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W TATES SENATOR FROM A CAROLINA PRAISES I PE-RU-NA. Ex-Senator M. C. Butler. Dyaitepxin la Oft em Cavxerl Hy Catarrh of the Stomach?/Vrwnn Rrliovea Catarrh of the Stomach and la Tltorefoce a Remedy For Ityepepsio < Hon. M. C. Butter, Ex-U. S. Sena- \ i1 tor from South ('arniin.i (or two > term*. in a letter from Washington, ) 1 D. C.. write* to the lYin.ia Medicine ) 1 Co., u* follows: j "I can recant mend I'erunn for I dyspepsia ami stomach trouote. J i / have Oeett using yonr medicine i for a short period ami I feel very J 1 much relieved. It Is Indeed a i usmder/'ul medicine, brsieles a 1 i gootl tonic, " j ft ATARRIt of the Btomaeh is the corJ rect name lor most cases of dyspepsia. In order to cure catarrh of the stomach the catarrh must he eradicated. Only ?n internal catarrh remedy, audi as Peruna, in available. Peruna exactly meet* the indications. Peruna is sold by your local druggists. Buy a hot He today. So. lS-'OB. Close Questioning. In recalling incidents connected with Virginia polities sonic years ago a prominent \ irginiau recently related to a Washinpton man an account of an investigation of election frauds in the lower section of the State. In the course of the proceedings it developed that I lie ballots in an important precinct had not been sealed after the linul count, thereby beiug exposed to fraudulent practices. The chariinnn of the investigating commit tec closely questioned the election judge as I?? why the ballots had been neglected. "Could yon not obtain any inucij lage in the town?" "No, sir." "Could yon not procure some seal ing wax some shoemaker's wax. if nothing else i'' "No, sir." "Well, then, >n, why didn't you go out into the woods and get some rosin? Dou you mean to tell me that there were no pine trees around there shedding tears at your infamous ras^ eality?"?Washington Star. The cities of Glasgow and'Nottingham supply gas to the consumers, and It is sold at iifty cents a thousand cubic feet about ono-lialf what it costs In American cities. l,nst year Nottingham made u profit of Jl'-'O,000 on its gas plant A cruel heart ill suits a manly mind.?Homer. TV"NKR'S l>VSI*KI*SI.A ItllMEDY. A Cunrnnteed Cine ? Many llavc l>ys|M>|?sia and Don't Know It. !f you suffer from Dyspepsia or Indigestion In any form", such as gas. belchhig. hitter taste, offensive ' 'i imd breath, dizzy fjfys*". \ spells, sour stotnj aeh. heart flutter, ^ JL pains or swellings j4r in the stomach, ("TJv hack or side, deepJjh. seated kidney or fx lil'DV troiihlrt I ( nausea, gastritis, loathing of food, they will disappear in a short timo after tnking Tynur's Dyspepsia Remedy, made especially i o en re Dyspepsia, Indigestion and all Stomach Troubles, even of the worst cases. ** > Ty net's Dyspepsia Remedy expels the 1 gases and sweetens the breath. It \ cures Sick Headache, Colic and Constipation at once. Druggists or l>y f / express r?0 cents a lx?ttle. Money rc\ funded If it fails to cure. Medical / \ advice and circular free by writing to )Tyner Remedy Co.. Augusta, Ga. / ,x Sentence Sermons. Let a man keep the' law?any law ?>and his way will ho strewn with r' satisfaction.?Emerson. We know Him not, Him shall we qevpr know Till wc bchoM llim in the least of LV^fi these Who Buffer or who sin. I wty nIS ?Lucy Larcom. ? To give way to heavenly forces is I torn* cured of earthly faults. I '' fUNEI aLOf MRS. DAVIS 1 V " Fir^| I-vly of the Confederacy" LovinjJjf'.aid to Best Beside Her Distinguu-ad Husband. Riohmpud, Ya.. Special.?On Friday the remains'of Mrs. Jefferson Davis were laid to rest here by the side of her husband. The ceremony was simple and impressive. The tributes of flowers were rich and varied. The number present was small. Church Services Simple. At 3 o'clock the casket was taken into the body of the church, which fcvas packed .with people, and the funeral service was begun. This was conducted by Rev. Robert Forsythe, rector of the church, assisted by Rev. Dr. J. William Jones, chaplain general of the Confederate veterans; Rev. TV. 1 n It W.lll. ...1. . x/i values i <M\ ri w in? ^ us Stonewall Jackson's chaplain; Rabbi Guliseh, of Hcllialiabu synagogue, Richmond; Kcv. Hr. I.andon K. Mason, Rev. L>r. W. V. Tudor, and Rev. Dr. N. A. Scagle. The service was ol' a cliaracicr. ihe hymn beiti''Just as I Aim.'' "How Finn a Foundation,'* "Abide With Me" and "Asleep in Jesus." Must Provide Bulletins. Raleigh, N. ('., Special.?An order effective Nov. 1 has just been made bv the Corporation Commission with a view to eliminating the much complained of evil of indefinitely and unexplained late trains by requiring bulletined explanations of conditions and causes. The order is to the effect that all railroads shall provide bulletin boards on which shall be posted the arrival and departure of trains thirty minutes before they are due. If u train is late the board shall show as nearly as ]k>ssihle when it is expected. If indefinitely late the cause of the delay shall also he bulletined and also announced to the passengers 011 hoard of the trains together with statement of possible duration of delay. Funeral of Rev. Sam Jones. Cartersvillc, Ca., Special.?In the presence of a large congregation ini ^itosnu iiinerai services wore lieltl Thursday afternoon over the remains of the Kev. Sain 1\ Jones, the evangelist, in the Sam Jones Tabernacle here. Bishop ('. M. Galloway, of Mississippi, presided and was assisted hy many prominent ministers. The body will he taken to Atlanta, where it will lie in state in the State capitol until afternoon, when it will he placed 111 a receiving vault to await the completion of the Jones family vault here. Pythian Supreme Lodge Elects Officers. Now Orleans, Special.- The Supreme Iiodge, Knights of Pythias, elected the following officers: Supreme chancellor, Charles A. Barnes, Jacksonville, 111.; Supreme vice chancellor, Henry P. Brown. Clchitrn, Tex.; Supreme prelate. Leo A. Caro, Grand Rapids, Mich.; supreme keeper of records and seals, it. I.. White. Nashville, Tenn.; supreme master of exchequer. Thomas M. Mares, Wilmington, X. C. Revenne From T#t?niin>,o? ? ? * w?v|;uVU60i Nashville, Special.?In its report to the comptroller the Cumberland Telegraph ami Telephone company, reports 30,13.") instruments in the state, on which the privilege lax at -It) cents each is $8,87.1.40. Of this number 0,1)28 are in Davidson county and 0,430 in Shelby county. The East Tennessee company reports 8.D70 instrument*. the lax being $3,215. Hamilton county has 1,137 of these and Knox 2,008. Ten Men Burned To Death. Hinniugham. Ala., Special.?Ten men were burned to death, two others perhaps l'atally injured and a third slightly hurt in the lire which destroyed the boarding house of Mrs. E. E. Watt ley, on Third avenue, between 2 and 3 o'clock Friday morning. Nashville Sallonist Arrested. Nashville. Special.?Sol Cohen a well known local saloon keeper was arrested by a Tinted States deputy marshal, having liwn indicted hv the federal grand jury on the charge of refilling bottles on which the stamps' had liot been destroyed. Taft Homeward Bound. Norfolk, Yn., Special. The Hat ticship Louisiana, bearing Secretary Taft and party homeward bound from Havana, Cuba, passed in the Virginia Capes accompanied by the battleships Virginia and New Jersey. At Hampton Roads the party will board the Dnlnliin on/1 nv.wmo.l ? ? |'?wt,wv? iv# n Fleiniugs to Sonth Carolina. Brussels, By Cable.?Two hundred and lit'fy-oiarht skilled Flemish weavers, with their families, left Ghent for Ureman from whence they will sail on a steamer of the North German Lloyd Line direct for Charleston, S. They form tho first installment f a considerable immigration movement arrunged under the auspiees of ilie government of Belgium and tho authorities of South Carolina. THE LIFE OF MRS. DAVIS Was a Notable Figure in the Days of The Old South. Varina llowell Jefferson (Mrs. Jefferson Davis) was born in Nachez, Miss., May 7th, 1S2(>. She was the granddaughter of 'Governor llicliard Howell of New Jersey and daughter of William Burr and Margaret (Kempe) llowell. She was educated at Madame Oreland's school, Philadelphia, and by private teachers at home. She was married February 25th, 1845, to Jefferson Davis, of Warren County, Miss. He was elected to Congress 15? >>.** v - -y' ty*, 2^-vIK - ? *,*T H Mtts. V AKINA HOWKI.L JRI KKIISON DAVIS. November, 3845, and resigned June, 1840, to go to the Mexican war, from which he returned severely wounded and they returned to live at his Brierlield plantation, Davis Bend, in Warren county. Miss. She was with her husband in Washington where he was United States Senator 3847 to 3852; Secretary of War 3853 to 3857; United Stales Senator 3857 to 3801 and in Richmond during the time he was president of the Confederate States 3801 to 3805. Mi's. Davis' old home was Beauvoir House, post ofiice, Harrison County, Miss., although for reasons of health she has resided in New York for a number of years. "The First Lady of the Confederacy" Mi's. Varina Jefferson Davis, who passed away recently, held a tender place in the regard of the Southern people, both for her personal qualities as a noble, high-minded woman, and as the devoted wife of the distinguished soldier and statesman. Ilie Hon. Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America. Daughter of William lturr Howell, of Natchez. Miss., and granddaughter of Gov. Richard Howell, of New Jersey, she was born May 7, 1820, and on February 25? 181"), married Jefferson Jefferson Davis, than a planter of Warren county, Mississippi, being his second wife. Soon after her marriage her husband was elected to Congress, and in 1S4(! he resigned to go to the Mexican War, in which he was rcverely wounded, lie became Senator in 1847-52, Secretary of War in 1.85357 and again Senator in 1857-01, during which successive periods Mrs. Davis; resided in Washington and enjoyed the distinction obtained hy her husband as a weighty speaker, statesman ami head of an important department of the Government. During the years 1801-05 she was "First Lady" of the South, her husband being the first and only Executive of the Confederate States, and sustained with trrnee ln?r J-? -- ^ ,10 luiiuiT in the aristocratic society of the Confederate cujiital. With the fall of the Confederate CSovernment in 18(55 began a chapter of soninv and suffering of which she had her full part along with her husband, sharing his imprisonment at Fortress Monroe when permitted to do so. Iler conduct at this time endeared her to the Southern heart, the tragedy of her life appealing to a people who were themselves at that time in thousands of desolate homes enduring similar privations and indignities. After the release from Fortress Monroe the?ex-l'resident and his wife resided in Kugland (IS07-7S). They returned later to Memphis, Tenn., Where the cx-l'resident was in business (1870-78), after which, in 1870, he retired to his estate at Hiloxi, on the Mississippi Coast, for the remainder of his days. Here Mrs. Davis (aided him in the production of the historical work- n?1; .. in'iMinn and Kail of the Confederate Government." After her husband's den lb, in 1SS0, Mrs. Davis obtained a needed increase of income by her writings, retaining her property in Mississippi, but residing, for reasons of health, in New York. Among her boobs is "Jefferson I>nvis: A Memoir. By Hi* Wife." Of her six children four sons and two daughters- but *ue, Mrs. I. A. Tlayes, of ('olorado Springs, Col., survives her. One of her sons, it is of interest to note, was educated at Bclnir, Md. 3lor death removes one of the most prominent personages of the period of the Civil War. It may bo observed that ex-President Davis long survived President Lincoln, General Grant and most of his other principal upponents, and Mrs. Davis outlived about o'l the rest. J FUTNAM Color mon> Koortabrlxhlrr ami faster color* than any ot aye any cariueul Klitiuut ri|iplut( apart. Write for t J/o /jii^ mm " Owe no man anything'. Haw'n Thli T Wo offer One Hundred Dollar* Reward for any cam of Catarrh that cannot be cored bvhall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cnrrr A Co., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, her* known P. J. Cheney for the laetift years, and believe him perfeotly honorable lo all businem transactions and financially able to carry oat any obligations made by their Arm. wKfrr A Tsoai, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. V.a1.1hn0, Kimvax A Mabtix, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cureis t(\k?nlnternallT,h*iIngdlreeily a pon the blood and rnncuoassrtrInoes of the system. Testimonials sent free. Prloe,7hc. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pill* for constipation. It is ft dangerous tiling to dig pits for other folks.?From the German. j&k CAPUDINE \ immediately cams J tw H?ADACHES jfet uP COLDS JEaf5SBbl&W4?BKi^rta' Cor,!* 10c Al IMAKE EVERY DAf 1 ft 1. -rhm r\ TWTT> 5 nomattorhow baa the weather You cannot afford to be | without a TOWERS WATERPROOF OILED SUIT ,OR SLICKER When you buy look for the SIGN OF THE FISH Sis' A J *0+rtn C* ftOAVOto sj 1? ? CO rgtoMf { . [he Laxa . Known ( There are two classes of rer fty and which are permanent 1; Bfr) jreutly. In harmony with natui jjp anre; and another class, co unknown, uncertain and infei ^ mP rarity, but injuriously, as a i functions unnecessarily. On* W^% the remedies of known qualii pleasant Syrnp of Fi^s, inai jg. * Fip Syrup Co., which represc plants, known to act most beuel 3^ in which the wholesome Californi trihntc their rich, yet delicate, fru of all remedies to sweeten ami rcl $ gently and naturally, and to assis pation and the mauy ills resulting: t jc pics and quality are known to pi ' remedy has therefore met with the i the favor of many millions of well of their own personal knowledge ! that it is a most. rTccllnnt latativn in it will euro all manner of ills, but. ret represents, a laxative remedy of kn containing: nothing: of an objectionable There are two classes of purchasei s to the quality of what they buy aud tl f articles of exceptional merit, and wh< sewhere when a dealer offers an im tide; hnt, unfortunately, there are son d who allow themselves to be imposed i beneficial effects If they do not fret the To tho credit of the druggists of tli t nearly all of them valne their 1 grity and the good will of their cu: litations of the Genuine?Syri manufactured by the California Fig buy the genuine article and to get f only to note, when purchasing, tho 1 California Fig Syrup Co.?plainly pr package. Price, 60c. per bottle. One F A D E L E: her <lye. One 10i\ parkugp rolors all fltirn. Tlwy dye rec booklet? How to Liyc, 131 mob and Mix Colore. Itt ?, rek> lUracM Oil or to other brands Fill not become ran- lW|\ 'enetrates the leather fl?|i ikes it weather-proof, roof, soft, strong and Vha \Bkvk Makes old harness M?|\ i Coach Axle Oil HH W ;tter and more economical HBI HHUfl STANDARD OIL CO.JsKJmJ W iTClUtf?Writ* for oar looal iftier prspoil" I Uoa.wilrk freo for Introduction of goods. Toura for mar? dam lute an<l mutual p.uflt. ORLEANS WATCH CO., Orleans, NoL. IIIIIITrn Aridreee of 0) paraomaof par* 1MI A N I I* I I < lndlsu blood who art not Utlflf Hll I LU law *.ltb *nr tribe. (I) of man II who aerred la the Fwltrei army. or (I) thn " naereal kin of trtich soldiers or sailors, bow IwmwI NATHAN BICKFOKO, Washington, D O. "ao."43-'06l iiiiiiiu d?1 t rout tors and medicines without found, in Wine of Cardui, a ills, and can recommend it complaints." Cardui furnishes safe rel periodical pains, irregular, menial flow, and all ailmen suffer. A perfect tonic for vegetable medicine for girls ; to the complaints peculiar t over a million who used to s At every drug store, in . WRITE US A LETTER WIN describing fully all your symptom* 111 and we will send you Free Advice In plain sealed envelope. Ladies' ^ Advisory Dept.. The Chattanooga |J [~ Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn. y j 1 LL t , - TWEo^ JUAUTW uedies: those of known qualy beneficial in effect* acting e, when nature needs assistmposed of preparations of rior character, acting temporesult of forcing tho natural & of the-most exceptional of fy and excellence is the ever nu far tared by the California nts tho active principles of llcifilly, in a pleasant syrnp, au blue figs are used to conity flavor. It is the remedy rosh and clcanso the system t one in overcoming constiherefrom. Its active princl- 1 jysicians generally, and the A ir approval, as well nri with jg informed persons who know II und from aetuul experience II medy. We do not claim that II omineud it for what it really 11 own analitv and pxcpl!i<nr? II or injurious character. | rs; those who aro informed .1 tie reasons for the excellence B > do Hot lack courage to go itation of any well known ne people who do not know. I upon. They cannot expect i genuine remedy, e United States be it paid reputation for professional stumers too highly to offer ip of Figs Syrup Co., and in order to its beneficial effects, one has fall name of the Company? iuted oil the front of every size only. mm ii I i SS DYES In cold water butter than any other itre. You can IMtOK 1?Itl ti CO., (JiUuvlllr, MiMourl W. L. DOUGLAS *3.50&*3.00 Shoes BEST IN THE WORLD W.LOouglas $4 Gilt Edge cannolboequalledatanypriCT f ? flfc\ To Shoe Pealert : / jjy, \ W. 1.. JK)iiicIiit* .lot- I cSKt fBk \ lilntf Hoiimi U the ino*t / ptf \ couiylei?*Inthitcom.11 y I K. J Jfi 1 Sena/or Catalog I 1 SHOES FOE EVERYBODY AT Man's Shoes, $a to ft.BO. Boys' Shoes. II Women's SUoim. S4 OO to Cl.BO. Misses* &. Children's Shoes. >2.29 to Sl.OO. Try W. I.. DiiiikIui Women'*, S11mi-? ?n< Children's nHock; for style, lit nnd neat they excel other makes. If I could take you into niy lirn factories at Brockton, A\ass.,and shoV yob how carefully W.L. Douglas shoe* are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater \alut than any other make. Wherever you live, you cun obtain W. I? Douglas shoes. HI* mmr and price is stamped on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and Interior shoes. Take no aubatl* tut*. Ask your dealer for W. L. Douglas ihots and Insist upon having them. fast Color tuatrts usatf; tncy will not uaur litns*^. Write for Illustrated Catalog of Kali St vies. W. L. DOUULAS, Dept. IS, Brockton,'Mass. Dropsy W Itemoves all swelling in 8 tosa days; effects a permanent curt /4\ jgf la yoto 6o davs. TrUllrealmeet aONi\^^kgivea (r?e. Not bin conn be fairer Write Dr. H. H. Green's Sons,, gWHtssnlsllitt Box b Allxnts. 6*. take Cardui"? writes Mrs. nma Mullins of Odessa, VV. "Because, after suffering several years with female ?le, and trying different doc obtaining relief. I at last golden medicine for all ray above all others for female lief for backache, headache, painful or unhealthy catats from which sick women delicate women. A pure ind women who are subject o their sex. Has benefited uffer as you do. ?l.00 bottles. 1 fiAROUl i \ ? ^