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In the Local Field. Dr. J. E. Massey, Jr., of Rock Hill, was a visitor to Fort Mill Sunday. Mr. Clem McKinney and Miss Lillie Dye were married Tuesday evening1 by 'Squire J. W. McElhaney. Rev. Jno. I. Spinks, formerly of this section, now of Columbia, will preach at Philadelphia church on the 5th Sunday, Sept. 30th. at 11 o'clock a. m. Mr. James Sinclair, of Rock Ilill, and Miss Dovie Starnes. of I this place were united in marriage Sunday afternoon,* the 15th instant, by 'Squire J. W. McElhaney. The marriage took place at the home of the 'Squire ' on Confederate street. I I Mr. L. A. Harris, who has been in ill health for several months, has again found it i necessary to take treatment at a ; hospital and was taken to Char-; lotte for this purpose. Mr. Harris' many friends here hope i that he will be speedily restored j to health. Mr. Jno. W. McElhaney is making arrangements for the re- i moval at an early date of his livery business on Main street to . his home on Confederate street, j In addition to the big barn al ready located there, Mr. McEl-! haney will erect another large : stable, fronting on Academy1 street, and expects to be in his new quarters by the first of the year. We published a card from Rev. W. P. Jacobs, of Clinton, in our last issue and we hope that all who can will remember the' orphans on Saturday, the 20th of September. This is a special day set apart for work for the j orphans. The work is not in i the interest of any particular ' institution but you arc requested to send it to the one you are j most interested in. Postmaster B. H. Massey was : a few days ago notified that the ; Fort Mill postoflice had been raised from fourth-class to a third-class, or presidential office; i also that money orders may now | be issued from this office pay-; able in any of the foreign coun- j tries with which the United j States is affiliated. The raise in class of the office entitles Mr. 1 Massey to a salary of $1,100 per year. Owing to the absence of a number of the leading farmers of the township, the meeting of j the township cotton association which was to have been held | Saturday afternoon was post-! poned until next Saturday. The j meeting will be held in the! town hall at 4.30 o'clock and j every farmer of the township is J urged to be present. A matter which is of vital interest to the farmers is to be brought up and ; none should fail to be present. Master Frank Massey, the young son of Mr. L. J. Massey,! had the misfortune to break his right arm just above the wrist Friday afternoon. The young man nrifli Atlini* limio 1 mvit VU1V1 UUJ O, W ao \ swinging from the awning posts , in front of the Parks drug store, j when young Massey accidently lost his hold and fell across a | pile of lumber with the result; stated above. The broken arm was reset by Dr. T. S. Kirk- ! patrick. Mr. Thomas Hoover, one of, the oldest and best known citizens of Steel Creek, died Saturday morning after an illness of five weeks with typhoid fever. J Mr. Hoover was about 70 years of age and is survived by two sons and one daughter: Messrs. Edgar and Walter Hoover and Mrs. Thomas The funeral ser- j vio? was pondnrtpd nt Plpoenni I Hill church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock by Rev. H. R. Bothwick, and the burial was made in the church yard. The trustees and faculty of the local graded school are much gratified at the large number of pupils who are in attendance. At the opening of the school on the 19th inst. there were present about 40 more pupils than were enrolled the first day of school last session, and the number has increased almost daily since the opening. The trustees of the school recently purchased a piano , and have added a musical department to the school. Miss Kittie Kirkpatrick, a graduate in j music of Winthrop college and who spent last year in New York | studying music, has charge of f this department and quite a number of the scholars aro taking advantage of the opportunity thus afforded. The school building has been very materially improved, both in appearance and convenience, and that everything is now in good working order, a very successful session is expected, ' day SJsr" ' W ,f ' :?r & t s t L4i'\ I* vliV ..? Mr. J. R. Haile. Jr.. left Saturday for Atlanta. Ga., where he will study medicine in the Atlanta Medical College. The next meeting of the York Baptist Association will be held with the church at Clover on the 16th of October at 11 a. m. The illness of little Ruth Meacham. which was noted in our last issue, has, we are sorry to learn, developed into typhoid fever. with which the little girl is seriously ill at the home of her parents on Clebourn street. Mr. Jas. H. Patterson was on Saturday removed to the Rock Hill hospital, where he is now receiving treatment for his injuries from an electrical shock at one of the mills here some days ago. The reporter has not heard from Mr. Patterson since Tuesday, but at that time he was getting along favorably. JiOcal policyholders of the Conservative Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Charlotte, which suspended business some days ago, will be interested to know that the Southern Life Insurance Company, of Fayetteville, N. C., has purchased the business of the Conservative Company, assuming all of its liabilities and taking over all assets. It may be a little out of order to bring the subject up just now, but it would be a good time nevertheless, to push the good roads Question. It. would ho ? hard matter to find a man at this time not thoroughly convinced of the need of improving the public roads. If thcere is such a man, he is, without doubt, a hopeless case, so far as this matter is concerned. Mr. J. Star Garrison, after being ill with typhoid fever for six weeks, d'ed at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Garrison, in Steele Creek Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. He was 31 years of age and is survived by two brothers and one sister, namely; Messrs. Lon and Edward Garrison and Miss Amy Garrison. The funeral took place at Flint Hill Baptist church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. J. R. Ilailo is arranging to enlarge and otherwise improve the Clawson house on Booth street which he recently purchased from Mrs. Wm. Atkins. Several new rooms will be added to the house and with the other improvements and conveniences which will be made, Mr. Haile will have quite a handsome cottage. Mr. Haile and family, it is understood, will occupy the house after January 1. t: ? ? dim vviinams, a colored laborer at the plant of the Charlotte Brick Co., was before Magistrate McElhaney Thursday upon the charge of having assaulted Julius White, another negro. Williams admitted to having struck White with a shovel handle, having inflicted a severe gash on the latter's head, but claimed that the lick was delivered in a friendly scuffle and thought he ought not be fined. The court took a different view of the matter, however. and imixised a fine of $20 or 30 days imprisonment. The fine was paid. Former Fort Mill Boy Wins Honor. The Chester Reporter has the following to say of Dr. Julian W. Sloan, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Sloan, who were for many years residents of Fort Mill: "In the catalogue of the Universitv f.r?11<?or?? nf M located at Richmond. Va., appears the name of Dr. Julian YV. Sloan as one of the instructors for the approaching term. This is a signal honor, coming as it does to so young a man and to one who is serving his novitiate in the profession." Pleasant Valley. Mr. Frank G. Potts left Monday for Columbia?Misses Re. becc Harris, Martha Bailes and Cloud Hall returned Wednesday to Columbia Female College.? Dr. R. M. Potts returned home Saturday.?Mr. Robt. Bickett spent Sunday with his parents of this place.?Mr. Bob Bryant, i nf A rrlrotro orvA?4- ^ i muibjo) ojmiib ouuuajr eve; ning in Pleasant Valley. ?Miss j Mary Jones, who has been | spending some time with relai tives here,left for Huntersville Monday.?Owing to the inclemi ency of the weather there was a very small crowd at Pleasant | Hill Sunday evening. Rev. I Chandler is undecided as to when the meeting will begin. Rev. J. I. Sninks, of Columbia, ! is expected to visit his daughter, Mrs. Walter Hall, this week. ? Miss Annie Morrow, of Charlotte; and Miss Cloud Kell, of Ardreys, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potts, mi ? WelsfcL "JSTeclc HAKTSVI Co-Educational and Military, j heated by furnaces or steam, pro1 , ated on a campus of twelve acres. | ors, graduates of leading: colleges tuition nnd mpHinnl cadet, $30.00; for young lady aboi Write for catalog. ROBT. V 1 j| "IMPEBIAL' $ FTjOV li I <{ Is the BEST FLOUR on tlu> f J (V \ market. Give it a trial and you I) ^ will always have (!? ?d Kivad. ^ You can always find it at \ J A. o: JONES' I 'i PHONE 11. $ # > ELECTR3C BITTEnS am? kionoy:.. ; \\\%\\A\\\\SNNN\VANSN\\N> || W. IT. HOOVE! ! ii DEAL! j! WINES, LIQUORS, CI 1 125 East Council Street, : X We quote you the l'ollo Brandies, Wines. Etc.: x 1 Gallon New Corn Whi> | $$ 1 Gallon I-year-old Com 1 1 Gallon 2-year-old Corn 1 ls. I Gallon 3-year-old Corn 1 4> 1 Gallon 4-year-old Corn 1 I 1 Gallon New Rye Whisk* 1 Gallon 1-year-old Rye 1 i x 1 Gallon 2-year-old Rye 1 1 Gallon .lames E. Pepper ?+ 1 Gallon GM Henry Rye v I * Gallon Echo Springs R *Z 1 Gallon Apple Brandy (n i 1 Gallon Apple Brandy (r 4 Quarts 7-year-old Corn < I 12 Quarts Mountain Corn 1 Quarts Old Henry Rye | 4 J 4 Quarts Rose Valley ltye I *\ 4 Quarts Malt Rye /V 4 Quarts Hoover's Choice : We can furnish you anytli ' ?V orders will receive prompt r S\\\\NN\N\S\NVS\\\\NVN\\\> ??B??y???? 1 Atter 1 Grow ? We wan 1 Bai ? We liav( ?Jute, 2-lb; Li,., C< ,1 QP OUgcll diU'l 0 hand Tics, ? Lace Lc* ? 5-8 inches ? Steclyan g A good 1 @ alls, and SI g In fact, 1 g gather you T.] 1 r. S: w 1 II. Wither @ weigh youi ? ???????S I | rr. ? 7 . ' ' ' : J . Higli School LLE, S. C. Buildings large and commodious, /ided with shower baths and situPure artesian water. Instructof the country. Terms for board, r session $120.00. Uniforms for .it $18.00 for session. L DURRETT. A. M., Principal. j 1765 I College of Charleston Charleston, S. C. | 12tst year begins September 28. | Letters, Science, Engineering. One scholarship, giving free Unit ion. to each county of South ! Carolina. Tuition $40. Board and room in Dormitory $11 a month. All candidates for ad| mission are permitted'to compete | for vacant Boyce scholarships which pay $100 a year. For catjaloguc, address Harrison Randolph, President. It & COMPANY, % SRS IN ff GARS, TOBACCO, Etc. - - - Salisbury, N. C. # wing prices on Whiskies, // ;key . ..$1.50 ^Vhiskev 1.76 ff Whiskey 2.00 Whiskey ... .. . 2.50 Whiskey 5.00 ff iy 1.75 ?< Whiskey 2.00 gg Whiskey . 2.50 Rye Whiskey 3.00 // Vhiskoy _ 3.00 ss ,ye Whiskey . 3.00 // ew)._ . 2.50 .Id) ... . 3.00 if | fpusp crnmUI -4 Oil - ^ (old) ... 7.(H) 3.70 3.80 ^ | ? - 3.70 y Rye 3.00 un? in our line and all mail y ittention. ;</? ??0?0????Q0?@0 Ltion, Ootto ers and Gin t to sell you edging and Ti > all kinds at lowest pri Second Hand Jute, 2 I v, 2-1 b. New Ties an Cotton Sheets, Etc. it her, in sides or laces wide Is, 150 and 200 lbs w< ine of work Shirts, Pa hoes. LVO llilVf* OVOl'V tu ill or f n - J k,u,,ft r crop. Yours truly, 3 IT71T mmmJ m JEZZ^r JEZnJI JLhi c want your cotton seec s is with us, and wil r seed and treat you rij. n 1 K Th l c cnonn -a- JJIO Ol/Cl^ I MEACHAH 0 Watch for 11c: 1 11 STATION | STAT] >> |j Wo have jus 44 ?? new stock oi J l\ PENCIL and LETS, PENS M POST CARD! \\ CARDALBU ^ see them. 5? 1 PARKS D * ???6&<2>?Q? in I .ners! I ies. | ices. New g - I lb; New | (I Second- g ?, 1 -2 and ? eight. g nts, Over* ? help you g JISL. I I. Mr. J110. g t\. f , '. ^.Jdst. r*t, *' ^5>.:ai 3* (^jjS g ^ ' UU B &&%? * ' ' 5? I w f 1 ? CPP5J | <ct week's adv. <| 5?? ^ II i uii i, n [ONERY. (I it received a ? BOX PAPER || I INK TAB- || PENCILS. || S, and POST || MS. Call and || iRIIfi CO 1 | Let the , x I | Charlotte Steam Landry 1 ! Launder Your Linen. { <1 i|[ I: " " i! 11 \V e have the Biggest and || !; Best Laundry Plant in |> ! tho Carolinas. We do more It work than any laundry in ]? !i the Carolinas. We do Bet* t\ ter work than any laundry j> <> in tho South. Our agents, |> i! whose name is attached j> hereto, has instructions to t\ give you full and complete || X satisfaction or make no m t charge. }! t Isn't tlint fair dealing ? ] > I Si | PARKS DRUG COMP'Y, j; | AGENTS | \ | J'OltTMTLL, - - - - S. O. CURES < Liver Complaints ; uses,'g only Ramon's Liver Pilla ; and Tonic Pellets, and . i I gives your money back if J not satisfied. Your liver y^ijaS is the biggest trouble jj M I maker. If yovi would bo well, try Ramon's Treat, mcnt. Only 25 cents. \ .v.- t I For ?ale by W. B. Ardrey . flj Ur Mlvig's lMew LifePUl^ Mm I Tho bott in tho worl4it#?5??M^M &SG9H