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FC 15TH YEA R. niuitTTA irtiinnl rAUYIUlU AITAIKS Occurrences of Interest From All Over South Carolina MANY ITEMS OF STATE NEWS A. Batch of Livo Paragraphs Coverin s a Wide Range?What is Going On in Our State. Columbia Cotton Market. Columbia Sept. 10?The cotton mar- j kei steady. New crop cotton: l.ow middling 7 1-2 Si ri?-t low middling 8 Middling 8 Middling S 1-2 Strict middling S o-4 <iood middling f Charlotte Produce Market. ('liii'kcriH- -Spring 12 t<? 25 per head Duck- 25 Fesr- 21 0. 22 U\e ..SO Corn 73 to T."i i "011 on Seed 22 1-2 t Pite> i'Vod 47 1-'2 to ;>0 Oate> Seed 55 to f>7 4.-2 Ealf.imorc Produce Market. Halt .more, Md., Sept. 10.?Flour .lull. unchanged. Wheat; Weak; spot contract GO 7-S to 70; Soul Lorn, by sample. .">0 to (ill. Corn: Weak; sjmt 5-i J-2 to f?-S; Soul Let n white 5S to 50. hits: Barely steady; No. 2 mixed 34 1-2 to 35. ' live: Firm; No. 2 Western GO to ti I. Butter: Steady and unchanged; fancy imitation 20 to 21; ?L> creamery 25 to 2G; do ladle IS to 20: store parked 15 to 1 (>. Kgiis: Firm, 23. ? liecse: Active and unchanged. 13 1o 13 1-2. Ne^ro 102 Years Old Attempts Maurder. SI. t.ioorgo, Special.?Magistrate .1. \V. Cummings of Harley villo. committed to jail Friday Caesar Slteppard, colored, aped 102 years, charged with attempts arid throats to kill Mr. J. \\\ Inlinger a respectable white citi7.tit of the Harleyville section of this county. This old nogro has already served five terms in the penitentiary fur various offenses, including hop steal in p. He has already expressed a willingness to be sent to the penitentiary, and upon his return eaeli time expresses himself as being highly pleased with his trip, and on his way i<> jail Friday he told the constable in wnoso buggy he was riding, to please drive a little faster as lie was anxious to get there, and that on hi- hint irip he was made a (trustee) "tried v" at Clomson college. where, he rooked and waited on the "hoys." Young Lady Accidentally Shot. (treenville, Special.- Miss i.ueili. IIaddon, a beautiful young woman about 10 years of age, daughter of A1 is. Sarah K. ITaddon, met death in a nn si shocking and tragic manner early Thursday afternoon. She was ?liot through the heart by the accidental dischargo of a pistol which evidently fell to the lloor while she was removing several articles ot clothing from a trunk. Miss Haddon had only a lew minutes before- returned from shopping and while out she bought a bottle of gasoline to rlcaen a skirt. Site went to her room and a few moments later the report of a pistol was hoard. When the inemi?.i~ ..r ii... c?u-- ? i < . Win: 11'ilCllfU lilt* 1'OOICI tin- young woman was !viii!.r on tho lloor gasping for l>r.-n*ii. She never spoke. Death of Mr. Parrott. Si ran Ion, Special.- Mr. it. Carrot t died Tuesday ?l his home, a few miles I'm>111 town after several days' illness, lie was about 7.'1 years of acre, and served faithfully in the War IVIween the Sections. The remains were liuri ed at High Kill cemelerv with Masonic rites. A widow and several children survive him. Advertising Columbia. Seeretary of the ('hamher of Coin- ! .inerro K. K. Clark has received so many applications for the "Condensed Knots About Columbia," which the chamber has been issuing, that about 2,000 yopies have been distributed. The distribution has not been broadcast in a worthless sense, but has covered ten Stato*t and the panii phlets have been sent to bonn-lide inquirers. The next advertisinir book "Columbia as a Tourist Hotel !{ sort.' bus been prepared and will be is-ued hortly. I f Rt 'RT I !,. I FC SOUTH CAROLINA CROPS Condition of South Carolina Cropa For Week Ending Monday, Stpt. IP 1906, as Given Out by tha Da partmcnt. (Tenorally lair tweather prevailed over the entire State during the week with rain on one day only over all the northewestern border counties where rain fell 011 two days. Oconee, 1'ickens, Greenville and Spartanburg counties received the heaviest rainfall with amounts ranging front about one inch to nearly two inches. Over the rest of the State the weekly amounts were generally less than half an inch. The delieiencv in precipitation was a favorable feature of the week's weather. The mean temperature for tin- week was ahout normal in the western and ......... y... I ?>?is l degree above normal in the eastern portion. The day temperatures were high. as a rule, while the nights were eool during the last three da\s. The temperature for the week ranged from a minimum of rill degrees at Greenville 011 the StJi S?? a maximum of 5)t> degrees at Bowman on lite lilt. These temperature.- were quite favorable. Light uoriLeastcrnly winds prevail ed during most of the week. There was ample sunshine in all parts ot the State.?J. W. Bauer. Section Director. Tragedy Near Lowryville. Chester, Special.?I.nwsott Addison, colored, killed Matilda MeMaster and Mamie llalsell, also colored. Sunday night as tkc trio were on their way home from ehureh. The tragedy oceurred in the public road, about one lliole from Lowrvvillc> in itm iiuiirk Iiorhood of the Dr. Kpps Atkinson plant niton. The McMasler woman, who was Addison's paramour, ami hot sister, Mamie Hulsell, had gone to church contrary to Addison's orders, and the tragedy followed. As the congregation were wending their way homeward, they were startled by four shots tired in rapid succession. They at once went to the spot from whence the shots seemed to come, and found the two women cold in death. The sheriff and his deputies were at once summoned and took the trail, hut although posses have hoen scouring the country nothing has been seen of the fugative. Addison is a despnrato negro. and is said to have served on the chaingaug in tlnstou county, N. ('. Death of Mr. R. A. Dickson. < I reenvillc. Special.? Robert A. Dickson, aged (>1 years, died ai his homo in this eity after an illness extending over several weeks. The deceased is a son of the late .lames Dickson. He served in 1 lampton's Legion. ('omjmnv K. lie spent the greater portion of his life in tirenville, but during the past few years he was uperintendent of the .'loverly granite works, near Easier. Mr. Dieksou is survived by his wife ami four sons, lie also leaves threa brothers and a sister. Tliev are Jnli.i M. Dickson ol' (Jreenville. Id. It. 1 )i<-kson ol' <"hnrlotte, who won* with him when lie t!io?l. James Dickson of M< ntpomcry, Ala., and Mi>. Mary Y:flcntinc of Urooklyn. The funeral and interment took place here Thursday afternoon. Entire Train Derailed. tirecnville. Special. A m?uIhhotind pnsscmror train on tin- l?lu Iiidye railroad was totally wrecked on mile north of Anderson late WYd.;c<da\ afternoon. The entire train left the track with the exception of tin' front trucks of the engine. The combination mail and express ear plunged into an embankment. Death of Mrs. Crocker. A dispatch from Iiranehville announcing (he death of Airs. Janie K. Crocker, the wife of Mr. J. l\. Crocker, until recently a resident of Columbia. Mr. and Mis. Crocker jnov cd to llraiichville about live months niro and it was at their home there J thai In r denth occurred. State's Only Woolen Mill. ?i eenville. Sp' -Willi I!.- boi>itinini; of the new year the MfCloe Manut'acluriug company of flreenville will abandon the spinning of rot ton waste yarns for the weaving of woolen goods, more especially 1 lankets. The change necessitated 'lie purchase of lo and finishing machinery at an additional outlay ot about i This will he the only woolen mill in South Carolina. For I lie present the compan'v will maim faelure only blankets. The plant will have a < ai .1 ity < ! Kit) p.-i - a da; . 1 , ; i Mil >RT MILL, S. C., Til UK THE IOCENT LIMIT! Southern Cotton Association Fixes Minimum Price c CROP SHORTER THAN THOUGHT ? ? After Two Days' Deliberation Executive Committee Adopts Resolutions Declaring That Crop Has Greatly Deteriorated Since Aug. 15 and Urging All Southern Interests to Stand For 10-Cent Cotton as a Permanent Minimum. ? Hot Springs, Ark., Special.?Tlic executive committee of the Southern Cotton Association late Friday afternoon recommended to its members and cotton growers of the South that no cotton be sold during the present season at less than 10 ivnts per pound. In a resolution adopted by the committee, it is stated that the crop is itt a state of deterioration, ami for that reason no estimate of tin. crop was made. The resolution states however, that the commit tec i> satistied thai the crop will not be as large as the current estimate. The placing of the minimum juice at 10 cents was in the nature of a victory for the conservative element of the association. The resolution adopted by the committee, which is in the shape of an address to the public, follows: ' * Inasmuch as we, the eotto. growers of the South, know that there ha been great deterioration in the cotton crop since August 15, and, "Whereas the consensus of opinion of the members of this committee i* that 'the deterioration is still going n, we deem it unwise to make an estimate of the crop at this tiiue. We are satisfied the crop will not be as large us the current estimate. "We therefore suggest and urge uj>on all our members and producers throughout the South not to sell their cotton at a figure less than the eost of production. "We call unon all Southern interests to aid in maintaining for all time this price as a minimum. We urge the necessity of marketing slowly and'only on an advancing market, and withdrawing all cotton from the market at every decline." The committee took up the charges against Secretaarv Richard Cheatham of dealing in futures while an officer of the association. After a spirited debate, in which J. A. Brown, of North Carolina, led the opposition, the committee decided to go in executive session to consider the rlinrcec Mr. Brown then loft the room in which the committee wore meeting ami announced that he had refused to sit in executive session on the matter. Mr. Brown has maintained through out the session that they should he open and not executive. Label Must State Contents. Washington, Special.?After numerous eonferenecs between Secretary Wilson. Dr. Melvin, chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, and about 10 representatives of the various meat packing houses, the problems which have arisen over the question of labels which, under the law, must he put upon meat products, have been settled to the satisfaction of all concerned. What prabablv was the last conference was held at the Department of Agriculture Thursday and the packers announced that they would prepare, the labels by October 1, when tho law goes into effect. Throughout the discussions, Secretary Wilson stood for labels which would state exactly what the packages contained, and this the packers finally have accepted. Shot While at Supper. Moultrie, (la., Special.- John A. Johnson, a promi< nt fanner of the lower part of this country, and a former county commissioner, was assassinated while sitting at his supper table surrounded by his family, lie was shot ami instantly killed with n load of buckshot that took effect in Ins head and brain. The shot was fired through a hole in the chimney. SYMPLIFIED SPELLING BOARD. Have Names of 825 College Presi donts and Professors Agreeing tt Use the 300 Reformed Words. New York. Special.? The simplified spelling board prior to August 1st received the signatures of S'Jo college presidents, professors, instructors ami university officers, who had agreed to u-o for 300 words as far as practicable in their o\\n correspondence. Illinois i-. next and Massachusetts Ihiid. CViforniaj, Michigan, Missouri, Pennsylvania, ffouccticut, lindiana, Kansas and Md.| in the order named. I 1 X 1 SI)AY, SEPTEMBER M SHAW ON POLITICS > C Secretary Discusses Republi {' can Principles , BELIEVES IN RECIPROCAL TRADE ' ? - i' Principles of the Republican Party 1 and Pertinent Topics Discussed? A Strong Speech. j r Salisbury. N. <Special. Secre- v tary Shaw culled the Salisbury audi- <> (Mice small, luil probably a thousand r voters heard liiin. He arrived on No. I 2(1, thirl\ minutes lau*. lie was met i by the ltnnfoul Cornet Hand, and as be entered the court house ii played e " llixie." The itaeiiir icmnci iinmit ' 61' thr speech made iIk* song peculiar- T ly appropriate. t, Secretary Shaw ?,tid in par? . (! "Our political oimhumiIs la> much * stress on the fact that shiiii1 American j ma M! i*:.-! iiifis atf -oh: abroad cheap- s T 1 lent at lioitn . Tl. it the practice > prcMiils to some e\tyut *?'I inu-t admit. hut that it does not prevail gcii . , i i 1 c rally or to any ciin-nn-i.ihl< extent ^ i- easily established. A nonpartisan j linlnsi rial commission was appointor! < by Congress in IK'.N, which, alter ^ spending more than three year- in the investigation, filed its' report in { JiMJ'J, which was published in IS large t volumes. This report contains ail j available evidence on this subject, j Alter making careful compilations from the data therein contained. Sen- 1 ator (talHliger, of New Hampshire. 1 stated on the floor of tin- t'nited j States Senate, in April, 1904. ilia: approximately $1,000,000 worth of Am- < erican matinfaetured product.- arc 1 annually sold abroad cheaper than in ' our own domestic market. No one ] lias ever attempted to disprove Sen- 1 ator Hall Lager's conclusions, though our political opponents continue to 1 speak of the practice as ivell-ni<rlit , universal. This $4,000,000 worth can ' bo far more than aoountod for ii is 1 quite likely the estimate is t<??? low. "The Republican party from the time of its birth until now has pro1 tecled the laborer who produces for | the American market in every way possible for man to conceive. Republican legislation'excludes Chinese Ja- , hor primarily because the Chinaman refuses to live on the American standard. The colie laborer i- unpopular f largely beeause of his inexpensive ' habits. He neither feeds himself, clothes himself nor houses his family as do Americans. Living on a lower | j.i.Tin-, iic rim <'i coniso allord to work I cheaper limit American, ami hrs presence is a menace, not so much to : American morals as to American labor. To the extent that he secures < his pro rata share ?>f American wages < and tails to eoiitrihuU; proportionate- ' Iv to the consumptive capacity of the I country his presence is undesirable. I The Republican parly then-lore says 1 to hint: "Unless you consent to he I an American consumer you shall not he an American producer. Von shall < be an American in "both respects or in ' neither." 1 The greater part of the secretary's 1 speech was devoted to an intelligent ' discussion of the tariff, villi his views upon the co-related principles of reciprocity, rebates, drawbacks, etc. The speech was Iree from sensational abuse, was calm and dignified I and drew the close attention of those : who heard it, many <? ' wlioin differed widely from the vews express- 1 ed by' him. < Fought Ovar Ten Cents. j Greenville, Special.?J. M. Kavborno. a young white man, claiming ] (Vdartown, < in., as his home, was ser- . ionsh cm in an affray with Ralph Met'all. It is companion, Thursday. Both men were drinking and the Iron- , hie was the outcome of a dispute over ten cents. K n.\ "borne was curs- 1 ing ninl pursuing Met'all, when the ' later drew hi; knife and inflicted a I long gash across Rayborne's neck, lie came here from North Carolina several years ago. Rayborne's father is a Iluptist minister at Cedartown, Ga. Steamship is in Distress. Wilmington, N. ('., Special.?The steamship Richmond 1,4.'?7 tons, lumher laden. Georgetown to New York, is in distress a few miles noi theast of Frying l'an lightship. The Blanche from this poet, has gone to her as sistanoe. The Richmond is owned by , the Atlantic Coast Lumber Company , _ p vr i i*L nnv loru c?ry. I - * * I; I V fc, j riMF !,190(>. (RYAN WELCOMED HOME >ns of ths Largeot Crowds in Lincoln's History. Lincoln, Nob.. Special.?William J. Irynn returned to his home and the 'honjo folks" welcomed hitu with very evidence of approval and sutif fiction. It was a neighborly welume, planned as such, and carried ut as planned. It is doubtful whether Lincoln ever eld a larger crowd than that which aiue to the citv on Wednesday. It ras a half-holiday in the eitv and evty train from over the State arived loaded down, brineintr "ot only Sebraskan people, but many from icar-by Slates. The eitx was handsome!v deeoratd. The non-partisan nature oi" the eeeptioli was emphasized in every rav possible. Two hours before the time lor the x? reises at the eapitoi grounds, 3">.MMi persons st ru.ittrled for points of at^ajre around the speaker's si am'., klr. Bryan was cseorted to the stand >y (ioverno! Mftkav from his private ipeeeh of weleotne. Ma vol* Brown rid: "Before inrtodneine tlovevnor diekev who will extend the ^reetinus >: the State. Mr. Bryan, 1. as mayor, veleome you hoiue; not as a statesrun. tiot a< a Oemoerat. hut as that lea rest to us all. our beloved neijrh*??'. ' * ?'overnor Miekev spoke of the i wakening of the pub lie eouseienee to i' ie righteousness, ami in this eonleetiou spoke of "boens reformers '' I'ho crowd seemingly misinterpreting lis thought, indulged in some hiss??. As Governor Mickey concluded and Mr. Bryan aru^^ there was rencwd herring and hmWclapping. Mr. Brym tcgfln by saving that in his travels ic had learned that the Arubie language contained 600 words meaning 'finu'l. and that since returning lo lie I'nited States he bad wished that die American language contained an aiany words meaning "I thank you." He declared the happiest part of the long journey was the home-coming, i-ul then went into a general desevipion of his travels. l'oilowiig Mr-. Bryan's speech, a reccptfou took place in the capitel. rhere was a brilliant display o'.1 li;o works on the State house groutds No Postoffice Clerk's Union. Savannah, Ga., Special.?ConGuding the most successful session in it* history. the seventh annual convention of the United Association of IN.stattiee Clerks adjourned Thursday afternoon to meet next year in i? * : - *? >? i i-rnria. ill. President. Prank T. Rogers, f'hiea;o; first-vice president, Charles Kirk, l'oled*, O.J second vice president, ,J. rimrbw Harnett, New Orleans; third rice president, C. II. Mitchell, Portland. Me.; secretary, William Gibbons, Seranton. Pa.; treasurer, John T. O'Brien, l'oston, Mass.; seryean!lt-arrus. \V. B. Hunt, Atlanta, Ga. It was announced that the asso-iation would not become affiliated r.itlj the American Federation of l.a?or. Yhv association look the statu! Sunt while the attitude toward the federation was most amicable, it kvould not he advisable to become af iliatcd with it. Jack Sullivan of Seattle, introduced a resolution for the establish unit of a bureau of education and ublicity to assist in the lets-a e of lie el.issifieatiou bill now before '' a tress. The resolution was passed. Baltimore Has 24-Hour National Bank. Baltimore, Special. The Third Na : 1 <i.:. . - ..... II ..i urn ?-11I;is{ 11111r ll r.igu rated twenty-four hour banking ! aeiiit ic-i It is the National hank in the country to make the lianyp. W.f? Saw 3Iir: Su'cidc. '.ouisviib. Special, llarrv B. I'ayne, hen! o ft lit* lim: of Mary I*, l ay.ifi ant Company, /uuciiipc manu" , faciurers committee! suieido /i the presence ?f his wife ami several others by his throat. lie livst i Lri?-?I to shod himself. Ill 1:< alt!: was the eause. Two Nejroes Expiate Crimes. Pittsburg, Pa., Sp-cial.- Cornelia-. Coombs and <,Uud" Williams, neirroc, id their o.i tin ..allows this luonmij. ? oo libs win handed for Jn* murder of .Mrs. 1 i rabeth Pieke-son, I' >>, 1! Wil uns. aft r kiim ., . hn law. .'Jr.-. v, a? home, fcjoptenber 1(1. i '< >. follower his b rot her-ii jaw in: > tiie home u neighbor, were ho shot him twice. The murder oj his mother-in-law was me of tthe m-at cold-blooded affairs recorded in il" anriti!- of Alleghany rounty.tL.i J I ?*!' > *-'?l I - H - - v . fi'SBj" m A Q v: v - .fci 'v '"WW NO. ' 5 TIRED (tf MURDER Russian Soldiers Grow Into At I I rrtvj Mnnfl v/517 IIIWU ' ; " rr1' f , A FIERCE ATTACK ON CITIZENS - *4?t> >2] I ' ?i . f Beginning With Attack on Jewf, But Boon Extending it Indiscriminately to all Civilians, Troops in PoXiab Town of Siedlce Olnt ThemaelT* With Revenge for Murdered Comrades, Killing or Wounding Hundreds?Three Streets Devastated by All-Day Riot?City Now Surrounded by Troops?Jews Panic Stricken. Siodleo, Russian Poland, By C'able-A massnerc of police and soldiers began at S o'clock Saturday night, lmmeiliatdy afterwards the troops attacked the .lows. All Sunday tlio soldiers have at toked civilians. Christians wr .Tews, robbing ami murdering them without discrimination. Hundreds of persons were killed or wounded. Three streets were devastated. It is reported that drunken rese.Tists started the massacre. Troops have surrounded the city and refuse aeeess to it. A regiment of infantry has been sent from Delia to Siedlce to restorw order. Tiie .Tews here are p;Uiie-strickcu. \ Alarming reports are beitlg circulated in the eilv. . * p ? :> Warsaw, Bv Cable?Teiyorists Saturday eveiug shot and killed two soldier-. guarding a government alcohol ^ store at Siedlce. A da tell men t of infantry rushed up and fired a volley into the crowd, killing twl persona and wounding two. Sunday morning the terrorists retaliated by beginning a massacre of policemen and soldiers patroling the slroets. and at noon the infurated troops attacked the Jewish <{uarters of Siedlce. destrovinc the houses and Shops. y It is reported that over one hundred persons were killed or wounded and that the town is in 11axuQ?_ - . f Republican Book Issued. ~k Washington. Special.?Tho Republican party- its achievements for halt eentury and particularly its record in the present Congress?is eonnnended to the voters of tJic country in the campaign text-book given out by ilie Republican congressional committee. The hook embraces information on practically every conceivable subect upon which informal i<?n may he desired. Radicalism or conservatism, it is declared, are nqver matters of concern to Republicans, Imt it i> staled "they are content wiili practical and progressive ideas ami the maturing of their ideas into positive performance." To Cost Directors $3,000 000. Philadelphia, Special.?All of the directors <>f 1 lie* Weal Estate Trust Company, which was wrec! <1 liy its suicide, president, Fiauk K. 11ij-le, pi iucipallv throu li heav\ loans tn ule to Adolf Se-^al, a promoter. on flimsy collateral, lia%c avn '<1 to liccriver Earic's plan for reorganizing tin eompaiiv. Mr. Earlc received a telegram from Dr. S. Weir Mitch*!!, the only memher of the hoard of directors who is away from tlie eitv, agreeing |o the proposition that the d tree tors cimtrihnte the amount deemed necessary hy the receiver. 'Jhe otho directors had prvionsly assented to the plan. Husband Shoots Wife. Ncwhurn, K. Speoinl.? (loo. McCartney, a white w man aged 1M, was i shot by her husband, William Mnnson I M,.< w i--. ? ? ..!? ?iTrnuuy rnui ij ni'.r. i nr nr ei.insianees of' the affair indicate murder, 1 mt McCartney insists that the ^li uitin^ was accidental Hi* eays that In- look the )>islo|, whieh wa . nf the modern harnrnrrlos kind, and was carelessly pin via/ witli it. }His wif.j rv as stainlimr l>y him when tlio weaj'oii was discharged,, thiX-ball entering lier ri' eye lod'/int; in the brain, I lie woman dying in two hours. ?- ?? | Georgia Declarta For Win. J. Bryan. Miirin:. 'ia.. Specjn' T3u; enaniir.?u* noniiiiatsou o? >ko fcsrnilt: for .novel nor of ('per - iK wni-'li1 of William J. i.ryan mr piesit'vsi in ldON, was 1 lie principal buxi! ? transacted by the Jtamoeraiio St:;:.' (invention The nnics of other enndid.ile fer i^BVOrncr were not j i.n- d before the conveation. . My