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1 Y Woman's Weaknesses. ' (or to that boon to weak, otrvou, ig women known M Dr. Pierce** *ie Prescription. VUU l J ?o VUU VI WUT7 AUiVUriBI OUin I Eclectic Medical Review says j ?rn root (Uelonla* Dlolca) whicli I ' tho chief ingredients of the "Fa- I roscription ": i-dy which invariably seta as autorirafor * * * makes for normal acttao "Hiiro reproductive system." tics "in liMonlas we have atnodicaI'.lt uiore fully answers tbo abovo Uan any oliter druy with which I am . In the treatment of diseases pevimien It Is seldom tint'.-a case la does not present uotiTS Indication <edlal agent.** Dr. Fyfe further e following are among the leading ' ^srHelontas (Unicorn root). Pain 4 the back, with leucorrhoca : i ' oondltlolToof the reproductive waa. men. mcntlt depression and lrgHahlit. vclatcd tvltl> chronic diseases of Cbercpro cygans of women:constant amieiiot tt In the region of the kldaen; nae I igla (flooding), due to a weaktaul conj-itloi. of/the reproductive system: nwKnorrf o'VY^Avretsed or absent monthly VerloAAyaMsing^rrom or accompanying an alwsmtl cotiditlou of the digestive organs And Jgferolc (thin blood ) habit: dragging ew.dMons In 'ho extreme lower part of 'he If more or less of tho above svmptoms WicKTlblion, omrJI "llie 'leading Ingreqjahtsoi wnicu is Unicorn root, or Helonlas, and the mndlcul properties of which it aiost fjtithfully represents. Off Golden Seal root, another prominent fagredfont of "Favorite Prescription," PfoL Ftnloy Ellingwood, M. D., of BenasU Medical College, Chicago, says: It to an important remedy In disorders of BhswoaabL In all catarrhal conditions * * and ?norai cnfooblement. it Is useful." ' not. John M. Scudder, M. D.. late of Cla Innatl. says of Oolden Seal root: la relation to Itw trennral nffwlfl nn tka WMnrt. there to no medicine in use about which thmreto tuch yenerr.l unanimity of opinion. It mmtuernaUy regarded as the tonic useful In Ddebilitated states." Pnf. H. ltartliolow, M. D.. of Jefferson Medical College, savs of Golden Seal: "Valuable In uterine heraorrbaire, menorrtida (flooding) and eomrcstlvo uysmenor fcrra. (painful menstruation)." I>r. Plerco's Favorite Prescription faithfully represents All the above named Ingredients ond cures the diseases for which Ibry an recommended. HOLD UP! ' and con&id&r to/ r H POMMEL JjgCLIKE ALL . \i WATERPROOF CLOTHING. ' r Y# If made of the best 101 \1 tralmiU in Hark wallow e\ . jl ful^owranUciind utd (y jlPB^ ^ / rriwflr dnlro wnywhtrt > SloJorTHc nsH hfiw twfrm camamaw c?uj??n* aj towir co liiiekv ltipn ArA mrAi' tlian wliitu nm?l?*j I fTTt^Ht. Vitxto'Danco: Nervous Diseases periMnoMtly cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Bestnrer. <9 trial bottle and treatise free. l>r_ H. &. Kline, Ld.,081 Arch St., Phila., Pa. An Estimate of 12,150,000 Bales, llndor date of Nov. 19 Messrs. lAUuim, Alexander & Co., of New York, put forth an estimate of 12,150,000 bales as the cotton crop of 1606-'07. "This result," they say, "in the average of more than 5,000 eatimatas Addressed to us by reliable bankers, merchants, planters and cotton buyers?residents of the different cotton-growing countries in the South and we regard it as correst as it is possible to obtain at this date." The crop of 1905-'00 is given as 11,346,-600 bales. The government report of acreage this year is stated as 1,2S6,448 acres larger than last year. This Crgorapn is quoted from the circu referred to: "The receipts to date I I have been 4,623hS62 bales against 4,1 464,: >76 hales lnVj year?an increase 1 of 15x8,486 hales, $nd with a propor1 lionate increase unttil the end of tho 1 season the total yu?ld of tlie crop I would be 11,747,749 hales." This is 1 confusing to us. The total of 11,747,I 749 bales just quoted dot's not square I with the estimate of 12,13^0,000. Thero is or course an explanation of the 1 discrepancy hut we do noti understand 1 it, nnloss, indeed, Messrs. Latham, 1 Alexander & Co., expect ?ibe propor1 tionate increase in receipts from this I date to the end of the season to he I aprrater than during the correspond| wig periods last year . I NEW YEAR S CALLS, I Jk New Drir.k to Replace the Old ! Time "Apple-Jack." I Twenty-five years ago the custom 1 ?f making New Year's calls was a do. I ttghtful one for all concerned, until I wome of the hovs got more "cgs noj;" 1 wr "Apple-jack" than they could sucj ?s*sfu;ly carry. ' Then the ladies tried to bo charltaMe and the ;; ntlnmen tried to be as ! chivalrous as > vcr and stand up at | I the same j If an jib"', r. ,nb> there has not been i-wonvuerah'ui improvement made in the last ?;v;?r of a century In the so of tlcohoNc bovtrages, lot him ' top to com ! : r, among other things, ** fact that the old custom of New j YedLr's calls and the gsntecl tippling is noarly obsolete. The flu:torn of calling on one's friends, however, at the beginning of tho new year. Is a good habit, and another fcocJ habit to start r.t that Mum ie tbo use of well-made Pcstum last pad of raffle or spirit*. A State n Islr.tid doctor has a sensl. VI* daughter who has set Postum beton her Ripsts ns a good thing to **** at Yulo Tide, and a good way to begin the Now Year. Her father Ei-My da ughter and I have used i i^Mtam for some time past and we ,n*retlt contains wholesome food - Material. eball not only recommend It to *y patients, but my daughter will be aaoat pleased to give a demonstration ^ ??1| postum to our Christmas aud New 'tpAfear's callers." Read "The Road to oQ^vellvllle," In pgks. "There's > rer^ re ;jy 1 " PALMETTO AFFAIRS; l " n ? r n i j0*9 Bmm% mm m ^^ I vu.miicih.c8 vi imcreai iuiib , All Over South Carolina MANY ITEMS OF STATE NEWS A Batch of Live Paragraphs Covering a Wide Range?What is Going | On in Our State. General Cotton Market. Galveston. Ami 11 3-16 New Orleans, steady 31 3-16 Mobile 10 11-16 Savannah, easy 10 31-16 Charleston, Arm 10 1-2 Wilmington, firm 10 1-2 Norfolk, firm 10-14 Baltimore, nominal .. .. .. ..11 1-4 New York, steady ^.10.40 Boston, steady 10.40 Philadelphia, steady 11.65 Houston, steady 11 3-16 Augusta, steady 11 1-4 Memphis, steady 10 15-16 St. Ijouis, firm 11 ' Loisville, firm 11 Charlotte Produce Market. Chicken?Spring 12 at 25 Hens?Per head 28 at 35 Ducks 25 Eggs 24 Rye . . .80 UOTO 7L' nt 7) Cottonseed 24 Oats?Feed 50 at 55 Oats?Seed .55 at 57 1-2 Charlotte Cotton Market. These prices represent the prices to wagons: Good Middling 10.S5 Strict Middling 10.75 Middling 10.75 Tinges and stains 9 12 at 10 Clearing House Formed by Columbia I Banks. Columbiu has taken another step forward. Tuesday night at a meeting of representatives of all the banks and banking institutions of the city a clearing house association was formed. The purpose is to organize the Columbia clearing, house for the advancement of the banking interests of the city. After Jun. 1, 1907, the clearing house association will begin its work and the new regulation will then be effective. The Columbia Clearing House association organized with the following members: The Carolina National bank. The Bank of Columbia. 1 Tbe National Loan and Exchange bnnk. The State bank. The Palmetto National bank. The Columbia Trust Company. All seven of the bathing institu tions of tlio city went with the organization as charter members. The following officers were elected: Piesident?George L. Baker of the State bank. "Vice president?W. G. Childs of the Bank of Columbia. Each of the banks will have a member of the executive committee. Mr. Leaphart will be manager of the clearing association, which is to effect daily settlements. Appointment Announced. Greenville, Special.?Governor-elect Martin F. Ansel announced the api)ointraent of Mr. A. J. Rethca, of Darlington, S. C., as private secretary to the governor, and Miss Alice Henderson as the private stenographer to the governor. Mr. Bethea ! was highly recommended to Mr. Ansel by many influential persons of the State, especially by those of the Pee ! Dee section. Mr. Beathea was born and raised in Marion and moved to Darlington several years ago, where he became editor of The Darlington Press, a weekly paper of much importance in the Pee Dee section. A Negro Burned to Death. Cheraw. Special.?On Saturday night a negro house near the Stevens Lumber Company was burned. This has been th? second lire in this vicinity this week. The other was the shavings house of the door and sash company. A colored man, Walter Midden, a very respectable employe of the Hiekson \Lumber Company, was burned to death in this house. Town Springs Up Aa if By Magic. Marion, Special.?A little town or several inhabitants has sprung into existence within the past few months, just across Catfish creek, the western boundary of the town of Marion., This new suburb has been christened * * West Marion" by the postofiicc department, and a postoflice has been established there. For some time the people of this little town, the majority of whom are employes of the Marion County Lumber Company aud of Layton's big briek plant have been endeavoring without success to get thus ollicc established, the difficulty being its proximity to Marion. Tho people lnul been so inconvenienced thnt they appoaled to Congressman Fillerbe, and he, after visiting the place, was so impressed with their needs he took the matter up with th-J postoffice department in Washington nnd West Marion is tho result. Mr. /3. D. McClenuey is tho postmaster. The British government gets an Ineotae of $25,000,000 from the railways, river boats and forests of India. jh- s.< r { ii' ^ v ^ ^^ TEN YEARS OF PAIN. Unable to Do Even Housework Because of Kidney Troubles. Mrs. Margaret Emmerich, of Clinton St., Napoleon, O., says: "For fifteen years I was a great sufferer _j, - from kidney trou^ bles. My back pained l me terribly. Every flf** turn or move caused * 4t:**fiylliFr >' M/O. ?narp, snooting I)a'ns- My eyesight ' was Pcor. dark spots Tr^^yeS^if t appeared before me, 'Mjy^y ' and T had dizzy spells. For ten years I could not do housework, and for two years did not get out of the house. The kidney secretions were Irregular, and doctors were not helping me. Doan's Kidney Pills brought mo quick relief, and finally cured me. They saved my life." Sold by all dealers. f.O cents a bo*. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. To favor ill is to injure the tfood. State ok Ohio, City ok Toledo,)m. I.UCA.H l OUNIV. I l'lux:: ,J. Chkxkv makro oath that lie ! is senior partner of the tirni ot F. .t. Clif.nKV ?fc Co.. doing business in the City of Toledo, Comity and State aforesaid, and thai said firm will pay the sum ot ONE HL'.MiRCI) Dot.T.its for each and every case of catAltKii tlint cannot be cured by the use of 1!all's CATAKRif Cuke. Frank Cheney. Sworn to la*tore me and suhaerihtnl in my presence, tins 6th day ot December, A. D 1 >S?;. A. W. GT.KASOX, (Seal.) Notary Public. Hull's Catarrh ( urc is taken internally, and arts directly on the nlood am1 mucous surfaces ot the system, Send lor testimonials free. K. <1. Che.vkt A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by i.11 Druggist?, '?5c. llaU'a Family 1'ills are the beat. f What <2 You ^ Csn Do /Ws /;f ^~~T fc+ lj' With a Perfection Oil F jMfar bed-rootn, make a sick-roo chilly hallway, heat water i better than can be doue wit ?3 what fuel it burns. Tlic super ff PERFI |f Oil fl I j (Equipped with fcil Ilea In the fact that It generate# Intro Q oramell. The oil fount aLd the wick ca KJ throughout, which Insures durability. C W coat. Fount ha? oil Indicator and hand! M portable. Absolutely safe and simple? r| loo high or too low. Operated as eatll fcS easily cleaned. Two finlshca?nickel hi Kj warranted. If not at your dealer's wi descriptive circular. I The Lamp I bny. Brass throughout and nickel p I the latest Improved burner. IlandsouK fj Kwnr lamp warranted. Write to scaru H get It from your dealer. M STANDARD OIL COMPANY. i c * . . fur I a v a fill/ JL^AA>J L Known ( rffigh- There are two classes of r " ity and which are pcrmanen i l9& ff^ntly, in harmony with nati fejflr ance; am* anot^er class, i unknown, uncertain anC inl \ Wf rarily, but injuriously, as s functions unnecessarily. 0 remedies of known qua pleasant Syrup of Figs, m EL Fig Syrnp Co., which repre: ^3$ plants, known to act most bci: f.-?^ in which the wholesome Califori % tribute their rich, yet delicate, ft /? of all remedies to sweeten and r gently and naturally, and to ass Jfj pation and the many ills resulting l?k pies and quality are known to js? remedy has thcref'yre met with t 'ij$ the favor of many millions of wel ? of their own personal knowledge that it is a most excellent laxative f it will cure all manner of ills, but r represents, a laxative remedy of I containing nothing of an objoctionabl There are two classes of purchat as to the quality of -what they buy and of articles of exceptional merit, and w elsewhere when a dealer oilers an 1 irticle; but, unfortunately, there are 8 ind who allow themselves to be ioipos ts beneficial effects if they do not get t To the credit of the druggists of inf nearly all of them value their tcgrity and the good will of their < Imitations of the k Genuine?Syr ^ manufactured by the California Fi buy the geuuino article and to gel j only to note, when purchasing, the ? California Fig Syrup Co.?plainly ] / package. Frice, 50c. per bottle. Oi r PUTNAM Color morn brighter auil funlor colors lUau any c dye aiiy ijaruiviil without ripimiK apart. Wrlta for TERRIBLE ITCHiNG SCALP. Kesema Hrok. Out Alao on llanda and Llinbn?Vn Old Solldr l):ltri: "Cnticura la a Ulriilnt." "At all times and to all people 1 am trilling to testify to the merits of Cuti* cura. it saved me from worse (nan the torture of hades, about the year 1900, with itching on my scalp and temples, and afterwards it commenced to break out on my hands. Then it broke out on my limbs. 1 then went* to a surgeon, whose treatment did me no good, but rather aggravated the disease. 1 then told bim X unillil CTA and aoo n nhwoinion ?" bVin 'I'l.. reply was that 1 could go anywhere, but a of eczema like mine could not be cured; that i was too old (80). 1 went to an eminent doctor in the city of Erie and treated with him for six months, with like results. 1 had read of the Cuticura Remedies, and so 1 sent for the Cuticura . Ointment and Resolvent, and conwind taking the Resolvent until 1 had 'Vn six bottles, stopping it to take the 1 I was now getting better. I took l jStths a day, and at night t let the Id. rjnf the Soap dry on. I used the Ointment with great effect after washing in warm water, to stop the itching at once. 1 am now cured. The Cuticura treatment is a blessing, and should he used by every one who has itching of the skin. 1 can't say any more, and thank Cod that Me has given the world such a curative. Win. II. Cray, 33o3 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia, Pa.. August 2, 190a." Dreams are from Jove.?Homer. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrupfor Children t.eothing,Boftensthegimis,iedncesinflamma- j Lion, allays pain,cures wind colic, '28c a bottle No old age agreeable but that of a wise man.-?Pythagoras. | tWith This oil msk rtRmpv ? I [cater you can heat a cold m more comfortable, warm a quickly, ami do many things h any other stove no matter wL iority of the lCTION 1 [ec!sr 1 Smokeless Device) J 71 I i?e heat without smoke / ?-A .trier are made of braaa Jt??? L I ilrea are at heat at small f >e. Heater la light and / \ H wick cannot be turned / \ H v a* a lamp. All parte f 1 m id japan. Kerry heater u, .,? J1 Sa Ite aeareet agency for \jtejj / H an be need la any room / \ R nd la the beat aU-ronad t J B ouae lamp made. Glees ^ > w clear, steady light. la "yr j/r fd ie safest lamp you can VJ H lated. Etquipped with J V B ??simple?satisfactory. B it agency If you ran not b " ! J 4 i t * . r J* , rrfi>; - 'vK/V# SlVEo? JuALrn] rmedies; those of known qnaltly beneficial in effect, acting are, when nature needs assistcomposed of preparations of Ferior character, acting tempoi result of forcing the natural ne of the most exceptional of lity and excellence is the ever anufactured by the California sents the active principles of leficially, in a pleasant syrup, nian bine figs are nsed to con uity flavor. It is the remedy efresh and eleanse the system list one in overcoming consti therefrom. Its active principhysicians generally, and the heir approval, as well as with 11 informed persons who know i and from actual experience remedy. We do not claim that ecommend it for what It really mown quality and excellence, le or injurious character, iers; those who are informed the reasots for the excellence ho do not lack courage to go mitation ef any well known ome people who do not know, cd upon. They cannot expect he genuine remedy, tho United States ho it said reputation for professional j ustomers too highly to offer nn of Ficrc r -r w IB g Syrup Co., and in order to 11 t its beneficial effects, 0110 lias Jgtj i full name of the Company? II printed oa the front of every J J io size only. Ma FAD EL? ilhcivjTK. One lOc.ptrktcc colors all Abcn Tlii'j dy free booklet?How to Dye, Bleach and Mix Color*. N U. ii. GaaatfV Sows, ot Atlanta, Ga.. are the only success til Dropsy Speelalteia In the world. See ther liberal offer In advertisement In anoihei column ot thle paper. Enjoyment stops where indolenee begins.?Polltok. | H KSBa IS OFFERED TO M |H I W~ WORTHY I Am VbbI VOCNO FEOriP We e nrieatl.r request all jounir persona, no matter ow limited their nit-ana or education, wbo dtalre a thorough business training and arid position, to write at for oum hate oi'krr Auecesit. Independence an! prohkh'e Fortune guaranteed. Dott'T DELA Y-WntTll To-DAT UaAla. ptia. College, Macnn.Ga aJSfcl HICKS' fffflfy CAPUDINE i i^hl i curls 31 Ul headaches K 1 LF^BretK? up COLDS in ? to 13 hours ratffiPriffi sm Trial Bank 10c. At Dragilas I H ''I was a tOcal wreck HI Rojwley, of Champoeg, O suffered, for 4 years, evei 8 w6uld be unconscious foi .-1 did not know that anyth ^ entirely, but Wine of C H women suffering with pa: 9 dui and be relieved." |j It does this by reguli I toning up all the Internal 1 It is a pure, specific, relial a record of 70 years of ^ success. It has bene| fited a million others. - Why not you? Try it. , Sold by Every Drug$ j^^WINE g| (CABBAGE PLAft I I I Am now rrrr?w^ \ to fill order* for ip? Celebrated 1 C|ABBAOK rliAXTS in .iny rti: <ntit> detiied. F.AHLY JfERKKV WA'tKMeXU-Krrtict ami l>e?t At:re homlcm, *.? .: tl ? iHIARLV^ r( N WAl.i rl>lt Aim m ten da* a lalar than l-ari>4 Jcr?e>?ti*o .? sure lif???ler af fiiiO si/o. Price* f. o. b. here, pa BOO foi' SI OO. i.OOO to S.OOO at SI.BO % Rp*rtnJ s.rtc** on inrcer quant 1 tic*. Ajl nrder* *btpp? CHAS. P.l. C'CSON C-ADuiACE PK an all ~ In !? ?f ir*r>l*n plnnti M 'JiWivc p .ntt. r.vololti")Mmir Gj&fvC ??>'** n> of th in ? relic di* * *<! .1 r.-./ thou.nn. tcr* true . farm. P.* ui "" rv r?*?l? of Dc-. w Sim* nr earlier. .teitu.:*. **pr V jX' * l I ?l** ti? nu per ?c?t. * **-* X?-* si prrtbouMitt, Itm ot? <t*. * ' . a r In ten whit* I .it. H . V*r*rtu. the h*?< *t*hil*h*<1 in IxperlaiMi f ?***??,hie* - clnllT t *l>*?.? h* remit* of tl you at nay r?posiuHy.-M. 1L ? V I J iota White & Co. 1 louisvuli, mr. ML HOIkMiaT JR Sxzs?*- Bfi furs^c^HB aiiH II Mas ft "HI IllWVVt wTtroou 3.50&*3.0C BEST IN THE Wt 0t W.LDougias $4 Gilt E3g? J0* oannotbeequalledatanypflca/^ ~^f\ To Shot Oralrrt: J |j|rMK .vfr-J \ W. I- UoukI&s' Job- T SS \ Ihiiu Honne In tho most BY Fl Cj) 1 complete In tills country ?JV H/j I . Send/or Catalog r Ifjfvt'i' r I Man's Shoo., So to |x.?o J*>?* ?^'2Tvl3 to ft. 06. Womto'i ihpei *A?? *? f ,'S>?VIHFI' a? Children's 6ho??- ?l-00. Try W. L. DouglM Woi1 a. Misses ?nd Children'. ?ho?t; for ?tflt W ?*?d wear they excel olkev tiakea. If I could take you '"to ray large factories at Brockton, ;l?ss.,and show you how carefully W.l* Douglas shoes are made, you would tien understand why they hold their slaP*? "t better, ^ wear longer, and are <? greater value thai any other make. . W icrevcr you live, you cOT obtain W. L. Douglas shoes. Hi* name ant frfce I* stamped on t*e bottom, which protect* y??|[*lnit high price* and Inferior shoe.*. Tnlr mo niliti* tute Ask your dealer for V\. I- Douglas J10** and liisist upon having them. ? Faat'Color Eyrlets u??d; thru (III not wear brassy. Wr'te for Illustrated Catahk of Fall Styles. W.t. DOCOL.AS. Dept. IS Brockton, Mass. jSnqwdri The Southern Cotton OiljCompanyrj S S DYES o in cold water better than any oiler dya. You oa? ONKOK UUliU CO. I'nloavJIo, MlaasaH Faith does net prove ibeif by foolishness. So. 49-'06. Keep in Ciood HetUh. There are many thousands of people all over the world who can airihute their good health to taking one ot jEo lirandretb's I'llls every night. Theae pilla *. cleanse the stomach wad bow>)s, stimulate the kidneys and liver and purty the blood. Thev are the same line ^ ?? v tuuiv yui your grand pa rent* used, and being purely vegetublrt tney are adapted to children and vold people, an well tut to those in the vigor of manhood and womanhood. llrandrt-th's HIU have beer, in uae lor ever a i^enturv and are for sale everywhere, either plain or sucar-coited. ftllrojisyM V Rrmorrt all swelling In 8 to M effects a pern1>neat ctrre \ ce? into todays. Triaitrettment free. Noth<ngcan fairer 5:>.Write Or. H. H. Grewn'S -one, gfiBMeeciatlsta. Box a fctiatta. Ga. writes Mrs. Beulalji G rcgon, "from pains I had B y month. Sometimes J gl r 12 hours at a stretch. I ra ing could stop the pain n lardui did. I advise all |3 inful periods to use Car- H ating the functions and |J female organs to health. ||j ble, female remedy, with pj FESE ADVICE Write us a letter describing all vour symptoms, anj we will send you V ^ Free Advice, in plain sealed envelope. H AJdress: l.jdlesM.Jvisnry Department. , I' Tt?eChattanooga Mcdli ineCo..CI*aUa- H nooga. Tenn. ist in $1.00 Bottles. gj| !TS FOR SALE! SnrCF.SKION?Heat known rare headlna rarlet of In ret' e.ildiaaa, Inter than Charleston \% r k< I rid. 'i he tdtnta nrtt from the rery Went tented rreda r?i ? n in the open it I r and will itr mi re* ere rnlil . in . jiiii. All ordera are filled from tltr anur Hint I mn uitinit for in/ eitenalra cubba(t farina. Ufaction gunrant??4. icked in tight hoaea: itr SI. S.OOO ! 10,000 at S1.25 par II xl 0. O. D. when not accompanied by remittance. Young's Island, S. ? ids! CELERY ?iai\U!__^ i.Can now fnrnlth all klndsof ca linage SX an 1 wi.I aland (retinoid. .row n fre/n Itmen. Mr uae th- tame plant# on nnr ?7To5*fir nta oarafullv oounied ami pr .p -rly pack- xytLJCln Uniice. inon anil Beet plan'a. aanaa PelpnTU rat rataa (irorulac l,wnlrh. wheu eftectlee, MyQCfl nn nitron not a* rataa Pncet: small Iota EflVsZeRt.i? to l.fh i?r thotit.n I. P. o. B. Mr(. Kplno Cucumber nerd tucenta 1 erpcurir;. BsMi) baited Htatea AgrU-uliD'al Department H?u91eZ? tal Station on eur teat all kl iliHHI ia-a ax pertinent- we will be pi aaed to UTC* COMPAIT, MBCKAETT*. ?. 4