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ppr ::iisiiip 4 FO 15TH YEAR. DESTRUCTIVE GALES i Great: Damage to Shipping in Northern Waters COASTWISE VESSELS ARE LOST uaie ana sea work Damage Along tbo Coast of Nova Scotia, New Brnnswick, and Prince Edward Island?Crew of Norwegian Bark Helpless in Severe Cold and Angry Waters. Halifax, N. B., Special. - Dispatches have been fiouring into (his city news of vessels wrecked or in distress, of wires prostrated. and of damage done by the gale and sea along the coasts of Nova Scotia, Cnjio Breton, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Four vessels -were driven ashore, another, after having everything movable on dock washed away, was forced to put back to the port from which she sailed, and the steamer Turret Bell, which went aground on the north side of Prince Edawrd Island last week, was driven farther in shore. The storm was most violent in Northumberland Strait. Two schooners anil one hark were swept aground in this .strait, and a third schooner was wrecked near the o-w.tem entrance. The Norwegian hark Adeonn, tried to weather the gab. off Kextoiu N. 11, bat dragged lier anchors and grounded 011 North Keef. She sprang a leak. The tremendous seas lunde it impossible for any vessels to go to uer assistance, leaving her crow of 12 in the severe cold and heavy gale, and in danger-of being swept overboard or (lying from exposure. Near tine same, place The schooner Alexander, lumbar laden , went' ashore. The Windsor, N. S., schooner Omega, lost her sails on Wednesday last, when off Charlotte town, and the seas washed over her carried away her cabins and dock load. She drifted swiftly for 110 miles across Northumberland Strait, until she finally brought up oa the rocks at Fox Point, on the northern coast of Nova Scotia. Iter crew of four men had been obliged to man tiie pumps with practically no rest since Wednesday and during all that time they had 1 had neither food nor drink, all their jupnliee having been swept overboard Tliov wore rosonrwl - ? ^ ?? iuwr<f i?vcn VUI*; by exhaustion and exjjosure, soon after the vessel grounded. The schooner will probably be n total loss.. A Newfoundland schooner, the identy of which ha s not been learned, was wrecked last right at Campbells Cove at the eastern end of l'rinee Edwtird Island. The crew succeeded in getting ashore safely. The 1,37b (on steamer Turret Hell, which is valued at. $100,000, probably will prove a total wreck off Cable Head, Prince Kdward Island, on iho north coast where she went ashore last week. Dr. Matthews a Suicide. Baltimore, Md., Special.?In a cheap lodging house on East Baltimore street at some tin*- during the 24 hours proceeding 2 o'clock Monday afternoon, I)r. ,T. Baxter Matthews, of Greensbom, N. blew out his brains with a shot from a 32calihro revolver. I)r. Matthews was convicted March 0th, 190(?, at Greensboro, X. t'.. of the is?isoi inn* of lii- \v??V? TV...->? 1st. I;nr.. ffe had I icon out of custody under hail pending tlic division of his ap|*cal for a new trial, which was denied him, and relative: -on! bondsmen have been senrchii._ foi him for some time thai he might hi taken before the court to he resentenced. Another Rioter Convicted. Atlanta, (Sa., Special.- .1. tl. Oirr. u * "* *" ' ri Ji (? C! ri ti 01 F P Va.ii-M in wages of 10 ]h r cent tin textile council received a reply iron the Manufacturers' Asocinliun that the request was pp'inat.ure and that there# must he a longer run of tin prcse|t improved business tx-f?m the proposition could be considered The manufacturers added that th nvnrag: margin of prolitj since ?Tul\ 1st, thu dale of the Inst advance ol t0 ner wnf. wm-rontiiil ytl'j ?n - i-reaso of f.77 per cent. j I _ I '"1 9 M ======? -== g f( .11 DEATH OF MRS. YOUNG [n the Death of Sdito- of The Fairfax Enterprise* the SUte Presr Suntains a Distinct Los. Fairfax, Special.?M s. Virginia 1). Young1, who Ute<l Frhay afternoon, was buried in the cenetery at the ltnptist church just ou of the town limits here Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Young was take a witla a chill last Sunday morning aid although Dr. Youug practically give up 'as practice so as to give his mtire attention to her he did not tUiik lier case was serious until Wednesday when he discovered thai she had ootraeted pneinnoyia. She grew mi idly worsd from then until the end eime. Mrs. Virginia TiuKuit Young, daughter of Col. Durant, was bor.1 and reared in Marion e?unty, this State. She first married i Mr. Covington and the couple wait to Mis-, sisssippi to live, but aftei they had been there a few years .Mr. Covington died and Mrs. Covington a mo hack to her native State. In JS'U or early in 1S80 she visited Mrs. )r. W. T. Hre'eland, hor college claaauate, who lived a few miles from this place, and while there Dr. Williau J. Young met lier. The resuit was that they soon became fond of each ?thcr and were married in December, 1SS0. The teixior love heiwrittu Ui-u. w;v rs strung as a mother's a ic'tiou Cor her babe; and this feeling mver nbuted. Dr. and Mrs. Young hove hred. Jiappiiy in their splendid home hrre for 2(> years but both of them liavo been very busy during that time. The former's practice grew to bo |i large that he has bad scarcely a if-,nunc for rest or recreation. In the "gamitne liis wife besides looking after'hex*' domestic affairs, Iihs been bc:.y ttilh her jM-n. She whs the author oi several books, "Beholding' as in a Gloss;" "A Tower in the l?esert," and "The Blue Hen's Chickens;'' Besides these she wrote many interesting newspaper and magazine articles. She was also an eloquent speaker and was probably the foremost woman's rights woman in the South. She visited many of the. woman's rights covcntions in other States and her addresses oil those oeeasioi.s were always able and were highly appreciated. About 10 years ago she oato'dished "The Fairfax" he't5 and as its editor and proprietor jt has been quite a success. The s ugular part about this paper is that it lias been eonducted entirely by women. Mrs. Young and Miss Daisy lawyer doing the greater part of the work. Lutheran Synod. The Lutheran Synod rf S?uth Carolina mecu at Augusta, U; ., This week, beginning with the 7th i f' _<ioveinber and continuing throng q until the 11th. Kpv. M. O. J. Krepi Is the retiring moderator and Kev. M. D. Kinard is secretary. One of tl ' most :miK>rtuul matters for di^cusi< i will he t Ik* pro]H>*cd endowment fo? Newberry college. Mr. Pearson ot Chicago has offered to give S25,000 if the Lutherans of tin- State will raise $50,000 additional, it is said that tliey now have on hand something like $127,000 of this amount. The semi-centennial of the college was held last June and the alumni and friends of the college pledged thernr"!v. s '.? renewed clVoj t iu its behalf. Caught ill a Shredder. 1 ??t<'sbun;. Special.?Seymour William*. a colored man employed on the plan la. ion of Mr. Mil ledge Ilolstcin, near Monettn, while at work about a eursi -irodder, not lii* hand ajid arm entangled in the machinery and was so badly lacerated thai the member bad to he amputated. M \ Dexter Tindal Injurqd. lai'l'oey, Special.?Mr. Dexter Tindal. one of Cherokee's best citir-ens, r.?t with a very painful accident. lit tepp"d on a pitchfork which vas ly .1:4 "ii nit' ground 111 Ins ham-lot i:id one "I- ill'- lines ran into bis left inkle. K\ harwin, who was culled o him. says that wliili the wound s < xeeedi??:l.v painful ii is not ncc ssarily painful. Agreement With Utcs. Sheridan, Wyo., Special.?.il eoiv hi t ween the Indian r ,iui] ninps resulted in an njrneen: oi the part of the bin.-', to vctunl. wit? Col. Wogoiw to Fort Meufto, S. I)., t? bo taken rare of them by :hc jc wtt\ Black Wh islet rs u ? to \\ ashing to t< talk the matter over with l'rc id ml Roosevelt. The I'tes will 30 ovi rlani with troops of the Sixth ?*. valry The Indians have not been disi.rmec ami will not be as long: as they tak< no threatening' actions. I ii v. I MIL )RT MILL, S. C., THUS PALMETTO AFFAIRS Occurrences of Interest from All Over South Carolina MANY ITEMS OF STATE NEWS A Batch of Lire P&rafraphs CoTerinr a WHo Ban??WVnt !? On in Oar State. General Cotton Market. Galveston steady 10 d-S New Orleans qmct JO o-lli> Mobile steady.. : 10 Savannah easy 10 Charleston quiet 10 Wilmington lirtn 10 1-8 Norfolk steady 10 o-S Baltimore nominal. 10 5-tS New York quiet 10.-10 Boston quiet 10.40 Augusta, steady 10 n-l?> M >r?his quiet 10 11-4 L c t j. a T ( ! 1 1 I I t ( 4 > i em w?j?it, ,v Oats iiriTi, No. 2, f.llxou io iU 1-2 Rye iirrn; No. 2, Western 72 to 75. Hotter steady, unchanged; l'a:tey imitation 21 to'22; do creamery 27 to 28; do lade 18 to 20; store packed 17 to 18. i Eggs firm 27. Cheese active and nucliungcd 18 5-8 to 14 1-^. Sugar steady, unchanged. Electric Cars For Chester. Chester, Special. ? The Chester Traction Company will. November 50, apply to the secretary of State far a charter to construct, maintain and operate an electric mil way in the streets of Chester. The. work is to bi n as soon as practicable ai'tci the charter is to be oht.iimd and not less than one mile to Ik: in operation in twelve months. The corporators of the enterprise are Messrs. J. K. Wcstbrook and 1,. L. Rending, of Chester, and Col. Jasper K. Rody, i * ? - president <>i uermania Mutual Savings Company, of Chicago. Ample capital will back up tin enterprise and there seeins to be no reason to doubt that a properly operated street railway will pay in Chester. Western Union Loses Case. Gaffney, Special.?The jury in the case of M. I). Adams vs. the West1 ern Union Telegraph Co. brought in a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for $600. This was a case for damages for mental anguish. A telegram was sent to M. 1>. Adatns from Jonesvillc by his son on May .'list, 1905, telling him to come at once that his * (the son's) wife was dying. The telegram was not delivered until the next day, in consequence of which Mfr. Adams missed rtlio iirst train | and was delayed about 32 hours in reaching the bedside of his son's wifo The suit was for $2,000. Cotton Fire Near Donalds. Anderson, Special. ? A special from Donalds to the Anderson Daily [ Mail states: "Mr. Tom Algary, a prominent farmer of Algarys, near liere, lost his cotton and contents by fire. Mr. Algery lost about two bales I of seed cotton, the seed from 10 I bales of cotton, n large amount of wheat and oats and nil of his farm tools " School Fond Decidedly Short. Columbia, Special.?Last year the I r?,ki;? ..P C?...U 1:? - |/liuuv IM Inr/is ux h?Ulllll LiirUIlIJU rc1 wived iu all $168,075.77 i'rom the pro1 fits of the State dispensary system, ' the fund being: distributed according *- to enrollmet. This year only $25,> 000 has bwn received from the disl pensary for schools up to dale and I there is hut one month more of the lis? cal year. It is stated the dispensary " will for the next six or seven 'weeks, I pay $10, jKjr week to Ho- school fund J but even at this rate the total amount will fall far below the fund of 1905. X .w >? . L ^ J.SDAY, NOVEMBER 8, STOLE 3 MILLIONS Startling Operations of Fake Financier BIG HAUL OF STOCKS AND BONDS I Charles Whitney Norton Arrested for .. Fraudulent Action in Connection With Arizona Mining Stock?Obtained Shares Under Agreement to Soli and Never Returned?Negotiable Papers to Amount of $2,000,000 Found in His Room. Chicago. Special?A Federal war- | rant was served on Charles Whitney Nortor., who was arrested by the police and who is said by the police and postal authorities to bo rosposible for extensive s wind lint, operations, when he was taken to Ihc county jail, lie will lie arraigned before United States Commission >i "oot soon. The spec, i lie ease or which Norton was arrested was in onncction with Arizona mining stock t is claimed that Norton hns ?lerauded people in all parts ?ii the Inited States out of bonds and ?eurities amounting to $3,000,000. It is eluimcd by the officers that Jorton would obtain stock from any ersou who would trust, him, and greo to sell it in the- market, lie night, the polie? dcolare, sell the tock and he might retain it, but the esult to the person owning the stock ens the same. They would receive .o money from Norton, nor would he stock he returned to them. In his room were found bonds, locks, abstracts of land titles, lirsi, uorigagcs, and other negotiable pajers, the greater part of which is bought to be genuine and worth alnost $2,000,000. The posla1 authorities declare that liey have been searching for Norton ?since January. 1893, when lie disappeared from L>etroit, Mich., ostensibly to go to London, Eng. About two years later Norton was in Klmira, operating the American Wholesale llrokcnige Company. It is also claimed that be was arrested in Troy, N. Y., also in Rutland, Vt., where he served a sentence of one year in jail for the fraudulent use of the mails. It, is claimed by the police that Norton solicited stocks and land titles of all descriptions to sell. When pressed by customers for the stock turned over to liim he informed tbefti that he would go to London, Eng., in order to obtain a better market. Titles to deeds and lands i.i Nebraska, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia and other States running into thousands of acres, were fount! in Norton's possession. One deed describing 30,00# acres of pine lands in Virginia ami another describing 20.000 acres in Nebraska, appeared to be genuine. THE STRIKE SETTLED. Southern Railway Machinists Returned to Work Monday. Washsinyton, Special.?The strike of machinists on the Southern Railway which was inauguarated recently for an increase in wayes was settled. An amicable adjustment hn? been reached with the committee of machinists, under which the strike will he declared off and the men now on strike will return to their old positions Monday morniny, Nov. 5, without prejudice on account of the strike. The men who remained with the company arc to continue at work. Those who have been employed since the strike will he relieved from tho simps before Monday morniny, but without prejudice as to their continued employment by the company in other places, or as to their future employment in the shops if needed. $8,000,000 For New York Schools. New York, Special.?It was decided that tho recent appropriation by the board of estimate of ^S.000,000 for new schools in the city will be provided by the sale of city bonds. So quick is the city extending, especially in Brooklyn, that schools have to be built in all directions to meet the requirements. I Merit System for Employes. Grand Kapids, Mich., Special?'Tho Story & Clark Jiano Company, of Grand lluven nnounced a novel award system for their employes. They have set aside $2,000 in cash prizes, which will be awarded men in the different departments in their works on November 1, 1007. The deportment of the men, their arrival at the shop morning and noon and their work will all be averaged up, and at the end of the year the prizes will be awarded. The first prizes in the different detriments are in most casos $100, and a seeond prize of $50 -# 1 ?* riME ,1906. sensationIp* ? Evidence of Illegal Practice by Tobacco Trust COLLIERS SUPPRESSED FACTS Massachusetts Senator Says Collier's Weekly Has Letters, Telegrams and Secret Codes to Prove Assertion, and That They Were Sold to Publications on Contract That They bo Made Public, bnt This Has Not Been Done Because Paper Fears it Will Have Some Bearing on Tuesday's Election."*. lViston, Sjxjcial.---' >istv:-t Attorney John 11. More. j sent a letter to District Attorney Win. T. Jerottifk of" New York, in which la; stated that ho was informed hv State Senator A. D. Hugh's, ?>:' \iiehiynn, thai lucre is in the jm>: se sioa of <'oilier'3 Weekly evidence in the form of original documents, h i; is, tehg> or.s and secret codes, which tends to show that an organized met hod of legisla; ivc corruption is pracil'ed by , in; soeallcd tobacco trust, ihrougkoitt the country. The letter follows; "I am creditably informed by one A. I). Hushes formerly a Stale Senator 01 Michigan, that tlvre is in the possession of the proprialoi*s of a publication by natoe < 'oilier':? Weekly having it > usual place of business in New York <ity, evidence in ;he i'ovin of originu1 doeutnents, letters, tdegrums, secret codes and the translation thereof, some copies of which T row have and which I append herewith l'or I he purpose of identification i which lends-to show an organized, ! systctiin1 it; and general method of leg- j islativ- corruption practiced by the so-called tobacco trust throughput the country. 1 am informed that some of the documents, copies of which 1 do not have, tend to show Mint several bills aneeting the interest of the said tobacco trust, were defeated at the capital of this Commonwealth at the just session of our general court (.Massachusetts Legislature) by practices which are a part ?>f this systematic scheme. I am in formed that, the proprietors of the said Collier's Weekly have purchased the evidence for a large sum of money under a contract to publish the same not later than 10 vroeka alter the first day of August; thai the last day i'or publishing same has expired; that the said Collier's Weekly has refused *<? publsli the same, according to contract. 4*T am further in fanned that Collier's Weekly is delaying publication of this evidence in violation of its contract until after election, lest it should have an injurious esr'eei upon Republican candidates on election day. 44Therefore 1 respeei i\il\y request >ou to obtain the same evidence and transmit to tuc forthwith in order J that 1 inay begin/ an immediate inquiry to such arts occurring \v{hin my jurisdiction a3 nm> he diselostd by an examination of the said documents." In making public the lei tor, \tr. Moran also gave to the pres> copies of many letters, telegrams and codes, one letter being from Hugh: s. Hughes claims thut. he bought a factory in Marion, Ind., last April from former Senator 0. A. Baker, and in the factory .Mr. Hughes found a desk, whieh he nserts was f ill of correspondence and doeuun nts revealing certain transactions wiih the American Tobaceo < '.unpen.,. Hughes states in his !. : r tli it he endeavored >o hue President. Roosevelt and (lover Hartley, of Indiana, but was unsue?- .sful. Ha then sold the document ' > ' dlier's under contract to be publi .hed Oct. fith last. Mrs. BUI" Nye Dead. New Orleans, Special.- M -. Edgar W. Nye, widow of the late *4Bill" Nye, the famous humorist, died Sunday at the home of her daughter, J Mrs. E. W. Pharr, at Avocn plantaItion, near Morgan Pity. Mrs. Nye was o(> years old, and v: formerly a resident of North ('.irolitia. Her tw./i.. ,-;ii i-- :?? > - * v ? 11? wui ut; niiviUM] iit i lucua. Congressman Ketchem Dead New York, Special. IJepresenfa(ive John Ilenry Kotrhem, of Dover Plains, di?*d of applexy at a hospital in this city. Ho was 71 years oUi. lie served in the House of Representatives from the district during the terms JHti.0-73, IS77-UJ and 1897-1903, and following reapportionment had Rince represented the lilst district, in which be'was a candidate for rc-eloction on the Hepubticon ticket. He was colonel of the Fifteenth Ncv/ York Voluutccrs in the civil war, during which service he was promoted to brigadier general and breveted major general. ,1 k I NO. 32. L C . . ? sa i NEWSY GiBANINUK. The Walker Laie Indian Uoaerva tion, in Nevada, w^s opened f The battleship Minnesota. rondo 1 9.0<5 knots on hci trial trip over tb Rockland course. President Roostvolt will stop si San Juan, Porto ftleo, on hie waj back from Panama Liberals vin Havana continued u* criticise Governor Magoon Tor keen ins Moderates in ofico. Secretary Motcoif believes inva* gratlon to tho United States will reach 3,4 00,000 a 'ear. ?*.?Tho people of Alaska n o ronorted to bo intcrestoit id securing a Terr' torlal form of government A constitution for China i? prom Ifted in an imperial decree, but? n? date is fixed for carrying out tN prom inc. Acr.prdInfc to a dispatch trpm St Petersburg thh C**r hue lowered IT.Joan rate of Uio land ban!? > ? rcfiov peasant purchasers. Three unac VJal'tiflt ehiirr.iic* Chicago have arrau'^d to cousoUiln: to solve the problem* of ?m tleoer the heart of tho el'.) French physician v in tTI?:n:^ announce the diuco\'try or ,t euro tothe sleeping tucknot! , ad'Cadod \t,h i tic and African eotfiivge. 1 Japan holds that, the elusion <>' Japanese ehildron 'rom the pitblh j nchoolti in Han Fr^amiHCo a viohv | tion of her treaty r ? W eat minuter Cbuf.? of Now Yo-i City, voted to apolcJ-^'j. > t?> the Pre* bj'tery of New York > e? eding an*' ask to he taken back ! o the fold. Every railroad .ip , ihe Unit States on which ie Ivn: of t.h< Switchmen's Union arc neloyed w enotified of aa expected i ? < - or wage*-. It Is declared that t;' tall lies' b? being formed In Mexico The Traiis-Alaoka^Sl" nan Railway Company was <?.,? perilled itNew Jersey v/ilh a cap. i ?>i $l..00?>, 000. The company pro m..s to nnitithe hemispheres by raM iiy leiegraoh. and by telephone. Slionto Wif* Then P .1.? ('amderj,?uBli- J., Sr i:i t Dan);-' Weldon, aged 58 years, ;; .oL In:; wi' . Mary, and then sept .nto b.v* own head. Jt is Ihou^ln b?>it. will die. WcWoii'k .dauviitr was cenlly murdered by I.or Ir. in;.-.! brooding over this trouble is .li<?? gbl' to have a fleeted I; it>'Y;foin. A Japanese eaptfUn of ?e?gin;;ers ?. disguise was oau ?ht itketobing the Philippine fortifications V FfiJARS LOY B STRAIN. M Mother?Wtint's Tommy been fight J tng about? / / X * A* t v/i. I'll l tim |t (> 5 ,, ,, Tar FIool Com Whiskey U.oo 1 ? ? Good Ryo Whisky per g:il 1.7>'? 2 ,. ,. Qpodiiy^WhiBliy " " 2.?x> 8 ,, ? O-xxl Ryo Whisky " " 3.SO 4 ? ? Good Rye Whisky " " 3.00 \ 5 ,, ,, Good Ryo Whisky " " My No char go for vessel or packing. iiOe extra will prepay oxproso on r. j to ibreo gallons; over 3 gallons. 7.Vt SHUMAN ft COMPANY, {' SALISBURY . . Si. rbis, ; ?N ft- to ha prqi>rty ooaipi?<1??! r.ln :: r ST KV. j> J \S tin.! y?<i r ,?.i not <:<> >?>.?akc H RIFLES . . Writ $2.25 to *180 00 ) FlSTOIflV . . .. (Mm 2.50to 0.) OO SHOTGUNS . . from 7.50 to ^5 0(1 J Aitynilit iKtami l?kl r>r?rf. i r <l>us> oi 'hit -tiAkr If ir.iif?l If tr?u-a. | v if aamjnimlB, Minlll|i <*ifl In miikitw:, yua j Itfo t, earriage ttutogtt ?N<litlr>li.-..c It. -4?ilr<t f pr.'fdJ, upta ic..< |? of for l.mrcc.iti lt?KatD|.. ^ . cWftloj; i?5"T, ro?ff? jjratufe. i Ojf attm f.vf chrr-'^-oW Aluminum llange* vrlU he i 4cot ?n*??h.:rt for i?c<^M5 In Kumv*. J. mvkm ARMS UTD TOOL. CO., I p. o. t?o' ; Ch.c?pM VslHi. *|?1, U. 3. A. ^ When in tho Market FOK G(K)t) WHISKIKS. \%7 rflkT ?* USHiO, BRANDIES, ETC., (MJJ, OS OH WK1TK JolTtirx Movie. SALISBURY. - N. C. W.