University of South Carolina Libraries
CAUGHT BT T? RELEASEI ? ? ? ? < KfTcctirn Medicine for^La (Jrippo Stobu I* Mud (son, A. M-. Principal of CulJowbee High Kchool. Painter. N. C.. writes: "IV.runa It* tLe most effective raed cine thru C fluive ever tried for la grippe. It also cured aav wife of nusal catarrh, tier condition at ?>***' time was such that nhu could not ut breathe through her nostrils." ld& Urippe and Systemic Catarrh. j Mr*. Jeunio W. Qilmoro. Box 14, White! Oleic, lnd. Ter., writes: "Six years ago I had ia grippe, followed systemic catarrh. The only thing I used, wt?h Pern 11 n ur.d Maualln, and I have boon in ' health the lust thrco years thnu for V?'*r* Isofore.'' Aire. Jane flitt, Athens. Ohio, writes: **8ix ycais ago I had in grippe very bad. My hushaud bought me a bottle of Peruua. i 1 waasoon able to do my work." Peruna is sold by your I oal dri t ?n< nr? i?r?n i??.l to flit or tor* for mr Cs1?br?%?il I f-AHIiAGK Hl.ASrS in any uiiA.uit.,d, I KAKLY JKKSKY WAKEFIELD-Karli??t and beat am bnulrr. niuall type. *?fl A HI,KSTON WAKP.tIRI.ll About ten day* later Rtrtj June}'*, al*o a >ura header of fine ilm Price* f. o. h. hare. i>a SOfttar 91.OO. l.OOl) to S.OOd at 91.53 pe Kpaciat price* on larger nuintltie* All order* *hli>r>* CHAS. M. G13SON CABBAGE Pla. and All kind* of pardon planta. iS'S jlIxX ptnuta, Brown In the open ulre jBM/f cvisSHJf Jf acede of the luom re liable ace SSSpe'' R our Ihouaaml acre truck farm. ] StiyaKSTjgfl luu'Krtl. t'elrry ready lu?t of lie t ' J time or earlier Deduced rxpre Stvv'wr/' liS> w"' H',,> "" ?" P"' cent lea* tha v*f $1..'A> per lhoueuii.1 liiriie lot $1 dW " uetta.S. i: Arltnjtt< n \t lilie ho V. u. h.MeKgrti?, 8. C. '1 he I no iM.tablKlrcd an I".?|h rlmenial Si a i Ion oil our fun Dally Cablia^ie I tie re*ulta of iheae experiment* Your* reapoelfully N. 1! Paint Buying Y)\ Made Safe W\ th"m'rk White Lead and I.inseed Oil need no argument, no advertising to ifcjbk. * maintain them- fwJP tL selves as the liest and most economic- TAtV \ T al paint yet known to ^ V ^ man. Thedifticnltyhas \ V\ been for the buyer to lie \ v \ \' always sure of the purity VwAV of the white lead and oil We have registered the \J?k trade mark of the Dutch Boy painter to tie the final prtiof of quality, genuineness and purity to paint buyers everywhere. When this trade mark appears on the keg, you can be sure that |S(> rv,nUr,l, i, !>? ? I .... * U ? W WIlllC Lead made by the Old Dutch Process. SEND FOR BOOK "* A Tnlk on rnict." civ** rnlroMe inform*, tiuo on the |>uiut iub)?nt. 1 roo u^on roqucaC NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY an trhirhrvrr of thr folia 10clllat it miiiviI you r I Kow Yorlt. Hoatou, Xnlfalo. (!<nrlitnd, Cincinnati. Clil'nuo. St lonlt. 1'hll*rfolphi* (John T. Ia-wi. 4 Proa. Co. Pitt*Ixircl? Ihational l-rf-uj A Oil Cu.| So. 7-'07. Mtm Whlto & Co. prtc* G5ARETTC HABIT i P?rf??l C*rr ?*r rf?r??c<i )* wait. WHt* for frr* euo* o? nNrftkil.' Dr. J.S.HIII.?rM**lll^X** [? GRIP? > BY PE^RU^NA^ & m ? ' L I <?*?rrk 1 Stiffen d Twolre Years From After Effects of En tirippc, Mr. Victor I'ntneaude, 328 Mndisou St., Topokn, Kan., writes: "Twelve years ago I hail n severe attack of lu grippe ami I cover really recovered my health until two yours ago. 1 began using 1'oruua n id it built un rev stiength so that lo n couple of mouths J wus able to go to work again." Pneumonia Followed La tirippc. Mr. T. Bnrnecott, West Aylnier, Ontario, Can., wrltos: 'Last winter 1 was ill with pneumonia niter having la grippe, I tc ok Peruna for two mouths, when I became quite well." Pe-ru-na?A Tonic After La ( rippc Mr*. Citas. E. Wells, Sr.. Delaware, Ohio, write*: After a severe attack of la grippe. 1 took Perunn and fouud It a very good tonic." uggist. Buy a bottle today,. ige Plants! RtTOOFBBTON - B??t knnwn win heading vari?*tT of l?ri;o flat later than Charleston Wakrflold. Thf plant* ?r? from the very *rown In the nm-n air ami will stand wrewiolil without Injury. All order* arn Ailed from the aame l.e.l* that 1 am u*lu? for my tittuilvtcalilitia fariaa. Hatlifartlon nuaranteed. okef la light Imtn: i' SI. A,009 to 10.090 at 91.1.1 par U. I O. O. D. whea not accompaniei by remittance. m Young's island, S. C. \is> CELERY Plants mggm Tan now ftirnlah nil kind* of ratdiaga g' lul w III hi.-ti d Krout cold, Oruwn from PI/ ^ iltmrn. We uw> the aame plant* on ftV/irfv ,,fl| Plant* i-art'tnlly oounled and properly |1[m\ ji I [/? c. I.eituce. Onion ami lleot plain*. name ?r( \V III III ?? rata* pioint*e?l.whifli.when effective llM ill 1)1 n mereh-ir.dlre ralea. I'rlfea: Small lota KwWinV'l i?i to gi iM-r thousand, k. o II. Meg- msivij ,^k Inr riifiiiiilmr Seed An rent* i>er pntin<t. HmK rB 'lilted ."tele* AidlfUltliral lie| artinent ma. to teal all klnda of vr?etahl. ?, espc we will l>e pl<-n??-tl to five you at an* time. I. HI.ITt II COMPANY. MKUIIK1TI, I. C (.lifts break roeks. Plies Cured in A to 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in ft to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. no relIFf from eczema For Over Two Years?Patent Mctlicities, t^uark Cures, and Kven Doctors Fail?Cuticura Succeeds. "1 was very badly a fit ic led witli eczema for more than two yearn. The parts affected were my limhs below the knees. 1 tried alt the physicians in the town and some in the surrounding towns, and 1 also tried all the patent remedies that I heard of. besides all the cures advised by old women und quacks, and found no relief whatever until 1 commenced using the Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment and Cuticura Resolvent. In the Cutkura Remedies 1 found immediate relief and was sooti sound and well. C. V. Belt7., Tippecanoe, Ind., Nov. 15, 1905." It is base to sj>enk vain words. Of Interest to Women. Kverr woman naturally should be healthy and strong, but. a great many women, unfortunately, are not, owing to the unnatural condiiion of the lives we lead. Headache, backache and n general tired condition are prevalent amongst the women of to-day, and to relieve these conditions women rush to the druggists for a bottle of some preparation supposed to be particularly for them, and containing? nobody knows what. If thev would just get a box of Brandreth's Pills, and take them regularly every night for a time, all their trouble would disappear, as these jniirt ir^ui.iu: me uignn? ui mr irmimnfl system. The same done has the sumo effect, no matter how lone they arc used. Prandreth'a Pills love been in use for over a century and are sold in every drug and medicine store, plain or sugar-coated. He is never alone that is in tht company of noble thoughts.?Confucius. _____ How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar- Reward for any case of Catarrh ?ltat cannot bi cured by Hall's Catarrh Cur*. V. J. CiikneV k Co., Toledo, O. We. the u* dersigned, have known K. .1 Cheney for the laet 15 years, and belien him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to earrj out any obligations mads by their firm. WXST k Truax. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O., Rinnan 4 Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall'e Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aet< ing directly upon the blood and tnueuous *ui? faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75e. per bottle. Bold by all Druggists ,, Take HalPe Family Pflle for eMMtioadem T# It Fat: Drink Chocolate. Tn an obacure but pi?tureeque little tillage of far off Germany there la a place' called the "Chocolate Cure." where thin people go to became stout. The patients *eat and drink cocoa and chocolate all the time while they reBt, admire the scenery, gossip and grow fatter every day. The true secret of the great success of the treatment is the happy way chocolate has of fattening Just the right nl?oo? tling in the hands, the arms, the neck and the shoulders, making the fnir patient prettier and plumper all the time. The really effective part of this cure may be tried at home by any persevering woman, and the medicine Is so palatable and the method so simple that there Is actually. It soem-s. uo reason why all should not be of just the desired weight- ? >* Tho Modesty of Women Naturally makes them shrink from the u<iviii.di?T 4ur^uull3, UK' (?UU()XII)1IS CXaminations, and unpleasant local treatments. which somn physicians consider essential In the treatment of diseases of women. Yet. if help can l>e had, it is better to submit to this ordeal than let .the disease grow and spread. The trouhlo is that so often the woman undergoes all the annoyance and sharac for nothing. ThonsandsNjf women who have been cured nv Dr. rHerce's Favorite Prescription wrltH. in i^Htr^ciation of the cure which dispefc^roNyHh the examinations and local troatmcnt^There is 110 other medicine *.jre and safe for riclio?t|fi women as "Favorite Prescription.'' It cures debilitating drains, irregularity and female weakness. It always helps. It almost always enres. It is strictly nonalcoholic, 11011 - secret, all its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper; contains 110 deleterious or habit-forming drugs, and every native medicinal root entering into its composition lias the full endorsement of those most eminent in the several schools of medical practice. Some of these numerous and strongest of professional endorsements of its ingredients, will#be found in a pamphlet wrapped around the bottle. also in a booklet mailed free on request, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of ltuilalo. N. Y. These professional endorsements should have far more weight than any amount of the ordinary lay, or non-professional testimonials. The most intelligent women now-a-days iiiuivt on knowing what they take as medicine instead of opening their mouths like a lot of young birds and gulping down whatever is offered them. "Favorite Prescription" is Of KNOWN' COMPOSITION. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is on receipt of stamps to puv expense of mailing o?///. Sond to Dr. II..V. Pierce, liuilalo, N. Y., 21 one-cent stamps for paper-covered, or :?1 stamps for cloth-bound. If sick consult the Doctor, free of ciiurge by letter. All such communications are iirui sacredly confidential. l)r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate ami regulate stomach, liver and bowels. TREATMENT OP TRAMPS. Bacon?The police are very considerate of a poor homeless tramp in Now York. Egbort?How so? Bacon?Why, when one go^s to sleep on a park bench the cop raps | him up.?Yonkers Statesman. WORKS IN THE HARDEN. "T Eighty-seven Years Old, Rut Has a Sound Rack. Robert Scollan, 87 years old, of 55 Garden St.. Seneca Falls, N. Y., a tflne, sturdy old works in his own garden, gives thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills for and kidneys. Mrs. Goetc.hious, his "Father had a severe attack of kidney trouble and lumbago, which caused him much suffering. He began taking Doan's Kidney PIUb and was soon cured. We alwflVS Ifapn tKom Knn.l A--.? # v.?vui vu Uliuu. mj HUBband was cured of bad puina in the back by taking only part of a box." Sold by all dealers. HO cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Little Girl.?"Please let mother! have a love-story book." Librarian?"Yhy doesn't she come herself t,' Little Girl?"She can't; father and 'er's been lighting:, and she got two >lack eyes!"?Ally Sloper. I Ardt I Wori I of iTrutl WRITS US FRl M and frankly, In strictest confklenc I troubles, and stating your age. nun ADVICX, In pUIn sealed SB sabla M-pags Book on "Horn Treat W Address: Ladles' Advisory ^^OrtluraiMddMCOj^Qattia f ? t f He is never alone that is in the company of noble thoughts.?Confucius. To Core a Cold In One Day Take laxative Bromo Oniniue Tablets. Druggist* refund monov If it fails to cure. E. tvVUrove'R signature is on each box. "-15c. Sympathy is the solace of the poor, but tor the rich there is consolation. | i ...j r> J ^ The 0ri^iT 1 tised Brand" of North Care < Showing a GAIN EVERY | "IMITATED IN STYLI TTTTVV ? 10,000 MINK SKINS WANTED AT ONCK. lliKheit I'rices ever known wiM be paid {or itmnnltate shipments. Add real A K Hurkhardt. D. 72. Cincinnati, O, 0*1 X FAVORITE PKMI It stood order ( heII |> for <i>?h or will Irinlr lor a in siller OulSI chrap. U F.VANN, \ru lirm.Vii. So. 7-'07. list KUDU'S >nt I "i ^ ^ JL Br I writes Mrs/j 1 and the only mm I four (4) mor I nvonr I ?'?! III Hh? I walk across 1 LJfi fck ra J period, which ^LlfeaJJ' | obtainlng reiil WINE OF I II | "I only usei a 0 j and work every < L fife I will recommend | you need Card MMB?niHiia ' sex. It Is purel; 1ELT I fectly reliable. 1 e, teBtng all your | restores strength We wM send you I fitod by Its use. nvelope, and a val jnent for Women." I IT Department, The I A1 _l__________ UU1U JJCUIUIIBUKIU. FITS, St. Vitus' Dance :N ervous Diseases per- j maneutlycured by Dr. Kline's Greut Nerve | Restorer. *3 trial bottle and treatise free, i Dr. II. R. Kline. IkL.tKU ArchiSt.. Phila., Pa. After ebb eontos flood und friends with good.?Dutch. 7trh cured in 3(1 minutes bv Wool font's Sanitary tuition: never fails. Soltl by Druggist*. Mail orders promptly filled bv Dr. E. DetchonMcd.Co.,Crawfords\ille,Ind. tl Victory gives no account of her actions.?Curtis the Batavian. iLYDiAE. PINKHAM'S I VEGETABLE I COMPOUND / 11s acknowledged to be tho most successful remedy iu the country for those paiuful ailments peculiar to women. For more than 30 years it has been curing Female Complaints, such as Inflammation, and Ulceration, Falling and Displacements, and consequent Spinal Weakness. Backache, and is peculiarly adapted to the Change of Life. Itacords show that it has cxtred more cases of Female Ills than any Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Tumors at an early stage of devclopr pain,weight, and heudachc are relieve It corrects Irregularities or Pai _ uMiiunvu. maigesuou. Bloating. 'Nei fl ral Debility; also. Dizziness. Paintnc: andwanttobeleftalone" feeling'. Irril 9 Flatulency. Melancholia or tho "Bin H female weakness or some orgauic de 2 For Kidney Complaints of either w Compound is a most excellent remed; I JVIrs. Pinkham's Standin j Women suffering from any form c 9 write Mrs Pinkham. Lynn, Mass. fo I who has been advising sick women ft H years, and before that she assisted h? K in advising. Thus she is well qnali R health. Her advice is free and alwn I SWEET! BLOODI ^ AND Every grocery store should carry Argo Red 8almon. If the salesmen have not yet called on you. drop ? card to the Alaska Packers Association, Richmond, Va., where our,temporary advertising offices are located. If you watch for the Items on Argo i Red Salmon, von win ??<i 1 ? v MUU ovsuaC ?crj j interesting things about Alaska and the Salmon iudustry, of which very little is known in this country. "Argo" Is a household word wherever this Salmon has been introduced. Argo Red Salmon is standard in i quality, quantity, color and price. "Argo! Argo! Argo! Argo! Argo! j Argo! Arte! Argo! Vrgo! \rgo!" Unity is a precious diamond.?j Holydays. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrnp for Children to(?thiTig,fioft;*nstbegun>s,rcducesintlammutiou, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle Gifts break rocks. other one remedy known. J Compound dissolves and expels H nent. Dragging- Sensations causing 'd and permanently cured by its use. H inful Functions. Weakness of the S rvous Prostration. Headache, dene- R ss Extreme Lassitude. "Don't care R lability. Nervousness,Sleeplessness. Q es." These are Bure indications of Q rangeraent H sex Lydia K. Pinkham'r Vegetable V i? Invitation to Women I if female weakness are invited to R r advice. She is the Mrs. Plnkh&m R *oe of charcre for mnr?? Uinn f1. I >r mother-in-law Lydia E. Pinkham B fieil to imicie sick women back to M .jr helpful. ? ki * A L k 4AAAAAAAAA1 kkk.kA.JLk At HOUND | CORN obacco. The Only "Adver- ? dina. Flue-Cured Tobacco ? VEAR since introduced. C j E BUT MOT IN CHEW" |j TfT?rTmTTT?mTTTm?TT1 EI.W WOOD ? I' KUKRI CM. W? are j (Jrovrers and alter n flim assortment or A I* r l.l'H. PEACH K?. riAltt. ; ? Plaai. AprlrsU. Nectarines, j Cherries, iirapevines In larice assortments,<?oosrt>errles.Cor ] rauts, Strawberries. Horse- j jftaRgay Katl>k, Aspsrxns >'rwktr< rlos and an r xlrs lot R?s|ib?r- , rlos, itplendld asooriaseat ORW AM I'X'T.AI. sat IMAIIK ?y-r 1 T K B B M. URN AM KMT A I, 1 tllltCN AND BKDOK PI.AHTN. Wrll?rorA'alalo(ue fa J.R. WATKIRIA RKO HUIsihlaa Vs ;rokee ^Remedy of Sweet O ighs, Colds, LaGrippe & 2? Vsls Give Bva Bashore, of Wapakoneta, 0. hope they offered was an opera iths growth, measuring about s Ighed only 90 pounds and was s< the floor. The trouble began by stopped the flow. 1 doctored fc ef, until, as 1 dreaded an operatlo Ml MWfe. HBKS*. b d eight (8) bottles of Cardul. Nov 1 am day. Wine of Cardul saved my life. I It whenever 1 can." Nothing could be m< ui if you suffer from any of the disor y vegetable, strictly medicinal, harmlos Cardul regulates irregular functions, relies i and Invigorates the system. Over a mil ALL DRUGGISTS IN $L04 ? ===bj If the time don't suit you, suiif yourself to the time.?Dutch. Jf* ~gmgr HICKS* (RHI| CAPUDINE H 'Y-sfSy \ IMMfDIATtCT CURES Jf J ^ L HEADACHES IJ^BrcaK) upCOLDiS "* ? TO 13 HOURS B8j83BnJ?5fi?ffiTrt,j Bcttl*,0t- ** D 43*! /) OPHBRED WORTHS //l YOUNG people u'l'Jl/ ?-r o matter how limit* / i_\ your ir.eaiiK or edur (Ion, if y'ou wl?h thorouirl< bualnf* iralulni; and good position, write today to Our Great Half-Rate Offer. Buccvsa. Hide jesdence and probably FORTUNE guarai teed. Don't delay?writ# today. GA.-ALA. BUS. COI.LKGK, MACON, G<* SAW MILL MACHINERY P g ???? A>*v>-Viae GASOLINE ENGINES. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS GRIST MILLS, STEAM PUMPS Everything in MACHINERY AND MILL SUPPPIES. HYMAN SUPPLY COMPANY OrriCES. STORES. WAREHOUSES. Wilmington and New Bern, N.C. ADDRESS-MACH-Y DEPT. F. | Hogless Lard ? None anywhere near so (? gg good, so pure, so eco- ? Q nomical, so satisfactory. Q jh U. S. Government Inspected. Q Light SAW MILLS LATH AND SHINGLE MACHINES SAWS AND SUPPLIES. STEAM AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Fry LOMBARD, A1J2rTA #5 Dropsy II Semerrea all swelling In o _ \ ' days ; effects a permanent cure /\ laioto teiUp. Triiltmiqitnt free. Nothlngcan be fairer Write Dr. H. H. Green's Sons. Vtt&wjr HCeeotsllsts. Bos b Atlanta. Oa. Carolina Cement Co. ATLANTA. OH ? Kl.KSTON, BIKHINOK AM, NK.W OKI.KASS. LIME, CEMENT, ETC. Land Fleeter Supplante Fertilizer. Are Catalog. -ACME" FLIRT COATED ASPHALT R00F1AG. 1. - and 3 ply. for Rarn*. Wtrrhnunn, Belter. Cheaper tli.u Sliin.le. and other Rooting. StuiilM. prioee, aililrcM lllrxf. O. urn and Mullein B?SK,T0ES t and Lang Trouble*). Thoroughly tooted vrs. All Druggie ta. 8 5c, *Oc and 81.OO. , "by ten (10) doctors, y tion, for an abscess of J; ix Inches long, on my ^ d weak I could hardly M my taking cold at my hi r nearly a year without |8| n, I began to take O veil, have gained 35 pounds Bp cannot say enough for It and B Dre certain than the fact that ders peculiar to the female Kg s, non-intoxicating, and per- O res unnecessary female pain, 19 lion vomen have been bene- B % ) BOTTLES G99 ?