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/_ News and Notes. The World's Conference of the W. C. T. U. including representatives from more than thirty countries, will sneet in Boston, Mass., October 17Oencral Funs ton is to be superceded in the chief military command in Cuba by Gen. J. Franklin Bell, and will leave Havana with Taft next Saturday. Proverbs and Phrases. The produee of the best of heads is often defeated by the best of hearts. Health is the most admirable manifestation of right living.?Humboldt. A good heart breaks bad fortune.? From the Spanish. The way to heaven is by weaping cross.?From the German. If you pull one pig by the tail, all the rest will squeai.?From the Dutch Make yourself honey and the flies will devour you.?-From the Italian. To be commended by those who might blame without fear gives great pleasure.?Agcsilaus. He who docs what he likes, does not what he ought.?From the Sapnish. Constant complaints never get pity.?From the German. He who is a donkey and believes himself a deer finds out his mistake at the leaping of the ditch.?From the Italian. That folly of old age which is called dortage is peculiar to silly old men, not to ago itself.?Cicero. Reflections of a Bachelor. Men dislike to blame themselves for their own faults, so they blame women for theirs. A man's conscience troubles him less than the fear of being caught at it. So. 42-'00. INTERESTING CONTEST. Heavy Cost of Unpaid Postage. One of the most curious contests over before the public wan conducted by many thousand persons under the offer of the Post u in Cereal Co., Ltd., of Battle Creek. Mich., for prizes of 31 boxes of gold and 300 greenbacks to those making the most words out I of the letters Y-I-O-Grape-Nuts. The contest, was started In February, 1906, and It was arranged to have the prizes awarded on Apr. 30, 1906. When the public announcement apponred many persons began to form the words from these letters, sometimes the whole family being occupied evenings, a combination of amusement and education. After a. while the lists began to eomo In to the Postum Omce, and before long the volume grew until it required wagons to carry the mull. Many of tho contestants were thoughtless enough to send their lists iflth Insufficient postage and for a period It cost the Company from twenty-live to fifty-eight und sixty ^dollars a day to pay tho unpaid post*agp. Young ladies, generally those who had graduated from the high school, were employed to cshtnino these lists and count the correct words. Webster's Dictionary was the standard, and each list was very carefully corrected, except those which fell below 8000, for it soon became clear that nothing below that could win. Some of the lists required the work of a young lady for a solid week on each individual list. The work was done very carefully and accurately, but tho Company bad no Idea, at the time the offer was made, that tho people would respond so generully, and they were compelled to till every available pace In the offices with these young lady examiners, and notwithstanding they worked steudily. it was impossible to complete the examination until Sept. 29, over six months after the prist"! should have been awarded. Tliis delay caused a great many inquiries and naturally created some dissatisfaction. It has been thought best to make this report in practically all of the newspapers In the United Stales and many of the magazines in order to make clear to the people the conditions of the contest. Many lists contained enormous numbers of words which, under the rules, had to be eliminated. "Pcggor" would count, "loggers" would not. Sumo lists contained over f>0,000 words, the great majority of which wore cut out. The largest lists were checked over two and in nomo cases three times to insure accuracy The 1100.00 gold prize was won by L. D. Ree*e, 1227-luth St., Denver, Colo., with 9941 correct worda. The highest $10.00 gold prize went to S. K. Fraser. Lincoln, Pa., with 9921 correct words. A complete list of the 331 winners with their home addresses will be sent to any contestant enquiring on a postal card. Be sure and give name and address clearly. This contest has cost tho Co. many thousand dollars, and probably has not been a prolltable advertisement, nevertheless, porhaps some who had never before tried Grape-Nuts food have been interested in tho contest, and from trial of the food havo b.-on shown its wonderful rebuilding paw era. It teaches In n practical manner that scientifically gathered food elements can be selected from the field grains which nature wIP use for rebuilding the nerva centres and brain In n way that is unmistakable to nsers of Orape-Nuts. "There's a reason." j: Late fiebuj < In 'Brief ^ > < ? ( * ;; MINOR MATTERS OF INTEREST i [ The League of Virginia Muncipalities, in session at Newport News, elected oflicers. Twenty-nine bodies have thus far been found in Pocahontas mine. The total dead is thought to be 70. The Christian Church Convention at Vienna, Va., adjourned. Three torrarocs caused much damage in New Orleans and vicinity, four persons being reported killed. An internal machine addressed to Governor Pcnnypaeker was held up at Harrisburg. A eomiuitec of North Carolinans went to New York to submit to the Mutual and New York Life Insurance Comapnies' managements and committees a reries of questions. Fifteen men are believed to have been killed by an explosion in a coal mine in New Mexico. Eight men were killed and gome 40 persons were injured by an explosion of pas in the Philadelphia subway, under construction. The UnitjJ Stales and Great Britain have adopted a modus vivendi that will enable United Slates firshermcn to lish with profit in Newfoundland waters. A severe shock of earthquake, supposed to have occurred in the Indian Ocean, was recorded by the Weather Bureau seismographs. American mills, the Census Bureau states, consumer 4.871,1 OS bales of cotton during the yenr ended August II, 1000. The first American soldiers were landed at Havana and luken to Camp Columbia. The report that Princess Patricia of Connaujjht has been betrothed to Grand Duke Michcal of Russia, only brother of the Czar, is denied in London and St. Petersburg. Sir Robert Hart has sent a circular to the foreign colony in Shsngki expressing confidence that his status with regard to the Chinese Customs will not be changed . Cotton mill agents in Rhode Island eomplain of scarcity of help in some departments and assert that in this respect the. increase of wages grauted Air) V ln?f unmmnr .1..1 4l? j wuiuuivi Ul<? lltvt lltlVC lilt: beneficial result hoped for. The increase has not thus far drawn hack a sufficient number of those who left the mills when wages were lower and when there was dissatisfaction among the workmen for other reasons. In some of the mills, at the present time, more looms are stopped than has been the ease here'ofore in the history of the industry in that State. In one large mill there are said to he (100 looms idle, where a few years ago the number of applicants for work exceeded the demand. A fifth of the looms in another large mill are said to be stopped for want of operatives. The Congress of Constitutional Democrats, in session at Helsingfors, Finland, approved the Viborg manifesto, but declared its enforcement at the present time inexpedient. Peaceful conditions in Cuba led to a rumor that the sending of the army thither might, he stopped. Further details were received at Hongkong of the foundering in a typhoon of the emigrant steamer Charter House, with a loss of over (10 lives, 25 persons being taken from a raft after they had been afloat 43 hours. The suit of Virginia against West | Virginia on tho ol.J debt settlement will tome up in the United States Supreme Court. Judge R. J. Lea of the Pulaski county, Ark., circuit court, specifically instructed the grand jury as to its inquiry into the lynching of II. G. Slack man, a negro, Sunday night in Argenta. Argcnta is in Pulaski county and is just across the Arkansas river from Little Rock. Judge Lea told the jurors that every member of the mob was a murderer and should be hunted down. The annual meeting of the Central of Georgia railway was held Monday. No change was made in the directors or officials. The financial statement of the road for the fiscal year issued several weeks ago was adopted. Commissioner Yearkes issued a sej of 152 regulations regarding the denaturizing of alcohol. > During the last fiscal year 4,506 trials by court-marshall were held; 42 officers were convicted. Submarine boats arc to be submitted to severe tests by naval experts. The transport Panama, with trt?ops, left Newport News for Cuba, and two more transports wu sail soon. Doctors Britton D. Evans ami ('lias. E. Warner of the Morris Plains insane asylum spent Reveral hours with Harry K. Thaw in his cell in the Tombs. The alienists declined to permit Dr. MeGuire, the Tombs physician, to be present during (be examination as a representative of the district attorney's office. Senator Bailey made an uddress at Houston, Texas, attempting to justify his relation as attorney to oil and oth*r corporate interests. P 9 I What Ails Yomt Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent headaches, coated tongue, bitter or bad taste in morning, "heartburn," belching of gas, acid risings In throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms? If yoH|n any considerable number of %ho>Aboreiymntome you are to (ferine from^iUoutnai^rberpId liver with IndieestlonSod^peth Pi <?ICla'n??^^Idfn I lteUfi4UliJ?2ifi?Xj842^^^loLills3S valuable medicinal principles known to medical science for the permanent Such abnormal enntfttlopi^ It IsaSoIl efficient liver invigorator. stomach tonic, bowel regulator and nerve strengtbener. The "Golden Medical Discovery " Is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at its formula will show that it contains no alcohol, or harmful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of tho following native American forest plants, viz.. Golden Seal root, Seonn root. Black Cherry bark. Queen's root. Blood root, and Mandrake root. The following leading medical authorities, among a hont of others, extol the foregoing roots for the cure of just such ailments as the above aymplums Indicate: I'rof. U. Rartholow, M. D.. of Jefferson Med. College. I'hlla.; Prof. H. C. Wood. M. D..of Unlv.of Pa.: Prof.Edwiu M. Hale. IL P.. of Hahnemann Med. College. Chicago; Prof. John King, M. 1).. Author of American Dispensatory; Prof. Jno. M. Scudder. M. D.. Authorof Hpeciflc Medicines; Prof. Laurence Johnson. M. D.. Med. Dept. Univ. of N. Y.; Prof. Flnley Klllngwood, M. P.. Author of Materia Medlca and I'rof. In Bennett Medical College. Chicago. Send name and address on Postal Card to Dr. R. V. l'lerce. Buffalo. N. Y., and receive frre booklet giving extracts from writings of all the above medical authors and many others endorsing. In thu strongest possible terms, each and every Ingredient of which "Golden Medical Discovery " Is composts! Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets regulate and iuvi?ur&w HTonmcii, iivpr inn ikiwpi^. i ney may he used In conjunction with "Oolden Medical Discovery " if bowels arv much constipated. They're tiny and suirar-coated. Hard on Paris. It Is unly Paris tliat could be expected to serve horse meat as lark pie. A man who can tell lark from horse after a Parisian chef has had his way with both would face no com. petition in a test to choose a universal taster. CURES CATARRH. Disease Comes From Weak Stomach Wonderful Results Obtained by Taking Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy. You know the symptoms: hawking and spitting by day. swallowing the poisonous mucus by night; bad a???-% broath. foul taste, f constipation, stopped up nose, headache, dissiness. that awful dropping In the throat, nervousness, pains and aches in back,'side or bones. It all enniM fenrn t? m'onV stomach or dyspepsia. Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy acts on the digestive fluids, makes new rich blood and cures in this ,wuy the worst case of catarrh, dtop using sprays, blood purifyors or inhaling tnodieatcd vapors. when the real trouble is in the diseased stomach. Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy is the oaly real cure by strengthening your weak stomach, curing your indigestion or dyspepsia and vilest form of catarrh. Hundreds of cures made after all other treatments had failed. Druggists or by express 60 cents a bottle. Money refunded if it fails to cure. Book, "Key to Health," free by writing to Tyner Remedy Co., Augusta, Oa. Different. "Let me have thirty dollars," said a prospector one day to a lawyer friend. "I must have powder and grub. I'll pay you back within a week. I've struck It rich. I'm within three feet of a million dollars." Two weeks later the lawyer, who had accommodated his friend, met him on the street. The prospector seemed anxious to avoid his creditor. "The last time I saw you, you were within three feet of a million dollars," remarked the lawyer. "What's the news now?" "Oh, thundrration," said tho prospector, "I'm not within a million feet of three dollars."?From "The Story of Montana," by C. P. Connolly in McC'ure's. You are not likely to find faith when you are looking- for flaws. I Hrtn I 11V1I I Cur I for jWonr I WRIT* OS m H Mi Mdf, In sMdMt {aifeiit tMMw, Mi atettaK yw ? . H vnt AVVICR, In plai* amlo* ? mMi II Mgr Book m "Km TtmI m Annm: LjMm* AMnry laftNtloiic of a Bachelor. What becomes of the attan lea re b the women preset Occasionally a wise man makes fool remarks just to fool people. It paye to be honest?but the pay often goes to the other fellow. Any man who knows his place is never out of place any wlyxe. The experience we buy is really the only kind worth the price. TERRIBLE SCALP HUMOR. Im4 Cnrtd With lwi.t Sere., With Lmi mt Malr?Another 9pe*4y Car* by Outturns* BwmSIm. "AH ay life I had been troubled me? or leas with hesaor in ay scalp, but about a year at? it became worse, and my aaalp was covered with little sores, which itched so it nearly mado me cruy; up hair alee bepB to get dry and (all out. 1 tried all kinds of hair restorers with ae effeot, end I was nearly discouraged, but one dap I was reading in a paper what the Cuticura Remedies had done for scalp di sears, and decided to make a trial. I got a cake of Cuticura Soap, a box of C? tiearn Ointment and Cuticura Resolvent aiv. r i >l.? k:? .? * im?. A ucvu IUCIU KCVruiQ( IO QliVt tions, and aeon noticed a difference; the tiny soree on my scalp began to heal, the itching topped, and my hair began te grew thick. I have nsed only the one cake of Cuticura Soap, one bos of Oint* meat and one rial of Pilli, and now X have no humor on my sealp and my hair ia soft and ailky. Mies Mayzie C. Atkins, Box 32, East Origans, Man., Mar. 19, 1905." Asia bought $105,000,000 worth of American goods in the last fiscal year, a decrease of $23,000,000 from 1901, but au increase of $36,600,000 ortr 1904. Beware of Ointments For Catarrh Thai Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense ef smell aad completely derange the whole syatern whon entering it throug i the raucous eurfaoes. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from refutable ths damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Ball's Catarrh Cure, manuisutured by F. J. Ohaner A Co.. Toledo, O., contain* no meroatY, and Is taken internally, act ng directly Upon the b ood and mncous surfaces of the system, la buying Hall's Qatar h Cure be are you get the genuine. It is taken into nallv and made la Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists; price, 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Fills for oonstlpatloa. Railroad detectives at Chlckasha, Okla. T., searching for lost tools taken by shopmen, found that one employe had hauled away a locomotive cab and attached it to hie house for use as a kitchen. Mrs. Winslow'sSoothing Kympfor Children teething, softens tbeguni>sroduceainllammation, allays pain,curca wind colic, 25cabottl? Fools never know when to stop talking, but the wise men always know when not to begin. A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. How a Veteran Was Saved the Amputatiou ? < a Limb. B. Frank Doremus, veteran, of Reoscvelt Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., says: "I had been showing syinp1 Stems of kidney trouble from the time I was mustered out of the army, but In all my life 1 never suffered an in 1897. Headaches, dizziness and sleeplessness first, and then dropsy. I was weak and helpless, having run down from 180 to 125 pounds. I was having terrible pain in the kidueyB and the secretions passed almost involuntarily. My left, leg swelled until it was thirty-four Inches around, and the doctor tapped ib in?in anu morning unui 1 couia no longer stand it, and then he advised amputation. I refused, and began using Doan's Kidney Pills. The swelling subsided gradually, the urine became natural and all my pain*- and aches disappeared. I have been well now for nine years since using Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. BO cents a box. Fostcr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A man's conscience troubles him less than the fear of being caught at it. ie the ordeal of the Cardui H a .a. Mre Pllen C I female troubi I and grew */e began to taki WINE ten 0F vhicb releved tr my friends." T XLT eases peci die r k . WHnc ? yoer totoxlcsting pre? Wewl* send yae femsle organs l emHor^Wonmfunctions and n At Ev< \ A SK As Ly? Tot bee and investigating nind, an earnest eeeker after knowledge, and above all, posMUtd of a wonderfully ?_vmpathetic nature. In IMS she married Isaac Pinkham, a builder and real estate operator, and their early married life was marked by prosperity and happiness. They had four children, three sons and a daughter. In those good old fashioned days it was oenunon for mothers to make their own home medicines from roots and herbs, nature's own remedies? calling in a physician only in specially argent cases. By tradition and exSerience many of them gained n wonerful knowledge of the curative properties of the varioua roots and herbs. Mrs. Pinkham took n great interest in the study of roots and herbs, their 1 biiBiMtciiincii uu power oT?r aiMasc. She maintained that juat aa nature so bountifully provides In the harvest fields and orchards vegetable foods of nil kinds; so, if we hut take the pains to find them, in the roots and herbs of the field there are remediea expresetj designed to cure the vnrious tile and weaknesses of the body, and' it was her pleasure to search these out, and prepare etmple and effective medi eines for her own family and friends. Chief of these was a rare combination of the choicest medicinal roots and herbs found beat adapted for the cure of the ills and weaknesses peculiar to the female sex, and Lydla E.Pinkham's friends and neighbors learned that her compound relieved and cured and it became quite popular among them. All this so far was done freely, without money and without price, as a labor of love. But in 1673 the financial crisis struck Lynn. Its length and severity were too much for the large real estate interests of the I'inkham family, aa this class of business suffered most from fearful depression, so when the Centennial year dawned it found their property syept away. Some other source of income had to be found. At this point Lydia tl. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was made known to the world. The three sons and the daughter, with their mother, combined forces to ! What a delightful old world this would be if fussy people would only lose their tempers for keeps, born. A , HICKS* S-Mcapjdine ALL ACHES And Nervousness Trial bottle 10c Atdrul HarM If You Fe describing your sickness by word ome Treatment, and see If it will flbert, of Villa Ridge, 111., who w ; and those choking, fainting spells :aker and weaker. Friends cam< CARD m right avray. Nov I am getting aJorg i ha merits of Cardui, aa a rehabie and of fe i vomaa, have been knovn for the paat 50 oration of vegetable Ingredients, having a | nf functions. Cardui has been found t uton Vm disordered erg nS to health. sry Drug Store In 1 - , ( E WAS LYDIA B. P1NKHAM Vegetable Compound ; "Panic of '73** Caused : Sale in Drug Stores. >ro ih* family fortune. Th*y ed tbot the modicino which waa ood for their woman friend* and ibor* was squally rood for the an of th? whole worli. e Pinkhams had bo money, and > credit. Their first laboratory the kitchen, where roots and ? were steeped on the store, tally filling a gross of bottles. came the question of sellimr?r always before they had givsa ray freely. They hired a job printer to run off some pamphlets setting forth the merits of the medicine, now ealled Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, and these were distributed by the Pinkham sons ia Boston, New York, and Brooklyn. The wonderful curative properties of the medicine were, to a great extent, self-advertising, for whoever used it recommended it to others, and tbe demand gradually increased. In 1877, by combined efforts tlie family had saved enengh money fie commence newspaper ad vertising and from that time the growth and success of the enterprise were assured, until today Lydia K Pinkham and her Vege.table Compound have become household words everywhere, and many tons of roots and herbs are used annually in its manufacture. Lydia E. PinJtham herself did not live to see the great success of this au. ? 1 - - i ? *?W4 a. uuc pupca vu ncr rcwira ycsrt ago, but not till she had provide*! means for continuing' her work a* effectively an ahe oould have done it herself. During her long and eventful experience she was ever methodical in her work and she was always careful to preserve a record of every ease that came te her attention. The case of every sick woman who applied to her for advice? and there were thousands?received careful study, and the details, including symptoms, treatment and results were recorded for future reference, and to-day these records, stogethex with hundreds of thousands made since, are available to alck women the world over, and represent a vast collaboration of information rrgarding the treatment of woman's ills, which for authenticity and accuracy can hardly be equaled in auy library in the world. With Lydla E. Pinkham worked her daughter-in-law, the present Mrs. Pinkham. She was carefully instructed In sll her hsrd-won knowledge, and for yoars she assisted her in her vast correspondence. To her hands naturally fell the direotlon of the work when its originator passed away. For nearly twenty five years she ha* continued it, and nothing in the work shows when the first Lydia E. Pinkham dropped her peu. and the present Mrs. Pinkhuin, now the mother of a large family, look it up. With woman assistants, some a* capable as herself, the present Mrs. Pinkham continue this great work .and nrobablv from th? >" ?<v person lmve bo many women been advised how to regain health. Sick women. this advice is "Your# (or Health" freely given if yoa only write to ask for it. Such is the history of Eydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ; muds from simple roots and herbs; the on# great medicine for wcaaen s ailments, and the fitting monument to the nobl* womuu whose name it bears. CHOICK Pecan Tree*. We have thousand*. Hen# for price*. Co-Op ora'lvuNuriery Co., CS*.t. V. C. So. 42 *06 WATCHRS?Write for otir local Agency pi -poeltton. Watch free for Introdu-'tlnn of good*. \ oun for uu*r? den-iriu nu-l mutual profit. OKI.I'-ANi WATCM CO..*. NeU. pHRI^TKAS 9PRCIAI.?Weofferhar.dtoms V.' Gold Cuff button* (ten year guarantee) for one dollar pair. Plain nlgnet button will: monourim la IKtpultr now. I>? KLwKl.V OO., Kaltlinow, Mil. v.? Thompson's EyeWater iar I | of mouth, why not try |fi not help you, as it did riies: "I suffered from |9 ?. 1 was very nervous, I i to see me die, but I fl I I Ill Woman's I Dp I fine and recommend 1ft to all B ctive reined/ for all the dU- B yean. It la a pare end Don- B tecuBar curative effect on the B o relate pain, refukfto fitful B Try It 3 ELOO Bottles ? ji