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IPECIAL NOTICES. K*9 FOR SALE?From Pure Siugle 3?n>h Rhode Island Keds at $1.00 per letting of 18 egg*. If you like uice rtmtkeus thes? will please you. It A. R. McElhatiey. ECIAL NOTICE?I now have charge ?f Wright's Ferry, and the same is tow in first-class condition mid iu Binw open to tho public, nt former W. A. McKinney. ?I nm position to ^^^K^ite Fire Insuranco in strong oom^^^H/.i.ies on Country Property ut reasou^^^Vblo rates. Call uuil talk it over, ^ t Dr. J. L. Spratt. ^B)R Rh'NT?A good farm containing H200 acres; {rood buildings, pood well water. 4 miles east of Fort. Hill, l'i ^^Hmilos from rl.irrisou clinrch, price 4 ^^^ bales cotton of 500 pounds each. Ap. to Alex Barber, Fort Hill. S. C. I liKSAl.E?Two tracts of Land, one ^^Heoutaining 274 ncres. known ns the ^Bno 8. Miller place; the other conj^^^waimug 207 acres, known as the Miss ^ miiiu T. Barber place. Considerable ^^^Hivood 011 the Barber place. Also two | ^^ rood Cows that will come in fresh iu 1 ^ fow weeks. Osmond Barber, 11. F. j ?There was a light skift of; snow throughout this section last' Thursday night. ?Col. Leroy Springs, of Lan caster, was a business visitor to ! Fort Mill Saturday. ?The postoffice is doing a rushing business (in the valentine line) today. ?Miss Mary Thornwell arrived Saturday from Greenville for a visit to her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Thornwell. ?Miss Ida Clapton, an accom-j pusnea young may oi unariotte, is the guest of Miss Estelle Massey, on Booth street. ?Mention The Times to your merchant when you go in to buy \ his goods. If he doesn't advertise, ask him why. ' ? Mr. Grover G. Epps, who has been attending school at Wadesboro, N. C., has returned i to his home in Gold Hill. ? Mr. R. E. Rodgers is seriously ill of the grip at his home in i Sprattville. Mrs. Rodgers has also been indisposed for several i days. Mr. Rob't L. Bennett, who moved to Fort Mill from Pleasant j Valley the past week, is clerking ! in the rn^at market and grocery of Mr. W. L. Hall. ? Southbound freight train No. 81 was delayed here several hours ni*/4otr rJ \ukc\j aitci nuuii uy Linr utr- ! railment of a car near the plant: of the Millfort Mill Co. ?Miss Carrie Culp, a saleslady , in the store of A. Friedheim at' Rock Hill, spent Sunday at the , the home of her mother, Mrs. Augusta Culp, in this place. ?An epidemic of La Grippe is ; making the rounds of the town at present. Almost every other person you meet is complaining of that unpleasant grippy feeling, j ?Architect H. E. White, has completed plans for the enlargimprovement of the poster and it is expected that the wdMTwill be under way within a j few days. ?Material is being placed on the ground for the erection of the new residence of Mr. Jas. T. Young on Clebourn street. Contractor Z. V. Bradford will build the house. ? Mr. T. S. Bolton, after several months here as overseer of weaving at the Millfort Mill, has returned to Rock Hill and resumed his former position with the Arcade Mills. -*-Some of the older citizens say that they do not remember a time when sleet remained on the houses and trees as long as did that of the past week, slight trar>oo r\f ti.'liipfi uroro uiaihlp Monday. ?Governor Glenn, of North Carolina, has offered a reward of ; $200 for the arrest, with evidence to convict, of the party or parties who burned the barn and live stock of Mrs. Brown Grier, in Steel Creek a few weeks ago. ? Mrs. Eleanor Culp and chil-1 dren arrived Saturday from Columbia and the latter are spending the week with relatives here. Mrs. Culp left Monday for Baltimore and New York to purchase spring millinery for Bull's Bazaar, of Columbia. ? According to Northern wenth-; or forecasters this month will be one of the greatest storm months on record for years. Great storms of rain, sleet and snow will cover the entire country, resulting in much damage. Sudden changes will occur, the temperature rapidly changing from moderate weather to sudden severe cold, j vice versa. Xoocal Items ? Best cotton was quoted at 10.90 yesterday. ?Mr. E. S. Armstrong, of Charlotte was a visitor to Fort Mill Sunday. ? B. W. Bradford and family arp now nmnntrinrr f Vio Tntmc 1?6 VHV UV11VU w tage on Clebourn street. ?Many of our gardeners .are today preparing for the spring gardening by sowing cabbage and tomato seed. ; ?Mr. W. B. Meacham will in the early spring make some notable improvements to his residence on Clebourn street. ? Mr. F. E. Ardrey is filling the position of telegraph operator for the Southern in the absence of Operator Harris, who is away on a visit. ? Mr. Kimball, the live stock dealer of Rock Hill, on Saturday delivered to Dr. Kirkpatrick, of I this place, a pair of the finest mules the writer has seen on our ! streets in quite awhile. ?Little Clyde, the 5-monthsold son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Armstrong, died Saturday and j was buried Sunday morning in the cemetery at this place. Rev. W. M. Owings conducted the funeral service. ? A former resident of Pineville remarked a few days ago j that one of our merchants had enough seed Irish potatoes on hand to supply the Pineville market for five years. (Apologies ; to Pineville.?Ed.) ? Mr. S. L. Meacham, the local telephone man, is preparing a new directory for his exchange, and these will be sent out to his subscribers at an early date. Mr. Meacham now has about 2'J.j 'phones on his list. ?One often hears the remark that certain merchants should tear away the old rotten, dilapidated wood awning frames in ! front of their stores. Neat iron frames would add much to the j exterior appearance of the stores as well as to the street. ?It will perhaps he of interest to some to know that the new ] charter to be taken out by the town the latter part of this year necessitates the division of the town into wards, and the election of a warden from each ward, be-1 sides two wardens at large. ?A telephone message yes-' terday from the Point section of the county stated that Mr. L. B. Brown on Tuesday night lost his barn, live stock. :ind roughness by fire, the origin of which was unknown. Whether there was any insurance on the building was not stated. At the regular monthly meeting of the board of commissioners held the 13th instant, Hon. W. B. Wilson, Jr.. of Rock Hill, was elected county attorney, succeeding Hon. J. S. Brice, who did not offer for re-election. This is quite an honor to so young a man as Mr. Wilson, and one that is worthily bestowed. ?The suit of J. J. Bailes vs. W. II. Windle, which was to have been called in magistrate's court at Charlotte Saturday, was continued on account of the absence of important witnesses. The suit was brought by Mr. Bailes to recover an amount of money alleged to be due him by Mr. Windle. ? Electra Lodge, K. of P., will have a banquet next Tuesday night for the members of the order and their invited guests. The occasion promises to be a most auspicious one. Several prominent Knights, including i t a* t r? -- ?a l. / i non. ivi. ii. omiui, 01 i.amcien, and Hon. L. S. Mattison, of Columbia, will be present and will deliver addresses, while it is exnected to have a number of other out-of-town members of the order also present. Mr. Smith's subject will be "Pythianism," while Mr. Mattison will take as his subject "The Pvthian Goat." ? The Southern railway has increased the wages of the conductors, trainmen and yardmen, aggregating between $350,000 and $400,000 a year. This advance will alfect hundreds of men in the employ of the company. The change is the result of the conference between the officials and the employes. Gen eral Manager Ackert and other officials have met committees representing the men, who urged that because of the increase in living expenses during the past two years the salaries they then received are not sufficient to meet their present expenses. ? -Nearly every farmer looks! forward to the time when he can ! afford to quit work and move to , town and take life easy. And nerly evry city man man longs for the time when he can retire to the quiet of the country. \ That Colda Some people are trying- to wear J it away, uthers have tried some' medicines and still it is with them. , ; And still they are afraid of i threatened pneumonia or an affection of the lungs. No matter what you have tried or what haven't, take a box of Cooper's Cold Cure ' and if it doesn't do you more good than anything you have used, come and say you want ! your money back and you wiil get it. It is a little chocolate coated tablet with the strength of a Gibraltar, pleasant to take j and docs not nauseate. We have sold stacks of it and people are1 telling their neighbors about it. W, B* Arcirey & Co, | JOB PRfN II NEATEY l.X jfj THE TIMES [rtJ I etterlioads. Noot heads Billheads Hi' Circulars, Knvelopes, Hlc. at. i ho 1 l"j?j work. Scu'l us your orders and w< S Tt ? gjig ffiijaffljiaiifiSfaj Ms jg?l ?l6y?lnirWrrSIJB ISIS ij SOUTH LR? | THE SOiSTH'S G 0 _ g ai 1 "noxeelletl Dining ( \r St ;rtU Convenient Schedule* on ? Through Pullman Sleepini 2= Winter Tourist Rates in I f! gi For full information as to rate ^ Southern Railway Ticket A; | I 3RG0KS mRKM, A A G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. I * { T3M]taj r^l ta HI "rtiJad j ?0????S0?gHS 1 FBRTIL 00 I Seieri I Past Wet ! I la as l aad time | ,1 lai ? tfllfi i iCi I Hariw j "H I ???@??@<2@?i8 HOLLISTER'S I Slauntejrc Tea Kwggefs A Easy Medicine for Busy Pwsplc., Brirjrc.Ocldta Health Rercwed Vijor. A spoeltlc for Constipation. Intlijfcstlon. t*!vor . anil Kidney trouble*. I'lmplcs. KCzemn. Impure ' Mood. Hud lirmth, Sliunrish llowcls. Headache i anil Rncliarlic. It- Kooky Mountain To i in tab- ' let form. 8ft cento tv bolt. Oonulno nind? hv i tloa.ivrBR Dkuo l'i'MP.\ST. Matiihon. Wis. " j GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE ~; gfasmtaiTvxi .ttp. ?.VJVB?I >. a KE LLTKfc COUCH i 13 AND c JC?E TKV L U W CG : | with Hy |fSn?V | Hsw Hiscowsrv ! lrnf, /^GNSUWiPTION Pr!co S i. H?K ? OUGHS and 50c f< 3 *' .00 ft fe r,rj,? lria!- 8; ri t?.treat r ue' Cli'.iokeet Ouro for all i S THROAT and LUNG TF.OUIU 9' LI or MOOTSY BAGS. ? 'i^OJkSIK:?SB3T J.T! ?."X JlK& ifciir ' I ! SuI'sutHk1 t<> '1 lie Timed. ' it !IH^l?iS!P| ! T? <i 3% ? iS ! i 1 iX \M HI I ECUTK!) AT !|| OFFIC1;. TC S l? t. Statements, l'ostor.', m lowest pl iers cm:s:.;tout with good l?7j a will pleaso you jg I t? j|i KSIBi&W5M\Wm : MrS IliSBSS SEEi ? i V RAILWAY. Si BEJTES7 SYSTES3. |i | MVMV. ^ nil Local Trains. pg J l; Curs on Through Trains. W 1 "jifoct to Floriili Points. [2=!; I?!; pi! s, routes. etc , consult nearest ^ont, or S I R. IV. HiJKT, |j 0. P. A , Charleston, S G j*L & ? fgJa M IMfcMfrS ftlTii ifei m [Si i ?@?e?@ @?55???? SB Iffil il Car Loads Bee i iB we are in ilit prices to in ip cliinmpiit nf ?5; uuiumuiii UJ 1' lite Flint" 1 BOTTOM PI are, Fan talei M BELIABLE r. B. BELK, PROPRIETOR. M90????? ??????< 0?0@S>?9?8????? | NEW G g Percales and Gingli tyu-inch all Linen 5 qualities for suits anc Sc 36-incli Cotton g< (g) laundries nicely, 12-1 tg 40-inch Persian La ja? 40-inch Persian lav ? CORS @ New lot R. & G. Cor 0 line'in medium and si SX All Corsets except (5$ suspenders attached. ^ Watch for7our*,Whi broiderv Sale soon. 0 g MEAGHAM (*e*sr f ^?Nr-?-r>^p^^?N?^>t#sj^s(>>j^jv?#^si^r e// 4 4 CURE THAT CO || Bee s Lei II Honey a J/ fi OR I Ookl Bree | Tablets, .? 1 PARKS D h 4 4 < J-**** ' 4 0?@??0??e?? ? IXHBS! 1 i A * mm. m A-X ? iiefl {lie 1 i casli 1 "Caji- | lir at | ES. 1 HIm T7lr* ? Ills, Blli. | ME" | iQODS i lams, 10, 11, 12 l-2c g Suitinizs. heaiififiil a 1 skirts, $1 yard. 8 [>ods, linen tinish, ? 2 and 15c. wns, 12 1-2 and 15c. ? vn> Elegant, 20c. X iETS. | sets at $1. A big ojo tiort at 50c. *0 t the shorts have 8 te uooas and Emi & EPPSI -M 9 A SI LD WITH || j 11 xauve || nd Tar. I! II II iker it |1 . | so Laxative. jj| RUG CO, If 11 ? ? | Let the )\ | Charlotte Steam ILaunftry jj t Launder Your^Llnen. S r? 1 | We have the Biggest and j> \ Best Laundry Plant in J > [ the Carolinas. We do more j> l| work than any laundry in 5 \\ the Carolinas. We do Bet- 5 k ter work than any laundry k in tho South. Our agents, J> V whose name * is nttaclied j k hereto, has instructions to V give you full and complete k satisfaction or make no \t k charge. ) * Isn't that fair denling ? ]> 1 !? 1 PARKS DRUG COMP'Y, jj i AGENTS l OUT MILL, - - 8. O. ? ? ???? ??? I XittleDoctor CURES Liver Complaints; uses only Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets, and gives your money back if not satisfied. Your liver is the biggest trouble maker. If you would be well,fry Ramon's Treatment. Only 25 cents. For tale by W. *. Ardrey