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lit ; !i o- / * II ' { AT ALL FBICES. 4.fcO. B tyr' Shotv. i*3 dh.K-1. ?:|.CO to *l.SO a'o oil ? ?, to $i.oo jftii'i Women**, uuil iih'i; lor i?tj lt>, fit hu?1 y ?*xrrl oilier luukut, ?id take you my larjje . tes at Brockton, Mass..and show now carciully W.L. Douglassltosi e maJe, you would tlicu understood why they hold their shop?, tit better, wear longer, and are rf ?reatcr value jilr 'than any other muke. HH 5- WIwrtvcr you live. rati (<bCnin >v. i.. | rJV*?gl?* lioev Ml* nuine and pnw I* tamped . ?ti UM bottom, nillch protects you Jguir.:>t high 1 ijtsrn.cs and Interior nhoot. Tn'lre no sabstir Cute. Aik your dealer lor W. L. l)ougla? whocs ?ntl ln?i?t upon having them. Q #*?( Color Eui'lrts in* J: thry will rot u our brassy. Write hir flltiaifatrd Catalog ol l-'afl Sl\'es. W. L. DOVOLAS, l)epl. 15. H rock ton, Mats. 80. 41- '06. He Knows!) ^ kSl the kind of i\7 {VjjSF \ Waterproof I (<-/?V*4\/ Oiled Clothino] \ ji// ' that stands \h*eV3f? / ; V JT L hardest service . -/ J < DoYcuKnow? -7, 7 A ; >;f PJI - ^ I f // i VW<i.k>r .il U.j*. 4J//' J I of 'Wit work, or aport 1VM.0 everywhere \ 1 I r ' s <r , its 1 A.ue and hat-ato falso. jxpr Pr?siirr y( iHtL^ 'ldriiK-r e t rial or Rut the njunil by riirk* alih .iimdri'ds of defamatory im.vHlnir remade as Inconat ler was. Imwin the Huproino j j which promptly I bo Doctors favor. ( < to Kt-iuf and tholr ted. cays l?e nice to a man i love with him. a Son*, of Atlanta, On., are ..stul Dropsy Specialist* In the iliolr libera, offer In aiirertlse. her calumn of this paper. S; ids Was Satisfied. "'Very oil," said Mr. Quarterman. when Sands, a groeer, refused take hu'c an alleged luilf ernwn, 'lil-V yoii'e got yourself to thank. |Y.V !?> ,jy custom. (Sood evening!" And he put it back in his I .u ho fore the got to the door lie !lt|i?g tin' eo<i back uguin oil* the < iHUiter. says it Hits. "Keep it," o said, with withering sat. asm, "and uiss it ?n to the next idiot who think*, ho is dealing with an honest man md doesn't bite each < ci as he rooiives it." And. with a eunfortinjc feeliug that Sitods had not bad tbinip* all his own way \ iih him, Quarterman loryiced out. Hut when luVoi homo tuiid hapjVn i d, t?i look overjiis loose /change and t'ohld the dear <?d pewter half crown siil! among its mop wnrt/hy hrethrei, lie went into the mieU'fft place ir the garden and kic-d' himself se? V?r?lv. . 1 .. \l. V'.'i stuuehow or othet he had not . the heart to go and explain to Sands | ;!t>f< he had thing a good coin down instead of tlie pewter one. iy(\V IT STRUCK HIM. Mrs. Suburbs (with papjr)?"I st. . ttjht the rile of the Car;!?* of lulen p'-i \j ' been located." Vj- fiuhgri t. "Yes? When e. ill the lots t ike place and what's frcui th- City Hall * Puck. T III..! t li flic work %ou do and not the y*+ sdo.v that counts. ty; 1 ' * K\' U Ti-rima riTiirrriifi mmmmu7~ llaDjr Htre Dyspepsia andf (Matt Kaeto It?Read Symptoms?IHaasy Back if It Falls ts Otoe. Dyspepsia in any fo^n.gas belchug, bitter taste, bad/breatfiu ditty ipells, sour stomach,fheart flatter, nervousness. spc j. J or **XH before tb i \ oyer, vomit y feel JL ,n8 pain* in stoni 7 A *& *cb, side or back anl all other symp ' toas of Icdigestioi /I oj Dyspepsia. Ty ner's Dyspepsii Remedy strength tomachs, stops colic an< G in'nutes. Heals can os Catarrhal Dyapepsh 5, Spitting. Coughtngii id Diver trouble. allr0( om a weak stoma^, oia Remedy compo^d ? ? ....1. I ii "1M, uu W"-".'50Q0U* | ifc cure and the best 1 disease* arising from ' ies. Druggists, or sent :r 30c. Book. "Key to o by writing Tynev Dysidy Co., Augusta. Ga. the first South American lid railways*, of which it arly :t.n00 in lies. RAW WITH ECZEMA. T?a V??r??Sprrmt to Body I ltin?Cured by the Cuttrum r.omctlitk. . ems on my bands lor tea at it would break out only hen it finally came to stay, ^e good doctors to do all they 'lit none of them did any good. I icd one box of Cuticura Ointment rce bo'ties of Cuticura Ilcsolvent, 3 completely cured. My bands were over, inside and out, and the ocas spreading alt over my body and Before I had used or.c bottle of a lfesolvent, together with the nt. my sores were nearly healed id by the time I iuid used the third I vw entirely well. 1 had r. good and was fleshier than i ever was. no who hn.s any skin or blood I would honestly them to Cuticura Kemediee, and get well than all the dermis in the State .re yon Mrs. II. M. Falin, Speers 'a.. May 19. 190.")." man's :dea of a soil answer iivo a J illow i: her husband 's Wi ucilow's Sooth 1 ng Syrup for Children ldiig.softens thcgunis.rMooeolnfliuiuriHrj i allays pftin,cures wind colic. "V a bottle Pointed Paragraphs. I.ittle acts of kindness always come nunc to roost. A pretty girl looks more so when he right man tells her so. The longer a man aims, tlie more ikoly he is to miss the target. Trvillir l?? iinliw-" u??ni#? In >o thankful is a thankless task. l.ove enables a man to reach the limit of either happiness or misery. A woman's face may be her fortune, but a man's ehc? k often enables him to acquire a fortune. You cannot elect Heaven while you reject holiness. You can never jjet life's perspective from time's platform. You are not likely to timl faith when you arc looking; for Haws. The church with a iro to it is the church that after people. Kvcry time of iest stands for a responsibility for larger service. Your likeness will be the thimrs on which you look. To give way to heavenly forces is to me cured of earthly faults. Your life will be resistless with men when its reserves are with God. F.ven Bnddah was once a cart horse and carried the loads of others? From the Hindoo. You cannot measure a man's eloscness to God by the closeness of his disposition. T.OOKE TEETH Made Sound by Eating Grape-Nuts. Proper food nourishes every par., of the body, because Nature selects th~ different materials from the food we eat, to build bone, nerve, brain, muscle, teeth, etc. All we need is to eat the right kind of food slowly, chewing it well ?our digestive organs take it up into the blood and the blood carries it all through the body, to e\erv little nook and corner. If gorao one would ask you, "Is Grape-Nnts good for loose teeth?" you'd probably say, "No, 1 don't see nuw 11 couin op. Hut a woman In uut -io writes: "For the past two years 1 have used Grape-Nuts Food with most exc -.lent results. It seems to take the place of medicine in many ways, builds vp the nerves and restores the health generally. "A littla Grape-Nuts taken betore retiring soothes niy nervpr. and gives .sound sloap." (Because it relieves liability of the stomach nerves, bea.?tn^Tideated food.i k 'Before I used Grape-Nuts my teeth were l ?ose in the gums. They were so tvsd I was afraid >hey would some day all "fall oxit. 8ince I have used Grape-Nuta I have not been bothered any more with loose teeth. "All desire for pastry has disappeared and 1 hav? gain''' in health, weight and happiness since 1 bega t use Giapa-Nuts." Name given by Postum Co., Ba.tle Creek. Mieh. Get the fatuous little book, "The Road to Wol'.ville," in pkg*. "There's a reaaon. 'Ik k t I 101 1as with Joyous hearts and hov conducive to health en,oy, the cleanly, regular 1 diet of which they should p | net by constant medication 0'J3 or objectionable nature nature, only those of kne^ ind wholesome and truly Syrup of Figs, manufactun come into general favor in Iof its quality and excellenc Syrup of Figs has also they know it is wholesome ble physicians as to the original method, from cert presented in an agreeable used to promote the pleasj we are free to refer to al , medicines and never favor Please to remember ar r always has the full name II printed on the front of evei fl only If any deaier offers I printed thereon the name c the genuine you will net g< ft a bottle on hand, as it is whenever a laxative remec i J An ounce < profit and loss c a dry axle?do only lubricant economical lubr property, great; the longest proi the lubricant is Mica Axle smooth hard s' specially prepai body between z 1 ir. JVIig 1 GF I ^.ou PUTNAM Color niori- K'XHlxtirik'hii'r uikI f?; Irr Uufi Mi? <>i dye Aitjr k?riu' iu v. llbout ripping apjri. W run iwr i Honfuty hots the drvil. Mfe CAPUDINE Ajfcgc I IMKrolATF.LV CI Rtt 1J /jj\ U HEADACHES J^^Tl : t-V^DrcAK* op COLD'S in o to it noiki ?'nti #>*-? Mc. At Omagtou JoyThey Every He smiling faces th^y romp and pia> the games in which they indul^ riabits they should be taught to fc artake. How tenderly their hea . but by careful avoidance of evei i, and if at any time a remedial aj, vn excellence should be Used; r beneficial in effect, like the pie ed oy the California Fig Syrup ( many millions of well informed i e is based upon personal knowle met with the approval of physic , simple and gentle In its action medicinal principles of Syrup c ain plants known to them to ac syrup in which the wholesome C mt taste; therefore it is not a se 1 well informed physicians, who < indiscriminate self-medication id teach vour children also that tr of the Company?California 1 ry package and that it is for sal j any other than the regular Fi )f any other company, do not acc it its beneficial effects. Every ia > equally beneficial for the par [y is required. i-'t_.L gssgEm:3?Mll^^ l Makes >Load Li af grease is sometimes the only ai >ri a day's teaming. You know you know as well that Mica Ax you can afford? Mica Axle G icant, because it alone possesses idhesive power, and long-wearing itable use of your outfit is to be Mica Axle Grease. ; Grease contains powdered mic urtace on the axle, and reduces *ed mineral grease forms an effe ixle and box. Mica Axle Greas* longest?one c a week's team -~Y) xi} Grease saves h ,A sequeutly sav Srff|fl|W Ax!e Grease (Ac ico a mtra,doubl * dealer does no S !? A<ii Grease we w.ll %bw do?r" STANDAR; FADELE urru>?-. iHtn !?? . fm< turn kII Ahxrn, *1 Ji?-> <1 y? irxr booklet?How to live. Ithram ?? i Mix Color*. M llll MTrn <?n 1*7 fl Mi I S I I ? 11 >lia u.ourt wl<u ar? nr.? 11?. VII Ml" I LU nit 'r.b?, (i) oi ,. ? CM who erteil 'n !>< K >??-? >ibi. rr ( >:i? u?".ro?t H'" oi 'K'fc or ?*.ior*. u<.? t.? ?-*-? A X.? I'M AN MCKFOI.Ii. ??*li ii*toi?, I). C ( II || ISTH A < S!*K.< M I lt&'? l(h*r Hand* _ ilolil Clltr I.UIIOI * iril -? i fi<- >n a '!> >.n. I'Uin tiLufi oovloo m;h iiihihivirun .? ImOmiUi Iiunr. M. m.U1;!N i '<I i l> loon*. M . XXJ \TCDF.*? W'r'le i< r >>nr l< ?? j*nry pr -tv>.! *' lion.iVmrh f r? *r: Mi n 'o.'j > " .V>> tr? tii- >|? > ii? tit1 >>ihi i p ?.U. UI'IJIIU i XVATC'H CO., Or> n>, . . j. i WP: r -r V ; B jyjra-mxxxa ? )ME ! '?when in health ? and 1 *e, the outdoor lifo they j 3rm and the wholesome | 1th should be preserved. 1 ry medicine of an injuri- II ;cnt is required, to assist I] emeaies which are pure II :asant laxative remedy, I Zo. Syrup of Figs has I amilies, whose estimate I ;age and use. $ dans generaliy, because I We inform all reputa- I i Figs, obtained, by an I* :t most beneficially and J i^alifornian blue figs are W :cret remedy and hence U do not approve of patent I o le genuine Syrup of Figs J rig Syrup Co?plainly e in bottles of one size I ifty cent size., or having || ept it If you fail to get 11 rZ tit, J - 1 I 111 mil}' iiiuuiu d.iways nave igl ents and the children. Ill ? the if ighter I * 1 Kg fferenco between fig you can't afford :le Grease is the rease is the most ggj high lubricating [ quality. Hence, \ had only when Ef a. This forms a Kf ; friction, while a K ctivc cushioning EL * wears best and Teasing does for v?j ing. Mica Axle |h orse power?con- gy res feed. Mica ia is the best labri- jt|f. rid -use it and L' e load. Jf your fcj t keep Mica Axle tell you one who jtj|| l> Oil. C'OMP.INV EE3?aFM^?! S S BYES 1 iu o?M wrticr ltetlor ilun ii.iy olbrr ily<\ You . iu ON not: Iltcl <; ?:<>., I munvlilc, .tliaaourl (IHOH'K rcoN Trees. V?Y hare tlioi .11 . ' nd J for pri.-in., O.-.'pi-rat Uo Nitr..?*ry C\i., N. CL #3.1Dropsy II Y 4Cfl|L Removes all srrriMnjr In 8 to ro \ -W- days ; ejects a permanent cure \ ir. iilo 6adiv>. TrtiUrcnnii'cl <CW\-l\jsiri v 11 free. ftoiblnpcan be fairer *'.7v Writ- Or. H. H. tree-.'a $o?s. 5c Cos u Atlanta, 'la. r i.y, Y ' flifcjisL. 9Hb