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HOUSEHOLD FRIEND. ; ? Ull im - stom^h ilpDNEYSi MADDERS : F?to> AND jjc LJ^ie org*?* JJe?~una is a household friend in m >ra than a million homes. This number is increasing every day. Peruna has a household word all over the English speaking world. It it an old tried remedy for all catarrhal diseases of the head, throat, Junys, stomach, kidneys, bladder and female organs. Ask Your Druggist for Free Per una Almanac for 11W7. Peruna is sold by your local drugfist. Buy a bottle today. Surfeits destroy more than the sword.?John Fletcher. So. -l-'07 AWFUL EFFECT OF ECZEMA. Covered With Yellow Sores?Grew v Worse?Parents Discouraged? f Cutlcura Drove Sores Away. "Our little girl, one year ami a half olJ. was taken with eczema or that was what the doctor said it was. We called in the family doctor and he gave some tablets .and said she would be all right in a few - *?ays. The eczema grew worse and we called in doctor No. 2. He said she was teething; as soon as the teeth were through she would be all right. But she till gTew worse. Doctor No. 3 said it was . rtunx* TK- iLl- a.2 * x,y liiis nine sue was nothing hut a yellow, greenish sore. Well, he said he could help her, so we let him try it j^hout a week. One morning we discovered a little yellow pimple on one of her eyes. Of couree we 'phoned for doctor No. 3. He came over and looked her over and ???1 that he could not do anything more tor her, that we had better take her to eye specialist, since it was an ulcer. So we wept to Oswego to doctor No. 4, -anil he said the eyesight was gone, 4>ut that he could help it. We thought ive Wviild try doctor No. 3. Well, that proved the sarr.r, only he charged S10 more No. 4. We were nearly discouraged. I saw or.c of the Cuticura advertisements in the paper r.nd thought we wpuld try the Cuticura Treatment, so I went and purchased a set of Cuticura Remedies, which cdst nje $1, aud in three days our daughter, who had been sick about eight months, showed great improvement, and in one week all sores had disappeared. Of course it could not restore the eyesight, but if we had used Cuticura in time I am confident that it would have saved the eye. We think there is no remedy so good for any skin trouble or impurity of the blood as Cuticura. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbott, R. F. D. No. 9, Fulton, Oswego Co., N. Y., August 17, 1006." Sour gfrapoB often intoxicate men with a Benso of their own importance. ll?n(nM? Cannot ltd Curarl by loen 1 applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho oar. Therois only one way to euro deafness, and that ia by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by au inflamed condition of tho mucous llniug of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube islnllamod you hnvo a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is ontirsiy closed Deafness la tho result, and unless tho inilammiitiou can bo takou out and this tube reetobed to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of tea are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an lnflumod condition of the mucout surfaces. We will give One Hundred Hollars for any case of T)oiifness(cuus? d by catarrh) that ennnot be cured by Hull's < 'atarrh C'uro. Send for circulars free. F.J.Orkney A Co., Toledo, O. Hold by Druggists, 7&c. Tako Hall's Family 1*11'o* constipation. The Shah of Persia is dead. FITS, St. Vitus'Dance .Nervous Diseases per vnanontlycured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. II. R. Kline. Ld./Jdl Arch St.. Phihi., Pa. Sympathy is the solace of the poor, but lor the rich there is consolation. ?Lord BeneonsAeld. Thoroughly Itelinblc. If ever there was a reliable and safe remedy it is that old and famous porous plaster?AUcock's. It has been in use for 1 sixty years, and is as popular to day as ever, and wc deuhl if there is a civilized community on the face of the globe where this wonderful pain reliever cannot he found. In the selection of the ingredients and in thoir manufacture the grcataat care is taken to heap each plaster up to the highest standard of excellence, sua so pure auu simple ate the ingredients that even n child ran uec them. Allooek'e arc the original and genuine porous piasters m-t arc sold by druggists is every part of Ui civilised world. MEW YORK WEALTHIEST STATE. But Pennsylvania Laatfa In VaHia of Railroad Property. Surpassed only In the value of railroad property by Pennsylvania, the State of New York was shown to exceed 11.11 othfti- StAtM In Oio ?*h>nl nf her material possessions by a report issued by the Census Bureau covering the work of an examlnotlon made to tabulate the "estimated true valub of all property and of specified classes of property in the United States." The work has long been in progress, and covers the period up to the close of 19.04, with comparisons of the figures of 1900, a regular census year. This <%mparlson shows an Increase In the total wealth of the country from the 1900 figures of $SS.517,30C,775 to the 1904 record-breaking total of J107.104.192.410. Taking lip the several classifications the following figures appear for the States of Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey: Real property and improvements? New York, $9,151,979,081; New Jersey, $1.9000.273.091; Pennsylvbanla, $6,591,055,5S3. Livo stock?New York. J1S9.C22.403; Now Jersey, $32,319,327; Pennsylvania, $160,190,227. Farm implKjjcnts and machinery? New York, $58,806,900; New Jersey. $9,790,532; Pennsylvania. $54,175,943. Manufacturing machinery, tools and Implements? New York. $468,774,71 J- Van- 1n-sn.- OlOftOIO lOT. ri/,nn iivjn uwi ccj , y iou,?u,'t4.i f rcu" sylvania, $515,945,038. Gold nnd Silver, coin and bullion ?New York. ?412,S32.42S; New Jersey, $40,803,293; Pennsylvania, $1GS,3S3,753. Railroads and equipments ? New York, $898, 222,000; New Jersov, $333.5GS,000; Pennsylvania, $1,420,C08.000. Street railways, telegraphs, telephonos, Pullman and private ears, shipping canals, water works, electric light and power companies?New York, $1,151,475,505; New Jersey, $204,130,49S; Pennsylvania. $570,452,043. All other wealth, miscellaneous? New York. $2,419,290,137; New Jersey, $534,450,805; Pennsylvania, $1,992,S09,119.? Philadelphia Record. MILK AND CREAM FOR MARKET. Our dairy consists of pure bred Jerseys, and wo use our best endeavors to keep them free from fllth. The card and brush, and sawdust for bedding, are in constant "so. The manure Is dropped Into the basement directly underneath, on which swine nre kept to prevent heating. The stable Is well lighted and ventilated, and our cows have always boon free frcm disease. We havo never lost one except from accident, and since they have been dehorned accidents are very much less frequent. Wo water hut once a day, at 11 a. m., several rods away at n fountain that seldom freezes, supplied from a warm spring of pure running water except in rough weather. Then they are watered in the barn from a deep well. At no time are they left to shiver in the cold, and they ap- 1 pear to enjoy the exercise. We feed only at morning and evening. The , first feed In the mor,ning is ensilage, then mixed hay after milking. In the . evening, also after milking, we feed I hay. oat hay or liungarlan after grain with most satisfactory results, as j they have ample time to masticate and digest tho same. Wo still use the deep setting pro- 1 cess Cor raising cream and allow J twenty-four hours, and if faithfully none mere win i>e no Duucr rat on the sktmmtlk. We know by this season's trial that there is more money In selling milk at flve cents ' and cream at twenty cents per quart than at twenty-five cents per pound , of butter fnt, all being taken from the door. We are feeding cottonseed meal all the year round, even at $1.75 per hundred, with other approved brands, according to the requirements of the animal. For tying, we use one-half Inch rod twelve Inches long, -wl;h hoops and rings on each end to drop over tho stanchion, a piece of chain op top of suitable length with rings between links, and another piece on tho lower end without rings with a snnp in the end for fastening, ana ma lo *o correspond with size of animal to be tied. I hovo stalls for two, one tied on each aide, with partings between. With such chains they cannot molest ctlch oth < er.?C. E. Chadbourno, Cumberland County, Me. Ttcli cured in 30 minutes bv Woolford's Runitarv Cotion; never fails. Sold by Drug- ' cists. Afnil orders promptly tilled hv Or. E. Detchon Med.Co.,Crawfordsvillo,Ind. $1. Of nil men sailors suffer most from rbeu* i matism. TVOItI.l>\S WONBKR COTTON A new species; first sold la-t spring; was planted by 100 different farmers; has produced from 2 to 0 bales per acre; highly pro- , litis?; big boll, small seed, good staple; E. * Humphreys, Godwin A Co., Memphis, Tenn. No one so sure but .lie may miss.? Foiled | To Cure n Cold In One Dny J Take Laxative Bromo Onnino Tablets. Druggist* refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c. , Better suffer for truth than profit 1 by falsehood.?From the Danish. ^ Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children t eething, softens thcgum8,reducesinflaminn- 4 tiou, allays pain,euros wind colic, 25c a bottle ^ Vice begins in mistake and ends in ^ ignominy.?The Rambler. Piles Cured in O to 14 Days. i Paso Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding * Piles in ?to U days or money refunded. 50c. k The Story of* Medicine. Its asms?1"Golden Medical Discovery yrss suggested by one of its most Important end vslusblo Ingredients ? Golden Seal root. Nearly forty years ago. Dr. Pierce discovered that ho could, by the use of pure, triple-refined glycerine, aided by a certain dogroe of constantly maintained heat and with the aid of apparatus and appliances designod for that purpose, oxtract from our most valuable native medicinal rOOtS their curative nmn?r*t?? I mnch better than by tho uso of alcohol, so generally employed. So tho now worldfamed "Golden Medical Discovery," for tho euro of weak stomach, indigestion, or dyspepsia, torpid liver, or biliousness and kindred derangements was first made, as It ever si nit; has been, without a particlo of alcohol in its make-up. A glancevjtMh^JaVl 'ist of its Ingredients, printed Oo"T?vcrv bottle-wrapper, will show that It Is naaoe from the most valuable medicinal roOXsMound growing in our American fores tSJ All these Ingredients have rocclvc<lthe Strongest uorscment from the leading medical exports. Teachers And writers nn Utiljrfa McOicn why recommend them as Mif very ihf ti i^ritarp-jv'r^sji^cjv "uoiduiMaiicaL Direnvttv" L3.a'jj^i3" A IlttIO bookof these endorsements uas neon compiled by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of DufTalo, N. Y., and will be mailed free to any one asking samo by postal card, or letter addressed to the Doctor as above. From these endorsements, copied from standard medical books of all the different schools of practice, it will l>o found that the ingredients composing the "Golden Medical Discovery" aro advised not only for the cure of the above mentioned diseases, but also for the cure of all catarrhal, bronchial and throat affections, accompaincd with catarrhal discharges, hoarseness, soro throat, lingering, or hang-on-coiiglis, and all thoso wasting affections which, if not promptly and properly treated are liable to terminate In consumption. Take Dr. Pierce's Discovery in time and persevere in its use until you give it a fair trial and it is not likely to disappoint. Too much must not bo expected of it. It will not perform miracles It will not cure consumption in its advanced stages. No medicine will. It ivill cure the affections that lead up to consumption, if taJicn in time. Swindling is the perfection of civilization.?Voltaire. -X'KlUtlliLiK '1U Five Weeks in lied With Intensely Painful Kidney Trouble. Mr3. Mary Wagner, of 13G7 Kossuth Ave., Bridgeport, Conn., says: "I was so weak?cr.:d and generally run down with kidney disease that for a long time 1 could not do niy work and was live weeks in ;bed. There was ' continual bearing down pain, terrible backaches, headaches and at times dizzy spells when everything was a blur before me. The passages of the kidney secretions were irregular and painful, and there wus considerable sediment and odor. I don't know what I would have, dono but for Doaa's Kidney Pills. 1 could see au improvement from the lim box, and five boxes brougliL a final cur 3 " Sold by all dealers. CO cents a box. Foster-AIilburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A slight suspicion may ilcstroy a root! repute.?Danish So. -t-'OT. ^CftPjNE agflpl ALL ACHES vgamMRL And Nervousoex.1 IMFimffr Trial botllc 10c__Aldruisioree El.MWOOD ISrUHEHlF.R W? are Ortwtri :uul otTrr <% rtnf Miortnicitt of A I* PI.Em. PEACH KAv PEAHN, ^ Plunt*. Apricots. Nccturtncs, Jja Cberrleio, Gruprvlnet In Itirgo iKyr*.. HMKirtmcntS|Aoo?rb?rrlri.Car i'AnU, Htruwbcrrlci, llor?eRadUh, Aapurufftii "cwher* ? autl 1411 rxtru lot Rniitlirr- I rlr*, 4i?>vn(lli1 iitaorianrnl Olt<S3M?Ut|ff.VAMr.\T.VI. II nil kH\UE 'J|FV I '! T K r. K N, ?> Ilk AM I'.SIT * 1. ,1,,,,, IMXKIN AND BKIIUK *^2^ PI.A NTH M'rllpforl aiiiliifiKi VATKIMA UKU Mldl.Hblun V? ^HOCLESS LARD The Uppermost Standard of Highest Quality Impacted by th? Untied States Government llffhtAAWinfTAl - 5"1 wn ii llllJUliU LATH AND SHINGLE MACHINES JAWS AND SUPPLIES, STEAM AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Fry LOMBARD, A, :!,vSTA i Carolina Cement Co. ATLANTA, CH^RLMTON, Rl KM INGHAM. N KW OKI.KANS. LIME, CEMENT, ETC. Land Plaatcr Suppl.nta FartilUar Sno Catalog. | ACME" FLIXT COATED ASPHALT R00FI.4G, 1 , 2 and 3 ply. for ll?rn?. Roaidrncoa. \V.?r#h?u.<??. i tattrr. Cni.por liian bhinalo* >uU othor Roofing. I < linplw, prloaa. oddraaa DEPT. (J. AOCTHEKN ltAII.ROA I> TKAIMNO k ICHOOL I'r* i r?l tr.l tuc In I Irfrailiy. T itatiun Ag"ou* w?rK u?#.1 dally by rallro d t ag.nt. In in* parfnriaanca of their dally nulla. Stan,laul ruin iilopMd by all .tandard railway empaalaa. Railroad accounting In avrrr detail roai dally, w.akly to inoathly raport-, Wilta u. or our mow tft/T catalogue and n-I.e Hat . J Fbiik II V buirn Tr'aclpat. 1<M l-J Main St ("durable i .luirbla. S O I Phone I, Loug DlaUnea Ma. IHt. IlO MONIT MIDI kyataai. eelllmaeer 1 3 "WSHVt BATTIMIM" at aal. I a. ar tor. a day yen a.k. a day. warn, | yhlla It lots arc aald la ... day by a lira laatlla* a|.it. Write far aartlaalar., v IIIITt MATTIIT COMP' I.Llaa Ohio. 4 0 I Lydia E. Pinkham's V 0 made from native roots and herbs. N< B received such widespread and unqunl 0 cine has such a record of cures of fern M Miss J. F. Walsh, of 32S W. 36th S1 jfl E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound H restoring my health. I suffered frt 0| dreadful headaches, dizziness, and < j9 medicine soon brought about a chat 1 me up and mode me perfectly well."' g Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Co such as Backache, Falling and Pisplat S tiou. and organic diseases. It is inva H and during the Change of Life. Itcur 9 General Debility, and invigorates the 1 Mrs. Pinkham's Standin; H Women suffering from any form V write Mrs. I'inkham. at Lynn, Mass. CABBAGE Plau\ JpzJSuStM an 1 all kind* of cardan plantm.C C ZH rJAS - plants. iroirn In lta? nuan air at aa?di of thj mwt rallabla aeadat ttaou?eu<l acra truck farm. Plant myart t'elor* r??df leal of Doc. 1 tRcVHOUtoiAiflSS Wme or earlier, ftoduoa.1 expraa 1 iilfUl i > mfSfWll ftvv ut au par o?ou lat* thai lt'Wl. 'IffUMiW I SO par thousand, lares tot $1.0 T . k. jTO^WT?!.' s?tt?. H. c. Arlington whtia Sp ?ctwr.o. n.. kottita <*. Tha ui htkcltablhbkd an k*Mrlm-,t. r T?rf UD1?? ??r?olallT Cabhagw*. 1 h* r*?uTt? at thai |lTt 70U >1 inr Uina.?Your* raapactfully.?K. II. BL1 USrfAYLOR'S a [ "WINCHZZ I REPEATING SHO a are strong shooters, strongl; d so inexpensive that you wo; a to use one in any kind c ^ They are made 10, 12 anc I A FAVORITE OF AMERICAN 5 Gold Everywhere. jsioaitt SLirvinvei k For Cough, Cold, Cr ? Sore Throat, Stiff N< 1 Rheumatism and j Neuralgia ,1 At all Dealers | Price 25c 50c 6 *I.OO H Sent- Free w 51oen's Book on Horses & 3 Cottle, Hogs & Poultry \ h| Address 'Dr. Earl S.Sloan I\ 615 Albany St. Boston.Mass.i ^ffTi iTTii nTmiiraiaaili Cr ^ (( your crop Vfflj' , Kjj ' way to b< Kood-sizc ^ I in tnc f? ir J| l| better qu 7 iiF 4-1 I ': for apI>1> j ***' successfi New York ^ n n I sm r..w nr-mml to fll| r-for n? Celebrated | F AIIBAOE I'l.ANTS >n an* iiu.uiii/ desired | KARI.Y JKRSKY WAR KFIKI.l> - Karlit.t an<l ?k?U 1 urn header. small type. Br' CH A RLESTON W A KSKIKI I>- About ten dars I a tar i ih bau Larl> Jrrnj'i, also a suro bandar of fine visa I isf Prices f. o. b h*r?. packs 510 for S1.00. 1.000 to 5,00 > at SI.S3 par SI Special prices cia larger taanlltlas. All or lara sblpos I O CHAS. M. CIBSON. P UTNAM olor mere goods brighter and faster colore than any othft je ajnjf ga.lueui wiUiout ripping aparu Writ* for Irv fV9MEN SUFFER Many women suffer Is sllenoe and irift along from*bad toworsd, knowng well' that they ought to have m mediate aaaistanoa. Bow many woman do you know rho are perfectly Well and strong? The cause may be easily traced to one feminine derangement which lanifests itself in deDression of pirita, reluctance to go anywhere I r do anything, backache, dragging I ensations, flatulency, nervousness, I nd sleeplessness. ji These sy mptoms are but warnings I hat there is aangcr ahead, and un- H :ss heeded, a life of suffering or a I ;rious operation is the inevitable R suit. The best remedy for all Eieso symptoms is egetable Compound o other medicine in the country has ifled endorsement. Isoother mediate ills. t.. New York City, writes:?."Lydia j has been of inestimable value in I am female illness which caused I dull pains in my back, but your | jge in my general condition, built mpound cures Female Complaints, If ements. Inflammation and Ulcera- 3 luable in preparing for child-birth es Nervous Prostration, Headache, g whole system. g Invitation to Women I of female weakness are invited to a Her advice ip free. ^ Is! CELERY Planli!??,'>n now furnish All klud< of enhnage i'l wul Maud Hr??t eoid. i<M?n am. Mo uHth?Min? on ourC/fifM' ? a oarofully counted ami iTop?rl? pock - VjmAnfi L^ttuoe. ajiiion ami Hvec idan>i. toine rate* promlooil. which, whon (Tootl'o, MBjH'lM I mrrri)imtlM' ratal I'rlcoa: Mnall loll KlVOtHM 0 to *1.9 per thouaoad. V. O. H Mrg l>o Cucumber Sard 6.,couU ver notin.i ffSMOTl iltad Statoo Agrlculiu ral Durtrtimr.i RgHnrMt 1 Station on our larir, to toot all kind* ScSUBaSn^B >? experiment* we will t>r pl-ered to ITCH COMriKV, MKUOLTT#, B. <*rokee* Remedy of Sweet C ghs, Colds, LaGrippe & ^ "TE/t jifl TGUNS |jfg|ij|j i't be afraid )f weather, g JPORTSMEN is mot-* than one way to get 1 is to market. There is only one I 5 sure of a full crop of smooth, 1 :d, mealy potatoes. Nine per cent, of 'otash :rtilizer is necessary, manure alone makes scaly, nd irregular shaped potatoes? ith Potash, a larger yield of a ality is a sure result, to apply Potash, the reasons ing it, and other vital points of 1 il potato growing, all are dis- I n our booklet. Why not have v..., ti.a a;n? 5RMAN KALI WORKS 03 Nassau Street, or Atlanta, Oa.?1224 Candler Building ?rCCR8S10N Tle?t kn^wn tmr* t)?A'Mna varlet* of 'iCi* cabbage. Irtier than ('b?rii?ton ^ tkufltld. rhofto p!.-%nt? ore from the vary be?t tc?te< 1 *?#etJi and >wn in the ni>eu Air and will itan I Mvtrocolil with* I injury. All or.lor* .ire ftlle.l from the earoc he la \t 1 .1111 u*iaa for my eiteuaive cabbie faruu. Hi.Iaction tfuarauteeJ. J in lifht l?o*ev [. 5,093 to iO.033 at St.95 par II . O. D when not acoompanisl by remittance. Young's Island, S. C. FADELE Ono 10c. pacluue color, ail fibers They rtyc , booklet? How to l*f?, UiMcb ana Ml* Oolo:*. Ml * QlNNlNG MACmiNERY. GASOLINE ENGINES. QTFAM F5U.1IWCC rftiirnn u i Lnm LnuilTLO MI1U DUILCKd, GRIST MILLS, STEAM PUMPS Everything in MACHINERY AND MILL SUPPP1ES. HYMAN SUPPLY COMPANY OFFICES, STOKES. WAREHOUSES. Wilmington and New Bern,N.C. ADDRESS- MACH'Y DEPT. F. jum and Mullein ^r,i'y?r^ nt and I.uug Troubles. Thoroughly tented part. All Druggists. 2Jo, (YOc mid Ol.OU HJ If you want, to rro dollarsjrrow, feed B Kyour fields with Virginia-Carolina Ker- Ig (atllirors. They will " lnerosso your k yields per ncro."und thua bring down HB is tho cost of production. even If you uso ftp ft fewer tosms and lost labor. In Wo liavo thousands of strong topti- B Q monlals fmra farmers who have tried B K other makes of fertilizers and assert H 1 Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers 0 Hare by far tho best. They will giro H n| you cropd that will insko moro inonoy K tfl for you. Iluy 110 other, oven if aoma B UH dealer ondoavors to get J""" to buy B B so mo "cheap" brand Just because he M B may make a little biw profit on that. B tfj (If course, that Mould bo to his Interest B ? V1R6INIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO., U SB Birkaasd, Tv Korfolk, Ts. Purt?m, 3.C. B rfl ikarlMiwo, S 0. Btlllaors, Kd. AHmu. G?. ffcj M IkrirmS, C? !f-.nicmir?. i!?. fcrnrkis, Iran. B j TURN | ? of life, In girls (at about 13), or eb ^ women (at about 45). requires | 5 the help of a pure, strengthening, | t tonic medicine, to carry them 8 i over the critical period and en- a j sure their continued strength and | WOMAN'S RELIEF I for over 50 years, has been a most 19 successful medicine for relieving ty pain, strengthening the womanly S organs and regulating the func- H tiona. Purely vegetable, non-in- I; toxicating, harmless and reliable. J" I At all Druggists 024 i 3 WRITS-: lor Free Advice, matin# ET H nc?> ;imi describim: your symptoms, to B j I.iulies Advisory I>cpt.., CluMtunooga E< 9 Medicine Co., ChnttanooKa, Tenn. KWKMK ^eggSgBBBmaWWBBMMiJ /' /z&gn&ne. TOILET ANTISEPTIC cleanses and lieals mucous membrane affections such as nasal and pelvic catarrh, sore throat, canker sores, inflamed eyes, and is a perfect dentifrice and mouth wash. l'axtine makes an economical medicinal wash of extraordinary cleansing and germicidal power, warm direct applications of which are soothing, healing and remarkably curative. At druggists or by mail, 50c. Sample fregv The R. Pnxion Company, Boston, Mass. Thompson's EyeWater SS DYES in cold wator better than Any other dyo. Yoa JMUOK UUIU CO., t'Blonfiile, Blleioirt