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SPECIAL NOTICES. -i.c.i.. vt.r. t : .. . FOB H ALE?A lo^ or good Peavine < Hay. 'Phono or writ? to Jaraos F. Boyd. R. P. D.No. 1. Fort Mill. S. C. FOR RFNT?A good farm containing 300 acres; good buildings, good well , water, 4 miles oast of Fort Kill, 1}? , miles from Harrison charoh, price 4 ^ bales ootton of 500 pounds each. Ap. i ply to Ales Barber, Fort Kill. S. C. , NOTICE?J have for sale one house and , lot on Booth street. Fort Mill. Imr?wn as the D. O. Potts place; also, for rent, a good one-horse plantation in ] Pleasant Valley, rental price, 1,000 ' Einds liut cotton. Apply to Osmond ; rt>er, R. P. D. No. 2 , Fort Hill, S.C. ? The report of the town treas- , urer for the year 1906 will appear in next week's Times. ? Mr. W. D. Kimbrell, of eastern Fort Mill, is spending the week with friends in Gastonia, N. C. ? There will be preaching Sunday morning at the regular hour at the Pre3bvterian church bv I Dr. Thorn well, the pastor. ? Just how long" they will continue to do so we are unable to say, but the trains have been lunning a deal nearer on time since the change on last Sunday. ? Through an oversight the past week, the price of peas, in the advertisement of Mr. C. B. Kimbrell, was made to read $2.00 per bushel when it should have been $2.50. ? The condition of Mr. J. C. Hughes, who has been ill for the past few days, was reported as slightly improved yesterday. Mrs S. M. Mills, mother of Mr. Hughes, has also been confined to her home several days by illness. ? The little son of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Thiea, who reside with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Elms, on East Booth street, has been seriously ill of scarlet fever for about ten days. The child is now able to be up some and it is ex- ' pected will have fully recovered within a short time. ? The graded school resumed its work Monday, after an intermission of two weeks for the holidays, and for the next five months the youngster may be seen, satchel in hand, making his way to the academy in answer to the morning summons of the big bell in the tower. ? At a meeting of the officers of the Fort Mill Light Infantry, held a few days ago, it was decided to hold the annual supper of the company in the armory this (Thursday) evening. The supper, according to The Times' information, is given solely to the members of the organization. ? Mr. R. J. Brown, who, uriti a short time ago was assistant superintendent of the Millfort Mill, has accepted the position of superintendent of a mill at Elberton, Ga., and, with his family, left Sunday morning for that place. ? Plans are now being drawn for the complete remodeling, in the early spring, of the residence of Mr. Jas. T. Young, on Clebourn street, \nother story with several rooms will be added and other improvements made that will add much to the appearance and convenience of the residence. ? Mr. J. D. Withers, of lower Fort Mill, is the possessor of many quaint and odd relics of days long gone by. A few days ago, while looking over his collection, Mr. Withers came across a Spanish coin which appeared to be very old. After rubbing it for several minutes he was convinced that it was indeed old, the date being 805. The coin is made of copper and is in a fairly good state ot preservation. Mr. Withers values the piece of money very highly. ? A petition, signed by practically all the business men of the town, has been forwarded to the superintendent of the Columbia division of the Southern Railway praying that electric lights he nlaeed in the naaflencer sta- 1 tion at this place. This step was by reason of the fact that very ! often the waiting rooms are j without light, and when the i lamps are lighted one is barely j able to discern an object across the room by the faint glimmer from the usually dirty, smoky j globe?. ? Capt. T. B. Spratt of the local military company has received from the adjutant general's office a check for $170, this being the company's share of the an-j nual appropriation by the State. | The company last year received ; $200., This money is to be used for necessary expenses, or in such way a*; is by the Officers of the c< :;i: i conpv'erpble ' i chived by 1 sary reptui a Ui.u ...... to the armory. j 1 i fe: TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1907. OmcB or County Auditor of York i County, South Carolina. Yorkville. S. O.. Dec. 20.190(1 j As required by Statute, my books, will be open at my oflico in Yorkville! sn Tuesday, January 1, 1907, and kept 3pen until February 20th, 1907, for the i purpose of listiug for taxation all Taxa- i kl.k ti ? 1--1-* -* - uio z-iupurty uciu iu lor.t county on January 1st, 1907 The school districts in Fort Mill township in which there are special levies ?re Nos. 28, 28 and 89. For the purpose of taking tax returns, [ will be at Fort Mill on Wednesday, rhursday and Friday, January 23, 24 ind 25, 1907. JOHN J. HUNTER. L'ouuty Auditor. 12-20-4t . COOPER'S COLD CURE Is a guaranteed preparation for Colds La Grippe and Headache. Comes in little chocolate coated tablets, containing Quinine, Ipecac and Cascara. Price 25 cents per box. All who have used this new remedy are enthusiastic in their praise of it. At Ardrey's, ???8?S@S???@ I Gr3R @ Wo wis! P py New 1 g liberal pat <8[ the hope o @ shall putf< @ as we have @ say, liowev @ had cause ? been auytl ^ left an unj 0 hurry and 8 said anyth 0 apologize i ?} and be bur #8 you of our ? your famii; 0 present ye; ? and happii 0 desire for ? for your li 0 asking you ? promise tr @ quality. <& ii I l 0 ? P. S.?All X biles at aboi 0?^???^)?a?0?G SURE CURE pi J? 7 . IsiViLkt 0 - ? *1 9! We wish to thaiil the liberal patron in<* the year that o %/ It has been our a received and we To continue to <?i worth of value fo licit your future i year will be a liaj ous one for both, 1 McElhaney IStrrbL'Mf^n<"[79, ^iT^^lrFU fig; ra? I JOB PRm I NEATLY EX fj THE TIMES P-| Letterhead*. Noethoads Billhead, gj Circulars, Envelopes, Etc. at the ujj work, Send us your orders aud v | wxnz ?igj ?\All a i^j g nrtUlg] gis fnn?wnmnurw^rxmmm? ? 5??@?@9 @?0?9?<? ; BV'J"!. "M?JU i-tii iis'x'x .r i you all a merry Xnui fear. We are grate I ronage wo have receiv f deserving its eontii irth our best efforts in i done in the past. or, that if at any thru for dissatisfaction, or i ling between us wliicl ileasant impression, e rush of business we In J 1 J S mg mat gave often so, for it, and ask yon tc iedwith i lie old year, hearty good will town y. and we sincerely ho ar will bring to you al noss and prosperity t h yourself. Again tin heral patronage in th< to trade with us ai ) do our best as to Toy Wagons, Velocipede ut one half to close. X30C50S0? @??&0 'I iCTRje | ulck R#Hof int! Core f of H n w > - . B DlSlilWMi ? 4 indigestion, Malaria, etc. 0 Mill I I inn in I I Ml Mill v one and all for age given us durhas just closed., im to give value o promise during 07 | * j ve you a dollar's r 81.00. AYe sorade and hope the ;>py and prosperycAi and us. & Company. ~ jr^J ITiNG i ECUTEI) AT S OFFICE. A j"|. ?, Statements, Handbills, Posters. fpc. lowest prices consistent with good j^l ,*o will please you r^]j le Times, Jfj] Ofi2JMir2?S!Mi?MS5SjM^i % sTca-i I I ,s and jiiapVd for the ? ed, and in 0 uiance, we jajj i t lie future ? re desire to ? 3 you have ?) f there has ? i ? i may have ? r if in the S j ? ive done or 0 we wish 1o ? > let it die 0 We assure ? ird you and X nr? flisit * 1 of health g at you may 0 inking you X :? pa>t and 0 praia. x\ e price and 0 1 . p cs, Automo- 0 ? x-O rx/r> iOiX> o, o o/tv <rvr> ji->. *-x CWl* io-' O* BUTTERS TH? best tonic. Curative fff those dieHP*' euoa. 50c. Guaranteed, j , 1 GLEAN SWI & & Commencing Friday, the 4tl: rliir?tir>r> nil A.-lfl l?-*to I^-j v*v?* vv.iv* ivvo, t ivrug; je* Wash Goods, Curtains and Swi & All best Calico in 1 to G yon grood dark colored Outing:, 27 ii i;ig?r, at 5 cts. 200 or 300 yard dark.colors, 7 1-2 to 10 cts., w Sx Fifteen or Twenty Childr SJ PRICE. One hundred Womer in* lion. jgj All Odd Lots and Heavy Got @ We thank each one'of you"f< ? patronage the past year, and s (& same for 1907. May this be t Pp prosperous year. Respectfully I MEAGHAM ? - w w w w // ?| New Year ( e iS < r !** We now bid the old M feS; welcome the new. << ? W e wish all our frit 4 I prosperous New Year to blot the calendar *> i -u a the year we will rem / / y) merit the patronage s ed to us. With thanks and g $0> jjj patrons we say once New Year." || .. I PARKS D! *- i. ?7<rw jr-g^4 <-*rvC<i .r-KJ -i^-fcs 4'^^a^a^i it*.j ?. i v?* *v> *, e? %j? vr- vr^ v^*\jrvr- v* ? V V *' VV\V.W*V || A A J i_j i-J r y. v v . l l. 1 IV DEALER H WINES, LIQUORS, CICW > V 125"East Council Street, ^ > - vZ We quote you the followi Brandies, Wines, Etc.: 1 Gallon New Corn Whisk* ** 1 Gallon 1-year-old Corn W1 1 Gallon 2-year-old Corn W1 1 Gallon 3-year-old Corn W1 la 1 Gallon 4-year-old Corn W1 ?/ 1 Gallon New Rye Whiskey si 1 Gallon 1-year-old Rye W1 $$ 1 Gallon 2-year-old Rye W1 1 Gallon James E. Pepper I la 1 Gallon Old Henry Rye Wh 1 Gallon Echo Springs Rye I Gallon Apple Brandy (nev, Ay 1 Gallon Apple Brandy (old 4 Quarts 7-year-old Corn (ea ?? 12 Quarts Mountain Corn (o 4 > 4 Quarts Old Henry Rye __ 1/ 4 Quarts Rose Valley RyCu_. 4 Quarts Malt Rye a* 4 Quarts Hoover's Choice R^ A We can furnish you anythin; orders " ill receive prompt att< AAVA-VV' ,%\V W\ g.? WWW v (ft <' ' <> 0* ? I! Let the | iuliarljtts Jisaii Lantdrj ! Launder Your LIr?b. 9 We have the Rippest nnd 9 Rest Laundry I'lant in 9 the ('.irf>1 in; f;. We do more 9 work than any Inundry in 9 the Carolina*. We do Ret- 9 I t. ter voik than any laundry * !' in ti.o South. Our agents, j| wli >fie uani<* in attached -1 0 hereto, In* instructions to o !; u'iv ' y iti full and complete ] !; satisfaction or make no <> charge. ?> 1 ... a Z I.^n't that fair dealing ? , $ | ! v I 2 ft | $ r MILL, - - - - 8. C. | | ? :EPSALE | ' i, we will sell at a big re- * tlis. etc.. in Drv?aii fi/wl* *9 isses. | c i lengths, at 6 cts. A jx iches, fine for quilt lin- : r s of Cotton Worsted in J c ill go for 5 cents. Jar ens' Jackets at HALF Sc i's Skirts at a big reduc- ]ac >ds mu3t go during this ? )r your kind and generous CO isk a continuation of the 00 o you and us a happy and CO yours, JsP ? EPPS I 3? ???@?S?0?? IS S | | , wunoui a sorrow *2 of 1907. During || rmr f ??4 ~ 4 - kr?? uui wuuns IU /<? o liberally extend- || ood wishes to all Sg more, "A Happy ' 8| RUG CO. | mmmmemm ?#> V -Qj-TV, jgj S IN :*5 VRS, TOBACCO, Etc. W - - - Salisbury, N. C. j3? nff prices on Whiskie fa *y -$1.50 m hiskey 1.75 liskey- 2.00 fa liskey 2.50 55; niskey 3.00 l&i 1.75 gjj liskey 2.00 gg liskey 2.50 tye Whiskey 3.00 ffo iskey 3.00 i Whiskey 3.00 $2 r) 2.50 28 ) 3.oo m use floods) 4.00 2 5 Id) 7.00 2? 3.70 gg 3.80 55 3.70 rA re 3.00 p: in our line and all mail 2*4 ention. g5j ^x^x^x^x^.x^x^x^.x^x ? 11 . ... i ii. J i jm CURES Liver Complaints; uses only Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets, and gives your money back if not satisfied. Your liver is the biggest trouble maker. If you would be well, try Ramon's Treat* ment. Only 25 cents* for m1? by W. S. ar*r?y