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WILLING TO BE BRIBED. Lady (at back door)?Well, what la it? Hobo?Please, ma'am, I feels one sit mo periodical fits comln' on. l*ady?My goodness! I hope you aron't have it h^re. Hobo? Dat'h Jist wot I want* see youse erbout. Fv do smtfil sum UT a dime I'll go somewhere else am* have it, ma'am.?Chicago News. Krrors About the White House. .To tlio Editor: 1 noticed somewhere recently?I trouid not say positively that It was n your columns an article on the hVhite Mouse which contained several (mis-statements. In the ttr^t place it was stated the White House was Hrst occupied in 1809, and that its first occupant was President Madison. The fact is, its first occupant was President Adants, (who took up his residence there in '1800. The original mansion was besun In 1792. Jti 18 14 It was burned by i&he British and rebuilt in 1818. Another of the errors in the arti ide referred to was the statement that ready-prepared paint is used on the {White House to make it beautifully while. I noticed this especially because I ;tiave used considerable paint myself, and wondered that "canned" paint ahould be used on such uu important building, when nil painters know that pure white lead aud linseed oil make llic best paint. , It so happened also that k knew "white lead aud linseed oil ? not ready-mixed paint?were "sed on the White House, because I had just read a booklet published by a firm of ready-mixed paint manufacturers, who also manufacture pure white lead. In Hurt hook the manufacturers admitted that r?r the While House nothing hat "the best and purest of paint couhl he used," and aei'l I Itfrli* Iiupm tv h i I a Inn/I !% ??! "been selected. ALove_ nil people those who attempt to write oo historical subjects xhould give us lacts, even if it is only a da'e or a statement about wood, or bricK, or paint, or other building material. Yours for truth, L,. . A TA1.K TO WIVES. Now while a woman is apt to surround any action of her married life rith sentiment, it 1? a fact ihut men, as a rule, have no sentiment whatever about money. To have to make it is a daily necessity, to spend it is another necessity, unconnected wilQ "feeling." A man does not pay out laoucy for a harrow necause he loves the hardware dealer, nor even because the hardware dealer need* the BIOUGV to mrrv mi liia mir because he ought to give some compcusation for the harrow when ho benefits by it. lie pays for it because he wants the harrow and can't get it In any other way. It's business. Now running a household is business, and should be put on that basis and that lone. The only reuiedv for needless humiliations to a woman, and needless irritation to a tuan, is to have an allowance for necessary expenses. It can be done where there is any income at all; it disposes of the little constant appeals that are so trying, and it spares the husbaud the intro* duct ion of the word "money" at home, when he is sick of hearing it and having it on his mind all day. The plan Ik seldom put to hint' in this light, nwwever, as a'nrf and ourden-lightener to both, but as a favor to her.? Mary Stewart Cutting, la Harper's Bazar. Vinneiran Mv, but lie do love to be ar himself tuIU. don't lie? Klannngnn? lie do. Faith, if lie bad the habit <?' talkiti* in his sleep, be M set up all night to listen and applaud. So. 33-'0(1 ?;ooi> mgiit's sLi:icr. ISo Medicine So lloiiencinl to Brain ami Nerves. Ikying awake nights makes it hard to keep awake and do things in day time. To take "tonics and s.iumlauts" under such circunistan es is like set ting the house on fire to see If you ran put it out. The ri&ht kind of food promotes refreshing sleep at night and a wide- j a?aU individual during t he day. A lad\ changed from Iter old way of eating to Urupe-Nuts and says: "For about three years I had been a great sufferer from indigestion. After trying several kinds of nu-diarine the doctor would ask iue to drop off potatoes, then meat, and ro on, but in a few days that craving, gnawing feeling" would start up and I would vomit everything I ate and drank. "When I started on Grape-Nuts. vomiting slopped, and the bloating feeling which tvas r.o distressing disappeared entirely. "My in<nher was very much bothered with diarrhea before commencing the Grape-Nets, because her ntonuuh so weak she could not digest her food.* Since using (5iapeNuts she is well, and says site don't think she could live without it. "It is a great brain restorer and nerve builder, for I can sleep aw sound and undisturbed after a swi per of Grape-Nuts as in the old da>s selieu 1 could not real ire what they meant by a "bad stomach." Tltere 'Is no medicine so beneficial to nerves . and brain as a good sight * sleep, - such us you caa enjoy after eating <2 rape-Nuts." i Name given by Postuiu Co., Caltl' I Cre^k, Mich, m .* ihe.e j a reason." COTTON STILL KING holds Its Position At the Head gl I of All Productions PROVISIONS TAKE SECOND PLACE Then Iron and Steel Manufacturers. Large Increase in Some Lines in The Last Ten Years. A special Washington dispatch to the Baltimore Sun says: ( The fact that exports of domestic merchandise from the United Stutes huve doubled within the last 10 years, ooupled with the constant demand tfor information concerning articles in which that growth was developed, has set the experts of the Bureau of Statistics of the Department of Com- ( merce and Labor to figuring. The re- , suit has been the preparation of a special table showing, in the order of magnitude, the principal factors in the export trade of the fiscal year which ended dune 30 last. To this they have added, for comparative purposes, a column showing the exportation* of ihe same articles in 1800. The analysis shows that three classes?raw cotton, provisions and iron and steel manufactures?had in lOOfl attained each a loial exportation of more (Into $100.000,000. which in 180(1 bnt two classes ? culton and provisions? wore entitled to that distinction. In lOOti the articles which showe?l each on exportation of between *.'0.000.000 and $100,000,000 were live <n number?copper manufactures, refined mineral oil, corn, flour and manufactures of cotton. A decade earlier, in IS'Jti. but two items fell into this group?refined mineral oil jiiul Hour. In the ti>eal year just ended 17 articles or classes of articles showed each an export value of from $10,000,000 to $42,000,000 cattle, leather and its products, boards, uniuainifaetined tobacco. wheat, agricultural implements, oil cakes, bituminous coal, chemicals, oats, vegetable oils, timber, fruits and nuts, manufactures of wood, cs.rriav.cs, scientific instruments and spirits <>i itnjirnunu- win 10 in ls!'<? there were but nine articles entitled 1i? a place iti this class?iron uu.l steel, porn, wheat, cattle, tobacco, leather, cotton manufactures, copper manufactures and boatds Clotlio and Feed Other Nations. Haw cotton still occupies first rank and is entitled to the title of "King t 'oVion."' which it has l.orne for years. Provisions continued to rank in sec- ' ond place, indicating that the United Stales is s'ill uoiitfj business as a storehouse that furnishes the food products for many other countries. Iron and steel manufactures have taken rank in third place and refined mineral oil has dropped front third place in ]8!)(> to fifth place in 190(1. ( Vll!iw?r ivifjmifui.t?uu?.? I ?? 1 Iiix .^ imw SHOW 11 (1 " notable growth, having advanced l'mui eleventh place in hSMtJ to fourth ( jdaee in 100(5. While flour shows an increase of $7,000,000 ' in the decade, its relative position among the leading articles ot transportation has changed front ; fourth in l>!hi to seventh in 100(5, and , wheat, whose exportation of $40,000,- I 000 gave it sixth place in 180(5 hai receded to thirteenth plaee, with a ; total cxpirtntion of $'JS,757,517 in ' the year just ended. Agricuturnl implements exported are live times as great in value as in 1 *"'!'(?. and this large increase has ad- ( 1 vanced the position of that class front twenty-third in 180(5 to fourteenth in ( .lflOK. Kxports of oats, which oc iu|ui;u in* unriy-nrst rank in l%y#, quadrupled during the decade and advanced to eighteenth place last v ea r. t'otton ninnufactnres, while small in comparison with those of Great Britain. Germany and France, especially in view of our great supply of raw cotton have shown some improvement since 1890, their position among our e\|H?rtntions having advanced fiom twelfth in 1S!H? to eighth in 190(1, and the value of their exjiorts from $Hi.S.'l7.396 a decade ago to nearly 000,000 in the your jnst ended. Comparative Table of Exports. The following table shows the value of d'd leading elasses of urtieles exported in lS9tl and 190(1 ami includes 90 jwr cent, of the exports of la>t year, thus affording a ready means yf tracing the elements ol' growth in our exports since 1890: Articles IMUl 19"S COT'I'OX numair. iruUirctl |ir?a.<ir4.460 Hdl.tA'..?.'! Provisions i cil0.t?l*>,' im Iron and Meet | ^l..0V.S,. lW.'.ll.M'.-.i Copper inunufac* inr.'* . 19.7JO.KH Sl.7S7.OH Kollncrt Oil 77.lC.7.l9a Corn S7.SJtf.S6J 62.otfl.ST>; Klour .'iJ.DJi 717 69.10tf.S69 Cotton ni?m:;7u-liiri'S M.S37,:S96 futile :?1.;.tft\tf72 47,I?1.170 t.father :?t <1 n miufa.tur.x >>( ... 4fl.tfl2.RjS Hoards. Joists. !< . lv.47T.7yj 89.197,531 Totmoro, tinttta.Hj<ju'lured JI.57I.X62 ?SMW.3tf7 Jl'.Ttt'.Sta, 77.7,517 AK' I'-'lll t.t al lltiplcHH-hik 176.775 fill i-.iki' and mrul 7'.MS/ 7 73,991.7ai4 foal. l.ltilinillOUM 4.92-*. SIC l\4!>1,u5l I' lifiuit a Is falsd .'tuctf is.sai.974 Oat* 3.497.611 ltf.734.91S \ i?R?* olis .. .. <i.C9..0!!2 1". :< ;.tin Tttt.Wr .. 7.37J.?? 15.393.396 I-Vll.o otlll Itulb r..?79.(*^ la.774.1.^5 Wood taajiufai 1... u 7,47t',4.^ 13.71S.752 ' \ V . 1 *3H' SaSR > is , A.. II Carriages, Except ' cjxilsr 2.8S7\.r.2S 12.9W.M4 | 8*/ stifle instru^ futii , 2.te;.2i7 io.?i7.;;4 Ti.T?iHIii? M'irlti' 4.m;.mi in.? Nhs*?1 st<>r<'?, ntlier 4.229.763 9.MS.J17 Ceil. 6..1. 24?? K< ?*r. Httil niiinu- ' t*? lot** <>t 2.7'".v;.-, '. .v T..v2. 7*art?ffiu ?t?d w.i x .. 4.4<*>.M1 K.VOv.t PfcjUhi*** 4.400, jii.i s. Kfbur mnnnfa l.Ht-Vltil V1.V.2 1 i?+? niTti fui'fci.ino S.v* Kinli 6.4 4S.768 7..*^.i 1 r? Mineral nil, crude 0.121. Mai 7.u,l.l.,l India rubber manufactures i.?-?5s.r..v. n.543 7"*> Bo(ik;>. mai*. et;.. 2,!?3S.722 6.Si'.462 Tobacco inuiiufuclurfts 4.JN9.3>71 ."..4 in, ".f, All other articles .. 73.7 1j1.099.C0-1 Total domestic exTiAI'lB ' - tWi'.'1 "i'.fl 1C? 81 n? n- o ?.o?? Three Killed in Wreck on Great Northern. St. I'iv.l. Minn.. Special.?Koports Hvcivedlnt the headquarters <>:' the Great Northern Kailway here say that an eas;-hound mixed train v.*as derailed near Swilt. Mont. A ioinbi:uttion passenger coach was overturned and Fran!: K. I'rewitt and Charles Sehultz, of Armiimton, Mont., pa? * senyeis, were killed. A Inakemai named Brown was also killed. Kiiriil or ten passengers were bruised. Th< ratise or the accident is not explained International Trust. Chicago, Special.'?A special t<> the Tribune 1'rom San Francisco says Japan lir.s entered into a compact with the Oiamond Match Co. t<? 1'onn an international trust in matches on the two continents. The Knviish match concern dominated by Hryit.i; and May. will lie t.ih n .nto the com biratiou. May Join Cuban Revclters. Mexico City. Special.?Central Arnercian revolutionists arc said to have been preparing to go to Cuba to join till* TO Vol lit llmwi ?1 - - - ^ . ... ^ ...? ?V, J J. I in; icvriu- l tion in Dnricrnaln succeeded. The Cuban revolution has been in preparation lor several monthe past. New \oik backers o ' the (lu.itornulnn revolutionists arc baekiujj the Cubans. ' Both parlies had representatives in all Spanish-American countries. $25 to Carry a Precinct. Denver, Special. Mi-, Luuna Wells lodge of election*in the 12th ward s'lited on the witne-s stand that in the franchise contest before Judge Benjamin It. Lindsay that she was.approached by S. S. Campbell, of the Denver (ta<- and Dloctric Company lief re ele-nii and offered $2.5 if her p-eeinet was carried for tlu gn- franebis'. Further Details of Disaster. Lima. By Cable.?Furthpl.details received from Yalnparaiso W?w that our of 40 employes of the t- >phono company here, ItS were kille j When the Louse of l'irsidem-K Moiitt poll nosed hi?t wife fell fii te 1??1 cony to the street n?d'0 j>s cut | off her ears and lingers." o her of jewelry. t>he wa- tak'\ a dying <^te i>n board the <' '1' ' *11 warship OMliggins. lp,Ji ? \ OUR PRICE LIST. Combining gefod quality aud low prices. The prices quoted below are guaranteed to be the loivest for quality of Goods: 1 rear old CoAi W'siskv, per gallon $1.50 2 .. .. X .. 1.75 !i ? i ? ? 2.00 4 .. A .. .. .. 2.36 5 .. m Taij Heel Corn Whiskey 15.00 1 ? (IiiOfl Rye Whisky per gal 1.75 2 ? Good Rye Whisky " " 2.00 !> ,, ,, (looII Rye Whisky " " 2.50 t .. Good Rye Whisky " " 5.00 "? ., .. (loud live Whiskv " " a on No charge liir vessel or packing, fine extra will prepay express on on? in three gallons; over ,'i gallons, T.V. SHUMAN & COMPANY, SALISBURY - - - - X O. ilf ?N HUNTING TRIP. B^ to 1 c propfr'v c p'?r t ?oVtliit the STKVl-.NS and > o.j annot t.o W KoSU. We .mis RIFLES . . from $2 25 to?lBO 00 i'i:< i ims trom '3 60 to 50 00 SHOTGUNS . from 7 60 to 36 00 Axk yourik inti t i Srml U r 14 pap* .v onour imk^. If utllo^*. If l iter\ on cannot olulnvvre*hlp e*t-I in SHooTlNG, \ ou dire, t, carriage charfts ?> ^iittohlie It Mailed frtfaM, uj?on receipt of fur four* rnta In stamp* to t atalog prl< e. co*er postage. : Our attra five thfeo-rrW Aluti.imim llan^jer will Iw sent anywhere for 10 i enu in stamp*. J STKVBNS ARMS AND TOOL CO.. r. o. Box 4 ?* (J hi co pee FaUs, Mui., U. S. A. When in the Market FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, miamhes kt(1 CALL ON OP WHITE John ls/?oyle, SALISBURY, - N. C. j [ . | Late,N&ixfs | ~ I77 "L.ricjf 2 I i I J MINOR HATTERS Or INTEREST ~ * ? ?> v; J r i - ; ? - ? {' News has been sent out from Salome HoteMo, Mi ;., that seven werkrr.' ii were killed at that place in a hi * rock- quarry tiring o|?eruto<l by tlie National Fl/nlnno' of Mexico. Antionio lVnz the foreman of the quarry, was union;* the ki!!e?1 . While the 1'olk county, Florida, | authorities were talon;; Will Law- | rence, a iHyni, to Tantp|i to prevent j 1.1in ??r lynched, an injL'urated mob at Mulberry. also in 1 oik county, banned .John Bnpcs. a ne Tro, and riddled his. body with hui Sets. Bnpcs attempted to kill ('apt. Hujrhc?, a prominent white citi/.en. Lawrence was charged with attempted criminal assault oil a younjj whitic woman. Ocneral Manager Kwjrv* of the 'Dark District Tobacco (iirowers* association ??f Tennessee, |ms ordered an advance of about ,~?0 ts per 100 pounds in the price of lull medium and j^ood grades of dark f af tobacco. The order ap!i?s to the whole of the Dark district and i< brought about hv shortage an 1 uutorlunat; condition of the ciov. i:e_ clop. In a difiiculty at the! Planters' Chemical company plant, at Tnlladeja. l'la.. .1. (!. Powell, assistant su * riutendeiit. was sh.ot and killed by lim Sims, a ne^ro. and P. T. Crown, -.iperinirndciit, was shot through the 'lii-jji. Tiie trouble was caused by an impudent message the nejrro had sent the superiut Mident. Powell's father lives ii 'ionstou. Texas, and Crown is a Virginian. The nc^ro escaped. A report has been circulated of a pitched, hat tie in a Colorado Southern construct<mi camp, l."? miles west of Oaf dale in which live whites and live nejyrocs v/ere wounded, several fatally. The sheriff has sent deputies to the scene, hut as it is remote from railway and telegraph lines, details ire not yet obtainable. I'resulcnt lioosevelt wrote a letter to Congressman Jaino^ 1,. Watson, of Uushvillo, 111., urging iIn* election of a Republican House of Representatives iu < uior to avoid ecouomic disistor from the counttv.* The (tonl.l Western Pacific system is extending its lines into Oregon. There :ii" piospecis that Alexander Dowie ami Voiivu will patch up peace iu Zion. The Democrats of Illinois are disposcil to ignore P.ryan.s expressed wish ami indorse him for President Vice-President Fairbanks \Vas given ju enthusiastic reception at Fort penjamin IIunison, Indiana, where he reviewed the troops. * , ''Bob", a ne?ro. was 1 taken to tlie scene of his attempted issHult on u child in South Carolina iiid shot to death. The 1 (5-year-old daughter of <Ieo. 1 SVaddell. a North Carolina farm*r, was assaulted, strangled and thrown nto a marl pit. Charles F. Murphy, leader of Tammany Hall, says that lie is for Jerome I if he is the choice of the convention. | The legislative committee which in- 1 restigatcd the Williamsburg Insane 1 Asylum failed to air ree and will submit majority and minority reports. Hids were opened iu Washington for sile> for Federal buildings in Fair motit and Grafton, W. X'a. Mr. Gustavus C. .lacohs, owner of the Kiverside plantation in Chester- ' field eoirnty, X'irpinin, was killed by a lick l'rom a horse. , Dr. Lee B. Buyers. a physician, and < Dr. A. IL Badgely. a dentist, were ar- i rested in fairmnut, \\ . X'a., charged | by I?r. (i. XX". Keener, an optician, , with pcrfoi ining a criminal operation. ' A report of the chief clerks of the two houses of Congress shows tho appropna.ions of the last session to have totaled $S7!k>S!l.lS."?.16, an in rease of >-.")! >.104 .nO.VJO o\er the previous year's budget. In nit interview, Alexander GtteholY said the Czar's inn ntioiis are pood but lie is in ignorance of the tea! conditions. Census : port-, show that 'J42/?'JG natives of Maryland are now living in other States. The Basilic Mail Steamship Contpanv's steamer Maucliuria went aground on a reef ai Babbit Island, one of the Hawaiian group, and all the passengers were taken ashore. Mr. Lewis P. Nelson. 87 year* old, of Culpepper, X a., is dead. The negro troops at Browuiville, rexas, have been ordered to a frontier j?ost as a result of ttie recent sho*?ving nft'ray in which '.hey killed one white man and wounded another. The Isthmian Canal Commission has invited bids to I'umtsli '2,.">00 Chinese i<- wit- i <ui.iiii;i rillllil, |?i"Csoril)iii<j nlm"vt prohibitive condition* Dixpiitflies from ( Iii!< -<liow .that hr panic resulting from the earth*. piiilkO lui-< .Mtbs>iu< d, nn<l (.iovt-i tutueut is active in taking relief rrrnsrre*. ' ; 'V?? *r ? liACKACiir. ih kidm-.yaciih. j <:.t At t!?( - r.uv ij;?? km. ! 34. . i ' * "' "?? ! ** ! * '*' ?. '* w#r? - . . r ? in t:?i k" 1 \ * . ? : > 1 Ly cuv;?jj the u . ^ v .'i ) +\s ? ' . .1. a. it;,. v, ; *'. ft well known i | ':^'TTSk "* Vox., says: | /<. 1 wrenched icy | "e'S hac".: working r\ a ' ,'rV ' v, . ' ' sawmill, was 'a: \ U|? V ' ' * we?!;:--, ami ltom \ , " ti:r.t inn - nail in "l>" ha~k when-ver 1 r.ioopoc! or lifted. The urine was br.iiy disordered and for a loug time I had a tn"!:s of .arrive!. Afr?r I began usim. Fouii's Kiluey i'ill?. tito gravel passed oil*. and inv jar'.: got well. 1 haven't liad backache t bladder trouble since." Sold by all dealers .*>0 cents a bo:.. lib. irn Co., liuQalo, \\ Y. ' _ j Let not the sun look down and j say inglorious here lie lies?Franklin I WILD Wild i I JHiNG HU.YIO t. Cmnllon liroke Out in Spot* All ()r?r Hotly ? Curcil Hi Kxpensv oT duly i t? IA?Thank* <'utlruri\ Kriurilirii. "Hie Culicn'nr Itemcdieji cured utc ot my | km (liner e, Hint t am very tliuiiktu', to you. My trouble u;m eruption ot the kin, w inch urn he out i* apota nil ovtr toy body, ami cau?ed a continual tching, which nearly uro\e .tie wild at tune*. I gut medicine ot a dortor, hut 't did not cure me. ami w neu ! miw in a p:i| ? r your ad., I eeiit 10 vim tor the t'uticuru tiook ami I ] United my case m it. I then went to the , thug at ore ?io| bought one cake of t'uti- ' cura tHMp, one bo* ot i'uticura Ointment ! and one vial ot t'utieiira Fill*. From the , hint application I icceixod relict. I tieed , ;ne lirsl ?et and two extra c.dua ol I'uti . eta Foip. e.n.i wua coinp'eteiy lined. 1 ! tinrj HUllei -it for !?o;, i nd I again t line.mi lor my cure, t.'inide N. Johnson. Map.e (trove harm. U. K. I). 2, Walnut. lorn . dune I AY lie iv can one bo happier titan itt ho bosom of liis lamilv .'?Youiitr. -ft?. i ivlovvVS<.<it bitter Syrupfor ("liildrrn e t bin p.sot tens ther?uins.t cduceMiillntimmiii!, allayspaiu,cures wind colic,tlT.aa bottle Keep tln? common road ami thou it safe.- lrom the (Sroek. FITS,St. Vitus*Diince:N> >r vou? Disease- pornancntlycuioil liy Dr. Kline's threat Nerve n-.-i-.n-i. inui imiiiii' invi treatise irce. | >i-. H. It. Kline. I ah,'.Kit ArcliSt.. Philn., Pa. Oh. keep me inuieeiit- inake others real. Catherine <>!' Denmark. CAPUDB^E ie\ D U jp?) p" ^4 ll arts imm-dintfly? 9. m I B VY if"" you f*H*I IlK rtVcl" 111 10 INDfiCESTKON and /IPiniTV wrV to Vtm.w it? boimI It mm MUSIJI I I II ni ll VCII KM ALSO by rtluuviog tllOCoUOO. tomtits. 11/ASHINGTO N!???! 1h( _. . . brxutlful >uri<<uiur W COLLEGE... ' T CHARTERED 1795 I'll' r.nit"u nl l'i?lr?urikl|ii High alandIfil.tll r. ...k h training. I Hi" I i?H illt?-rae y)$lsi? > <">r. I u ? I! -nr.! $1 :<I * wwk. r?n lBimo|i?<>'>rpi. 4th. For ml.i. ml irt'tt. 'l'hc Dcun Wuhtnuiuil'ullrXi .'lruii. ~7tLttKAPHh^^ < ttiHikkfypiDR, l'tDmuiBbii>.41ior!kftnil/l > iwwr.t in*. ) 1 rli'Ki u| .i >. Ita111Alai a l.inr ? uea louutitril t< S Colloiry. ttiipupitnin. 1'uait ion* li'inl Wt it?' foi* in-i funii'p. I'lif Amurri-an l><fKU|>k( a i1 - oldest and first U iinrii lag. in Va, to own in build* ng? a fine one. No vacation*. 1-adira and Gentlemen. JooLVeeping. Shorthand, Penmanthip. Typewriting. I fir[lathy. flic. 1 href fir it taught by mail alio. ** Leading business college south of the fctorrtc Ivor."?Mlh. Sltr.t^raobtr. Ad-hew. G. M. SMIT1 IDf'lAL. President, Richraond.Va. #5 DrnnsvS Relief. y Removes all swotting In 8 to so 1 *** days ; effects a permanent cure j^\ jjC In yoto 60 daya. Trial treat meiit ettivfc^N -^jMesiriven free. Nothingcan l>e iairer . 7? Write Or. H. II. Ureon'3 Sons. lBBtpoclallaH. Box B Allan' tt*. 30 Bushels Winter Wheat Per Acre lhat's the yield of Aimer's KedCrus* Hybrid Winter t\ neat, Send A- in stamp* for free satnpie of saino. ?? iiso cataiogur ofWInlerWheats. Itye.Barleylovers 1 linothy, Ur*?i'?, Bulb*, t rees.etc.. for fall plantli g HA I7.KH HKfci) CO., tk>li.C. 1 .ut'roasr. XV is. A I'.rlef ?>n XX"-r?t t'rinie <>f these. V < i-l mii <n * i* i'an*>- 1 f rrrsl wnlia Menu - .mil lint lu-l. ilrall ?f III on. We CI., ewe'd ? at-' au . I.inr d So. oft-'06. You Cannot all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal ron- j ditions of the mucous membrane such as i nasal catarrh, uterine catarrh caused by feminine ills, sore throat, sore mouth or inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But you surolv can cure these stubborn atlections by local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic I which destroys the disease get mtgehecks j discharges, stops pain, and heals the 1 inflammation and soreness. I'axtine represents the most successful local treatment for feminine ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send fot Free Trial Box THE R< PAXTON CO.. BMIW. Mam. UCKPJfS1 you (innot spend years and do buy vlie knowledge required b; cent* Vou want them to pay them am a diversion. I11 order to handle tiling about them To meet this want w< of a practical poultry raiser for (Only 2! ? ....... *?..v (fin mi mn iiiiiiu. inia IIII)**, i en raising?not mm a pastime, but ae a bin years' *orU. j on can save many < earn dollars for you. The point J*, that i'oultry Yard as soon as It appear*, mid h tearli you. It tells how to detect ami ? ..i fattening; whb h KoMs to save for br?-< you should Know on this subject to innk< 4v# csnts la s'-atups. HOOK. TUB: sr;r.:5cs c:r?ir1SB||BB.* I7nqur.\il]'?d 8uc.ceea liar.Vo \ tf'foutbto CompOMHl^Hihei.ato or.V>:>i. ? arir.l^ ;L?. " ? * >3wSBu^l Oneof the greatest 'r'unpl^MHw^ E. I'inkhuin's Vc;.vi.iMi! Cg^^H v the couqvteriiig' oi \votmuj^ eui.v. Tumor. . The growth of t\ tumor timS^Nwat frcqueutly its \>:-i .n<-iic<S utnolHBflMjHMfc ;. iivu So-called " wanderhjg palafc^miyj come from its early stages. qV thn? presence of (lander may be made antiuifost by profuse monthlj* periods, a?Voroputtied by unusual paiu, frotft tbm abdomen through 1he groinandtb^fhs. If you have mysterious pains, ttfher?' are indications of inflnnunation tori" displacement, secure a bottle of t/ya?* K. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound .right awtiy and begin its use. Mrs. 1'inlcham, of Lynn, 'Maaglj'V'ilS (five you her ndvlco If yoa tvilJ V+itw her about yourself. She i a the dabgh- [i .er-in-law of Lydia E. Piokhan'aul for twenty five years has bean adMpny siek women free of charge . Itcar Mrs. rinhham:? " 1 take the lilterty to congrntulatn f*n on. the success 1 have had with your wottfrf ui medicine. Kighteen months ago my o#.di>d?Ktopixxl. Shortly nftor I felt an badly that 1 submitted to a thorough examination J>? m physician und was told that 1 bad a txoior anil would have to undergo an giperatkMr Soon nftor I read one of vOtir ailvftiaemonU and decided to give l.ydia Ebfl**Imtii'k Vegetable <'onijound a t-ial liking tiv?. bottles as directed the tattyr5" i? physii tan and he savs I liavo nostga^'f * t'ltnor now. It has alio l>rrm?rht nk? onueta arouiul one* more, nnd i" im 'aitiivit iSir" K?*'7j* Soothed by Baths will*. And gentle arplnations of Cuti- ^ cura, the Skin Cure, an<!: purest and sweetest of emollients. For summer rashes, irritatr-nfe, itchings, dialings, sunburn, bitsa and stings c>f insects, tired, aching muscles and joints, as well as preserving, purifying, aijd beau* tifving the skin,- scalp, hair, arid ! CUiticura Scrap anrfCWMBHw JH Ointment are Priceless. ?r pro/ * I'hm Corp . Sole Propi., > 'low to i xxo tor NkUi, Scalp, Ik cifclT.* HEAVES CURED! A reme'lt for TnHB Ew/^tJCAVFS TO Coujbl, DI?Mm?4r ?id I Bl' ^WtAVtJ )M v,t?rlu?*ftU. fftmk . 2s. / HR ?q? um ?uJ r^xicuMsd PRUSSIAN REMEDY 6T. PAuJjS^^;^. CA *11 For Y?iir If nine, Fitrm. ^ l.andt >r Kn.lnrM ii t ou want qiili ;<S|D^^L~ * < ' 11*1 jimr pmiri 'v with i?? ro-op ration metric. i bevr <1e?l utile Mono-* ?"<1 11 ? *? - 1 SfKwP .* ? iiliUrH n r ?;v ? v. KI.I. K-?: r?.?re Ri-n?. ijfjr | I | 1 IITr i Y A.iarotm ol (I ) pernon* o> u?> 1 HI t\ n I nil" ?? ?!'?? txood who arapflfHUk JBStM UUHIl I L.U wnli any tnia (13S^VQK[ 9 mho in :>>? ?<W?' nrnr.y. f '*> t|? uimrart lea of Mien ar mm&8 B vi i hiv bk'ki'ohj>. w..hiujrto^pj^' f ARN MONEY IT yo" *lv? tnaTT H?i 'viYiii Yoju cannot Jy^pr unlcfi you umlcrstiuid them and jIM how to cuter to their requirement*, liars learuiiifi hy experience. uo yuri hRh^,t r others.* W e oner this to you for onWUS&^QjX their nan *?? " ..... ..on > juu Fowls Judiciously-. you must know i- mv soiling n book giving the ttPeWey^KwtMHti 5c.) twenty-live years. It wut ; tnd money to making a success it-*#? snd if you will profit by "hick* annually. and make your > rTjHw,-^y*J;_ J, you must !>< sure to detect trouht.-CM^B"* u.uw how to remedy it. This 'an?K ... ' *?a? re disease; to teed for eggs and .ilHlHr tiling pur|K>ses; end everything, i - it tirolitJlb'e. Sent post paid for tw^Pw, H if; House. ICt l.eot.aiU ac, New7orkCft> v Y