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"The Blood is The Life." Science has never gone beyond the above simple statement of scripturo. But It has illuminated that statement and given it a meaning over broadening with the increasing breadth of knowledge. When tho blood is "bad" or impure it Is not alone tho body which suffers through disease. Tho brain is also clouded,Sijo mind and judgement are SUectcd,and>>tayny an evil dc<Ki or itnpuro thM?ht\mAOinSUr<\.?l.. . - ? uuti'u to me ImpMCy of the OTtxjtl^ Foul. impure blood can be made niifo by Plcrcc'a_Goldcn Medical Discovery. lj , enriches and nnrities the blood thereby curing, pimples, blotches, eruptions and other cutaneous affections, as oc/.oma, tetter, or salt-rheum, hives and other manifestations of impure blood. ? ? ? ? ? ? In tho euro of scrofulous swellings, enlarged glands, open eating ulcers, or old sores. tho*Oolden Medical Discovery "has performed the most mnrvelou3 cures. In | cases of old sores, or open eating ulcer?. It is well to apply to the oj>en sores l)r. I Pierce's All-Healing Salve, which pos- j Rosses wonderful hcnling potency when j used as an application to tho sores In con- ! junction with tho uso of "Golden Medical 1 Discovery "as a blood cleansing constitutional treatment. If your druggist don't happen to have the "All-Healing Salvo" In stock, you can easily procuro It by Inclosing fifty-four cents in postage stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, G?'?3 Main i t., Buffalo, N. Y., and It will come to you by return post. Most druggist; keep it as well as tho "Golden Medical Discovery." ? O ? ? ? ? I You can't afford to accept ar.y medlcino I of unknmrn composition as a substitute , for "Golden Medical Discovery." which is a mediclno or KNowy composition, having a complete list ot ingredients In plain English on its bottle-wrapper, tho samo being attested as correct under oath. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet? regulate j and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. t Tho stocking exhibit this mornini; I was the feature of the holiday trade. ( ?Columbia. Stale. BI.O.iTEl) WITH DHL I'SY. The Heart Was Badly Affected Y!:c:i the Patient Began 1 >onu's Kidney Pills. Mrs. EllsaocMt Maxwell, of 41 i> West Fourth . St., Olyr.ipla. Wash., E-yr.: "For ova;* fhrao year 3 I ^ j^^v. tiou without bt, but T vent Monj "wllliov.t worrying much until dropsy ret In. My reel and ankles swelled uj?, my hands r?uf:.l anil be- . came so tense I could hardly close them. I had great difficulty in breath- 1 Ing, and my heart would flutter with '* the least exartion. I could not walk ' tar without stopping again and again -to rest. Since using four boxes of 1 Doan's Kidney rills the bloating has s gone down and the feelings of dis- t tress have disappeared." i < Sold by all dealers. CO cents a j 1 box. Fosier-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, , t I, t It is a hard world to those who try t to butt through it.?St. Louis Globe 0 Democrat. j > ALMOST A SOLID SORZ. j Bkln Disease From llirtli?Fortune j Silent on Her lVlllinnt ? - ? 1 j Doctor Cured Her With fTiticura. ( "1 hnve a cousin in Rockingham C.'o. who ' once had a akin diaenar frotn her birth un- I til she wm aix year* of nge. Her father had spent a fortune on ner to get her cured and none of the treatment* ili>l her j . any good. Old Dr. < augmented that i 1 he try the t'uticura Remedies, which he , did. When he commenced to uae it the f a child waa almost in a solid srah. He had j used it about two month* and the child ! wan well. 1 was there when they commenced to use your Cuticiira Remedies, i slaved that wee!: and t hen returned t home and atnyed two weeks ami then ".vent back and stayed with them two week* longer and when 1 went home I could hardly believe she wan the same child. . Her akin was as soft na a baby's without n acar on it. I hnve not seen her in seventeen years, hut 1 have heard from her and the last time I heard from tier she was well. Airs. \V. 1'. Ingle, Curhngtou, N. C, 1 June 18, 1W5 " How poor arc they that have not patience!?Shakespeare. Safe, Sure and Speedy. No external remedy ever yet devised hoe co fully and unquestionably met these three prime conditions as successfully as AUcoek'e Plasters They are safe because they contain no deleterious drmrs, and are ; manufactured upon scientific principles of medicine. They arc euro because nothing i goes into there except inpredirnts which j are exactly adapted to the purposes for I winch a plaster is required, "fhey arc I speedy in their action because their medic- j ins! qualities go right to their work < f relieving pain and restoring the nntural and healthy performance of the functions of muscles, nerves and skin. I Allcock's l'lMtern M! the original and I genuine porous plasters or.d like mo*t meritorious articles have been extensively imitated, therefore always make sure anil gst tha genuine Allcock's. What is over can't be bejrun,? Dickens. ^CAPfilNE assjfbemi all' aches And Nervou*ass? THsl kstds 10c Aldru< Jicrts "wanted WrveUy from tHe Mrns a 110,1 tr??t er timber laaO. Ad4r*?a N. A. J., P. U. U >x i'.i. New York. t l'ewer* or Olnltncnta For Catarrh Thai Contain Mereurr, mercury will nir?>y destroy the i?m? of smell and completely derancatbc whole system whou entering it through tb? mticoun surfaces. Htich articles should never be used ? xcept on prescriptions from reputable phy. ?-loian?,a3 the daningc tliry will do is ten fold to the >?oo'l you can possibly derive from ihem. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu actured by J. Chone' * Co.. Toledo, O.. contains i <> m?'cury, un<l 14 taken internally, acting directly upon the b ood and mucous surface* of the system. In buying Hall's Catar>h Cure be urn yon get tlve genuine. It is taken (rile nallv ami made In Toledo, Ohio, by K j. Oliauey ,1c ? o. Testimonials free. Sold by li'ruggists; prion, 73c. perbottl". lake nail's Family Pills for voi>8iipal<on Tn nil Atlanta cemetery one tonili hears at the ton: "Helen Vance, wife of Harold Vance, 1So4. I await you." At the basa of the inscription some one has written: "He took bis lime." To Cure a Cold in One Day Take T^axative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. K. \v. Grove's signature is on each I >ox. 23c. Don't cry hurrah until you arc over the bridge.'?From the German. WOllI.IVS M'OXDKU COTTON A r.ew speo|e?: first sold la-t spring ; was plan:od by 100 different farmers: h is produced from 2to*)bnles per acre; highly proline ; big toll, small seed, good staple; E. Humphreys, Godwin A Co., Matfrphla,Tuna. The <lr.nlies of the great ere the tears of the poor.?Horace. Tl-h cured in 30 mirnilo* hv \Vnnlfr>rd'? Snnitnrv Lotion: never fniln. Sold by Drug\lnil nrd^rx promptly ?~|t?-.l v>\- P<\ E. Detchou Med.Co.,CrHwforti3ville.,In<I. $1. Or nil men sailors suffer most from rheumatism. Mrs. Wtnslow'sSootbing Syrup for Children teething, softetiB thegums.rwducosinflRmraatf.on, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle Defter suffer for truth than profit hy falsehood.?From the Danish. FITS,St. VitusDnnc<*:NVrvon<? Diseases per munentlycured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. *2 trial bottle anil treatise free. Dr. II. It. Kline. Lsl./jai Arch St.. l'iiila., Fa. A re<l imso makes a ragged had:.? Scotch. go. ll-'OT. Tiles Cured in 0 to 11 Days. Pnzo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case or It chine. Dlind. bleeding or Protruding Piles in 0 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. The Land of Fair Play. The nineteenth century belonged to the United States. \V(> use.l it magnificently, even our high crime* unu misdemeanors being large. There nas still a feeling that the world was young. The twentieth century belongs to Canada. \ et between these two, Canada and the United States, 1 saw no line <>t' demarkation. None >f the trekkers could see that iinr. 1'hcy only feel, as any man may feel ,vho has ridden where the winds blow ind read where the types tingle, that >f late the true empire of the AngloSaxon wns xr:-~ " iuu iuioMiun, ana hat now it is norwest of the Missouri. From the sun to the ice, from he salt to the snow?these are terms >t territory so l>i<? that to call i? Iritiesh or Canadian ??r American is oily, ("all it the laml of fair plav, >f new opportunity uml admit that ho world is trekking thither; for hat comes near t<> the full spelling t it.?Emerson Hough in "The l.ast hampodo for ("heap Homes,'' in The )uting Magazine for .January. A Birmir.sharn firm which makes i specialty of hand whistles lta? a metallic design reputed to "carry" a distance of two miles, which has recently been adopted by the poiica force in many of the large towns. IJyker?I hoar that young Sprigjrs s netting up in the world. Pyker?Yes. Ot.a year ago he was chiropodist and now he's a barber. ?Chicago News. NKYF.r. Tir.KS ill the Food That Kestorcil Her to Health. "My4 food v.R3 killing me and I Tldn't know the cause,"writes a Colo, minis lady: "l'or two years 1 was thin and sickly, m.Yering from indigos lion and inflammatory rheumatism "1 had tried different kirds of diet, plain living and many of the remedies recommended, hut got no better. "Finally, about five weeks ago. r.mlher suggested that I try GrapeNuts, and I b?gan at once, eating it villi a little cream or milk. A change for the better began at once. "To-day I am well and am Raining weight and strength all the time. I've Rained 10 lbs. In the last Ave week*. and do not suffer any ?iore from Indigestion and the rheumatism is all Ron?. "I know It Is to Grap?-Xuts alone that 1 owe my restored health. 1 still eat the fond twice a day and never tiro of It." Name Riven by Postum Co.. Battle Creek. Mich. The favor of Grape-Nuts Is peculiar to lts?lf. It is neutral, not ton sweet and has an agr? e:\ble. healthful quality that never grows tiresome. One of the sources of rheumatism Is from overloading the svstem with rcid material, the result of Imperfect dicstlon and assimilation. As soon as Improper food Is abandoned and Grape-Nuts Is taken reg-:larly, digestion Is made strong, the organs do their work of building up good red blood cells and of carrying away the es^ess of disease-making material from the system. The result Is a certain and steady return to normal hralth and mental activity. "There's a reason." Read the little boo!;, "Tko ItaaJ to Wellvilla," In pkg3 PALMETTO AFFAIRS ftrsr? e v/v-i-ui uiLtd ui interest rrovn All Over South Carolina MANY ITEMS OF STATE NEWS A. Batch of Lire Paragraphs Covering* a Wide Range?What is Going On in Our State. Palmetto Cotton Growers. The annual meeting of the South i-~?i- !- - - vuiuuun uivisicn or tlie Southern Cotton Growers' Association was held A resolution was adopted memorializing the legislature to repeal the lein law, which allows merchants to take a lien on erops, thus tending to encourage debt. There was a tierce , fight on this resolution, but it caricil | by a small majority. A resolution I also was passed asking that bucket shops be declared illegal the State over. Confidence was expressed in Harvey Jordan. The following 17 delegates were elected to the National meeting at Birmingham, January 17: \V. J. Cunningham. W. J. Moore, E. D. Hodge, A. M. Coker, \V. \Y. Bruce, C. E. Spencer, R. S. Smith, J. W. McCown, \Y. F. Whittle, J. A. Patterson, E. 1). Smith, J. W. Major, It. M. Pugues, E. M. Williamson. The delegation was instructed to invite the World's Cotton Congress to meet at Columbia, next October. The old officers were re-elected: E. 1). Smith, president; F. H. Weston, sccretarv; F. II. Hyatt, tieasurer; E. L. Archer, vice president, in fdaee of Rowland Tindall, deceased. Bulletin For Teachers. The State board of education met ' in the office of the State superin- ' tendent of education with the following members present: Prof. W. K. Boland, Blaekville; Prof. J. \Y.'Daniel, Cienison College; Prof. A. G. Rembert, Wofford College; Superintendent A. J. Thackston, Orangeburg, ami Superintendent O. B. Martin. The board formulated plans to issue a bulletin containing the course of study for the common and high schools with surest ions as to graduntions and as to tlio teaching of different subjects. The different members of the board will prepare the parts of the bulletin which pertain to different subjevts, and these will be consolidated and edited in a complete pamphlet. In response to suggestions made by the county superintendents of education, the board decided to chancre the time of boiling teacher's examinations in in the third Fridays in May and September to the third Fridays in April and October. J Cremated at Logging Camp. Geo r^e town, Special.?I u t el 1 i genre has been received of the burning" to death of Mr. 1*. R. Xcsmith, familiarly known as "Pink" Nesmitb. at one of the logging camns of the -Atlantic Coast Lumber corporation. Mr. Nesmitb was spending tlie Christmas holidays in camp alone, the rest of the force having gone to their homes or come to town. The supposition is that he became intoxicated and fell asleep in his camp, which caught lire and consumed him. 11 is charred remains were found among the burned timbers. Foul play is not suspected, as he bad had little or no money at the camp and probably not au enemy in the world. Fort Fisher Anniversary. Gov. Heyward ha* been asked to attend a reunion of the survivors of the battle of Fort Fisher, to he held near Wilmington, N. C., on January 15, the anniversary of the engagement held in 1865, in which many South Carolinians lost their lives. As this is the date fixed by Gov.-elect Ansel for the inauguration, it will be impossible for Gov. Heyward to attend. Fifteen Horses Burned. Winnsboro, Special.?The new stable of Mr. Dave Crawford, with the entire contents, save one horse, went up in flames. Fifteen or more fine horses perished with as many bug- | gies. The approximate i?>ss is .$4,000 with $2,500 insurance. The firemen by good work saved the Duval Hotel and surrounding buildings. Anderson's Progress For the Old Year. Anderson, Special.?During the past year Anderson has made greater progress than for any year previous. Last year there was a decrease in State taxes of half a mill and in county taxes a decrease of one and a quarter mills. The banks, mills and other enterprises of the city paid out half a million dollars in dividends. It was an exceptionally good year with the mills. Two new banks were started last year and many fine business buildings erected, aggregating $750,000. U. B. Hammett Resigns. Columbia, Special.?Chief Constable U. II. Iiammett, who lias charge of the constabulary in enforcing tlie dispensary law, sent in his resignation". Hammett was appointed bv the Governor in 1003 for four years, just after the office vn., created and ctojoyed the Governor's fullest confidence. He states in his letter that ho does not wish to embarrass the new administration with his position ' What is I Is it a Catarrh Rei or is It Some people cull Pcruna a great I great catarrh remedy. Which of these people are right? catarrh remedy than to call it a tonic? Our reply is, that Pcruna is both deed, there can be no effectunl catarrh r In order to thoroughly relieve any only have a specific action on the muc tarrh, but it must have a general toi?Ic i Catarrh, even in persons who are o dition of some mucous membrane. The the circulation, to give tone to the urterl Perhaps no vegetable remedy in tl tention from medical writers as IIYDK. ful cflJcacy of this herb has been rccogr its hold upon the medical profession. COPAIBA a trio of medical agents is fo | specific remedy for catarrh that in the cannot lie improved upon.. This uctiou, as COLI.IXSONIA CANADENSIS, COII SKEl), ought to make this compound ai singes and locutions in the body. From a theoretical standpoint, the The use of Peruna confirms this opini every quarter of the earth furnish ampl over enthusiastic. When practical expei ory the result is a truth that cannot 1m; t RHEUMA1 SJT POT, a , I & There is nothing doubtfi a rcsu'ts ?f using Pota: "M , H for truck crops. Kvery pi ; / \ $ returns manifold its weigh I ' ff nature's law, and sure as tl m m Every farmer should have "T Interesting information about fertil W GORMAN KA1 Jy New York?OS Nassau Street or SAM JON LIFE AND SAYi BY HIS wirK I flt'NT^ WAWTm Aeenta are colnlnK money. IHJuIl 10 Vl ilil 1 LiJ Outfit and Contract for trr lil( Uuuk, mo, |-rl('??2 SO I Q M I P U H I ClrvnUrs I'ne. Ji Ui iilunUL CABBAGE Flaov <o35i^\CS?Si'2jL *n'1 *" mnd*"' aarrten planu.C Cujy A. piant*. >m*s In Hie nmn air .an fag/^H*iqlirll ^ * m""' reliant* aar>i1*u V-yTg . "?uu?an.l cr*truc* farm, l'lann VsS?m!^v5uih SJmenranrller Ktdao*ilrtpr?a? per tUoii*aod. large lot 91.U e>-iu. s. i . Arilnttnn WhlteSpl ,, ? Vxirvt'tu. f>. >' The Ci ha? ratablMUed an Ktperlmmt* of e.-.tahie* eenerlallv t al>i>nii.-?. 'lie reaulta of the* flee you >n; un.? \ oure 1mp.-c1f.1ll7,?>'. II. It 1.1 CABBAGE PLAN' I em row nreparo.1 to fill print" for mi Celebrated I S CAHflAGK I'l ANY8 In nnt qunntit> deaired. of KAHLY JERSEY WAKEFIKLIr?Karlieot and beat 1 eur* header. email in# I *n | eu CHARLESTON \VAKFK1RU>-About ton dove later tin then Ear It Jereer'a. bleu a eure header of fine eiee. I i?f Prlcoe f. o. b. here, pock 300 Tor SI DO. l.OOO to A.OOO At 91.50 per Special price* on larger quantitina. All order* chipped I CHAS. M. GIBSON, So. 2-'0 USE TAYLOR'SJK PUTNAM color mor* g<><>il, trinho-r iukI factor rolom nny olh( iljo nuy hiu-uu'ui v-ituout ripjilug aparu Wruo for fri Hostess?Wore wou seasick comins: across, iloar / i Miss Port?Oh, no! You see, papa * was with us. Hostess?But what has that to do with your not being seasick? Miss Pert?Well, you know, papa is a Judge, and lie overruled the motion.?Boston Transcript. What is over can't be begun.? Dickens. f ^e-ru-na? Tiedy, or a Tonic, Both? touic. Others refer to Peruna as a Is It more proper to call.Peruna a a tonic and a catarrh remedy. Inemedy that is not also n tonic, case of catarrh, a remedy must not ous membranes affected by the eviction on the nervous system. >t her wise strong, is a weakened conre must be something to strengthen ies, and to raise the vitul forces, lie world has attracted so much atISTIS CANADENSIS. Tlie wonderlized many years, und is growing in When joined witli Ct'DEBS and1 rined in Peruna which constitutes a i present state of medical progress, reinforced by such renowned tonics tYDALlS FORMOSA and CEDllON 1 ideal remedy for catarrii in all its A | refore, Peruna is l?eyond criticism. I oti. Xnmbcrless testimonial* f??" 1 o evidence that thiti Judgment i^ not rienre confirms a well-grounded ti:eihnken. nsM^\ __ f^i] ED ition Stimulated uscles and Joints i id by using | ?e*JY\S I inxervt 25c 50c 6*1.00 1 by ell Deelers iiise On The Horse'Sent Free . Earl S.Sloan,Boston,Mass. Farmers il or indefinite about ^y| \?^>.. *h fertilizer in the soil ound of Potash added, m tt in vegetables. It is rucK i-arming." It has much m VI | ization. We send it free, Atlanta, da.?1224 Candler Building % IES9 f?V INCS Send EOe for Canvassing V S&CO., \3wl. Is! CELE RY ?iant?!____ an now furnish all hinds of csbMnKajraBB 'I wlit (land fr??i cold, wrown fram BjttMjW ten. tt a u>r lh?urn<< plants on our|M^WNH carefully couuted an.I properly vauk- BSCHWlt* sttuee. <'tnon and n?et plan'a. tame BB8WM j rataa tiroml?il,*Mfh.whsi> eftectl?e, jTBTn iBPT i moron <nnls<i rate* I'ricet small lota ItaaiifflU i ?> !.# |*r tliou<?n I. f. II. n. Meg-UKffiftjlvM nc Cucumber Seed Co cents t rr pouo.i, PrWrl Iliad States Agricultural uepartmsnt jWtgliBaW I Station on our larnia to teat all kinds UaitalS pci|icrlmcni? *? will Im pl> aae.l 10 [Ti n COMVAKY, M KPI-CTTt, ft. ft rs FOR SALE! ICCCF.89ION?Beet known cqra heading rarlat large Oat r>lil???. later than I 'lmrli tlun M ak< field, 'huae plants ore from the ?er> beat to-ted rod itn In the r.isn air and will atand cetera i-nld -at. t Injury. All orders ura flllo.l freni the sutno I rda at I am utlna for my attend re rtbUti farms. Bat action guaranteed. ed In light boxes: M. A.OOO to lO.OOO nt SI.25 per ST. 0. O. I>. when not aoroanpnnlnd l>jr remittance. Young's Island, S. C. 7. >kee?Remedy of Sweet Gu hs, Colds, LaQrippe yffn FADELE ev>yo. One JOc. pm-kago color* all fiber*. They dye X) booklet?How to Uyo. /ileacb and JdiX Color*, All f^HICKEJVS K: you cannot spend years and doll buy tho knowledge required by cents. You want them to pay tl them as a diversion. In order to handle 1 tiling about them. To meet this want we of a practical poultry raiser for (Only 25c a man who put all his mind, and time, at en raising?not an a pnstlrrte, but as a bus! ty-tlvo years' work, you can save many CI earn dollars for you. Tho point is. that 3 l'oultry Yard as soon as It appears and let teach you. It tells how to detect and cur< fattening, which Fowls to save for broe< you should know on thin subject to nrr we Ave cents la suttnps. BOOVi PL.1JJ '82HNC i home i I is not homo without a little child, I but many weak, sick, miserable I women, seem unable to have I one. Where this is due to some I chronic disease of the womanly B organs, as it so often Is, |? WOMAN'S RELIEF R is the best medicine tor you* to R fan take, since it regulates the func- Bj as tions, builds up the weak organs, Ka 9 strengthens the constitution and Ej makes childbirth easy. Has helped H 3 thousands. Try it. n I At all Druggists C 25 n 1 WHITE lor rre? Advice, statin' fl 9 age and deecribine your srropturot, to N U ladies AdrLsorr LWipt.. Chattanoocu B cl Medicine Co.. Chattanooca. Tenn. r^i i / We have ?5 many actual % I photographs of cotton 1 I holds on which no fertilize were f \ used and pictures of holds oa which i I "othor makes" of fertilizers iPer? \ f used. Results of theso crops wore I I dismal failures There uro much / \ "brighter prospects" ahead for the V f progressive farmors of Jie South. J I Two and three bales to tho acre arc / I only ordinary ylulds where J 7 Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers ) I aro used with proper cultivation. / \ Make your cotton maturo early, and 1 J thusoscapo tho boll weovllamidothor t I damaging Insects. You can easily do i I this, as well as Increase tho number I I of bolls(andthelrslze)on your plants V I l>y plentifully using Virginla-Caro- / \ lina Fertilizers. This method will V 1 tremendously "increase your yields 1 J twr aore." Don't be fooled Into buy- f I lug a suDsutuiv. f J Virginia-Carolina Chsmlcol Cm. \ ? Richmond, Va, ) 3 Charleston, 8. <3. IV U Baltimore, lid. M Atlanta, Oa. Savannah. Oa. b\ Montgomery. Ala. ' .gl la Memphis. Tenn. JSm l]\ Shrevcport, La. JBk CFFDS PLANTS" ANDOLL Ltd, FRUIT TREES Pr?|ifr <Imf for nil vnrlallr. nf Ihr kl|kr>l irrni'r ? Southern (Jrmw n I'lowrr, Field nn<t C iirdrn Nrrd>. Rkrnbi. Mhnde and Fruit Tr?M.P?Mllrj' nud Poultry Mupplln NwInr. Doyr of ull kind*. In fnrt. rverjrtklm nrrdrd tor Ikr furl*. Ilrndquartrra for HIT 111! KB l'HA\ TUKKn. llrnrmkrr, tar kIto rltlirr Vr?rtuklr or Flower arret*, puprr., 1A for Sl.OO, Po.lpttldl Smallrr Itrs.SSrortl.kU, Pootpnld Mrnlon thin puprr. Culnlofuo Irrr to nppllrantn. J. STECKLER SEED CO. Ltd., ssrLTivarm in ftXfVfO No. 512 Gravicr Sl.? NtW ORLEANS. LA. ^HOQLESS LARD The Uppermost Standard of Highest Quality by Ualtatf Statu Gournrunt i .i I J lotin White & Co. Uglt SAW MILLS LATH AND SHIN6LE MACHINES SAWS AND SUPPLIES. STEAM AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Trv AMD A r?r* """""" - - j ?-v/iTioAKiJ? oxr*"* BIOMXETMA1IE ?y.(n?i> Hllls(**r "NERVE BATTERIES" at SO Su nil anoorlWAntlty y*i aalie m 4m f wages, while IS to 15 ore sold In # ? day Hy a Ilea hustling agent. Write fer pnrtlenlere. VERVE BATTERY CORE* V.Elmo Ohla. Thompson's EyeWater im and Mullein ^J^VTo* ?nd Lung Trouble*. Thoroughly tested >. All DmrIiu. 2??, lOo and tl.OO. ^ SS DYES i in cold water hotter than any other dye. You oaa D.N ROE lilt I <4 CO., tnlonellle, Missouri \RN MONFY ,f y?u P,ve nclp. AIV.IN ITOULI you cannot do tills inless you understand them and know low to cater to their requlrerrvents. and urs learning by experience, so you must others. We offer this to you for only >5 iclr own way oven If you merely keep ( "owls Judiciously, you roust know someare selling a book giving the experience twenty-flito years. It was written by id money to [making a success of Chlckness-?-and if feu will profit'by hls-twenilcks annually, and make your Fowls rou must bo Jsurc to detect troubleMn the low how toi remedy it. This book will disease; tf feed (or ggs and also for liny purpo.'Bs; and everything, mdced. It profitably. Rent postpaid for twentyi IlOUStS, tti Leonard St., New York City