University of South Carolina Libraries
mr r NEWSY GLEANINGS. Long Island Is being disturbed by bandits In automobiles. Ruin of the Cuban tobacco crops Is predicted as a result of the Insurrection. The immigration Inquiry board de- ! elded to admit forty Russian Jow j orphans. At Sydney, New South Wales, the | legislative assembly passed the free education bill. It Is reported that the Standard j Oil Company has offered to buy the J country's leading distilleries. A girl dropped a bomb fifty yards [ from the palace of General Ka .lbars, St. Petersburg. She lost n hand MarqulR Ito said that he and the Jatunese Emperor were in favor of granting independence to Korea. The Russian Emperor hn9 issued a ukase providing for the sale of Crown appanage lands to peasants. A cremators' for disposing of the bodies of the pauper dead in the District of Columbfa is to ho constructed in Washington. President Roosevelt, in a letter u plending for the election of a Republican House took a strong "Standpnt" position on the tariff. Tho Japanese Government advised the State Department at Washington that the port of Dalny (now called Ta!ren) would be opened, duty free. The Chilean Government, made out a project for the rebuilding of Valparaiso; scarcity of money prevented Reneral opening of business. Ten indictments were found against the Standard Oil Company by Federal Grand Juries in Illinois, charging the acceptance of railroad rebates A committee has been appointed at Pekin to dtscusa the report of the commissioners who recently went abroad to study forms of constitutional governraont. Herman Oclrichs Dc;;d. Xf vv ^ ork, Spcci'!. A -j't'ein! lVom Newport says !i Oolrielis, the N v York uiana;.'!': the N??rtii (Jer11 "n Slciinship < wsjM.iy. formerly "*11 in aioi'l 1 ;cs aid a iiiemher ot me i !' lire he-i kit r.vii rluhs, was d< a?' i it liiiiM-:! lie V>iiii |.|i>yil liner Kasicr Willtelm d<- Cm-se. No details of t1 it- death ' e reeeived. (>? !I'!e|;s Inc."! led a d.lO'jk*. : of Sunul.ip Fair. Jhrlodged "With Dynamite. T' nxmtawuey. 1 *;i.. Special. Twu inr-robei* <>1 tin* ?*i 111 :i ry ?? dead. one dtinvj. ami t \v? ol Iters wn ;P'!r*il, as ilit* result n| iIn* riot with It tin is at FIiik'hi" . -t'MM miles from lii' i. One of llii- Italians is dent!, ;nii tf.?*i' slightly wmniilcil anil two are under nrre-t. Tlu* house in wliieii lit' rioters barricaded tlieiuselve> ;> a wr. rl; from tin* dynamite used h\ till* t.t)CJirr.s lo. ili>l?niue till' liol'Ts. a cross. The JndRO?-Yon say yuii have nut always lieen a second-story man? The prisoner?No, your honor; I m-rd to pit in on Fa KiMitnd lloor. .j:.dge?Indi -'>1! Ami v on >'. i >'<n >1 lit tin life in-U'-.'ti ? l.u.-itu . ? Y others Statesman. OUR PRICE LIST. Combining good quality ami low prices. The prices quoted bolow aro guaranteed I lo bo the lowoHt for quality of Goods! | 1 year old Cora Whisky, per gallon $1.60 I 2 .. .. l.W i .. a-00 I A ^ 1 -? .. .. ,, ti ,, ,, Tar Heel Corn Whiskey 3.00 1 ? ,, Good Rye Whisky per gal 1.75 ii ? Good Ryo Whisky " " 2.0Q 3 ,, ,, Good Ryo Whisky " " 2.60 4 ? (rood Ryo Whisky " " 8.00 r> .. ,, Good Ryo Whisky " " 4.00 No charge for vessel or packing. .">Oo extra will prepay express on one to 'broe gallons; over 3 gallons, 76e. SXUMAN A COMPANY, SALISBURY .... NO. ii.iiwi..-> . irom ti.ou to d>) uo SHOTGUNS. . Irom 7.60 to 33 00 Vkyourii.alcran.i iuii.t Si-n.l f. r MTV" * ..n?ur tx'iir nuko If tt.ieil cal'.i . If inirr. y'ui.inii< u'.<taln.weilii|i nifJ in MiimTiNfi,wn l r< tt frriajt rhar^ej I ought to line ll. Ilileil moil rrceipl of j l..r four <i-nts t.l staui*>o i italoi; jirke. | cm rr po&ttfe. Our attractive tlwwrolnr Aluminum llaqictiiflllt arnt inyulieri for imenii in iuni)a. T STEVENS ARMS AND TOOL CO., r. o. Dot rvi Chicopeo Falls, Mass., U. S. A. i I Whim in tlif Market I GOOD WHISKIES, I W i N ES, I BRANDIES, ETC,, V CALL OX QU WRITE ' \ tToti.n Its/Eovl?. <AUS5H"UY. N. C. President Rooseve ! to the I If ; List of 300 Words That He c? Documents From the Whi J According to the I J the Matthew: President Roosevelt announced his conversion to the spelling reform movement. He has issued orders to Public Prluter Stlllings that all messages from the President and all other documents coming from the White House shall be printed in accordance with the recommendations of the spelling reform committee headed by Professor Brander Matthews, of Columbia, and barked by Audrew Carnegie. Spelling reform had its greatest Impetus when Andrew Carnegie made an offer to finance it. For many years professors and others have been laboring to have the public accept reforms in the spelling of certain words. The public, while admitting that the existing spelling is a philological monstrosity, refused to take kindly to the suggested changes. When Andrew Carnegie announced himself as a convert to the reform the matter was discussed more than at any time within the past 100 years. .Mark Twain promised to take it up after Mr. t'arnegi~ had announced his conversion and had agreed to finance the organization of reformers calling themselves "the Simplified Spelling Board, of which Brauder Mntthews is the president of the Kxecutive Board. This board announced at. the he- . ginning that it did not propose any radical or revolutionary scheme of reform, but simply wanted to make easy the spelling of certain words. It selected 300 words which it asked the public to accept. Following is the list of 300 words already given out l>y the Simplified Spelling Board in which changes are proposed: NEW FOttV <M.n FORM. abridgment : ' >: idgement ccouter iuc.ntti* accurst accursed acknowledgment jnknowledur-.iadd rest addressed ad.*. aiizo nthxt Hi \ed altlio ..'t hough nnnposl ouapaewt anemia .'<.i.<cuiia attest iieoia a meat hesia anesthetic anaesthetic aiuipyrtn aniipyrtna antitoxin aitititnxitio apothem apothegm apprize apprise arbor arbour arehelogy arehaeinjjy mviiM anion armor armm.:* artizan artisan Hssizfl ?<si?o ax a xi! ban* banns bark ba r<ii. ! behavior behove blost blossr blush t. hit*.).< i brazen hra*en brazier ' bras, bun bi:tm bur burr caliber calibre caliper calliper candor murmur carrot caressed catalog catalogue catechize catechise center centre chapt chapped check checque checker chequer chimera chminera civilize civilise clamor clamour clangor clangonv clapl clapped cliiNpt clasped clipt clipped clue ole?* coeval coaeval color colour colter coulter coiuniixt commixed comprint compressed comprize comprise cor fes i confessed controller comptroller coque!. coquette critici/.e citicise cropt eroppe<l cros; crossed crusht crushed cue queue curst cursed cut las curias* cyclopedia cyclopaedia dactyl dactyle dasht dashed doming decalogue defence demagog demagogue demeanor demeanour deposit deposite deprrst depressed develop devclope (licrciii di;irce*i3, diacie^u dike dyke dipt dipped discust discussed dispatch despatch distil distill d ist rest distressed dolor dolour domicil domicile draft draught dram * drachm dreat dressed dript. dripped droopt drooped dropt dropped dulnes* <i id In ess eonincnical oecumenical eddo aedile cgis aegis enanior enamour encyclopedia ? encyclopaedia eiufcavor - endeavmn enxelop envelope Kolian Aeolian eon aeon f epaulet epaulette cponyra cponymo era uera esophagus oesophagus esthetic aesthetic esthetic* aesthetic* estivnte acstivnt a ether aether etiology aetiology exorcize exorcise exprost > x pressed fagot l' 'ggot fantnsm phantasm fantasy planfasv fantom I buntom favor ".avour favorite iiMUirde fervor fervour It Converted New-Styte Spelling rentier in All Messages and ? te House Will Be Printed | Recommendation oi J i Committee. j ??< * i"^.?-?y?^>?? *!>- *>? *>.? lilx'r hbrc lixt tixo.i flavor flawi fnlhi fullil! fulness fullnr.vt gag** gauge ga/.e! gazelle gelatin gelatine gild guild gipsy gypsy glozc gluae glj eerin glycerine good-by good-bye gram gramme gript gripped harkeu hearken heapt heaped hematin haemal in hiccup hiccough hock hough bomeopat hy homoeopathy homonym homonym* honor honour hutnor humour hlftdlt hushed hvpot (*0118* Itvpothcp'jB* idolize idolize imprest impressed instil instil] jail gaol judgment judgement kist kissed labor labour lacrimal laciirymal I a pi lapped lnsht lashed leapt leaped legalize legalise license licence licorice liquorice liter litre lodgment todgemcut look t looked lop! lopped luster lustre mama mamma maneuver luanoeuver materialize materialist meager meagre medieval mediaeval meter metre mist missed miter mitre mix' mixed mold mould molder moulder .....i.I;..,. . " "" ""I " niuijj moldy mouldy molt liiuiili million mullein naturalize naturalise neighbor neighbour niter nitre nint. nitiped ooW nenre mlor odour offense offcin e omelet omelet ie opi < oppressed ort hopedie ort hopnedio paleogrinhy palaeography paleolotliie palaeolithic paleontology palaeontology paleozoic palnro/oiq pai n tin paraffin parlor parlour )Mrti:?in partisan past passed pat runi/e patronise pedagog pedagogue jiedobaptiat pacdohuptist plienix phoenix plieiiomcnon phaenomtnon pigmy pvgtnv plow plough polyp polype possi'dt possessed practise ractiee prefixt. prefixed promotion praeiioincn prest pressed pretense pretence preterit. preterite pretermit praeterinit primeval primaeval protest professed prugra'm programme prolog prologue propt propped pur purr 1 quartet quartette questor quaestor quintet quintette rancor rancour rapt rapped rn/.e _ rase T*l ?f*? lim i t* i>an/./**> 1.. A - teconnoiter reeonnon, nigor rigour Time rhyme r?P'- ripped rumor rumour saher . sabre salt_pete3 saltpeite savior saviour savor savour scepter sceptre septet septette sepuloher sepuleiun sextet sextette silvan sylvan simitar cimeter, scimitar, et<L sipt. sipped skilfu! skillful si tin; scythe ski pi skipped slipt . slipped smolder smoulder snapt. snapped somber sombrs specter spectra splendor splendour stedfast steadfast stept stepped stopt stopped atrest stressed stript stripped suhpena subpoena sueeor succour sufiixt suffixed sulfute sulphate sulfur sulphur sumac sumach snpprest suppressed.' surprize surprise synonym synonvnie tabor taboui'apt tapped teazel ImukI tenor lenour theater theatre tho ,, > though thoro ' thorough thoroly thoroughly thru through thruout throughout tip* * tipped topt . topped t Oat , t ossed transgrest . transgressed trapt " trapped tript tripped tumor tumour valor valour vapor vapour vest vexed vigor vigour vizor visor i wagon waggon was lit washed whipt whipped whisky whiskey wilful willful winkt winked wisht wis e<l wo woe tvoful woeful woolen woollen i wrapt wrapped * . * ''?* v*. Reflections of a Bachelor. After all. a woman's effort to beautify liersolf is but a vain attempt. Men who bray: are those who formerly squandered. Some spinsters advance step liy step until they finally become stepmothers. Many are trying to get their hearts into paradise by putting their hands into other people's pockets. North Dakota Solves the Adulteration Problem. North Dakota seems to have found the key to the question, "How shall we protect the people from frauds iu manufactured products?" a plan which 13 applicable to foods, beverages. materials used in the arts. etc. A new law has recently gone into effect designed to make It impossible to deceive people into buying inferior and adulterated paint under the Impression that they are getting real paint, viz.: pure white lead and linseed oil. The North Dakota lawmakers did not attempt to absolutely prohibit the inferior pigments, or mixtures of pigments. They adopted the slogan, "Let the label tell," and thou left to the people to buy whichever they wished. Under this plan, it any one wishes to tlliv ? mlYllllunf not 1 quartz and other cheap elements which are found in many paints and so-called "white leads," no one cuu object; for they do It with their eyes opeu. Hut if they prefer genuine white lead ahd linseed oil, they can be sure of getting it, for none hut the genuine article can bear a label which says "pure white load." In all other States mixtures are often sold as pure white lead which contain little?sometimes no?real white lead It. would seem that were this same principle applied to food, beverages and all other prepared articles, where deception Is practiced upon the buyer, the question would be solved, it would leave us free to buy what we pleased, but would protect us from unwittingly buying what we did not want. Tl isn't what a man owes, hut what he pays that keeps him poor. Mrs. Winslovv'sSootbing Syrup for Children teething.softcnst begums, reduccsin llatnm* t ion, allays jwiiu, cures wind colic,'iVa bottle [ Lei not the sun look down ami I say inglorious here he lies. Franklin ! FITS,St. Yitus'Dnnee:N?:rvous De-ease* per- j inauentlycmcd by I)r. Kline's Iireat Nerve Restorer. $\! trial l>ottlo anil treatise free. 1 Dr. H. R. Kline. l,d.,H"l ArcliSt.. Pliilit., Pa. j I Lawn Mowers' Hospital. flrass-rnttlnsr m:iclii*io< r?f ??r? size and shape, from liny hand 111a chines only six inches wide up to pony mowers of thirty-inch blades, meant fur service oil howling greens and lawns of manorial dimensions, are now pooling into repairing shops for ' fixing up" for the season. Most of them require the aid of lite mower dentist, far their "teeth" are worn and liluut: many show signs of severe usage and cf having boon out in the rain for prolonged periods. A thorough overhaul works wonders. The maehine that looked so disreputable and "seedy" on entrance to Messrs. Green's "horpital," in Southward street, is sent, lv me in gay fresh paint with blades it gleam and keen almost as razors. While foreign machines j stand repairing badly, the English j lawn mower can be rejuvenated from | voar to year.?I^ondon Dailv Mail. i | SHE HADN'T. Fair Huyrr?Our club is going to \ give a lecture on socialism. Have you any iimruiun' on uic suajeci.' Clerk?Did you over road "Looking; Backward?" Fair Buyer?Read looking back- I ward? How absurd. How could I?? ] Chicago News. Health and understanding are the two great blesings ol' life.?From the (ireek. So. 3(5- 'Oti. GOOD AM? MAIM) Results of E\? essive t 'offer Drinking. It it remarkable what, suffering some persons put u|> with just to satisfy an appetite for something. A Mien, woman rays: "'I had been ; using coffeo since I was old enough to j havo a cup of my own at the table, j and from It I havo suffered agony j hundreds of times in the years past. , "My trouble first began in the form ! of bilious colic, coming on every few ! weeks and almost, ending my life. [ At every attack for 8 years I nuf- j fered in this way. 1 used to pray for | death to relieve me from my suffering. I had also attacks of sick headache, and began to suffer from catarrh of the stomach, and of course awful dyspepsia "For about a yeai 1 lived on crackers and water. Believing that coffee j was the cause of all this suffering, ! I finally quit it and began to use Postum Food Coffee. it agreed with my stomach, my troubles have : loft me and I am fast gaining my j I health under Its use. "No wonder I condemn coffee and : tea. No ono could be in a much more critical condition than I \v&3 from the uao of coffee. Some doctors pronounced It cancor, others ulceration, but noiio gave mo any relief. But j since I stopped coffeo aiul began Postum I am getting well so fast I can heartily recommend it for all who suffer as I did." Name given by I usiuui Dili lit) VjUCOK, Mien. I Ror.d the llttlo book, "The Road to ' WcIIyIUo." "Ther i'a a reason." % Current Events. A number ot' vessels were driven ashore and wrecked on the (.treat Lakes. The assignment of ministers of |l?e West Virginia Meliiodist Proteetflut Conference were made, ut Fairmont, W.Y?. _ ? ; I The Standard Oil ('(impany hu*? it; is said, taken steps to acquire thoi principal distilliu? plants of the country. WOKN TO A SUKIiKTON. AWonilcrful Ilrstornlion That Cuinr(1 n Sensation in a Pennsylvania Town# Mrs. Charles M. Preston, of EIWUnd, Pa., says: "Three years agoil found that my housework w*s bkcoming a burdm. j I Si ambition and wins vffi? t, failing fast. M/ cos??Xnf TO P,e*'on Sot elliJw, V* '-Jw an^ * *ost ? l'r 4\ y iS pounds. My thirst y was terrible And there was sigarf In the kidney seeetlons. > My doctor kep inf ?>n 1 a strict diet, but as his medlcne was ; not .iclping me I l)egan using Dean's Kidney Pills. They helped in" at ; once, and soon all traces of sugar , disappeared. 1 have regained my ; former weight and am perlectly well." Sold by all dealers. HO ctjits a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Biffalo, N. Y. The hcnulv nF nature- is simply that of obedience. TERRIBLE SCALY ECZEMA. Kiuptiono on CliM'., nml Face j unit >rrk Were All llroUru Out ?I urril liy Citlli'un. '*1 had mi eruption nppe..*- on my cheat and hodv and cx'-nd upward* nud downwards, .,0 that tny neck and face were r.ll broken out; .nso my amis and 'be lower litubs lut tar a* the knee*. 1 at first thought it wan prickly heat. lJut ??ou Mcalea or irneli formed where Lite brrnkni(i out was. Instead of going in a physician 1 p .-chased a complete treatmcut of the cuticuns Remedies, iu which 1 bad j grea. laith, and alt was satisfactory A 1 year or two later the '.-ruptton appeared again, cr.ij h little 'ower, hut before it bud time to spread t procured ano'1 rr supply ot the ' ut.eura Remedies, and continued thrir use until he rc was complete. 1 i now live years since the last attack, have not seen any signs ot a return. i nave mote 'aith in Cutirura Reined et or akin dio*ae.ea than anything I know of. i.mtiiii hi. Wpion, hincomb, | Iowa, Oct. ', 100."." Sin is an intruder and not a ton- | ant in tin* ileari. , A HEALTHY OLD AGE OFTEN THE BES T FART OF LIFE Help for Woman Parisian Through Ohaaso of Lu_'e Providence has allotted us each at least seventy years in which to fulfill our mission in life, and it is generally our own fault if we die prematurely. e ^ Nervous exhaustion in rites disease. This statement is the positive truth When everything becomes a burden and yon cannot walk a few blocks without excessive fatigue, and you break out into perspiration easily, and your face flusheA, nn<l you prow ~xeit*d and shaky at the least provocation, and ; you cannot bear to be crossed in any- I thing, you are in danger; your nerves ! have given out; you need building up | at onoe 1 To build up woman's nervous system and during the period of change of life we know of no better medicine than Lydia K. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Herv is an illustration. Mrs. Mary L. Koehne. 371 Garfield Avenue. Chicago, 111., writes : " I have used I.ydui E. PiukbainVWgetnble Compound for yaaw in my fsciily and it never disappoints; so when I felt that. I was ncaring tnechange of life I counnenred treat mont with it. I took in all alont six bottles and it did me a great deal of go?i It stopped my dixay spells, puins in niv bark and the headache* with which I had Buffered for nionth3 Ixiforo taking the Compound. I feei that If it hod not t>oen for this great medicine for wonj-n that I should not hare been alive to-divy. It in splendid for women,old or young, and will surely cure all female disorders.'' Mrs. Pinkham, dn\jghter-in-law of Lvdla E. F'inkhara. of Lynu, Mass , illvitas all sick and ailing women to write her for ad vice. Her great experience is at their service, free of cost. When you buy WET />, WEATHER ,rf&d ' CLOTH J NO 1 you wcvni" ' / complete a 1 protection /ILK"' And long rr iVft. '(!! " service. V/'Vff l)\v These and many // M ' / i \t other good point* , JLS* are combined in C-d&T / 1 TOWER'S fr \ FISH DRANO [ f 1 OILED CLOTHINO 1 You cant afford 'I ^ 1 to bt(y any ether // t J LJ | T. /* C "Si UK* ^ * w>?i? ? i ?? If MMI. ?IMiai^.irtllCH-t/lilBKV TMMBMt ? GOOD WORK. Employer?Jimmy, I let you off ) terday afternoon because yeu said you bad some necessary* work to do, and one of my clerks says be saw you an bour or two later at tbe ball ^ same. \ Office Boy?Yes, sir; ? was rcotia' j ! fur de home tea.?Chlcagb Tribune. General Von 1 i a r I in rsk \ J artiu? military irovernor-peiieral of Warsaw, was assassinated. Where can one be hapbicr than its the bosom of his family t-^-Younjj. CAPUDiNE r.lSDEC It Mtl ?-w INDIGESTION andf.'T 'I Af*IFt3TV ??"k tn know III *w] II rurr* ftuiltll I tl K\?>\rHKy AUU L7 rauiuviug IU* ?? <'. 10c?ut?. ^ R AjAA BANK DEPOSIT V?Jv!3 ^L*' R?'??-raf?Paid. Nota^Ta!.e* SOO FREH COL'RSESBMHanBE?? fclocrdatCoit. WritaC'.:^ GEOHG?A-ALABAMA BUStHES^CHVLEGZ, Macon. ?*. 1'wmm TTfa~?"gaa8aMaBBC3BM AGE comes all too- quickly to her who suffers from the diseases peculiar to women. Pain, weakness, debility, soon leave you but a wreck of your former womanhood? r.ARniii w b va?. iwr V WOMAN'S RELIEF gj relieves female pain, cures feI male diseases. "I was scanty, had numb feelings, and was H terribly nervous every month,. 9 but Cardui has made me feel 1 so much better," writes Mrs. 1 J. Brandenburg, of Hunting's ton, W. Va. TryiL$ At ail Druggists. c n tl WRITE lor Free Advice, stati tg 9 n?f and ?lo*-iTil>iiiK your i-yiuptoms, to a 1 idios Advisory lW't.. Chattanooga 5 Medicine Co., *.'hatianoowa, Tenn. W. L. DOUGLAS ?3.5?&s3.00 Shoes * "JEST IN YHE WORLD W.L.Ooug!as$4Silt Edga cannctbo equalled at an j prica jr I Ti> Sfhtc /? !I'rs / k.mmm - *V\ \ \V. L. nuiitdita' Joh- / >*3 V lilnst Hon,e I# the most [ F- \ complete in thisi*rtaittry I K*.1 v fU I/tend for Cutaloo I // 1. iWvWWbft fwJm V'-A !/ZJ Wl\\ a ^ i SHOES FOK EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICi*. Mon'n Shoes. An to SI.CO. Boy' Snofio. $3 to$1.3S. Women's Shoes. $4.00 to fl.hO. Mjbs.-s* Jt ChlUtrsn'a Shoes. IB.2S to gl.QOi Try W. I,. Douglas Womru'L, Misses sndl Chihlrrn'K nil > ?; for style, fit IU1(I hmi tliey ? ?<?>1 other makn. If I could take you Into my largo, factories at Brockton, Mass.,and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas shoe,-* are made, you would then understand why they "hold their shape, fit better-,, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other moke. Wherever yoa Uve, you Cixi obtain W, I, Douglas ahoes. IIh itoene witi price Is stamped on tno bottom, which protects you af-nlnat hlgH price* ami Interior shoes. TcAre no luftrtU' ruHr. Ask your dealer for W. L. Doiiclav soet? and Insist upon having them. 9 f?nt Color Euulrt': usciF; they will not ivrar brassy ?Wrile for Illustrated Catalog nt pall Styles. WF, L. DOUULAS, Dept. ? 5, Mrocktau. riass. You Cannot at! inflamed, ulcerated and ratatTlial conditions of the mucous membrane such as nasal catarrh,uterine catarrh caused by feminine ills, sore throat, sore mouth or inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But you surely can cure these stubborn affections by local treatment with Faxtine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the diseasegei ms,checks discharges, stops pain, and heals the j inflammation and soreness* I'axtine represents the most successful local treatment for feminine ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. i Send for Free Trial Box 1 THf R. PAXTON CO* Boston, M&ae, Pill tbRAPrtTlHb^^ ', ) tlmkkrepisa. CenniunrbiivShorthsntl.T} prwr.t inf. '1 I ; Vl nejii a|>b>. iUum ..a Main Vt irtt i ounto'nl to', S i !???? ?; iromO l.iiHo^wilKin. l'<*iliou? tirnl.Wnt* foe 1 utoloic The Am<irlrnna'eu'fcc*,.U\ M oi?. s?'? yio. 1' ftti 'SflONARCH STUMP ?ft pi)tupjr.,.u,;.-s a- t Irri in KMumrlrr. - -J-"? ? --? iiu?rnnl<i-,l lor l.'mia.i alk _ ?f Psroh .riit h. ri u.l? I rreXw r Yoitr Host, K?rra, I imbcr , 6, l.antfi'U' Bnilurti 11 > on trrnt qrfcc in n*y, \J Mm your jirojM-riv .. tih nin ? o-ori r<Mon (1<hp?U>? t work. I hj\. r itmlrnhlr llonv* noJ I !m!>or ijtuitK for i rtl*. AddliM IT'. A ^ K 1P/ll Ruitt UlKCrXOi IMIM'ffPIH WlirK|,Oi> nnaheUpr.'Scr*. d J *r3 S Cll s "I" i r!' aP .1 !? [ ; i^siTlioi^scn's tye Wat# ; \