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? A Most Valuable Agent. The glyocrinc employed in Dr. Plerco'a medicines greatly enhances the medicinal properties which it extracts from native medicinal roots and holds in solution much l?etter than alcohol would. It also possesses medicinal properties of its own, being a valuable demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic and untiferment. It adds Knutly to the efficacy of the Black Chorry,rk, Blood root. Golden Seal root. Stono /root and Queen's root, contained In { Golden Medical Discovery " In subduing tchronic, or lingcriug coughs, bronchial, throat and lung a flections, for all of which agents are recommended by standard medical authorities. In all ca?os \\ hero there is a wasting away of flesh, loss of appetite, with weak Utomgtffv, as in the early stages of con umiftipn. there can l>e no doubt that gly. 'cerine/acts as a valuable nutritive and aids irtie Golden Seal root. Stone root, Queofcs robt and Illack Cherrybark In promoting digestion and building up the flesh arWTsfrength. controlling the cough land brincftg about a healthy condition ?! the v?,A]c system. Of course, it must 1 not lw> effected to work miracles. It will not cureymnsumption except in Its earlier tag.-:. ft wi'.l .ore ViTV severe. ..MMnat". han;^-?nTrenriinic couciis. bronchial a*iid TTTt'^gea rlr<jiTTi!es^and ehronlc soro t]7?*r~rt with hoarseness.In acute coughs it i:. not so effective. IT is in the lingering hang-on coughs, or those of long standing, even when accompanied bv bleeding from lungs, that it has performed its most marvelous cures. Prof. FInley Kllingwood, M. IX, of llennett Med. College, Chicago, says of glycerine: " In dyspepsia itservesan excellent purpose. guiding a fixed quantity of the peroxide of ydrogon in solution, it is one of the best K&nufacturod products of the present time in s action upon enfeebled, disordered stomachs, especially if there Is ulceration or catarrhal gastritis (catarrlial inflammation of tnmueht. it Is u most e flic lent preparation. Glycorlno will relievo many cases of pyrosis 0 (heartburn) and excessive gastric (stomach) acidity." "Golden Medical Discovery " en riches and puriflSs the blood curing hlotches. pimples, er.iiitlons. scrofulous swellings and old sores, j or ulcers. Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo. N. Y.. for free iMxiklet telling all about the native | medicinal roots composing this wonderful Baod.clnc. There Is 110 alcohol 111 It. One man is not had because au- j ather is piod.-?Danish. CHILURtN lORTURfcD. Qlrl Un'l Running Sores From Kcrrnui?Boy Tortured by Poison Ouk ?Both Cured by Cuticura. "Lost year, after having my little girl treated by a very prominent physician for an obstinate case of eczema. 1 resorted to Abe Cuticura Remedies. and was so well leased with the almost, instantaneous relief afforded that we discarded the physician's prescription and relied entirely on tlx: Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment and Guticura Pill*. When we commenced with the Cuticura Remedies her feet and limb* .worn covered with unning sore*. In about six week* we had her completely well, and tbrve ha* been no recurrence of the trouble. "In July of thin year a little boy in our fas lily poisoned his hands and arms with Eoisou oak, and in twenty-four hour* hia inds and arm* were a niu*? of torturing sores. We used only the Cuticura Remedies. washing bis hands and arms with th" Cuticura Soap, and anointing then; wi'.-h the Cuticura Ointment,, and then gave him the Cuticura Resolvent. in about three week* his lianda and arms h'v.'iud up. So we have lots of cause for feeling grateful for the Cuticura Remedies. Wo find that the Cuticura Remedies are a valuable household standby, living as we do twelve miles from a doctor. Mrs. Lizzie Vincent Thomas, Fairmount, Walden'* Ridge, Tents., Oct. 13, 1906." (lifts break rocks. ; i i SfHllllll1 II II II I'll Mil I'll I' t [TIRED km SjpK YET MUST mm "Man may work from mn to sun but woman's work is never done,"' fi In order to keep the home neat and pretty, the children well dressed and tidy, women overdo and often suffer in silence, drifting along from bad to worse, knowing well that they ought to have help to overcome the paius and aches which daily make life a burden. It is to these women that Lydis i E. I'iukham's Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs comes as a blessing. When the spir ' its arc depressed, the head and bad aches, there are dragging-down pa reluctance to go anywhere, these heeded, are soon billowed by the wc LydsaE. PinkhamV keeps the feminine organism in a st inflammation, Ulceration, displace preparing for child-birth und to ear of Life it is mc ?t efficient. Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East V hum: ?"For a long time I suffered of aches and pains in the lower pa sleep and had no appetite. Since t: Compound and following the advice new wii.Ti.i \ and I cannot praise y< tlvr- PJnkhani's 9r Wo- ; . ring from any form write l\ chain, r.t. Lynn, Mas ] jierie.'ic si. probably lias the vc case, l.'ci is free and always t ?"-'v' 'T/ 'virt^mnyy J?|CUI The Circ1 and the TWICE-TOLD TESTIMONY. A Woman Who Hm Suffered Telia How to Find Relief. The thousands of women who suffer backache, languor, urinary disorders and other kidney ills, will find comfort in the words of Mrs. Jane Farrell, of 606 Ocean Ave.. JerJW ) sey City, N. J., who "I reiterate ffkfl \ - all I have said bejfdH 'ore Id praise of Doan's Kidney Pills. fel^W I had been having heavy backaches, and my general health was affected when 1 began using them. My feet were swollen, my eyes pulled, and dizzy spells were frequent. Kidney action was Irregular and the secretions highly colored. To-day, however, 1 am a well woman, and I am contident that Doan's Kidney Pills have made nie so, and are keeping me well." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Use ran almost change the stamp of nature.?Shakespeare. Proof of Merit, The proot ot toe merits ot .1 plaster is I the litres it cttcctv and the voluntary testimonials oi those who have used Alieork's Plasters during the past tnxtv > ears is unimpeachable evidence ot their superiority and should convince the most skeptical. Ssclf-praisc is no recommendation, hut certificates troiu those who have used them are AllcockV are the original and genuine porous plaster and have never been equaled by those who have sought to trade upon their reputation by making plasters with j holes in lliein. Avoid substitutes as you Mould counterfeit money. Virtue conquers envy.?Motto of I lie Scotch Karle of Galloway. Catarrh Cnnnot lie Cured with LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach ltie seat of the d'seasc Catarrh is a b'ood or eonsiitulibnai disease, ana in oracr 10 cure it you mum take internal remedies, Hall's Catarrh Cure La taken internally, ami acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hali Catarrh C'ure la not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one or the beat physicians in this country for years and is a regular |>rescription. It is composed of ti\e best tonics known, combined with the heat blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces, 'the perfect combination of the two ingredient* is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. ?T. Cheney A Co., l'rops., Toledo, O. Sold bv Druggists, price 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. No thoroughly occupied man was ever miserable.?Italian. Argo tied Salmon la cleaned and packed entirely by machine, and not touched by the human hand. After trying It you will use no other. At all grocers. One ''take this*' is better than ten "you shall haves."?French. Only One "SJronio Quinine" l'liat is Laxative Broino Uiunine. Similarly named remedies sometimes deceive. The hrst and original Cold tablet is n White Package, with black and red lettering, and bears the signature ol L. *V. Crove. '25c. The more talents the more they will he developed.?Chinese. ; ins, nervousness, sleeplessness, and E arc only symptoms which unless B >rst forms of Female Complaints. ft Vegetable Coaipcund I rong and healthy condition itcures y unents, and organic troubles. In H ry women seiely through the Change R arl, Pa . writes:? Dear Mrs. Pink- I rom female troubles and lnid all kinds n rt of back and sides, I could not Fj thing Lydia E. Pinkhaui s Vegetable jjj ! which you gave me 1 feci like a Eg jur medicine too highly." ivitation to Women of female weakness are invited s. Out of her vast volume of ex- 9 ry knowledge that will help your ft ?acr>.7.grra- ifr TISN^\ '-M *y 1 ** w?* 'I *7^" L* I RED \&&l jlation Stimulated I Muscles and Joints | ited by using i 0&JX'.S 1 unveivt I 2e 25c 50c &$1.00 1 old by &ll Dealers Treatise On The Horse" Sent Free | s Dr. fori S.Sloan,Boston,Mass. | A One of the In IT the W< is to learn as to4 the r< k ers of medicinal agents, ll the uniform quality and | known to physicians and Co., by reason of its corrc fln its product has attained to is accorded to successful a MB Company has become a gu appeal to the Well-Inforn ? 1 cess and creditable standi I I enjoy good health, with it if living with all the term i W of recreation, of enjoymer & 4~ 1 1 ik.. ...... IU 11idL cnu anu uic unc \j i 3 a as in many instances a si rll proper time, the Californi KSf truthfully the subject and &OS the appoval of physicians a of the excellence of the con ture, wlrch is known to the 7^2 This valuable reinci Syrup of Figs?and has I I family laxatives, and as i IJ known to physicians and W laxatives, we have adoptei Mk Senna?as more fully dc Ml called for by the shorter na I 1 note, when purchasing, tl II plainly printed on the froi Jjj Figs ? or by the full nameElixir of Senna ? is the or tffin Co. and the same horetoh Hnf satisfaction to millions. ETC the United States in origi Wj is fifty cents per bottle. ' Every bottle is sold M Secretary of Agriculture, ; iS9 misbranded within the me h CALIFC mil Louisville, Ky. I1CC Til VI HD'O Che uul mi Lun o cou P UTN AM i-olor more t;ooiU brighter ami fualor colors thou a'-'? " 4yu aujr K-irini'nt without ri|>i>uiK apart. Write tor Tnko heed of an ox before, and an 1 ass behind, and a knave on all sides. Piles Cured in ? to i4 Pay*. Pare Ointment is guaranteed to cure any j case of Itching, Blind, Bit oding or Protruding | Piles in ti to days or money refunded. 50c. As arc (he times, so are (lie manners.?Spanish. During Lent there 1b nothing more i delicious than Argo Red Salmon, j There are so many different ways of preparing it, and it appeals Lo bulii the eye and the appetite. The man is a fool who when ask - i e<l for his opinion prives it.?Punch. ! Every lady should have a copy of tlio Argo Red Salmon Cook Book. It tells you thirty-nine different ways of preparing Salmon. Ask your grocer for it. Two watermelons cannot be held under one arm.?Turkish. FITS, St. Vitus' Dance-.Nervous Diseases permanently cured by Dr. Kline's <treat Nerve Restorer. 92 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,A31 Arch St., Philn., Pa. There's always work for workers. \ (Jartield Tea. nature's remedy for a torpid, inactive or disordered liver; for constipaticn, tjick-headachc. indigestion. No one ever repented of having held his. tonjrue.?Italian. To recover quickly from bilious at;u< ks, tick. idache, indigestion or coh.L, take Oar field Tea, Ihe mild laxative. Ouarau wwu uuuci iue i uru roou ana urugn law. 4 ?? ______ A ire begins in mistake aiul ends in ignominy.?The Rambler. If you have not received the Argo Red Salmon Cook Book ask your kiocer or send a postal card to the Alaska Packers' Association, Richmond, Va., advertising department. I low poor are they that have not patience!?Shakespeare. Tteh cured in .10 minutes hv Woolford's Sanitary Motion; never fails. Sold by Druggist. .Mini order* promptly hlled hv Dr. E. Detchon Med.Co.,Oawfordsville,Ind. $1. Misfortunes to which we are used affect ns less severely.?Juvenal. Aft-s. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup for Children tceth'ng.Hofteii8theRuinB,reduceHinftnmination, allays pain,cures wind colic, !25ca bottle The danties of tlie great are the tears of the poor.?Horace. i-.UL.J3a ;1 T ffy ?2 | lyes - ~r%; " r'-' iportant Duties of I ill-informed of the dative standing and reliability of as the most eminent physicians ar perfect purity of remedies prescribe the Well-Informed generally that ct methods and perfect equipment a the high standing in scientific and nd reliable houses onlv. and. theref< arantee of the excellence of its remet RUTH AND QUALITY ltd in every walk of life and are e? ng, therefore we wish to call the t s blessings, to the fact that it invi mplies. With proper knowledge ol it, of contemplation and of effort n medicines dispensed with generally mple, wholesome remedy may be i a Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is a to supply the one perfect laxativ md the world-wide acceptance of tl ibination, known to all, and the ori ! California Fig Syrup Co. only. iiy has been long and favorably kr attained to world-wide acceptance ts pure laxative principles, obtaint the Well-lnfonned of the world d the more elaborate name of?Syr scriptive of the remedy, but doi ime of Syrup of Figs?and to get ii te full name of the Company ? Ca it of every package, whether you s ?Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna ic laxative remedy manufactured b\ are known by the name?Syrup ol The genuine is for sale by all lead inal packages of one size only, tl under the general guarantee of th it Washington, D. C., that the ren aning of the Food and Drugs Act, IRNIA FIG SYRI San Francisco, Cal. U S. A. London, England. jrokee*Remedy of Sweet G i ?M TV?. i?iaa, vuiuo, uaunppc fd'r jd"y*' FAD EL E iihi*. ijn. Ono JOo. I'tck.iKc color* all Ahem. They <1; frt'ii booklet?Haw to Hjre, .'Jlcacb siuii jii x. Colors. .1 It is the property of n good man to do fireat and irood tiling, though lie risk everything hy it. -Metillus. flGARETTE HABIT I V"VV;:V;,.T':7,.? I I iltl* I* l? (i li'lly ctiiM-nnlred. Any \J i elViTtiee yon u ?nt. ll'rit* f*?rjl'rr tn*tk on Cigiirstfclttibit'' llr d .s. II III l?re?*ifevlllr?Tf* So. 10-'07. Thompson's Eye Water should ! jP ^Cn' ^ ii Jf "Cotton Culture" is B&j* pages, lull 01 "meaty Sgr grower. It discusses tl f cotton plant, and gives v necessary to secure the g It will be sent free to GERMAN KAI New York?93 Nassau Street, or CABBAGE Pla sii' nil kIikIs. f iinnli'n pl.-i 1 ti fi.M) per thousand lars'e lot J * "?** M tm.S. < ArlliisP n V. IiltoK. < . I . Mrsg< tt,. C. Die ha* established an Fxpertnirntal Station on oil' To clallj t'ahbuK*'*. 1 he results of these experiment Your* rea[>ectfulljr > W. L. DOl $3.00 AND $3.50 SI ~w. L. DOUGLAS $4*00 GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT B SHOES FOR EVERYBODY I Mnn'iShotf, t.t to SI.AO. Itoya' Shoex, Sliona, M lu 91..10. Miaaca* Jk C'hlhlmii'i W. L Douglas shoes are recognized l>y e to bo the best in style, tit and woarnrottuc part of tho shoe and ovorv detail of the m and watchotl over by skilled shoemaker time or cost. If I could tako you into r Brockton, Mass., at d show yon how can shoes aro made, y ui would then nndersti wear longer, and are of greater value than \V. I.. name snrt prlre la alampeit on Iti prleea s*n>l Inferior ahoea. Tnltr fast Color t'.yelcts ust\l exclusively. Catalog mat ho taossneffiw The ills peculiar to women., Some ladies suffer, every m feeling. Others suffer agonies ol Whatever the symptoms, re act on the cause of their trcublej Willi Mrs. M. C. Austin, of Mom of female disease, but after usinj _JVMTEJJSAI?rTEB \ ' Physicians and n World r) the leading manufactur- ^M e the most careful as to d by them, and it is well /l the California Fig Syrup Mm nd the ethical character of commerqial circles which ore, that the name of the ;sential to permanent sue- 1% ittention of all who would | 1 Dives the question of right 1 I : what is best each hour | lay be made to contribute W ; to great advantage, but nvaluable if taken at the m I like important to present II e remedy which has won le Well-Informed because ginal method of manufaclown under the name of? as the most excellent of d from Senna, are well ? | to he the best of natural ^1 J up of Figs and Elixir of \ ibtless it will always be S\ ts beneficial effects always f 1 lifornia Fig Syrup Co.? I I imply call for ? Syrup of I J . ?as?Syrup of Figs and LSI | ' the California Fig Syrup &Sk E bigs ? which has given KBfli ^ ling druggists throughout ne regular price of which e Company, filed with the ledy is not adulterated or srl June 30th, lyob. VI UP CO. New York, N. Y. um and Mullein ,t and Lung Troubled. Thorcmt-lily touted ini. All DrugglnU. 2 >c, tOc uud SS DYES to in cold water better ilum any other tlyo. You eaa l??HOSt IMtUU CO., l.uiouville, Alieauurl EI.MWOOII Xl'IttKRIK* W lirr Uruwrr. uud .??'? :% line unor Incut or ii' rF.tviiKl, mxR. j A Plum* l|>rlcoU Xrctnilapi, I -JU, Chi'iTlru. ftr?|>rvlne? In lur-ifo j JHcT, BMO'lmcai .UnMrlitrrlraGMr i It nil iik. A ip'iraru* 1' e w lie r- I :^NDh\{t^t rli'i a id u'i cxli it lot R?pHer- j W&A rim, i^'einllil uimri meut OKHkWI-V nW A A K KX'r.1 1, :iml HII A 1?E ^rv' i T K K K A, IIRX A M l-.WT ? L All IS V > N AND n KIM1 U. * PI.A ITS XV -111: r.ri'alul.fu. Co.I. It WATkINK A- HBO.MI4l?Utaa.Va RAII.KOAD POSITIONS i*AOtn(IAOO h year, ak* under 81; Ci>mni<>u education. KnClure atainp. J.I.. Wllmn, H(r..(ll<lpulnl,S.C. verage fertilizer for cotton contain 3 per cent, nitroper cent, phosphoric acid >er cent. 'OTA^H the title of a book of 90 suirizestions for the cotton I he proper cultivation of the aluable hints 011 fertilizing reatest yield. i all interested. I WORKS | Atlanta, (la.?1224 Candler Building nts, CELERY Plants i run now furnlah ail kinil* of ou' l.iijfo unit will Mai il pr. :it colit. drown fr in rV/'JTriV m! I'llntni'll. Wi iihc (In* mono plant-i?. Jl /Ar#-.*| |/8! Plant- carefully Countcil urol properly oM'frl it) r. I ft tore, Oi (on I'.ici piai it-. Mint rl ' IJ f jfi n??? rnu pronoKcii wlilrti.wln n effocrlvo lv.v\ (Hit1! l?n lliorchm llho rate. I'rlc. ? Mmul I. It a^y, Kf.lZj II 10 to $I.'.>S r.or lh. K o H, SJi ? i mo I'ucnniiK-r Soon fo coots i or imiimi. Vi.ltcil Mali- Airrh ultuial I>o|nmnent rni?, to ii ?i all k in.I* i.f ??ni i..i'l. o.po ? wo Will | |. plon-o.l to vivo J. II nl 111" time. II ill.rri II COM 1*4 X i . .41 EOOETTIi ?. O. JGLAS^ jnce BEST JN r Sa 1UCd THE WORLD 7. Jf i E EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE. IT ALL PRICES: / >1 3 to St.iiS. WiiiDi n'i <y i Sliiien, t'l.'tfi InVLINI. . *| Xpert judge* of footwear^l^CMfccr _.f cu in tliis country. Each ii** ;, ?-'*" / akinc i* looked after \' s, without, meard to ? ny larco factories at fr "fully W. T.. Doughs T/rxvtylM inn why iiify nohi in* ir s?i. , lit i>t*Lter, anv otnor makes, c bottom, which f?rot? ? ?* the irp*rcr nn 11M Heh tiitr. Sold t?y t!? * i*'?i gboc dealer* everywhere. l/rcr. W. I,. DO t? QUA S, llrorkton.llAM. tr.he different forms. c.Uh, f-om d" rk rir yj, round their eyes, Uo1 i pain, that words can hardly express. :membor there is one medicine that will go >, the weakened womanly organs. 6 of Cai phis, Tenn., writes: "For five (5) years I I the well-known Cardui Home Treatmenl | Write today for a free copy of valuable 64-page Illustrate . Ira! Advic*. describe your symptoms, stating age. and re I Address: Ladles' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga A1 SAW MILL MACHINERY QINNINO MACHINERY. hKhBi ml mkjsUtMt111' g~l A CAI IMn un^v/Liiic C1YVJinCJ. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS GRIST MILLS, STEAM PUMPS Everything in MACHINERY AND MILL SUPPPIES. tlYMAN SUPPLY COMPANY OFFICES. STORES. WAREHOUSES. Wilmington and New Bern.N.C. ADDRESS- MACH'Y DEPT. F. iSl Mlffi For Preserving,Purifying" and Beautifying the Skin, O z>/>1 1?K f T/% < -%0 AMil Y1 ouuy, nau, ami xiauu:>. Cutlrura Sn?p romblnea dallcete medlrirel and emollient pr pertli e derived train Cullcur*. n - f it Skiu Cvre, Willi t'.ie puree! < f tiponareoue Iiitreiuen!-. ami tha mo'i refreehirjt of flower odoee. S" ?l ti?i bhu?i tb-a WciIC. Depot: l<ci .1 <n, n ChatiertiMi'r ; J'aria, fl l!ii? la 1 .r; /. i..-ritl* N.Vm n? A. < o., Vvi'ueyi Boeto'i. I'.c.A 13? Co.uuibiia Are., roller Drug* Chtlfe Uorp., vii I'lofU, j For health 1 Economy !; Results Snowdrift v Hogless Lard Light SAW MILLS LATH AND SHINGLE MACHINES SAWS AND SUPPLIES. STEAM AND SA30LINC ENGINES. Try LOMBARD. AU:!S^A chcs on their s!:in and tired y beyond mere symptoms, and 4 :dui suffered vlth every symptom r I, I was entirely we!L" J Rook for Womb, If you neeJ Med- u ply will be sent lit plain sc*ltd envelope. I leJi^rie Co., Chaunnoota, Tenn. { v_