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w I HAY FEVER mHaving used Peruna for catarrh and Map fever, I can recommend st to all who mre suffering with the above diseases. I eeem happy to be able to say st has helped mar wonderfully." ?May me E. Smith. * onnKfliMBHHi ^shb m ?> M. Montid Street, Columbus. Ohio. J AY FKVER ia endemic catarrh. It ia JF I caused by aome irritating Hithstaiue ia the fctrnoHphcrr during tho late summer mouths. It ia generally thought th^t the l>ottcr> of certain weeds and flowers is the cauw of it. t'hange of locality seems to he the only rational cure. The use of Feruna. hewstimulates the nervous system to remv the effect of the poisonous emanations ?n?t sometimes carries the victim through the huy fever acasofl without an attack of tk^disease. ^^tkrge number of people rely upon Fe ruoWfor this purpose. Those who do not 1 jftno it convenient to change their location 1 ?? avoid It ay Fever would do well to give Per una a trial. It has proven of priceless Val f- to inany people. Feruna is eold ny your local druggists. Buv u bottle to-day. So. 37,-'06. RAT/T FOR CHOI 'ERA. At n meeting of the Kansas Poultry .A association Mr. E. Har^'ugton said: "This fall Mrs. Harrington discovered Wat tho cholera had appeared among :he- thickens. I had heard somewhere fKat there Is nothing to beat salt as a disinfectant. ! hail the hired man cViin the henhouse as clean as he could, wash it out thoroughly with lust an strong brine as he oculd make, ami AH every crack and crevice with The hrlne. He did so. and we haven't lost a hen since. 1 tried the same thing on my hogs when the cholera amice out among them, and I am satisfied that I saved a lot of them and prevented a farther spread of the dt?" jT " FALL. SPRAYING. i Hrlletln No. 254 of the State Experiment Station, at Geneva. N. Y? holds out. a little prospect of relief to *J>?- nrclrardtst who finds spring all too hurt to allow of thorough spraying fcf bis scale-infested trees. The results of extensive tests seem lo show fiiat fall spraying with sulphur washes bale upon hardier varieties of fruit .ref-s and as effective as spring spray ?g. so far as scale destruction Is concerned. Some of the washes tested Also appear to promise a shortening at rime and decrease of trouble in .frrei aration of an effective compound. STILL ALERT. t? was in the jungle restaurant. u< leopard had been drinking and waiter was trying to take advani r.*r- of that circumstance. 'None of thnt Mr. Monk!" yelled the feline vigorously. "The leopard niay not be able to chnuco liis spots, but let mo tell you that he is fully competent to spot his change."? Courier Journal. v HOW MANY OP US? Fall to Select Food Nature Demands to Ward Off Ailments. A Ky. lady, upeaklng about food. ?vs' "I was -vccustonifU to eating ?\1? kinds of ordinary food until, for homo reason, indigestion and nervous pr"b~ .'ion rcz :n. ' > r I kail run down r.oriously n>y attention was called to the necessity ot soma chango In my diet, and I dlrcnntlnued my ordinary breakfast and began using Grape-Nuts witl. a good quantity of rich cream. "In n few days my condition whanged 1- u remarkable way, and 1 began to have a strength that I had iv ver been possessed of before, a ^Igor of body and a poise of mind that amazed me. It was entirely new In *uy experience. "My former attacks of indigestion bad been accompanied by heat flashes, m nd many times my condition was distressing with blind spells of dizziness, rush of blood to the head and nriirv'gie pains in the chest. "Si .ee using Grape-Nuts alone for areas last I have been free from these troubles, except at times when I have Indulged in rich, greasy foods In onanttty. then Ipwould bo warned by a pain under the left shoulder blade, \ end unless I heeded the warning the trouble would come back, but I -when I finally got to knjw where tbes?> troubles originated I returned \ to my Grape-Nuts and cream and the v rutin and disturbance left very qu.ckV iy. \ "f am now In prlmo hoalth as a \ :msiilt of my use ot Grape-Nuts." \ 'bnrno given by Postura Co., Battle ^Cock, Mich* : n I I Late JVebvjM& | In "Brief | MINOR MATTERS OF INTEREST f <? '! < > >? The city of Sumter, S. C., suffered from a #100.01)0 lire last week. ?&. ' The South Carloina Senate v?ill be favorable to the State dispensary in its preseTit form. The insurrectionists are reported lit plain sight of the city of Havana, encamped in large numbers. A massage occurred at Sidelee, Russia, and it is reported that several hundred were killed or wounded. tu? o.,;a in 1 Ilv r i uucil juriaivn niv nniu iv have agreed to give the separation law a trial and to have formed A plan of action. Father Womz, the new Jesuit genoral. and a number of French gynjnasts were received by the Pope.Important maiteouvcrs by Hyo German armies are being- watched by the Kaiser. A special from Yieksburg, Miss, says: H. S. Adams, now manager of the Qtiiti Kharpe Drug company, but formerly assistant cashier of the Citizens' National Bank was arrested by Marshal Wilson and taken to Juckson on the charge of being short in his rash to the amount of $18,000 while employed in the Citizens' National Hank. At San Francisco the strike of the carmen of the Tinted Railroads, which has been completely tied up since August '20. is practically ended, the carmen voting to return to work and submit the question of wnges and hours to arbitration. Tampa. Fin.. Special The ftr-i <-ar load of Florida oranges of this season was shipped from l'nlinetto Thursday. This is three days earlier than ever neiore m tne history of the in- J dustrv. The shipment consisted of } :t0(? boxes. The Standard Oil Company ha*. it is said, taken steps to acquire the principal distilling plants of the country. ,F. Ravnor Stores Well.-, appretice seamon. I'nited States Navy, aad son of a millionaire, is to he discharged for the good of the service at the expiration of his term of imprisonment at Portsmouth. Ya. ..At Washington, Pa., Kiimor i'entpsicr. the negro charged with murdering Mrs. Samuel Pearco and her three children in (Veil township oil dull 'd!t. was eon violet I of murder in the tirst degree ami sentenced to he hanged. At York. Pa., while leaning out from a box ear to observe a broken wheel on a ear ahead. (teorgo Mali*. : tieight eonduetor in the employ of the Northern Central railroad, struck a fence along tin- track and \ an instantly killed. At Ottawa, ().. Mrs. Henry Knip...... ,,l* / M.^,......1?1., ,.?r i l.V l 1.. I it "i v nn? nini? rut till ill** llt'ilU^ of her two children with n bntehei Unite. She had been in nil insane nsylum, but was considered cured. The children were aped three and one and one-halt' years, respectively. The Moroccan ("{overnnienl having expressed its readiness that Paul O. Stenslnnd, the defaulting Chicago hank president, he taken back to the t'nited States, he will proonblv he returned in a mercantile vessel. .\t Washington the director of the mint opened bids for silver, all of which were declined on account of the. price being too high. The lowest ot fer made w;i> t>7 n-4 cents per fine ounce. At Rutland. \ t.. complete returns front State election show that Fletcher I >. Proctor, of Proctor, Republican, was elected (Jovernor by lA,(>7fi over Pereival \V. Clement. of Rutland, Independent and Democratic. At Madison, Wis., .John Madison, Republican, was elected to Congress in the Second District for the unexpired term of Ilenry C. Adams, deceased. Stale Department officials declare there will he no intervent imi In* the I mtr.l Slates in Cuba unless the eou<iitions in (lie island shall be more desperate than at present. The eontinunnee of the rebellion in Cuba is e.; dug grave apprehension. A freight wreck on the Baltimore and Ohio rail road near Sir John's run, west of Martinsburg. resulted in the death of two men and the probable fatal injury of another. The Department of Apiculture is' preparations for a thorough nl'?>reemc lit of the Pure-Food net, v.-liieh goes into effect January 1, next. Congressman Richard RnrthoUlt of Missouri, arrived at New \o'/. from Ihuope on the steamer Kaiser William der (iiosse. The government of Brazil has appropriated >0.000 towards the fund for the relief of the Chilean earthquake sufferers. One person was killed and 10 or more injured l?y the collapse of a bridge at Roanoke. Va? a crowded trolley ear dropped into the river. Three arrests were made in eonneclion with the investigation of the Real Km ate Trust Company's at faiis in Philadelphia. tien. W. S. Mi'Caskoy. commanding tlie Southwestern division, rejiorts thai the abolition of the canteen sysm has ntT'cted injuriously-the discipline t\? the .112: \. t t v: , & NF:\V8Y CLKANIXCS. ( ' On? person In each 400 in Ohio ia > Insane. , One of the destroyed villages on Vesuvius it to be rebuilt on the same | Kite. The Government is preparing a fifteen-year program of railway construction. The German Imperial estimates for 1905 have given a surplus of more than 11.500,000. A wireless message told Mrs. Ilorhsan Oelrichs. of New York City, that ^icr husband hud died at sea. , Archbishop Keane says that Pope *Mus X. will not call a consistory to Create an American Cardinal. A company was incorporated in ?an Diego, Cal., to build a $20,000,Ooo trauscmtiuental railroad. Edward Rosewatcr. editor of "Tho ^malio Bee," was found dead in a courtroom in his office building. Mr. W. J. Bryan was warmly welcomed at New Haven, where he repeated his Government, ownership Program. The Pretender to the Moroccan throne concentrated sk thousand ^rbops and prepared to give battle to th? Sultan. The Police of Warsaw. Poland, began to search the street cars, cabs, Pedestriaus, and hundreds of arrests wcre made. The insurgents of the National d I?. . . "?'io Association won at the election Sea Girt. X, J., and decided to bol<j the next meet In Ohio. t'hester Gillette, the alleged slayer Miss Grace Brown, was charged w'lh murder in the tirst degree by a 8P?V.lal grand jury, sitting at Herkin,Pl\ N. Y. rhe Dresdner Bank and the Sehaffhauaen Bankverein. which formed a comninnity of interest in December. have decided to issue $">,000,?C0 ,,f new capital. T?wo Negroes Murdered. ^Unden, I.a.. Special. As a number 0f negroes were returning home from <| church six miles north of Minden. Home one tired six shots into the cro\vt| ai close range. One negro was killcn ftlJd several others wounded. R?* Ramsey, a white man. is under arves^ |AM. Smith, an aged negro, was tilled t<? the door of his cabin, seven miles west ol Slireuveport and shot i|nd kih d. T!te umrderer. whose indent dy is unknown. escaped. 1.7 Nations arc Represented. B\ fable. Seventeen nations represent ted by oflieial delegates i,t the lutcrjiatioual Insurance Ccitgri.j^j;, vvIti *11 opened here. lite United Stales, Argentinr Republic, Chile. \Iexieo and Japan a* well as 12 Europe,,,, countries, are actively participating ,,, tli*> rougres*. England and t nitada are tuioitieially represented. Vice Chancellor I'osadowsky Wehnet-. Qf Germany. dcliveiod the inaugural address to the congress. SIDESTR^VrNG IT. Mrs. Higlimus -Wou never hare any trouble with youi^eooks? How do you manage it? Mrs. ITpinore?Whenever we get one thai doesn't suit I go out of town for u day and leave instructions for my husband to discharge her while I'm awav.?Chicago Tribune. OUR PRICE LIST. Combining good quality and low prices. The prices quoted below are guaranteed to be the lowest for quality of Goods: I year old Com W'viskv, per gallon $1 .'0 5 * ? .. J.75 II .. ?? .. ? .. ".t>0 4 I.L'O 5 ,, Tar Heel Corn Whiskey 15.00 1 ? Good Ryo Whisky per gal i.7"> 51 ? ,. Good liyo Whisky " " g.oO li ,, Good live Whisky " " 51.50 4 ? ,. Good live Whisky " " 15.00 5 .. .. Good Rye Whisky " " 4 00 No charge for vessel or packing. ." ')e extra will prepay express on one to three gallons; over 15 gallons, 75c. SALISBURY - - - - NO. ?N H^NTIN TRIP Bf ere t?j be properly ciulppM?obtain thd STKVENi iiid y?u ssNor i-?> whonc.. We *r . J RIFLES . . . from $? 25 to $150 00 PISTOLS . . from 2.50 to 50 00 SHOTGUNS. . rora 7 50 to 35 00 A*te yoar<b *ler snl inti t S*n.l for ii fi," 1 on out popular make titrated csMi??s'. It' interynu cannot obtain. we ship! t .t I in SlM)TlN(i, v?*u tllrfot, carriage fhordes j ouv;M toha\e It- laflcl firrpai<i% upon receipt of. f.?r t ?r rents In stamjs to catalog price. I cover postage. Our attra<tire tbrre-rlor Aluminum Hanger wilt bs arnt anywhere for 10 cent* In stamp*. J. 3TKVBNS AHMS AND TOOL CO., r. o. r~->* 4 Cblcopco Falls, Masa.,U. S. A. When in Hie Market GOOD WHISKIES, \V vES, B11A.ND!ES, ETC., CALL ON Olt WHITE Tolrx n '?v.? oyle, SALISBURY. - N. C. j . it, vii .im tin vim w.-s anu I ur lllKliv purposes besides paint *'H"d lead" is another product of metalio lead atuT Is what is known no an oxide of lead, Injing: produced by burn in*, the metal. Red lead Is the best paint knjwi: to preserve Iron, steel or tin. ami is. used largely in printing uetal structures, sttcb as skyscraper skeletons. mills and bridges. There are many olhe- products of the metal lead, ttch as lit hat go. orange mineral, etc.. which are essential > many of the arts in which we never imagire that lead would bo of the loasf us-*. Veiilj, we live In an. age of le.i-r as well as iron. HANDICAP DISH T.lved with five families last week?" ejaculated Mrs. Housekeep. That isn't, a very good record." "It wir/. the be-'t I could do. mum." respc-ndod the applicant. "I w*u/. sick two days."?Minneapolis Tribune. TYXUIt'S DYSPKI'SIA llKMKItY. | A C ii a ranted tint?Mniiy HaveDyspepsia and Don't. Know It. If you suffer from Dyspepsia or In? digestion i:i any form, such as gas, belching, bilttr taste, offensive ,,3? O'V/lllV<^" X bad l?rcat.h, dizzy aBr jT_T ~~ \ iic b. heart ttuiter. E f nausea, gastritis, Y/. *j" loaibiug of food, pains or swellings Jjk-.,/ 1 it 'ho stomach, (f ./] I back or fide, I deep-seated' kidney or Hver tronhle, then they will disappear in a short time after taking Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy, made especially to cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion and all Stomach Troubles, even of the worst cases. Tyner's Dyspepsia Itemedy j expels the gast-s and sweetens the breath. It cures Sic!. Headache, Colic and Constipation at once. Druggists or hv cu.prens T?0 cents a bottle. Money refunded if it fails to cure. Medical advice and circular free by writing to Tyner Remedy Co., Augusta, Ga. LUGS, "I see the 'Society News* is taking only millionaires' sons cn their board." "Sort of putting on heirs, aren't uiey: ?rrinceton nger. KICK FOH TEX VEAItS. Constant Iiackurhe, Dropsy, nnd Severe Bladder Trouble. Fred \Y. Harris, of Choc! nut. Rf.t Jefferson. Ohio, says: "For over ten years I suffered from kidney disease. The third year my *ec>t an<* band3 would }-r<l^S Wf^v swell and remain C ?' Ptiu'ed up for days at \\ r K^-ir a time. I seemed to V\jye yhy have a constant baekVV-\ * t\ ache. Finally I got so bad .lip.t 1 was laid up in bed with several )U $.? doctors in attendance. I thought surely I would die. I changed medicine und began using Doan's Kidney Pills when I was still In bed. The relief I found was so great that I kept on unti' 1 had taken about ten boxes. The kidncv s<rretlons became natural and after years of misery l was cared. I have Increased in weight and show no symptoms of my former trouble." Fold by all dealers. 50 cents a bo .. F'at.'i MUb'jvn Co., ttuffpio, N. Y. flcnernl V- ?li-w liarsky, aiding military govonioi general of Warsaw, was assassinated. PUTNAM I l* ?v r - ? - ? Wl , I UliU OC.I IMUfct. *. *.<} *l ?rt V\mt?tvr ' w I The Age at l**d. We are wont to speak of this era M the "age cf iron." and there i.J no gainsaying tha% industrially speaking. iron is a "precious metal." Nevertheless, few people realize how useful, it not absolutely nacos- i smry, to modern civilization, is that otlidr metal, lead. Soft, yielding, pliable, it is not much like its sister metal, hut those distinguishing qualities are what give it such a prominent place in the arts and industries. Modern plumbing, requiring :r.suy turnings and twisting. Put withal tight joints, would he almost impossible without lead pipe. The greatest civilizing agent in the worid?Ihe printing art?is absolutely dependent on lead. Hand-set type, linotype "slugs." monotypo type ? nil are made of compositions of which lead Is the chief component?to say nothing of the bearings in the presses as well as all qtherkinds of xnacliluery in which "babbitt" metal Is used. Solder 1j another iea-l product? what a field of usefulness that one form opens up. Then there is the most Important use of all to which lend is put?paint, that necessary material which ke? ps our houses looking pretty ? inside and out?-and preserves theiu from decay. How many of us thank met a lio lead for the comforts of puiu*? Yet tlio best house paint is nothing bnt nictalie lead corroded by arid to a white powder known as "while lead." Of course, there an- many imitations of "white lead." some of which are sold ns white lead and some which are offered by the name of ready-prepared *>aint under the familiar pretense that they are "just as good" as white ler d. But all good paint is made of t*'c metal, ead. corroded and ground to a fine white powder ar.d mixed with linseed oil. White lead Is also its-ul in tlie cont i * - * ' * STOP, \ AND CONSIDER THE ALL-IMPORTAN FACT ? That in addressing Mr*. Pinkham yoi are confiding your private ills to a womar -?a woman whost experience with wo men's diseases covers twenty-five years The present Mrs. Pinkham is th< daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for xuany years under her direction aud since her decease.her advice ha*beet freely given to sick women. Many women suffer in silence and drii from bad to worse, knowing full well th ought to have immediate assistance, butn modesty impels them to shrink from expc selves to the questions and probable ex of even their family physician. It is ui Without money or price you can consul whose knowledge from actual cxperienc Mrs. IMnkhnni's Standing Invli Women suffering from any form of fei ness aro invited to promptly communicate l'inkham at Lynn. Mass. All letters ar opened, read and answered by womei woman eau freely talk of her private il woman; tlvua has been established the confidence between Mrs.Pinlthntu and the of America which has never been broke of the vast volume of experience whic has to drnw from, it is more than post that she has gained the very knowledj that will help your case. She asks noth ing in return except your (food-will, am her advice hus relieved thousands. Sureh any woman, rich or poor, is-very foolish i she does not take advantage o? this gen erous offer of assistance.? I.ydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co , Lynn, Mass. Follovrlmt we publish- two let- ! ters from u woman who nccep-' i fed this invitation. Note tlie; result: Firat letter. , Deer Mrs. Plnkhani:? " For eight years 1 have suffered something terrible every month. The pains are ereru- 1 riating and 1 oun hardly stand them. My ' doctor says I huvu a severe female trouble, and I must go through an operation if 1 want i to get. well. 1 do not want to submit to it if , I ran possibly help it. Plense toll me what > to do. 1 hope you can reliete me." Mrs. ; Marr Dimmiek, fi?>th and K. Capitol fiKrecta, Washington, D. C. kJ J 1 -li i orcuuu icucr. Dwr lire. Plnkham: " After following carefully your advice, and taking Lydia F.. Piukhant a Vegetable Compound I am very anxious to solid you 1 my testimonial, that other* may know their t value and what you karo done for n.c The New York Board1 of Kducatlon . has adopted a resolution to investl- I ( Rate simplified spelling with a view f ! its use in schools. j ^ AWFUL PSORIASIS 35~YEARS, ! Terrible Kcaly Iliiinor In Patches All liver Unity?Skin Crm knl Mini lllrcilttig?Curnit by t'utlrura. MI was afflicted with psoriasis for thi/tffive years. It was in patches all over my body. L used three cake* of Cuticur* Soap, six boxes of Ointment and two bot- | lie* ot Resolvent. Jn thirty days 1 was ! completely cured, and i think permanent- j ly, as it was shout .five years ago. The psoriasis first made its appearance in red *[>ot?. generally forming a circle, leaving in the centre a spot nuout the sire of a silver dollar of sound flesh, in a short i time the affected circle would lorn* a ; heavy dry scale of white silvery api^ar- j mice, and would gradually drop off. To : remove tlic entire scales by bathing or ( using oil to soften theni the Heth would ; be perfectly raw, and a light discharge of ; bloody substance would ooze out. That ' . scaly crust would form again in twentyfour hours. It was worse on my arms and j limbs, although it was In spots all over . iny t>od3*, nlao on my scalp, if L let the ^ , scales remain too long without removing by l.atli or otherwise, the shin would ' crack and bleed. 1 suffered intense itch- ; 1 | ing. worse at nights after getting wann in bed, or ^lood warm by exercise, when ! ' it would be almost unbearable. W. M. | Chideater Hutchinson, Knn.,Aprii 20,1905." : < Men who brut; arc those who for- 1 merly squandered. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens t hegnius,redueosinfiammiv. tion, allays pain,cures wind colic, 'doc a bottlo After all, n worst - cflTw 1c beautify hevscdf is but a vain attempt. } FITS, St. Vitus" Dance :Nervoits Diseases permanently cured by I)r. Kline's ttreat Nerve Restorer. f.l trial bottle and treatise free, j Dr. if. R. Kline. Dd..!?.:] An h St.. I'biln., Pa. Heaven is going to be a hot place | for some cold-blooded people. CAPUDINE n jfS* It arts Irom-dlMrlrV# O " r Sc* ?' <? !*- ? " m 1* m" " t4 uiinutm. You don'l I BNDICESTcON and fiu ? AfiiniTV w**k t? hiiowlt* cool). ItcorM J?f>l 1 I Cii:*l?A?'f?Z?M A I.HO l>r ' rfigotion tlia caum. W exult. I ' ' So. 37, *06. I MAKE EVERY DA!f| ,! .|-]?n COUNT- i 2fif^r=s^r; I no matter how i o' ( Jr^TAT /' 'weather You cannot Mm iffi-VA afford to be : u^.$(ifcr*4A without a I^PjCg) TOWER'S $V O ' WATERPROOF , Kl'\\ a OILED SUIT ! M/ p ? LJvOR SLICKER I i /A When you buy I L-'r ' ll look ?or the ' I, ( . \ SION OF THE FISH L I \) imtn ' V-J- ^r* KIMMI ? -* '! - iH^-C ' I I *" ~~ ? J TSNKJ* CO 6O?T0M u?? i 1 fytn cwnii co m tqq.tq c* ) F A D E L E OOUier ay* ou? ut, i?ci?.n? color ?? i 3i>r**, Xi.nyay irow uocfc.of?Uc ?; :-j i)v?, lUoaoh aivi il?v 'our*. VOflAN! uiid 1 must hare an Ofieratinu or 1 could not* live. I then wi-oto yen, telling you my alh orient*. I followed your advice'and am ?ntirely wall. I can walk iniln? without an ache or a pain, and I owe tuy life to you and lo l,ydta K. Pinkhaui't Vegetable Compound. I wiah every suffering woman would read thin testimonial and realise the value of writing to von and your remedy."- -Mrs. MaryDiromirk. Mth mid E. Capitol Streeta, Wash* Ingtou, I). C. When a medicine ha* beensuccessfal. in restoring to health so lunuy women whose testimony is so unquestionable, you cannot well say. without trying it, " I do not believe it will help me." If' you are ill. don't hesitate to get a bottle of Lrdia E. Pinhhnni'a Vegetable Compound at once, and write Mrs Pinkham, Lynn. Mass., for special advice? it is free and flhrtvs helpful. W. L. DOUGLAS *3.50 do *3.00 Shoes ft BIST IN TKC WORLD W.LDouglas $4 Gilt Edge sannotbeequalledatanyprlcfl // 7l> Sfftt l>'al*rt: t Ik - . aB \ W. I. Douglas' Jub- '/ Bbrw vo.' 3#I \ MxiK House La the most /. gWix yisl \ complete tnthiti-oiiutrv I E-yX?v jfl 1 Mtitd/or G'a.a/op I hmf ' .7 I Mi n't Shoes, $5 to Sl.SO. Boys' B'uws, ?3 to $1.05. Woram's 8)io?i. ?4.GO to Si. GO. Mois. u" A Chllrtran'.! Slvioa, ^0.35 to Sl.OO. I'rv IV. I., DiiiikJiw WmiitmV. Jlifen und Chlldrpn'it sIiimhk f??r *tj Ic, tit. and we'r they ?*cel other makcsi. If I could take yvui Into my large factories at Brockton, Mass.,and show you how carefully YV.L. Douglas shoes ire made, you would then understand svhy they hold their shape, fit better. wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. Wherever yon live, you can obtain W. I.. Douglas shoes. His name unit price is titamncd on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and interior shoes. Talrf no xnbstl tute. Ask yourdeuJcr l"r \V. L. l)ouglu'i*'iuesind insist upon hsrlnK them Q Foil Color E'lflet-i usi:,1; th-u i< II not wrr.r brat ay, .Write lor Illustrated Catalog ot I 'ull Styles. W. L. DOUtlLAS. l>epr. 15. Hrockton/Alass.. You Cannot all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal conditions of the mucous membrane such as nasal catarrh,nterinecatarrh caused by feminine ills, sore throat, sor? mouth or inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But you surclv can cure these stubborn affections by local treatment with Pax tine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease gei ms,checks discharges, stops p.tin, and hcais the inflammation and soreness. l'axtine represents the most successful local treatment for feminine iMs ever produced. Thousands, of women testifyto this fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box THK R. PAXTON CO.. Boston. Maa*. Dropsy! A' tow?* Rcrtores all aw-rlling in Stosa 1 'X days; rltecta a.pcTin*ncul cure /ffiX Jft i? joto 60 day*. TrinltrcV.iurut fjf-' v . 'X J*' JR>y.g-'.v?n free. Nbthin^ran hatatrer W' W:1tr Dr. K. H. Greon's Sons. W# fctHSoaciiOlstv 'io* p Atlanta. 0*. till llTfn AddrtMol (t) r?noa<?r rait Mf i| cj I K I 1 m indiiir. biood wbvarti not Itr If Mil I L LI ]Uj w:tl. %n\ ;r b*. oi ai?a who farmed in thr Knl*r? urtuy. cr (h tb? " nrwivxt k-u of uoti ou.di?r>[ o* la.lon. ?o? trcMuml. NA.I BAN Bl0KVOlil>, WtiOii&Ktou, D. U. CAHIl For V our ICotnr. Karra. Tlaihrr I.?n<W or Rii?ln< *i IIJ t>u want quick m.nry, 11*1 yi'Ui-proprrly .vtill 1110 Co-op r llundorkta* work. I havi. de?I<ahlr liomr* awl llrnhm Isk?d*ror Mir. AddrvM VP 8K v WEI.I. Hral Eat.itr Rl?<-<v- N C. SS DYES * >l* 0o? ' r?i>t tuau 4Uf tfier ?ou MA r*