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Kr i 1 FC liiTH YEAR. A QUIET LYNCHING Business Men hang Criminals to Prevent Rioting NOT A SINGLE SHOT WAS FIRED Quiet Suburban Lynching is Put Through by Parties of Men Who RoarrlnW Tr*i n "Roorinrr Vnrrrrt Pa. pists Back for Trial and Gave as Their Reason Tht They Wished to Avoid Bloody Riots Inevitable if the Mon Reached the City Alive? Mob Composed of 15 Business Men, Said One of its Members?Morbid Crowds to Scene. Mobile, Ala., Special.?Tin* crimes committed upon Kna May Fowler, Lillian May Sevi II, Ruth Sossamau, an?| attempts on others whose names are nnl fiiveu, were revenged by a parl\ of i't aien Saturday afternoon at I'JijI.'t o'eleok in a lonely place just oil' ilie llolt road, in the neighborhood of I'rieluird's Station. The leutleis oi'deietl the men, who were ail armed with revolvers, shotguns and titles. not to tire a shot and the orders were carried out. Thompson, the nei-ro youth who eonmiitted the lirst erinie- that startled the people of MoltiIt and worked them up into a fury w:!-. hansel tirst. Kobinson, the olliet nei?ro. was executed inuitetlialely afterwards. A lonir half-ineh rope was thrown over the liinb of a live-oak tree and Robinson was drawn up about ' ? feet and the rope was fastened. Ue slowly strangled i?> deal it. Aeeoidiug to one ol the leaders of the moh, Robinson confessed. The A -seriated l'ress representative was i ailed over to hear the confession. but Robinson looked frightened and said that he was not the man. Robinson was hauled at l"J:ds p. in. Thompsun was hanged before I be body of Robinson win rut down. The hunting of the negroes was eolidueled if a very ijuiet inaunet w.d during the time that the work was going on hardly a word was spoken. The negro Thompson was very sullen from the time lie was taken oil the train until the rope was placed around his neck. Robinson maintained that lie was going to heaven. When Mount Vernon was reaehed on the trip from Birmingham, eight men wearing white masks hoarded the train, five of them leveling pistol at Sheriff Powers and his deputy ami said the men had route for the prisoners. The revolver* of the sheriff and deputy were taken front theiu. The eoitdtielor of the train was asked to move a!! the people in the lirstrlas.s eoaeh ty the rear seats, as others of the erowd were going to get on the train at Plateau. The eomluetor i-ompti'-d witlj th" request and some of the pas niger-. were also placed in the sleeper. One of the in oh lenders who stood on the pint form of the train, heavily masked, said that the erowd whieh had just hoarded the train were all business men of M >bile and that their i...a ' .... 11ii11 urt-ii ueennnl upon only after **;?iot'til consideration. lie said that il the negroes were taken into Mobile hv 111*' sheriff ami tried under itiilitni \ protection there would certainly be hlood.-hcd and their method was tiie best. When tin* train reached Creole, 15 miles I'rom Mobile, ;i large number of men wearing mas!;-, and one of them carrying a bag which contained straps and ropes, came 011 board and were given their orders. At I'riehard's Station the masked mob, with the prisoners cioselv guarded, got off the train and .started down tin* road. About l?t) yards from the tree on which the hanging took place the cry was given to "hurry," and the mob and prisoners broke into a run. After running 25 yards a big oak tree was reached, and the mob stopjied and ropes were produced. Fearing trouble with the neighborhood negroes, scouts armed with rides, guarded the main road. The negroes were then strung up. Nearlv veri-!t.?i?* - ^ in mi- crowd look part of tin- rope. While the neirroes were bring strict orders from l! e leader rang out: "Boys, do I not lire a shot ; we are carrying out the will of the people." Wreck 'Near Chattanooga. Chattanooga. Tenn.. Special.?In a wreck on the Western & Atlantic Railroad at noon Sunday, two miles nor'li of Dihon. '.lift north-bound passenger train wa . hurled from the track by a broken axle on the engine. I Fireman W;il A. Hughes, of Allan I ta. was instantly killed and EngiI n?er ('. A. Bennett, ? f Atlanta, was I badly injured. The passengers were I stink a up, but none of them hurt. I K\citv car lint the sleepers left the I track. Trains were operated into I this eity over the tracks of the I Southern during the afternoon and I e v' * '1.1.' Ft \ CONTRACTOR MURDERED " 3apt. R. H. Eubanks, of Contracting Firm, Engaged in Construction Work on Southern Railway, Shot and Instantly Killed Near Lexington by Oscar Gaddy, a Negro, Who Escapes?The Deed Without Provocation. Lfvington, N. ('., Special. -Superintendent R. 11. Euhauks of Lane Brothers' Company & Jones, contrac tors. was-whnt and kinstantly Sunday morning at the railway ramp about two miles north of Lexington by a negro employe named Oscai' ["faddy. From all aeeouuts the killing was totally without provoeation. and all Lexington and surrounding country is in great excitement. A posse of two hundred or more men | with guns are in pursuit of daddy, who made hi|. drape immediately, after the killing. The eireumstaiiees of the killing appear to b? as follows; Snpt. Kubanks heard some shooting going on in one of the negro lints Sunday morning aud went to see wind \vn> the matter. I'pon arriving at the door of the hut. whieh was tilled with negroes, he said: "Who is that doiug that shooting down here/*' Qaddy was lying o*n a bed with the pistol in lii> iiauds. and replied: "Its me and I will shoot you (J d? you!" Then Snpt. Kubanks advaue:*d into the hut hav ing in his hand a small eano. Without saving anything further. Qaddy fired into Mr. Ktilmnk*' J'aee. the ball taking elTeet just above the mouth, coursing upward through tin brain, and killing Mr. Kitbauks instantly. After tiring the fatal shot daddy pimped out at the door, droplll^ Iklctl I 1 llll.l -- I ?...T Illlll .1 > lil>l il> IH* I could. He was clad in shirt and Imuft rs, having <>n neither eoat. <hocs not hat. He was seen later running in a northerly direction alines the jathlie mad. As soon as word of the tragedy came to Lexington Sherifl" Dorset I, Chief of I'oliee Helper, the other police, and nhont two hundred men *et oiLt for the eatnp. Bio. ?d hounds were sent for from Greensboro and High I'oint. There is strong talk of Ivnehing. and it is hard to say what will takplace if the negro is eaught. Most people think if the murdered is onee lauded in jail, he will he safe, hut he nuy be killed in the arrest. Suj t. Kuhanks wa> held in high esteem by everybody. having made manj friends during the few months . he has been located In re. He was ds I years of age, a native of Amherst county. Vs., and leaves a wife ami three ehildien. who m?w reside at Pedlar Mills, Vn. Field Artillery at Camp Tampa. Turupa. Fla.. Special.?The Fourteen 11. hntterv. Held atillery. Captain (Jattlev, arrived at Port Tampa at 5:5T) Saturday evening: and went into camp i<h Picnic Island for the ni^lit. They will embark on the transport Andes Sunday. At ti:2f? Saturday evening a pack train of (it! mules and 14 men arrived from Chattanooga to joir the present expedition in charge of Major I)nvid .1. Iuiml>ront;h, from Fori Myer, Va. Construction of ncccswtn stalls for animals on the Amies may delay the troops here several days. Aid of Red Cress Net Needed at Pensacola. Pensaeola, Fla., Special.-?The Red Cross Society through Secretary Charles R. Maj/eo, at Washington. has wired offers of assistance in the way of supplies or tiv.m y for the sutTeiers front t'te tornado in and about Pensaeola The general relief commitl"f replied thanking Secretary Matirc jot the offer, but declining, as the eiti/eus rre meeting the situation ami carinjr for all destitute. By Wire and Cable. Tobacco prowcrs of Vituinin and North Carolina decided to hcvin a j campaign against the Tobtteco Trust. The will of Warmi S. Lurty. ?>t Harrwmbuig. who I?-11 the buly ( his property to his housekeeper. was upheld Inited Stales Senator Morton sold his Alehmarle estate of 1.1100 acres to P. A. lain-glioi'iic. of Lynchburg. Tragedy in Boston Hotel. Boston. Mass., Special.- A! tin Castle Square Hotel Sunday after noon. .Mrs. Deborah Hill, r widow, ol Maiden, Mass. .was found with blood pouring from a wound in her throat ! while u]k>ii the floor a short distance 1 away lay the body ol Harry -I. Sin-1 comb, of West Kveretl, .Mass., wit I | a bullet through his brain. , The woman was taken to the city hospital where she was reported to be in a critical condition. The couple eanu to the hotel Saturday night and registered as Mr. ami Mrs. Harry .7 Slow?', of Cortland, Mo. I \ Mil )RT MILL. S. C., THUI DEATH LIST HEAVY Many fatalities from Explosion in West Virginia WORK OF RESCUE IS DIFFICULT Number of Bodies Have Been Locat- 1 ed by Exploring Parties, But Cannot be Brought Up on Account of tV,o TtaVl-ic. TV,n. fj T> ~~ us Aysuna JL1USC VI X IIBV JEVC3CUC Party Overcome by Gas. Two Losing Their Lives?50 or 60 in Reach of the Explosion. But Number of Fatalities Among Them Not Yet Known?The Death List. Koanokn, Va., Special.- ?A sjKM'ial from Pocahontas at 11 o'clock Friday to The Times says: i The work of rescuing hoilies l'rom the West mine has been in progress I since early Wednesday night. The lirst rescuing party to go into the mine was headed by Superintendent William S. Leckie, who took with him John Odhatp. W. 11. Talbott and J. J. Brown. This party had little success, as three members were overcome with ga>. Odham and Brown losing their lives, and Talbott being brought out unrnnseious. The mine was then nrnlliccii as the licseuin;; parties pro- j pressed and at 9 o'clock p. in., they have about reached the place of the oriirin ot' the explosion. The body of one miner has been recovered up to this hour, lie is S. H. t'ook. who was within 300 l'eet of the outside when found, lie was the only survivor of the explosion of 1SS4. A number of bodies have been located by the exploring parties, but cannot be brought to the surface on account of the debris occasioned by the terntic explosion, which in some places liua piled up timbers and dirt to the heiirht of six feet. Those known to be dead are: \Y. Kelly, toreinau; J. A. Ihineoy, (1. Kadl'ord, II. (Ireen, Will Davis, John t'uinbee, Hall Richards, Samuel B. Cook; colored are Ed. Ward. John (Ireen, Joy Palmer, AYi 1 lium Moruian, l.ightburn Woody, Hen Perry; Unitarians are. Paul Yalsko, Bertie Estony, Joe Elasli. There are supposed to have been some 50 or tiO people in this section of the mines when the explosion occurred, but a srreat number of them beiu<* miners, there is no record kept of them, hence the trouble to state exactly those that have been killed. Eifflit. Die in flnalror flitw a X, Philadelphia, Special.'?Eight men were killeil and nearly two score of persons were injured hv the explosion of illuminating gas in the Market street subway at Sixth street. High buildings were shaken by the force of the explosion and for a block on either side of the scene of the explosion nearly every window was shattered. The street caved in, halting traffic and resulting in a suspension, of business. Fire followed the explosion, but it did no damage to neighboring buildings. The loss, is estimated, will exceed $200,000. First Atlanta Riot Arrest. Atlanta, (la., Special.- The tirst arrest in connection with the riot of Saturday, September 22, which resulted in the death of IS negroes and one white man. was made when Walter Edmonds, a butcher, was placed in jail on a grand jury indictment charging murder. Edmonds is charged with having killed Frank Smith, a negro messenger, while the latter was running across the Forsyth street viaduct pursued by a mob. The police say they expect to make other aresls shortly. Fleet of Transports. Washington, Special.- (khinrteil tr (Jcncral lliimplircy is exertiinr all I efforts to assemble a fleet of transports at Newport News. Thirteen vessels should reach Newport News iti the next few days. It i^ ex|ieeted wit hit: a week tiiat practically all soldiers destined for Cuba and who are <roin<r by way of Newport News j will have readied their rendezvous. Increase in Chester's Postoffice Receipts. Chester. S. Special.?The report of the amiitor of the l'ostofliee Department shows that the receipts at the local postofBee for the year closing April 1st were $9,83-1.42. an increase of $1,543.65 over the proceedins year. The business of the past six months shows an increase of $900 over the corresponding six months last year, and patrons of the local ofiice arc co..^ratnlatiin.' themselves that next year will witnesse the installa| tion of free city delivery. pr wwi-* X tSDAY, OCTOBER 11,It NEW ORLEANS HARD HIf i ? I Cvclonif!<j afr TViroo . of Them Tornadoes, Rage Around Crescent City, the Third Stx-iking the City Squarely, Damaging 800 Buildings and Injuring About 50 Persons?Six Killed and Nine Fatally Injured in Neighboring Parishes?City of Baton Rogue Slightly Damaged?List of the Victims. New Orleans. Special. This region was Friday the center ol" cyclonic disturbance^, at least three of which jvere tornadoes, and caused the loss ?f six lives, with nine persons fatalv injured. About daylight heavy Storms broke throughout the Country within 100 miles west, north and ea.M of New Orleans. Fridav niirht reports of sui?:ir catio ami roiim I crops blown down or suj?ar mills tic-I molislicd an* coming in from ibis on- | tiro soot ion, wltilo damage, including that done in Now Orleans is placed placed at over .*l.OO(),tlH0. The worst tornado was north of Now Orleans. where it devasced portions of three .praisiics. Now Oiloatts was visited hy another tornado and another pased northward of Biloxi on the (S;;!f eoasl. Tito first tornado strnek west of Baton Rogue parish about ti o'clock, i killing airs. Tiieo. Forest and iter daughter. Mrs. White. .Mrs. Forest's body was found in a Held near Iter demolished hnnse. Two children in Mis. Forest *s hottsc were fatally injured and live men wore injured in the collapse of a sugar refinery on the St. Delphitie plantation, "'he city ol' Baton Rogue was slightly damaged. In St. .lantes parish one wo I man wuose name lias not hern learn- I rd, was killed, while Mis. II. H.J Webber and daughter and Mrs. John ! Meyer, and also a netrro. wi re reported fatally injured. Fifteen buildings were blown down in this parish. At Ponohatonln, which the tornado reached about 7 o'clock. (Jeoryx* KnWeS and soil were killed in tie collapse of their house and the two other children of Mr. llawes were fatally injured. A dozen other persons were injured there. Another tornado struck New Orleans about S o'clock. While no lives were lost here. proprety datnayc reached $"?<)().(MM). and about At) persons were injured. Fully St Ml buildinys were daniajicd. about 7.~> of which were blown tint. Mortorman Suddenly Crazed. New York. Special.? A street ear l tilled with terrified passengers dashed across New \ orlc at full speed while the motormau, I .en. Schwartz, sin! denly bereft of reason, stood on the platform nourishing a heavy bar and threatening to brain any one who approached him lie was finally subdued and the car brought to a stop after a desparate struggle wit!, half dozen policemen and street vailway employees, dm tug which several passengers jumped from the swiftly moving ear and sustained painful bruises. One of the men who fought the mad motormau was so badly injured he had to he taken to the hospital. Rocky Mountain Hotel Men. Denver, Colo., Special.? The boldfaces who extend cheer and welcome to the visiting tourist in Colorado | gathered in Denver for the fifteenth | annual meeting of their organization, I known as the Kvckx Mount llolei I Men's Assoeiation. They got together at the Brown Palace Thttrsdax and spent the day swapping stories and incidentally discussing business matters of mutual interest. The meeting will wind up with a big hnmpict. Tor Texas Development. Yoakum. Texas. Special.?Public J men. railroad industrial agents ami other interested citizens were present here in considerable numbers at the opening of the big industrial development convention. The aim of the I movement is to exploit the boundless I resources of this section and to pro) mote immigration ami the industrial | development of this region. Five Passengers Killed. Troy, N. Y? Special. - In a rear-end collision between n regular passenger and a heavy train of l'nllman cars carrying; the Fourteenth I'liited States Cavalry from Fort Kthan Allen, live passengers were killed and a score or more injured, on the Host on A Maine road just outside of Tryv. Against Rebates. Washington, S|>eeinl. The national association of insurance commissioners adopted a strong resolution against tlio practice of granting reha'es | | stent injustice to tha public. i i FIMI >0(5. CRUISER LAUNCHED Great Vessel North Carolina is Christened By Miss Glenn THE MIGHTIEST ENGINE OF WAR Miss Rcbekah Glenn, the Vessel's Fair Sponsor. Breaks the Traditional Bottle of Wine Over the Great Ship's Prow and Gives to the Mighty Engine of War the name of a Great State. N' \v(?i'ii Now-. \ .1.. Spuria I Tlio now ;? ml |Mi\\vrfnl armored cruiser Nui'lii ( arolin.i was sUrerssfully lannre'ul at 1 I : oYlork Saturday uiortiiii<r from tin* yards of her builder-, til . Newport NY\v> Shipbuilding and l>rvdoek company, in tin- presfiu'c oi in.(tun people. Tin' -hip's sponsor w.i- .Mis- Webekah Williams (i 1 mi11. danjrht er of (Jov. K. It. (ilium o! Korlli raroliua, who was present widi his . tail' iiiitt an escort of prom- j North ( arolinioii-. Mi-s Lillian Thompson of Kaloi'^li. ?\. * .. wns i, f j.nifiT s it i :i i< I ol liotior, miuI \li % A. A. Artinyton. also ol Kahiyh. w :is ?Isi<ik* oj' honor. \\ 111*11 I lie I e?onaiii >00111! < 11" l*. sledye drivitiy in the l:tst wedye holdit ty thf vessel had died away tin- signal was yivta thai all was ivailv t?> r:> 1 Manayer Walter A. l'ost o| (he Newport New- Shipbuildiny eouipany. A -lout saw operated by two nieeliatiie- hey a 11 to Mttv its way thnniyli tie- oeavy timber, while the erowd on shore kept eyes on the eliriseniny booth, where stood Mi-s (ilenn and her maids of honor, (Jov. < ilenn and Mr. l'ost. Suddenly the hn/./.inj; ol' the saw was drowned by a eraekiny of timber wliieli announeed the st veriny of the lieel-pieee below. The biy ship trembled aul beyan to slide I I I I \\ I I I ! It > U M\ V Slip's ?n." canto J'mtn thousands *?1" llimat>, a !id pandemonium broke loose. Simultaneously willi tlit* lirsl movement of the ship Miss (iliMin jrraeel'ully oast the bottle of old willC a_:iiiisi tin1 rooedinir how, saving. "1 christen thee, North Carolina.'' The ohoonn?; was so loml tliat Jicr wniils wen- audible only to those near her. (iainioir momentum as it proceeded, tin- cruiser struck tlit* water at con siderable speed. how lirst, and glided out mi the river, careening neither to 1 i111 nor 1 f 1*1. The splash following the stern's contact with the river was the occasion tor a most enthusiastic demonstration tor the success tor the launching was assured by t!. * lnannei i?i which the vessel took to wait -r. Tie cheering of the throng on shore was laken up by the erowds on the exeur* ion steamers. While the crowds looked on, disinclined to leave the scene so soon. tugs ran hawsers to the incomplete ship and finally towed her to the pier, where the lini-hing touehes will he received. The North Carolina is adviiuced ahottt .'.S percent, toward completion, farther than any other arnior-elad ail the time of launching. Theie was no hitch or accident to mar the day's programme. immediately following there was a liampict at the Hotel Warwick to Mi-^ (Sleiin and the launching jiarty. When completed the North Carolina will he one of the most power1 ui war vessels on the seas. In armament and equipment is has no equal a lloat. The North Carolina. Wlmn completed the armored oruis r Ninth Carolina v\ lil take rack . point of speed and endmatiee with any warship alloal. .'.nil in many 1 < spt'i-l v. ill snrpas-- anything ot whieb the navies in tin* v.i.i ill now hoasl. In 11 construction. armament and equipment will 11 ?\? Imm*ii embodied I lie* praetical knowhalve vained In o\ periinenls and experi nee ol ;i decade, tin" lessons t fulfill h\ ;i tiioilci'ii war. tin- I'ruils ol the brains ?>t t!:? world's best marine niehilcelk -the naval constructor* of the I'liiled Stall's, ami the brawn of the lest C(|nippc<l shipyard on the globe the Newport News Shiphuihliii^ ?V Dry Dock Co. Kqnipped with an array of monster, modern breech-loading lilies, rapid tire and automatic guns ami torpedo tubes that frown menacinsrly from harhcttc, sponson. turret and li^liIiiiur top. and protected below water line, as well as an armored deck, the cru'sor North t'aro lina will be capable ol att?"kiiig successful!* the inmost formidable battleship alloat. Nor is that all To be titled with twin sere**, tripl.* expansion engines, capable of developing not les> hxn 2.'],000 lioise pwmy ni.,% ~ * rQ ^ NO. 28. I tower. sun! ;. speed nl? *22 nautical kin?i.>. about -7 miles ami homy* this -real vessel, should the title of \ hat lie turn amiiiisi her. could easily show the lleetest of her enemies a "cl',:i'i pair of heels," as the sailormen iii a race to a safe haven. Tlie Armament. - * V Main buttery: l-'nur 10-iticli breecli-losidinjs ritles. Si\iecu li-ineh hreeeh-buidiiuf rilles. 1 h our submerged torpedo tubes. 1 Secondary battery: ' I ?e < - ' I , xx. i x .i-uicu rapnt-nre guns. Twelve d-potinder semi-auloinatie rapid ii{ *? riims. Kmiii v.j -pounder semi-automatix. RHUS. , Two .oO-ealiber machine guns. Two ..".H-caliber automatic guns. Two .'{-inch Held qui is. The above battery etttnplele will lie l'urn: iiic.i by the government. ami will In mounted as follow.-.: Ten-itch ?uih in pairs, in two eleetiically collirolleil. balanceil. elliptical turret*, on die center line, one forward ami one alt. each wit It an arc of lire of about *J7u degrees. A New Association. P Chattanooga. Special. ? The triState medical society dissolved and a new association To be known as the Southern Medical Society was formed. The old organization embraced Tennessee, Alabama and (leorgia. To / these States ha> been added Iventueky. Mississippi, Florida and Louisiana as..! j!;o inivnit:::; to embrace. 41... I? x. .. fin* mil''' >-??>uiiipin rotates. Postmasters Meet in St. Louis. St. Louis, Spocial.?The national association of postmasters of the lirst clas- asseinbleil in SI. Louis and hepan a three days' convention at the Hotel .letferson. More than one hundred postmasters and assistant postmasters are in attendance. The btisiness mapped out for the convention consists largely of diseussions on improvements of the posial service in the large cities. Storm Damaged Vessels Condcmnec as Wrecks, l'ensaenla. Fin.. Special- The (ierinau hark Maris and the Xnrwegiar liark t'amphell. which were had!} damaged hv the hurricane of las week, were condemned by surveyors of the underwriters and will be rold at public auction. Both vessels an wrecks. All vessels in this lav.hoi p and vicinity damaged by the hurrican are being examined bv surveyors > 4 15 Dead in New Mexico Mine. Katun, X. M- t-uc. I 1 11 11*1*11 men are sunosed to have lost their lives in an explosion in I ho Dutehntau Coal Mine, at lllosshury, a small eainp live miles front Katon. Three bodies have been recovered. The cause ot the explosion is not known The mine is owned and operated bv the St. Louis, Kooky Mountain iSi: i I'aeitn* Company and well eiptipped witii all modern eleetrietl appliances. Senator Daniels Disabled. Lyuchbtir?r, \ a.. Special. I nitee Stati > Senior John Daniel tell wbilt -(.illy to the Intel Stall laii. reveiv iity a serious sprain ol' hi- r'yht wrist Ov.imy to the fuel thai lie ratiind usr his eruteli except with hi- riylil hand he will he compelled to remain iptiet for Id clays. 11 is physician has put the injured wrist in plaster. it it probable that the accident will eaust the Senator to eaneel several eontem* I plated eaninaieo si (?c!i?- '*.. ui-?. -r . . ? v? KI ill' ' ~M ?1 11 iluiin^ the D'/'ntli. Savannah Merchant 31y.rtariously Stabbed to Death. Miipun, 'in.. Special. A dispatch fmin Savaiiii.ih says; .1. it. 11ucI _?? 11 IJM' ii|| avenue, \v;is residence Sniii!. \ mni lin:^ and slabbed 11 d at!.. I! v 'le si mi made i lie di -cnvi'i'.N :nl her l.i'iir. In a - islam e. Inn lb'- mail ><?i?n lied ui'hml making a sialcinciil. lliv. il l* -aid t ..cmI iil !<? make a <ali . but -.*\\ and im reavi! i.* iven ic tiie crime. Montana Wool Grower*;. Helena, Mnnt.i Special. Pursuant I ?<? u. cill issued ."voril icel.-s n.r.i t?\ (iowiHir Toole, leading wool growers of Montana met here |<?r tlie* purpose of eoiisitioi pi r tin* ion of ]>ro<l(ict. Tlie growers hope to devise some plan to elTeeS ively prevent nllejjed eombiiintioiis 011 tlie purl of buyers, wliieli this >e:isoii. il is inserted, dopi ived Moiiinun '..rowers >, about .'5 eents a pound on uenily ?0,('IMI,000 )hmiiiiU of wool. i A TIIE NEW ENGLAND SCHOOL. I Friend--Your little hoy promises to P he a very Chesterfield in politeness. Tiiter?Yes; I'm bringing him up on the rejection slips the editors send me.?Boston Transcript. Jr? 1 - -Arm