to $S40. Now the Senate ; . raises it to $900. This is good 1 j news for these hard worked pub- ^ lie servants, and we hope they will get the $900 per year. ? By an order of the postmast- r, er general, issued several months l! ago, and which went into effect March 1, senders of postal cards I are at liberty to send a written j message on the left half of the ([j front, the right half being re- 'j served instead of the whole face j : of the card "for the address on- jj ly," says the Wilmington Star. This may he done on any postal !l card, whether it be one of the J old style, which bears the notice ! "This side for the address only," { j or not; and without the prepay- : ment of anything more than the I I rate applicable to postcards, j which is one cent within the j \ United States or its island passes- j sions, and Panama, Cuba, Cana- ! ' da and Mexico and for other 1 countries two cents. ! ; ! 1! For the Prompt Payment of Claims. j The public generally and espc-' cially our business men will be 1 interested to know that for the i purpose of insuring promptness and justice to its patrons in re-; spect to handling freights at local stations and the handling of loss, damage and overcharge ( freight claims occurring^ on : freights received or shipped by i ; its patrons, the Southern Railway , Company has inaugurated and | placed in service a corps of trav- J eling freight claim agents whose dlltv it will tr? ti-n'nl /??? > Ii-?i I ? ?.,r % tt ?ti mv i/w iia vvi Wv/111> J 11 Li" 1 ously the respective territories assigned to them, visiting at each station not only the company's agents but the company's patrons thereat, and make prompt settlement of all fair and honest j loss, damage and overcharge j freight claims against the company. We Could, !f We Would. We were a bit surprised a short while back to have one of our business men accost us like this: "Why don't you mention our bus- ; iness in your paper. It wouldn't ; hurt you, and would help to till up, you know." Yes, we might | do this. We haven't the least idea on earth that it would hurt; us, and it would, as he suggest- i ed, help to fill up. We might do all this, but at the same time, j thank God, we do not have to do , it unless we feel like it, and we have not yet felt that way. It, would not hurt him, either, to come around and order space for a column or a half column advertisement and hand us the muuey lor it. cut dv doing" this he would become a deserter to that grand army of dead-heads | who expect the newspapers to continually note the improvements they make, by giving them free puffs, and for which they j never pay a cent. It is high time for all classes to learn that a newspaper is a business enterprise, the same as a dry goods store or a grocery, run for a living for its owner. HC77 TO REMAIN YOUNG. To continue young in health and strength. do as Mrs. N. P. Rowan, Mc- I Donough, Ga, did. She says: "Three I bottles of! Electric Bitters cured mo of I chronic liver and stomach trouble, com- ! ^ plicated with such an unhealty condition of the blood that my skin turned red as flannel. I am now practically 20 j years younger than boforo I took Electric. Bitters. 1 can now do all my work with ease and assist in my hnshan's store. Guaranteed at all drug stores. ' Price 50 cents. 1 k 1? ? ' 4 A new United States army >rig:ade post is to be established it Fort Orgelthorpe in Georgia. Letter tel. J. KASSSY Fort Mill, S. Dear Sir. They won't fool him anynore with pasto paint; they'll try ; omething cise! i 1 Editor Sanlsbnrv, Dover, Delaware, | laving used !!.'> gallon* paste paint <>n lis house, bought 85 gallons Devoe for1 t. He hart enough left for a new stable iO by 20 and fence, and returned four 1 rallons l'aste paint has as many tricks as a ' luncosteerer. Yours truly 3 1\ W. DKYOE & CO . S. \V. B. Ardroy soils our paint. < 5ggs are 20 cents nn ^ rsr uuzon, And they are worth it, and here is no trouble to sell them ind it is a profitable crop at this >ricc. Cooper's Cholera Cure; Is worth 25 cents per box and t is &ood for many dozens of ee\<vs. it will make hens lay. It will keep them healthy. It will help you to raise your ittle biddies. It is cheaper than any other ^reparation you can buy, for iL: s all medicine aud goes farther. Try a pack a ere rijcht now, f< . r it s guaranteed. W7 D A ..J o w . ii, r\.vorcy or Sijgf I SOUTHLm 1 THE SOUTR'S GF | _____ I nexcrllrd Dining C;tr Sei Id! Convenient Schedules on a Throunh Pullman Si i)isi 3 Winter Tourist Kates in !\ ! w Qi For full information n* to rates e| Southern liailvvay Tieket A.; | B808K3 JS0R3AFS, jS A G. P. A., Atlanta, Ca. w? Srs???JSSI5iMll Sial i g?9?15?SC@?? I TsJ T ^ bAuo CO i | 1ST IE I ^ Don't for ^ Pants. They $? and Qua!it >\ ? & p5jq-( n f/y A C 11 It \ ?? Men's Shnc^ 0 Patent Leatli IK iu. Fvery some nood h Shoes and SI bought befor Don't for Hardware, F ! Fertilizers. The Ol ?0????0@??0 ?? v FREE! FREE! For the benefit of our farmer friends The Times has arranged to give away, absolutely free, a number of yearly subscriptions, to the American Farmer, of In-1 dianapolis, the leading agricultu-i ral paper of America. These subscriptions are to be j distributed free to obi subscrib-| ers who pay up one year in ad- 5 . a nee and to new subscribers to ; The Times who pay a year's sub- : seriplion at the tir*e of subscrib-1 ing. We have jusi one hundred, of these subscriptions to give I away and shall he pleased to is-1 sue one to each of our friends j who complies with the above requirement. Call or send your: subscription today to TH EI XI M ES, FOFVT MIL! 13. G. !KILLthe coy Gh! AND CURE THE fLup(CG 6j """Bin, King's j Mm Mm?i /CONSUMPTION Prico* S FOR fi 0UGH8 and 80c ft $1.00 I ] " V-.-iOLDS Free Trial, j ! Buret nd Q ilckest Guro for iillfl' " THROAT and LUNG TROTJB- 9 . ^ USE , < I MONEY RACK. C ? \ A^i.- .SC_?v V^.wwyravw nffTf l"l ( JS T'OIJ S.V F.K From Puro Single j (?nm>? l'.liorlo Inland Roils at *1.00 jut fi"t titijr of. I 11 If you liko uioo ('liioltoii* thosj will ploaso yon. Hi \. I\. MoK.hauov. :? SfS SUBS .siitfMitUll ? I RAILWAY. I: iEATEST SYSTEM. ?j St : ' ... ^ II ]joctil 1 nuns. gj , Curs on Through Trains. !7R tlVel to Florida Points. [3r! ft: m\ . routes, etc., consult nearest ^]i cut, or k?! R. W. HUNT, D. P. A , Charleston, S C. j^J iifiVJfefftift-i'pjRiifisisfpffljs' >?6??&@303@988 at*ra*i SMM SWIJB "i\ D ? r???nr^3 f~?L & ri" 3"v\7" goo: g e I to call and see our I in are right up to date in Prices, $2.00 to $<>.00. fCZ^s wi. 'iW^yr J 1 W** *- -C- J? ? ? , :^...? "pqr* *? IW? MtauJuMb J just received ail i:p-to-da -1iic "Yirginius." We ler, )5<>x Gait, .un Met a pair ?,'"??*:?.'iteed. We can largaius in Ladies' and ippers, as we have a lot e the advance in Leather get lis when you want ai arming Implements, Gro M l^eSialiSe $ . E. BELK, PROPRIETOR, $?@?<3?? 00????? ( | MEACH'AM c| GRE ? PRE PAR/ Our buyers have. the Northern Market been for two weeks I ??> Summer Goods. The ? their success in selv X Each day freight and (g) them in, so in a fev Jg able to show you a fi 0 Miss Warlick is \ ? assisted by Miss Este 0 at work getting rea Millinery Opening. 1 MEAGHAM 55 53??S??0@?? O? <3 .' f 1 PARKS D $> ? ^ * \\ n " Garden i* % Garden // If KJi U.jL ^LVjXX >5 1 PARKS 0 A. 4 -*vr /:<? *+-< T OS I I DE3 I c of Sprint* ^ Style Fit ! ? 1 ! 3) ?' ? ' - J1***- m? tc line of ** . . . /rK have it ui wv I and Yici q I lil.-tU o! fe 1* V : 1 Children's Q which we o5 nvthing in (g) ceries and S ^lore, I ?@ J? i ' mi ImB 3?? S>3? 3?? 0?? [ <&, EPPS I :at i ^TIONS. I just returned from ? s, where they have ? buying Spring and S? y feel jubilant over ? actions and prices. ? express are* piling / days we will be ill line. ? vith us again and, q lie Massey, is hard GO dy for our Spring ? - e> I 8 EPPS & I?? 0?00@@?0? ' J 'RUG CO. || II Seeds, jj .Seeds, || Seeds. If II RUG CO, fl > C r*zc4<3*a-a*:mr+'<r+ <> O J Let the I \ Charlotte Steam Laitoiry ji i !' k Launder Your Linen. J * i ii ? We have the Biggest and. !> 5 Rest Laundry Plant :n e> the Carolines. We do more ? work than any laundry in .\* 4 the Carol inns. We do BetIter work than any lnuudry '] i?i the South, Our n^entR, whose name is attached hereto, has instructions to l^ive you full and complete 11 2 satisfaction or make no 4 charge. & Isn't that fair dealing ? ]? i >[ i PARKS DRUG COMP'Y, jj { AGENTS J I /IvT MILL, - - - - S. O. | A 25c "Want Ad" pay3. ; I'ry it ami be convinced. "IMPERIAL"] FLOUR. 1 The quality of this Flour,' the best milled. The price is exceptionally low?injfact sensational. As a baking Flour it has no superior; , splendid for biscuit, bread, pastry or rake, giving un- 1 bounded satisfaction. Hun- f dreds will use no other. If i you are not using it, your neighbor can probably tell , you of its good qualities. 100-lb bag S2.50 48-lb bag S 1.25 24-lb bag 65c |