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.. I **? 1 5-^- i J Items ot Local Interest! I II pi I ! Cotton Ginned to December J. The census bureau 1 Monday is- i s%ed a bulletin showiri g- the total j amount of the cotton c :rop of 1906 ginned to December 1 st to have b^en 10,025,445 bales, counting! r^und bales as half bales. The t<?tal number of ginneries in operation is given as 28,211. A Surprise Marriage A marriage, the announcement of which came as a surprise to their many friends here, was thpt last Wednesday of Mr. P. Ardrey, of ^rovidence, a^^Hlss Blanche Rote, of PineThe couple were married ii^Hiarlotte. vj^ts to Succeed Mr. Brie. It is reported that.Mr. Brice ! will not ofier for reelection to the office of county atorney and that already one aptscant has applied to the coifmissioners j for the place. Thfc new as-t pirant is one of the Candidates ; who stumped his tcs in the legislation race last Summer.? New Era. Where are the Turkeys? Where are all thi turkeys? Did the eggs fail to hatch, or! the floods of summer drown the them, or are they being held from the market for highei .prices? So far as the writer observed not onej has been pered for sale on this market tips far this season. XNow-a-daysu drove or i (turkeys is almost theT equivalent' of a roll of green-bac :s. The Fancy Razaar. Our readers should* not fail to visit the town hall tolay (Thursday) and see the n.any pretty things that are offend for sale by the ladies of the Home Missionary Society. In the sale is included bread, cukes, home-; made candies, dolls and fancy | work of all kinds, and each arti| ticle will be sold at a very reasonable price. The ladies are raising funds for charitable purposes and should receive the support of all. The Southern's Palm Limited. TxVvp,Tra^riifiri>rt T> )]m Limited train of the Southern Railway which is operated during the the winter months for the accommodation of Northern tourists, will begin the season of 1907 . on the 7th of Januar y. On the 5th of January the Southern1 will dismntirmo trdn No Q7 ' the fast mail for which the governmens makes an annual appropriation of $140,000. Increased traffic and double-tracking is given asja reason for the I discontinuance^ thje train. Rev Chandler Goes to Enoree. According to the appointments of the South Carolina Conference, ! Rev. J. C. Chandler, who has served the Fort Mill and Philadelphia churches the past two years, will go to Enoree, in the Spartanburg District another year. During their two years' residence here Rer. and Mrs. Chandler have won the admiration of all wijth wh<*m they have came in contact, and many are the wishes of success they will ; carry with 'them , when they . leave two weeks hence for their new home at Enoree. The "Swing" to Run Oil Time. It will be pleasing information to the Fort Mill patrons of the Southern Railway to learn that j Conductor Moore, |>f the Chester "Swing" has "received in-! structions from division headquarters rt Columbia to do no more shifting at this place. Heretofore theK 'Swing" has done from one*.t<j three hours ; smiting daily at tms place and Grattan, and to bo rid of this I work means that.^he train will; hereafter reach,,.Charlotte on time. A Question For FarmersRecently several farmers have been complaing abcut the scarcity of labor. Hands cinnot be hired by the day or by the hundred pounds to pick cot on. It is not difficult to account for this condition. The railwiys are giving employment to thousands of hands and payirg. more than farmers can'afforc to pay. The construction of cams on Broad and Catawba rive*s have drawn hundreds of farm hands. When the men leave, tie women and children move !o the towns, j Farmers cannot piy $1 *o $1.25 a day for hands to make corn and cotton. This is a condition that confronts ta?mer3 today. How are they t> adapt themselves to it??Spii'tanburg JourMl j I V; ' YI ' , I'ji1'''!*1 "g Fort Mill's New Pastor. { The Fort Mill and Pleasant Hill Methodist churches wjill be supplied next year by Rev. W. M. Owings, who comes frokn the Green Street Methodist ttVarch i at Union. Rev. Owings is spoken : of very highly as a preacher. Nomination For Town Officers The Times has been lianded the following with a request for publication. Town Officers, 1907.? For Intendant, J no. M. Spratt. For Wardens, E. W. Kimbrell, W. P. Craytoh, S. L. Meacham, Duncan Wolfe. Another Slight Wreck. Railroad traffic was tied up for several hours Monday evening by i the deraiment of several boxcars near the Clebourn st reet bridge. Traffic was likewise delayed several hours Friday by an engine leaving the tracks near the Millfort Mill. No one was injured in either of the accidents. Charlotte's Nev/ Hotel. From the Charlotte Chronicl i it is learned that the new Selwy . ; hotel in that city will not be read; for occupancy before February 15, and it is hoped on that dat? to have the formal opening. Tht public will be interested to know that a commercial rate of $2.50 r? day will be charged at the Sel mv ? ? wyn. i acre win De a large number of rooms for this price, and a number of others will range, from $3-to $4 a day. The highest rate will be $4. Mr. Bel! Promises to be Good. A true bill against Bell & ( Fonville for running a bucket j shop, and the c.ise as lo Mr. ! Boyce Bell was heard in the i Superior Court at Charlotte; Saturday morning. He submitted and judgement was suspended upon payment of the costs aad promise of good behavior. This case was reported by the last grand jury. Mr. Fonville is not in Charlotte | now.? Rock Hill Record, Another Case For the Game Warden? Messrs. R. F. Stokes and John W. Zimmerman were hunting i near Lewis Turnout in South . Carolina a few days ago. when, ! as they shot into a covey, a negro boy whom he had hired to go with him fell to the ground shouting, "I'm shot; I'm killed." rni 1 me runners literally tore the j shirt otF the negro, but found not the slightest trace of a wound. ? . Charlotte News. Wonder if the hunters in question had paid the $25 non-resident license to hunt in this State. Cotton Seed in Demand. The farmers are receiving a good price for cotton seed these days. The market has advanced since the opening of the present season from 22 to 23 cents per bushel. Cotton seen formerly used as a fertilizer have become ! too expensive for such a purpose i and are now almost invariably sold. There is no better fertilizer than cotton seed, but while ; the price remains at the present j figure, few farmers feel con-! strained to scatter them across the fields. A Secret MarriageAnother of the secret marriages performed by Ex-'Squire, Bailes has come to light. This time the contracting parties were Miss Lula Black and Mr. L. fc. Austin, both of Charlotte, wlfio} were secretly married at the home of Bailes, in upper Fort, lviiii township on February 18th. | The couple kept their secret: well, not giving the least inti-: mation of it to their parents until last Saturday. There was no parental objection. The only reason for keeping the marriage a secret was because Mr. Austin had made a change in his busi- j ness affairs and wished to get settled before the marriage was j announced. A New Livery Concern During the pist week Mr. W. ' F. Harris and sdii Mr. Fred Har- ; ris, who during the year have ^ conducted a livery business at Waxhaw, bought the livery, feed ! and sale stablea of Mr. John W. j. McElhaney. at the head of Main street, and w|tl in the future conduct the business at this j stand with ML Fred Harris as manager. It ? Mr. Harris' intention to des* largely in live \ stock and do general livery businss, for wljch he will at once put in a numb( of new vehicles and other nece sary goods for an up-to-date serVice in this line. 8 Mr. McElhane, [ the retiring pro-j prietor, will cviduct a drayage! business from 'is new stable on Academy stxee j J [ i ... . . A SHOR Compel saorifio: Our Stock of Seasonab now tlian ever before, ai Newest Styles and Hies could buy. Examine e:u Head every word. And ^hat we mean every wor GREAT REDUCTION S, Clothing* Dry (ioorts, 11 s regardless of Profits. O is tilled with all the newi Hoys' Suits and Overcoat them up and marked the is only a partial price lis Mens' Regular $15.00 Suit, no Mens' Regular $12.50 Suit, no Mens* Regular $10.00 Suit, ro Mens' Good Value $9.00 Suit, Mens' $7.50 and Suits, n Young Men, age 15 to 19, $5.(1 Young'Men, age 15 to li), $7.1 Young Men, age 15 to 19, $9.0 Roys' Kree Pants Suits, form* Boys' Knee Pants Suits, fonn< Boys' Knee Pants Suits, form* Boys' Knee Pants Suits, form* And on down to $1.00 Suits. Mens' $15.00 Cravanet.Coat f( t Mens' $13.00 Cravanet'C'oat f< . Mens' $14.50 Overcoat for I Mens' $10.00 Overcoat for And down to We also have Overcoats for Be Wehavc a full line of he whole family; all leu's Heavy rleeced I n (ind, at 7Scsuit. Men's I loves, lite. .) ra ~ -fl i s miii |,VVc would not forget y< i. e most up-to-date lin< kr.dies' and /Children's Fi i..p e ever shown. Black \Jrd; Black Mohair, 45c t F% at cut price. Real h Fl'.nnelcts, worth 12 l-2c 7r>i pair to $7.50. Shoes, Ye have a full line to 1: Gr.ndparcnt and while s nov than they have been to r.ake some very close imnense stock. A ng line of rubber gi: Coas. We also carry Tru>ks, Suit Cases, Etc. Here's a W\ bought Twenty-live load ug Shot (inns that ; inyvhere and we propoi his Short (hop Sale for lave a full line of Double icll thcin cheap. Wg> oivr pnimont! nriii. . ' v O- " ? ? I I 11 cdecm them with valual Everybody come, expi A c (guarantee you will n Yours ver T IB IE " m AKW ? BLnii mi Port IVBIxll, T CROP! is us to B PROFIT. le Goods is larger right id consists of the veryj t Qualities that money :h department carefully, come and be convinced d wo say. hiv. wmm at mm\ VafMJiM *_L W Mill t> J ?Jl ua f V|> i:^ Shoes, ; and Overcoats OO ur clothing department est styles in Men's and ts. We have just opened | in down. The following j t: w. $11.50 w 9.50 I w_ _____ 8.25 now. 7.45 ow $5.50 and . 6.00 0 Suit, 1 now . 3.25 X) Suit, now ... 5.00 0 Suit, now 7.00 ?rly $5.00, Sale Price 3.50 riy $4.50, Sale Price 3.00 n-ly $3.50, Sale Price . 2.75 ?rlo $2.50. Snl<r Prion i on , , 0 ? ? .v^v ? . \J\J >r 12.50 )r ... ... ... 11.00 11.00 8.00 ... 4.75 >ys. I Furnishing Goods fori go at reduced price.! derwear, regular $!.()<) )ress Shirts, Neck-wear, ^ ... . iesS )ii in this sale. We have 2 of Dress Goods and irnishing Goods that we $1.25 Tafeta Silk, !)Sc| oh5eyard. Gray I'laids, j eavy'Outing at 0c yard, , for he. Biankets from I Shoes* it from the Infant to I he iocs are much higher , yet v?e are compelled i prices to reduce our Kids l'oots, Shoes and Furniture and Stoves, I I Big mn ; Single barrel, breeeh ire worth Six Dollars se selling them during $3.00 each. We also : Harrel Guns and will ;aeh purchase and will >le premiuins. .-ctin^ Great liar^ains. ot be disappointed. I y truly, IJfcLi j - - IS.O. f-- ' S .? ' ': >> ' . i " >-V x ^y-'A.Sr i?i - ? IuituAT MILLINERY BI hundred trimmed and untrit commence December 1st to cl You know our motto on Milli] UNDER?3AR-rWe havai Men';-., Women's Spy's and G BLANKETS?Frfcfm 75c to NEW.PLAID SILKS?For express. The prettiest yet. ?* TABLE LINEN?Beautiful X and $1.00. Napkins to matcl <|) CLOAKS and FURS-T1 Ssl far that we ever had in these 0 CHILDREN'S JACKETSG?f SHOES?You know we kee tfh the biggest line in town to sel ^ an immense Shoe business. Hoping we all have much"t< <g) You: | MEACHAM (1)????????0 @? & Z#' U Pineules || For Backache Bladder Troubl ** H I SIX sit V \ la jr VJ> vjf V 6* ?ih?j iar >> For Coughs an * it For sale by sr. Spams di 4 6 -<j<; *T-C c x 4^44 >***.* .4 <*-4^4.4 -44 44444*Tv t>C^ ?^?44?4444??<tf4 44 |L ^ J*\9-\C* k >'\j*ML. 2s' JhS*\?*S J*\ ^ *\ %\\\V s\\V\\\m%SV>.\^NN%N V H W. II. . flOOVEU ? - DEALER ^ WINES, LIQUORS, CIG^ ^X 125 East Council Street, ?> We quote you the followi v Brandies, Wines, Etc.: Jk ^ /? 1 Gallon New Corn Whiske 1 Gallon 1-year-old Corn Wh 1 Gallon 2-vear-old Cnrn WL *>> 1 Gallon 3-year-old Corn Wh 1 Gallon 4-year-old Corn Wh 1 Gallon New Rye Whiskey. /* 9 1 Gallon 1-year-old Rye Wh 1 Gallon 2-year-old Rye Wh KC 1 Gallon James E. Pepper R a/ 1 Gallon Old Henry Rye Whi 1 Gallon Echo Springs Rye 1 Gallon Apple Brandy (new 1 Gallon Apple Brandy (old) 4 Quarts 7-year-old Corn (ca: 12 Quarts Mountain Corn (ol 4 Quarts Old Henry Rye 4 Quarts Rose Valley Rye 4 Quarts Malt Rye 4 Quarts Hoover's Choice Ry 4/ vj We can furnish you anything orders will receive prompt attc V\S SVWW.WW.WWWW <A\%\ WWSWWWWW M Let the | | Charlotte Steam Lauoflrj ji ? Lsur.dor Your Linen. \ I 2 \\e have the Biggest and 9 * i tost Laundry Plant in 9 2 the Carolinaa. We do more 9 ^ work thiin any laundry in 9 4 the Cafolinas. We do Bet- 9 lei work than any laundry J ? in the South. Our agents, J ^ whnHt name in attached 9 ? hereto, has instructions t i Jt | give you full and comp.ete J satisfaction or make no ^ ? charge. \ Isn't that fair dealing? |j iPARKS 0RU8 COMP'Y, j| 2 AGENTS \\ | oitTMILL, - - - - S. O. |j / tRGAINS?We have one ^9 nrned Hats that we will mH lose out at a big1 reduction. aery is never carry it over. patterns, at 25c, 50c, 75c JgH i, $1.00, $1.75, $3.00 doz. lie biggest business by 9H From $1.50 to $5.00. XrL p all^ikinds of Shoes and ? lect from. We are doing M d be thankfulffor, we are 0 I rs very truly, I.G EPPSI 8>? ?@??????? t? . i . ; 1 J.J l I % Kidney and || les. ? j u If iv^ haviav s* i i ^ ssvf!V? ** " si cl Colds. || RUG To! - 1 i -i i ul ^5555???8?8?8sssg88& & company, I S IN ?? ^RS, TOBACCO, Etc. iy; - - 2. Salisbury, N. C. Jg ng prices on Whiskies jj* y __$1.50 H ^ iiskey__ 1.75 jj? iskey 2.00 iskey 2.50 W. iskey a00 55 1.75 m iskey 2.00 5? iskey? 2.50 f$ ye Whiskey 3.00 / >iskey __J __ 8.00 ?|5 Whiskey. 3.00 15s ) 2.50 3.00 82 se goods) 4.00 << d) 7.00 3.70 :gg 3.8U 25 . 3.70 <1 e 3.00 ^ r in our line and all mail ntion. ^jjZ ; Littlefi&tor | CURES j Liver Complaints; uses J only Ramon's Liver Pills 1 and Tonic Pellets, and J gives your money back if I not satisfied. Your liver M is the biggest trouble I maker. If you would be well, try Ramon'k Treat* ment. Only 25 cents, 'f M fl For tale by W. B. Ardr?7 fl