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mpppK*"';' w*'' i A Woman's Back la many aobes and pains caused by | teaaknessee and falling, or other displace* mt, of Ihe pelvic organs. Other sympWii of female weak nets are froquent . headache, dlxzlness. imaginary specks or ' dark spots float! ii( xjforo the eyes, gnaw* teg sensation lit stomach, dragging or Waring down in lower abdominal or pelvic *"don. disagreeable drains from pelvic as,faint spells with general weakness, any considerable number of the above ptoms are present there Is no remedy I wn^rive quicker relief or a more percent than Dr. Pierce's Favorite tnd In our forests and con->p of alcohol or harmful, or drugs. Its ingredients are he bottle-wrapper and atw.. Mi as correct. Every lent entering Into "Favorite Prescription " has tha written endorsement of t.ho most eminent medical writers of all the Severn! schools of practice?moro va'uablo than any amount of non-Drofessiotial testimonials?tliouoh th? latter are not lacking, having been contributed voluntarily by grateful patients tn numbers to exceed tho endorsements given to any other medicine extant for the cure of woman's tils. You cannot afford to accept any medicine i t unknown composition as a substitute lor this well proven remedy op knows composition, even though tho dealer may make a little more profit thereby. Four interest In regaining health is paramount to any selfish Interest of his and It is an InsQlt to your Intelligence for him to try to palm off upon you a substitute. You ' know what you want and it is uis business to supply tho article called for. , Dr. PlcrceV Pleasant Pellets are the original "Little, Liver Pills" first put up by old Dr. Pleroo over forty years ago, much Imitated tut never equaled. Little sugar-coated granules?easy to take as Mndy. The Barber's Admisison. 44Then*!" exclaimed Dumlcy, "I always thought that barber was no fcod and now I know it." 4'Why, I always thought him a food one," replied Wise. "Well, heV not. husked him yesterday if he cut his own hair and lib said lvo, because he eoubln't do it. well enough.'' Any man who is deud in love j^ith | himself should be buried in oblivion. , If you have a cross to bear, bear it like a man and don't place it on exhibition. So. 45- '06 Dyspepsia of Women Ceuaed by Fetaals Disorders aad Cured by Lydii E. Plakbaat** Vegetable Csaipdiad A great bmct women suffer with a Sorm of Indigestion or dyspepsia which does net seem to yield to ordinary treatment. While the symptoms Mem to be similar to those of ordinary indigestion. yet the medicines universally preeurtbed do net seem to restore the patlent'e eermal eoodition. Mrs. Finkhain that there in a ' kind of dyspepsia that is cauRcd by a 1 derange ment of the female organism, ] * and wnich, vrhilo it onuses a disturb- i f nnee similar to ordinary indigestion, t / l; sannot be reliered without a medicine which not only ucte r? 11 stomach tonic, 1 hnt has a peculiar tonic affect on ths fe- < sale organism. 1 As proof of this theory we rail at- , tsntion to the crmi of Mrs. Maggie Wright, Broeklyti. N. Y., who was ] omplctely sursd by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound after every- 5 thing else had failed. She writes: " For two years I suffered with dyspepsia which so degenerated the entire system that 1 was unable to attend to my daily duties. 1 tshweak tuvl nervous, nod nothing that I ate I tasted good and it ra'u-ed n disturbance In iny stomach. I tried different dyspepsia cures, but nothing seemed to help me. 1 was ad| vised to give 1,'din F.. Plukhatn's Vegetable Compound a trial, and was happily surprised to find that it acted like a tine tonic, r.nd in a tewdayi* 1 ltecran to enior and nron?rlvdie-f?t Wtj food. My recovery w/i* rapid. ?tuT in ve weeka I wu a well women. I have rtclinninlail it to aiany mfT?ring wawn." No other medicine in the world ha* received mach widaeprcnd and miquali8ed endorsement or has such a record ofcures of female trouble*, a* hasLjdia K. Pinkhmn'a Vowotnlde Compound. 80. 45-'00 Standard of Quality Snowdrift -Iin^Se^ibOTWCa^ajr^ TICK ICR'S DYSflUtflA BKtftttlNT. j Cwr Have Dypupaia aai DmI Kmw It. Do you belch up wind? Taste your ood after eating? See specks before ?????I your oyee? Are you JSC'.. pale and haggard? 1 Does your heart A flutter? Are you f ^ dixxy? Do you have pains in sido or Jl-.g back? Risings or pimples on the skin? Arc you low nCiMMhJ spirited? Is there a (.uur iMie? ilrnath bad? Headache? Weak kidneys? Bilious? Constipated? Are you nervous? If so, you have Dyspepsia, and it is a dangerous condition. To cure, take Tyner'a Dyspepsia Remedy. It is made for just Buch troubles and symptoms. Tyner'a Dyspepsia Remedy removes acids from the stomach, strengthens weak stomachs and cures the worst Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Druggists or uj cxpvesR t?u rents a Dottle. Money refunded if it foils to cure. Medical advice and circular free by writing to Tyncr Remody Co., Augusta, Ga. Rich garments weep on unworthy shoulders.?From the French. The Poultry Yar.l Is a Monthly Magazine published in the interest of Poultry. You should have it. Send 25c to The Poultry Yard, Oiiarlotte, N. C.t for a whole year's subscription. Two-thirds of the so-called society '400" nro ciphers. /')" Thousands of B* women suffer fV'^nPa. dally backache, if I tSr rh hendache. dizzy l\ | t%ig 1 apclls, languor, j nervousness and vh a dozen other |W(I symptoms of kidMM ' K ney double, but fcyv It to othor C ily BV\ causes. Make no b\V mistake. Keep hjjWiJlV itkidneys well, y}7j(\ and these aches lj>K and troubles will Mrs. Anthony Cadrette. 77 Mechanic fit., Leominster. Mass., says: "My sight failed, 1 had sharp pain in my back and bearing-down pains through the htps. 1 was nervous, fretful and miserable The urine was greatly disordered and I began to have the swellings of dropsy. I was running down fust when I started using Dean's Kidney Pills. A wonderful chen^o cauje'rand after using thcra faithfully for a hn.l llm? T ...? " Sold by till dealerr.. f>0 cents i\ box. Fostei-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Good Habit* a Business Asset. It used to be an accepted theory hat the business world has nothing o do with the private life of business people. As long- as a man attended lonestly to his business occupation, vas true to bis obligations and paid lis debts, that was considered suffiiient. It is no longer considered suficient. The business world, before t will accord t*? any mnu the highest ate of credit, must l>e shown that be man is not only faithful and reinble, but is not addicted to habits ind occupations which may impair lis standing. The Wall Street Journal recently went so far as to declare bat the business world has a light :o know of any business man "not inly where be spends his days, but ivhcre lie spends his nights. It has a right not only to know his financial standing, but also his status in the icnlo of social decency. The man who ,s faithful to the duties of his office xnd false to the standards of domestic decency must have his financial credit marked down and the business confidence of his fellow men lowered [o the class of extra-hazardous risks." The successful man of to-d&y Ik the one who has an education that has a market value, contends the l^oulsville Courier-Journal. Thin applies to all classes of men. The writer, tho lawyer, the surgeon, tho merchant and the engineer, can measure his value to the world largely by what men are willing to pay for his service. The conception of an education has been greatly modified In recent years. A man Is educated who Is skilled In <!oink' some uselul thing; who manifests an Interest In all men engaged In useful work; who 1* always striving to be more skillful and better informed in his own work. The beauties of art, literature and philosophy do not belong to any class of men. An Incentive to Live. ''Cheer up, old man," said the invalid's friend, "you're not jfoiiig to ilio yet." " You bet I'm not," replied the invalid with great determination. "That's the way to talk." "Yes, I hoard the doctors <y:nrvding wbout which n.ic of their, should perloriu the autopsy, so I've just decided to fool them." Distressing. Tess?And were yon really thrown 5ut of the auto? .less?Yes, right out on the road. Tcss?Gracious! You must have felt awful. loeS?Oh! terrible. I just knew that my hat wasn't on straight, but 1 had no way to tlx it. I Tim MmI Family Laxative Im on (kit ?u be need by the entire family, young end old, week nod strong, witboot eajr danger of harmful effects. H should have properties which insure the same dose always having the same effect, otherwise the quantity will have to be in* creased and finally lose its effect alto* gethcr. These properties can be found in that old family remedy, Brandreth's Fills because its ingredients are of the purest hsrbal extracts, and every pill is kept for three years before being sold, which allows then* to mellow. We do not believe there is a laxative on the market that ia so carefully made. Brandreth's Fills are the same fine laxative tonic pill your grandparents used. They have been in use for over a century and are sold in every drug store and medicine store, either plain or sugar-coated. Sneering is the best brain clearer knuirn. Many persons conclude an attack of faintness or fainting with a violent sneeze. Our ancestors took snuff from a belief in the efficacy of sneezing. But. tobacco so taken is In part absorbed Into the blood and hurts the system. Thoroia raoro Catarrh in this section of the eountry thauall othur dhioaito* put togothnr. uii. ujiui inn iu.m iim vi'irs nuBUpposouii) beloourable. For a croai many years doctors prooounced it a local disease tind prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to eurs irith local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Selene* bun proven Catarrh to ba % constitutional diseaae and therefor* requires constitutional treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cute, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co.. Tolsdo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken intornully In <lo?o* trouilOdroDstoatoaspoonful. Itactadlreetly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to oure. Hend for circulars anil testimonials. Address >'. J. Caesar A Co., Toledo, O. gold by Druggist*. "oc. Uak? Hall's Family Pills for constipation The city of St. Petersburg Is proceeding vigorously with the development of Its urban transportation system. An order bus been given for 180 British-made electric trolley cars. RUNNING SORfcS ON LIMBS. UlU. Olrl's Obstinate Cm. of l.d.msMother Says: "Cutlrura B.sirdlM a Household Standby." "Last year, alter having tny little girl treat-d by a very prominent tor an obstinate esse of ecjciaa, 1 resorted U? .ha i 'llhni n? ri.m.Hi.*. ? n 11 wa? orall plea*?d with the almost instantaneous relief olorded that we discarded the physician's prescription and relied entirely on the Cuticura tsosp, Cuticura Ointment and Cuticura Pills. When we commenced with the Cuticura Remedies her feet and limbs were covered with running sores. In about six woeks wa had her completely well, au4 there has been do recurrence ol -the trouble. We find that the Cuticura Kemedie. are a valuable household standby, living as ire do twelve miles from a doctor, and where it costs from twenty to twenty-tir# dollars to come up on the mountain Mrs. Lizzie Vincest Thomas, Ksirmount, Wa Idea's Ridge, Tenn., Oct. 18, 1005." APPLE JEL.LT. For making apple Jelly, a tart, juicy kind of applo is needed. The Red Astachau combines all the qualities for a perfect apple jelly, the rod of its eltin giving: a delightful color to the jelly. The apples should not be quite ripe; "mealy apples" should not bo used as theso have not tho amount of juioo needed. Watih the apples, renwvo the stems ami blossom ends and tho seeds; cut tho fruit into small fourths the height of the fruit in the kettle, and cook slow ly uutll the fruit Is perfectly ?oft, keeping the kettle tightly closed and nhnking to keep from burning. Then turn the contents of the kettle into n. bag mode of doubled cheese cloth, and hang out of a current of air. Allow ono i>ound of sugar to one pint of Juice; place the juico over the fire and boil slowly for Just twenty mill" ut.*n leading the kettle uncovered. Heat tho sugar in the oven, and after tho boiling, turn the sugar Into the julco; It will hls9 as it enters the Juico. Coo.: for three minutes after combining, then strain into Jolly glosses. A thin slice of lemon addod to ouch glass gives a pretty effect and helps to flavor the Jelly. Cut tho lemon very thin, place it in tho "lass and pour the hot liquor over it; tho lemon will float on the top. When quite cold, pour a little melted paraffin over the top of tbe Jolly.?Tho Commoner. HARD TO SEF. Kvfa When ilie Facts Aliont Coffee I Are Plain. It is eurljons how people will refuse to believe vlrtat ono can clearly see. Tell theliverage man or woman that the slop but cumulative poisonous effect oft effeine?the alkaloid In 'ca and coffjee?tends to weaken the heart, upset! the nervous system and caus'o indigestion, and they may laugh at you if they don't know tho facts. Prove it by science or by practical demonstration in the recovery of coffee drinkers from tho above conditions, ami a large par rant, of the human family will shrug their shoulders, take sdmc drugs and?keep on drinking coffee or tea. "Coffee novor agreed with me nor with i.everal ipotnbcrs of our household," writes t\ lady. "It. enervates, depresses and. creates a feeling of languor and heaviness. Jt was only by leaving off coffee and using Postnm that wo discovered the cause una euro of these ills. "The only rhasun, T am sure, why Postum is not used altogether to (he exclusion of ordinary coffee is, inaay persons do uot tnow and do not seem willing to leart the facts and how to prepare this nutritious beverage. There's only one way?according to directions?boil it fully 15 minutes. Then it is delicious." Name given b> Poetwzn Co., nettle Creek, Mich. Rosd the little book, "Tho Road to Wellvllle," in pkgs. "There's a rraron." I I V.-' ' A y\ " *>, ' - '*** ' a r? . * Q>iS5 _ T ' mi- nf? I _ Gf "s5: fTl &~i gUs The) * If more tha ? i- game to the ' ensures the c > lv. ' vl sonable amoi & V the health an 3V." ' ?: M improvement j^nljMaiiiTiMiiri |..^B etc. It )S ai jjjPi choose ere < T-y%4 ? pleasant Syr .ytl f fl Syrup Co., a 1 ; 15 effectually, w after effects, cjf V*'" I organs, simpl v>^ j I without gripi: }; I I any way, as i Jl K nature. As j ^ * the inanufact act most ber &* | " ' "'"'SB ^vith tbi-ir g< :.v - W worth consid It is becau Is & lemedy c s " / physicians tfc iV j w Informed pec \ ,.Jl quality cr :n .J.-.'Hg bottle of the ' ;! iaxutive rem Rl'-V;. ' genuine Sy I ' 1 vs.?l only, by ail _*S'mih *- ~J4 company? i >' ''vvc^ the front of P UTNAM Dolor more ko<*!x lirlithtor iui<1 twt?r odors tlian *UJ o 4jo ?uj nano'vut xrlUtout ripplo* ?p*ru \Vrll? for You are not liknly to find faith rrhen you arc looking for flaws. Mrs. Win*l?nv's Soothing Syrup for Cluldron toething,Boftens thogunw,rcduceainflcrumnifnti tt?lu\?o naU wrlnxl **1 *??# ? J ? UUVV1V J Out. before <lay, in before night.? From the Dutch. dHfe CAPUD1NE \ IMMlD(ATf.LT CUKfcS j^lVEADACHES IN? TO nOL'M CjBi4KM9BHTr^> *?"u Mc. At Pr?40a? I STAND FIRM I ^ m /\ When too buy an oiled suit - 02 SLICKER ATlf tS A a?mMicl /Mm ? XyIJ'/vv ?A5ie*tand f-/<l Jwf X\ only wa^Mo get Sold everywhere mi e *? ! [M 111 I llTm AfidrMooi (I) i>moni*i i?n im ^ (H I f |] ? lu.llai.b|. <M Mb> art ur>t ll? n' wv II,J with ktiv inna. < :; oi luan 1 who Mr*ad in the f^lerm truiy. =r (*) tha i iiMraat h>n ?l ?ueb Mudiar* or aa iora, now licMMd. NATHAN UXCKVUltD. *UtH%gUn, O.O. 1 PERFECnC (Equipped' wills Si is an orr. anient to the home. | It is made and japan. Brass e l fcuitt beautifui 4 quarts of oil and bums 9 hours. Hv Do not be satisfied with anything but a F If you cannot get Heater or information to nearest agency for descriptive circular. TK^jay&iUmi all-round household use. Gb res a clear . with latest improved burner. Made of ckkcl plated. Every lamp vorrantcd. dining mom or parlor. If ant at your d *?*acy* STAMP AMD OIL < ^OMPANI Fv' ^M^***\ir~ rfNpt /VinningStf ,n ordinary skill in playing brings the h< winning player, so exceptional merit i commendation of the well informed, at ;nt of outdoor life and recreation is c d strength, so doer a perfect laxative t in cases of constipation, biliousness, 1 important, however, in selecting a :f known quality and excellence, lik up cf Figs, manufactured by the Ca axative which sweetens and cleanses hen a laxative is needed, without any as it acts naturally and eently cn 1 y assisting nature when nature needs ng, irritating or debilitating the intern; t contains nothing cf an cfc.tectionable the plants which are combined with cure cf Syrup of F:gs are known to pi leficially upon the system, the reme meral approval as a family laxative, ering in making purchases, se of the fact that hYRUP OI :f known cuality and exce.lence, and a cat has led to :ts use by so many mil*: pie, who would not use any remedy c fericr reputation. Every family sHc i genuine on hand at all times, to i edy is required. Please to rememb rup of Figs is for sale in bottles of reputable druggists, and that full na California Fig Syrup Co., is plainly j every package. Regular price, 50c ] 9RN1A FKTSYRU krulacaT car fade l e M,.v. uu? :w. iw tkgt i-uion an niwrj. TUry ilyt Ireo l>oufcl?l?Uow to 1>jc, Bleacti ?ud Mix Color*. M< MONTHLY MISEi is one of woman's worst afl you weaker, and is sure to your beauty fade. To stop p it will help to relieve your i tions, make you well, beau liable remedy for dragging d< ache, nervousness, irritabilf fainting spells, and similar tr medicine for all women's pa Mrs. J. L. Broadhead of C used Cardui for my disease, women, and it has complet AT ALL DRUG STOKE WRITE US A LETTER WIN dcirriblng fully All your aymptor.ia ' and w, will grnd you Krec Advice In plain realad envelope. Ladlr*/ ^ _ Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga (I I Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn. lit J1Q V* So. 45-'06 ' SjBw m ated not be a cold room in the home if you own Heater. This is an oil beater that gives satisfaction wherever used. Produces intense without smoke or smell because it is with ?mnlr?1rti <t?nir# lger. Easily carried around from room n. You cannot turn the wick too high low. As easy and simple to care foe amp. The >N Oil Heater nokelcM Device.) m two finishes--nickel f 1 lly embossed. Hold.; _/.A_ ery healer warranted. fTEPwt 'ERFECTION Oil Heater. from your dealer write / d makes the home YsK/ P bright. Is the safest and best lamp for , steady light Fitted brass throughout and in Suitable lor library. Baler's write to carrot I ' I [0KE|P1p mors of the gr - ;" /.! in a remedy - -rn-i r r-i i.*i: id as a rea- g-^yv.v.j^-:;*1 onducive to K, " end to one's B l> ** . headaches, K " laxative, te ; e thd ever liforria F?g V "* the system Kj yV "%?'ij unpleasant E '*? .;>j be internal p"1 assistance, ; ' ' >'al orjans in B"'1 I ci ;njuriaus K * the figs in ivsiciina to dy bis met K- y a tact well ? 3 pigs ft- ?*&:':?.1 ipprc\ed by EE*' ? ?;f '.Vicna d well H .s:'.V; if uncirtain Bj ,* >' $ :uid hvve a go^ er thtt the one size K* me of the j--? r /--V| irintec on fr., ?i ?mpm|_ 5er boltle. Ep"w"""1 "l-l.",l.l.'i K *< >?? ZTTS^W' ? I* ? ?Si? VoWi/ur S $DYES water bettor ikuMy otter d/a. Y<vi ? J.VtOK li*l? OOm Uaiowlilo. AliM?art If ~ flicfojns. It always leaves a I slfcf$en your life and make ai^ ike Wine of Cardui and nisery, regulate ydiir Tunc- ' tiful and strong. It is a re)wn pains, backache; head^? ty. sleeplessness, dizziness, oifoles. A safe and efficient ins and sickness, lanton, Ala. writes; **\ have which was one peculiar to ;ely cured me." S, IN ^l.OO BOTTLES \ CARDUI I W. L. DOUGLAS I *3.50&*3.00 Shoes EST IN THE WORLD W.LOoughre $4 Gilt Edge cannot to equalled at any piIce/^f WT.T ?><.uglily Jolv I wSf& '?55' \ bing ihuM t? tho inort I Bvv "Vv \ 111 thai . oiiMtry ^ ^ M?n> Shot, $n to ft.BO. Bnyr' Bnces, $.1 Womfu'l Shoo*. WOO to jll.BO. Mlu-V * Children's 8 hose. S3.3B to il.OO. Try W. L, |)?ngliu Wouixn't, MUmhi au4 Children'* shoes; for style, flt noil wear they excel other make*. If I could take you Into my large factories at Krocktoo, Mass.,an J shoa you how carefully W.L. Douglaa shoe.* are made, you would then understand why they nold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. Wherever you llvs, yott r?n obtain W. I.. Dooglus shoe's. Mix name and price I* M amort* on the bottom, which piotcell yon h<i:? prUeit and InlevJor shoes. TitW> no lu/iiti. tuto. Ask your dealer for W. L. Uuugls* shoes nd insist upon bavins them. fart Color tnettta u?en; thou i"HI not wear Ara.tiv Writ* tor illustrated Catalog nf Pall Styles. W. U DOUGLAS. Dept. IS. Brockton. Mas*. ^DropsyH Y Itaom til mlllii lnllo? X. Says ; effects a pennon*at cute XV wfL lays to 6s Sara. TrUUroatmeai. ftottdegcan b? fairer Br?HF Write Dr. M. H. UrMa't fstW. TflnT^TTii i dim in Hm % . .. i , - (\ :