University of South Carolina Libraries
. ' - <>(? ' Myltfil stW;.' 4*?fv*0 f": . ctrr*-! . ' j? iifvj?IU-i??on to tlii<: V*r, .ul- j T.'/U raves u.r< ram*?. k;n>wti to! *y* ' :3g?5 i ar th>i pontortieo at Fort Mill. |v?P1 L, M #- coivi class niatwr. '^SEPTEMBER 13. 19<>r,. ? . '-J fru ' ? ..... . JU Affig. -- ~ The i returns from last Taosdoy'jMdection illustrate in a most strikinjiM^nner the value of a single vote. During the count it developed that Mr. i p-V, 1 through a feeling'of modesty -voted for Dr. Saye instead of himself, and that act ecjr e very . nearly costing hirn his c action. This vote, however, wis offset by.a vote cast for Mr. Epps by Mr. Thomas F. McDow, tinlatter feeling under obligation to the Fort Mill man on account. of past political favors. These ; two votes came very near making the result of the election read differently.- Yorkville Enquirer. Through the publication of the aboqe paragraph we learn that some of Mr. Epps' political enemies have been accusing him of deserting his party by votinr ior an anti. It is to be regretted that The Enquirer did not look further into the matter and oxplain the same rr.oro fully The exact circumstance that brought about Mr. Epps' voting for Dr. Saye was the proposition of the latter that he (Dr. Saye) would vote for Mr. Epps if Mr. Epps would rotnrn thr? i*:.vr?v .In whether Dr. Saye \v ? as pood iia hi3 promise The Enquirer does not say, and . thereby places Mr, Epps in bad lignt. Another negro rape fiend has been captured in Pickens and hurried Crct n\ illel keeping. The brute's offense f was in abusing- two little girls, aged respectively seven and nine i years of $ge. The inegro brute j was a man of 45 years of ago, j 'It is a pfty The orute was not captured by a band of determined men ami summarily disposed of in the usual way. All this semimental talk about law and order is the merest rot, when referring to such a revoking and fiendish crime. If burning at the stake) won't stop such hellish crimes j hanging by law is not going to , do it either. The public, h \v-, ever, breathes somewhat easier) when it is known that the j>evcrt?v"|Hiniaiimoiii, |nit? i: boon meted out to such wretches, without having to bring the object of his Bestial lust into tincourt, room, as the law requires. ?Selected. Probably the Same Over Here. A local merchant informed the editor of the New Era that the 1 paper would lose business in YorkvSlle on account of its poiit ical stand. One merchant with-1 drew his advertising this week. P.erhaps some of these Yorkville merchants do not want th trade of people holding opposite political views to themselves. Therefore they will and should - 'is. their advertising to the ring organ up street. ?N-'W lira. Qui tie a number of our patron have ;isked why the adv?u cements of a number of local firms i no longer appear in the columns of The Times. We have Leon, and are still, Unable to give a positive answex*. although vve have indirect information that the real cause is embodied in the above paragraph from the New Em. fhe Tunes regrets the los.- !' patronage from anyone, and especially for political r-a- 'rebut linds a degree of conrolat.ion in t he assurance of a number of our political and pergonal friends that hereafter t.hey will patroni/.o t.ho ;n<-)rhant.? e ivi ,1 umns. ilcnce, it would appe u* that The Times is not. to lose by this seemingly jKjliiical boycott. The fri ?nds of the State dispensary won a notable \ ii tory in Richland County by the election of that brainy youtiK num. f. H. Weston to the'Stale Senate over John C. iiaskell. \\ ton made a clear cut disjiensary campaign, while his opponent advocated hitfh license or local option. The Columbia State and The News ami Courier did all they could for Haskell, the j Columbia Record stood b> VV? + tun '.'! > heat his "Presto, Change." The Enquirer now says that | th< rc is "no sense >r. continually . nagging at Tillman." For-: month-* before t he election. 1 owevcr, its columns w^re filled vith ail the ugly things, that o her papers and txo?. had sebi about* Tillman. it never rc produced a single compliment ' V tiee of the senator from oh <?rpaj>er3. it only gave space to conderrpiar t >ry articles, and It ! t nothing pass winch jt t. ought would | assist it in poisoning he minds of the people oi York . intit Tillman. Now. it hot, th effrontery to say thai there ir "no, sense in this nagging." Of course there vra.- no sense in it. > but't i? quired the election JBB turns to convince th Fncuirer' of this fact, and f'ov f-ar of be--' intr on the lotimc -id - it is making ready to lave about. This has always been i*s tactics and its nose is ev r steered tow at the pie counter. It is eve.* ready to sacrifice its principle ?if it can rightfully be aceus 1 of having any to line an uiJi the powers that be. Old iriv. n of York who v ore chased iron their homes . <y Merrill's bayonets will ouch fo the tj ul.faint of the a ho sV^temont.? Yorkville New l.ra. ~ Condition of Crop 77.3. Monday at 1 o'clock the first estimate issued by the . oytfirnmentoii the cotton crop f r this year ;.p to \u trust 25th was received. The condition of the crop was 77.:> per c-vp. of a i- h crop. The condition of the crep for the month prcvi ms w. s 82,9 per cent. For the cor vsponeHng month last v-ut the a / rage was 72.1. The * -p u*t /as consider is bullish and the market advanced about 2<> | !: U *. The gin: r> ropjrt on I number of tab s o. new cotton pinned to Sept mber 1st \w.- received at 2 o'clo :k. The r. p n't shows th; t ? >:>.L' '? bales have thus far been ? eceive 1. A L-sson For Eoys. Every boy can read a losson in : the lii'e story of Iw.reniio Starr Brown, general agent of the [great Southern Railway whop schooling \vas abruptly k. s n | olT in 18T.-I, w hen, at the aw of fifteen, he was drifted h o ?. e j Confederate army. Th m wr I f- ills family : w wiile s. a?n.' 1 o had to ;rr> 1 v.? rk. Tf . a 7ork Comnvtviul < < wl?-u facts ab< ut his career from Spars Moments which are \v< rth reproducing In the South, at the clos > ot the war. th? re v/oro no posts such as V use hi., tors had held, 'out there work i?l; in. ordinary wor . that oft.-a leads <o high or meat. Young Brown A'. u work and he got it got a pla as messcnjp with the S< aw . Express Company in A: .1 ?y. In 1872 he w is appointed ' agent on the We tern It of Alabama. One year I n was made lot t ear a Baltimore# Ohio at Bait ? in 187f> the same company ; oinoted to lite ;>o it > \ k>: general .-on J,? r t ; w . V agent. Affee*1 serving two years in the latter p< r.ition, he n ; ; point. d gen< r;;l ti'avelirr. .to* 1 of the Norfolk and ' i Rai!roa.fl al Ir r hburg, Vi :iuk. and 1882 was appointed same relative position y ri tl Richmond and Danvilh R: ilro; ? in 1jsx;> ho - as made ;or freight, agent and pa |agent of ^tin (ieoryia < i>:< . Railway at A)lanta 1! Jm lf*S5 })? \vi /IV)iuiit< '(I <>- !.i< i J)!' .">?*!! I ) ?< 'i ! <I i v1. i! i 1 i 11 | tors in Wa . nnylr,,.. v !i j' * I hiU he id ovor aiiu e . ?} rnoro than 2') It is said Chat .n 1 his thirty ; r; of i . :i< i|l ?cryko Mr. 1> *n ! .us i.Oii a way from hi* dut '3 moi'4 than or ?'mn lrod and fifty dty'S for ! ali cat: ?.-s aitojrrthor. - I ; r Reunior of Ihe kcndrick Kircily. I Thon? was a reunion of *. V I K end rick f en y Thi 'da.y a ' the horr?? >!' i\'r. R. G. i enji .e . Sr. in Lower Steele Cr? k. 1 he vt nernblo father who . in hi K?rd year wis present and entered heartily into the enjoyment, of the occasion. Mr. Kendrick has b on t\\ :e married, his first wife dying 10 years ; ?. .'1 . them 1 ere ' ort l.'l ohildren, 11 or whop lived t" reach the age of maturity. Three of the e have p; aed a ay within recent years. There are 44 grandchildren and 12 jgreati grandchildren now jving. A bouniiiul dinner was spread on! the lawn of the iOnd iick home. I Many invited gi>est8 ^vdre ires-: ent and the uay v. - h:p wor* i ... ' a.. s . .. ? .erpet?.ing ?. *. c . i a or soverii v. ta child. I ''ftonlive that the father is a teac ' : .rt?i in '.Jurata and ; ' " .. * o w=?ci i or's . hi sible. ft' is in a >. do: ??ne mil' *i"' n .ther anothoi ] " i j 'i are r< 1 eon; radictory ord*" i "a":: r : ivi mother. Thin.: . ' t ' o put before thr yo.i e .<ect the ?i s*? ::tny children \vu > at' .. . . i <? often airectd : -i o p teacher.'s wisV* : : i >jragv. to di- y L:: !< .'. ^ '2 V\ r e this point: <V>rT'tl r el, iren by landners . v. V. i . . .. ... -ijl >n. 7 miumi otp< oner-;i]t i to ' ' 1 i' lie schools. If you v. ' 1 ve a boy thai 1 ? in c ? o...y 1 y wfjippir ! , " !u . a yd thai nm. I-' \':ii. ; 1 no-- . i a whl: .) ' U * . to v ih n< i . . her to touch I . l. V ' ' u. i i ,>'i c o nr < .11 on" ' ' ! ' without brur.tiity, how can >< 1 o.!) oiii sl nooi tcu? or t ? control forty or iilty chiifir< n b> hi ink os . ? ?-r that vo ' |? ?. c " any i : "i.o t (a: brtii il treatment o .. child i. ' a t< ;.' her. N" m/ hi lho world i? pah > . ,< r-1 n a! ve- Nov. o. e am 'i. .. " mad*' "or iht i i u i "i. 1 ' < . of a f. ;.hei \voi kinyhims i to death 'or t.. ;e > I his family .; so :ni! in ; ' o l 'nitu l St:.: . that . < l- i comment. " . laving day in ami day out that d ? d.uii ?rs may v -V h. could is-t \ 'ka1 <: - m may have t'or their > < / t n the money t: .t s o ouyjit si . ncl on herself, k the ' i\ It' . t:. exception. ill.t t o ' nis taken heati-,. ruins k child. or *7 curate a cimTcI to v ;r spejjtt'uflly o. a i ac ci enooorage i eiii' ! t < t i .. ? upon a tciclto \ Tm ro ? y.ive tedifehera. ?l c >. A id ?!? -i happen th-' Miochil 1 it-., to it i fav.he- mother ilea o? shortcomings <>n i o m's part, ? . rate Ihe.v.-1, g you . i, invastigal a ; ? . njriembei : , . t! - . cnilcvhood t r ugciation. ..." 1 Jo be made Hwiif.l by tb? 'it jf.;ytr>ur o '! o \.h tot.,, endhur.igui,- th e oil to <?' ?: pence by li u ii . too j o. :y to n* story. Fiion. il' vou ' 'a;,-.* tiAt your ehii.l h . : no -oiuielj truthfi A :ik such . i i?s &'$<w my .)ort't tstfJgh *>>'<>?Jr cf i' ! v>-1 on of aho i.'?at it f{< at #cl -oi to the leadhef or H>tln.T other pUi'?5u' y N.n. er t&p- t-o influence the chibi a j;.st the teacher unchr any oiuiuiOiis. You Ikiii yo- r <? u v.u l iivfcutoly mo.v tm n vou liu#- wai . i . i cur ige;the citUrl to rebel against :iT : Cfit- tnri^r tf, the work of fbooifaMifehtrs irf the noblest and <ie ; iienpeAi^r|i il it i? infinitely i [* n|c.|c' iaig< "iant work iu this t io. ;5fj?'c:: I laly be given us a t Some GooJ Af? -ice to Parcr*?. Tho 'nllowirp- nrlvice fiwi New j ? ' ' i.-? t a; and tho'.'yh- * m : We de.i atic on h>cbvf of the school ervlrcn uut' the school txaeoev- ' . ?<! v. tV mo?vTS 1: ' fat) = -rs co-op rate \ill -.. y and int th* qtf. ,1 teach- -.v. to do. ' i (?re is mac a -an. h- horrys, ?* . the- . chool tt h-' h "tCrsminp-. Th-reis <V . .,o much reauint <? to . : -? o ti-e ries* of. ch!l?a-t - - : . i. poor w< rk wila cm '.'.cism of the Uv. he: 4. The j :it1 - i r.?o . 1 - "ious. The tea*" .< * < ~ ' *' -holy do if best * ? ' i r th? hest restate - - t -i us cooperate v.-lib. !1 ?tly. Let us-cc :! - tj;o ?: :;v of parents is, h t hot achers have a ri- ' ' > Fiti'Cis ; Kt i >' itnow what hi ;V .< : 'i ..... r ;; f \H)i'od ch d Is.- Vou pity t hi -at Ik r and 0". it?. or ) it control one ). ,il. 1 ( : 1 ; ?! if pity 11;? cm- . ' ' .. -o . * pect i ' in* t?.-' o a (. )zen or mor? r; i Th< ?. .. >r IntMors atfd rnoifr- - s; ; t it l' .at yOll j do ni ; soi 'i . children U the sc ; o! Ho-incmber that the most inuiii^or.t. co tsc-a ncious, ! devc: i:)u .til of hi. ? ? (result of the highest possible; moral t "n&raeter. Instinct compels us to rr.ake $tc? s. :';ic< to the cbi'dren of (o>t'toe,'. Nature at .ones to that. the he me n race would die without it. Th? < . ? I tov:her is not the futh . .-.v of the chil- 1 drOr. siliin; or* 'he benches. Vet l we -k 'i d n r than tia , of any oth-.r publ'V servant. V\'e demand that! he , vry < c - ?.* hi.> oi! ity. ( 'his interest. ;? children that win not t anl: ~1 v-.oso, !*cc. ss he will not live to see or sh; ? \ ' i . Vis hi nHlnrn foi* ext >mely j oor pay. j ! uvi n )t. o . be eorise e .-ous iK-tr.ers o. ;lie teacher.-. r chit' ? :S sake erpeci.-i . a ; 'or '.o?< it-3 sake j*. .'<. !). >. in tno t? ; Imp ess upon y i ? rent, r. . hie work tk : .!; it i? . :i the chad how oft. i } opened th*t men succ< . f i . this world j have owne i th? h aUCces J entirely i t-> t -O'.ii t' ; ' ? iui c t.r.ri . v n j-.nd ic. -! .. v. trral!e ' th3 \ k that the teacht V - (I You can a :?!y * r.prcthe child i i the ri_ I v?;y. Make it \'fy iy rr) - ?-?-! ? ? <-1 1 ; . , ''t'"! " 1 .A 1} . i.?JI. i j * ij women in the public schools, m v.i you u.'j, nd for your ?. i?'i? "iw- i -,-.v i > ? i: np<r!er"t t nis. T! " Set' i?i -.ary In the s^co 1 ehv , held Tuesday Mes i , ' : sscock i i , v jc*' - ites, were *ct\il r< i-c.-v *uyes; i i. a ..i-.- ..sar; ... % was etectt-'i -i-.'!* ar.-i t\:. hp. .uiek, { who favor the dispensary, and : .. w ; 1 to oppose i!i .. last I . were elected e itv c. ii vrs. This is a decided vi< < y for the York. t : r . iter Tilh.a n and t * r.r :>( !;..ay. liy the j "York inty'd defi\ I ;sembly -v'1 ! . . , uir! i ( losscock and Saj al! of whom, ! t ?.< .lion < : T . ' lut \ *\ S ary. Thi->' > 1 (- . that Ynr: .. !*; . ' St > c ....: ; t: ' Below \ : vote inFortj i <? -r.Ly .at,' mr. t: . o% r -.0" y r.U rdtiy ; . >rningr; als? 1 he latest repoYt ! stai.t; of'lccr . Ft. Mi'l G 'Hit y , Yot Vote Ardr . _ 00 . 1204 < ;! rsi .v-l: . . |. > . Massey .. 72 . .1212, 81; < l: ' 14 1 iM (" /. Sapf/v'r. ! ; _ 1 "< 1.? 20 <}ov< ion . 71 . j] 4 Co. C ir. lai'r. i ..ftit 4i n? 2 t ony i ! . 72 M-.Vt ; Im'< ll*>t> Kir ."yatri . 13G 1371 For Governor. A 7: 1208 7. liii r 1 Yt 17,33 For Act v G? n. I.yon ...81 ,..1403 ..186 1090 I. i . t iimn'r. S l]ivan . . 105 . 1705 W lartotf 112 . .. 796 t *'rr?v. ; b*' Sl^te vote a 1 i ;? ;a > lay night gives owl, > ' i ining, 32,244; ) voo. 1 ' y; j'.t.?Rdale, 20,7(/'.j, total recei 1 ' 1 i 57. T. ?. 2oik. ~ - lill, S. C. ).^ r - v tuny b ?. you cai '* ty-t . ?.??' . ?n ', your fv>i i r.iii' !> 'on ?rh?rli.iy call itimol n im ir ; ib "it i)fr v.rd ii,.i i I-r. t vrioo .s wino^i.-.fofio, i? . t . . . i. i'l't- , kiwpa whlto ? ! 1 . <- r -i ... iUio in all nori Of Wf 'tr. Y< - lit mi . oth lorhiuuimi: ?)1 hii ;!?: ' i <' mii limit. v . u.; i tivr; om- buys !? ? ' \v ar lit'.,' r,o ifl b.iy^ lessofM-i: ilwuys lm..m lurht t.ll w? II worn u if. No i'is .iitii . l'.ivM K>mach a- it. hat i . i m n is:; t cnBfomors! i: It ill t ic ill Clof-fc: but yf.j? in .a j i i > l/'ioe is a ii a <n''? forth**;-; v in v "u ;.? , i ifiv ' ; nalin . - . |i i i>- i't'tor* *a> 1 mi" i i i It for a.. !;lhff a JsMrntettC of iiii-t- woi 11 a.I ir kfoj>s its fro-', b ' mi.. < . \ i . * ill yau havo f>r jjoi hi'ov obi t; id. it i.-m'i in .loth, bat it is in jatiji;: lots yon pa v i i" hobtnrjit is. for : in. I'liit" of j iiii ' !' jkotiofl by nail ins. . lions, m; ?>?.?iiu*x. OotwJtii'N"" . .in: . <; ni .1 Thtj atiougor i imiitt, ih< ir-- gallons it>JijKt sfor u job ami fhu louyor it m Mrs. Yours truly 'J i'' ft DKVOR A CO ! Ni-w York ! 1*. /: \V. }5. Ardrej ?& Qo. koll yui paint - ? X A c education costs; enough vO vsup]t0rs a i boy if he j Ul . l t .la C a. g5j | ; Big ' Ink.. . Card of Thanks. For myself and family, I wish to ret ni sincere thanks to the good peo; ; F' rt Mil; and community for their thoughtful kindness to us during1 the re. ent illness and death ot m> wilV. Wm. H. Parks. DtZ.-.TTI 27 1*72 Tr'?* a si^i -int f ?It a * :! > -rn iffent animal i - - ?.<?. ?}, ilanl liis the iar^' s> *ni?. ; .:itfrs menu povrwft-.1 n^nrs. it > *<> keep ) th? br?*;i?hiiui -rimus riir'nt n t j in iti's ( Ln - sfi ; ). isundt ; of n ;ivr>. M - Ota A. ?t.' i is . ? Williams. u . lis !?>n!'ii' ! \ > .1 this. 5>le* writ i hr< > * . . . I Kinp sKowl ry sf-.i.;. .. i \ . i ..< *v? v<-s :i t; c.irvfl in of win: my : t i ir . .j. Mi> . ?i - >. ) . . : mi..I 1m.. . tis .1.1. . t; jnri'ii lb; i< il I'vic iXc. n : ! Si." 1 i . 1? >t: 1>* i.< e. ?? Fv^ryt'.iP'r at Winthrop is in a state i ao* tvr y in i r?\'rvk itioi for the opening: of the college. 1 ?i? ih'v tun r was s- wtak n> <1 bv ' ss<iru tie ''i f ?=>. cdoW n ? it, i' . M.-r> V.. ' St (' -t S-.. Z : ' Ohio, \v:.-? .?:? nllv - :ir. u r?? <|? ath write- "Jlv was so v. t't -i? v- !?'? ?!* ' - it : I . i hi- *, ;*n*; no' nt>r* r., ihur I not i"ii t ? ? ' i \\ > t.t to -Ik- was I I <*> ' i'v I' (v tr!i* bit?? rs- with h*- nib .< nl' rhut improv* :n'?!it 1--i at .>n- . mil n -ntrtiVti' 1. ,i; >w t ti." !. -? in i: i'"nn' on i arth. an-, (aianiiil?v ali (1 ;;;;!:-' ;t 5s istim; tc< that 91,150 cari -ads of cement will be ustu i> five cons .rue ' n i.e k-.-us on '.no 1 (TV t canal. ? .( - i* ii >%. with ? !i - m?ra . i ' ai.. i !; -a 1 \ r > * . U,.' \i'-. nr 1 V " ! ' . .. . \V Mil . . . I / H.. it, : h a. 'hit- It iti'is. r .. tit ti^ - jr i i lira t?i i Wm. .!. V.ryan will t; \ i* O l umb ion ihe lUth. t\ -ciiy v i!i tend a i H i rc ; tson o him and hi; . o. ? V W. i i thO|xipu!i " | a: torm ; I ii- u?lu. Yt.. sr; . ' N *\i r a p.Mi >n. rii l i th.iiU' lo : t i- Dr. KilIK Now Life Mils." lit iivy k<" ; 1'iy ii.inily in ; ? 'i i 1: il< 1%. i ui" t. .1 I ?; til.. ? v " i' > : til l 1 ' i l?i?:is : I; i.iru iIccU ; i ;.li 'il ?}. -i ores. I ..v. 1: i'i wu!t n <o is? -r call nj> A. o. .f? ;s. T rmd this ratal f ihariMs. Drisiti ('.vs. jrlowin - rl 1:- r ' 'i s ixwitli -'cin " hi.-i' a blemish, iit short, pnrfpQt heal i. ; r sail vH h < y i ickayo >f HollAt t's Itoel.y M untuiii Trii. ists. 1'arks Di .;> o Maine has & ?no republican, but by such a narrowing: rhaj >rity as to f* - ririr I <?>- ,? ? t ai t;. .. } .?. Tr ar .1; <"i " ?y ! ;> r ' . "t nl u* mir? i' 'if<> ?n< i < . . \ f '1 i III.I ' >('. ?U'l . ' > ' ' \vii.:t I<>.!i < il' ,\ Mil l!! i i v ill <i ' c -nt - i k T i i - - I r.<, Dr. C > ' f-v Alv* th.r. v?> ; v iy s.. ' Wh' il fftl . r 1 ? 1 ' 11* >?? !i i 1. ! t liin ? : ti" . The Yaiikt.Ocxl blen fh fmik , Buys ho Tlu.v u> lloi ivN M rj'i'i in i i F*vsh Favors' o i vy :-.r ;?r?lay at .K.NKS'. : Old nov s for -alo at The Times office, 20c per 100. FOU IIF.V;'- "I?i .J tin i >.K.ut Il 'I- ill - ' .< ! ' . I'OS.- -Mil No.. i-i J.pply U .5. 1 i II' .s Lurrt : i l or Si b. I still haw -onto FiarniivjfLum' w on hand that I vviii sell rpp.sonable in ordci to cl o out my lumber business. Aiox Ih'i1 fo:. '' ' " it i'ovtiiliii,S. Cl. AN <)!: 'IN.\ M H. I>'i > !?c till l.ovy .mil i rnv: lim; for tin* ? nl ieetidii of Drojiort j" Ta\<- in th Town fort Mill, S. Id. i'? i* < r<" it I bv iit * 1 . it anil warden; >f tl.> ti?w"u d 1'on tdill.S. ( I and by luniiority "! urn . ? " l i t ' m > < a n > d 11.- r i ; In rciiv . t< .i i ' H Wll hill I lie '.M'l T. ! ' 11.1 . <? . ot i' rt iNi iii. ? . ui .. . ho ,t 11 i lie s 11114* i.-. 10 n.. !' ilr?r din i\ < - * So . '1 M -iii f:: \ - 'i. 1 In* mm Iiiti arte iln M|(lji|V;i'' : l . '. I.-I d.i nl t? ot?er I' ' i .v. }?. Mi'1! ianc\ . * or rv and .. 'a . vr. till in v or :v > !i. In 1 II ho i * h* 11 on i it i.a ? fro : In' dlooi i! iid * ?\ v, ami I h- s i no inuy i i id , to :< ud iiolndiii!.' x i av n| Ni vomb I '?? , it'll" \V ill Ml b T -.1 til t 1X"S i i ll. iviid with ;."iii-r i " il j- ilr; id * * ! ?iiiii11 a I r!i d:' v ot Nov o-.i i P<jC *J h-1r On mid r1 . x*r I I'lfli 1 OM'lMIt ill" V : . !' issued t >1' all doHuijnott "fur Hi" full ; mount of tavi s duo i ij7 her with tho l.? jk r < out ] i"i:tlry anil nil ousts, inch'lintfoin' ; 1. Inr ins! for nvorv i vocutKei issued by the trnnsurnr. Done and ratified m Council as^ bhiuthis j itli day Of Sojii. fall, W. f I hill. Attest. hiendant. A. U. McEiliaiu'j iroc. no I Ttva^. WE BUY FREQUENTLY. WE SELL FREELY. TKIH3S iXE KEPT M3VIN0. WE BUY THE 2EST. WE SELL TKE FRESHEST. So:r : mes grow stronger wit "> age. S-me lose their strength altog ,-tner. You oft n i jy a medicine and it does net ave the desired effect. i that medicine does r? -i suit your case. It may not 1 rh? iV.ult of the medicine, out the *auit if the man in -clling y >.? that particular 'l-uiity. You can make yours '! safe, for ii must be right ' <1 can't '-ret it without fair warring from & ?a? R?Y?S DRUGSTORE. e ^\?tnn"'2l I i Announcement, t v $ 7. J".. .Scott, Charlotte's ' to:.-- iphcr. will J ^ ' i : anch studio at J \ ). C., in theL. J. ! injr over the T \ 'alterations now a The studio % ' 1> he opened J * ' 1 i on Monday, < 1006. Those ? - fir- class work at* . . ...ive ' rices, are cor- ^ t '!y ?n . .led to call and see ? A ? !- Will extend Coupon ^ ^ until October 1. Posi * tiveiy not later. T Knlargin r in Crayon. P>ro- ^ P rridc, P:' tel and Sepia V baud painting in oil or A v. r colors to order. ^ I ' -.v jo- nade to order at a & v holesale prices. ? Respectfully, f * 7 #? Cnrft * * fc', 'J. i^tiLUr * rV * Ox- X- v> ?.> > *> o > S | v Letthe 5 z % hf,o ultai Laaafiry i Lr \Jer Your Linen. ? .nr.-* the Biimest and atnudry Plant in i! > ( '!:r;ts. Wi1 do more : nisy laundry in ^ iln* < r ! as. We do Bet/' ' wi i1 than any laundry 'J n \ith. (>ur agents, w. -e imiiie is attached i '.T' t \ has instructions to * . iv y "! full and complete <s ' niMuruon or make no ? <t chnrtrf \t ^ i-1 "; that fair (l?'alin^ ? ^ ^ I | P&k-.(S DRUG COMP'Y, | ? AGENTS X X >i.T V, ILL, - - - S. C. ? / iii" ..X (r>*^ ! Lttile'Doctor 1 C u I* fc-S . i c Complaints; uses only Ramon's Liver Pills n.'.t Tonic Pellets, and Hive., your money back if not satisfied. Your liver the biggest trouble If you would be wed. try Ramon's Treat, ment. Only 25 cents. Fci sale b'. W. 3 Ardr?/ !-,> .1 ' l. ..