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^ As has been the custom in this office for A number of ^-years, there will be no PAtfer issued Christmas week. The next issue of The Times wQl be on Tuesday. January 3, 1907. We wish all of our readers a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Pay Your Tama The date for the payment of State and county taves for the year 1906 expiree with December Slat After that date, during January, a penalty of one per cent is added; (taring February two per cent is added and up to the 15th of March seven per cent penalty will be imposed. Mrs. Saffc McFadden Dead. Mrs. Sallie McFadden, relict of the late J. V. McFadden, died at her home in Rock Hill Satnr day from paralysis. Funeral services were held at the First Baptist church Sunday afternoon and were attended by a large number of relatives and friends, among the number being Mrs. T. B. Meaoham, of this place. Rejfstratioo Books Close January 4. Owing to an oversight the town rsgistrmtion books were advertised to close on December 22, when the date should have been January 4. The law requires that the books be closed ten days before the election, and as the municipal election takes place the 14th of January, the nooks wiH be kept open until the 4th instant. The "People's" Ticket. The following, which has been named the\ 'Peopte's JTicket," has beenhamaed me limes with the request! that it be published; \ Town Officers,' 1907?For Intendant, W. L. Hall. For Wardens, C. H. BraVison, D. N. Gaston, W. F. Harris, A. R. AlcElhaney. \ A Big Hog 1 Mr. Allen Ferguson, who lives on Confederate street may well claim the championship for hog raising. Mr. D. O, Potts, of Pleasant VallQyy~fteId the record for big hogs ulntilafew davs ago, whenMr. Ferjguson slaughtered a porker whiqh tipped the scales at 496 pounqs. This was 23 Cunds more; than the largest g killed by 'Mr. Potts, w ? Mr. Irwt Hmtr i Re*ideace Burns. The residence of Mr. Robert Hoover, who lives abont 2 1-2 miles from Pineville on What is known as Old Hill, was Iburned | to the ground Friday niglt, and all of the household effeAs and $42 in gold were lost, l The origin of the fire is unknown and it was not discovered until k few minutes before the roof fell. I The occupants of the house barely escaped with their lives.?Charlotte Chronicle. Death After a Lingering Illness. Mr. J. Ed Broom, who has been a sufferer from consumption for many months, died early Friday morning at his home in the western suburbs of the town. The burial took place Saturday afternoon in the town cemetery. "Mr. Broom was 23 years of age, is qiurvived by a wife and several sisters. He was a ible citizen and was all who knew him. lember of the local Fellows, and was he honors of that Dff leers. [Camp, No. 41, of iH their annual elecon Tuesday night B^B The camp is in a Hng condition and B^feqmbers have been ldurrn? the past year, ein? were chosen offi(* camp for the ensuing . P. Crayton, council kr; E. S. Parks, advisoInant; L. J. Massey, f. A. Mills, clerk; T. O. fecort; J. J. Nicholson, In; GeoAe Corn well, senp annual-, supper of the is held Friday evening 'enjoyed by a majority embers ana a number of * tod Worii. I thinpjan economic, ?t oniyljt the host of p^venVare Visible ill stapHj monuments r : to the present administration. At the last meeting of the council the clerk was instructed to take up the matter of additional street lights with the' Electric Company. A contract wac drawn up to the satisfaction of those interested and the lights, twelve in number, are being erected at intervals between the old lights. Other and very much needed work which the council has recently done is the building of a piazza and otherwise improving the police station, the ditching of the big swamp near the old White-Springs gmhouse. and the installation of a new pump in the public well. The streets have also been receiving attention lately, many washes having been repaired and bridges built. As proof of the business-like manner in which the town's affairs have been managed it may be said that the town treasury is better off financially than for several years. Dispensary Canstnf Much Trouble. A serious condition of affairs appears to exist at Springfield, in Orangeburg county, on account of the warring factions into which the town has been divided on account of the dispensary, says the Rock Hill Record. At present the dispenser and his friends appear to have the upper hand, though a clash with the mayor and some of the better element is iminent. A number of fires believed to be of incendi- i ary origin have occurred in the j town recently, among them the burning of the dispensary. There are intimations that the dispenl sary factions had something do with these fires, while rumors of this kind are said to be mei with threats on the part of th( dispensary side that anybody whc; makes such insinuation will be shot. It is reported that shortly after the dispensary fire, dispensary goods were being freely sold as tiger stock. As yet the governor has taken no hand in the matter. A delegation headed bjf the mayor of the town has been to see him and he has been requested to take a hand and have the dispensary, which was set up at another place after it was burned, closed and 1 / g We w is J ? Py New r5 liberal pat S the hope < ^ sliall put f ? as we hav( g say, how o 0 had cause ? been anvil ^ left an un] I hurry and said anyth apologize and be bin you of our your famil present ye and happi desire for for your lj asking*^ promJf^l Q qualflH X A DO jfl ifl I the town declared "dry." Butf I I -J ?. r . - i iL - J. -v * I iie uucs nut xeei mat it is up to him to act. Lancaifer and Chesterfield Railroad. Fourteen miles of the Chesterfield and Lancaster railroad's extension beyond Chesterfield court honse toward Lancaster have been completed. It was desired that these be opened for use without waiting for the completion of the entire work of construction, and Commissioner B. L. Caughman, for the railroad commission, accordingly made the^ inspection required by law for "all new railroads several days ago. He saidd that the construction work had been well done and the company was given permission accordingly to commence the operation of trains over the completed portion. The road is ultimately to extend from Chcraw via Chesterfield to Lancaster. The section between Cheraw and Chester-! field court house has heen in use for several years. Have a Care For the Little "Tufflsies" Truly 'tis strange how conditions change and how naturally people adapt themselves. You once could buy pure Candy at a reasonable price. Then they learned to make it with every-' thing adulterated and spurious, ! even without sugar. Now you cannot get Candy thoroughly pure everyway for less than t forty to eighty cents per pound. But people are learning to pay it or go without Candy. But there 1 are a lot of innocent children ! still suffering for proper conj sideration. We have a large | stock of pure Candy ? Candy ' with a name to sustain in 5 and 10 cent packages. Drop one of these neat little packages in each stocking. It will be all their [ little stomachs need, even of I Pure Candy and they will appreciate it more than a pound paper bag full of glucose and artificial flavorings and colorings. Ardrey's i@????? ??S?0?? * tt1 xn nn? t tn u Xf j pCLa JL J L r h you merry Xina Year. We are grate! ronage we have receiv )f deserving its contii ort^i our best efforts if e done in the past. H rer, that if at any tin* for dissatisfaction, ojp hing between us wlwf pleasant impressioMT rush of business ' ? Hi'O ing that gave for fit, and ask youfc^ I %J A ide&yrith the old yci^M hearty good will y. a)id we sincer?H A-ill Kvinrir ihr., _L-.--.kv. - 7 i Til. COTTM | i specmlatITbs ll FOR $25 ^ We can start you in the 4 Cotton Market on our new J plan. Safe. Conservative. For Proofs of profits oaid 4 and free daily market letter, X write us. 0 \ Interstate Cotton Co, \ 6 Randolph Building, Z 4 J Memphis, Tenn. 1 1 _ 1 TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1907. Offick of County Auditor of York County, South Carolina. Yorkville, S. O., Dor. 20,1006 As required by Statute, my books will be <?|"-ii at my offico in Yorkvi^fl on Tuesday, January l, 1907, and kept* open until February 20th, 1907, for thtfl purpose of listing for taxation all Taxad bio Property held in York County oul J a unary 1st, 1007 The school districts in Fort Mill town* ship in which there are special levied are Nos. 20, 2N and 00. I For the purpose of taking tax returns! 1 will be at Fort Mill on Wednesday! Thursday and Friday, January 28, 2! and 25, 1007 . 8 JOHN J. HUNTER. ! County Auditor. H NOTICE OF ELECTION. I An election will be hold in tho towM of Fort Mill, S. C., on Monday, tlJH 11,1, Saa .> 1 II, - ? tondant and four Wardens to serve tl^H town for the ensuing year. J. 0. Hughes, T. D. Faulkner ai^J K. {Shannon have been appoint^H managers. By order of tbo council. |H W. L. HALL, H Attest: Intendant^H A. K. McELHAKY, Clerk. 9| Subscribe to The Times. Toi?.i>ryT "Nttr the vj (>(^ tftnd in / #^eywe >1 rithe fi/urr* , g |Ve desiriyti ftp" 10 you have ? if theje has g ?h may havT ? or if in tlf ? have (lone (f| ! w ? aywe wish 1. ?? jfm let it (if:; g| \ Weassul< % - ward you anv ? hope that tin g i all of healt I | that you mayfx v thanking you ^ the past and gA s again. AYe ! JlTld (?) to I ) I IK V, 3 lis:. I zipedes, Automo- @ 9??? 9??0??0db : >f; 'r e w CornB I 1 Gallon*1-year-old <1 I )( 1 Gallon 2-year-old < ?k \l Gallon 3-year-old fl J Gallon 4-year-old fl ?5 1 Gallon New Rye j JJ 1 Gallon 1-year-old I 1 Gallon 2-year-old I 1 Gallon James E. a^j^^^^Gallon Old Henr>B \y 1 Gallon hlcno spr l'Gallon Apple Bra fx 1 Gallon Apple Bra 4 Quarts 7-year-old 12 Quarts Mountai 4 Quarts Old Hem 4 Quarts Rose Val \ J 4 Quarts Malt Ry 4*Quarts Hoover's We can furnish~y< orders will receive 1 WSWN W.V3k\\\\\N\> 4 j| Let the V'lij Charlotte Steam L? 4 Laaader Ytur Line | ? We have the Bi^p; : u Best Luundry Pin * ?!(? Gmolirma. We < \ work than any lain 4 tbe Carolines. Wo 4 (' work than any , 4 in he South. Our wK ao namo is I JJ hereto, haa inatru uiv?' y?u full him! < K satisfaction or n H E) '*KKS DRUG t ) j& AGENTf | . | . - 30? i ; j. . ' '> \ Whiskey Torn Whiskey .^orn Whiskey Corn Whiskey.. Corn Whiskey Whiskey 1.75 Rye Whiskey 2.00 Rye Whiskey 2.50 55 Pepper Rye Whiskey 3.00 on Rye Whiskey 3.00 85: ings Rye Whiskey 3.00 vt indy (new) 2.50 tndy (old) 8.00 ? / 1 Corn,(case goods) 4.00 5? n Cornl(old) 7.00 m A cy Rye 3.70 // m ley Rye 3.80 25 M e 3.70 $? B i Choice Rye. 3.00 *;*; au anything in our line and all mail 5cj prompt attention. jjg ,'awws 1 1 . JL-LI WHU0 I / 1M' do Bet- J / /^Hi \ / ^1 ML 1 JM" 'fx* ^:r |l # inke no CURES \ Liver Complaints; us^j 0 only Ramon's Liver Pil^HH iealing r and Tonic pcnets, an J ? \ gives your money bact^^^H ^AHDiv notsatisfied. Yourlh^^^H jUnr ly is the biggest troufl I 5 maker. If you )( well, try Ramon' ' ' ment. Only 25 Tor tale by W.