University of South Carolina Libraries
? tatioas and Circuits Were Announced at Wednesday's Session of the South Carolina Obaferoacte? The Sot uh Carolina annual eaco of the Methodist: Episcopal.} hnrch, South/ did not {TBI W1 mtil Wednesday night, the V. <\ Creighton occupyiug a gowli eal of time. Mr. Creighton waa^flH rdged guilty and expelled from tS?f nireh. Ho took on nppeai, to the j neral Conference*- | appointment* wore announoed as tu/llowfct v ' '.v^PW: ? Anderson District?J. S. Beasley, ^t^siding elder; Anderson, St. John'.* S. Truesdalo; West End, W. E. liggius; Orrville, G. E. Ed ards; Antreville, supplied by H. W. ?fccaley; Donalds, J. E. Beard; I^owndcsville, O. M. Abney; McCor dcK, J. M. Friday; Mt. Carmel, J. W. Bailey; Polzer^ 11. W." Borber; Pendleton, S. W. Henry; Starr, E. F. 4* noggins; Seneca, C. *L. McCain; Tnwnville, supplied by J. M. Bryant; WalhalltJ; J. C. Yonguej .Westminster, <1. T. Harmon, Jr.; Williamston , circuit. II. C. Boulware; Willinroslou and Bolton, R. L. Holroyd; G. T. Harmon, supernumerary. Charleston District?R. Herbert .Tones, presiding elder; Allendale, T. C. O'Dell; ApiAeton, J. T. Peeler; lleaufort and Port Royal, A. B, Watson; Bethel circuit, J. C. Copcland; Black Swamp, J. B. Campbell, Charleston, Bethel, J. G. Bcckwith; Trinity, W. I. Herbert; Spring Street, CK P. Watson; Cumberland, S. T. Crreoh; Mt. Pleasant, L. D. Gillespie; Ehrhardt, T. L. Belvin; Hampton, G. H. Shaffer; lleudersonville, H. B. Hnrdv; Ridgeland, Jno. Manning; T> J A O TA T r . i__ n_ i tti/cMiii u.j n. u. v uu^uii) rtmoaKS, ?? H. Sojourner; South Hampton, W. D. "Bendenburgh; Waltcrboro, J. L. Danis?; Ydnngs Islaud, supplied by W A. Wimberly; Charleston Port Society, I*. A. Murray, chnplin: student in Vanderbiit University, P. C. Garris. Cokrshurg District?W. T. Dun<?aii, pm.iding elder; Abbeville, J. C. Rop?r: Butler. O. L. Durant; Cokesburv, G. R. Whitakor; Greenwood and Abbeville Mills, .1. M. Lawson; Kinards, 1). P. Boyd; Newberty, Central, B. M. Drier; O'Nealle Street and Mollob*n, J. T. Miller; Newberry circuit, A. H. Best; Ninety Six, E. T. Hodges; Parksville, R. R. Doyle; Phoenix, J. E. Strickland; Prosperity, H. W. Whitnker; Princeton, J. L. Ray; Saluda, R. W. Humphries; Verdcry, E. P. Green; Waterloo, W. E. Barre; Whilrr.ire. Foster Speer; Lander Collegr. J no. 0. Wjllaon, president; atu<lent at Vanderbilt University, ,T. B. Jfilgore. Columbia District?IT. Bascomb iBnatne, presiding elder; Aiken, W. .J. Snyder; Batesburg, A. J. Cauth>^n; Columbia, Washington Street, P. F. Kilgo; Main Stn.-et, A. N. Brnnsou; Groen Street. B. R. Turnipseed; tiranby, J. T. M^&Tprlane; Brook-, land, supplied by J. - Holley; Edgewood, C. E. Peelc; Edgefield, Marvin Auld; Fairfield, J. I. Spinks, Gilbert, JT. K. Inabinct; Granitcville, J. N. Wright; Johnston, J. W.; M. M. Brabham; Lexington, A. S. Leslie; Lexington Fork, 'JL A. Wayne; North Augusta, J. L. Stokes; Ridgeway, 0. N. Rountree; Wagner, supplied by I. N. Store; ' Warren villo, supplied by D. B. Roof; Watcree, supplied by \V. I). Patrick; Columbia College, W. W. Dauio1., president; S. II. Zimmerman, agent; JEpworth Orphanage, W. B. Wharton, nprrintendent; Paine College, G. W. Walker; assistant Sunday school editor, L. F. Beaty; conference missionary secretaries, P. F. Kilgo and H. B. Browne. Florence District?W. P. Meadors, presiding older; Bennettsville, M. W. Hook; Bennettsville circuit, A. T. Dunlnp; Brightville, P. B. Ingram; -Carterfville supplied by J. E. Taylor; ?Chcraw, B. G. Murphy; Chcrnw oirruil, supplied by F. S. Hook; Chesterfield, J. J. Stevenson; Ciyde; .T. D. Weldon; Darlington, Trinity, P. B. W^-Jls; Epworth and Lumber, supplied by II. C. Bet boa; Darlington circuit, -T. R. T. M ajor; Florencof T. Fi. J Morris; llartsville, B. J. Guess; Jet'/. ftrson, R. A. Rouse; Lamar, A. 1L Phillijjs; Liberty, I). H. Everett; llnrlbom, J. L. Mullinix; McColl Mills, supplied by llninlin Etheridgo; i>?u1h Forencc. supplied by W. C. itleaton; Tinnnonsville, E. W. Mason. Greenville District?E. P. Taylor, presiding elder; Clinton, W. II. kludges; Easley, R. M. DuBose; Fountain Inn, G. H. Wnddell; Gray Onii, J. F. Anderson; Greenville, ftaitcnmbc Street, W. M. Duncan; St. "Paul's, W. R. Vaughn; Hampton Av?nne, A. E. Driggers; West Green mile anil Alonoghan, N. G. Ballenger, ?nr to be supplied; Sampson and JPbe, J. N. Isom; Orecnvillo circuit, J. 1*. Attrtivn^* Oreers, C. B. Burns; Lau tens, First church. J. D. Crout; laurens circuit, supplied by A. A. Merritt; North Pickens, supplied b> Samuel MeCarty; Pickens, T). I). Jones; Piedmont. S. T. Blackmail; South Greer, J. C. Hoggins; Travcl?ra Rest, R. F. Brvant; West Easley, J. R. Walker. Marion District?E. 0. Watson, presiding elder; Blenheim; W. S. Martin; Britton Neck, W. M. Hard| ca; Buckvillc, G. P. Penny; Oentenl ary, W. A. Belts; Conway, G. C. fjconard; Conway circuit, J. C. Dav1 in; Clio, F. H. Bhuler; Dillon, W. C. I Kirk land; J. A. Campbell, superminil surary; Dillon Mills, supplied by J. M ^ I \. / ' * ^/W. Speaks;* LatBaker; Little Koek. is T. W. a Oil bold; ndisle; Marion oir,T. H. Brown Mul IMullins "circuit. vv, Allan MeFarinderhilt Universqonifeence secreict?J. W. Kilgo, nberg Station and , one to be supmas; Branchville. tarn well, R. A. ywick; Edisto. L. Hodges; Lnngley, iy, J. A. Graham , I unoe; urangenuvg Mills, supplied by N. F Jackson;' Orangeburg circuit, G. W. Davis; Orange, M. F. Dukes; Rowesville, W. C. Owens; Spcngfield, J. L. Tyler; M. M. Ferguson, supernumerary; St. Matthews, J. II. Thacker; Swansea, "VV. L. Gault. Rock Hilt District?R. E. Stackhouse, presiding oldor; BlHekstock, H. L. Singleton; Chester. M. L. Bonks; Chester circuit, A. E. Holler; East Chester, supplied by S. M. Jones; East Lancaster, E. M. MeKisFort Mill, W. M. Owings; Hickory Grove, J. C. Counts; Lancaster, R. E. Turnipseed; Lancaster circuit. W. C. "Wina; Lancaster and Chester I Mills, supplied by O. P. Carter; North Rock Hill, XV. A. Beckham; Riohburg, W. A. Fairey; Rock Hill, St. I John's, XV. B. Duncan; Laurel St.. I W. B. Gibson; Manchester, supplied I by E. Myers; Rock Hill circuit, XV. IL Ariail; Van XVyck, R. E. Sharp; I Winnsboro, Henrv Stokes; Yorkville, I H. J. Cauthyn; 8. A. XVcbcr, super- I nurnerarv; York circuit, supplied by I E. K. Hardin. Sp?rt*?burg District.? Marion Dnrgan, presiding elder; Belmont, XV. XV. Williams; Blaekshurg, C. C. Derriek; Buffalo and Bethel. J. X\r. Elkins; Clifton and Cowpens, J. L. Harley; ('nmpobcllo, E. Z. Jaines; Cherokee. B. M. Robertson; Enoree, J. C. Chandler; Gaffncy, Buford Street, S. R. Harper; Limestone Street, J. B. "Wilson ; Gaffney circuit, T. B. Owen; Joncsville, D. E. Camack; Kelton, supplied by J. G. Farr; Pacolet, T. F. Gibson; Reidville, T. J. White; Santue, supplied by R. A. Brock; ; Spartanburg, Central, X\T. A. Massebeau; W. S. Stokes, supernumerary; Bethel and Glendale, D. W. Kelier; Duncan and Saxon, J. T. Fowler; City Mission, J. XV. Shell; Union, Grace, D. M. McLeod; Green Street, W. B. Justus; Wofford College, R. A. Child, financial agent; Southern Christian AdJfSate, S. A. Nettles, editor. Summerville District?J. E. Cnr1nde, presidii% older; Cades, J. A. XX'L^te; Cor3?sville, supplied by J. M. KiowlcsV^ypress, supplied by XX". I T. Patrick"; orchester, XV. H. Mur- I ray; Georfctn Wn, Duncan, T. G. Her- | oeri; *veat l-ud, YV. IT Way; Grcrloyville, R. W. Spigoner; Grover, S. C. Morris; H-irleyville, J. P. lnabinet; Harper, W. H. Thrower; Johnsouville, T. J. Clyde; Kiiurstree station, J. E. Mahaffey; Lake City station, S. J. Bethea; McCollanville, L. E. Peeler; Pinopolis, C. W. Burgess; I Providence, E. A. Wilkes; J. F. Way, Supernumerary; Ridgeville, H. O. Mouzon; Rome, W. S. Goodwin; Suiters, supplied by J. O. Carrowny, Kumpit, supplied by J. E. Carter; St. George, J. M. Steadmnn; Scranton, W. S. Ilenry; Summerville, H. R. Mills. * Sumter District?II. W. Bays, presiding elder; Bethel, T. \V. Mannerlyo; Bishopville, C. B. Smith; Camden, C. C. Herbert; Heath Springs, E. P. Hutson; Jordan, S. H. Booth; Kershaw, A. O. Jeff coat; Lynchburg, S. O. Cantov; Manning, I). Arthu, Phillips; New Zion, L. L. Bondenbaugh; Oswego, David Ilncks; Pinewood, J. II. Noland; Providence, D. A. Lewis; Richland, C. S. Felder; Santce, E. S. Jones; St. John and Kombort, L. L. Innbinet; Surate.*, First Church, J. W. Daniel; Magnolia Street, S. D. Bailey. Transferred to Western North Carolina Conference, J. A. Peeler. Some Conference Changes. The following changes were made in the presiding elders' cabinet: R. II. Jones moved from Anderson district to Charleston district ami Rev. J. S. Beaaley of Columbia <li. trict goes to Anderson, Rev. H. Bnseonab Browne is moved from Sumter district to Columbia: and Rev. J. \V. Kilgo of Spartanburg district D transferred from Spartanburg district to Orangeburg to takp the place of Rev. Marion I)areran who goes tc the Spartanburg district. Rev. II W. Bays is transferred from Charles ton to the Sumter districtThus no new nresiding elders wore created in those circuits and the pre siding elders of the remaining circuits will return to their labors. Thej arc: Rev. "W. T. Duncan, Cokeslnirj district; Rev. W. P. Mendors, Florence; Rev. E. P. Taylor, Greenville Rev. E. O. Watson, Marion; Rev. R P. Stnckhonse, Rock Hill; Rev. J E. Carlisle, Snmmervillc (formerly North Charleston district). ? THB MODERN XJBNBRAL,." Mistress?But. bless me, why are you leaving ua> Mary? I'm sure I do The General Serrant?Yes, ma'am, But I don't like the way you do it ?Bulletin Sydney, X. 8. W. -> '-V- '* . : i : ~ , . ' : * ?. ' > v i- * \jiLZ L ?" t rijfry . ? v ^?4? I Suffer ready to adopt him, but his home Is with those who found him in the grass. The name given to the lost baby is simply "Cy." for the first syllable of Cyclone, and if he wants to lengthen it out when he grows up there will be no objections. Perhaps when manhood is reached we shall hear of hlra in the Legislature as "Mr. Cy Clone." ?New York News. "There have been times in my life," sai dhe, gloomily, "when 1 was tempted to commit suicide." "it's 110 use to grieve over the past. We ean nil look back and see where we've made mistakes."?Philadelphia Press. Many a preaelior spoils a good interpretation of the Scriptures by a jw>or understanding of the saints. NO MEDICINE Bat Change of Food Gave Final Relief. Most diseases start in the alimentary canal?stomach and bowels. A great deal of our stomach and bowel troubles come from eating too much starchy and greasy food. The stomach does not digest any of the starchy food we eat?white bread, pastry, potatoes, oats, etc.?these things are digested in the small intestines, and if we eat. too much, as most of us do, the organs that should digest this kind of food are overcome by excess of work, so that fermentation, indigestion, and a long train of ails result. Too mucji fat a'.so is hard to digest and this is changed into acldB, sour stomach, belching gas, and a bloated, heavy feeling. In these conditions a change from Indigestible foods to Grape-Nuta will work wonders in not only relieving the distress, but in building up a strong digestion, clear brain and steady nerves. A Wash, woman writes: "About five years ago I suffered with had stomach?dyspepsia, Indigestion. constipation?caused, I know now, from eating starchy and greasy food. "1 doctored for two years without any benefit. The doctor told me thero was no cure for me. I could not eat anything without suffering severe pain in my back and sides, and 1 bccauio discouraged. "A friend recommended GrapeNuts and I began to use It. In less than two weeks I began to feal better and inside of two months I was a well woman and have been ever since. "I can eat anything I with with pleasure. We eat Grape-Nuts and cream for breakfaat and are very fond of it." Name given by Poat^D Co., BatUe Creek, Mich. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellvtlle,"* In pkge. "There's a r*Moa_." I in | Silenc< French horticulturist* have apparently been very successful of late In raising dwarf trees, and one of the features of dinner parties among the rich now is to serve tho fruit upon the tree. DOKH KOL'll HACK ACHE? Frofit by the K.vpcrience of One Who Has Found Relief. .Tames R.. Keeler, retired farmer, of Fenner St., Cazenovia, N. Y., says: "About fifteen years ago I suffered #wlth mj back and kidneys. 1 doctored and used many remedies without getting relief. Beginning with Doaa's Kidney ^ills, 1 found relief from the first hox, and two boxes restored m9 to good, sound condition. My wife and many of my friends have used Doan's Kidney Pills with good result < and 1 can earnestly recommend them." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A CYCLONE BABY. In Oklahoma Territory one night last summer a cyclone swept over a section of the country and destroyed about forty houses. Next morning, about thirty miles from the path of the cyclone, a farmer going out to mow his meadow found a child a year old in the grass. It was a boy and he had a bedquilt wrapped around him. The storm had brought him, but the only hurt he had received was a scratch on the nose. Notice was given to the nearest newspapers at once and the case was published.j In this way hundreds of people came to know about it. One would think that the child's parents would have been found soon, but as a matter of fact no word has come from the?n yet. It may be that they were killed, or, ?cme thin'., they wanted to abandon the boy, though he . Is a smart and cunning little chap and i being praised by everybody. A dn*f?Tl HifTfrnnt fnmtHne o t no/I 1 I Thoi * -?ier every month In \ I pair. The ailments p< sKaiiW ihiwmim iv.vgiyc yi ull 1jji I Irreg'ilar functions, fallii 9 follow the example of t I ands of women who I been relieved or curec ^ | take Wine of Cardui. I I ^ ^ Sold by all Drawls USE TAYLOR'S & Comfort, contentment and plenty of wholesome food make the laying hen, summer or winter. Mrs. Winslow*s Soothing Syrup for Children tewthinjf,softens theguxnB.fedurrmnfliumnat'.on, allays pain, cures wind colic, 20c a bottle When skim milk is available jrive your birds plenty, as it is rich in flesh formers. It also whit tens and sfives succulence to the meat. Worth Knowing. That Alleock'a Plasters arc -he highest result of medical science aud skill, and in ingredients ami method hnve never been equaled. That they arc the original and genuine porous plasters upon whose reputation imitators trade. That they never iail to perform their remedial work quickly and effectually. That for Weak Rack, Rheumatism, Colds, Lung Trouble Strain* and all ixtcni Pains they are invaluable. That when you buy Allcock's Plaster* you obtain the beat plaster* made. Those who have least patience at home are the* promoters of peaet abroad. | | IS OFFKKF.D TC Hi > I L? WORTHY | 3 Inhil YOl'NU PEOPLI W? e aracatlr request all jntitiK persons. o Blatter how limited their means or educatlo. Who desire n thorough business train!K and irood position, to write ai once lor oU emaAT half-bats orrsR Huroese. ti'<l?p*nleneo and prnbabte Fortune guaranteed. L?o>t dm. at?wbitk to-dat. da>Altt. Xuk. Colleite, Macon. Ga Faith does not prove itself by foiishness. FACE ALL BROKEN OUT i Troubled Almott a Tear ? Coin pie; u KowFerfert anil Skin Soft, White and Velvety. "I had been troubled with a b Icing oat on my face and arnu for al at a year and had the servicca of ae al phyaiciana, but they didn't seem t llo any good. Some time ago one o ny frienda recommended Cuticura to n I aecured some, and after using it a< rnl months 1 was completely cured. 'an highly recommend Cuticura Soap r being the very best complexion soap de. It creates a perfect complexion, le. ing the skin soft, white, and velvety. liow use Cuticura Soap all the time andrccommend its use to my friends. Maiidt.oggins. R. F. D. Mo. 1. Sylvia, Xenn.,Vug. 1, 1905." What you dedicate, God will ,*onseernto. Catarrh Cannot Re Cured with T no A T. A??l?t.irV?*riMV!K na llitiran. not reach the seat of the disease] Catarrh in a blood or constitutional <l??af>e, and in order to cure it you must takefnternal remedies. Hall'* Catarrh Cure isaken internally, and acta directly on the )]?>o?l and mucous surfaces. Hah Catarrl Cure is not a nuaek medicine. It was pre nbeii by one of the bet?t physicians in th country for years and is a regular presc ition. It ^s composed of the best tonics town, combined with the best blood purilu acting directly on the mucous surface] The perfect combination of the two incslicnis is what produces torch wonderful refills in curing Catarrh. Send for te^timoui* free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Prop*., Tollo, o. Sold bv Druggists, price 75c. \ Take Hal 1's family Piila for ennspation. No man lias power with otitis who ia not at peace with himself. What Do They Curt? The above question is often as*l concerning Or. Pierce's two I end in medi- | clues, "Golden Medical Discover" and "Favorito Prescription." The answer is that "Golden Iptf.ira? Discovery " is a most )?oteiit alter\|vo or blood-purifier, and tonic or hogorator and acts especially favorably iia curative way uj>on all the mucous li'mg surfaces, us of the nasal passages throat, bronchial tulx>s, stomach, bov>ls and bladdei^curing a large per cent.jf catarrhal cases whether 4jj|e disease afects the nasal parages, the tb*pnt, lar>?x, bronchia, stomachN<;is catariSml djpepsia), bowels (as minmus>*F!bNyu^ bladder, uterus or other pelvic oreiTrr^ Even in theel^np|c r>r .ilcnm Mvn <tae. bTthl^iaffections, it Is often successfn'in alTectj "ff'^avn"Vtn prrrr"j"iVn " f^thciUmUiUlllUdasa? . !so pecui|ar wcdkiuSS: Wefnfig. UTTts^tnft yroKiUaf 1 u??a invulgm tu-^tuinfoTTrv. ~n is a powerful yet gentry aciir.arTlvi ^fating tonic and nervine. For w>ak wornOIlL over-workinl women?no nei.,r ? has caused the break-down," Favorite Prescription "will bo found m<>t effective In building up the strength.reguluting tho womnnly functions, sulxuing pain and bringing about a health/, vigorous condition of tho whole system A book of particulars wrai?sench bottle giving tho formuheof both nudiciues and Quoting whul scores of eminent medical authors, whoso works at? consulted by phy siciansof all tho school/of practico as guides in proscribing, say of each ingredient entering into the* medicines. The words of praiso lx>sc<wed on the several Ingredients entering into iJoctnr Piereo's medicines by such writers should have more weight than an/ amount of non - professional testimonths, boeuuse such men are writing for th<, guidance of their medical brethren and whereof they speak. Both medicines are non-alcoholic, nonsecret. and contain no harmful habitforming drugs. being composed of glyceric extracts of the roots of native, American medicinal forest plants They are both 1 sold by dealers in modicii,??. You can't afford to accept as a substitute for one of these medicines of knowi, composition, aajr secret nostrum. r Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar-coated, easy to take as candy, regulate and Invigorate stomach, liver an# bowels. f pf; ! L? - . . I i1 f ~ usjands of H silence, tortures that would dri\ sculisfr to women are not onlv treatment before they grow wor ig feelings, headache, side ache, hcus- _ ihavd WIHF A 1 I, and fflfiSli-, H 88 1 ts OF rokee Remedy of Sweet Q ighs. Colds, LaQrippe I Tobacco 7V1^ feeding plant. In fact, tobacco requires more i Potash than any other cultivated plant. A complete fertilizer containin less than 9 per cent, of Potash i j form of Sulphate should be used. Valuable books on the cultiv growth and fertilization of tobacc be sent free to all interested fa They give the results of scientil perrmcnts. QERMAN KALI WORKS New York?9.1 Naaaau Street, or Atlanta, Oa.?1224 Candler Butli CABBAGE PLAf I am nnw prepared to All nrini for my C*Ul>ritr<i CAIJflAClE 1'l.ANTB In a<r quantity deeired. KAKLT JRRflBY WARtTIElD?Earl loot and boat urn header, mail type. CHARLJCKTON WARXKIELDAbout l. u day* later than Early JerMi'a alao a cure header of flae die. Prieee f. o. b. Iierr. p? BOO for? lOO. l.OOO to fi.OOO nt SI .ftO p Sptxlal prtcee on laraer quantities. All erdrm rlilppe CHAS. M. C1BSOW, CABBAGE Pin and all kltada of irardea planu JgWetmCXWSi pi ante, arown la the open air i eeoda of the a<*t reliable aeed tbotiean.l acre truel farm t*iai fniilMli l i ilfj nl relftf readr laat ef Dot. ^"^TTrrniTr Hme or earlier. Reduced exprt a*VDE|2|rinH| uiil (Ire na ?* per eeat. iee th ahfWiJRMWWi BI.90 per thouaaad. large lot #1 nnUBi^^^ (vtta. a. C. Aritajton white K O. B.. feegatta, 1. <\ The I heaaatabltah*d aa Bxbarlrneni Of reeetablaa eaoeolaUr Caliltacea. I he reealta or th ftea jou at any t-me.-Youra reapectfull/,?M. . B1 Fbr ihe Stock SloatKs L Is a whole me< Price 25c 50< Send Fbr Free Booklet on H? Address Dr. Earl S. Sic k A I J'nitli tleiornrnes the emplmsis of | life. So. 50-'()(>. FITS, St. Vitus'Dance :N"ervouH Disenses permanently cured bj- Dr. Kline's (treat Nerve Restorer. trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. ft. Kline, Ld.,?il AivliSt., Phila., Pa. No old age agreeable but that of a wise man.?I'vtlinyoras. - HICKS* SMcapjjie taK ALL^ACHES *' And ' tnffisSr Trial bottle 10c At dru} atone There is no satisf?\ction I keener than being dry / / / -V T\d / a I UIIU WUIIUI ICVWi^ /r/ / // / . | when out in the A/ hardest storm YOU ARE SU3E OF TUIS IF Yity TE^fiTMAvy j WATERPRoif / iCLOTH^Tr ^Mwf | On sale everywVe ' \^.VT?^i*K\ZSi , ? A\ ?R lofin White & &. DIM >(! ( prM HraKflKtMSuS f?M li? nt iWltKfffs^Slpy * Dainful but fifln^rn.J , ?. ?T--' 'ftWlVMJ <U IU se. If yoi^ suffer from pain, I dizziness, jtired feeling, etc., I P urn and Mullein I and Lung ?roublM. Thorox ghly ra. All Dnifga'j. 95c, tOo aad ( M> ITS FOR SALE I SUfVJMSIOK- Bant known mm hemline terley of lufdlatnkkiia. liter than (JkArluiti'ii H >k?Mli|. The** plentaai- from the ??j Lnt tortnd ? ?! *ua nrnwo llUtiiwi >lrta4*ill it?ii rfore cold till,, out injur). A.l rdere are filled from tlia name k?|| that I am vmf l*ay Mk'niin cubbaae farms- Bat. iatactlaak iwutawd/ iokad In light box a: ii>r M. A.OOOtn 10,000 at l.aS per V. A O. O. D. when o)t xoroniau^d by remittance. a Young's Island, S. C. rvtsi CE LERY~Piaftl?!_^_ ,Cau bow fnralB> all kiuda of rabha|?|SM||| atitl will ataad *fe*t cold. um*d *taeu Wa iim a<- wmt plants on ok'HKflH ala carefully ooalied aa.l properly l>ack-HQEglfQf UtikM, oaioo and Uaat piapis, mmBHIbH ?? rata* proraiaej.w-htah. whaa aBai MaatMMfflgHj|| aa iuerun?Bdlar rates. ntaaa: ' 'nail m 10 ?i.s p*r ti)r"iua<, V, o. B. Um>Hu?Ei1I iptne Cuouasbrr inert su casta par pound, Jaltad States xHoulta'ci Uaearttaeal TroRH tal Station on nur [?rms.ta Bast all klodtWH e?e experiment. *? will ha pl-aaed to LITCB CAHP/rr, ifiMmtarac.%.*, cies 2d Home j on the Farm I mimeivt dicine chest I B. 6 1.00 I orses.Cattle. Hogs is FbuHry,. ? >an, Boston, Mass. | k jra''m ? ?1 ' 'f." ^ teissiMi Made irndet u5.Govemment inspection^ i-^r? ... .":i I The Southern Cotton Oil Company,] Yr>u Cannot all inflamed,ilcerated and catarrhaloonditions of th$raucous membrane such a.s nasalcatarrk.ut*rin?<--?'<" -* ...vatui > wuusvu by fcminin* ills, sore throat, sore mouth or hflamed eyes by simply dosing the sttmach. But vou sure v can cure these stubborn factions by local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic which destroy* the diaeasc Rei ms,checks discharges, sops pain, and heals the inflammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most successful lo?.al treatmeit for feminine llf~ ever produced. Tlotwards of women testify to this fact, p cents at druggists. Send fir Free Trial Box THE R- PAXTON CO.. Boston. Nim, w W. K. SPAlXWHi. Mlllortao. lHttrh?i? <*?.. S. Y. ^ tfe?BpsM's EyeWater