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( ' : ' *ip MMMaaHMBBManraMMnn In the Loent Field. Mr. e! JL Phillips, of Rock Hill was here on a visit the past j Sunday. Superintendent Ward, of the Springstein mill. Chester, was a dsitor to Fort Mill Sunday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. /oltharp, on Sunday, the 2nd n&t., a son. Miss CoHnne Jones. ofLancas3r, is a guest of Miss Dora Crier, i n White street. Misses Lillian Flowers and hristine Melhvain, of Rock Hill ;e visiting Miss Frances Harris n White street. Mrs. W. B. Ardrey and chil-i en are spending a month at the mm of Dr. J. B. Mack, near lanta, Ga. Farmers are com plaining of a ireity of cotton baskets and my will resort to the old plan using sheets to hold their cot i as it is gathered in the holds. VIrs. .1. C. Cochrane, of Harrisrg; Mrs. B. F. Powell, of larlotte, and Mrs. Darcns hillips, of Griffith, were visitors - ne past week at the home of Tr. T. I). Faulkner. All of the farmers of Fort Mill >wnship are urgently requested attend a meeting in the town all Saturday afternoon at 1 .'clock for the purpose of dismissing a matter of local importance to all. A series of prayermec tings, vhich began Monday, are being \eld each evening at 8 o'clock a he Baptist church. The pastor, ev. Reaves is being assisted by cv. Mr. Kendriek. The pul lie invited to attend. During the past week Mr. A. ' . McElhanoy purchased from r. W. R. Bradford, of Chartte, the Bradford home-place l Booth street. Mr. MeEihaney id family moved into the house hursday. Mr. Hugh White, thearchitect. rmerly of this city but now aking headquarters at Fort ill, was in the city Thursday, r. White is getting out some ans for parties who contemite building in the future. >cic IIill Record. The managers of the Mocklenirg Fair are beginning to be -ir tnemseives as the time ioxhe big event is rapidly approaching and there it; so much to be done. The headquarters of the fair association will soon present a lively scene, while the advertising has already been started. The good work goes on. Hell & Fonville, who were run out of Charlotte and bought the bucket shop business of I). A. Hurley, shook Rock Hill at the close of business Thursday and left for pastures new and more profitable? The stay of these cotton gamblers here was brief. There are three left. Who will be the next one to quit? Rock liill Record. Mrs. Jane Adams, an aged lady, died Wednesday morning at the home of her daughter. Mrs. James Dye, in the village of the Millfort Miil. after an illness of several weeks. The burial was made Thursday in the village cemetery. Mrs. Adams carried an insurance policy in the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and the policy was paid in full in the afternoon following her death in the morning. Mr. Jas. H. Patterson, who' was employed as machinist at i the plant of the Fort Mill Mfg. Comimnv. was knocked lowi and rendered unconscious I' >r ai hour or more by a shock from live electric wires in the transformer plant at the mill Tut\sda\ afternoon. It was not apparent for a time whether he was dead or alive, but there is now hope of his recovery. The current went to Mr. Patterson's head and besides burning1 a hole in his scalp inflicted a number of ot her serious burns about his body. Mr. Patterson was resting as well as could be expected at last reports. A very severe wind and hailstorm swept over the Iiyrrison neighborhood a few days ago doing much damage to growing crops. During the storm Mr. S. J. Patterson's residence was struck by lightning and set on fire, but the blaze was put out before it had made any headway. The house was right badly torn up. However, no one was hurt. The bolt ran down the chimney and broke up several pictures over mantle in the sitting room. Passing out into the dining room, it splintered one of the corner posts and ran into the kitchen safe' where it broke up a great many dishes. It then ran under the house, killing several chickens, and went into i he ground. The house had a very narrow escape from bum-j jn<<. Miss Lura UjTum, who was visiting her sister. Mrs. ['utterson, extinguished the blaze. Death of a Former Resident. Mr. Robert S. Wilson, who was well known to the older residents of this pla< \ died Friday morning: at I o'clock at the Presbyterian Hospital, Charlotve, fo;lowing an operatic.n Thursday a'tecnoon at ! o'clock. The burial was made Saba-! day morning i l.'lmwood cenctery, Charlotte. Mr. Wilson was born in the Steele C reek. eommuuit v, Mecklenburg county, Nov. d'th, celebrating his 7nth birthday in Thanksgiving Day. He was twice married, his first wife be-j ii:g Mi.-s Louisi i'lt. u. nt. Fort Mill, anil his . nd v. who survive.-- him, M. s Mary Knox. ? t* diet (' : A. - it the time of his first marram , moved to Fort Mill rod n .-d.. this place his h. n t'.n ma:; years. 1 i?* mov? I to "iuirlotr. about. 20 ye;ti's npi and In; ino made that city hi In mo. .Mr \Vilson served t i nu war as a. member of a Sou i: Carolina company, ?. f. ; hutl and bravo sot.her. and \v; alwavs interested in mutter, per-i taining to the cause f? r which he . fought. He was i <lder in t; Freshet ori m church and a devout Christi; n. In ?jlcira<ri&ui. Maria Wilson Thor :airy v. . .born in Steele i re. ; township, N. c. Oct. :51st., is: When site ve.?s ah > ' si:-;teen years of ago she i.tado a profession of her fu;' b i 'i?ri. uu was received into the fellowship of Flint Hill Baptist church. Of this church site continued . coll sistent. ami faithl'e.l ;n n : until the rent v. ! of In r i'atri'y to Fort Mil!, v hot ? ie her. . - . a niombor of the church of i d.-, place. On Dec. 9th., 1873, she was married to Wiiiiam li. dart *. 'this union was blessed i y t children, two of wltnrn prcc d >i themolh'T i*'? the -;?i L-worM. On the afternoon of Sept. at in, after an illness of i r r< 1 v\ . k the end of her earthly life cam and she bey an Lie spiril-ir. ie the other world. In the pres<. of a large copmany of sorrowing , and sympat via: i ri? ;nls . pastor, aided by Rev. M. W. G >rdon, and Lite outer ?r >u u.c town c nducied her funeral services at her late r usidcnc. and | her remains w; re laid i i m t ii the Fort. Mill (en vat- .v. Iter's was a ijuict and ; h . uneventful lif u She \v.. tent to wield In r inl! i< i? in home and to make it in r ph.-ie: of activity. 1 h r im.- i,. ml a <1 children rise up now to call Ik r name blessed and to ivvcr her memory. As a christian she vn. what she claim* <1 to be a and faithful follower -n h<r Lord. She embodied her . e- ; iigion into her lit'e which' v. is always conteis'.erh with her rofession as a Christian. i* r- ! haps no one who in yen - .V n our midst in rer-.-nt years isivnev sincerely mom net! by a l.r -r company of sorrowing :'i ei , Sheii.-ts now from life's t.hls and cures. May her iv-t be' sweet. Lrv. S. Reaves, Port i1 i ill, S. C. The Mayor Paid I heir Fines. One of lis morn i or*ant developments in the light being waged in Rock Hill b ??iavor Roddey and others agai: t tie' bucket shop and (i ! a>i eof gambling, came up the p;wt week, when several negroes who were charged with crap si. >* nicer some other small form of jo nbling, were up for t rial. The city council on advice of the city attorney, refused to try' the ease, where ipon May. Ro-l-j dev had to t '-v t > r; i m m did so, but paid t he ! . < s of * darkies himself and let th<*in go. The Rock Hill Record, ii telling; the story, said that the rat io of the silver dollar.' from t o or's pocket on the ? v 's told a strong tab of del- rmination on the part of the t< 1 n's chief executive to have the lawcarried out and an end pu. ; > the gambling; nuisance. Rock Hill, by the way, has been making- a stout fight against "bucket shops" and tho.-a in existence will not he permitted t<> operate after the fir--t of the next year when their licer s e \pi.? . REGISTRA1 ION >TI< SB. The hooks c?l' Hegistr.if ion for the qualified vot< rs ot? tin- : own of l*'<??*t Mill for the year ??i Ih'ir, an* n.?w ;>. a at Hall's Market between the 1? _;?1 hours of ! a. in, anil p. in . and will iloi tho 9di)d d.iv of Decemboi 10 If. M. Hood has been apii* itited lf? t;istrar. L$y order of the count il. VV. I.. Hall, Attest Iiit? -idaut. j a. K. McEihjmcy, CivA, || | im mn ' , 1 ! ! ? HI ITggk ; Y.. Co-F,durational . nd .V ; heated by !''r : \ { : - ated on a cam pus ' i \ ; s. ors^ graduate of leading ci e jes tuition and in rIi? 1 at" ice f i cadet, $30.00; for young la< y Write lor eai U' ROP/r. \V vtv "*-* 1 *3> *'-* : | FSiOUll ? S Is tli" ' ^ i l;l . !{' t ( ' \ will always li ?v? 'ji ^ ^ v>a < it 11 a:i i % A. (). JC - i i !< "" 1: u ' SS * * ^ ? - 'V *>"" * ?.? ". V. J!TLE> j IrS.- ' . 1 t "*?? i ? cr?b i> v > v -?, ? * * >? . .Si'.s'ASVv. *v . .-v . ? ? A*'* W M M \ x*^ ' \> " f ^"9 ' )i* \ ! K / ) */ \v ' ! " ! : N" ' ' ; 4? ' * $*; isw v ( \V:? ')'< ' ' M)l,n . % ! (,aV t v> o\ . -i V'ri &, / i i , i , S-1 i <;y. . .< - ; *>. i i . > < ' i \ tell ? i i I ; ; | , I ( i ll l l - i' -i , ! ( , \ S * 1 C ll"? I : l; / * 1 ( r' ' ) ! i' v, ;*'?? 1 i ! I *i 1 (i ! ' . 1 ^ 1 ( ; l 1 ( > : ' ? s 1 (, 1 v ; ] (i.i! 'i .\ .H' ' (.) i 7 \$ 1- i <? \ * ! . < 'i f* 4 Quart 1 . ;e *'> 1 o . Vt ! ! Qt I . o* 7.,- ' o cs. ' . : y W**? ())"'? A !) i.. .-.V* -.1,. ; W \ / \V .? . Vv V%'vV\\ i,l? . .'v. .'v . . 0 0 TH ; i :i - 9 (; J 0 -,, 0 ?-< ~ -? or* op ? | i > ^ ' *"-orr 0 CD C1 6 OJ Q f f ? 0 ? ';?- f?> 1 H $j >'i . ' I \?ty 0 0 We are t q) . . ^ very interc i H;j:v Hai iv? ' V ? - j ii? t : .!( y? U c arc n * 1 tt< iVV '. I Si . . y V:' <(.!! " r \ * ' ? K' * > i' Q : :i ; ooiill 0 5!' you ? (' {) U. SOO ;. >, we C;) . q M c have M a- \> a vu yon can b i CO ifaadqua ?) always CO q r-jpi C ) *-?' - IM H> e?&3???? - <8r. r :L . ChOOl ...... 0. . > i iV. '! '* >-: > larpreamiCQir.irfcxhViS; . s> vvev baths ami situ-; i' ir- i tor: an v.* : jte r. T as I ru_ t-j f . jo country. Tbrtrs for board. >n ; 120.00. j IrJi5forms fo^ . . If. 0 for session. i/'i'.'TTT. A. Aftrr^ xfpal. IT oo , 190f> Collage of Uastni:'.! ( ! vision, S. C. is Son' ir/ cr ? -? , , Er r >Hi * . ivin , rr: ^ ' \inty < . >')12! ' ; . > (1 i J. . i JA ?t i . i : .11 in i irmiiory .>'1 * h .\ i c ididatts for a^ -o ! , i iited to cc irv>e,c . . ' ;>;! : Jo v CO SC"')l:v>iir'.,s' -.!. V* it., J.V J. 1 ' v y veil . i)i v v i lairison Randolph, President. * < 4 - ^ - ' * A A'X7' ' *' ' ' ' M i:.-' in j? ; v.->. Ti V.-.Acro, stc ^ i. oarv, N Ci // // i-C ! ^ s on Whi skies, y , | i\> J s* r/i - . J > ' sf 2.00 '' ! ' :*-y 2. .00 1-70 1 r _ 2.00 ss \ ^ * . _... > .<* ,* \ . . i s ; < 1 ^ ** , .? / ? y v | ! 11 y / : -'": KOo.> 1 >' ? l ! * S I * * ' ' > V I .; J - . ' . > if>4> * *' in our line arid ali ma!) '!e>ntion. </ // V - \J , > ( ~ >Nf, ?.\> rf"V<C^ ^ *** ..<? \ " " *"> 5- ~ . r? <? r- ~J ; . V V - . lJ uML/O ?J *7" "M ' *-V<j -""\. j r ?C\"V\ ' ' n I t ;-: ? 1 H ? ! v JL. * j* / ? ? ?. Va \</ ?* J r r JT ^ ri \f\? <- r? H7V 1 O 4 V O' JuXis ($??" * V I C '. V . i? <' r i? r " ' ; ! . * : ? J? . ,r5^ ' " . ..V . '.., \ Yd * * * v; **\w?^7 ' * ' "v ; \ " >"? ' i ' * /; : i . >- Vi /S 1 /. ' : i ">(?' i U\ II \ > ) (I ini?* j) UH\S 2>ii??io I'.srss, Vt . ;?. liui'lK'! I ,-!; ?S ' T ^ ' ( OSMUSCl .< ] carry t.< stock si ' * O. ; ::U ? X . .? S:! 52 .. >. V ! ;!;!*" it) \ s2 i! i? 1' . *!' s i ' ' : V>5 OYO wlil s v k y u ?;M4y. ^ \. Xcv, i. V!jk inn I t :;. at ,? *.. I (lea ! lion o! -c v. Sieve, tors for Peed St uff, a , to see y'iii in ur .-to v?*,. M?'r , i .T liOH ?* i a . . *t& m J?-.*ajee* ? - raW-j )'Vyvi?y,.V*c>Gr 4V'o t>*301yG^u. j If 5 c and 1 g To start the ? with a rash, v 2 cd to have a go Sale Tuesday This s#i 1 e \vi eiatod by all t -- cis, as all i>oo< dming room Plenty of thei jj| Nothing over ? KZ A ^ N*- ? A wj aG 00SOOQ ? QQ g * :? e*i o?v| STATION 1 STAT] - ' fc * ^ . |* Wo liavo jus .. ?.; now stock of J l), PENCIL and LKTS, PENS l'. POS T ( AUDI GAUD A Lilt1 is sec i A; I? p \ a k s n * 1 2*. 4J A. vfx * jd ' ' i s y * ? a.' r*i /. sS**? <;v4 ..**? *! I I ' ?_> *i/S X.*' :0> V >xj? (30 ! T 3 ? , ? -? ptn % / 3 O b VJ | VV ? ? ? ? -TT ? IT g i ^ ? *!TF* 0 d b ggB*_ | ?" " ^i*dT ?'I j*VSV f*r^ Vsf ? g i I < V1 (' M > J1K * ?.>' s, Wagons, ^ >s, Siridlos % ; Mowers, ?3 |>|)iio.s (or fiA V.,v lilt's; also 5? fe) or Kaau'o, CO Q 0 os on lmud ^ i loss than ? 0 0 ad wo aro q ro. 0 (TO tmmmm mmxjmm fC\ mJiJkZhb-m 0 ?S0????? ? ) 5?@0 ?0??? ??B? Oc Sale. | fall business <? re havedecid- @ oc and 10c 5$ . \ the 18th. <?) il be apprelie housckce[>!- ft Is are for the and kitchen. ;? . n worth *25e. |S 10c. *<|. I & EPPS i yitVxy rt/i>yS'i<iJVy <yk.y ofte fR R V" II a -L-i i.iu i- 9 jj [ONERY. 1 .v x *& t received a s|" I5GX PAPEll \\ I INK TAB;. PExnirs. <> S, and POST ff MS. Call and || > $ * > ft > ?? RUG CO. | . 4 i<r . r %- ;r^<r^<svr.<T **<>: <* iJutler Sisle ?or? it- is impossible to buy better Shoes for Jess . * money t an our ' line for Ladies, men and children Out in Arkansas they can't fatten their hogs on grass roots and rabbit tracks. In Fort Mill, S. C., you can't find a bettor and j nicer line of Shoes than we I can show. m $0.00 m Ladie s' shoes, $1.00to $3.50 When in the market to don't fail to call. H Sclaij k Co. J