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I ll) the Local Field. .Mi's. F?. W. Kimbrell and two lit tie sons are reported to be ill at their home on Booth street. Mr. VV. R. Warren was in to*, n Saturday for the first time ir several weeks, having been confined to his home bv sickness. Mi:;.- Perry Saville, of Statesville, is visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. J. W. McElhaney, on Confederate street. I As v/.'ll be seen by notice elsev hero, Treasurer Neely will be in Foi t Mill Friday and Saturday, flu i.h and 10th days of Novcm!i '. for the collection of State i d county taxes. The town treasurer's books foi the collection of property tax for spoke of him in very complimentary terms. The picking of one hundred pounds of cotton in one day by a man who has passed 80* years of age is quite a difficult undertaking, yet this was accomplished a lew days ago by Mr. J. H. Osborn, who lives with his son on the plantation of Mr. W. F. Boyd in Upper Fort Mill. Mr. T. V. Boyd, of Upper Fort Mill, informs The Times that a portion of the Flint Hill road is at present well-nigh impassible. The entire road is in bad shape, but that portion near Steel creek bridge is washed into holes and gullies to such an extent as to make travel very dangerous. Mr. Boyd also reports the bridge over Steel creek in bad shape. Miss Bessie Poag, a teacher in the graded school here, was summoned to her home at Ebenczer Wednesday on account of the extreme illness of her father, Mr. Wm. J. Poag, who died Wednesday night at 11 o'clock. Mr. Poag was sixty years of age and was highly esteemed by all. Some of the carriers report the roads to be in worse fix than they have been in several years. The hard, incessant rains have done serious damage to the highways. The roads should have been thoroughly worked dnrincr the summer. Farmers will find hauling their cotton to market a serious problem with the thoroughfares in such bad condition. Mr. Otis McMurray, a nephew of Mr. J. H. McMurray, of this place, died in Savannah, Ga., a few days ago from injuries received while at work on the railroad. Mr. McMurray was 23 years of age and is survived by a wife and two children, who a short time ago visited relatives in this place. Seed Wheat. Tennessee May Wheat, for sowing, at $1.25 per byshel at A- 0. Jones'. inr year jujuo will close next T-ursday, November 1st. After iha*, date the usual penalty will Do imposed. Miss Minnie Garrison, whose illness was noted in our issue last week, was operated on for a >>endicitis at the Pryor hospital in Chester. The operation was ver y successful and Miss Garrisc i s recovery is speedily expo ,ed. i he high water in Sugar creek tv past week wrought eonsider5.': damage to Bailes' bridge by washing away the foundation and c u-ing one of the benches to several inches. The damage fas been repaired and the bridge is now passable, but it is feared that nnnthor ciipVi fT-ooVic?f would carry the entire structure avay. .dr. Scott, the Charlotte photographer, arrived Monnay and for the week is occupying- his branch studio in the Massey building over the store of the Parks Drug Co. Many of the p 'ople of the township are availing themselves of the opI ortinity thus olfered of having fine pictures made. Those of our citizens who wish to vote in the municipal and other avm elections during 1907 should seem e certificates of registration. Mr. R. M. Hood has charge of the books and will issue certificates to those who are qualified to register. The books close Saturday, December 22nd. Mr. L. N. Gulp lies critically ill at his home on Confederate street from paralysis by which he was stricken Monday night. Mr. Gulp is totally helpless and unless a change for the better takes place soon it is believed that he can survive but a short time. ,f Mr. W. R. Bradford has given up the position which he has held on the Charlotte Observer * for the past five months and will return to The State on the 1st of November. Mr. Bradford had been with the State for several years prior to last May and when ho resigned that paper ] At a meeting held in the Commercial Club rooms on MonI day afternoon* Oct, 22nd "The ' Fort Mill Dramatic Club" was j reorganized, and the following officers were elected: Pres. J. Harvey Witherspoon; V-Pres. Dr. J. B. Elliott; Sec'y and iTres., S. L, Meacham; Critic, ! Miss Kittie Kirkpatrick; Stage Manager, F. H. Huggins; Press j Agent, J. J. Bailes. It was decided that the first production i would come off on November 28th, Wednesday night before Thanksgiving. "Down in Dixie" is the title of the play selected. Well Known Citizen Suicides. Mr. W. Isaac Jones, a well known resident of the township, died early Monday morning at the home of his nephew, Mr. W. H. Jones, two miles west i of Fort Mill, as the result of a gun-shot wound self-inflicted Friday afternoon. The burial topk piace Monday afternoon at the ; town cemetery, after services by Rev.- J. H. Chandler. Mr. Jones was 69 years of age and unmarried. He was an exj Confederate, having served the i four years of the Civil war, and was a member of the Fort Mill i camp of veterans. Several years i ago Mr. Jones' health began to i fail and it was noticed that i his mind was being affected by , his illness and, subsequently, he was treated at the State hospital I in Columbia. After remaining ! there for several months his condition showed such improvement I that he returned to his home I here. Lately, however, his health has been failing rapidly and for several weeks he had been confiinod tn his mnm a rrroataf narf of the time. Several times since his mind became deranged Mr. Jones had attempted to end his own life and barely succeeded Friday when he prepared a shotgun and received a glancing discharge on the side of his head. Mr. Jones was an uncle of Mr. A. O. Jones, of this place, and Messrs. VV. II. and Edgar Jones and Mrs. W. H. Crook, of the township. Will Push the Bridge Proposition. The Times is pleased to announce that the Commercial Club has taken up the matter of building an iron or Steele bridge over Sugar creek and will exert fevery effort to succeed in the undertaking. A special meeting of the club was held Monday morning and the bridge matter was the subject of a lengthy discussion. A committe consisting of Messrs. J. M. Spratt, W. B. Ardrey and S. A. Epps, was appointed to communicate with the officials of York and Lancaster counties in regard to the matter, and this committee has addressed a letter to officials of the two counties asking that they meet the committee on Friday, next, or at a convenient date, for the purpose of taking some definite action. It is explained in the letter that the trade from Pleasant Valley and upper section of Lancaster countv I is being diverted to Pineville on account of better roads and bridges, and that the people of Fort Mill are willing to "go down in their pockets" to help build the bridge and hold the trade which rightly belongs to the town. This is a matter of the utmost importance to the people of Fort Mill towuship and the upper part of Laucaster county, and it is to be hoped that the officials of the two counties can come to an agreement and give us a bridge that can be crossed at all times. A BADLY BUENED GIRL or boy, inun or woman, i? quickly out . of pain if Buoklen's Arnica Snlve is ap- j plied promptly G. J. Welch, of Tekon. slia, Mich., says: ' I uso it in my family for cuts, sores and all skin injuries, and find it porfoct." Q.uiokest Pile cure j known Best healing salve made. 35c ! at all drng storos. ! TOWN HALL | Wednesday, November 28, "DOWN IN DIXIE" will be presented by the local Dramatic Club. Admisoion 15 and 25 cents. Doors open 7.30 p. m. TMES, 1906. For tho convenience of the Taxpayers ! of Fort Mill towufihip, I will attend at | Fort Mill on Friday, the 9th, and Saturday, the 10th, days of November. At Rook Hill Mouday, the 12th, to Saturday, the 17th, days of November. And at Yorkville from the 19th day of November until the 31st day of December, after which date tho penalties will bo addod. H.A.D. NKRLY, j Cuuuty Treasurer. 1 Many men give lavishly of gold, To baild bridges and castles and towers of old, If you want everlasting fame, a benefactor be, Give the poor and needy Rocky Moantain Tea.?Parks Drag Co. ?. THEY ME SHAKING DOWN ON THE RIVER UP ON THE HILLS. We have received a fresh shipment of Grove's Chill Tonic, direct from the factory. There is a whole lot in having it fresh. You pay the price for a fresh bottle and you ought to have it. We have all the other popular kinds. AUDREY'S wo! i iqtfr'q Rocky Mountain Toa Nuggets A Busy Medicine for Busy Peopla. Brines Golden Health and Renewed Vizor. A specific for Constipation. Indliremlon. Wrer and Kidney trouble*, Pimple". Eczema. Impure Blood. Bad Breath. Sluggish Bowels. Headache aud Backache. Its Hooky Mountain Tea in tablet form. 35 cents n b?x. Uenuino made by Hollmtu Dhco Company. Madison. Wis. I GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE II W. H. HOOVE! S3 DKALl ^ WINES, LIQUORS, CH 35 125 East Council Street, iS (iuote y?u f?ii? 55 Brandies, Wines, Etc.: $4 1 Gallon New Corn Whis ?1 Gallon 1-year-old Corn > 1 Gallon 2-year-old Corn > 1 Gallon 3-year-old Corn > re 1 Gallon 4-year-old Corn ) 1 Gallon New Rye Whiskc 1 Gallon 1-year-old Rye > $? 1 Gallon 2-year-old Rye A 1 Gallon James E. Pepper 1 Gallon Old Henry Rye V 4% 1 Gallon Echo Springs R *5 1 Gallon Apple Brandy (n< 1 Gallon Apple Brandy (o 4 Quarts 7-year-old Corn ( 12 Quarts Mountain Corn ?4 Quarts Old Henry Rye . 4 Quarts Rose Valley Rye 4 Quarts Malt Rye 4 Quarts Hoover's Choice We can furnish you anyth orders will receive prompt a I00OOQQ8 Ladies' and Miss Have Several L the arrival cloths, Moll Because the least money jgj 36-inch 1 0 regular pru ? 52-inch Bi X 42-inch M X Several pi (S Plaids, etc. ? Percales, R< <g Flannels, et X Ladies' F 0 Counterpan X We have a 0 can get the X Remembe 0 store. Com g or not. g Did you ? ? "Whits Flin ? ??0?0??5 NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Pursuant to a resolution of tho Board of Directors of the Fort Mill Manufacturing Company, passed at a meeting [ held this day, increasing capital stock of said com puny from $100,000 to $200,000 by issuing Oue Thousand shares of Preferred Stock of tho par value of $100 each, said Preferred stock to have the following preferences, liabilities and conditions, to wit: "Said stock shall be entitled to a semi-'tuuual dividend of per cent (and no more), out of the net earnings of said corporation and shall bo redeemable at par on and after Jany. 1st, 1017, at tho option of tho corporutiou. That no lien or mortgage shall be placed on the corporation's property during tho life of said stock, unless provision is mnde for the retirement of said stock at par, together with any unpaid dividends. And the bonded indebtedness now outstanding shall bo rotired before the issuing of this stock. No dividend shall bo paid on the Common Stock of the corporation nutil the semi-annual dividend of Ulg' per cent lias been ]taid or set aside to be paid on tho Preferred Stock." A meeting of the stockholders of the company is called for the purpose of codsidering said resolution, said meetto be held at tho office of the Company in Fort Mill, S. C. at tho regular semiannual meeting of tho stockholders, | viz, Novembor 13th, 1D0G at 10 o'clock | a. in Electric ^sob bitters AND KIDNEYS. Et & COMPANY, j| CRS IN K* 3ARS, TOBACCO, Etc. - - - Salisbury, N. C. ?? wing prices on Whiskies, ?? key $1.50 ?> Vhiskey 1.75 ?? Vhiskey 2.00 Vhiskey. 2.50 Vhiskey. 3.00 ?2 >Y-7 -- 1.75 ?? Vhiskey 2.00 Vhiskey 2.50 ?2 Rye Whiskey 3.00 ' ' Whiskey 3.00 *2 ye Whiskey 3.00 ?? cw; z.oU f.f> Id) 3.00 case goods). 4.00 ?5 (old) 7.00 3.70 3.80 << 3.70 Rye. 3.00 ing in our line and all mail ttention. sea' Shoes. Mens' a LADIES! ) You Wai adies have awaited, wit! of our New Taffeta Sil lair, Etc. Why have tin :y know we sell the very i Slack Taffeta, "Wear Gt :e $1.25 the yard, our prie oadcloth, the $1.25 Kind iohair, Black, Blue and Gi eces of the latest creatio Flanncletts, Outings, 2d Flannels, White Flanm c., all for your careful in: urnishing Goods, Wool es and Lacc Curtains, i few pairs of Hall Curtail m for the cost of making r you are always welcc e often whether you bi B. BEL iay "Capitola," "Guiding t?" They're the Leaders, * I I MEAOffkl qp Are the exclusive agent qja known brands of shoes: ? Drew Sell X Of, Portsmouth,' Ohio, are X Fine Shoes only. We have 1 sir six years. We cannot sell a * in all leathers?Kid, Gun jgj turn and McCoy and Welts. 0 Godmar ^ For women and children ii Bp shoe made for the money. 0 llostonia 0 For men. This is made b: 0 facturingr concerns in the < X cViooe of TO Crt 1 T' |TC1 WUWO AO tptl* UV <11111 ?P'l. VU. XI X kind of feet and wear, come I MEAGHAM ? Full line of Rubber Shoes. ?8808?8?8088{ >5 When y< || GOOD C || Try LOWN E || In stock, the || SAFETY 55 Price, with six I I 44 And to wi 55 we have the ^5 FOUNTAI 52 At ti ?;i II I PARKS D II yh Drug's, Toilet Article nd Boys' Shoes. ? I ftH ? I h patience, 0 ks, Broad- ? iy waited? 0 best for the ? larantced," ? e 95 cents. 0 I, at $1.00. g ey, 50c, $1. g ns in Grey @ Ginghams, ? els, Canton ? spection. ? Blankets, 2 tis left. You ? thiim. X >nie in our x ly from us q jK. I Star," or <8 @@???00??o^HH VI Sc epps^H s for the following: well by & Co., @H manufacturers of Ladies X I been selling this line for 5c I better one. We have them * Metal. Patent T.eath??f in lShoes a 5 given up to be the best CO n Shoes, ? f one of the largest manu- ? country, and are splendid X f you want shoes to fit all g I G EPPS I 900000008008^ 3u want || DANDY P ^ Y'S Best made || Christy Hoe RAZORS, II Blades, $1.50. <> rite with jj| Self Filling || N PENS, || [) each. || RUG CO. js, Paints, Oils, Etc. eft 4444444444444444444444444* I'l I .MID1T1 ; | Let the jI ! | Charlotte Steal Laundry j i ! J t i Laundir Your Llnoa. ) ill i: i [ We hnve the XSi^p^est and ] r | ! [ Best Laundry Plant in ) j ! [ the Carolines. We do more ] | ![ work than any laundry in )i ![ the Carolinas. We do Bet- { j / \\ tor work than any laundry j j J 11 in the South. Our agents, j j ? whose name is attached ! i 2 hereto, Iihb instructions to 1! ( | I ) give you full and complete ] [ Hntisfftction or make no J j i[ charge. <> it Isn't that fair dealing ? ] ' l> i: i; PARKS DRUG COMP'Y, jj AGENTS i| 1 OUT MILL, - - - - S. O. ! ! #??????< ' mmmmm?m^?'~~^E**!TSS?SS~S?3B3BZSE^SK33XZ3SSEE9 Liver Complaints; uses only Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets, and gives your money back if not satisfied. Your liver fl is the biggest trouble fl maker. If you would be i' ././JH well,try Ramon's t , ment. Only 25 csaMar, ! Ajfc Dr. King's NswUfaFUl *