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_ ^U!Moir B ffTTl financially \ ?/C B lur.s H Witrw. B Rinnan Marvin, \Vi.r > B Rnigirlsta, Toledo, 'atnrrh t lure ;* t nken internally, actwwjr directly upon the blood and raucuaua tur? i fates of the avstem. Testimonials rent free. IV.ce. Tfie. rer bottle. Sold by all Druggist*. | Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Pnring the winter season when Screen food is scarce, fowls of all Stimls will eat raw potatoes, cabbage, beets, and onions, if chopped fine. TilVING KXPERIEXCE. Spent Over 5100 in n Vain Search For Health. Mi^s Frances Gardner, of 369 Jackson Eoulevard, Chicago, Ills., writes: "horJemcn: I heartily endorse ?Do an's Kidney 1 ejperi oft re that they are nn iderl j suffered with cor.inoy complaint for spent over $100 on useless rom Oft ??a while fivo boxes of I5oan*s Kidney Pills cured me in a -* few short weeks. I am now enjoying the best of health, have a fine appe- B ?i best of dlgestio", and restful .11 duo to your splendid pills." ? by all dealers. 50 cents a box. D< MMbnrn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. F] nill is sure to be swept away jJj he church tries to grind it* Di ith the devil's power. Cure n Cold in One Day do nxitive Bromo Ouinine Tablets, rs r.-fuud money if it fails to cure. .. ove n signature is on each box. -So, ~ ' to Man} a man will find when the of !! :.%.mi searches out llie purees of his revenue', it v. ill make ,s %. ?\ The JnM am! but in 'PSHun m-.i H--n B?r u >r Hn K?? "<* fotp^ W Yor" BV$-??i The Small Boy's Errand. Why has not some onjo thought to dub the Small Boy "Erraod-goer to the H Family?" The name -woirtti beautiful )y fit him. What would happen if on a topsyturvy day sometime tho*^a#B> lly should take to running the Small Boy's errands? "Turnabout Is fair play." And I think myself it would Ibo a good way to bring the family to "Mamma, please get me my cap." J "Here, papa, just run up and find H bat, won't you?" H "Harriet^Ha^e^bH^^^^^^i^y 6?u6iapny!' Molly, Polly, Irish Kate, quick! quick! as fast as your feet can scamper, run got me this, that, the other!" Well, why not??Just on one topsyturvy day.?Annie Hamilton Donnel] n Harper's Hazar. . , My German Dog. * ly pug's a German dog-? It 1 'in pretty sure of that, 1 Wit not because He's short 0 On wind and long and fat; 99 'l ml not because lie e'er 1 O'er sleep prevail, ut just because lie lias A pretzel for a tail. -K. K. Munkittrick in the'.T^tuarjf elineator. So. ?"?I - '0(?. ^ ITS,St.Vituft'DanoeilSjurrodiDi- U '' silently cured by Dr. Kline's Groat Nerv#. t! ^storer. it! trial bottle and treatise free. r. . II. R. Kline, I^.,1W1 Arch St., Plnld., P?. ! . ' , . II j ,, He loses his IntalbM*"?' -? ks not put them,out r.t interest. k. Wlnalow'8Soothing Sympfor Ohildren' oll thing,noi t-natliegnnis, due.*.nilaintiui- ..ll U y* 1 ? 111,. . rpn wind colic, 2.V a^^-y The secret of-'inaot^rin# the i.l/B not in ignoring it, buii in giv^T 1 yl il CELERY Pi*r>k!_J| / 2 By a vote ofVlQ6 to 18$ the Hon so of Representative* refused & incrense from $5,000 to $7,500\the salaries of Senators, members and delegates. The House,, however, by an overwhelming vote, inoreaiMSd the salaries of the Vice President, the Si>eaker of the House and members of the President's cabinet to $12,000 caeh. In an anticipation of tint question of increasing salaries coming before the House there was an exceedingly large membership and the debate on the several amendments for increase, which were offered ljy Mr. Littaucr, of Ne\v York, to the legislative appropriation bill, was followed with marked interest. After disposing of the salary question, the House passed the legislative, 'executive and judicial appropriation bill. Mr. Littaucr, of Now York, opened the discussion bj'fc presenting air amendment raising the salaries of the Vie$ President and, the-'Speuker oftlie House to $12,000 per annum. lie spoke of the dignity of the position of Speaker of the House aud said that everybody recognized that the duties are arduous and that the pay is unequal. i. Mr. Underwood, of Alabama, opposed any further increase of salaries along the line of legislative aud exec?utive offices. He believed the salniie-s of the minor clerks of the government should be increased on account of the increased cost of living; After several speeches the amend racut was adopted by a vote of 214 to 151, the opposition failing to secure votes enough to call the ayes and noes. Having won a most substantial victory Mr. Littuuer introduced another amendment as follows: "On and after March -J, 1007, the compensation of heads of cxecutiv; departments, who are members of the President's cabinet shall be at lhe rate of $12,000 per annum each." Mr. Littauer held up a large picture of a president of a baseball as-uciation, whose salary had been increased from $10,000 to $15,000 a year, and contrasted that with the salarirs of the cabinet. The amend uraui was adopted -U-i to. til). Mr. Littnuer who retires to private life with tlx; close of the present t\?n: gross, offered a provision raising tho I salaries of Senators and members ot ICongress, delegates and the resident [commissioner f rom Porto Ilieo to $7,|500 and on ugveeraent the time for the increase; to begin Mii lix^d on bdarc'yf 4. ^ ( Salaries May Be in-reused. ^ Tjo Hor.r.e yench<?i an agreement ^Bdet which it looks fiu if th re wonl.t a vote on the niyb mooted qnesof wh increase fa the salaries *?1 H^mbew of Gongres* cabinet <?ni. -vs. Wc.f Mr. Littauor fought ;<> have the * Underwood Serf ^Bthis staff of the proceed V. ^-v.^^aiu*V^"w^ev, that he would u\b2? to oonsidHli} urn nt the eonchiti?Xof the reading of the bill ami whc^^ahcll he reported to the House f u %***??< tee tke u^,o'e* Houlri^L h' ni?!^?tt8^?ur iu ,hc ad oi * Solutions "*v,'r? ),assnnd e*.llt tho lumber trust !he STU,;V f tho hi?cJ?L L,lbor <? \ P^10^ now prevai'ing tti lumber, liui^\thr... k- \ tf1' i iiiiiti ^ 1111 ^crotarv ut- . % ln\u>v^. tailed "iscriptirttkok-The coal lamV from public entry sire' JulyTT, 190(5. * g t'he House a-reedVto vote on til" reditution increasing tbe salaries o\ Sejators and Representatives to $7,-Y 50i and niakin ' other Increases in otli-inl salaries, lvhen tlir legislative Lilk is reported tithe Hous<vfrom the committee of thl whole. ithe resolutioiln [so fixes t!^ salaries of t-he Vice resident and Quaker it $15,000, a of cabinet oncers at ill2,000. I Senator Dub<m on Mr. Sicoot. The Senate lilned to tbe sceoiiWL spetlcb which halifdn mode this ses sionl apainst tbe pmtinnance of Reed | Stn<L.? -- ^ as a neinor from Utali. Jt I fc'as I delivered bf Senator DuBois, of I blallo, who aftc reviewing in detail I Iho (working of ho' MorAon Church, tndlMr. Smooth prominent connee jpnrlftb M^vrith,' oncluded with tho ante that W^e ident Rocsevlet lias xtfea the weight of his administration o /assist the Republican-Mormon otl in the last election. J Rayner Talks, flich interest was mniifestod in 1?| Senate'in the position', taken by >l'iiator Ray tier in his discussion of (ie Japanese question. Ho (ontended iat the inherent rights of a Slatt 'Uiri not be violated bv ti-aty any dre than they could be vented by "iigicss. To support this he cited any adjudicated cases bc'oro the Court r.nd arrayed bag linos D.iuent authorities. Mr. Rayner inive* the cases and the autori s of the other side to theproposi>n. Smoot Should Get Ou. \At 'the conclusion of the norning ^nofis in the Senate Senabr Bui. chairman of the Senae coruon privileges and (Motions. I naiqi. np the resolution fnm that I mmiitee declaring that Hoi. Reed I ot.iia not "untitled to a sat as a 1 iyrf?r of the United Stats from I of Utah and addretx d the 1 nation that subject.. , * f? ^ ; r ' ( ~ M) t--?nr .ifcfflf all $*>.. If more th 1 ' wiin h mi -g fame to the 3^*^' ensures the ' I sonable amc the health a 'A- >"> jl improvemen etc. It is E choose one "* pleasant Sy ' .vv I Syrup Co., a effectually,1 ... *<A after effect: ; n organ3t gjrpj i':yx "Without grip rV" I anyway, as jjifc.nnmp.- fi LatUre* ' iV.-iTj the inanufac act most hi & with their f m worth consi< It is becai ;?",-v *8 a iemedy i" / ' physicians t ^ V informed pe LA quality cr ' V' V..'! vA','v'"? bottle cf th iaxative rer iliC.*' H genuine $ only, by al f- T m company? i.?? ?* .:the front d rTcviUvll^. ky. I PU TWam Color morn ipmmI* brighter au ] raptor colors l ban ??> dye any gurmuut without ripptug apart. Wrtto (or USE WlMf mgm,CAPUDINE I IMMEDIATELY CURI J I U HE, AD AC H is J?S^BrgaK? up COL 3*S Trul Bottle 10c At Dnj-H? Sour grapes often intoxicate ncn with a 6ense of their own importrrjee. TIic Kols of Constipation ? are many; in fact, almost every st'nus illncos lias ito origin in conubipatiotJ and some mediorncn. instead of prcventinl constipation, add to it. This is true otfmost cathartics, whiqh, when hrst used, llt\c a beneficial effect, hut t* A dose lias lo be continually increased, tltflkhefore lotlft the reracd> ceuesi to have the slightest IfToct. 'J'herc Ls?ouc preparation however) t ;at mtn he relied upon to iXnuace thai wme results wi^'i the u;nnc^K>::o. qveiTllnl ter fiflv years' daily usc^^^kuHis is l|rsndroth'n Pills, which J^^^Yvccord of. over 100 yearn an the st'^^^^Bcmedy f<V constipation and all ti^^^Hgariaing filom an impure stale of the^BRT: J Brandrcth's Pills are the same line laxative tonic pill your grandparents used and can he found in every drug and mcdiOne store, either plum or sugnr-eclated. Faith does not prove itself Jy fooiPiles Cured in fl to 1 I I);jys. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to l;nro any case of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Plot rqding Piles iu0 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. No architect ever yet deJigned ^monument heavy enongbt l:o JioM Vlowti a man's guilty past. I I I t. . ^n^^^nH rcfl Winning Str lan ordinary skill in claying brings the h< i winning player, so exceptional merit i commendation of the well informed, ar >unt of outdoor life and recreation is c nd strength, so dees a perfect laxative t t in, cases of constipation, biliousness, dl important,-however, in selecting a cf knewn qi^lity and exceiience, lik tud cf Figs, manufactured by the Ca laxitive wjiich sweetens and cleanses whefi a laxative is needed,-without any 5, a$ it acts naturally and gently cn t >ly assisting nature when nature needs ling, irritating or debilitating the intern it ontains nothing cf an cfc.iectionable ; ths piants which are combined with :tuib cf Syrup of F:gs are-known to pi melicially upen the system, the remei jen^ral aDCioval as a famliv lavatiuo dering in making purchases. use of the fact/that SYRUP Of cf known quality and exce.lence, and a hat has ied to i ts use ty so many mi., cple, who %ouid net use any remedy c ntericr reputation. Every farni'v she iq genuine cn hand at ail times, to i riedy is required. Please to icrnemb /rup of frgs iff- for saie in bottles of 1 reputable druggists, and that full nai -California Fig Syrup Co., is plainly p f every package. Regular price, 50c \ ornia RgSyru; 5>n hr-fcrvciaco. CM. Ta?el e - % uthev.^ycw One 10c, tun-Wag* color* all fltx-r*. Thoy d.vr Iroo booklet?How IB l?.vo, 111 each uud Mix Colors. Alt jrofcee*W*j}edy of Sweet Gu ighs, Colds, LaGrippe & Lhly:*V CABBAGE PLAN 3" 1 mo now nrepural to nil order. for tor CtlflMlM | PAHHAOK I'l.^NTS in -my quantity deal red.. I ( KAKI.Y .IUK.SKY WAKKHri.D-vKorllc-t ladbwA aurr header, aoiall tf|*. I I Cmni,R8TO> WAKUKIF.LD About ten data Inter I tli-u hurly J(n?)\ alio a >or? header of fiunals*. ' > Prlreo f. o. U hare, fti ROO for St OO. 1,000 to ft.OOO At 91.0:1 p. Special prlrwa on lare?r quantities. All onWini ahlppoi CHAS^ft/3. C]BSON. Winch I i Smokel< ig?Lil j | Smokel s undisPut | | shooters ^ reS oososssccos I t houses rhere is a room without heating facilities?to say nothing I'.y hallways. Rven though the Rw f your stoves or i irnacc should be uate to warm the whole house there krf ot be one cold spot if you have a *'*' ?ECTON I K:at er | cos Device) s \ it warm and co/y. Oper? r?l ^ V/u-!. cannot be turned - mors cf the jS' * in a remedy J id as a rea- :*l onducive to ft ", ' ^ end to one's i; <;; j headaches, fi. I laxative, to R owmm <?* >. e the cver m .liforrJa F?g B 5* the system I unpleasant B ..V * :be internal * assistance, 'V/v; 9 il organs Jn R^54 ..v^f ** ci .njurious B ^ >.*' 1 the figs in ive cians to M dy has met W ^ KJ'mfi a last we*i , J{ - FIGS Si ipprcyecl fcv Br' ' ens ctweii B - l ur.cQ-ta.n ,/? -J, uid nave a fe ,, ?e when a "]f?JC er that the ... > one size wf- y-'a-J ' nne of the r--$l % ;V.j ' >rinted on ^j""t?,? >er bottle. p GT &&*Si ?^ y/ x&VoA:m? S S D YES in cold water lirttnr iiiun auy other tiro. Vort c?u I.MCOK OKI <? CO., Lulonvlllc, MlAaourt im and Mullein and Lnnir Troubles. TboiinnrlvJy teatod i. All Dr.tKpiMj. 25c, 60c land Si.OA ITS FOR SALE I ( V \ ^UllC?ji910N?Bunt kun in ?ur? hoallnr urlnl >f Itia tel iglilnari latert nnChnrlMli 11 nkrAeld. Three plaataar* fmai th? 'ery heet twAa nrrdei-ud rtown la taeorrn nlrnafa II ettnil M'triv .-old -,1thett injury. All order, are lllc<l from thi--jnr led* hat 1 nan ileitis fur sej eat, leive ubkitn L .tni. Sax- faction guaranteed. 1 -- . "t P'^J?li.htho,aa.< i i*r !W. " B.OfllTttr te.Oyo at ?1.2B per Xt. 1 V. 1/. L>. ?tann not at-onni4*n>*d I'J remHtnnoo. Younj^S Island* S. C. :s si Powder Shells 8 ER" end "REPEATER" S eriority of Winchester X ess Powder Shells is o :d. Among intelligent they stand first in pop ecords and shooting <! 3. Always use them jij Id or Tra|> Shooting* j|j Vour Dealer For TVrem. \ [ / wn ri m i\Ts 5l 4*8 mXUl? 9Lv 'L'-'rt niiinnt ? *v trie* furs ^*$p|^^bbb und Hidnd. AND 3UPPLIE?, GASOLINE CNUlV^^^^H Try LOMBARlH^^B Sa&l-'n^^h^h p.,-' j (Kttft K9%iy /vwT JrllS%